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unit 13 speaking lop 11 sach cu

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Nghia Hanh No 2 Upper Secondary School
11( The second semester)
Week: 29

Teaching plan English

Date: 13/03/2019
Unit 13: HOBBIES
Lesson 3: Speaking

I. Objectives:
1. Education aims: - To help students practice speaking about their hobbies.
2. Knowledge:
a. General knowledge: - know more about some kinds of hobby
b. Language: - Helping students make their dialogue.
3. Skills: - improve speaking skill.
II. Method: Communicative approach.
III. Teaching aids: Poster, pictures, hand outs, cassette players.
IV. Procedures:
1. Stabilization: (1 min)
2. New lesson:
7 mins

Teacher’s activities
Warm-up: Miming Game(7 mins)

Students’ activities

Teacher gives instruction: “First, I would like

to divide class into two teams: team A and
team B. The representatives of each team will
in turn choose a piece of paper and try to
express it to your group by using the body
language, the rest of the team will guess what
the word in the paper is. If your answer is
correct, you will guess one mark, if your
answer is wrong, another team will have right
to answer. Which team has more correct
answer will be the winner”.

WORDS: mountain-climbing, fishing, swimming,
dancing, playing soccer, playing tennis.

- Pay attention

Teacher checks students’ understanding of

+ “Who will explain the words??”

- each member of two
teams guess the answers

+ “How do you explain the words?”
+ “What happen if you guess the wrong answer?”

Give time for students to play the game.


Check students’ work and give feedback.


Lead-in: “Our lesson today is about Hobbies”

I. Pre-speaking: ( 8 mins)
8 mins

Teaching vocabulary:
- Teacher elicits and presents new words:
+ second-hand (adj) /ˈsekənd/ /hænd/ : cũ, dùng lại
“What is the antonym of “brand-new”? (antonym)
+ classify (v) /ˈklæsɪfaɪ/ : phân loại
“I have so many books. I have to put them in different
places. So, what do I do?” (explanation)
+ category (n) /ˈkætəɡəri/ : loại
“What is another word for “type”?” (Synonym)
+ organize (v) /ˈɔːɡənaɪz/ : sắp xếp
“What is another word for “arrange”?” (Synonym)
+ landscape (n) /ˈlændskeɪp/: phong cảnh
“How do you say “phong cảnh” in English?

Write down and


guess the meaning, answer

- T pronounces each word 2 times.

the questions.

- Asks students to repeat chorally.

- Copy down on the

- Calls some students to repeat individually.
- Checking vocabulary: rub out and remember.
While – speaking( 18 mins)
Task 1: Lan is talking to Huong about her hobby of
collecting books. Practice reading the dialogue ( 9

- Pronounce the words in
chorus then in individual.

- Ask SS to read the dialogue in silence.
18 mins


Ask SS to work in pairs to act out the dialogue -

Go around the class and help SS with difficult words.

- Read the dialogue in


Call on 1 or 2 pairs to read the dialogue.

- Work in pairs to act out


Correct SS’ pronunciation and intonation.

the dialogue


After SS have finished reading, T ask them to

- 1 or 2 pairs to read the

pay attention to the questions in the dialogue and tell


them the structure.
- Listen attentively to the


What's your hobby?


Could you tell me how to collect …?


Where do you buy …?


How do you organize …?


Why do you collect…?


What do you plan to do next?


Task 2: Use following suggestions to make a similar
dialogue about collecting stamps.( 9 mins).
9 mins


Explain the requirement of the task.


Show the suggestions.
How to collect stamps

- Listen to the teacher.

- Using the suggestions on
the board to make a

How to organize stamps

Where to keep stamps
Why to collect stamps
Plan for the future

dialogue about collecting
- Some pairs talk aloud.
- Self-correction.
Sample dialogue.
A: What is your hobby,
B: Well, I like collecting

A: Could you tell me how
you collect your stamps?
B: Well, this must be done
regularly. Whenever a new
kind of stamp is issued. I

buy it immediately. And I
ask my friends, inland or
overseas, to give me the
stamps in their countries.
Sometimes I exchange my
stamps with my friends'.
A: How do you organize
your collection?
according to the countries
or to the categories:
animals, plants, flowers,...
A: What do you plan to do
next, Nam?
B: I think I’ll continue to
make my collection richer
and richer.

- Work in pair
- Ask and answer.

8 mins

III. Post- speaking ( 8 mins)
Discussion (10’)

Ask students to work in pairs and discussion
about their hobbies


Review some structures:

+ “What is your first hobby?”
+ “My first hobby is …”
+ “Why do you like it?”
+ “Because it is interesting/ useful/ good for my
health/ … makes me feel glad/ comfortable/ …

Give time for students to do the task


Ask 1 – 2 pairs to perform their work

- Do task at home.


Give feedback

IV.Homework (1 min)
1 min

- Learn by heart new words.
- Prepare new lesson Listening

V. Evaluation:
Training teacher

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