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Lesson plant A string of blue beads

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The string of blue beads
GRADE: 4rd grade
TIME: 40 minutes
ACTIVITY: storytelling
MATERIALS: short stories, pictures, slide powerpoint…
- Students will be able to learn to classify the stories
- Students will be able to learn how to convey meaning from a text.
- Students will be able to develop their listening abilities and understanding skill.


I. Warm up
Time: 1min
II. New lesson
1. Pre - telling

- Play a game: Find the things

2. While telling


- Play a game.

- Introduce a new story: The
string of blue beads

- Listen

- Tell the whole story one
- Guide students to answer the
Section 1:
+ For whom that Jane Grace
want to give a string of blue
beads as a gitf?
+ Did she have enough money
to buy the string?
+ Why did you know that?

- Listen
- Answer:

+ She wanted to give for
her sister.
+ No, she didn’t.
+ “She had been busily

What is the detail that showed


untying the knots in a
handkerchief and she
poured out a handful of
pennies on the counter. She
said that was the amount of
money that she broke the
piggy bank. Pete was
pensively looking at her,
removed the price tag.

Section 2:
+ After receiving the precious
gift, why did Jane Grace’s sister + She wanted to ask Pete
was it true that Jane Grace
meet Pete?
had bought this string? Was
the string real? What was
the price?
+ What did Pete answer?
+ Pete said that Jame had
bought the string with the
high price
+ Why did Pete say that
+ Because she bought this
string with all the money
she had saved.
+ What do you think about
+ Three characters in the

those characters in the story?
story are kindness, they all
want to bring joy and
happiness to the other
- The teacher comment on the
answer: The three characters in
the story are kindhearted : The
sister who replaced her mother
took care of her sister since
childhood. Jane Grace love her
sister, She spent all her money
to buy her older sister's gift for
Christmas. Peter had removed
the price and gave it to Jane
even though he knew Jane could

3. After –
Time: 15

not afford it. The older sister
received the precious gift, know
the younger sister can not
afford to buy it so she find the
shop owner to return the gift.

- Demand some students tell
the story again
- Demand students work in
group of 3 and practise playing
the whole story.
- Invite one group to play the
story in front of whole class.
- Give comments for the
group playing the story.
*Tell the meaning of the story
- Ask: What is the meaning of
the story?

- Give comments.

- Some students tell the
story again
- Practise in group of 3.

- A group play the whole
- Listen

- Answer: Praise of
people who kindness,
take care of the others
and bring happiness to
- Listen.

- Use appropriate teaching methods and means of teaching specific
subjects, capable of applying effective methods to promote student
- There is the creative application of advanced teaching methods in
appropriating the subject.
- Full training steps,
Idea 3: Skills in using English
-The transitions between the steps is smooth and seamless.

- Have an abundant vocabulary.
- Use sentence structure correctly.
Idea 4: Form
-Produce clearly and beautifully.
