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ĐỀ 1
Task 2: Situation (2p)
You are going to recommend a university for your cousin to study. Among a
university in USA, a university in Japan and a university in Vietnam, which one do
you recommend? Why?
Among a university in USA, a university in Japan, and a university in Vietnam, I
am going to recommend a university in Vietnam for my cousin to study. Because (1)
Vietnam is a peaceful and quite happy country. My cousin studying in his country will
be very secure. (2) studying in Vietnam, my cousin will be close to his family, can visit
and care for each other often, and can return home whenever he wants. (3) the cost of
studying in Vietnam is quite cheap, even if you choose to study at international
universities, the cost of accommodation and travel is still cheaper than studying abroad.
(4) the quality of higher education in Vietnam is now very good, University in VN have
been striving to develop its close relations with domestic and international partners in
order to provide its students with the best opportunities for studying and taking an
internship, especially since there are many universities of nternational standards.
Finally, My cousin loves Information Technologyso I would recommend him to
study at the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi.
Task 3: Topic Discussion (3p)
“There are many problems with food in Vietnam”
Food is an indispensable source of nutrients in our lives. Food is rich and diverse,
can be food, water; It even includes supplements for the body.
However, the big problem people are facing today is dirty food, which does not
guarantee safety and hygiene in terms of quality, safety in processing and production.
Therefore, food safety is becoming a big and painful issue in society; as more and more
people get sick from eating dirty and poor quality food.
Therefore, individuals and organizations need to have specific responsibilities to
ensure food safety for themselves, their families and society.
1. What is a balanced diet?
A balanced diet is one that includes different foods in certain quantities and
proportions such that the need for calories, protein, vitamins, minerals, and alternative

nutrients is sufficient. and small amounts are stored for short-term replenishment of
2. What is a typical diet of people in your country?
There is no concept of 'courses' in Vietnamese meals. A typical meal consists of
various dishes serving at once on the table. There is one main dish which is usually
meat, fish or egg, together with other dishes that are fresh vegetables, soup and rice.
Rice is the staple of the Vietnamese diet. A small bowl of soy sauce or fish sauce is also
a must-have for Vietnamese people.

ĐỀ 2
Task 2: Situation (2 minutes)
You are looking for a place to live in Hanoi. Among a small house in the city
centre, a flat near your university/ a company and a big house in the countryside,
which one would be your best choice? Why?
I will choose a small house in the city center because first it is convenient to go to
work, secondly earn money easily by many jobs, thirdly, there are many entertainment
spots, parks, cinemas ...
Task 3: Topic Discussion (3 minutes)
“There are many changes in traditional festivals”
Vietnam is a country with diverse and unique culture with about 8,000 festivals.
Festivals are community folklore activities held in all parts of the country.
Currently, under the influence of many factors, such as the market mechanism, the
development of the media, tourism… the traditional festivals in our country have
undergone many changes:
- First, about time: Most village festivals shorten the time from 3-5 days to 1 day.
Some regional or inter-regional festivals of the pilgrimage nature are held for a long
time, such as Huong Pagoda festival, Quoc Mau Tay Thien festival...
- Second, about space: Festivals have expanded in space even "super-space" thanks
to media. For example, the Hung Temple festival in Phu Tho

- Third, in terms of purpose, today's festival is not only an expression of religious
and belief sentiments but also a business opportunity for tourism.
- Fourthly, the festival's participants are not only local people but also attract a lot
of tourists from all over the world and foreign tourists.
In summary, along with the process of economic development and international
integration, the transformation of traditional festivals is an objective necessity in today's
cultural life.
1. Are people more or less interested in attending the festiva? Why?
Everyone more or less enjoys participating in the festival, that's right. Because of:
Firstly, festivals often satisfy people's spiritual needs, that is, participate in festivals to
pray for something. Second, participating in festivals helps people have fun, visit and
increase their knowledge and understanding of many new things.
2. What should be done to promote a regional festival?
Some measures to promote regional festivals are as follows: Firstly, build a
website, especially about the festival, and fully post all festival information on the
website. Second, widely communicating about the festival on the mass media, the
internet... Third, organize the festival to ensure civility and humanity so that guests who
come to attend are satisfied, from which they will promote the festival.

ĐỀ 3
Task 2: Situation (2 minutes)
You are going to take a foreign friend to a festival. Which one might be your
best choice: Mid-Autumn festival, Hung King temple festival or Lim festival?
I will take my foreign friend to attend the Hung Kings Temple Festival, because
this is a great festival to remember and express gratitude to the founding merits of the
Hung Kings, the first kings of the people. Vietnamese ethnicity.
Task 3: Topic Discussion (3 minutes)
“Many things should be changed about education in Vietnam.”

I totally agree that, "Many things should be changed about education in Vietnam
for the reasons below: (1) Education is the root of the development of every country all
over the world and VietNam is not an exception It's one of the most important steps that
takes a country to a better level On the other hand. (2), Education has an important
function of training human resources for the country in the digital era, a country that
wants to grow strong needs to have high-quality human resources which depends on the
change and development of the education sector. Another reason, Entering the 21st
century, Vietnam's education system is still weak in quality, unbalanced in structure, and
not connected to reality. More than anyone else, the Education and Training Sector and
universities are the first places to be responsible when training is not according to the
needs of society For the reasons mentioned above, I believe that "Many things should be
changed about education in Vietnam".
1. Is it a good practice for students to wear uniform at schools? Why/ why
I think students wear school uniforms very well Because: (1) To begin with,
Uniforms often show the unique features and characteristics of the school Wearing
uniforms helps students to be more proud, love their school, and love their class more.
(2) wearing uniforms helps students not distinguish between rich and poor Rich or poor
students are required to wear the same clothes to school, and poor students will not be
inferior to their peers. (3) students wear uniforms that look very beautiful and simple
students will not take time to select clothes for school. (4) the uniforms will help
students save money on shopping They will not spend too much money to buy clothes
because they always have to wear uniforms to school.
2. Which do you prefer: a single-sex school or a co-educational school? Why?
I prefer co-education, because: (1) co-education shows respect and equality
between boys and girls. (2) Working together in the classroom and doing homework
gives boys and girls the opportunity to learn from each other intellectually as well as
socially Girls and boys engage in collaboration, exchange of ideas and debate on issues
It is important that the presence of both sexes increases richness and diversity of
thinking and learning. (3) Co education improves the way students think, learn, and

collaborate; Children can develop confidence, empathy, understanding and leadership,
between both sexes, as they overcome society's challenges and emotional growth.

ĐỀ 4
Task 2: Situation (2 minutes)
If you could invest on one of the followings – planting forests, building zoos
and researching about biodiversity, which one might be your best choice? Why?
If I could invest on one of the followings- planting forests, building zoos,
researching about biodiversity, the best choice for me is planting forests. Because: (1)
afforestation is quite easy and suitable for me to do. (2) planting trees has a lot of
benefits: to provide shade, beautify our landscapes and trees give off oxygen that we
need to breathe. Finally, reduce environmental pollution.
Task 3: Topic Discussion (3 minutes)
“There are many problems facing the nature”
I completely agree that "There are many reasons to protect the natural world"
Because of: (1) Sustainability in life also goes hand in hand with protecting the natural
world Everything essential that we need today has been provided to us by the natural
world Water, air, food, shelter, the earth provides us all, sustains our life. (2) as the
number of people on the planet increases and communities expand, consumption
increases, and natural resources are used less sustainably, leading to the destruction or
loss of natural spaces completely This seriously affects the structure and functioning of
the environment - impacting the people, animals, and plants that live there. (3) our
Ecosystem is the place where our environment is cherished The destruction of the
environment will also lead to the destruction of the entire ecosystem. In short, the
natural world is very important to human life, so we must always cherish and protect it.
1. What should be done to protect the nature and environment?
In my opinion, we need to take some measures to protect nature and the

environment as follows: (1) is to raise people's awareness of environmental protection.
(2) is planting trees to cause forests, planning exploitation of natural resources,
exploitation must go hand in hand with regeneration. (3) is to limit behaviors that
damage the natural world such as indiscriminate dumping, deforestation...
These measures, if implemented well, will be very useful, because the natural
environment is largely destroyed by humans, so changing human perception and
behavior will effectively protect the natural environment.
2. Is it the responsibility of schools to teach children to protect the nature and
In my opinion, schools have the responsibility to teach children to protect nature
and the environment Because environmental protection is the responsibility of
everyone, every home, every organization, including schools On the other hand,
children are the future of the nation and mother earth, early environmental protection
education for children will help them learn to love nature, have awareness and habits of
environmental protection.

ĐỀ 5
Task 2: Situation (2 minutes)
You are going to recommend a university for your cousin to study. Among a
university in USA, a university in Japan and a university in Vietnam, which one do
you recommend? Why?
Among a university in USA, a university in Japan, and a university in Vietnam, I
am going to recommend a university in Vietnam for my cousin to study. Because (1)
Vietnam is a peaceful and quite happy country. My cousin studying in his country will
be very secure. (2) studying in Vietnam, my cousin will be close to his family, can visit
and care for each other often, and can return home whenever he wants. (3) the cost of
studying in Vietnam is quite cheap, even if you choose to study at international
universities, the cost of accommodation and travel is still cheaper than studying abroad.
(4) the quality of higher education in Vietnam is now very good, University in VN have

been striving to develop its close relations with domestic and international partners in
order to provide its students with the best opportunities for studying and taking an
internship, especially since there are many universities of nternational standards.
Finally, My cousin loves Information Technologyso I would recommend him to study at
the University of Science and Technology of Hanoi.
Task 3: Topic Discussion (3 minutes)
“There are many reasons for protecting the nature world”
I completely agree that "There are many reasons to protect the natural world"
Because of: (1) Sustainability in life also goes hand in hand with protecting the natural
world Everything essential that we need today has been provided to us by the natural
world Water, air, food, shelter, the earth provides us all, sustains our life. (2) as the
number of people on the planet increases and communities expand, consumption
increases, and natural resources are used less sustainably, leading to the destruction or
loss of natural spaces completely This seriously affects the structure and functioning of
the environment - impacting the people, animals, and plants that live there. (3) our
Ecosystem is the place where our environment is cherished The destruction of the
environment will also lead to the destruction of the entire ecosystem. In short, the
natural world is very important to human life, so we must always cherish and protect it.
1. What should be done to protect the nature and environment?
In my opinion, we need to take some measures to protect nature and the
environment as follows: (1) is to raise people's awareness of environmental protection.
(2) is planting trees to cause forests, planning exploitation of natural resources,
exploitation must go hand in hand with regeneration. (3) is to limit behaviors that
damage the natural world such as indiscriminate dumping, deforestation...
These measures, if implemented well, will be very useful, because the natural
environment is largely destroyed by humans, so changing human perception and
behavior will effectively protect the natural environment.

2. Is it the responsibility of schools to teach children to protect the nature and

In my opinion, schools have the responsibility to teach children to protect nature
and the environment Because environmental protection is the responsibility of
everyone, every home, every organization, including schools On the other hand,
children are the future of the nation and mother earth, early environmental protection
education for children will help them learn to love nature, have awareness and habits of
environmental protection.

ĐỀ 6
Task 2: Situation (2 minutes)
As a member of a Green organization, which one do you think is the most
practical to protect the environment: going to school by bike, using paper package
and planting more trees. Why?
As a member of a Green organization, I think planting more trees is the most
practical to protect the environment. Because:(1) afforestation is quite easy and suitable
for me to do. (2) planting trees has a lot of benefits: to provide shade, beautify our
landscapes and trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Finally, reduce
environmental pollution.
Task 3: Topic Discussion (3 minutes)
“There are many benefits of studying music or learning to play a musical instrument”
I totally agree that. There are many benefits of studying music or learning to play a
musical instrument, such as: (1) Learning to play an instrument has many benefits whether it's building your confidence, boosting your memory, or expanding your social
circle. (2) Playing an instrument makes you smarter many studies show a correlation
between musical training and academic success, in both children and adults. (3)
Learning to play an instrument stimulates the brain, improving functions such as
memory and abstract reasoning skills, which are essential for math and science. (4)
Playing an instrument is not only good for your brain, but it's also great for expanding
your social circle (sorry, pianist and organist). (5) Joining a music group of any age
encourages you to develop relationships with new people It also builds leadership and

team-building skills, and shows you the rewards of working with others. (6) Playing an
instrument helps relieve stress Music helps you calm down it has a unique effect on our
emotions The right song can make us feel elated, angry or confused, and has even been
shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure. (7) Playing an instrument gives you a
sense of accomplishment and it builds your confidence Most of all, playing music
makes people happy and brings them closer together. In short, learning to play an
instrument has many benefits.
1. Do you think that pop/ rock stars can have bad influence on the young people?
I think to a certain extent, pop and rock stars are having a bad influence on young
people. A part of young people often imitate the revealing style of clothes, colorful
hairstyles or inappropriate language acts of pop/rock stars This is not good for the
cultural development of young people.
2. How much does the internet influence how you listen to music?
I think, the Internet has changed the way I listen to music I don't need to buy CDs
or listen to music from the radio like before, now I often search for my favorite songs or
singers to listen to from my computer or smartphone I can listen to music anytime.
anywhere as long as I have an internet connection device that is completely free That
was amazing.

ĐỀ 7
Task 2: Situation (2 minutes)
You are going to buy a book for your little brother as a present. Among the
following kinds of book: a comic book, a fairy tale and a scientific book, which one
might be your best choice? Why?
I am going to buy a comic book for my little brother as a present. Because: (1)
Comic books are cool! (2) Comic Books Help my little brother Learn to Love Reading:
With their intense visuals and focus on plot and characters, comic books can be much
more engaging than other literary media; Comic books may also help my little brother
develop the reading skills required to comprehend texts with higher levels of difficulty.

Further, comic books and graphic novels can help he learn information that they may
otherwise find boring, such as stories from history or other educational information.
Stories in comic books can actually change the ways in which our brains function
and the ways in which we think. Choosing comics with good and appropriate content is
the first step to help children develop thinking. These are the reasons why I chose comic
books to give to my little brother.
Task 3: Topic Discussion (3 minutes)
“There are many effects of living in a noisy environment”
I agree with the point, "There are many effects of living in a noisy environment".
Living in a noisy environment can cause health problems for humans and wildlife,
both on land and in the sea. From traffic noise to rock concerts, loud or inaudible sounds
can cause hearing loss, stress and high blood pressure, Noise from ships and human
activities in the ocean is harmful to whales and dolphins that depend on echolocation to
survive. Noise pollution affects millions of people every day. The most common health
problem it causes is Noise-induced Hearing Loss. Exposure to loud noises can also
cause high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep disturbances, and stress. These health
problems can affect all age groups, especially children. Many children who live near
airports or noisy streets have been found to have stress and other problems, such as
impaired memory, attention levels and reading skills.
As such, Noise Pollution is an invisible danger. It cannot be seen, but it is still
present, both on land and in the sea.
1. What kinds of noises do you dislike the most?
What I don't like the most is the noise from traffic, because it constantly makes me
a headache, earache, even startled when there is a car horn, train horn.
2. Why do people still go to noisy places like big cities or cinemas even when
they don’t like noises?
There are many reasons, be it because of life, or to relieve some sadness or loneliness.
For example, I don't like noise but I am forced to live in the city to work and make a living.

ĐỀ 8
Task 2: Situation (2 minutes)
If you could invest on one of the followings – planting forests, building zoos
and researching about biodiversity, which one might be your best choice? Why?
If I could invest on one of the followings- planting forests, building zoos,
researching about biodiversity, the best choice for me is planting forests. Because:
(1) afforestation is quite easy and suitable for me to do. (2) planting trees has a lot
of benefits: to provide shade, beautify our landscapes and trees give off oxygen that
we need to breathe. Finally, reduce environmental pollution.
Task 3: Topic Discussion (2 minutes)
“There are many effects of weather on people’s lives”
I completely totally agree that. There are many effects of weather on people's lives.
- First, it's important to understand weather can include rain, wind, temperature,
and humidity of a place. Weather is part of the physical environment that surrounds
human life. Human life is always associated with weather, weather has a great influence
on people's daily life. First of all, weather affects people's choices and behaviors.
Weather affects the everyday lives of people by governing choices they make about
what clothes to wear how to travel, and the activities in which they participate.
Secondly, the weather can create favorable or unfavorable conditions for people's
production and business activities. For example, favorable weather, favorable rain, and
wind help farmers get a good harvest and vice versa. Even extreme weather phenomena
such as storms, floods, and droughts cause crop failure, property damage, death Weather
not only affects people's daily lives but can also affect our health. From seasonal
environmental changes to temperature swings, weather can play a role in health
symptoms with direct or indirect physical, mental, and social effects. For example, in
the cold winter, people are prone to colds, flu, stroke. The effect of weather on mood
swings is well recognized....
In short, the weather has a great influence on human life, people need to be aware
of that and have strategies to deal with the extreme Weather phenomena occurring more
and more nowadays.

1.Have there been any changes in weather over the past few years? What are
In the past few years, the weather has changed a lot, typically extreme weather
events such as droughts, floods, and storms have occurred more often and with stronger
2. What should be done in bad weather?

When the weather is bad, we need: Firstly, dress appropriately for the weather
conditions Second, closely monitor the weather and limit going out Third, prepare
contingency plans for the worst possible situations when the weather is bad.

ĐỀ 8
Task 2: Situation (2 minutes)
You are going to buy a CD as a present for your parents on their birthday.
Among a rock CD, a rap CD and a folk music CD, which one is your best choice?
Among a rock CD, a rap CD and a folk music CD, I will choose a folk music CD
as a present for my parents on their birthday. Because: (1) Folk music, also known as
traditional musicnational music is the "national soul, national essence" of each country.
The traditional music that we have is a proud crystallization of priceless artistic
creations handed down and built up over many generations, a living testimony to a
diverse national culture., rich in identity and has a long history. These are soft lullabies,
romantic love songs, unique chants, vi, ly, and typical melodies of tuong, cheo, cai
luong, Hue folk songs, and chau van songs, quan ho... My parents love this kind of
music. (2) Folk music has gentle melody, close and simple words, very suitable for my
parents' age. (3) Folk songs are easy to sing, easy to memorize and my parents often
sing when they are happy, when there is a festival, even while working and singing.
Buying a CD of folk music for my parents will help my parents' spiritual life be richer,

love life more, and thus their health will be better.
Task 3: Topic Discussion (3 minutes)
“There are many changes of shopping over the last decade”
I completely agree that, "There's been a lot of change in shopping over the last
decade" Some of the notable changes include:
- Firstly, Shopping today is a lot different than it used to be. Technology has
created new ways to shop and accomplish important tasks for consumers and
businesses. Consumers are no longer limited to brick-and-mortar stores, they can shop
online and find things more conveniently.
- Second, Stay up-to-date with fashion trends to help people have the most
effective shopping experience. Follow their favorite stores online keeping everyone
updated on the latest releases and showcasing full color images of all the seasonal
- Third Technology helps retailers find shoppers interested in their products and put
ads in front of shoppers every day. View ads that give shoppers faster insights into new
- Fourth, finding discounts for shoppers faster helps them save more and
encourages them to buy more products. Technology has made it easier for retailers to
show dedicated customers when items are on sale and when promotional codes are
available to them.
- Fifth, Sales are faster with technology than they were years ago. Today,
consumers can make purchases from a number of different stores without leaving their

homes. All items are shipped to customer locations from all over the world. For
example, I am in Vietnam but can still order from China or any other country with a
sales website. Consumers don't even have to be at home to shop, and smartphones have
helped to complete transactions faster.
Customers can shop from any location with a cellular signal and use any payment
method they prefer. Most online payment systems accept everything from credit cards to

e-wallet payments
Finally, new technology-driven services even allow consumers to complete their
grocery shopping online and never have to go inside a crowded store. For example, I
want to buy food, just order on the app about 15-30 minutes later, someone will ship the
food to me.
1 What are your shopping habits?
In the past, I have a traditional shopping habit meaning going to the store to buy
goods because I can hold, try... However, in the past few years, that habit has changed a
bit, apart from When it's convenient to go to the store, I usually shop online, especially
since the covid - 19 epidemic. The quality of goods and customer service when
shopping online is better than before, so I trust this shopping channel than before.
2. Do you think online shopping will replace small shops in the future? Why?
I don't think online shopping can replace the small store in the future because there
are many types of customers with different preferences, habits and shopping needs.
Some people like to shop online while others like to shop in the traditional way.

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