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Time allowance 45 minutes

MÃ ĐỀ 495

Choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence.
Question 01. Women are only asking to be given equal___________ to that of men.
A. state
B. status
C. situation
D. ideas
Question 02. Paula applied for the post but she was__________.
A. turned down
B. checked out
C. kept under
D. pushed ahead
Question 03. My uncle__________ until he was fifty.
A. married
B. didn't marry
C. would marry
D. was not marrying
Question 04. Mark, I don't think you__________ Carol, the new department typist.
A. meeting
B. having met
C. to have met
D. have met
Question 05. The___________ for women’s rights began in the 18 century.
A. battle

B. war
C. struggle
D. fight
Question 06. - Jane: What did that man die___________? - Max: A heart attack.
A. in
B. for
C. of
D. about
Question 07. Failure to win the championship will__________ in the dismissal of the coach.
A. result
B. happen
C. affect
D. cause
Question 08. It took him a long time to _______the death of his wife.
A. take away
B. get over
C. take off
D. get through
Question 09. They arrived__________ the airport__________ good time for the plane.
A. in/ on
B. to/ in
C. at/ in
D. to/ for
Question 10. - Jimmy: "Can I help you?"
- Mary: " __________ "
A. At two o'clock.
B. I can help you
C. No, I don't.
D. Yes, please.
Question 11. She could do nothing__________ complain about the weather all day.

A. but
B. for
C. about
D. with
Question 12. Cigarette smoking can__________ a loss of appetite.
A. cure
B. release
C. cause
D. treat
Question 13. In this case, I think_________ nothing.
A. it is better to say B. it be better to say C. better to say
D. better for saying
Choose the option marked A, B, C, or D that best completes each of the following sentences.
There are deserts all over the world. They can be found in Africa, China, South America, and
North America. In some places, deserts are growing. This is a serious problem because deserts destroy
farmland and ruin land where animals live. When people cannot grow food or find animals to eat, they
have to leave their homes.
Sometimes, nature can cause deserts to spread. Wind can move sand away from deserts and
onto useful land. When there is no rain for a long time, plants die and deserts grow. However, human
can also cause deserts to grow. This is called desertification, and it happens in many ways. One way is
when people cause too much air pollution, which can make an area hotter. Hotter weather can reduce
the amount of rain as well. Too many people in one area can also damage the land. In addition, having
many animals can harm the land. When large animals like cows walk on soil too much, they turn it into
dust. The wind easily blows this dust away. Trees help hold water in the ground. When people cut
down too many trees, less water stays in the ground, and the soil is ruined.
All of these things can speed up desertification. To stop deserts from growing, people must
think of ways to treat the land better.
Question 14. What is the main idea of the reading?
A. Why some deserts are growing

B. How cows can stop deserts from growing
C. How people live in deserts
D. Where the world’s deserts are
Question 15. How can humans stop desert growth?
A. By cutting down trees
B. By having fewer children
C. By raising more cows
D. By using bicycles less
Question 16. Which is NOT a cause of desert growth?
A. Many animals
B. No wind
C. Using land too much
D. No rain
Question 17. How do humans cause desert growth?
A. By moving sand B. By causing pollution C. By planting trees D. By eating only vegetables
Question 18. Where are deserts found?
A. The United States and China
B. All around the world
C. On useful land
D. Africa and South America

Select the SYNONYM of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence.
Question 19. The use of lasers in surgery has become relatively commonplace in recent years.
A. absolutely
B. relevantly
C. comparatively
D. almost
Question 20. Scientists warn of the impending extinction of many species of plants and animals.
A. irrefutable

B. imminent
C. formidable
D. absolute
Choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence.
Question 21. I regret not telling the truth.
A. If only I could tell the truth.
B. Telling the truth means regret.
C. I have never regretted telling the truth. D. I wish I had told the truth.
Question 22. Carol finds it easy to make friends.
A. Carol has no difficulty in making friends. B. Carol is easy to make friends.
C. Making friends is not easy to Carol.
D. It is easy to make friends with Carol.
Question 23. I'd rather he had not given me the bill.
A. I regret having given him the bill.
B. I wish I had not given him the bill.
C. It was wrong of him to give me the bill. D. If only he had not given me the bill.
Question 24. Ian used to work as a reporter.
A. Ian is familiar with working as a reporter. B. Ian frequently works as a reporter.
C. Ian no longer worked as a reporter.
D. No longer does Ian work as a reporter.
Question 25. Nigel and I haven't met each other for years.
A. It was years since I met Nigel.
B. It is years since I met Nigel.
C. I didn't meet Nigel years ago.
D. It is years ago that I met Nigel.
Choose the word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best fits each space in the following text.
There is usually one important subject missing from most school timetables. Very few students are
(26)_______ how to organize their learning, and how to make the best use of their time. Let’s take some
simple examples. Do you know how to (27)_______ up words in a dictionary, and do you understand all
the information the dictionary contains ? Can you (28)_______ notes quickly, and can you understand

them afterwards? For some reason, many schools give learners no help with these matters. Teachers
ask students to (29)_______ pages from books, or tell them to write ten pages, but don't explain how to
do it Learning by heart can be useful, but it is important to have a genuine understanding of a subject.
You can (30)_______ a lot of time memorizing books, without understanding anything about the subject.
Question 26: A. taught
B. graduated
C. learned
D. educated
Question 27: A. get
B. research
C. find
D. look
Question 28: A. revise
B. make
C. send
D. do
Question 29: A. forget
B. memorize
C. remind
D. concentrate
Question 30: A. pass
B. waste
C. use
D. tell
Choose the word marked A, B, C, or D which is stressed differently from the rest.
Question 31. A. inhabitant B. interpreter
C. imitation
D. initiate
Question 32. A. stimulate B. sharpener
C. festival

D. disaster
Select the ANTONYM of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence.
Question 33. I'll have to whisper to you, otherwise he will hear.
A. say
B. whistle
C. shout
D. talk
Question 34. Only the interior of the building is going to be remodeled.
A. exterior
B. outward
C. external
D. coastal
Choose the word marked A, B, C, or D whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
Question 35. A. mission
B. revision
C. division
D. collision
Question 36. A. beliefs
B. carrots
C. handicaps
D. leaves
Choose the underlined part marked A, B, C, or D in each sentence that should be corrected.
Question 37. One of the most popular holiday is Thanksgiving, which is celebrated in November.
A. holiday
B. the most
C. is
D. in
Question 38. That the trees lose their leaves are a sign of winter.
A. lose
B. a

C. are
D. their
Question 39. Would you mind not to smoke on the bus? It disturbs other people.
A. other
B. not
C. to smoke
D. disturbs
Question 40. The length of the trip will depend on how good are the roads.
A. length
B. how
C. will
D. are the roads
_________THE END_________

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