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II. Hồn thành các câu sau:
1. I _________________ (work) in a bank for ten years.
2. Where _________________ (you / live) when you were young?
3. She _________________ (not / study) French at university.
4. He _________________ (travel) through the Middle East last year.
5. _________________ (they / visit) the Louvre in Paris?
6. She _________________ (not / watch) TV yesterday.
7. We _________________ (buy) a new car last weekend.
8. Where _________________ (you / teach) before you came here?
9. He _________________ (not / think) that he was right.
10. I _________________ (cook) steak last night.
11. _________________ (Lucy / read) ‘War and Peace’ at school?
12. She _________________ (not / write) to her grandmother.
13. We _________________ (have) a computer when I was a child.
14. Where _________________ (you / go) on holiday?
15. I _________________ (love) ice cream when I was a child.
16. They _________________ (not / meet) yesterday.
17. _________________ (she / swim) in the sea in Greece?
18. We _________________ (not / play) tennis yesterday because it was raining.
19. He _________________ (try) to lift the box but he couldn’t.
20. What _________________ (you / eat) for lunch?

III. Hoàn thành các câu sau:
1. I _________________ (not / drink) any beer last night.
2. She _________________ (get on) the bus in the centre of the city.
3. What time _________________ (he / get up) yesterday?
4. Where _________________ (you / get off) the train?
5. I _________________ (not / change) trains at Victoria.
6. We _________________ (wake up) very late.

7. What _________________ (he / give) his mother for Christmas?
8. I _________________ (receive) £300 when my uncle _________________ (die).
9. We _________________ (not / use) the computer last night.
10. _________________ (she / make) good coffee?
11. They _________________ (live) in Paris.
12. She _________________ (read) the newspaper yesterday.
13. I _________________ (not / watch) TV.
14. He _________________ (not / study) for the exam.
15. _________________ (he / call) you?
16. _________________ (I / forget) something?
17. What time _________________ (the film / start)?
18. He _________________ (have) a shower.
19. Why _________________ (you / come)?
20. _________________ (he / go) to the party?

IV. Hoàn thành các câu sau:
1. She ___________________ (go) home.
3. When ___________________ (he / arrive)?
5. Where ___________________ (you / live)?
7. Where ___________________ (you / work) before?
9. ___________________ (we /study) this last year?
11. ___________________ (you / see) that film?
13. You ___________________ (not / go) out last night.
15. What ___________________ (you / watch)?

2. We ___________________ (watch) a film.
4. I ___________________ (buy) a new car.
6. I ___________________ (play) tennis.
8. ___________________ (they / come)for lunch?
10. They ___________________ (drink) coffee.

12. We ___________________ (eat) dinner.
14. He ___________________ (study).
116. We ________________ (not / call) you yesterday.

17. They ___________________ (not / arrive) on time.
18. It ___________________ (not / rain).
19. We ___________________ (not / drink) beer.
20. You ___________________ (clean) the kitchen.
V. Hoàn thành các câu sau:
1. Where _______________________ (she / go)?
2. What _______________________ (you / do)?
3. He _______________________ (work) in a bank.
4. You _______________________ (not / call) me.
5. _______________________ (you / wear) your red dress? 6. He ___________________(not / read) that book.
7. _______________________ (you / go)?
8. ____________________ (she / study) last night?
9. _______________________ (we / arrive) last?
10. Who _____________
(you / meet)?
11. __________________ (they / come) to the party?
12. She _______________________ (not / meet) him.
13. _______________________ (she / go)?
14. You _______________________ (meet) a friend.
15. Which _______________________ (you / like)?
16. I ____________________ (not / forget) your book.
17. What ________________ (he / do) at the weekend?
18. She ____________________ (not / like) chocolate.
19. What ________________ (you / buy) yesterday
20. _________________ (you / have) a good holiday?

VI. Hoàn thành các câu hỏi sau:
1. (where / you / go to school?)
3. (why / he / eat so much?)
5. (who / you / meet at the party?)
7. (where / I / leave my glasses?)
9. (what / you / do at the weekend?)
11. (who / they / talk to earlier?)
13. (why / it / rain on my birthday?)
15. (where / he / go after the class last week?)
17. (when / you / start your job?)
19. (why / you / arrive so late?)
I. The Present Perfect

2. (when / she / arrive?)
4. (what / they / do yesterday?)
6. (how / she / come to work this morning?)
8. (when / he / get home last night?)
10. (why / she / get angry?)
12. (what / we / do last Christmas?)
14. (how / she / finish so quickly?)
16. (what / I / do last Tuesday?)
18. (how / she / get here?)
20. (what / he / do last summer?)

1. How many times you (see)…………………. him since he went to Edinburgh?
2. We are from French. We (be)…………………… there for 20 years.
3. I am sorry. I (forget)…………… that girl’s name already.
4. Mai (lose) ……………….her dictionary.

5. I (wait) ……………………for the manager for two hours.
6. …………….You (ever, see)……………… a lion?
7. . I (work) ……………. very hard for the exam.
8. . I (live) …………….here since 1970.
9. . ………….You (be) to the zoo?
10. I’m afraid you (look) …………….aty the wrong one.
11. Why are the police here? What……………. (happen)?
12. Please stay for dinner, Jane (cook) ……………. a lovely meal.
13. He (learn) ………. English for three years, but he can’t even read a newspaper yet.
14. My teacher (teach) ………………..English at this school for six years.
15. Michael (study)………………. English for six month now.
16. Up the the present, George (do) …………….good work in this class.
17. Our present boss (work) …………………..in this company all of his life.
II. Change the following sentences with the Simple present, The present Continuous or the Present Perfect
1. My teacher (teach) ……………. English at this school for six years.

2. Listen! I (think) …………….someone (knock) …………….at the door.
3. Mr Smith (pay) ……………. all of his bills at the end of the month.
4. Michael (study) ……………. English for six month now.
5. It usually (rain) ……………. very much in that part of the country.
6. I (be) sorry, I (forget) ……………. that fellow’s name already.
7. My secretary (sit) …………….at a different desk today.
8. Our present boss (work) ……………. in this company all of his life.
9. Up the the present, George (do) ……………. good work in this class.
10. So far, you (make) …………….no mistakes on this exercise.
11. I (be) ………..sorry. I (forget) ………..that fellow’s name already.
12. Jack (look) ………..no trouble with my English lesson up to now.
13. Michael (work) ……….. thirty hours a week.
14. At present, that author (write) ……….. a historical novel.

15. How long you (learn) ………..English?
16. The weather generally (get) ………..quiet hot in July and August.
17.Fred’s brother just (graduate) ……….. from Oxford University.
18.That brown briefcase (belong) ………..to Dr. Rice.
19.Robert (wait) ………..for you since noon.
20.Yes, I (remember) ……….. that fellow’s name now.
I/ Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn:
1. Yesterday, I (go)______ to the restaurant with a client.
2. We (drive) ______ around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking space.
3. When we (arrive) ______ at the restaurant, the place (be) ______ full.
4. The waitress (ask) ______ us if we (have) reservations.
5. I (say), "No, my secretary forgets to make them."
6. The waitress (tell)______ us to come back in two hours.
7. My client and I slowly (walk) ______ back to the car.
8. Then we (see) ______ a small grocery store.
9. We (stop) in the grocery store and (buy) ______ some sandwiches.
10. That (be) ______ better than waiting for two hours.
11. I (not go) ______ to school last Sunday.
12. ________She (get) ______ married last year?
13. What ________you (do) ______ last night?- I (do) ______ my homework.
14. I (love) ______ him but no more.
15. Yesterday, I (get) ______ up at 6 and (have) ______ breakfast at 6.30.
II. simple past:
1.Tom (not shave)……………. this morning because he (not have) ……………time
2. Where …………….you (go)……………?
3. I (be)………………… hungry, so I (buy)……………….. something to eat
4. She (not invite)………………… her to the party
5. ………..They (be) ……….at work yesterday?
6. We all (leave)…………….. the party at 11 o’clock
7. I (be) ……………..angry because Tom and Ann (be)…………… late

8. What…………… you (do) ……………….at the weekend?
9.They (sell)…………………… their house
10.Professor Kenneth (teach) …………………… another class last year.
11.We (spend) …………………… two weeks in JAPAN.
12.The rain (stop) …………………… in the middle of the afternoon.
13.We (speak) ……………………to our friends last night.
14.I (realize) …………………… my error at once.
15.We (eat) …………………… lunch at the cafeteria with them.
16.He (drive) …………………… his car to work yesterday.
17.Albert Einstein (die) …………………… in 1955.

18.Tom (go) …………………… to the post office twice yesterday.
19.My car (break) …………………… down this morning on the way to work.
20. I (see) …………….her last year.
21. What …………….you (do) …………….yesterday?
22. You (watch) …………….TV last night?
23. She (be) …………….born in 1980.
24. We (study) ………..almost every lesson in this book so far.
25. We (watch, never) ……….. that television program.
26. We (watch) ………..an interesting program on television last night.
27. My wife and I (travel) ……….. to Mexico by air last Summer.
28. I (read) ……….. that novel again during my last vacation.
29. I (have) ……….. a little trouble with my car last week.
30. However, I (have) ……….. no trouble with my car since then.
31.He (work) ……….. all day yesterday.
I- past continuous;
1. This time last year I (live)………….. in Brazil
2. What……………. you (do)…………. at 10 o’clock lastnigt?
3. Tom (cook) ……………the dinner

4. Tom burn his hand when he (cook) ……………the dinner
5. We( read )………….. a book when he arrived
6. What…………. he (do) ……………..when you came?
7. At 9.o’clock yesterday Lan (not watch)………… T.V
8.All the students (read) ……………………the text carefully
9.They (walk) ……………………to the corner.
10.They (study) …………………… in the library when the fire alarm went off.
11.It (snow) ……………………when I got up this morning.
12.Helen (wait) ……………………in the lobby, wasn’t she?
13.The wind (blow) ……………………very hard when I went out this morning.
14.He fell while he (go) ……………………down the stairs.
15.Where…………. she (be) at 5 o’clock this morning?

II- past simple or past continuous:
1. His uncle (teach)……………………. English in our school 5 years ago
The old man (fall………….) as he( get )…………….. into the bus
They (not go )…………….. to the movies last Sunday
When I saw him, he (sit) ………………..asleep in a chair
……………You …………(find)………….. my pen yesterday?
It (take)……………. me 5 minutes to walk to school last year
The light (go) ………out when we (study)………….. our lesson
There (be)……………… a lot of noise at the fair yesterday
They (give) ………..me the letter a few minutes ago.
III. Change the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past or the Past Continuous.
What she (do) …………… when you (arrive) …………… there? She (write) …………………… a letter.
She (have) …………………… her bath while her sister (get) …………………… the breakfast ready.
The storm (begin) …………………… at half past ten while the class (study) ……………………history.
When the students (hear) ………… the bell, they (get) …………… up and (leave) ……………
Mr Harvey (ask) …………… me about my plans the next time he (see) ………… me.
Just as I (leave) ……………for home, a student (stop) ……………………me in the hall.

As I (cross) …………………… the street, two cars (race) …………………… by me at full speed.
Dorothy and I (just leave) …………… the house when the telephone (ring) ……………
The minute I (hear) ……………… the news, I (send) …………………… him a telegram.
I (go) …………………… to ask you to help me, but you (sleep) ………… so peacefully when I (look)
…………… into your room that I (decide) …………… to do it alone.
IV. Change the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past or the Past Continuous.

My mother (arrive) ………………… while I (clean) ……………… the kitchen .
John (work) ………………from morning to night: he (study) ……………… to be a doctor.
Just as I (write) ……………………the letter, the inkpot (fall) ……………………over.
A noise of breaking chairs (suggest) ……………………that the men (fight) ……………………
He (just close) ………………the church door when he (notice) ………………a man still praying in the corner.
The men (fight) ……………… bravely, but the general (order) …………………… them to retreat.
As he (come) …………………… up his house in the darkness, he (see) …………………… that a man (climb)
……………… out of one of the bedroom windows.
John (work) ……………… hard when suddenly the door (open) ……………………
When we (open) ………………the front door we (see) ………… someone walking out of the gate.
Lighting (strike) …………………… the tree that they (shelter) ……………………under. Of course, they (have)
……………… a terrible fright, but they (be) ……… very lucky. No harm (come) ……………to them at all.
V. Supply the correct verb forms: Simple Past or Past Continuous.
When I (arrive) ……………………at his house, he still (sleep) …………………….
The light (go) ……………………out while we (have) ……………………dinner.
Bill (have) ……………breakfast when I (stop) …………… at his house this morning.
As we (cross) ……………………the street, we (see) ………………… an accident.
Tom (see) …………… a serious accident while he (stand) ……………… at the bus stop.
While my father (read) …… a newspaper, I (learn) …… my lesson and my sister (do) ……… her homework.
The children (play) …………… football when their mother (come) ……………back home.
The bell (ring) ………………while Tom (take) ………………… a bath.
I (be) ……………………very tired because I (work) …………… all day yesterday.

He (sit) ……………………in a cafe when I (see) …………………… him.
Exercise 6. Simple past or past continuous.
When I (arrive) ……….. at his house he still (sleep) ………..
As we (cross) ……….. the street, the policeman (shout) ………..at us.
The light (go) ………..go out when we (have) ……….. dinner.
The children (do) ……….. their homework when their father (come) ………..back from the office.
Bill (have) ……….. breakfast when I (stop) ……….. at this house this morning.
While I (walk) ……….. about the park, I (see) ……….. Mr. Jone.
When I (go) ……….. out the sun (shine) ………..
Just as I (leave) ……….. for home, a student (stop) ……….. me in the hall.
When the students (hear) ……….. the bell, they (get) ……….. up and (leave) ………..
Exercise 7. make sentences with Past continuous and simple past.
1. We / discussing many things when / headmaster / come/ in.
2 . When/ teacher / come in/ , Lam / clean / blackboard.
3. Dick / listen / classical music / when / friend / arrive.
4. They / work / garden / when / rain.
5. When / telephone / ring / I / read / novel.
6. When her father / enter / room / Lan / clean / floor.
7. We / watch / television / when our father /call / us up.
8. It / raining / when we / get / school.
9. Tom / talk / another boy when I / see / him this morning.
10. When the bell / ring / I / have / lunch.
11. While Bob / clean / windows/ Peter / wash / dishes.
12. while / we / read / novel/she / listen / radio.

Exercise 7: Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: Past tenses.
Yesterday John (go) to the store before he (go) home.
Our teacher (tell) us yesterday that he (visit) England in 1970.
When John and I got to the theater, the movie (start) already.
Before Alice (go) to sleep, she (call) her family.

When the phone (ring), I (have) dinner.
Daisy (agree) with other members in the last meeting.

What you (do) at 6p.m yesterday?
The little girl asked what (happen) to her ice-cream.
He (teach) in this school before he (leave) for England.
She (win) the gold medal in 1986.

Exercise 8. Past tenses.
1. when the phone (ring) ……….. I (have) a bath.
You (wear) ……….. your new hat when I (meet) ……….. you yesterday.
When it (rain) ……….. she (carry ) ……….. an umbrella.
While you (play) ……….. the piano, I (write) ……….. a letter.
The house (be) ……….. much smaller than he (think) ……….. at first.
Before you (mention) ……….. him, I (never hear) ……….. of that author.
When he (go) .. to see them last night, they (play) ……. cards. They (say) …. , they (play ) .. since six o’clock.
My friend (sing) ……….. when I (come) ……….. into the room.
The little girl (ask) ……….. what (happen) ……….. to her ice-cream.
He (eat) ……….. dinner when I (go) ……….. to see him.
1. She (not drink) coffee. She (drink) Coca Cola.
2. It (be) often hot in the summer.
3. What you (do) every evening?
4. The earth (circle) the sun once every 365 days.
5. I (see) her very often.
6. Most rivers (flow) into the sea.
7. Vegetarians (not eat) meat.
8. Bees (make) honey.
9. Rice (not grow) in cold climates.

10. Where Martin (come) from? – He (be) Scottish.
BÀI 2:
Nien (1) (be) Hoa’s next-door neighbor in Hue. She (2) (be) beautiful. She (3) (have) big brown eyes
and a lovely smile. Last week, she (4) (go) to Ha Noi (5) (visit) Hoa. They (6) (travel) around the city and (7) (see)
a lot of interesting places. Nien (8) (think) Ha Noi (9) (be) beautiful but so noisy and busy, so she (10) (not like)
(11) (live) there.
1. Bad driving (cause) many accidents.
2. Nga and Hoa (see) a movie tonight.
3. Sue can (speak) Vietnamese very well.
4. Mozart (write) more than 600 pieces of music.
5. How -------- you-------- (learn) to drive? – My father (teach) me.
6. We usually (go) to the library three times a week, but last week we (go) twice.
7. Alexander Graham Bell (introduce) the telephone in 1876.
8. Yesterday I (be) busy, so I (not have) time to phone you.

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