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SCHOOL : …………
CLASS : 8TD / ……
NAME : ……………………

Time : 45 minutes

Mark :

I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence or do the task as directed : ( 2 marks)
1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others .
D. multimedia
2. Choose the word whose stress doesn’t belong to the group .
A.naturalB.tropical C.biology D.terrible
3. Choose the incorrect part indicated by A, B,C or D in the following sentence .
She decided leaving early although it was raining heavily.
4.Thanks to the extensive ……………………..measures taken, the loss of life in Typhoon xangsane in Da Nang and
other provinces seemed to be relatively low.
B.preventive C.prevention
D. preventing

5.What can be done to protect people from………….disasters?
A. environment
B. environmentally
C. environmentalist D. environmental
6. “I have won the gold medal .”- “ ……….”
A. Well done!
B. Oh , no!
C. That’s awful!D. Sure!
7 . BTW stands for……………
A. between
B.both the way
C. let me know
D.by the way
8. Which TV programme ………… at 9p.m tomorrow?
A.did you watch B.will you watch
C. will you be watching D. do you watch
II. Write the correct form of verbs or words ( 1 mark ) :
1.There was a ……………….eruption in The philippines yesterday.( volcano)
2.There is a good…………………..that they will win.(possible)
3.This time next month he ……………………a new language. (learn)
4.Water pollution……………. mainly by industrial waste and sewage from households.( cause)
1.Fill in the blank with ONE correct word from the list ( 1 mark ) :
A powerful ___________(1)struck the north-east of Japan at 4 p.m. last Monday. _________(2)Japan has the most
advanced warning system, there had been no early warning for this one and people were not prepared. Suddenly the

ground started __________(3). The shaking continued for a few minutes and became stronger. People began running
_________(4) from buildings as walls started to collapse.
2. Read the passage and answer the questions ( 2 marks ) :
Alexander Graham Bell is widely known as the inventor of the first telephone.He was born on March 3 rd,1847 in
Edinburgh,Scotland.When he was 23,Bell emigrated to Canada with his parents and the next year moved to the
United States to teach deaf-mute children.He took great interest in transmitting the human voice.With his colleague
Thomas Watson, Bell worked very hard on the experimentation to invent devices such as the harmonic
telegraph( used to send multiple messages overa single write ) and phonautograph( used to draw the shape of the
sound waves).The first telephone communication was said to have happened between Bell and Watson in 1876 while
Bell was at one end of the line , and Watson worked on the telephone in another room. The first transmitted words
were,” Mr Watson , come here I want to see you.”

1.Who is Alexander Graham Bell?......................................................................................................
2. When did he move to Canada?.....................................................................................................
3. What was he interested in ?.....................................................................................................
4. What was the first telephone communication ?............................................................................
IV. Writing : ( 2 marks ):
A.Put the following parts in their correct placeto make an email.(1m)
-Thank you very much
- Please find attached my essay for week 30
-Essay submission week 30.
-Best regards,
-My name is Le Thien An and I am a student from class 8/2
-Dear Teacher,
Subject: Essay submission week 30.
Attachment: ThienAn8/2essayW30

B.Write complete sentences as directed (1m)
1.I went to see it because I / tell / it was a good film / all my friends.
2.The film had started before we got to the cinema.
V. Listen :(2ms)
Part 1 Listen to Nguyen talking with his friend Phong, who has just come back from a visit to Singapore and
decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)(1m)

Phong was told of some environmental rules before he started his tour.
People would be fined if they littered.
Officers on duty can easily be recognised.

You would have to pay $500 if you spat out chewing gum in the street.

Part 2 : listen and fill in the blank with the correct word.(1m)
Yesterday, a terrible storm (1)…………….the rural areaof Ha Giang Province..Villagers rushed into public shelters
as soon as the volcano(2).................. .Hundreds of buildings were completely destroyed when the
earthquake ................(3) the city.The mudslide ………….. (4)the whole village whilepeople were still sleeping in
their houses.

The end

SCHOOL : …….
CLASS : 8TD / ……
NAME : ……………………

Time : 45 minutes

Mark :


I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence or do the task as directed : ( 2 marks)
1. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others .
A. collapse
B. scatter
C.volcano D.verbal
2. Choose the word whose stress doesn’t belong to the group .
B. electronicC.scientific
3. Choose the incorrect part indicated by A, B,C or D in the following sentence .
He is planning going on a trip to Ha Long Bay next summer.

4. Thousands of buildings and houses were completely destroyed when the earthquake……. the city.
A. fought
B. struck
D. arrived
5. I hope you ………….when I arrive at 7p.m today.
A. didn’t work
B.won’t be working
C. was not working D. don’t work
6. Emergency teams are still removing the ……… from the plane crash.
A. debris
B.dirt C.dust
7 . “ They are buying a villa near the sea” _ “…………... ”
A.That’s awful!
B. How wonderful C.Oh, no
D. sure
8. “C U2nite ”stands for………..
A.see you tomorrow
B.see you two nights
C. see you tonight
D.come here two nights
II. Write the correct form of verbs or words ( 1 mark ) :
1. They ………………………(play) football at 10a.m tomorrow morning.
2. Radio waves…………………….. ( discover ) by Heinrich Hertz.
3. She has become a big name in documentary ……………………… ( photo)
4. Communicating by expressing your thoughts with words is called………….. commmunication.(verb)
1.Fill in the blank with ONE correct word from the list ( 1 mark ) :

A tornado ___________(1) a small town in Missouri at 9 a.m. yesterday. People said the sky darkened very
quickly. The winds were______(2) strong that trees, cars and even houses were picked ______(3)and carried for
miles. As local TV and radio stations had issued an early warning, most of the residents had had time to ______(4)shelter

underground or in basements.
2. Read the passage and answer the questions ( 2 marks ) :
Alexander Graham Bell is widely known as the inventor of the first telephone.He was born on March 3 rd ,1847 in
Edinburgh,Scotland.When he was 23,Bell emigrated to Canada with his parents and the next year moved to the
United States to teach deaf-mute children.He took great interest in transmitting the human voice.With his colleague
Thomas Watson, Bell worked very hard on the experimentation to invent devices such as the harmonic telegraph
( used to send multiple messages overa single write ) and phonautograph( used to draw the shape of the sound
waves).The first telephone communication was said to have happened between Bell and Watson in 1876 while Bell
was at one end of the line , and Watson worked on the telephone in another room. The first transmitted words were,”
Mr Watson , come here I want to see you.”
1. Who invented the telephone?........................................................................................................................

2.When did Bell emigrate to Canada?................................................................................................................
3. Who did he teach when he moved to the USA?...............................................................................................
4. What were the first transmitted words?..........................................................................................................
IV. Writing : ( 2 marks ):
A.Put the following parts in their correct placeto make an email.(1m)
-Thank you very much
- Please find attached my essay for week 30
-Essay submission week 30.

-Best regards,
-My name is Le Thien An and I am a student from class 8/2
-Dear Teacher,
Subject: Essay submission week 30.
Attachment: ThienAn8/2essayW30
B.Write complete sentences as directed (1m)
1.At the surgery yesterday, I / examineDr.Peter / and I / give/ prescription
2.She had finish her work before she went shopping.
V. Listen :(2ms)
Part 1 Listen to Nguyen talking with his friend Phong, who has just come back from a visit to Singapore and
decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)(1m)

Phong was told of some environmental rules before he started his tour.
People would be fined if they littered.
Officers on duty can easily be recognised.

You would have to pay $500 if you spat out chewing gum in the street.

Part 2 : listen and fill in the blank with the correct word.(1m)
Yesterday, a terrible storm (1)…………….the rural areaof Ha Giang Province..Villagers rushed into public shelters
as soon as the volcano(2).................. .Hundreds of buildings were completely destroyed when the
earthquake ................(3) the city.The mudslide ………….. (4)the whole village whilepeople were still sleeping in
their houses.

The end

NĂM HỌC 2015-2016
I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence or do the task as directed : ( 2 marks)
1.D 2. B. 3. A 4.C. 5. B 6. D. 7 .A 8. A.
II. Write the correct form of verbs or words ( 1 mark ) :
1. pollutant 2. poisonous 3. would wear 4. lasts
1. Fill in the blank with ONE correct word from the list ( 1 mark ) :
1. inside
2. many 3.a
4. includes
2. Read the passage and answer the questions ( 2 marks ) :
a. (Scotland is )in the north of Great Britain.
b. its historic centuries-old castles.
c. the telephone, the television, penicillin and the raincoat.
d. Edinburgh
IV. Writing : write complete sentences as directed ( 2 marks ):
1.If he didn't work in a noisy office , he would not have a headache.

2. Because of the dangerous acid rain, trees' leaves are damaged.
3. The number of English speakers in the world is increasing fast.
4. The Chernobyl nuclear made the area uninhabitable.
V. Listen ( 2 marks ) :
A. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5.F
B. 1) 9.30 2) 12.30 3) 4.00 4) 4.15
The end
I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence or do the task as directed : ( 2 marks)
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. D
II. Write the correct form of verbs or words ( 1 mark ) :
1. pollutants 2.contaminate3. attracts 4. is ẹnjoying
1.Fill in the blank with ONE correct word from the list ( 1 mark ) :
1. visited
2. increasing 3. celebrates 4. dance
2. Read the passage and answer the questions ( 2 marks ) :
1.It is famous for its rich culture as well as its amazing natural beauty.
2. Legend says that some of them are haunted by ghosts.
3. the piping, drumming, and dancing.
4. the first female medical student in Great Britain .
IV. Writing : write complete sentences as directed ( 2 marks ):
1. If there were / was no war , people would live more happily.
2. Radioactive pollution is very dangerous since it can cause abnormal growth. ( since )
3. New York is the biggest city in the USA but not the capital.
4. Too much carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) in the atmosphere causes global warming.
V. Listen ( 2 marks ) :
A. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5.F
B. 1) 9.30 2) 12.30 3) 4.00 4) 4.15

A. 1. According to scientific research, tiny species may help clean radioactive pollution.
2.Water quality has become a national problem.

3.Many people have received medical treatment because of the disease.
4.Chemical waste can cause water pollution.
5.The reduction in air pollution was dramatic last year.
B. Good morning. I hope you all had a good sleep. We are now heading for Wanaka. We arrive at the first
destination, Puzzling World at 9.30. The first puzzling thing which welcomes you is the Leaning Tower. When you
get inside the spacious café, you will find yourself among various wooden puzzles and games. The Illusion Room is a
must-see as there's nothing else like it in the world. Puzzling World is possibly the most photographed attraction in
New Zealand.
At 12.30 we leave for Lake Wanaka, New Zealand's fourth largest lake. This ‘natural paradise’ has something for
everyone. Adventure lovers may follow the biking and walking tracks through the park. Relaxation seekers may stay
by the lake, taking a boat ride, or just sitting and watching its changing beauty. We meet up at 4 o'clock and the bus
leaves at exactly 4.15.1 hope...

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