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I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from the others.
1. A. answer
B. listen
C. music
D. solemn
2. A. business B. serious
C. compose
D. easily
3. A. news
B. songs
C. feelings
D. delights
4. A. design
B. classical
C. music
D. museum
5. A. summer B. suitable
C. sugar
D. Sunday
II/ Choose the best answer:
1. Peter studies hard _____pass the exam.
A. less
B. so that C. to
D. in order that
2. A small fish needs camouflage to hide itself _______its enemies cannot find it.
A. so that
B. because C. therefore
D. due to
3. He felt ill, _______he went to bed early.

A. and
B. But
D. so
4. We decided to join the English speaking club ______ improve our English.
A. so that
B. so to
C. in order
D. to
5. She worked hard ______ everything would be ready by 6 o’clock.
A. that
B. for
C. in order that
D. so as to
6. He gave me his address __________me to visit.
A. so that
B. in order for
C. in order to
D. in case
7. She got up early _________ miss the bus.
A. in order that
B. so that C. not to
D. for
8. Mr. Thompson is learning Vietnamese __________ to read Kim Van Kieu.
A. so that not
B. so as to
C. in order not to
D. so as not to
9. They hurried _______ catch the train.
A. to not

B. as not toC. in order that not
D. To
10. We learn English _________ we will have better communication with other people.
A. so that
B. in order for
C. in order to
D. in case
11. Do you know ___ language is spoken in Kenya?
A. which
B. who
C. what
D. how
12. ___ is your blood type?
A. which
B. who
C. What
D. how
13. ___ do you play tennis? For exercise.
A. which
B. who
C. what
D. how
14. ___ can I buy some milk? At the supermarket.
A. which
B. who
C. where
D. how
15. ___ much do you weigh?
A. which
B . who

C. what
D. how
III/ Combine the ideas using so that:
1. Rachel wanted to watch the news. She turned on the TV.
2. Nancy is carrying extra courses every semester. She wants to graduate early.
3. Ed took some change from his pocket. He wanted to buy a newspaper.
4. I wanted to listen to the news while I was making dinner. I turned on the TV.
5. I unplugged the phone. I didn’t want to be interrupted while I was working.
IV.Make questions for the underlined parts of the following statements.
1- Every day I go to school by bicycle.
→ __________________________________________________________?
2- Our teacher lives in a small house in this town.

→ __________________________________________________________?
3- The police will come here in ten minutes.
→ __________________________________________________________?
4- The farmers are working in the field now.
→ __________________________________________________________?
5- She went to market to buy some bread.
→ __________________________________________________________?
6- The boy was glad because he was given presents.
→ __________________________________________________________?
7- This hand bag belongs to my friend.
→ __________________________________________________________?
8- We have 3 English classes every week.

→ __________________________________________________________?
9- There are 5 members in my family.
→ __________________________________________________________?
10- It often takes him 15 minutes to go to his office.
→ _____________________________________________________________?
V.Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
1. Mary listens to classical music. She wants to feel relaxed.
→ __________________________________________________________
2. Peter practices speaking English. He wants to pass the oral test.
→ __________________________________________________________
3. My mother goes to the grocery. She needs some meat.
→ __________________________________________________________
4. I took my umbrella. I didn't want to get wet.
→ __________________________________________________________
5. My parents save a lot of money. They intend to buy a new house.
→ __________________________________________________________
6. John telephoned me . He invited me to his birthday party.
→ __________________________________________________________
7. My grandfather does the morning exercises. This makes him stronger.
→ __________________________________________________________
8. He didn't have enough money. He couldn't buy a new motorbike.
→ __________________________________________________________
9. I try to do my best. I don't want to make any mistake.
→ __________________________________________________________
10. I closed the door because I didn't want to be disturbed.
→ __________________________________________________________

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