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(Đề thi gồm: 05 trang)

Mơn: TIẾNG ANH – ĐÊ SỐ 262
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát

Ho va tên thi sinh:……………………………………………………………………. SBD:…………………………
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 01: A. commodity B. feasibility
C. heredity
D. activity
Question 02: A. abdomen B. reference
C. impotence
D. abhorence
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 03: She makes a point of keeping all her shopping receipts.
A. takes note of
B. bewares of
C. takes particular care to D. pays attention to
Question 04: All information will be treated as strictly confidential.
A. private
B. covered up
C. secret
D. hidden
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 05 to 09.

It used to be that people saved for a rainy day, now many people simply ( 05)________ for
their credit card. Credit is something that was almost unheard of in the past. If someone couldn’t
afford something they went (06)________ it. People saved up for whatever they wanted to buy, by
putting their money into the bank or even under the mattress, until they had enough. However,
much of the modern world’s economic growth has been largely (07)________ to a system of credit
enabling people to buy goods and services and pay for them later.
The trouble with credit is that some people (08)________ more than they can pay back. It is a
particular problem when the interest rate goes up and people find they cannot afford the
repayments. In some cases they end up owing considerably more money than they borrowed in
the first place, because of the interest charges. Some people are nervous about falling into this
trap. They refuse to use credit at all for goods and services and always pay in cash. However,
(09)________ these people may have a mortgage, which is a loan to buy a house. Many people see
buying their own house as an investment for the future that will protect them from a rainy day in
every sense!
[From STARLIGHT 11, Student’s Book, Express Publishing, 2011]
Question 05: A. catch
B. touch
C. stretch
D. reach
Question 06: A. for
B. with
C. without
D. against
Question 07: A. because
B. despite
C. through
D. due
Question 08: A. borrow
B. give

C. lend
D. ask
Question 09: A. yet
B. even
C. only
D. either
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 10: After hearing the news of the defeat, she told supporters not to be downhearted.
A. weak and ill
B. high-spirited
C. unhappy and hopeless D. upset
Question 11: The business went belly up after only six months.
A. developed
B. flourished
C. failed
D. extended
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 12: The athlete was disqualified from the tournament for participant in an illegal
A. disqualified from B. The
C. for
D. participant

Question 13: Diamonds have the unique ability to allow the passage of neither infrared and visible
light. A. and
B. neither
C. ability

D. have
Question 14: Before the nineteenth century, it was rarely to find organised systems of adult
A. was
B. rarely
C. systems of
D. Before
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 15: ~ Larry: “Has anyone got a spare pen? ~ Ashley: "____________"
A. Yes, it’s me.
B. OK. This one’s free for you.
C. Here you are.
D. Me, too.
Question 16: ~ Robert: "Do I take the pizza out of the oven now, Mum? ~ Rebecca: "____________"
A. OK. Plug off the power and wash it under the faucet.
B. Yes. Just add some pepper and salt, and let it boil for ten minutes.
C. Yes, but use gloves to lift it. It's really hot.
D. No. Dad had put it in the toilet.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 17 to 24.
He has been called ‘The King of Rubbish’, ’The Rubbish Architect’ and most recently ’The
Rubbish Warrior’. Michael Reynolds doesn't just collect rubbish and recycle it; he turns it into
sustainable green homes known as ‘earth-ships’. These eco-friendly houses are made from natural
and recycled materials. Anything from old tyres, glass, plastic bottles and tins to old electrical
appliances and cars are used as building materials. The homes are self-sufficient with solar panels
and wind turbines to generate electricity. They also have rainwater collection systems and a
constant inside temperature that allows residents to grow a small vegetable and fruit garden
indoors. All these design factors contribute to the total independence of the home by using natural

resources. By providing their own power and water, operation costs of these earth-ships are low
with little to no utility bills. Building materials are also inexpensive, making these homes
affordable for everyone.
Trained as an architect, Michael responded to concerns back in the 1970s about the ever
increasing rubbish problem and environmental crisis by building sustainable homes out of the
rubbish. ‘Thirty five years ago I saw dark clouds on the horizon... Lots of people also saw the
environmental crisis coming but weren’t inspired to do anything. They thought I was a fool going
to the dump and recycling rubbish before recycling even existed,’ Michael says, looking back. Well,
no one is laughing at him anymore. After years of being snubbed by the architectural community
and battling outdated building laws, Michael’s work is now being taken very seriously. He started
with building homes for himself and like-minded people in New Mexico. The owners appreciated
the homes and understood their importance but publicly they were still seen as radicals. The
value of Michael’s work came into the spotlight when he and his team were invited to the
tsunami hit area of the Bay of Bengal in 2004. Michael and his team passed on their knowledge to
the desperate people there while at the same time building several critical shelters with the tons
of rubbish left behind from the disaster.
This provided Michael with the opportunity to experiment and create some of his most
inspired designs while not being restricted by building regulations. The homes are earthquakeand hurricane-proof and built to collect rainwater. Michael and his crew have visited other
disaster areas to help rebuild communities including areas hit by hurricane Katrina and more
recently the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. As word catches on, his designs have spread to every
corner of the globe. Michael has even created a name for his type of work, ’biotecture’ to describe
the designing of buildings with the goal of sustainability. According to Michael it’s a sort of
‘combination of biology and architecture’ that addresses a number of serious problems now facing
mankind. When rubbish becomes the building material, less waste goes to overburdened landfill
sites. Shortages of water and energy are eased when households create their own supply.
Michael calls himself and others working like him ' biotects’ and sees their creations not
just as homes but as an alternative way of living. “Earth-ships are a model of the future that goes
beyond house and architecture," he explains. Residents become an active part of their local

ecosystem, living hand in hand with nature and not just consuming it. It’s a sustainable way of
living that this warrior will continue to fight for.
[From STARLIGHT 8, Workbook, Express
Publishing, 2010]
Question 17: What problem did Michael encounter when he started building earthships?
A. He couldn't find materials.
B. His designs did not comply with building regulations.
C. Nobody wanted his work.
D. Other architects interfered with his work.
Question 18: How did Michael Reynolds get the name the 'Rubbish Warrior'?
A. due to the large amount of recycling he does every day
B. from his use of recycling
C. from being the first to recycle D. because he recycles almost every type of rubbish
Question 19: Michaels believes 'biotecture'__________
A. will solve some important environmental issues.
B. is the answer to all environmental problems.
C. will spread around the world.
D. will solve our energy shortages.
Question 20: The idiom came into the spotlight is synonymous with__________.
A. was no longer secret
B. became more ambitious
C. received a lot of public attention
D. made more profits
Question 21: Michael feels 'biotects'__________
A. create new ecosystems.
B. shouldn't use natural resources,
C. create a new lifestyle.
D. should fight consumerism.
Question 22: 'Earthships'__________
A. do not cost anything to run.

B. can generate their own electricity.
C. recycle their own water.
D. don't consume energy.
Question 23: The word “it” in the last sentence refers to__________.
A. active part
B. ecosystem
C. living hand in hand
D. nature
Question 24: What finally helped Michael's work become accepted?
A. building homes in New Mexico
B. changes in building regulations
C. the architectural community
D. rebuilding after disasters
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 25: Integrating with_________ world's economy, we find ourselves facing important
opportunities and challenges.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. Ø
Question 26: The suspicion of the police was first_________ by an unmarked van parked near the
jeweler's shop.
A. aroused
B. incited
C. awoken
D. stimulated
Question 27: As he walked along the landing, he_________ himself in the mirror at the top of the
A. glanced

B. gazed
C. glimpsed
D. glared
Question 28: If one of the participants in a conversation wonders_________ no real communication
has taken place.
A. what did the other person say
B. what was the other person saying
C. what said the other person
D. what the other person said
Question 29: Helen spoke for so long at the conference that she became_________.
A. inarticulate
B. hoarse
C. dumb
D. speechless
Question 30: A computer is usually chosen because of its simplicity of operation and ease of
maintenance_________ its capacity to store information.
A. the same as
B. the same
C. as well as
D. as well
Question 31: Television has_________ several sports which until recently had only minority interest.
A. inhabited
B. vulgarised
C. populated
D. popularised
Question 32: As I climbed over the wall, a large dog_________ up at me.
A. snarled
B. moaned
C. yelled
D. snorted

Question 33: I'm thinking of changing my job because there are few_________ of promotion.
A. opportunities
B. prospects
C. sources
D. chances

Question 34: Police have_________ to the public to come forward with any information which might
help them in their enquiries.
A. called
B. urged
C. appealed
D. claimed
Question 35: Put plants_________ a window so that they will get enough light.
A. nearly
B. near to
C. near of
D. next to
Question 36: Employers often require that candidates have not only a degree_________.
A. but also two years experience
B. but two years experience
C. also two years experience
D. but more two years experience
Question 37: When Wilson's company was hit by the recession, he decided to take early_________.
A. redeployment
B. resignation
C. redundancy
D. retirement
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 43.

A person who enjoys exploring caves is called a spelunker. Spelunking, or speleology, is the
study of caves. The daring spelunker must face bottomless pits, scale steep rock walls, and crawl
through spaces too small to stand up in. He must cope with darkness, unchanging temperatures,
and mud, mud, mud.
Like mountain climbing, spelunking is carried on in groups, with the emphasis on
teamwork and safety. A spelunker, if he is a scientist in search of accurate information, must have
special skill and endurance as he must get himself in and out of narrow crevices, carrying with
him a good deal of scientific equipment.
There is much to learn from the exploring of caves. Fossils of prehistoric animals and
plants are often found in caves. Anthropologists studying the origins of man have found bones and
wall drawings to increase their knowledge of man's early history.
There are many kinds of caves, all of them interesting to the speleologist. Waves pounding
on cliffs have hollowed out sea caves. Hot lava flowing down the sides of volcanoes has left lava
caves. The melting and freezing of glaciers and icebergs has formed ice caves. The speleollogist
has a wide, exciting, and dangerous field to study.
Question 38: Which of the following is not mentioned as the agent that makes caves?
A. winds
B. glaciers and icebergs
C. volcanoes
D. the sea
Question 39: The phrasal verb “cope with” in the passage is closest in meaning to________.
A. deal with a difficult situation
B. bring light to a place
C. undergo a situation
D. get used to a new situation
Question 40: Which sentence is NOT true?
A. Exploring caves can be difficult and dangerous.
B. Spelunking is something a person must do all by himself.
C. The spelunker's findings are often of interest to the anthropologist.

D. Like the mountain climber, the spelunker must know the techniques of climbing rocks.
Question 41: A spelunker must first be________.
A. an anthropologist B. a historian
C. brave and strong
D. a scientist
Question 42: The word “hollowed out” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to________.
A. roared noisily
B. gave big noise
C. fully covered
D. made
empty space
Question 43: This article as a whole tells us about________.
A. cave dwellers.
B. different kinds of caves.
C. mountain climbing.
D. the science of exploring caves.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 44: A. shrewd
B. stew
C. lewd
D. threw
Question 45: A. bush
B. thrust
C. lust
D. brush
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 46: The estimated increase in population in the city will mean that there won't be enough
housing for everyone.
A. The city will be short of housing for all the people living there due to the anticipated rise
in the number of its inhabitants.
B. The city needs to set aside some housing in case a large number of people move into it in
the near future.
C. Since we've had enough housing in the city so far, we won't be short of accommodation
in the future.
D. The housing shortage the city is suffering is the result of the recent rise in population.
Question 47: Clara has hardly worked since she graduated from university three years ago.
A. If Clara had worked harder in university, she would have found work after she graduated
three years ago.
B. Clara has done very little work during the three years since she graduated from
C. Clara has been working hard for the past three years since graduating from university.
D. It has been hard for Clara to find work since three years ago, when she graduated from
Question 48: It's possible that your computer crashed because of the excessive number of songs you
saved on it.
A. The crash of your computer might have been caused by the fact that you saved too many
songs on it.
B. It turned out that your computer crashed after you saved all those songs on it.
C. You should have known that saving so many songs on your computer would cause it to
D. Your computer wouldn't have crashed if you hadn't saved so many songs on it.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: Henry feared that he would miss his flight to Tokyo. He got to the airport two hours
A. For fear that he would miss his flight to Tokyo, Henry got to the airport two hours earlier.

B. Henry arrived at the airport two hours sooner, because he might be late for his flight to
C. Henry was afraid that he would miss his flight to Tokyo, because he wouldn’t be able to
arrive at the airport till 2 o’clock.
D. Henry’s plane to Tokyo was due to leave at 2 o’clock, but he was so afraid of missing it
that he got to the airport a long time before that.
Question 50: We needn't hurry. There is a delay of about two hours.
A. There is a delay of about two hours; therefore, we won't be in a hurry.
B. We shouldn’t hurry because there is a delay of about two hours.
C. It is not possible for us to hurry because there is a delay of about two hours.
D. It is not necessary to hurry because there is a delay of about two hours.
_________THE END__________
(Đề thi gồm: 05 trang)

Môn: TIẾNG ANH – ĐÊ SỐ 262
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát

Ho va tên thi sinh:……………………………………………………………………. SBD:…………………………
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 01: A. commodity B. feasibility
C. heredity
D. activity
Question 02: A. abdomen B. reference
C. impotence
D. abhorence

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 03: She makes a point of keeping all her shopping receipts.
A. takes note of
B. bewares of
C. takes particular care to D. pays attention to
Question 04: All information will be treated as strictly confidential.
A. private
B. covered up
C. secret
D. hidden
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 05 to 09.
It used to be that people saved for a rainy day, now many people simply ( 05)________ for
their credit card. Credit is something that was almost unheard of in the past. If someone couldn’t
afford something they went (06)________ it. People saved up for whatever they wanted to buy, by
putting their money into the bank or even under the mattress, until they had enough. However,
much of the modern world’s economic growth has been largely (07)________ to a system of credit
enabling people to buy goods and services and pay for them later.
The trouble with credit is that some people (08)________ more than they can pay back. It is a
particular problem when the interest rate goes up and people find they cannot afford the
repayments. In some cases they end up owing considerably more money than they borrowed in
the first place, because of the interest charges. Some people are nervous about falling into this
trap. They refuse to use credit at all for goods and services and always pay in cash. However,
(09)________ these people may have a mortgage, which is a loan to buy a house. Many people see
buying their own house as an investment for the future that will protect them from a rainy day in
every sense!

[From STARLIGHT 11, Student’s Book, Express Publishing, 2011]
Question 05: A. catch
B. touch
C. stretch
D. reach
Question 06: A. for
B. with
C. without
D. against
Question 07: A. because
B. despite
C. through
D. due
Question 08: A. borrow
B. give
C. lend
D. ask
Question 09: A. yet
B. even
C. only
D. either
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 10: After hearing the news of the defeat, she told supporters not to be downhearted.
A. weak and ill
B. high-spirited
C. unhappy and hopeless D. upset
Question 11: The business went belly up after only six months.
A. developed
B. flourished

C. failed
D. extended
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 12: The athlete was disqualified from the tournament for participant in an illegal
A. disqualified from B. The
C. for
D. participant
Question 13: Diamonds have the unique ability to allow the passage of neither infrared and visible
light. A. and
B. neither
C. ability
D. have
Question 14: Before the nineteenth century, it was rarely to find organised systems of adult
A. was
B. rarely
C. systems of
D. Before
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 15: ~ Larry: “Has anyone got a spare pen? ~ Ashley: "____________"
A. Yes, it’s me.
B. OK. This one’s free for you.
C. Here you are.
D. Me, too.
Question 16: ~ Robert: "Do I take the pizza out of the oven now, Mum? ~ Rebecca: "____________"
A. OK. Plug off the power and wash it under the faucet.
B. Yes. Just add some pepper and salt, and let it boil for ten minutes.

C. Yes, but use gloves to lift it. It's really hot.
D. No. Dad had put it in the toilet.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 17 to 24.
He has been called ‘The King of Rubbish’, ’The Rubbish Architect’ and most recently ’The
Rubbish Warrior’. Michael Reynolds doesn't just collect rubbish and recycle it; he turns it into
sustainable green homes known as ‘earth-ships’. These eco-friendly houses are made from natural
and recycled materials. Anything from old tyres, glass, plastic bottles and tins to old electrical
appliances and cars are used as building materials. The homes are self-sufficient with solar panels
and wind turbines to generate electricity. They also have rainwater collection systems and a
constant inside temperature that allows residents to grow a small vegetable and fruit garden
indoors. All these design factors contribute to the total independence of the home by using natural
resources. By providing their own power and water, operation costs of these earth-ships are low
with little to no utility bills. Building materials are also inexpensive, making these homes
affordable for everyone.
Trained as an architect, Michael responded to concerns back in the 1970s about the ever
increasing rubbish problem and environmental crisis by building sustainable homes out of the
rubbish. ‘Thirty five years ago I saw dark clouds on the horizon... Lots of people also saw the
environmental crisis coming but weren’t inspired to do anything. They thought I was a fool going
to the dump and recycling rubbish before recycling even existed,’ Michael says, looking back. Well,
no one is laughing at him anymore. After years of being snubbed by the architectural community
and battling outdated building laws, Michael’s work is now being taken very seriously. He started
with building homes for himself and like-minded people in New Mexico. The owners appreciated
the homes and understood their importance but publicly they were still seen as radicals. The
value of Michael’s work came into the spotlight when he and his team were invited to the
tsunami hit area of the Bay of Bengal in 2004. Michael and his team passed on their knowledge to
the desperate people there while at the same time building several critical shelters with the tons

of rubbish left behind from the disaster.
This provided Michael with the opportunity to experiment and create some of his most
inspired designs while not being restricted by building regulations. The homes are earthquakeand hurricane-proof and built to collect rainwater. Michael and his crew have visited other
disaster areas to help rebuild communities including areas hit by hurricane Katrina and more
recently the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. As word catches on, his designs have spread to every
corner of the globe. Michael has even created a name for his type of work, ’biotecture’ to describe
the designing of buildings with the goal of sustainability. According to Michael it’s a sort of
‘combination of biology and architecture’ that addresses a number of serious problems now facing
mankind. When rubbish becomes the building material, less waste goes to overburdened landfill
sites. Shortages of water and energy are eased when households create their own supply.
Michael calls himself and others working like him ' biotects’ and sees their creations not
just as homes but as an alternative way of living. “Earth-ships are a model of the future that goes
beyond house and architecture," he explains. Residents become an active part of their local
ecosystem, living hand in hand with nature and not just consuming it. It’s a sustainable way of
living that this warrior will continue to fight for.
[From STARLIGHT 8, Workbook, Express
Publishing, 2010]
Question 17: What problem did Michael encounter when he started building earthships?
A. He couldn't find materials.
B. His designs did not comply with building regulations.
C. Nobody wanted his work.
D. Other architects interfered with his work.
Question 18: How did Michael Reynolds get the name the 'Rubbish Warrior'?
A. due to the large amount of recycling he does every day
B. from his use of recycling
C. from being the first to recycle D. because he recycles almost every type of rubbish
Question 19: Michaels believes 'biotecture'__________
A. will solve some important environmental issues.
B. is the answer to all environmental problems.

C. will spread around the world.
D. will solve our energy shortages.
Question 20: The idiom came into the spotlight is synonymous with__________.
A. was no longer secret
B. became more ambitious
C. received a lot of public attention
D. made more profits
Question 21: Michael feels 'biotects'__________
A. create new ecosystems.
B. shouldn't use natural resources,
C. create a new lifestyle.
D. should fight consumerism.
Question 22: 'Earthships'__________
A. do not cost anything to run.
B. can generate their own electricity.
C. recycle their own water.
D. don't consume energy.
Question 23: The word “it” in the last sentence refers to__________.
A. active part
B. ecosystem
C. living hand in hand
D. nature
Question 24: What finally helped Michael's work become accepted?
A. building homes in New Mexico
B. changes in building regulations
C. the architectural community
D. rebuilding after disasters
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

Question 25: Integrating with_________ world's economy, we find ourselves facing important
opportunities and challenges.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. Ø
Question 26: The suspicion of the police was first_________ by an unmarked van parked near the
jeweler's shop.
A. aroused
B. incited
C. awoken
D. stimulated
Question 27: As he walked along the landing, he_________ himself in the mirror at the top of the
A. glanced
B. gazed
C. glimpsed
D. glared
Question 28: If one of the participants in a conversation wonders_________ no real communication
has taken place.
A. what did the other person say
B. what was the other person saying
C. what said the other person
D. what the other person said
Question 29: Helen spoke for so long at the conference that she became_________.
A. inarticulate
B. hoarse
C. dumb
D. speechless
Question 30: A computer is usually chosen because of its simplicity of operation and ease of

maintenance_________ its capacity to store information.
A. the same as
B. the same
C. as well as
D. as well
Question 31: Television has_________ several sports which until recently had only minority interest.
A. inhabited
B. vulgarised
C. populated
D. popularised
Question 32: As I climbed over the wall, a large dog_________ up at me.
A. snarled
B. moaned
C. yelled
D. snorted
Question 33: I'm thinking of changing my job because there are few_________ of promotion.
A. opportunities
B. prospects
C. sources
D. chances
Question 34: Police have_________ to the public to come forward with any information which might
help them in their enquiries.
A. called
B. urged
C. appealed
D. claimed
Question 35: Put plants_________ a window so that they will get enough light.
A. nearly
B. near to
C. near of

D. next to
Question 36: Employers often require that candidates have not only a degree_________.
A. but also two years experience
B. but two years experience
C. also two years experience
D. but more two years experience
Question 37: When Wilson's company was hit by the recession, he decided to take early_________.
A. redeployment
B. resignation
C. redundancy
D. retirement
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 38 to 43.

A person who enjoys exploring caves is called a spelunker. Spelunking, or speleology, is the
study of caves. The daring spelunker must face bottomless pits, scale steep rock walls, and crawl
through spaces too small to stand up in. He must cope with darkness, unchanging temperatures,
and mud, mud, mud.
Like mountain climbing, spelunking is carried on in groups, with the emphasis on
teamwork and safety. A spelunker, if he is a scientist in search of accurate information, must have
special skill and endurance as he must get himself in and out of narrow crevices, carrying with
him a good deal of scientific equipment.
There is much to learn from the exploring of caves. Fossils of prehistoric animals and
plants are often found in caves. Anthropologists studying the origins of man have found bones and
wall drawings to increase their knowledge of man's early history.
There are many kinds of caves, all of them interesting to the speleologist. Waves pounding
on cliffs have hollowed out sea caves. Hot lava flowing down the sides of volcanoes has left lava
caves. The melting and freezing of glaciers and icebergs has formed ice caves. The speleollogist

has a wide, exciting, and dangerous field to study.
Question 38: Which of the following is not mentioned as the agent that makes caves?
A. winds
B. glaciers and icebergs
C. volcanoes
D. the sea
Question 39: The phrasal verb “cope with” in the passage is closest in meaning to________.
A. deal with a difficult situation
B. bring light to a place
C. undergo a situation
D. get used to a new situation
Question 40: Which sentence is NOT true?
A. Exploring caves can be difficult and dangerous.
B. Spelunking is something a person must do all by himself.
C. The spelunker's findings are often of interest to the anthropologist.
D. Like the mountain climber, the spelunker must know the techniques of climbing rocks.
Question 41: A spelunker must first be________.
A. an anthropologist B. a historian
C. brave and strong
D. a scientist
Question 42: The word “hollowed out” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to________.
A. roared noisily
B. gave big noise
C. fully covered
D. made
empty space
Question 43: This article as a whole tells us about________.
A. cave dwellers.
B. different kinds of caves.
C. mountain climbing.

D. the science of exploring caves.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 44: A. shrewd
B. stew
C. lewd
D. threw
Question 45: A. bush
B. thrust
C. lust
D. brush
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 46: The estimated increase in population in the city will mean that there won't be enough
housing for everyone.
A. The city will be short of housing for all the people living there due to the anticipated rise
in the number of its inhabitants.
B. The city needs to set aside some housing in case a large number of people move into it in
the near future.
C. Since we've had enough housing in the city so far, we won't be short of accommodation
in the future.
D. The housing shortage the city is suffering is the result of the recent rise in population.
Question 47: Clara has hardly worked since she graduated from university three years ago.
A. If Clara had worked harder in university, she would have found work after she graduated
three years ago.
B. Clara has done very little work during the three years since she graduated from
C. Clara has been working hard for the past three years since graduating from university.

D. It has been hard for Clara to find work since three years ago, when she graduated from
Question 48: It's possible that your computer crashed because of the excessive number of songs you
saved on it.
A. The crash of your computer might have been caused by the fact that you saved too many
songs on it.
B. It turned out that your computer crashed after you saved all those songs on it.
C. You should have known that saving so many songs on your computer would cause it to
D. Your computer wouldn't have crashed if you hadn't saved so many songs on it.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: Henry feared that he would miss his flight to Tokyo. He got to the airport two hours
A. For fear that he would miss his flight to Tokyo, Henry got to the airport two hours earlier.
B. Henry arrived at the airport two hours sooner, because he might be late for his flight to
C. Henry was afraid that he would miss his flight to Tokyo, because he wouldn’t be able to
arrive at the airport till 2 o’clock.
D. Henry’s plane to Tokyo was due to leave at 2 o’clock, but he was so afraid of missing it
that he got to the airport a long time before that.
Question 50: We needn't hurry. There is a delay of about two hours.
A. There is a delay of about two hours; therefore, we won't be in a hurry.
B. We shouldn’t hurry because there is a delay of about two hours.
C. It is not possible for us to hurry because there is a delay of about two hours.
D. It is not necessary to hurry because there is a delay of about two hours.
_________THE END__________

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