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Lesson 1: Letter Aa
(các bước)

Warm up and

(tiến trình bài dạy)


Stage 1


Letter Aa



T introduces himself/ herself and spends some
minutes to get to know class and students
T plays Hello songs

/>asks Ss to stand up and dance along
T organizes a small warm up activity:
T asks Ss to sit in a circle, use a “finger- pointed
spinner” to choose someone to introduce themselves
with the structure “ What’s your name? I’m ……..”.
T asks different Ss to spin.
T elicits and repeats structures lots of time, so Ss can
remember and say it clearly

T writes letter Aa on board and asks Ss if they know
the letter
T says the letter and the sound the letter makes and
asks Ss to repeat
T plays the audio ( 00:00- 00:55)
/>and asks Ss to sing along. T can play for the second
time for students
T emphasizes the difference between the letter A and
the sound a

Time (90

15 mins

A spinner
(vịng xoay có
hình bàn tay
chỉ ngón)

5 mins

Activity 1: T writes Aa on board, calls some students to
go on board, try to copy the letter correctly (It can be the
capital A or lowercase a). T can let two students play at
the same time to make the activity competitive

10 mins

T prepares a set of Flash cards (FCs) and introduces
the words starting with letter A
T speaks and asks Ss to repeat.
T shows FCs several times, so that Ss can remember
the words and how to pronounce them correctly.
T can try calling some Ss to answer each FC as their
T plays the video />
15 mins

Stage 2


“Aa’ words ( Apple,
ax, ant, alligator)


tools and

(giáo cụ, học

v=E-kodn2jNqM and asks Ss to chant along

Break time
Stage 3
Practice time


5 mins
Game 1: “Who is faster 1?”
- T divides class into two teams and names the teams
- T sticks FCs of words on board
- T says the all the words again and asks Ss to repeat
- Each turn, T calls one S from each team, gives them
the sticky balls. T says the words and Ss will throw
the balls to the word. The faster one will have one
point for his/her team and will be the person to say
the word for the next turn
- T continues the games until all the students have
chance to play



T asks Ss to open the Student Book (Oxford Phonics
World 1) p.5 and ask Ss to do part C
T explains the requirement of the tasks
T goes around to help Ss if necessary

15 mins

T asks Ss to move to Part D and explains the tasks
T plays the audio, pauses and explains the example
T plays the whole audio, plays two times and goes
around and checks Ss’ answers.
T checks with the whole class the correct answer.

Game 2: ““Who is faster 2?”
- T keeps the same team as game
- T changes the rules of game
- This time, each turn, T assigns Fcs for Ss. Two Ss
stand back to back. On the count of 1,2, 3; Ss steps
forward 1,2, 3 steps. After that, both 2 Ss turn
around, look at FC of the opposite and try to say the
word. The faster one will get one point for their

15 mins

Oxford Phonic World 1 – Workbook, p.2
A: Trace, write and say: Viết chữ và nói
B: Circle the pictures beginning with the a sound :
Khoanh tròn bức tranh có từ bắt đầu với âm a

C: Color A and A ( Tơ màu những ơ có chữa chữ A và a.
Tơ bất cứ màu nào mình u thích)

10 mins

sticky ball
(nam châm,
bóng dính)


Lesson 2: Letter Bb
(các bước)

Warm up and
review letter Aa

(tiến trình bài dạy)


Time (90

T reminds Ss the letter A and the sound of letter that 10 mins

they have studied last lesson
Some fun
music/ songs.

Review activity: “Hot Word”


Stage 1
Introduction of
Letter Bb



T asks Ss to sit in a circle and gives a FC of “Aa”
words to one S.
T chooses some fun songs and plays them. While T
does, Ss pass the cards in one direction around the
T stops the music randomly. S with the card in
his/her hand should say the sound and the word.
T changes the card and continues playing as time

T prompts some questions for Ss to guess the letter
B (What letter comes right after A? Do you know
after letter A is what letter?.......)

T says the letter and the sound the letter makes and
asks Ss to repeat
T plays the CD- 7, pauses after the sound and letter
and says along with Ss
T plays the video />
10 mins

v=kzzXROKd-i0&list=PLJIK7JrzV1IhpV2qdYXdm7bsmkshm1Qr&index=3 ( 00:00- 00:55) and asks Ss to

sing along
Writing time


tools and
(giáo cụ, học

T asks Ss to open their book, p. 7 and do Part C
T explains the task for student
T shows on board how to write letter Bb correctly
and calls some students to try writing them on board
T then gives some minutes for the whole class to
finish Part C. T goes around and checks for Ss’ work

10 mins

Stage 2
Introduction of Bb
words ( bear, big
bear, bird, banana,



T plays the CD1-7, pauses after each sentences and
10 mins
asks Ss to repeat
T introduces the key words for letter B
T asks Ss to open SB, p. 6 and plays the CD1-8, asks
Ss to listen and point.
T points to the pictures in a different order and have
Ss name them
T can try to suggest Ss creating a gesture for each
word (Ex: action of sleeping for bed) and asks the
whole class to repeat the gestures
T then shows FCs and has Ss to say the words. T
repeats 3 times or more.

Break time
Stage 3
Practice time



5 mins
Game 1: “Guessing the words?”
- T first reviews all the words and their gestures
(which are decided in Stage 2)
- T sticks FCs of words on board
- T assigns one S going on the stage, facing to others.
T then points at one FC on board. The whole class
has to act out, without saying, use the gesture for a S
on stage guess what word is it? The S is correct
when saying correct word, letter and sound.
- T continues playing as time permits
Optional: T can divide into teams. Each turn, T calls one S
from one team and let this team answer first. If they get it
wrong, the other teams have chance to answer and get

T asks Ss to open the Student Book p.7 and ask Ss to
do part D
T explains the requirement of the tasks (Ss have to
connect words of letter Bb to make a proper path)
T goes around to help Ss if necessary
T checks answer with the whole class, together
saying again all the words.

Activity “Chant, chant and chant”
- T first plays the CD1-9 and have Ss point to each
image as they chant( Part E- Student Book, p. 7); or

plays the video />v=ifu_y8wEOoo (1:14-2:10)



T plays the second times and ask Ss to sing along.
T then divides Ss into groups of four, have each
group stand around a desk and put a set of FCs of Bb
words, picture side up, on it.
T has Ss in each group say the chants and point to

20 mins

5 mins

15 mins

magnets, FCs

the correct picture. (S1 says: bed, S2 says bear, S3:
banana, S4: bird)
- T encourages Ss to imitate the tune and voice as in
the audio.
- T changes the cards some times for each group and
asks Ss to chant again.
Optional: When finishing chanting, T can say randomly a
word, to find the fastest one. Then, say another word to find

the second fastest one, and the third fastest one in the group.

5 mins

Oxford Phonic World 1 – Workbook, p.3
A: Trace, write and say- Con viết chữ và nói
B: Write Bb. Then match: Con viết chữ Bb, sau đó nối với
từ tương ứng bắt đầu bằng chữ cái B
C: Say. Then write Bb or cross it out. Con viết chữ Bb vào ô
bên dưới bức tranh bắt đầu bằng chữ cái B. Nếu bức tranh
đó khơng bắt đầu bằng chữ cái B thì gạch chéo ô vuông đó.


Lesson 3: Letter Cc
(các bước)

Warm up and

(tiến trình bài dạy)

T first write letters Aa and Bb on board and remind Ss
about the letters and the sounds they make
T then shows all the FCs of words relating two letters and
asks Ss to say the words/ repeats the words

Review games: ‘Telephoning”


T asks all Ss to make a line. To make the game
more competitive, T can divide the class into two
T then whispers one random Aa or Bb word to the
first S in the line. If T makes two teams, T whispers

Time (90

15 mins

tools and
(giáo cụ, học
FCs of letter
A and B
words ( apple,
ax, ant,
aligator, bear,
bird, bed,




the words for two Ss at the same time.
S(s) hear(s) the word, then whisper to the second S
in the line, the second S whispers to the third one.
Keep doing that until reaching the last S in the line.
The last S(s) hear(s) the word, speak(s) it out loud,
together with the sound and the letter. The faster
team doing that will get one point
T changes the last S in line each turn, so that
everyone has chance to speak

Optional: T can change the rules a little bit, to make more
fun: The last S will run to find the correct FCs ( FCs are
already arranged randomly near the board). When finding
the correct one, say the words with the sound and the letter
( Ex: A, /a/, apple)

Stage 1


Introduction of letter




Writing race


T plays the video />v=1dhzPuT6jm0 ( 00:00- 00:24)
T pauses the video and asks Ss if they know the
letter will be learnt today. T gives some clues if Ss
hesitate to answer.
T then says that today we will learn about the Letter
C and the sound of it
T plays the video again (00:00- 00:55) and asks Ss
to sing along ( T can asks Ss to stand up, sing and
To help Ss remember the letter and the sound, after
watching the video, T repeats the letter and the
sounds lots of time. T calls randomly some Ss and
asks them to say the letter and the sounds. T also
can divide into different teams, asks each team to
say different thing, to make a rhythm (Ex: Team 1:
Letter C, team 2 letter c, team 3 the sound /k/: C,
c, /k/. T can change what each team speak each

10 mins

T plays CD1- 10 and shows the “Cool Cat” FCs.
T then makes a race of writing. T keeps the same
10 mins
teams for the rhymth activity above.
T asks Ss to make 2 or 3 lines.
T writes on board the letter ( Cc), Ss observe.
T divides the board into three areas and each team
will write in one area
T then lets all the team to write the letter C. T waits

Some makers/
chalks for Ss
to write on


Writing exercise


until the last person write the letter on board, ( even
there is/ are teams finish the race).
T observes the writing of teams, and decides which
one is winner.
T asks Ss to open Student Book, p. 9 and do Part C, 10 mins
trace and write the letter

Break time

Stage 2
“Cc’ words ( cat, car
cup, computer)

5 mins

Stage 3
Practice time

Matching exercise


T asks Ss to open Student Book, p.8
T plays CD1-11 and Ss listen, point and repeat the
words of letter C .
T shows FCs of letter C, speaks along with Ss
T speaks the letter, the sound and the word and asks
Ss to repeat (Ex: C, /k/, cat or /k/, /k/ cat)
T plays the video />v=NNhABOViQlc and asks Ss to chant along

Game 1: “Repeat me, Repeat you ”
- T assigns a gesture to each of the four key words
(cat, cup, computer, car)
- T does the gesture, say the word and then says a
student’s name.
- This S will repeat the gesture and the word of T,
then add his/her own word and gesture and then he

calls another student.
- That S imitates the previous two actions and words
and adds his/ her own.
- T keeps going to see how long is the chain.
- T can start doing it again when a S fails.

T asks Ss to open Student Book, p.9, Part D
T explains the task and asks Ss to finish it.
T goes around and helps Ss if needed
T then checks the answers with the whole class

Oxford Phonic World 1 – Workbook, p.4
A: Trace, write and say: Con viết chữ và nói
B: Circle the pictures beginning with the c sound: Con
khoanh trịn bức tranh có từ bắt đầu với âm /c/
C: Color C and c: Con tơ màu những ơ có chữa chữ C và c.
Tơ bất cứ màu nào mình yêu thích.

10 mins

20 mins

5 mins

5 mins

FCs of letter


Lesson 2: Letter Bb
(các bước)

Warm up and
review letter Aa

(tiến trình bài dạy)


Time (90

T reminds Ss the letter A and the sound of letter that 10 mins
they have studied last lesson
Some fun
music/ songs.

Review activity: “Hot Word”


Stage 1
Introduction of

Letter Bb



T asks Ss to sit in a circle and gives a FC of “Aa”
words to one S.
T chooses some fun songs and plays them. While T
does, Ss pass the cards in one direction around the
T stops the music randomly. S with the card in
his/her hand should say the sound and the word.
T changes the card and continues playing as time

T prompts some questions for Ss to guess the letter
B (What letter comes right after A? Do you know
after letter A is what letter?.......)
T says the letter and the sound the letter makes and
asks Ss to repeat
T plays the CD- 7, pauses after the sound and letter
and says along with Ss
T plays the video />
10 mins

v=kzzXROKd-i0&list=PLJIK7JrzV1IhpV2qdYXdm7bsmkshm1Qr&index=3 ( 00:00- 00:55) and asks Ss to

sing along
Writing time


tools and
(giáo cụ, học

T asks Ss to open their book, p. 7 and do Part C
T explains the task for student
T shows on board how to write letter Bb correctly
and calls some students to try writing them on board
T then gives some minutes for the whole class to
finish Part C. T goes around and checks for Ss’ work

10 mins

Stage 2
Introduction of Bb
words ( bear, big
bear, bird, banana,



T plays the CD1-7, pauses after each sentences and

10 mins
asks Ss to repeat
T introduces the key words for letter B
T asks Ss to open SB, p. 6 and plays the CD1-8, asks
Ss to listen and point.
T points to the pictures in a different order and have
Ss name them
T can try to suggest Ss creating a gesture for each
word (Ex: action of sleeping for bed) and asks the
whole class to repeat the gestures
T then shows FCs and has Ss to say the words. T
repeats 3 times or more.

Break time
Stage 3
Practice time



5 mins
Game 1: “Guessing the words?”
- T first reviews all the words and their gestures
(which are decided in Stage 2)
- T sticks FCs of words on board
- T assigns one S going on the stage, facing to others.
T then points at one FC on board. The whole class
has to act out, without saying, use the gesture for a S
on stage guess what word is it? The S is correct

when saying correct word, letter and sound.
- T continues playing as time permits
Optional: T can divide into teams. Each turn, T calls one S
from one team and let this team answer first. If they get it
wrong, the other teams have chance to answer and get

T asks Ss to open the Student Book p.7 and ask Ss to
do part D
T explains the requirement of the tasks (Ss have to
connect words of letter Bb to make a proper path)
T goes around to help Ss if necessary
T checks answer with the whole class, together
saying again all the words.

Activity “Chant, chant and chant”
- T first plays the CD1-9 and have Ss point to each
image as they chant( Part E- Student Book, p. 7); or
plays the video />v=ifu_y8wEOoo (1:14-2:10)



T plays the second times and ask Ss to sing along.
T then divides Ss into groups of four, have each
group stand around a desk and put a set of FCs of Bb
words, picture side up, on it.
T has Ss in each group say the chants and point to

20 mins

5 mins

15 mins

magnets, FCs

the correct picture. (S1 says: bed, S2 says bear, S3:
banana, S4: bird)
- T encourages Ss to imitate the tune and voice as in
the audio.
- T changes the cards some times for each group and
asks Ss to chant again.
Optional: When finishing chanting, T can say randomly a
word, to find the fastest one. Then, say another word to find
the second fastest one, and the third fastest one in the group.

5 mins

Oxford Phonic World 1 – Workbook, p.3
A: Trace, write and say- Con viết chữ và nói
B: Write Bb. Then match: Con viết chữ Bb, sau đó nối với
từ tương ứng bắt đầu bằng chữ cái B
C: Say. Then write Bb or cross it out. Con viết chữ Bb vào ô

bên dưới bức tranh bắt đầu bằng chữ cái B. Nếu bức tranh
đó khơng bắt đầu bằng chữ cái B thì gạch chéo ô vuông đó.


Lesson 5: Letter Dd
(các bước)

Warm up

(tiến trình bài dạy)


Stage 1
Introduction of
Letter Dd


Time (90

T plays the video and ask Ss to sing along to warm 10 mins
up />T plays small game “ Teacher’s mistake”: T shows
the FCs and say the word for each. Occasionally, say
the wrong word. Ss repeat you if the word is correct.
If the word is incorrect, Ss raise hand and correct T

by shouting the correct one.

T plays the CD1-15 and Ss listen
T uses FC of dizzy dog and calls some students to
pretend to be a dizzy dog.

10 mins

tools and
(giáo cụ, học
Some FCs
from Unit 1



T then calls some random Ss to be a dizzy dog,
speed up a little after each time. At the end, all Ss
will be dizzy dogs.
T prompts some questions about what letter will be
learnt in this lesson
T writes on board the letter Dd and asks Ss if they
know the letter and the sound it makes
T plays the video and asks Ss to repeat and sing
along (00:00- 00:55)

Practice the sound of letter


Stage 2


Stage 3
Introduction of Dd
words (dog, desk,
doll, duck)

Break time

T divides class into 4 teams and names the team
T chooses randomly a FC, shows the picture to Ss.
T chooses one team, call the team’s name and ask
them to say the sound. Finish the first round by
calling the all four teams
For the second round, T can change the rules, the
faster team saying Bingo after seeing the FC will
have chance to answer. T encourages all the teams to
say the sound and the word.

Student Book, p.13, Part C


10 mins

Some FCs of
4 letter A, B,
C, D

5 mins

T assigns Ss to finish Part C, following the
instruction in the book, how to write letter D
T goes around and checks for Ss writing
T uses FCs to introduce key words for letter D
T plays the CD1-16, asks Ss to listen and point.
T points to the pictures in a different order and have
Ss name them
T then shuffle FCs, picture side down calls some Ss
to go on board, pick a FC and say the word. After, T
holds FC to the whole class and ask them to say the
word. Keep doing it as time permits.( T can shuffle
with some key words of letter B, C or A to make the
activity more challenging)

10 mins

5 mins


Stage 3
Chanting time

Part E, Student Book, p. 13

Stage 4:
Listening exercise


Stage 5
Practice time

T keeps the same 4 teams as in the activity of
practicing sound mentioned above.
T gives each team a word from the chant (dog, doll,
duck, desk)
T plays the CD1- 18 for the first time, Ss listen
T plays for second time, all Ss chant along
T plays for the third time, each team only chants the
FC they have and hold this FC up.
T then changes the FC for each team, practice 2 or 3
times more as time permits. ( T doesn’t need to play
the audio again, let them do without music)

Part D, Student Book, p.13



5 mins

T explains the requirement of the task
T plays the audio for the first time, pauses a little bit
after each sentence for Ss to choose the answer (if
T plays the second time, Ss check their answer again
T checks the answers with the whole class

Game: ““Who is faster?”

10 mins

T keeps the same team
T calls one S from each team and make a small
T gives each S one FC of key word for letter D. Ss
have to keep it on their back, show the picture side
and make sure Ss don’t use hand to hide the picture.
T then says Go, Ss will run around and try to see the
words from other Ss in the circle.
T has Ss to run in a circle to make the game fair.
The first S says the word correctly will get 4 pts for
the team.

T calls other players and keeps playing as time

Optional: To make the game harder, after having the first S
saying word correctly, this S then will be out of the circle.
The three left Ss still race. Who says the correct word first
will get 3 pts. This S will be out then

20 mins

magnets, FCs

Two left Ss race. The one says first will get 2 pts.

Oxford Phonic World 1 – Workbook, p.6

5 mins

A: Trace, write and say: Con viết và luyện nói chữ
B: Circle the picture beginning with the d sound: Con
khoanh tròn bức tranh bắt đầu bằng âm d
C: Connect, say and write Dd: Con nối các từ có âm d, viết
chữ và luyện nói các từ đó.


Lesson 6: Letter Ee
(các bước)

Warm up

(tiến trình bài dạy)

T plays small game “What’s the letter?” to warm up and
review letters from previous lessons.

Time (90

15 mins

Rules: Divide class into three teams. Whisper A, B, C, D to
a student from each team. The students go back to their
team and silently mime the shape of the letter with their
bodies. The faster team says “Bingo” will have chance to
answer. If they have correct guess of the letter, they will get
a point.
T then can whisper the words instead of the letter (focus on
key words of letter D first) and ask Ss to act out (example:
they can make the sound of the dog, duck, or use hand to
draw a desk….). Keep playing as time permits.

Stage 1
Introduction of

Letter Ee


T writes on board: A, B, C, D
T writes three options for the: G, A, E
T asks Ss to guess the next letter after D.
T then says that the letter for today’s lesson is Ee
T plays the video and asks Ss to repeat and sing
along (00:00- 00:55)
15 mins

tools and
(giáo cụ, học
Choose 1 FC
of Letter A-D



Stage 2

Stage 3

Introduction of Ee
words (egg, elbow,
envelope, elephant)

T asks Ss to repeat the letter and the sound lots of
time, calls randomly some Ss to check for their
T plays the CD1-19 and Ss listen
T holds the FC of energetic egg and have Ss to say
T divides class into teams, practices chanting the
letter sound ( may include the sound of letter A-D if

Student Book, p.15, Part C
5 mins
- T asks all Ss to stand up
- T asks Ss to repeat T’s action
- T joins two hands together, holds up in the air and
starts writing the letter E in the air. Ss copy teacher’s
- T assigns Ss to finish Part C, following the
instruction in the book, how to write letter E
- T goes around and checks for Ss writing

T uses FCs to introduce key words for letter E
T plays the CD1-20, asks Ss to listen and point.
T points to the pictures in a different order and have
Ss name them
T then shuffle FCs, picture side down calls some Ss

to go on board, pick a FC and say the word. After, T
holds FC to the whole class and ask them to say the
word. Keep doing it as time permits.( T can shuffle
with some key words of letter D to make the activity
more challenging)

Break time
Stage 3
Chanting time

Stage 4:
Listening exercise

10 mins


5 mins
Part E, Student Book, p. 15
- T divides class into 4 teams.
- T gives each team a word from the chant (dog, doll,
duck, desk)
- T plays the CD1- 22 for the first time, Ss listen
- T plays for second time, all Ss chant along
- T plays for the third time, each team only chants the
FC they have and hold this FC up.
- T then changes the FC for each team, practice 2 or 3
times more as time permits. ( T doesn’t need to play
the audio again, let them do without music)

10 mins

Part D, Student Book, p.13
10 mins
- T explains the requirement of the task
- T does with the whole class for Questions 1 and 2,
plays the audio for the first question, pauses and asks
Ss what is the answer. Do the same with Questions
- T then plays the rest and lets Ss finish the tasks
- T plays the second time (if needed), Ss check their
answer again
- T checks the answers with the whole class

magnets, FCs

Stage 5
Practice time

Game: “Chair game”
20 mins
- T puts two chairs in the center of the room
- T divides class into two teams and have one S from
each team stand in the center, the others gather
around to watch
- T puts a different FC on each chair
- T says the name of the card, two Ss race to be the
first to sit on the chair with card, and shout out the

name of card again.
- The winner will get point for their team and will be
the one who say the card for the next round
Optional: For added challenge, use all four cards and have
four teams compete for one of the four chairs.
( If the class doesn’t have chairs, T can put FCs on the floor
and asks Ss to touch it)


Oxford Phonic World 1 – Workbook, p.7
5 mins
A: Trace, write and say- Con viết và luyện nói chữ
B: Which ones begin with the e sound? Match and write –
Từ này bắt đầu bằng âm e? Con nối và viết chữ Ee.
C: Say. Then write Ee or cross it out- Con nói các từ. Sau đó
viết Ee vào ơ trống nếu từ đó bắt đầu bằng âm e hoặc gạch
chéo ơ trống nếu từ đó không bắt đầu bằng âm e


Lesson 7: Letter Ff
(các bước)

(tiến trình bài dạy)

Time (90


tools and
(giáo cụ, học

Warm up and
review letter D and


T first shows FCs of letter D and E and have Ss to
say the words. Then T guides Ss to play game to
review words from previous lesson

10 mins

Games: “Hop and say”


Stage 1
Introduction of
Letter Ff

Stage 2

T asks Ss to stand in a line at the font of the class
and give each S a FCs ( FCs of key words for letter
D and E)
T calls a word, S with that card hops forward and
repeats T.
T calls out key words in a random order.
T has Ss trade cards occasionally.

T models the dialogue from exercise A
15 mins
“ Hello, I’m a funny fish.
/f/ /f/ This is the /f/ sound.
This is the letter F.
/f/ /f/ funny fish
/f/ /f/ funny fish
What’s the beginning sound?
What letter is this?
- T then plays CD1-23 and Ss listen
- T displays the Funny Fish card and have student
introduce themselves as funny fish ( Hello, I’m a
funny fish, /f/ /f/ funny fish. Letter F, sound /f/)
- T listens carefully to Ss pronunciation.
- T plays the video and asks Ss sing along (00:0000:54) />- T asks Ss to repeat the letter and the sound lots of
- T divides class into teams, practices chanting the

letter sound ( may include the sound of letter A-E if

Student Book, p.17, Part C
10 mins
- T asks all Ss to stand up
- T asks Ss to repeat T’s action
- T joins two hands together, holds up in the air and
starts writing the letter F in the air (or T uses body to
display letter F). Ss copy teacher’s action.
- T assigns Ss to finish Part C, following the
instruction in the book, how to write letter F
- T goes around and checks for Ss writing
Writing race: Divide the class into teams of 4 or 5. Have
one S from each team come to the board. Say Go! and give
the students 30 seconds to write many Ff as they can. The
team writes the most partner letter (Ff) (legibly) wins point

FCs of letter

for their team. Repeat until every Ss has had a turn.

Stage 3
Introduction of Ff
words (fish, fan,
farm, fork)

T uses FCs to introduce key words for letter Ff
5 mins
T plays the CD1-24, asks Ss to listen and point.
T points to the pictures in a different order and have
Ss name them. T tries to encourage Ss to say the
words with the beginning sound (ex: /f/ /f/ fish)
10 mins
Activity 1: Touch
- T uses FCs of letter F
- T has Ss play in pairs
- T displays four key words of letter F on the desk or
on the floor
- Each turn, T calls one pair, says one key word and 2
Ss race to touch the FC of the word. The one touches
first and says again the word correctly will win.
(Each pairs can play three times to finalize the
winner, and Ss will have chance to practice more
words). The winner will be the one to say the words
for next pair.
T continues the activity as time permits

Break time
Stage 4:
Matching exercise

Stage 5
Review time


5 mins
Part D, Student Book, p.17
5 mins
- T models the requirement of the task.
- T has Ss point to the fan and say fan, /f/, /f/, fan.
- T points to all the images and elicits the word and /f/
sound in the same way.
- T checks the answers with the whole class
Part E, Student Book, p. 17
10 mins
- T divides class into 4 teams.
- T gives each team a word from the chant (farm, fan,
fork, fish) and gives them a minute to think about a
unique action or gesture that they can do while
standing or sitting
- T plays the CD1-25 for the first time, Ss listen.
- T plays second time and has Ss perform their actions
when their word is said in the chant
- T asks Ss to change FCs and think of the new action
and repeats the activity. (For the second time, or
third time of chanting, T can let Ss chant without the
music by doing actions and chanting their word at
the same time. T encourages Ss to chant the word
with motion)
Game: Picture game
- T divides class into groups of three or four.
- T gives paper and crayons to each group.
- T whispers a key word to one student from each
group. Without speaking, students return to their

groups and draw a picture of the key word T
whispered. The first group to guess correctly wins a

15 mins




T repeats as time permits and until all students have
had a turn to draw.

Oxford Phonic World 1 – Workbook, p.8
A: Trace, write and say- Con viết và luyện nói chữ
B: Write Ff. Then match- Con viết chữ, sau đó nối chữ với
hình ảnh chứa từ bắt đầu bằng âm f
C: Color F and f. Write Ff- Con tô màu các ô có chứa chữ
cái F và f. Sau đó viết chữ Ff vào ô trống (Con tô bất cứ
màu nào mình u thích)

5 mins


Lesson 8: Review Unit 2 (Dd, Ee, Ff)



(các bước)

(tiến trình bài dạy)

Time (90

tools and
(giáo cụ, học

Warm up activity


T play the video and ask Ss to dance along to warm up. 5 mins

T writes letter Dd, Ee, Ff and reminds Ss about the
letter, the sound of the letter.
T then displays all the FCs key words for three letters
and asks Ss to say the words, with the sound to review
T organizes a small game “ Down the line”

Stage 1: Review 1

Rules: Place shuffled Phonics Cards in a line on the floor.
Divide students into two teams. Have a student from each
team start at opposite ends and go down the line of cards,
saying each card’s word in a race to get to the other end. If
students meet at the same card, have them play Rock,
Paper, Scissors and have the winner say a word that begins
with a sound T provides them. Then, the game continues.
Keep playing for the rest of the teams.

Stage 2

Student Book, p.18

T follows the pages, asks Ss to finish Part A, B and

15 mins

FCs of D,E, F

Review words of
letter A, B and C

C in the book with some guidelines, instructions
and explanations

15 mins

Part A: T uses the FCs to explain the task

T sticks FCs for question 1 on board and Ss to say
the words and the sounds, then choose two words
with the same sound. When Ss identify
successfully the words with same sound, T circles
these words as example and asks Ss to do the same
with questions 2 and 3. T can do together with Ss if
they don’t understand.

Part B: Listen and circle the correct letter (CD1-26)
Part C: Listen and write (CD1-27). T asks Ss to repeat the
sound that they hear and write the correct letter.

T checks answer with the whole class

Game: “ Sound families?”
Rules: Divide students into groups of three or four. Each
group uses a set of shuffled Unit 2 Student Cards (The
Students Card number 13-24 are taken from the end of
Student Book, asks Ss to cut out these cards to play the
game. To save time of cutting, use only one Student Cards 10 mins
set from one student’s book and after playing, returns the
cards to that student) (Make sure that the picture side of the
card is up)

When T says Go, students race to put the cards into three
groups: Dd, Ee, and Ff. The first team to finish wins and
says words together.
T can play the second time if time allows.
Break time
Stage 3
Practice time

5 mins
Story time: Student Book, p. 19

T first asks Ss to say things in the picture (What are
in the picture 1, 2,3 and 4?)
T encourages Ss to read the picture story in advance
T plays the CD1-28 and Ss listen
T plays for the second time, pauses after each

10 mins


Stage 4

sentence and asks Ss to repeat. T asks Ss to point to
the sentence in each picture while repeating
T encourages Ss to imitate the voice in the audio
T reads and points to the sight words and asks Ss to

T then assigns some paired reading, take turns
reading story sentences
T finally has Ss to act out story, assigns each
picture for one S. Encourage Ss to have fun while
they act out the story

Practice structure

10 mins

Practice with the
Games: Who is faster?
structure : It’s
a/an…., I see ….., I Rules: Play in pairs. Arrange a set of shuffle key words of
letter D-F on the floor. Each turn, call two students
standing at the end of the class. T then says a word with the
structure “I see…/ I have…./ It’s …..” and count 1,2,3. Ss
race to get the correct FC of the word and repeat word with
the structure. The winner is to grab the card quicker and
says structure correctly.
T then says word with the structure with the whole class.
Let each pairs play two or three times (T tries to use
different structure each turn and make sure that student
understand the meaning of the structure).

Build up interesting stories

T divides the class into teams of four. Each turn,

one group will play and the other watch
T asks the team to stand in a circle, back to back,
plays a draft first to illustrate the rules for all Ss

Rules: Give each Ss a random card. Make sure they don’t
see their card and other cards. Count 1,2, 3, Ss turn around
and now let them have a look of the card. T points to one S
and ask him/ her to say his/her card with structure: I see…..
….., points to another one and ask him or her to say with
the structure : I have….; the two last Ss will say with
structure: It’s a/an….
To make the activity easier at the beginning, T can have

15 mins


teams say only one structure, then add more structures
while they practice. T encourages Ss to have fun while
telling their own story.

Oxford Phonic World 1 – Workbook, p.9

5 mins

A: Which ones begin with the sound? Write (v): Con tích
vào bức tranh có từ bắt đầu bằng âm tương ứng cho sẵn
trong mỗi câu

B: Draw the shapes and write: Con vẽ hình tượng trưng
cho các chữ cái và viết chữ cái vào ô trống cạnh mỗi bức
tranh ( Chữ D là hình trịn, chữ E là hình vng, chữ F là
hình tam giác)


Lesson 9: Review Unit 1-2 (Aa-Ff)
(các bước)

Warm up

(tiến trình bài dạy)


T writes Aa- Ff on the board
T models the sounds for the students and have them
T uses FCs to review words from U1-U2.

Stage 1

Teaching tools
Time (90 and materials
minutes) (giáo cụ, học
5 mins

Student Book, p.20
Part A: Look and listen. Sing along


T plays CD1- 29, Ss listen one time
T plays the song again, Ss listen and sing, point to
the pictures in their book that present key words.
T then randomly points to picture and has Ss say
the sound and the word that corresponds to each
picture. Ex, if you point to one of the ants on the
fence, Ss should say /a/ /a/ ant
T continues pointing and increases the speed every
Finally, T asks Ss to point and show the hidden

10 mins

FCs of A-F

letter to the class, say the sound and one of that
letter’s key word.
Part B: Listen, circle and write ( CD1-30)

T checks answer with the whole class

Writing activity:


Stage 2:
Review all the
vocabulary of

5 mins
T goes back the exercise B
Ss plays in pairs or groups of three. Ss comes to
the board.
T points to the other pictures in exercise B and
says Go!; Ss must race to write the correct partner
letters on the board.
5 mins
T continues playing as time permits.



T delivers the bingo card to Ss
T asks Ss to choose any 9 words that they like/
want from U1-U2 and draw a picture of them in
the Bingo card. Each words will be in one square

( T says that Ss don’t need to have beautiful
drawing with colors, to save time)
T explains the rules to Ss

Rules: T calls out keys words from U1-U2. Ss listen and
cross out the square that contains that word. If they don’t
have the words, just sit still and wait for the next call.
Continue playing. To make a challenge, T can assign one
S to call a word each turn. The first S who crosses out
three words in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal roll and
yells Bingo, is the winner. The winner will say again all
three words with the structure: I see…. or I have….
Then have Ss change the words. Repeat as time permits.
Notes: If possible, T asks Ss to take the Student Card of
U1 –U2 ( 1-24), cut them out and place in the Bingo Card.
In this way, Ss can easier to change the card after each
time finding the winner and have more time to play and
practice words and structure

20 mins Bingo card

Break time
Stage 3

5 mins
Student Book, p. 22

15 mins

Part C: Listen. Do you hear the same sound? Draw
smiley face or sad face. ( CD1- 31)


T explains the task for Ss ( T elicits the meaning of
the icons in the task)
T plays the CD and has Ss repeat the words they
T encourages Ss to smile when the words begin
with the same sound and frown when the words
begin with a different sound.
T plays again and asks Ss to finish part C
T goes around and checks Ss’ answers

Extended activity: T can do an activity with the exercise
by combining other key words with some adjective have
the same and different initial sounds ( ex: energetic
computer, dizzy duck, funny apple, …) . T asks Ss to do
the same: smile when the words begin with the same
sound and frown when the words begin with a different
sound. T can speed up after few turn to have more fun.

Part D: Match and say


Stage 4

T explains the task to Ss, asks them to match the
words with the same sound to the letter and the
T can does again the example with whole class for
their understanding
T goes around to help Ss
T checks answers with whole class.

Student Book, p. 23 ( Part E: Play the game)

20 mins Printed in color
A3 size of page
Practice with the It’s better to re-print p. 23 in A3 paper and in color, so that
23 (SB),
structure : It’s
we can play with the whole class to practice the structures
a/an…., I see
….., I have…..
- T sticks the A3 game paper on the board and puts
the spinner at the centre and uses one magnet to
place at the starting point of the game.
- T models the game: Spin and move the magnet to

the first picture that represents the partner letters
on the spinner and say the word for that picture. If
they can say the word successfully, they stay on

that square. If not, they move back. Then, next S
spins and so on. The class will win when reaching
the end of the game
Note: When students say the words, T encourages them to
say words in structure, example: apple, I see an apple/ I
have an apple/ It’s an apple. After that, T points again to
the apple picture and has all Ss to repeat the words and


T can play the game again, make sure everyone
has turn to spin and speak.

Oxford Phonic World 1 – Workbook, p.10+11

5 mins

A: Say. Then circle the beginning sound- Con nói các từ,
sau đó khoanh trịn vào âm bắt đầu của từ đó ( Ví dụ:
alligator, âm /a/)
B: Say and match- Con nói chữ cái, sau đó nối với từ
tương ứng bắt đầu bằng chữ cái đó.
C: Write, say and connect in A-B-C order- Con viết, nói
và nối các từ theo thứ tự bảng chữ cái
D: Look and write- Con nhìn và viết ( Mỗi chữ cái có một
biểu tượng, con quan sát mỗi biểu tượng đại diện cho chữ
cái nào rồi viết vào ô tương ứng)


Lesson 10: Letter Gg
(các bước)

(tiến trình bài dạy)

Time (90

tools and
(giáo cụ, học

Warm up


T plays small game to warm up

10 mins

Game: “Hot Word”


T asks Ss to sit in a circle and give a FC of U1-U2
key words to one S.
T chooses some fun songs and plays them. While T
does, Ss pass the cards in one direction around the
T stops the music randomly. S with the card in
his/her hand should say the sound and the word.
T changes the card and continues playing as time

T can make the game more challenging by giving two cards
at the same time. When the music stops, 2 Ss need to say the
words. T encourages them to say the word with the
structures learnt.

Stage 1
Introduction of
Letter Gg


T plays the video, 00:00:13

10 mins



T stops at 00:13 and asks if Ss know what’s the next
After hearing some responses, T says that today’s
lesson is letter G.
Then, T plays the video again, 00:00- 00:18 and asks
Ss to sing along. T can ask Ss to sing without the
T then prompts Ss to the sound of letter G
T plays the video ( 00:00 - 00:13) and ask Ss to
guess the sound of letter

T plays again the video, 00:00-00:18 and asks Ss to
sing along.
T plays the video, 00:00-00:55 and asks Ss to sing

T finally plays CD1-32, Ss listen and look at Part A,
Student Book, p.30

10 mins
- T writes on board : Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg
- T points randomly a partner letter and asks Ss to say
the letter and sound
- T speeds up the pointing after each turn.

- T then calls 3 Ss on board, says a sound of any letter
and says Go, Ss race to touch to the correct letter and

Some FCs
from Unit 1
