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Factors influencing customer satisfaction and continued intention to use mobile food ordering apps in vietnam

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CODE: 8340101.01


Hanoi, 2021

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who supported me to finish this
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisors, Prof. Dr. Tanabu Motonari
and Dr. Yoshifumi Hino. I really appreciate your dedicated time and supports, your
willingness and enthusiasm to guide me during the whole process. Your kindness enabled
me to comfortably discuss my difficulties and ask questions. Your thorough guidance and
suggestions not only helped me solve my problems but also encouraged me to consider
other new perspectives that I failed to take into account. You really helped me a lot and I’m
really thankful.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Prof. Matsui Yoshiki, Prof. Kuruta Hisashi for
all of your support. From the joint seminar every week, I have chances to receive your
valuable supports. You always listen attentively to my problems and give me valuable
suggestions to help me find solutions and improve my thesis.
My gratitude goes to our program assistant, Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong, for your patience and
continuance assistance during not only the time I do my thesis but throughout all my
journey at VJU.
My sincere thank goes to my dear friends at VJU who shared with me this memorable two
years. All the hard works and fun I have experienced with you will be my treasure in life. I
love you all.
Finally, I am grateful to my family for always giving me the warmest encouragement.
Thank you for always supporting and believing in me. Mom, Dad, you are my heroes.

Purpose - The purpose of this research is to examine first what are the factors influencing
customer satisfaction of MFOAs in Vietnam; second is whether Various Food Choices
positively influence customer satisfaction of MFOAs and the last one is whether customer
satisfaction have positive impact on customer’s continued intention to used MFOAs in

Methodology/ approach – The research will be implemented through 282 responses of
customers who are currently using MFOAs in Vietnam. The hypothesized associations
between all variables are investigated using structural equation modeling.
Findings –The finding shows that Customer Satisfaction was significantly predicted by the
roles of Various Food Choices, System Quality, Service Quality and Perceived Promotions.
However, the current study found that Price Value has no impact on Customer Satisfaction
of MFOAs users in Vietnam but can make impact on Continued Intention to Use directly.
Additionally, Customer Satisfaction positively influenced Continued Intention to Use.
Implications – Empirical academic understanding of consumers' behavioral and emotional
reactions to MFOAs design would provide critical design information to designers and
providers. Such insights would assist and guide MFOAs providers in Vietnam in
determining which design aspects may enhance and encourage specific customer feelings
and behaviors, particularly those that benefit their business. The findings of the study give
restaurants and communications providers with relevant and helpful information on how to
create efficient operational strategies for the food delivery industry in Vietnam.
Considerable attention should be paid to the role of Various Food Choice which was
supported in the current study as the most influential factor predicting customer satisfaction
Contributions– This study contributes significantly to the existing understanding of the
critical factors affecting the effective implementation of MFOAs in Vietnam. The current
study focused on customer satisfaction and customer’s continued intention to use, rather

than on testing aspects of customer intention and initial adoption, as is commonly done in
prior studies on MFOAs in Vietnam. Adding Various Food Choices to the current
successful Catering App Success Model (Y. S. Wang et al. (2019). In addition to its
contribution to theory, this study offers a knowledge of the key variables that should be
addressed in the development of functions and marketing of MFOAs in practice.
Keywords: MFOAs, Customer Satisfaction, Continued Intention to Use, Various Food
Choices, Vietnam.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................
ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………………………
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................ i
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ iii
LIST OF ABBREVIATION ........................................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1


Research background............................................................................................. 1


Research Motivation .............................................................................................. 5


Research Objective and Research Questions ........................................................ 6


Significant of the research ..................................................................................... 6



Literature review ............................................................................................ 8
2.1.1 Mobile Food Ordering Apps (MFOAs) ............................................................. 8
2.1.2 MFOAs characteristics in Vietnam.................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Catering App Success Model ........................................................................... 10


Research Model and Hypothesis development ............................................ 13
2.2.1 Information Quality ......................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 System Quality ................................................................................................. 13
2.2.3 Service Quality ................................................................................................ 14
2.2.4 Perceived Promotions ...................................................................................... 16
2.2.5 Price Value ....................................................................................................... 17

2.2.6 Various Food Choices ...................................................................................... 19
2.2.7 Customer Satisfaction & Continued Intention to Use ..................................... 19
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 22


Sample and data collection .................................................................................. 22


Measurement ....................................................................................................... 23


Analysis Method .................................................................................................. 26

CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS RESULTS ......................................................................................... 27


Demographic Statistic ......................................................................................... 27


Descriptive analysis ............................................................................................. 30


Common method bias test ................................................................................... 32


Validity and reliability measurements ................................................................. 33


Reliability analysis .............................................................................................. 33


Testing Research model using PLS - SEM analysis ........................................... 45


Additional Analysis – Mediating Effect .............................................................. 52

CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ................................................................... 56


Discussion............................................................................................................ 56


Theoretical Contribution ..................................................................................... 57


Practical Contribution .......................................................................................... 58


Limitations and future research suggestion. ........................................................ 61

REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 62


Table 3.1: Table of measurement items ............................................................................. 23
Table 4.1: Demographic Characteristic of Respondents .................................................... 27
Table 4.2: Descriptive statistic of the scale items .............................................................. 30
Table 4.3: Common method bias ....................................................................................... 32

Table 4.4: Summary Cronbach's alpha value of variables ................................................. 34
Table 4.5: Initial Cronbach's alpha value of IQ – 1st test .................................................. 34
Table 4.6: Cronbach's Alpha Value of IQ – 2nd test ......................................................... 35
Table 4.7: Initial Cronbach's alpha value of CS - 1st test .................................................. 36
Table 4.8: Cronbach's Alpha Value of CS - 2nd test ......................................................... 36
Table 4.9: Initial result of KMO and Bartlett's Test – 1st test ........................................... 37
Table 4.10: Initial result of Total Variance Explained – 1st test........................................ 37
Table 4.11: Initial result of Pattern Matrix – 1st test ......................................................... 39
Table 4.12: Result of KMO and Bartlett's Test - 2nd test .................................................. 41
Table 4.13: Result of Total Variance Explained – 2nd test ............................................... 42
Table 4.14: Result of Pattern Matrix – 2nd test ................................................................. 43
Table 4.15: Result of Outer loadings ................................................................................. 46
Table 4.16: Cronbach's Alpha, CR, AVE........................................................................... 47
Table 4.17: Fornell-Larcker Criterion ................................................................................ 48
Table 4.18: Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT) ............................................................. 48
Table 4.19: Inner VIF Values ............................................................................................. 49

Table 4.20: Result of R square ........................................................................................... 50
Table 4.21: Model Fit ......................................................................................................... 50
Table 4.22: Result of hypothesis testing ............................................................................ 51
Table 4.23: Result of Mediating Effect .............................................................................. 53


Figure 4.1: PLS - SEM diagram (1) ................................................................................... 51
Figure 4.2: The measurement model .................................................................................. 52

Figure 4.3: PLS - SEM diagram (2) ................................................................................... 53



Mobile Food Ordering Apps


Information Quality


System Quality


Service Quality


Various Food Choices


Perceived Promotions


Price Value


Customer Satisfaction


Continued Intention to Use


Exploratory Factor Analysis


Variance inflation factors


Composite Reliability


Average Variance Extracted




1.1 Research background
In the context of the current digital age, information technology increasingly clearly asserts
its role and influence on all aspects of social life. Thanks to the development of technology,
people can easily access the latest inventions and innovations of humanity. In recent years,
people have witnessed great advances in technology - from mobile apps AI (Artificial
Intelligence) to IOT (Internet of Things). Without a doubt, it can be said that all that has
happened in recent years in terms of technology development will change the mobile app
development industry in the coming years. And with the rise of smartphones, businesses
across the globe are having new opportunities with huge user bases. There are more than
three billion smartphone users worldwide in 2020 and the number is forecasts to increase
further by several hundred million in the next few years, projected to surpass four billion
users in 2023 (Statista, 2020). Only in few recent years, the total number of mobile app
downloads increasing rapidly, from 140 billion in 2016 to 218 billion in 2020 (Statista,
Right now, there are really impressive things going on in all areas of life. One of those
things is online business, especially mobile interactions. The reason is very simple. That
helps them increase sales, improve brand awareness and gain more loyal customers. Mobile
applications are built and designed to be downloaded and used through smartphones or
similar mobile platforms, such as iPads, tablets (Alalwan, 2020). For a business,
information technology also helps a business have an effective channel to approach
customers and promote products and services, which is a prerequisite for selling more
goods and increasing profits. Information technology makes it easy for people to connect
with each other. Through the Internet, shopping, transactions and payments are also thanks
to information technology that becomes much more convenient. Nowadays, just having a
smartphone with a network connection, you can "go to the market" at your home. Ecommerce has replaced traditional markets, allowing people and families to shop at home


without travelling. Likewise, food ordering and food delivery applications are becoming a
growing trend and receiving a great response from consumers thanks to its irrefutable
utilities. Mobile Food Ordering Apps are flourishing more and more, and the demand for
users to order through MFOAs is also on the rise. Modern technology has been applied to
shorten geographical distance, save time and even help restaurant owners make more profit
while consumers can buy food at a bargain price. This is the result of changing eating habits
of customers in technology era 4.0. The thing that customers like the most is the fast
delivery, even they only order one item. Compared with the traditional delivery way, the
cooperation with food ordering applications also helps shop owners reach a number of
customers that they previously missed. Those are the people who do not mind high shipping
fees, they are too busy, so they just need to be delivered quickly instead of having to go to
the restaurant in person.
According to the Vietnam Digital Advertising Market report by Adsota (2020), the
Vietnamese market currently has 43.7 million people using smartphone devices out of a
total population of 97.4 million people, reaching 44.9%. These numbers also help Vietnam
to enter the top 15 markets with the highest number of smartphone users in the world,
shoulder to shoulder with many other developed countries such as the UK, Japan, Germany
or representatives in Southeast Asia. is Indonesia.Vietnam is considered a market waiting
to explode, because this country of more than 90 million people is at the forefront of the
flow of modern living trends. The strong influence of new urban lifestyles, the spread of
technology, smartphones and e-wallets, along with the majority share of Millennials (born
1980-1995) and Gen Z (born after 1995), has significantly changed the consumption habits
as well as the eating habits of many Vietnamese, towards door-to-door solutions - focusing
on convenience and prompt response.Young people are busier, living on social networks
more, so they want convenience and are willing to pay more to buy food online. Busy office
workers are also willing to pay to order food instead of bringing or eating out. This trend
can be seen most clearly in big and modern cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and

Da Nang, where many online and high-tech companies are concentrated.

The situation of Covid-19 has yet to cool down, with many countries tightening their social
distancing policies, leading to economic stagnation and recession. But with the
development of modern technology, it's also partially overcome by the fact that remote
working models still secure work progress, the Internet is connected to fast transmission,
strongly guaranteeing people's communication, entertainment and working methods at
home, allowing many businesses to operate online even though they have to shut down the
entire traditional store. Given the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, customers tend to order
more online food than they choose to go to restaurants using direct services, which also
means that many restaurants choose to shift to online business to meet customer demand
and fill the revenue gap due to a decline in the number of customers. Therefore, the food
delivery model suddenly became a popular service and achieved surprising growth.Because
the impact of the pandemic, people are reluctant to go to crowded places like restaurants,
food chains. In addition, direct sales account for a large portion of the total, so there is no
avoidance of a sharp decline in sales for many catering businesses. Selling online food as a
"living with the flood" solution is chosen by many restaurants, including popular brands
such as King BBQ, Gogi House, Pizza 4p's, etc. Furthermore, online business cannot be
denied as an opportunity for many restaurants where they not only have an increased
number of customers but also have access to new sources of customers. There is no denying
the negative effects left by the Covid-19 translation. However, this volatility in general
creates a big change in consumers' eating habits, shifting to online food ordering, even when
the epidemic is under control.
According to a recent survey by Nielsen Viet Nam (2020), during the Covid -19 epidemic
alone, Nielsen’s statistics showed that 62 percent of Vietnamese customers said they
wanted to buy food from home rather than buy it directly, along with 19,000 restaurant
businesses participating in the food delivery network. According to Euromonitor
International, the online food delivery market in Vietnam is expected to reach about 38

million USD by 2020 and maintain an average growth rate of 11% in the next 5 years.
Research by Kantar TNS also shows that this market revenue has an average growth rate
of 28.5% / year, up to 449 million USD by 2023. It can be seen that the scale of the current

online food delivery market in Vietnam is still quite modest compared to its inherent
potential. Urban areas still have plenty of space to fill, not to mention the spread of satellite
towns. This has opened up great opportunities for restaurants and eateries to diversify
income channels, minimize the risk of traditional models (only serving at the restaurant),
especially in the current epidemic context.Vietnam is moving on the very path of the
pioneering markets, but at a much faster pace. A survey from Gojek published in March
2020 shows that one in every 10 meals is ordered online, usually for lunch and snacks.
More than three-quarters of users in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi order online at least once
a week. Nearly 30% of people surveyed said they ordered 2-3 times per week, and about 56% ordered more than 10 times a week. Accordingly, the need to move to online activities
of restaurants and eateries is great, when restaurants both take advantage of the "huge"
benefits brought from the ordering app and keep pace with the consumer trend. At the same
time, it is possible to consolidate and maintain business operations during the crisis period.
Ordering apps like Gojek's GoFood also know how to take advantage of technology that
brings AI, automation into understanding customer needs, designing special offers for each
group of customers, thereby supporting restaurants and eateries to reach a wider variety of
customers. Geographical distance is no longer a problem. Many orders are completed
quickly on a large scale thanks to technology.
According to the result of "Market survey on the demand of using the Vietnamese culinary
industry" conducted by Kantar in 2020, up to 43% of Ho Chi Minh City residents and 34%
of Hanoi residents order food online at least once time per week. In particular, because of
concerns about pandemic, people will have 2 options to buy food: take it away (take away)
and place it (home delivery), but the rate of ordering food for home delivery is higher,
double versus take-away. According to the result of "Market survey on the demand of using
the Vietnamese culinary industry" conducted by Kantar in 2020, the market share of homedelivery food accounts for about 30% of the total market share of the F&B industry in

Vietnam, the growth rate is very high and there is no sign of stopping. In 2020, the number
of users of food ordering applications is increasing significantly, and the competition
between applications is also becoming more and more fierce. Food ordering applications

bring convenience to users, especially in the context of complicated epidemics in 2020,
everyone can order their favorite food without having to leave the house, meanwhile
Restaurants can continue to operate in the context of social distancing. It cannot be denied
that these applications bring convenience to the lives of people in urban areas.
1.2 Research Motivation
Mobile applications may soon become one of a retailer's most significant sales channels,
necessitating the requirement for immediate analysis of customer perceptions. (Magrath &
McCormick, 2013). In the restaurant industry, mobile food ordering apps (MFOAs) have
been generally regarded as creative channel for reaching customers and providing highquality services.
In recent years, MFOAs have exploded in the Vietnamese market. Even though online food
ordering apps have attracted substantial attention in Vietnam, studies on MFOAs are still
at early stages. The related issues of these apps have not been fully studied and tested by
academics and researchers. Given that MFOAs were only recently launched and exploded
in Vietnam, it is necessary to analyze the factors that may influence customers' perceptions,
intentions, and behavior toward them.
When it comes to food, consumers have varying interests and priorities. Customers may
also have different expectations about the quality and services provided by different mobile
food ordering apps, as well as differing opinions about their degrees of satisfaction with
those applications (Cho et al., 2019). To the best of the author's knowledge, no relevant
study has yet to investigate what constitutes those important attributes pertaining to mobile
food ordering apps, nor has any research tested how those quality attributes associated with
mobile food ordering apps affect user perceptions and behavioral intentions to re-use and/or
recommend those applications to others in Vietnam.
The trend of food delivery brings double benefits to both food service and customers. With

the advantage of not consuming a lot of resources and reaching a large number of customers,


this will be a channel that brings great revenue for shop owners. For service users, ordering
food through the application is both quick, cost-effective, and offers a variety of choices.

This study will examine customer satisfaction and their continuous intention to reuse, which
is important given that the use of MFOAs are popular and already well-accepted by
customers in Vietnam. There is a need to have study to detect the major aspects that may
hinder or contribute to the successful implementation of MFOAs.
1.3 Research Objective and Research Questions
In catering industry, Mobile food ordering apps (MFOAs) has been viewed by many as a
creative channel that can attract customers and provide customers with high-quality
services. However, there are significant uncertainties remain about the effect of MFOA
implementation on user satisfaction and the likelihood of users reusing such applications.
The objectives of the study could be state as following. First, systematize the rationale for
satisfaction and factors influencing customer satisfaction using MFOAs. Second, identify
and empirically examine the key factors that predict the customer satisfaction with MFOAs
and customers’ continued intention to use MFOAs in Vietnam. Third, suggested solutions
for organizations that provide MFOAs to increase their target audiences’ satisfaction with
their apps.
Research Questions:
Question 1: What are the factors influencing customer satisfaction of MFOAs in Vietnam?
Question 2: Does Various Food Choices positively influence customer satisfaction of
MFOAs in Vietnam?
Question 3: Does Customer Satisfaction have postive impact on customers’ continued
intention to use MFOAs in VN?
1.4 Significant of the research

Theoretical contribution

The study is expected to enrich the literature regarding to MFOAs in Vietnam by identify
and experimentally investigate the key elements influencing consumers' satisfaction with
MFOAs and their intention to reuse such applications in Vietnam. This research proposed
an integrated model based on the Catering App Success Model of Y. S. Wang et al. (2019)
which based on the E-commerce System Sucess Model (Wang & Tang, 2003) and
marketing literature in Vietnam MFOAs context with the feature of MFOAs characteristic
in Vietnam: Various Food Choice. The study also proposed new measurement scales which
based on MFOAs characteristic in Vietnam to measure the influencing of these constructs:
Information Quality, System Quality, Service Quality on customer satisfaction.
Practical contribution
This study is expected to help MFOAs providers in Vietnam understand the factors
influencing satisfaction and the intention to continue to use MFOAs of users, thereby they
could improve their ways in building MFOAs and providing services through MFOAs
effectively in order to attract users and consolidate customer loyalty.


2.1 Literature review
2.1.1 Mobile Food Ordering Apps (MFOAs)
Mobile applications are rapidly growing in popularity as a means for businesses of all kinds
to connect with potential customers. Mobile apps are software created specifically for small,
hand-held portable devices such as tablets and smartphones, and they are one of the fastestgrowing segments of the downloaded enterprise applications/software market (Stoyanov et

al., 2015). Mobile applications are regarded as one of the primary channels via which
customers can examine updated displayed products and contact retailers without the
requirement for physical presence (Al Dmour et al., 2014). Furthermore, Jiang & Chan
(2010) also found that mobile app developers and merchants can utilize the general qualities
and techniques of mobile apps as external stimuli to impact users' emotions, which drives
online shopping behavior. The term "app" is an acronym for "application," and it refers to
all software that runs on operating systems (Oh et al., 2010).
MFOAs refers to the mobile-based system by which customers can order foods through
mobile and appropriate application systems (Okumus & Bilgihan, 2014; Alalwan, 2020).
MFOAs are ideal outlets for restaurants to educate and communicate with on-the-go
customers (Okumus & Bilgihan, 2014).
MFOAs include a variety of innovative characteristics that assist both users and businesses
in overcoming obstacles such as lengthy wait times, traffic, miscommunication, delayed
delivery, or dealing with customer complaints (Alalwan, 2020). Using MFOAs, users can
simply and efficiently access and order meals from a variety of restaurants at times and
places that are convenient for them (Alalwan, 2020).


2.1.2 MFOAs characteristics in Vietnam
According to Yeo et al. (2017) there are two types of sales channels that provide food
delivery services. The first type is the restaurants and eateries that provide their own food
delivery and delivery services. For example: Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Domino's Pizza, ...
The second type is an intermediary providing food ordering and delivery services for a
variety of restaurants and eateries. For example: Food Panda, Room Service, GrubHub,
In the past 3 years, in Vietnam, the food delivery service industry seems to explode,
dominate the market and constantly grow with the participation of many big players.
According to research by Euromonitor, the food delivery market in Vietnam is forecast to

grow to $38 million by 2020.
In 2020, In Vietnam the number of users of food ordering applications is increasing
significantly, and the competition between applications is also becoming more and more
fierce. Food ordering applications bring convenience to users, especially in the context of
complicated epidemics in 2020, everyone can order their favorite food without having to
leave the house, meanwhile Restaurants can continue to operate in the context of social
distancing. It cannot be denied that these applications bring convenience to the lives of
people in urban areas.
Vietnam's mobile food delivery service market is facing fierce competition with the
existence of major brands such as Grabfood, Now, Baemin, Gofood, and Loship. According
to a survey conducted by Rakuten Insight (2020), around 66 percent of respondents stated
that GrabFood was the mobile food ordering app that they used the most in Vietnam as of
June 2020, followed by Now (41%), GoJek (17%), Baemin (11%), Loship (3%).
The trend of food delivery brings double benefits to both food service and customers. With
the advantage of not consuming a lot of resources and reaching a large number of customers,
this will be a channel that brings great revenue for shop owners. For service users, ordering
food through the application is both quick, cost-effective, and offers a variety of choices.

In Vietnam, the most popular apps to order food on mobile devices are: GrabFood, Now,
GoJek, Baemin, Loship (Insight, 2020), which belongs to the type of MFOAs that is an
intermediary providing food ordering and delivery services for a variety of restaurants and
eateries. In this article, the author focuses on research on the type of food ordering app in
the second branch as defined by Yeo et al. (2017) and is also the most popular food ordering
app in Vietnam.
Before, when the delivery service started to open, Now.vn became the dominant enterprise
in the market. However, when the piece of cake is getting bigger and bigger, many
businesses have started to split up, in turn online ordering apps have entered the market
such as GrabFood, Gojek, Baemin, etc.

In the digital age, 4.0, busy life, consumer behavior and habits are having fundamental
changes, looking for products/services that make their lives more convenient and simpler.
Experts say that existing businesses in the market all have differences to meet the needs of
customers. Businesses exploiting the online food delivery segment all have a background
in capital, technology, ... but in this "burning money" race, firms are forced to "weigh and
measure" to choose the main factors to satisfy user needs.
As more and more delivery businesses are born, it means that customers have more choices
of service providers. Customers have the right to choose those with many preferential
policies, good service, fast delivery speed, on the contrary, the units that do not do well will
risk being pushed out of the market. Since then, delivery businesses have also been
constantly changing, in addition to meeting fast delivery times, ensuring food quality, this
MFOA providers also studies the attitude of delivery staff to ensure customer satisfaction.
2.1.3 Catering App Success Model
Several studies (Kapoor & Vij, 2018; Wang et al., 2019) have concentrated on the
consequences of MFOA use - namely, customer satisfaction, customer experience, and
customer conversion. Y. S. Wang et al. (2019) proposed a model based on the IS Success
mode for predicting the major outcomes of customers' use of mobile catering applications

which based on the E-commerce System Sucess Model (Wang & Tang, 2003) and
marketing literature.
EC System Success Model
The author reviewed the literature to identify an appropriate theoretical framework for the
research endeavor because there is no existing model for evaluating the value of mobile
business applications from the standpoint of end users. The author identified the D&M
Information Systems Success Model (DeLone & McLean, 2003) that would serve as a solid
foundation for the study. In comparison to other models, such as the TAM (Davis, 1989),
the D&M IS Success Model takes a rather broad and thorough approach to evaluation.
Furthermore, a significant number of empirical research have confirmed its claimed

relationships, and numerous validated measures exist that may be used to assess the
suggested success dimension. Due to the fact that the D&M IS Success Model is based on
quality dimensions from the perspective of end users, it enables comparison of success
factors for various types of applications and technologies. According to DeLone & McLean
(2003), ‘‘To assess the performance of a single system, ‘information quality' or ‘system
quality' may be the most significant quality component,"
E-commerce refers to the use of telecommunications networks to share commercial
information, establish business connections, and perform business transactions. In the paper
of (Wang & Tang, 2003), the concept of e-commerce systems success has been refined,
based on the DeLone & McLean (2003) to develop the causal relationship between the
measures of User Satisfaction (i.e. System Quality, Information Quality and Service
Quality) and overall level of User Satisfaction.


Figure 2.1: E-commerce System Success Model (Adopted from Wang (2009)
Product Marketing Elements
In the context of catering apps, Y. S. Wang et al. (2019) stated that the product marketing
aspects of product quality, perceived price, and perceived promotions be merged into the
EC systems success model in order to build a catering app success model. Firstly, since
catering apps are meant to make product/meal delivery easier, poor product quality will
make consumers less willing to utilize catering apps for future purchases (Okumus &
Bilgihan, 2014). Secondly, one of the primary functions of catering applications is to
educate users by disclosing product information that may be used to infer the product's
quality (Okumus & Bilgihan, 2014, Wang et al., 2019 ). Additionally, because to the vast
and rising number of catering apps, strong rivalry exists, resulting in cheaper pricing and
the introduction of mobile discounts as incentives to encourage customers to use apps to
acquire items and keep loyalty (Okumus & Bilgihan, 2014, Wang et al., 2019 ). As a result,
product quality, perceived price, and perceived promotions are additional important factors

in catering app success.


2.2 Research Model and Hypothesis development
2.2.1 Information Quality
Information quality concentrates on the quality of the information provided by the mobile
application to its consumers. For mobile business applications, the author addressed the
criteria of usefulness, understandability, and timeliness. When it comes to determining the
success of an information system, information quality has been identified as a critical
element (Mckinney et al., 2014) According to DeLone & McLean (2003), ‘‘To measure the
success of a single system (individual system), ‘information quality’ or ‘system quality’
may be the most important quality component.” According to DeLone & McLean (1992),
information quality of a system influences the extent of its utilization and its users’
satisfaction, eventually affecting users' behaviors.
Applying technology is a big step, bringing many benefits to businesses as well as
customers. Especially nowadays, when the internet has almost become an indispensable
tool in every individual's life. Around everyone is always advertising images of promotions,
preferential policies for gifts when ordering on applications. Directly stimulate users'
demand for online spending and ordering. Ordering applications are designed intuitively
and beautifully, beautifully invested images attract more customers to use. Ordering parties
also combine with payment partners and brand owners to implement promotions that bring
many benefits to customers. Therefore, the food ordering service industry is gaining
Therefore, the following hypothese are proposed:
H1. Information quality positively influences customer satisfaction.
2.2.2 System Quality
System Quality an be defined as the ease with which the mobile business application can
be used to complete tasks. System quality is related to system performance, interface design

and navigation, among others, for mobile business apps (Legner et al., 2016). Smartphones

are becoming more and more popular, online payment is also more convenient and young
people as well as office people tend to prefer payment via e-wallets, a transaction method
that makes it more convenient to both the shipper and the buyer. Currently in Vietnam
market , there is quite diverse e-wallet gateways such as Viettelpay, Momo, Zalopay,
Airpay, Moca, Vnpay,... These payment gateways are applying a lot of promotions to attract
customers, directly impact consumption behavior. When consumers use catering apps, their
main goal is to place an order in an efficient manner, which requires an easy to use and
stable system (Wang et al., 2019).
In the past, people in Vietnam had to go to the store to buy food or buy take-away, now the
delivery to the place brings many conveniences to customers. Instead of commuting
between unfavorable weather conditions, crowded traffic, customers can order food
through a food delivery app. The process to have a meal is as simple as using a smartphone
or computer with an internet connection, choosing dishes, ordering and waiting for the food
to be delivered to your hand. Besides, the shops are also used to selling online, so the
making and packaging is also more optimal, ensuring the quality of the products when they
reach the users. Moreover, the target customers of the food delivery service are mostly
young people: students, office workers, etc.. This group of customers in Vietnam is
proficient in technology, prefers new experiences and has no lots of free time. It is thanks
to the ability to serve such a large number of customers that the ordering and delivery
service industry through applications is growing and changing the way the market buys and
sells so quickly.
Therefore, the following hypothese are proposed:
H2. System Quality positively influences customer satisfaction.
2.2.3 Service Quality
Service Quality refers to the total support measures provided by the service provider in
relation to the mobile business application. It takes into account the responsiveness,

empathy, dependability, and competency of the responsible support personnel (Legner et
