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Năm học: 2021 – 2022
Môn: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian: 150 phút (Không kể giao đề)

(Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi này
và không được sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu nào)

(Đề thi có 05 trang)
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Giám khảo số 1
Giám khảo số 2

Số phách


A. LISTENING (3.0 pts)
I. Listen and fill in the gaps with the words you hear. You will listen to the tape twice.
I live in Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls is a (1) place. A lot of tourists visit here every
year. Most of the tourists come to see the waterfalls. The waterfalls are very beautiful and
(2). At night, they shinelights on the falls that make them even more dramatic. Tourists line
up against the railings to watch the water as it tumbles into the Niagara River.
There are (3) things in Niagara Falls that the tourists like to visit.
There are a lot of (4) shops and museums.
There are many hotels that the tourists can stay at. Tourism is very important to
Niagara Falls. Many people work in the tourism (5)
There are many jobs in the tourism industry.
You can take a special bus and (6) Niagara Falls.
You can ride in a horse-drawn carriage in Niagara-on-the-Lake, or you can take a
balloon ride over the falls from the American side.
You can even ride in a helicopter (7) the falls.
Niagara Falls is very busy in the summertime.
Summer is the time when most (8) visit here.
Sometimes the tourists think it raining near the falls, but it is only the mist that rises
from the mighty waterfalls.
There are many legends and stories (9) to Niagara Falls.
There is a special legend called "The Maid of the Mist."
There are stories about the daredevils who (10) that they were more powerful than
the falls.
Some of them went over the falls in barrels, and others walked on tightropes over
the falls.
Both of those things are very (11)
I stay behind the railings when I look at the falls. I know just how powerful the falls are.
It is interesting to (12) all the stories that there are about Niagara Falls.


1. .......................
5. .......................
9. .......................

2. ........................
6. ........................
10. ......................

3. ........................
7. ........................
11. ......................

4. ........................
8. ........................
12. ......................

B. PHONETICS (2.0 pts)
II. Choose one word of which the underlined part is pronounced differently from
others (1.0 pt)
13. A. ocean
14. A. sorrow
15. A. typist
16. A. chat

B. convenient
B. pillow
B. typical
B. panic

Đề thi HSG lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh, năm học 2021-2022

C. precious
C. allow
C. typing
C. park

D. official
D. follow
D. stylish
D. passenger
Trang 1/5

Your answers:

13. ................

14. ................

15. ................

16. ................

III. Choose the word whose stress pattern is placed differently from the others’ (1.0 pt)
17. A. public
18. A. prefer
19. A. technical
20. A. promise

B. enjoy
B. classmate
B. department
B. improve

C. player
C. Christmas
C. chemical
C. parents

D. problem
D. neighbor
D. dangerous
D. physics

Your answers:
17. ................ 18. ................ 19. ................ 20. ................
IV. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (2.5 pts)
21. The little boy wishes he ...................... a superman in the future.
A. be
B. is
C. was
D. could be
22. Unless Hoa ...................... more goods, she wouldn’t get much commission.
A. sell
B. sells
C. sold
D. selling

23. Everyone here has been to Sapa, ......................?
A. haven’t they
B. hasn’t he
C. hasn’t they
D. has he
24. I was named …………... a wealthy relative of my Mom’s.
A. after
B. to
C. as
D. in on
25. We didn’t ............... to the station in time to catch the train.
A. get
B. reach
C. arrive
D. approach
26. We decided not to go camping because of the ……… rain.
A. great
B. strong
C. heavy
D. extra
27. The students have got ……….. news about their exams.
A. many
B. some
C. few
D. a few
28. This is the second time …………….
A. you are losing your door key
B. you've lost your door key
C. you were losing your door key
D. your door key was lost by you

29. The girl ...................... is my neighbour.
A. talks to the lady over there
B. is talking to the lady over there
C. was talking to the lady over there
D. talking to the lady over there
30. - Hoang: “Can I use your car this afternoon?” - Thinh: “......................”.
A. Of course, you can
B. Of course, you might
C. It’s my pleasure
D. Do it if you can

21. ...............
26. ...............

22. ...............
27. ...............

23. ...............
28. ...............

24. ............... 25. ...............
29. ................ 30. ..............

V. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that is incorrect.(1.25 pts)
31. I haven’t visited my grandparents when they returned to the countryside.

32. He said that he was working for a foreign company in the city center now.
33. He apologized about not coming to the meeting.
34. We were advised not drinking the water in the bottle.
35. He has made a lot of mistakes in his writing because his carelessness.
Your answers



Đề thi HSG lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh, năm học 2021-2022




Trang 2/5

VI. Supply the appropriate form of the words in brackets (1.0 pts)
36. Please help me, Ba! I can’t find the (solve) to this maths problem.
37. The government has promised to deal with the problem of (employ) among young people.
38. You’d be (patient) if you had been waiting for two hours.
39. Travelling by public transport is very (attract) as there are long delays.
Your answers:

36. .....................

37. ....................

38. ....................

39. ....................

D. READING (6.25 pts)
VII. Choose the word (A,B,C or D) that best fits each space in the passage (2.5 pts)
Water is one of our most precious resources; put it simply, without water there would
be no life. Unfortunately, many of us seem to have (40) this fact, and as a result the world is
(41) the danger of running out of water. The actual (42) of water on earth has changed little

since the time of dinosaurs. The problem has been (43) by people’s misuse of our water
supply. This not only means that we have polluted our rivers and seas, but also that we are
(44) a great deal of this precious resource. Unfortunately the destruction of the rain forests
has (45) this problem worse since much of the rain that falls is lost because it runs off into
the sea. The population of the earth is increasing daily, so it is vital that we (46) a solution to
this problem before it is too late. The first step is to educate people, especially by reminding
them of the (47) of water. For most of us it is available whenever we require it, whether to
bathe in or to drink, so we seldom bother to think about it. People then (48) thought how to
reuse bath or shower for household cleaning. Whatever methods we decide to use, we must
comprehend the worth (49) water and how we can conserve it.
40. A. looked over
B. omitted
C. forgotten
D. missed
41. A. facing
B. witnessing
C. viewing
D. noticing
42. A. sum
B. total
C. number
D. amount
43. A. brought out
B. caused
C. done
D. happened
44. A. exploiting
B. wasting
C. spending
D. throwing

45. A. caused
B. done
C. created
D. made
46. A. recover
B. work
C. find
D. come up
47. A. value
B. cost
C. price
D. wealth
48. A. need to be
B. needs to be
C. need be
D. need been
49. A. in
B. of
C. to
D. from

40. ...............
45. ...............

41. .................
46. .................

42. .................

47. .................

43. .................
48. .................

44. ..............
49. ..............

VIII. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D (1.25 pts)
When you enter the supermarkets, you see shelves full of food. You walk in the aisles
between the shelves. You push a shopping cart and put your food in it.
You probably hear soft, slow music as you walk along the aisles. If you hear fast
music, you walk quickly. The supermarket plays slow music, you walk slowly and have
more time to buy things.
Maybe you go to the meat department first. There is some meat on sale, and you
want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where customers enter the meat
department. The cheaper meat is at the other end of the meat department, away from where
the customers enter. You have to walk by all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper
meat. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of the meat on sale.
Đề thi HSG lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh, năm học 2021-2022

Trang 3/5

The dairy department sells milk and milk products such as butter and cheese. Many
customers like milk that has only little butterfat in it. One store has three different containers
of low fat milk. One says ‘1% fat’ on the container. The second says ‘99 percent (99%) fat
free’. The third says ‘Low fat’ in big letters and 1% in small letters. As you can see, all the
milk has the same amount of fat. The milk is all the same. The amount of milk in each
container is also the same. However, in this store, they cost three different amounts of

Maybe the customers will buy the milk that costs the most.
50. What is the main topic of this passage?
A. How different kinds of food are arranged in supermarkets.
B. Soft, slow music makes people buy more in supermarkets.
C. The supermarket is designed to make you buy things.
D. Be sure not to be deceived in supermarkets
51. The manager knows __________.
A. which customers like low fat milk
B. which customers like slow music
C. where customers enter the meat department
D. where customers come from
52. When you walk by the expensive meat __________ .
A. maybe you will buy some
B. maybe you will buy low fat milk
C. you will look for fresh food
D. you will walk on the shelves
53. The word “they” in the last paragraph means ______.
A. the customers
B. the managers of the supermarket
C. the containers of low fat milk
D. the food in the supermarket
54. There are three different containers of low fat milk.
A. One has 99 percent of butterfat.
B. They all cost the same amount of money.
C. One has less fat than the others.
D. They all have the same amount of fat.
Your answers
50. .............. 51. .............. 52. .............. 53. .............. 54. ..............
IX. Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks to make meaningful passage (2.5 pts)






Everyone is becoming aware that the environment is a serious issue. However, we
have not done (55) to deal with this problem because we seem to wait for governments to
(56) actions. In my opinion, individuals can do many things to help (57) the problem. To
begin (58), we can be more responsible in the (59) we dispose of waste. We should not
throw rubbish into lakes and (60). Moreover, we also need to (61) the water we use. Fresh
water (62) drinking is running out in many (63) of the world. Finally, I think that if we use
(64) transport more we can reduce air pollution in cities.

55. ...............
60. ...............

56. .................
61. .................

57. .................
62. .................

58. .................
63. .................

59. ..............
64. ..............

D. WRITING (4.0 pts)
X. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first (1.0 pts)
65. If nobody puts some more coal in, the fire will go out.
- Unless ......................................................................................................................................
66. The underground is quick and cheap.
- The underground is not............................................................................................................
67. The keepers feed the lions at 3 pm every day.
- The lions ........................................................................................................................... ..
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Trang 4/5

68. “Why don’t we go out for a while?”
- He suggested ..........................................................................................................................
XI. Circle the sentences (A, B, C or D) that has the closest meaning with the sentence
given (1.0 pt)
69. He only feels happy whenever he doesn’t have much work to do.
A. The more he works, the happier he feels
B. He feels happier and happier with his job

C. The less he works, the happier he feels
D. His work makes him feel happy.
70. Neither Jane nor Susan can dance well.
A. Both Jane and Susan can dance well.
B. Jane can’t dance well and Susan can’t either.
C. Jane can’t dance well but Susan can
D. Susan can’t dance well but Jane can.
71. The last time I saw Rose was three years ago.
A. I haven’t seen Rose three years ago.
B. I haven’t seen Rose since three years
C. I haven’t seen Rose for three years.
D. I hasn’t seen Rose for three years.
72. “Let’s go on a walking holiday!” said Jane.
A. Jane allowed us to go on a walking holiday
B. Jane invited us to go on a walking holiday
C. Jane wanted us to go on a walking holiday
D. Jane suggested going on a walking holiday
Your answers

69. ..............

70. .............

71. ..............

72. ..............

XII. 73-80 (2.0 pts) More and more people in many countries in the world died of COVID19. What do you think about it? Write a paragraph in about 120 to 150 words.


Đề thi HSG lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh, năm học 2021-2022

Trang 5/5


The end

NĂM HỌC: 2021 – 2022

0,25 pt for each correct answer
A. LISTENING (3.0 pts)
I. Listen and fill in the gaps with the words you hear.
1. famous
5. industry
9. connected

2. powerful
6. tour
10. thought

3. other
7. over
11. dangerous

4. gift
8. tourists
12. discover

B. PHONETICS (2.0 pts)
II. Choose one word of which the underlined part is pronounced differently from
others (1.0 pt)
13. B

14. C

15. B

16. C

III. Choose the word whose stress pattern is placed differently from the others’ (1.0 pt)
17. B

18. A

19. B

20. B

IV. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (2.5 pts)
21. D
26. C

22. C
27. B

23. A
28. B

24. A
29. D

25. A

30. A

V. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that is incorrect.(1.25 pts)
31. B

32. D

33. B

34. B

35. D

VI. Supply the appropriate form of the words in the brackets (1.0 pts)
36. solution

37. unemployment

38. impatient

39. unattractive

D. READING (6.25 pts)
VII. Choose the word (A,B,C or D) that best fits each space in the passage (2.5 pts)
40. C
45. D

41. A
46. C

42. D
47. A

43. B
48. A

44. B
49. B

VIII. Read the passage below and choose the best answer from A, B, C, or D (1.25 pts)
50. C

51. C

52. A

Đề thi HSG lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh, năm học 2021-2022

53. C

54. D
Trang 6/5

IX. Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks to make meaningful passage (2.5 pts)
55. much
60. rivers

56. take
61. save

57. solve
62. for

58. with
63. parts

59. way
64. public

D. WRITING (4.0 pts)
X. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first (1.0 pts)
65. Unless someone (somebody) puts some more coal in, the fire will go out.
66. The underground is not only quick but also cheap.
67. The lions are fed at 3 pm every day (by the keepers)
68. He suggested going out for a while.
XI. Circle the sentences (A, B, C or D) that has the closest meaning with the sentence
given (1.0 pt)
69. C

70. B

71. C

72. D

XII. 73 – 80 (2.0 pts) More and more people in many countries in the world died of
COVID-19. What do you think about it? Write a paragraph in about 120 to 150 words.
The end

Đề thi HSG lớp 9 môn Tiếng Anh, năm học 2021-2022

Trang 7/5

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