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Code : 981

I. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the one that needs correcting to make the given
sentence meaningfully and grammatically correct.
01. She can sing very beautiful and dance very gracefully but she cannot do any difficult math exercise.
A. any
B. very
C. beautiful
D. math
02. I went to the United States six months ago because mine cousin is out there.
A. mine cousin
B. months ago
C. went to
D. out
03. I want to try on the blue skirt over there. Can you showing me the changing room?
A. showing
B. want
C. Can
D. on

04 The man to speak to me is John’s brother.

A. to speak
B The man
C. Jonh’s brother
D. to
05. I have two brothers, both of them are studying in England.
A. Them
B. have

C. both
D. stuyding
II. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the best one that make each of the following
incomplete sentences grammatically and meaningfully right.
. 06. Most of the experiments are carried out in_______.
A. laboratories
B. libraries
C. schools
D. factories
07. If you_______ a crime, you must expect to suffer the consequences.
A. make
B. commit
C. do
D. perform
08. He died _______the age of 85.
A. at
B. in
C. about
D. for
09. It was a new surfboard ________ Marilyn gave me for my birthday last year.
A. whose
B. who
C. whom
D. that
10. She has a lot of free time and wants to know how best to ______ it.
A. spend
B. make
C. waste
D. save
11. Please do not talk_______ the orchestra is playing.

A. otherwise
B. during
C. that
D. while
12. People still haven’t _____ how dangerous pollution can be.
A. remarked
B. minded
C. realized
D. noted
13. Let’s go, ________?
A. do we
B. don’t we
C. shall we
D. shall not we
14. Don’t talk in class, ________?
A. will you
B. do you
C. won’t you
D. don’t you
15 He never tells a lie, ________?
A. does he
B. doesn’t he
C. he does
D. he doesn’t
16. The child was told to eat all his vegetable or ______ he would get no ice-cream.
A. else
B. instead
C. in fact
D. in case
17. The examiners will test your ______ to drive under normal conditions.

A. virtue
B. advantage
C. ability
D. wisdom
18. More and more young people want a university ________.
A. education
B. educate
C. educator
D. educated
19. What’s the ________ of Vietnam?
A. populous
B. populate
C. population
D. popular
20. She enjoys watching movies ________ make her laugh.
A. what
B. who
C. they
D. which
21. When they got back from holiday, they found their house had been ______ by burglars.
A. broken into
B. broken off
C. broken up
D. broken down
22. Walking is_______ to your health
A. use
B. useful
C. using
D. used
23. The students ________ the highest score will be awarded a scholarship.

A. who receives
B. receiving
C. whom is receiving
D. receives
24. My sister is a very warm and ________ person.

A. carelessly
B. careful
C. care
D. carefulness
25. Since he was a boy, one of his ______ has been stamp-collecting.
A. hobbies
B. professions
C. cares
D. sports
26. The film________ we are going to see tonight was made in Hollywood last year.
A. which
B. that
C. Ө
D. All are correct
27. It ______ a lot of patience to be a nurse.
A. takes
B. spends
C. costs
D. uses
28. The job________ the coal miners does is very dangerous.
A. that
B. which
C. it

D. A&B
29. My brother has no ________ in football.
A. interest
B. interested
C. interesting
D. interestingly
III. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution to make a sentence from the given
30. their / airport / to / do / will / they / go / meet / tomorrow / the / son/.
A. They will go to meet their son to the airport tomorrow B. They will go tomorrow to the airport to meet their son.
C. They will go to the airport to meet their son tomorrow. D. They will go to meet their son tomorrow to the airport
31. used / tea / my / to /drink / parents / after / dinner/.
A. My parents used to drink tea after dinner.
B. My parents used to drink dinner tea after.
C. My parents used to dinner after drink tea.
D. My parents used to drink after dinner tea.
32. weather / place / camping / in / for / fine / a / is / good / Hyde Park/.
A. Hyde Park is a good place for camping in fine weather. B. Hyde Park is a good place in fine weather for camping.
C. Hyde Park is in fine weather a good place for camping. D. Hyde Park is for camping a good place in fine weather.
IV. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the one that has the underlined part pronounced
differently from the others of the same group.
33. A. hate
B. manage
C. mate
D. cake
34. A. chair
B. chalk
C. teacher
D. chemistry
35. A. disabled

B. retarded
C. arrived
D. learned
V. Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best
solution finish each of the questions that follow.
The Nobel prizes, awarded annually for distinguished work in chemistry, physic, physiology or medicine, literature,
and international peace, were made available by a fund bequeathed for that purpose by Swedish philanthropist, Alfred
Bernard Nobel. The prizes, awarded since 1901, are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969, a
prize for economics endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in
writing by a qualified authority in the field of competition. Candidates are judged by Swedish and Norwegian academies
and institutes on the basis of their contribution to mankind. The awards are usually presented in Stockholm ion December
10, with the King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each
prize includes a gold medal, a diploma, and a cash award of about one million dollars.
36. A Nobel prize would NOT be given to _______.
A. a composer who wrote a symphony.
B. a doctor who discovered a vaccine.
C. a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement.
D. an author who wrote a novel.
37. Why were the prizes named for Alfred Nobel?
A. He is now living in Sweden.
B. He left money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes.
C. He won the first Nobel prize for his work in philanthropy.
D. He serves as chairman of committee to choose the recipients of the prizes
38. How often are the Nobel prizes awarded?
A. Twice a year
B. Once a year
C. Once every two year
D. Five times a year
39. Why are the awards presented on December 10?
A. Because it is a tribute to the King of Sweden.

B. Because Central Bank of Sweden administers the trust.
C. Because Alfred Nobel died on that day.
D. Because that date was established Nobel’s will
40. What does this passage mainly discussed?
A. Great contributions to mankind
B. Alfred Bernard Nobel
C. The Nobel prizes.
D. Swedish philanthropy

CLASS : 11

Time allowance: 45 minutes
Code 942

I. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution to make a sentence from the given
01. weather / place / camping / in / for / fine / a / is / good / Hyde Park/.
A. Hyde Park is a good place for camping in fine weather.
B. Hyde Park is a good place in fine weather for camping.
C. Hyde Park is in fine weather a good place for camping.
D. Hyde Park is for camping a good place in fine weather.
02. used / tea / my / to /drink / parents / after / dinner/.
A. My parents used to drink dinner tea after.
B. My parents used to drink after dinner tea.
C. My parents used to dinner after drink tea.
D. My parents used to drink tea after dinner.
03. their / airport / to / do / will / they / go / meet / tomorrow / the / son/.

A. They will go to meet their son tomorrow to the airport
B. They will go to meet their son to the airport tomorrow
C. They will go tomorrow to the airport to meet their son.
D. They will go to the airport to meet their son tomorrow.
II. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the one that needs correcting to make the given
sentence meaningfully and grammatically correct.
04. I want to try on the blue skirt over there. Can you showing me the changing room?
A. showing
B. Can
C. on
D. want
05. I went to the United States six months ago because mine cousin is out there.
A. went to
B. mine cousin
C. months ago
D. out
06. She can sing very beautiful and dance very gracefully but she cannot do any difficult math exercise.
A. very
B. any
C. math
D. beautiful

07 The man to speak to me is John’s brother.

A. to speak
B The man
C. Jonh’s brother
08. I have two brothers, both of them are studying in England.
A. Them
B. have

C. both
III. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the one that has the
differently from the others of the same group.
09. A. disabled
B. retarded
C. learned
10. A. chair
B. teacher
C. chalk
11. A. manage
B. mate
C. cake
V. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the best one that
incomplete sentences grammatically and meaningfully right.
12. It ______ a lot of patience to be a nurse.
A. costs
B. uses
C. takes
13. Most of the experiments are carried out in_______.
A. laboratories
B. schools
C. factories
14. The child was told to eat all his vegetable or ______ he would get no ice-cream.
A. instead
B. else
C. in fact
15. Anyone who lives alone has to look after_______.
A. self
B. one self
C. himself

16. Please do not talk_______ the orchestra is playing.
A. while
B. during
C. otherwise
17. If you_______ a crime, you must expect to suffer the consequences.
A. perform
B. do
C. commit
18. Shy people often find it hard to ______ group discussion.
A. take place in
B. take part in
C. get on with
19. Since he was a boy, one of his ______ has been stamp-collecting.
A. hobbies
B. sports
C. cares

D. to
D. stuyding
underlined part pronounced
D. arrived
D. chemistry
D. hate
make each of the following

D. spends
D. libraries
D. in case
D. itself
D. that

D. make
D. get in touch with
D. professions

20. What’s the ________ of Vietnam?
A. populous
B. popular
C. population
D. populate
21. She has a lot of free time and wants to know how best to ______ it.
A. save
B. spend
C. waste
D. make
22. It was a new surfboard ________ Marilyn gave me for my birthday last year.
A. who
B. whose
C. whom
D. that
23. People still haven’t _____ how dangerous pollution can be.
A. noted
B. realized
C. minded
D. remarked
24. More and more young people want a university ________.
A. education
B. educate
C. educator
D. educated

25. They left the room_______ they had finished the exam.
A. once
B. before
C. although
D. while
26. He died _______the age of 85.
A. at
B. for
C. about
D. in
27. He hated his job, as a ______ of fact he has now given it up.
A. matter
B. nature
C. condition
D. type
28. When they got back from holiday, they found their house had been ______ by burglars.
A. broken into
B. broken down
C. broken up
D. broken off
29. She enjoys watching movies ________ make her laugh.
A. what
B. who
C. which
D. they
30. My sister is a very warm and ________ person.
A. careless
B. care
C. careful
D. carefulness

31. The examiners will test your ______ to drive under normal conditions.
A. advantage
B. ability
C. virtue
D. wisdom
32. Walking is_______ to your health
A. use
B. using
C. useful
D. used
33. My brother has no ________ in football.
A. interest
B. interested
C. interestingly
D. interesting
34. Faraday’s father worked very ______, but he could ______feed the family.
A. hard/ hardly
B. hardly/ hardly
C. hardly/ hard
D. hard/ hard
35. The man spoke with a ________ accent.
A. southern
B. southbound
C. south
D. southwards
VI. Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best
solution finish each of the questions that follow.
The Nobel prizes, awarded annually for distinguished work in chemistry, physic, physiology or medicine, literature,
and international peace, were made available by a fund bequeathed for that purpose by Swedish philanthropist, Alfred
Bernard Nobel. The prizes, awarded since 1901, are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969, a

prize for economics endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in
writing by a qualified authority in the field of competition. Candidates are judged by Swedish and Norwegian academies
and institutes on the basis of their contribution to mankind. The awards are usually presented in Stockholm ion December
10, with the King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each
prize includes a gold medal, a diploma, and a cash award of about one million dollars.
36. A Nobel prize would NOT be given to _______.
A. an author who wrote a novel.
B. a doctor who discovered a vaccine.
C. a composer who wrote a symphony.
D. a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement.
37. Why are the awards presented on December 10?
A. Because Central Bank of Sweden administers the trust. B. Because Alfred Nobel died on that day.
C. Because that date was established Nobel’s will
D. Because it is a tribute to the King of Sweden.
38. Why were the prizes named for Alfred Nobel?
A. He is now living in Sweden.
B. He serves as chairman of committee to choose the recipients of the prizes
C. He won the first Nobel prize for his work in philanthropy.
D. He left money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes.
39. How often are the Nobel prizes awarded?

A. Twice a year
B. Once a year
40. What does this passage mainly discussed?
A. Swedish philanthropy
C. The Nobel prizes.

C. Five times a year

D. Once every two year

B. Alfred Bernard Nobel
D. Great contributions to mankind


CLASS : 11

Time allowance: 45 minutes
Code : 953

I. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution to make a sentence from the given
01. weather / place / camping / in / for / fine / a / is / good / Hyde Park/.
A. Hyde Park is a good place in fine weather for camping.
B. Hyde Park is a good place for camping in fine weather.
C. Hyde Park is in fine weather a good place for camping.
D. Hyde Park is for camping a good place in fine weather.
02. their / airport / to / do / will / they / go / meet / tomorrow / the / son/.
A. They will go to meet their son tomorrow to the airport
B. They will go to meet their son to the airport tomorrow
C. They will go tomorrow to the airport to meet their son.
D. They will go to the airport to meet their son tomorrow.
03. used / tea / my / to /drink / parents / after / dinner/.
A. My parents used to drink tea after dinner.
B. My parents used to drink after dinner tea.
C. My parents used to drink dinner tea after.

D. My parents used to dinner after drink tea.
II. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the one that has the underlined part pronounced
differently from the others of the same group.
04. A. chalk
B. chair
C. teacher
D. chemistry
05. A. learned
B. arrived
C. disabled
D. retarded
06. A. manage
B. cake
C. hate
D. mate
III. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the best one that make each of the following
incomplete sentences grammatically and meaningfully right.
07. Most of the experiments are carried out in_______.
A. schools
B. libraries
C. factories
D. laboratories
08. My brother has no ________ in football.
A. interest
B. interesting
C. interested
D. interestingly
09. People still haven’t _____ how dangerous pollution can be.
A. minded
B. realized

C. noted
D. remarked
10. When they got back from holiday, they found their house had been ______ by burglars.
A. broken into
B. broken up
C. broken down
D. broken off
11. The examiners will test your ______ to drive under normal conditions.
A. ability
B. wisdom
C. virtue
D. advantage
12. What’s the ________ of Vietnam?
A. population
B. populate
C. populous
D. popular
13. He hated his job, as a ______ of fact he has now given it up.
A. type
B. matter
C. nature
D. condition
14. Faraday’s father worked very ______, but he could ______feed the family.
A. hardly/ hardly
B. hardly/ hard
C. hard/ hardly
D. hard/ hard
15. The man spoke with a ________ accent.
A. southern
B. southbound

C. southwards
D. south
16. Anyone who lives alone has to look after_______.

A. itself
B. himself
C. self
D. one self
17. More and more young people want a university ________.
A. educator
B. educate
C. educated
D. education
18. He died _______the age of 85.
A. at
B. in
C. for
D. about
19. Since he was a boy, one of his ______ has been stamp-collecting.
A. sports
B. professions
C. hobbies
D. cares
20. She enjoys watching movies ________ make her laugh.
A. who
B. which
C. what
D. they
21. It was a new surfboard ________ Marilyn gave me for my birthday last year.

A. that
B. whose
C. whom
D. who
22. My sister is a very warm and ________ person.
A. carefulness
B. careless
C. careful
D. care
23. She has a lot of free time and wants to know how best to ______ it.
A. spend
B. make
C. save
D. waste
24. Walking is_______ to your health
A. using
B. use
C. used
D. useful
25. They left the room_______ they had finished the exam.
A. while
B. although
C. before
D. once
26. It ______ a lot of patience to be a nurse.
A. spends
B. takes
C. uses
D. costs
27. Please do not talk_______ the orchestra is playing.

A. otherwise
B. during
C. while
D. that
28. If you_______ a crime, you must expect to suffer the consequences.
A. make
B. perform
C. do
D. commit
29. The child was told to eat all his vegetable or ______ he would get no ice-cream.
A. else
B. in fact
C. instead
D. in case
30. Shy people often find it hard to ______ group discussion.
A. take place in
B. get in touch with
C. take part in
D. get on with
IV. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the one that needs correcting to make the given
sentence meaningfully and grammatically correct.
31. I went to the United States six months ago because mine cousin is out there.
A. out
B. months ago
C. went to
D. mine cousin
32. I want to try on the blue skirt over there. Can you showing me the changing room?
A. Can
B. showing
C. want

D. on
33. She can sing very beautiful and dance very gracefully but she cannot do any difficult math exercise.
A. any
B. beautiful
C. very
D. math

34 The man to speak to me is John’s brother.

A. to speak
B The man
C. Jonh’s brother
35. I have two brothers, both of them are studying in England.
A. Them
B. have
C. both

D. to
D. stuyding

VI. Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best
solution finish each of the questions that follow.
The Nobel prizes, awarded annually for distinguished work in chemistry, physic, physiology or medicine, literature,
and international peace, were made available by a fund bequeathed for that purpose by Swedish philanthropist, Alfred
Bernard Nobel. The prizes, awarded since 1901, are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969, a
prize for economics endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in
writing by a qualified authority in the field of competition. Candidates are judged by Swedish and Norwegian academies
and institutes on the basis of their contribution to mankind. The awards are usually presented in Stockholm ion December
10, with the King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each
prize includes a gold medal, a diploma, and a cash award of about one million dollars.

36. Why are the awards presented on December 10?
A. Because Alfred Nobel died on that day.
B. Because it is a tribute to the King of Sweden.

C. Because that date was established Nobel’s will D. Because Central Bank of Sweden administers the trust.
37. Why were the prizes named for Alfred Nobel?
A. He left money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes.
B. He is now living in Sweden.
C. He won the first Nobel prize for his work in philanthropy.
D. He serves as chairman of committee to choose the recipients of the prizes
38. A Nobel prize would NOT be given to _______.
A. an author who wrote a novel.
B. a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement.
C. a doctor who discovered a vaccine.
D. a composer who wrote a symphony.
39. What does this passage mainly discussed?
A. Swedish philanthropy
B. The Nobel prizes.
C. Alfred Bernard Nobel
D. Great contributions to mankind
40. How often are the Nobel prizes awarded?
A. Twice a year
B. Once a year
C. Once every two year
D. Five times a year

CLASS : 11

Time allowance: 45 minutes
Code: 964

I. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the one that has the underlined part pronounced
differently from the others of the same group.
01. A. manage
B. hate
C. cake
D. mate
02. A. chemistry
B. chalk
C. chair
D. teacher
03. A. retarded
B. learned
C. disabled
D. arrived
III. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the one that needs correcting to make the given
sentence meaningfully and grammatically correct.

04 The man to speak to me is John’s brother.

A. to speak
B The man
C. Jonh’s brother
D. to
05. I have two brothers, both of them are studying in England.
A. Them

B. have
C. both
D. stuyding
06. I want to try on the blue skirt over there. Can you showing me the changing room?
A. showing
B. on
C. want
D. Can
07. I went to the United States six months ago because mine cousin is out there.
A. months ago
B. mine cousin
C. went to
D. out
08. She can sing very beautiful and dance very gracefully but she cannot do any difficult math exercise.
A. beautiful
B. any
C. math
D. very
IV. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best solution to make a sentence from the given
09. their / airport / to / do / will / they / go / meet / tomorrow / the / son/.
A. They will go tomorrow to the airport to meet their son.
B. They will go to meet their son to the airport tomorrow
C. They will go to meet their son tomorrow to the airport
D. They will go to the airport to meet their son tomorrow.
10. weather / place / camping / in / for / fine / a / is / good / Hyde Park/.
A. Hyde Park is for camping a good place in fine weather.
B. Hyde Park is a good place for camping in fine weather.
C. Hyde Park is in fine weather a good place for camping.
D. Hyde Park is a good place in fine weather for camping.

11. used / tea / my / to /drink / parents / after / dinner/.
A. My parents used to dinner after drink tea.
B. My parents used to drink tea after dinner.

C. My parents used to drink dinner tea after.
D. My parents used to drink after dinner tea.
V. Choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) the best one that make each of the following
incomplete sentences grammatically and meaningfully right.
12. He hated his job, as a ______ of fact he has now given it up.
A. condition
B. nature
C. matter
D. type
13. Faraday’s father worked very ______, but he could ______feed the family.
A. hard/ hardly
B. hardly/ hard
C. hard/ hard
D. hardly/ hardly
14. Anyone who lives alone has to look after_______.
A. himself
B. itself
C. self
D. one self
15. If you_______ a crime, you must expect to suffer the consequences.
A. commit
B. perform
C. make
D. do
16. It was a new surfboard ________ Marilyn gave me for my birthday last year.

A. that
B. whose
C. who
D. whom
17. She has a lot of free time and wants to know how best to ______ it.
A. make
B. waste
C. spend
D. save
18. The examiners will test your ______ to drive under normal conditions.
A. advantage
B. virtue
C. ability
D. wisdom
19. The child was told to eat all his vegetable or ______ he would get no ice-cream.
A. else
B. in fact
C. in case
D. instead
20. It ______ a lot of patience to be a nurse.
A. takes
B. costs
C. uses
D. spends
21. She enjoys watching movies ________ make her laugh.
A. which
B. they
C. what
D. who
22. Walking is_______ to your health

A. using
B. useful
C. used
D. use
23. They left the room_______ they had finished the exam.
A. once
B. while
C. although
D. before
24. People still haven’t _____ how dangerous pollution can be.
A. realized
B. minded
C. remarked
D. noted
25. More and more young people want a university ________.
A. education
B. educated
C. educator
D. educate
26. The man spoke with a ________ accent.
A. south
B. southwards
C. southern
D. southbound
27. My brother has no ________ in football.
A. interesting
B. interestingly
C. interested
D. interest
28. He died _______the age of 85.

A. in
B. about
C. at
D. for
29. Please do not talk_______ the orchestra is playing.
A. while
B. otherwise
C. that
D. during
30. My sister is a very warm and ________ person.
A. carefulness
B. careful
C. careless
D. care
31. When they got back from holiday, they found their house had been ______ by burglars.
A. broken into
B. broken up
C. broken off
D. broken down
32. Shy people often find it hard to ______ group discussion.
A. take place in
B. get in touch with
C. take part in
D. get on with
33. Since he was a boy, one of his ______ has been stamp-collecting.
A. hobbies
B. cares
C. sports
D. professions
34. What’s the ________ of Vietnam?

A. popular
B. populous
C. populate
D. population
35. Most of the experiments are carried out in_______.
A. libraries
B. laboratories
C. schools
D. factories
VI. Read the following passage carefully and choose from the four given options (marked A, B, C or D) one best
solution finish each of the questions that follow.

The Nobel prizes, awarded annually for distinguished work in chemistry, physic, physiology or medicine, literature,
and international peace, were made available by a fund bequeathed for that purpose by Swedish philanthropist, Alfred
Bernard Nobel. The prizes, awarded since 1901, are administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. In 1969, a
prize for economics endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in
writing by a qualified authority in the field of competition. Candidates are judged by Swedish and Norwegian academies
and institutes on the basis of their contribution to mankind. The awards are usually presented in Stockholm ion December
10, with the King of Sweden officiating, an appropriate tribute to Alfred Nobel on the anniversary of his death. Each
prize includes a gold medal, a diploma, and a cash award of about one million dollars.
36. Why are the awards presented on December 10?
A. Because Central Bank of Sweden administers the trust. B. Because that date was established Nobel’s will
C. Because it is a tribute to the King of Sweden.
D. Because Alfred Nobel died on that day.
37. How often are the Nobel prizes awarded?
A. Once a year
B. Twice a year
C. Five times a year
D. Once every two year

38. A Nobel prize would NOT be given to _______.
A. a composer who wrote a symphony.
B. an author who wrote a novel.
C. a doctor who discovered a vaccine.
D. a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement.
39. Why were the prizes named for Alfred Nobel?
A. He won the first Nobel prize for his work in philanthropy.
B. He is now living in Sweden.
C. He serves as chairman of committee to choose the recipients of the prizes
D. He left money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes.
40. What does this passage mainly discussed?
A. Swedish philanthropy
B. The Nobel prizes.
C. Alfred Bernard Nobel
D. Great contributions to mankind

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