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PART I/ Introduce yourself (1.25 point)
Your teacher will ask you 5 of the following questions? You have 30 seconds to answer in this part.
Giáo viên của bạn sẽ hỏi bạn câu hỏi sau đây? Bạn có 30 giây để trả lời trong phần này.
Good morning teacher! My name is …………, I’m …………. years old. I live at Trieu Phong Village, Quang Son Commune,
Ninh Son District, Ninh Thuan Province with my family: my father, my mother, my brother. I study at Quang Trung
Secondary School. My favorite food is hamburger and fried chicken. I like English best because it’s interesting. After
school, I often watch TV. I like cartoons and children films. My best friend(s) is /are ……………………………………………. In the
future I want to be a teacher. Thanks for your listening.
Questions: (1.25 point)
1. How do you spell your surname name? (Linh)
2. How old are you?
3. Where do you live?
Do you live in town or in a city?
4. Who do you live with?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
How many people are there in your family?
Is he/she older or younger than you?
5. Which school do you go to?
Is your your house near the school?
6 How do you go to school?
Do you walk to school?
7. What’s you favorite food/ drink
Can you cook rice?
8. What’s you favorite subject at school? Why?
9. What do often you do after school/ at recess/ break time?
What are you doing on this weekend?
10. Which sport do you play?
Do you like badminton?
Can you swim?

11. Who’s your best friend?
What does he/she look like?
What’s his/her personality?
12. What job would you like to do in the future?

I’s L-I-N-H /el-ai-en- eiʧ /, Linh … … … … … …
I’m 12/ 13/14 (years old).
I live in the countryside.
I live in a small town.
I live with my family: my father, my mother and my brother.

Yes, I have one brother/ two sisters.
There are 4 (people in my family).
He’s /she’s older/ younger (than me).
I study at Quang Trung Secondary School.
Yes, it’s about 800m/ No, it’s about 3-5km.
I go to school on foot/ by bike…/ I walk to school.
Oh, I like chicken best. My favorite food/ drink is …….
Yes, I can. I often cook rice for my family.
I like …………... best because it’s interesting / easy/ funny.
I talk with my friends, eat junk food or read comics.
I am going visit my grandpa. / play soccer with my friends.
I play chess/ …………
Yes, I love it very much. /Oh, no. This game is so tiring.
Yes, I can swim about 20 meters. /No, I will learn it soon.
It’s Lan. He/ She’s 12, too. / We are the same height/ age.
He' /She’s is tall and thin with a round / a square /an oval
She’s kind and friendly……
I’d like to be a teacher. I love children like me….

PART II/ Questions for topics (1.25 point)
In this part after casting lot to find your topic, your teacher will give you a cue card and ask you to prepare your topics.
You have 5 minutes to note down the head words and your ideas. Then you will be asked to present your preparation
in one minute to answer your topic. Finally, you will be asked to answer futher two questions.
Trong phần này, sau khi bớc thăm để tìm ra chủ đề của bạn, giáo viên của bạn sẽ đưa cho bạn một thẻ gợi ý và yêu cầu
bạn chuẩn bị các chủ đề của bạn. Bạn có 5 phút để ghi lại những từ và ý tưởng quan trọng của bạn. Sau đó, bạn sẽ
được u cầu trình bày sự chuẩn bị của bạn trong một phút để trả lời chủ đề của bạn. Cuối cùng, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu
trả lời thêm hai câu hỏi.

Topic 1: My New School

Can you describe your school?
You should talk about
- its name, location, numbers of students and teachers
- its facilities, surroundings and time to start and finish
- activities students do at school
- what you like and dislike about your school and explain

Now I will tell you about school. (0.75p)
My new school is Quang Trung Secondary School. It’s in the countryside. My school starts at 6.45 and finishes at
11.10. The school has two floors. There are 30 classrooms in my school. There are about one thousand students with
twenty- eight classes. The school has a library, three lab rooms and three computer rooms. Students wear school
uniform every day. There are many green trees in the schoolyard. At break- time, I often chat with my friends or eat
junk food. I love my new school very much because my friends are so friendly and the teachers here are helpful.
Further questions: (0,5p)
1. What is your school’s name?

How do spell it?
2. Where is your school?
Is your school in the city?

My new school is Quang Trung Secondary School.
It’s /kju- ju- ei- en- ʤi- ti- a-en- ʤi/ ; Quang Trung
It’s in the countryside.
No, it’s in the countryside.

3. What time does your school start/ finish?
Does your school start at 6. 45?

My school starts at 6.45 and finishes at 11.10.
Yes, it does.

2. How many teachers are there?
What are they like?

There are about 65 teachers.
They’re kind and helpful.

3. How many students are there?
What are they like?
Do they wear uniform?

There are about one thousand students.
They’re hard working and friendly.
Yes, they do.

4. How do go to school?

Do you walk to school with your friends?

I go to school by bike.
Yes, I do. / No, I ride my bike to school.

5. What games do you play at break time?
Do you like to play outside or inside class then?
6. What do you like about your school?
Why? give your reasons

I often chat and play with my friends or eat junk food.
I like to play outside / inside class at recess.
I like the schoolyard because it’s spacious and cool.
I like the break time because I can play happily.
I like the teachers because they’re so helpful.
I dislike the noise because it’s too crowded with
I dislike the canteen because it doesn’t have delicious
I put trash in to the bins and clean the school yard every

7. What do you dislike about your school?
Why? give your reasons

8. What do you do to keep your school clean?

Topic 2: My House

Can you describe your house?
You should talk about
- location, size, numbers of rooms
- its surroundings and ficilities
- what you like and dislike about your house and
explain why

Now I will tell you about my house (0,75p)
I’d like to tell you about my house. My house is in the country. It’s not very big. In front of the house there is a garden
with beautiful trees and many flowers. it has six rooms: a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two
bedrooms. We put a TV in the living room. I like my bedroom best because it’s cozy and comfortable. My house is far
from my school, so I go to school by bike. I love my house very much because I can enjoy my family warmth after

Further questions: (0,5p)
1. Where is your home?
Is your home in town?
Is your house near your school?
What is there in the neighbourhood?
2. Is your house big or small?
Does your house have a garden?
Are there any tall trees around the house?

My house is in the country.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it’s about 600m. / No, it’s about 3km.
There are other houses and a church.
Oh, I think it’s not very big.
Well, yes, its has a small one.

Actually, there are some tall trees in front.

3. How many rooms are there in your house?
What are there in the living room?

It has six rooms: a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a
bathroom and two bedrooms.
There is a TV, a sofa with a table and some pictures on the wall.
My room is next to the kitchen. / It’s between the living room and
my parents’ room.
Yes, there is one./ No, I don’t have a TV in my room.

4. Where is your room?
Is there a TV set / computer in your room?
5. Which rooms do you like best?
What’s your favourite room?

I like my bedroom best because it’s cozy and comfortable.
I like the living room best because I can watch TV.

6. What can you see from the window?
Can you see the street from the window?

I can see the road, other houses and the mountains from distance.
Yes, of course.

7. How many people are there in your family?
8. Do you like your home? Why or why not?

There are four: My…..

Sure. I love it a lot because I can enjoy my family warmth after

Topic 3: My Friends

Can you describe your best friend?
You should talk about
- his/ her name, age
- his/ her appearance and personality
- his/ her hobbies
- what you like about your friend and explain why

Now I will tell you about my friend (0,75p)
I have a lot friends such as: Man, Binh, Duy, Duyen, Phuoc…However, my best friend is Khanh. He is twelve years old.
He is tall and fat. He has a short hair, dark eyes, a straight nose and thin lips. He likes sports. He does exercises every
morning. After school we often play soccer or badminton together. Khanh is very funny. He always makes me laugh
when I’m sad. So I love him very much.
Further questions: (0,5p)
1. What is your best friend’s name?
Can you spell his/ her name?
2. How old is he / she?
Is he/she taller than you?
Is he/she older than you?
3. What does he/she look like?
Is he/she have a round face?
Is his /her hair short?
4. What’s his/her personality?
Is he/she funny/ creative/ reliable?

3. Who does he/she live with?
Does he/ she have any brothers or sister?
4. Which school does he/she go to?
5. What do you like doing with your friends?
Do you play games with your friends?
6. What games do you play with your friends?
7. Where do you like going with your friends?
Do you like going to the park?
8/ How often do you play with your best friend?

His/ Her name is …………
Yes, it’s … … … … … …
He’s / She’s 12. We are the same age.
Yes, he’s/ she’s much taller than I. / No, we are the
same height. He’s/ She’s younger than me.
He is tall and fat. He has a short hair, dark eyes, a
straight nose and thin lips.
Yes, he is. I like it much. / No, he/she has an oval one.
Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.
He’s/ She’s freedom-loving, curious and funny.
Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.
He/ She lives with the family.
Yes, he/she has two brothers.
He/ She goes to QT Secondary school.
I like chatting with him/her. It’s so funny.
Yes, we often play board games.
We often play board games.
We like go to a sidewalk café for a drink.
Almost every day after school.

Topic 4: My Neighbourhood

Can you describe your best neighbourhood?
You should talk about
- its location, surroundings and facilities
- its sights, people and food
- what you like and dislike about your neighbourhood
and explain why

Now I will tell you about my neighbourhoood (0,75p)
My neighbourhood is in the country. It’s about 30 km to the north of PR city. The people here are friendly. The food is
very cheap and good. Houses here are small, but beautiful. There are some modern buildings, restaurants and cafes. I
like living here because it’s quiet and peaceful. However, there is one I think I dislike about it. There is not any park
nearby. I love my neighbourhood very much.
Further questions: (0,5p)
1 Do you think your town is polluted? Why?
2 Is your house near the market?
What do you often buy there?
3 Do you like living in the country? Why?
4 Do you like living in the city? Why?
5 What’s the weather like in your hometown?
6 Where is your neighbourhood?
Is your neighbourhood in the town or country?
7 Does your neighbourhood have any changes?
8 What are the people in your neighbourhood like?
Are they friendly?

→ No, I don’t. Because there is little traffic and there

are only some factories in my neighbourhood .
No, it isn’t.
I often buy some vegetables.
Yes, because the air is fresh .
No, because life in the city is very busy and noisy.
It’s often hot, sunny and hardly rainy .
My neighbourhood is in the country. It’s about 30 km to
the north of PR city.
Yes, there are more new houses than before. The roads
are wider, too.
The people here are friendly.

Topic 5: Natural Wonders of the world

Can you describe a place of attraction in your country?
You should talk about
- its location, surroundings and facilities
- its sights, people and food
- what you like and dislike about this place and explain why

Now I will tell you about a place of attraction (0,75p)
Phan Rang is a small city. It has yellow sunshine and a long blue beach. Especially, Ninh Chu Beach. Coming to Ninh Chu
Beach, tourists can swim and sunbathe in the sunny. In summer afternoons, you can walk along the coast in order to
enjoy fresh air. There are good restaurants, hotels, bars there. The seafood is very excellent for you to try and sights
are very splendid. However, there is one I think I dislike about it. There are so many rubbish on the beach. peddlers sell
food everywhere. They make the beach less beautiful and more polluted than other beaches. I like Ninh Chu Beach
very much because I can spend my trips there in the summer.
Further questions: (0,5p)

1/ If you go on holiday, where would you like to go?
2/ Where do you go at weekend? Where do you like
going in your holidays?
3/ Who do you go there with?
4/ What games do you play at the weekend?
5/ Tell me more about things you do at the weekend .
6/ Where is Ha Long Bay? What do you know about it?
7/ Do you often travel in your province? Do you know
Ninh Chu beach?
8/ Where can you recommend tourists to go in Ninh

Topic 1: Television
My favorite programme is Phineas and Ferb. It’s a cartoon on Disney channel. This is a story about two boys: Phineas
and Ferb. Phineas is talkative. He can invent many inators (cổ máy). He can even change his sister – Candance into a fly.
Phineas has a special head- a triangle head (đầu hình tam giác). Ferb is different from Phineas. He is silent. He just
does the action. He is good at fixing and repairing machines.
Phineas and Ferb’s sister always to bust Phineas and Ferb, but when her mom go home, all the things are
disappeared. I like it because it helps me practise and improve my English.
1/ What’s your favorite TV programme / show?
2/ What channels would you like to watch? Why?
3/ How many hours a day / per week do you watch TV?
4/ Would you like to watch foreign channels? Why?
5/ When do you often watch TV?
6/ Do you watch TV when you are eating? Do you think it is good or bad?
7/ Which character do you like in that cartoon? Why?
8/ Who is your favorite TV MC? Why?

9/ Is watching TV too much useful or harmful for us? Why or Why not?
10/ How many channels are there on our national TV?
Topic 2: Sports and Games .
I’m good at sports. I can play badminton very well. So badminton is my favorite sport. Badminton is an individual
sport. There are two players, a net, two rackets and a shuttle cock. Each player uses the racket and hits the shuttle
cock through the net and fly to the other .Which player has more points is the winner. It’s very interesting and it helps
me stronger.
 Tell about a sport / game you like
1/ What sport / games do you like to play in your free time?
2/ What sport / games do you like to play at school / after school?
Can you play it well?
3/ What sport / games do you like to watch on TV?
4/ Would you like to play sports? Why or Why not?
5/ Is playing sports good or bad for your health?
6/ Does your school hold a football competition? Do you take part in the school football team? Are you a good
7/ Can you name a famous sportspersons?
8/ When do you play sports / games?
9/ Do you like to play traditional games or computer games?
10 / Tell about some traditional games .
11/ Which sports / games do you like best?
12/ Do you like a team sport or an individual sport?
13/ Which sports do you play with a ball? Which sports don’t use a ball?
Topic 3: Cities of the world
I’ve been to many places in Viet Nam, but I’ve gone abroad once. I’ve been to New York. It’s in America . It’s the
most popular city in the United States. The most famous landmarks in New York are the Statue of Liberty, Wall street
in the South Manhattan, Empire Statue Building, … My family has been there for 3 months. I’m so excited. I’ve lots of
souvenirs. I love Manhattan and New York very much.
 Tell about a town / city you have visited / will visit.
1/ Where are you going to go on a holiday this summer?

2/ Which city in Viet Nam would you like to visit most?
3/ Have you ever bên to some famous places in the world?
4/ Tell me about some interesting places in Viet Nam / Ninh Thuan province .
5/ According to you, which is the most beautiful city in Viet Nam? Why?
6/ Where is Big Ben / Eiffel Tower / Great Wall / Ha Long Bay / Sydney Opera House?
7/ What is the name ò the oldest University in Viet Nam?
Topic 4: Our house in the future

My dream house is a huge villa. It will be under the ground. It will be surrounded by dust, soil and many
valuable minerals. It will has 1000 rooms, include 100 living rooms, 200 bedrooms, 50 kitchens and the rest of
them are play room. It might contain one million people. The house will have lifts so the people can go to their
rooms faster. It will even have one billion robots. They can help us to do the housework. The house is too big,
we can’t clean it, so the robots will clean it for us. I hope my dream house will become one of the centers of
Viet Nam or the world.

 Tell about the dream (future) house .
1/ What type(s) of house do you think you like best? Why?
2/ Do you like your future house having a robot? What jobs can a robot/ a super TV/ a hi-tech frigde help you in your
3/ Do you like to live in a space houseboat?
4/ What type(s) of house do you think you will live in the future?
5/ Where will your future house be located?
6/ What will there be around your future house?
7/ What things will you have in your future house?
8/ What will there be in front of and behind your dream house?
Topic 5: Environment
There is a lot of pollution on the Earth. Soil pollution can’t make us plant trees. If we don’t have trees, we won’t

have enough oxygen to breathe. Deforestation is as the same as soil pollution. Noise pollution makes us have hearing
problem. But the most dangerous is air pollution. Air pollution causes: we burnt the rubbish, the smoke comes into
the air, waste rubbish,… and oxygen will be miss the level of carbon dioxide will raise every day. We won’t have
oxygen to breathe. Now we must find out the solutions to make more oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide. We should
plant more trees, not burning rubbish. We don’t fire the forest, don’t cut down any tree. We shouldn’t throw
rubbish, reduce harmful smoke from the factory… We must protect our environment now.
* Tell about some environment problems nowadays and how to protect the environment.
1/ What will you do if someone throws rubbish in the class?
Well, I think I will ask him or her to put the rubbis into the bin nearby.
2/ Tell about some things you can reuse / recycle.
Of course, I can reuse old clothes to give poor students
and I can collect cans and old paper for recycling.
3/ Do you always use reusable shopping bags?
Sure, I use them to keep my toys.
 What does “ Reduce / Reuse / Recycle ” mean?
4/ Why do we have to reuse or recycle things?
5/ Where do you think things are recycled?
6/ Which / What pollution makes fish die?
7/ Which / What pollution makes plants die?
8/ Why is water so polluted?
9/ Which pollution causes breathing problems?
10/ What should you do to protect the environment? (at least three ideas)
11/ What should you do to save water / electricity?
12/ Do you keep your bedroom tidy or is it a mess?
13/ Do you recycle the rubbish from your house?

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