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SUBMISSION DATE: August 24th, 2021

We cannot express enough thankfulness to Mr. Tran Quang Dao, known as our
Market Research lecturer. We offer our faithful appreciation for the support,
encouragement, and learning opportunities furnished by our lecturer.
The accomplishment of our research report, “A STUDY TO UNDERSTAND
PURCHASE INTENTION," would not have been feasible without the enthusiastic
participation and help of our teammates, Boi Linh, Huynh Trang, Phuong Nhung, The
Duong, and Anh Tu. Their important contributions and efforts to complete the project on
schedule have been recognized.
Last but not least, with a deep sense of gratitude, we wholeheartedly endorsed 150

participants. Thank you for spending your valuable time taking part in and completing
our survey. Without your help, we could hardly conclude our research proposal in the best
possible way. Hope to continue cooperation with all of you in the future.

Nowadays, E-marketers are becoming more and more developing thanks to the
ever-increasing use of the Internet all over the world. In which, college students represent
a beneficial market for businesses selling a wide array of goods and services because of
their proficiency in modern technology. Therefore, such marketers must be aware of the
aspects that influence students' shopping attitudes and intentions to improve their
marketing tactics for converting potential customers into active customers while also
sustaining existing online clients.
This study aims to further investigate the factors that affect students' online
shopping attitudes and intentions through an online survey for students of some
universities in Vietnam. This study aims to further investigate the factors that affect
students' online purchase attitudes and intentions at various levels through an online
survey of students. A sample of 150 students was selected from several universities in
Vietnam. The questionnaire was developed based on previous literature, and a total of
150 students were selected by random sampling. Based on the economic framework,
factors affecting online purchases of different types of products were examined. The
effect of age, gender, wealth, capacity to recognize a safe Internet site, and obsessive
buying behavior differed between product categories, according to logistic analysis. The
study's findings revealed that internet shopping intention was comparatively low. The
college students' attitudes on internet buying were good and in the right direction.

Table of content



II. Literature Review...................................................................................................................3



History of Online shopping................................................................................................3


Online shopping and its benefits.......................................................................................5


Popular online shopping sites in Vietnam.........................................................................5


Popular e-commerce platforms in Viet Nam....................................................................8


The factors affecting shopping attitude and intention of Vietnamese students............9

III. Methodology..........................................................................................................................13

Research Framework.......................................................................................................13


Research Objective...........................................................................................................14


Research Question............................................................................................................14




Data Collection..................................................................................................................15


Scope and limitation.........................................................................................................17

IV. Empirical Results.................................................................................................................18
V. Conclusion and recommendation........................................................................................28




VI. Appendix...............................................................................................................................31



Plan time frame and schedule..........................................................................................41


Work assignments table...................................................................................................42


Table of figure

Figure 1: Leading E-commerce sites in Viet Nam in 2021 (Source: Iprice )..........................13
Figure 2: A framework to identify factors influencing the student’s online shopping
attitude and intention..................................................................................................................14
Figure 3: Research Framework..................................................................................................18
Figure 4: Academic level.............................................................................................................23
Figure 5: Gender of students......................................................................................................24
Figure 6: Frequency by gender...................................................................................................25
Figure 7: Monthly budget by study year...................................................................................26
Figure 8: Favourite shopping platform.....................................................................................27

Figure 9: Reason to shop online..................................................................................................28
Figure 10: Online shopping risks...............................................................................................29
Figure 11: The factors affecting students’ attitudes and intentions........................................30
Figure 12: Attitude towards online ads......................................................................................31
Figure 13: Advertisement............................................................................................................32


Today with the strong development of the internet, it is not only a networking

media but also a means of transaction for consumers in the global market. The number of
people using the internet has increased dramatically in recent years. It has become a
popular method of transporting and trading goods, information, goods, and services. As
internet access and adoption are rapidly increasing worldwide, the number of digital
buyers keeps climbing every year. According to a survey by A.C.Nielsen (2007), more
than 627 million people in the world have done online shopping. Research by Forrester
(2006) reported that the e-commerce market would grow from $228 billion in 2007 to
$288 billion in 2009. As reported by Jupiter Media Metrix (2005), the online retail sales
in the US amounted to USD65 billion in 2004, and this would likely reach USD117
billion in 2008. By 2010, e-commerce will account for $316 billion in sales or 13 percent
of the overall retail sales. As a result of the survey, 61 percent of the online users in the
US will make their purchases via the Internet in 2010, as compared to merely 46 percent
in 2004... Marketers feel that the opportunities for creating consumer value are expanding
due to the predicted growth of online consumers and spending bigger in the internet
commerce market area than in the physical commerce market space the conventional
market so they focus on developing electronic marketing. Due to the students’ purchasing
power in the marketplace, it is critical for e-retailers and consumer behavior marketers to
fully understand the attitude and intention of this particular population towards online

shopping. Furthermore, 90 percent of university students were reported to have daily
access to the Internet (Xu & Paulins, 2005). As indicated by Moe WW (2003),
demographic factors such as gender, age, and wealth influence attitudes about internet
purchasing. Furthermore, consumers come in a variety of personalities, which might have
an impact on how they perceive their online shopping behavior. Moreover, some barriers
have contributed to the unwillingness of students to shop online because they are afraid
their personal information will be stolen or misused by others. As a result, a framework is
required to structure the complicated system of interactions between these various
components and to gain a thorough knowledge of the public's perceptions of online
shopping and their plans to purchase over the internet.


In recent years, although there are many research topics and seminars on factors
affecting attitudes and intentions when college students buy things online, research on
that is still a new and interesting topic, so we chose this topic.
The main aim of this study is to investigate purchasing intention of post-graduate
students in some universities of Viet Nam, with a particular emphasis on understanding 3
and evaluating the factors which directly or indirectly influence their purchasing intention
by measuring the attitude towards online shopping.



Literature Review

1. Definition

Online shopping

It is the activity or action of buying products or services over the Internet. It
means going online, landing on a seller’s website, selecting something, and arranging for
its delivery. The buyer either pays for the good or service online with a credit or debit
card or upon delivery. (MBN,2021)


It is the manner, disposition, feeling, and position about a person or thing,
tendency, or orientation, especially in mind. (Dictionary)


It is what you intend or plan to do; your aim. (Oxford)
2. History of online shopping
Online Shopping history is a form of electronic commerce that allows customers
to directly purchase goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser.
Consumers find a product of interest by directly visiting a retailer's website or searching
among other vendors using a shopping search engine, which displays the product's
availability and price of similar products at different electronic retailers. As of 2016,
customers can shop online using a variety of computers and devices, including desktops,
laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Online stores often allow shoppers to use "search"
features to find specific models, brands, or items. Online customers must have access to
the Internet and a valid payment method to complete the transaction such as a credit or
debit card. For physical products (e.g. paperback books or clothing), the e-retailer ships

the products to the customer; For digital products, such as songs or software, the eretailer typically sends the file to the customer over the Internet. The largest online
retailers in the world are Alibaba, Amazon.com, and eBay.
In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee created the first World Wide Web server and browser. It
opened for commercial use in 1991. In 1994 other advancements took place, such as
online banking and the opening of an online pizza shop by Pizza Hut. In the same year,
Netscape introduced SSL encrypted data transmission over the network, which has
become essential for secure online shopping. Also in 1994 the German company Internet

shop introduced its first online shopping system. In 1995 Amazon launched its online
shopping site, and in 1996 eBay appeared.
Money magazine published a story about the sharp rise in consumers shopping
from home. That year, some 98 million consumers made $60 billion worth of purchases
from home, nearly all of it through phone orders prompted by mail catalogs and TV
shopping channels. Another home-shopping option had suddenly arrived on the scene that
year, too–an “on-line shopping service that requires a PC or Macintosh that’s equipped
with a modem.” And in recent years, online shopping has become popular, however, it
still caters to the middle and upper classes. To shop online, one must be able to access a
computer, bank account, and debit card. Shopping has evolved with the development of
technology. According to research found in the Journal of E-commerce, if one focuses on
the demographic characteristics of home shoppers, in general, the higher the education,
income, and occupation levels of the Head of the household, the more favorable the
perception of store shopping., Enrique (2005) Influence of Internet Users Shopping
Patterns and Demographics on Consumer Buying Behavior Mobile Phones... Journal of
E-Commerce Research, An Influential Factor in Consumer Attitude towards Shopping
Stores is not exposed to technology, as it has been proven that increased exposure to
technology increases the likelihood of developing favorable attitudes towards new
shopping channels.
Online shopping expands the target audience to men and women of the middle

class. At first, the main users of online shopping were young men with a high degree of
income and a university education. This profile is changing. For example, in the United
States in the early years of the Internet there were very few female users, but in 2001
women were 52.8% of the population online.


3. Online shopping and its benefits
Online shopping has more and more benefits, such as making
purchases simpler, you can evaluate products through the feedback
of previous customers, receive promotions, discounts, gifts on
special occasions Through the registration of loyal customers,
membership registration, you also update information about new products and many
other benefits. A typical online store allows customers to browse the company's range of
products and services, view photos or images of the products, along with information
about the product's features, features, and pricing. Just sitting at the home, office, or
anywhere to choose, order, pay and receive goods right at the desired address, you will
reduce travel costs, moreover, you can freely consider comparing. price, design between
suppliers, but its real location is tens or even hundreds of kilometers away in just a short
time. Proactive and safe in all situations, you can choose the COD (Cash on Delivery)
delivery model to make sure you choose the right item you need and then pay, or you can
use other forms. online payment. Customers can exchange goods, can complain, give
suggestions, and get 24/7 support.
4. Popular online shopping sites in Vietnam
Shopee launched in 2015, and was built to provide users with
an easy, safe, and fast experience when shopping online through
a solid payment and operating system. strong. Shopee is an ecommerce exchange based in Singapore, owned by SEA Group
(formerly Garena), founded in 2009 by Forrest Li. Shopee was
first introduced in Singapore in 2015 and is now available in the following countries:

Singapore; Malaysia; Thailand; Taiwan; Indonesia; Vietnam, and the Philippines. The
original model of Shopee Vietnam is C2C Marketplace - An intermediary in the buying
and selling process between individuals. However, now, in Viet Nam, Shopee has
become a hybrid model when there is both B2C (business to consumer) and it has
charged the seller fee/commission and product listing fee.
Tiki (an acronym for Saving and Searching) is the name of a leading large e-commerce
website in Vietnam today. Over 8 years of presence in the market, Tiki has developed a

"miracle" to become a familiar shopping address for consumers
across the country, where you can buy a cheap book, a good
storybook, or any item in just a few mouse clicks. Tiki was
established in March 2010 from an online English book-selling site
and has now transformed itself into a multi-industry e-commerce
site offering hundreds of thousands of products in 10 categories.

Lazada Vietnam is an e-commerce trading platform, providing products in many
different categories such as furniture, phones and tablets, fashion and accessories, health
care products, beauty products, furniture. toys and sports
equipment. Lazada Vietnam is part of Lazada Group - a
multinational e-commerce group and currently has branches
in Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and
Malaysia. Lazada Group is owned by Alibaba Group,
Lazada is run by German founder and director Maximilian
Bittner. Then Alibaba Group of Chinese billionaire Jack Ma bought and completed the
deal in early 2015. Lazada's direction is a marketplace model - an intermediary in the
online buying and selling process. In January 2016, Lazada Vietnam confirmed that the
company is currently working with 3000 suppliers with 500,000 different products. In
addition, Lazada provides sellers with other services such as simple payment processes,

shipping services, and professional customer care. In 2013, Lazada Vietnam inaugurated
its first warehouse in Vinh Loc Industrial Park, Ho Chi Minh City. Soon after, a dispatch
center was opened in the Southeast in 2014 to serve the increasing number of customers
in this area. As of March 2016, Lazada Vietnam has 35 dispatch centers and 1 Lazada
Express (LEX) shipping team provided by the company to support direct shipping (FBL)
for sellers.

Sendo with the desire to contribute to national prosperity through e-commerce
development, in September 2012, the e-commerce project Sendo.vn under FPT

Corporation officially launched to consumers. In May 2014, the project was developed
and expanded to become an e-commerce platform built under the C2C model (Consumer
to consumer) as a new legal entity Sen Do Technology Joint Stock Company. Coming to
the Sendo.vn e-commerce platform, businesses are provided with many advertising
support services to help their products quickly reach consumers. In addition, businesses
are also supported with methods to promote business efficiency. Transactions arising on
Sendo.vn between buyers and sellers will be protected when they: Comply with the
regulations of Sendo.vn Use the payment and shipping service of Sendo.vn.
In addition, Facebook, Zalo, and Instagram are also places that people use to
buy and sell products. Currently, this form of buying and selling is very popular with
Vietnamese students. Facebook Shops is a new feature that allows Facebook and
Instagram users to seamlessly browse and purchase products from digital storefronts set
up by small businesses. People can find Facebook Shops on a business’ Facebook Page or
Instagram profile, or discover them through stories or ads. From there, you can browse
the full collection, save products you’re interested in and place an order by texting the
retailer. As usual, people need to ask someone for help, in Facebook Shops, they will be
able to message a business through WhatsApp, Messenger or Instagram Direct to ask
questions, get support, track deliveries and more (Facebook, 2020). While Facebook’s

original announcement emphasizes the focus of Shops being for helping small businesses
as they struggle during COVID-19, there’s little doubt that the platform will become a
major opportunity for brands and businesses of all scales (Greg S., 2020).


5. Popular e-commerce platforms in Viet Nam

Figure 1: Leading E-commerce sites in Viet Nam in 2021 (Source: Iprice )

According to a survey released on Tuesday by local advertising business Adsota,
the surge in demand for online shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in
the ‘golden age of e-commerce platforms in Vietnam. ( Tuoi Tre News, 2021). During
this time, Shopee is the leading e-commerce platform in Vietnam, according to statistics
acquired from iPrice Group, with about more than 63 million monthly visits, followed by
thegioididong with more than 29 million visits and tiki with approximately 19 million
visits. Moreover, there are 4 outstanding faces which are Lazada, Dien May Xanh, and
Sendo respectively. All eCommerce platforms in Vietnam, according to the aggregation,
have remained constant throughout the year. This supports the assumption that
Vietnamese customers are devoted to a single, favored eCommerce app.


6. The factors affecting shopping attitude and intention of Vietnamese students
Financial and
security risks

Product risk





Online Shop’s
Online Shop’s

Figure 2: A framework to identify factors influencing the student’s online shopping
attitude and intention.

Financial and security risks

Financial risk is defined as the risks associated with conducting financial
transactions through the Internet. These risks always exist in every financial transaction
on the Internet regardless of the number of times made before, it includes costs related to
product returns, shipping, high-priced product purchases. and especially cyber security
issues such as loss of information, theft of credit card information and other important
financial records - this is also the main reason to limit consumers' online shopping
( Miyazaki & Fernandez, 2001) .
Coupled with the convenience in exchange and trade are potential risks that

consumers need to be cautious about when shopping online because of potential risks of
network security. The internet is also an ideal place for attackers, providing many
opportunities for them to gain access to customers' personal and financial information.
Attackers are people who steal information and use that information to steal our money


by buying or selling that information to another organization. Bad guys often use the
following 3 forms to appropriating the assets of online shoppers:
 Create websites and email messages, scam links: Unlike traditional shopping, you
know what these stores are like, where and what items are available? Attackers
can create phishing websites that look like legitimate websites or emails sent from
trusted sources. Social philanthropy is also exploited and distorted in this way,
especially after natural disasters or the holiday seasons. Attackers create malicious
websites and emails to convince you to provide personal and financial
 Targeting unsafe computers/accounts: If you don't take security steps to protect
your computer/account from viruses and other malicious code, an attacker could
get into your computer. computer and all of your information therein. Vendors
need to protect their computer systems to prevent attackers from breaking into
customer databases.
 Intercept information from an insecure transaction: If a provider does not use
encryption, an attacker can intercept your information as it is being transmitted.
 Product risk
Product risk is defined as the risk of receiving a different product in terms of design,
style, color, and quality compared to the product description provided by the seller before
purchase (Forsythe & ctg, 2006).When shopping online, because consumers cannot
directly feel and evaluate products, consumers mainly rely on images, product
information and buyer experience content (testimonial) to make decisions. However, with

photo editing software, the information has been greatly falsified compared to the actual
product, significantly affecting the ability of consumers to grasp product information.
Also, other problems are that there are no labels; the origin is incorrect; there are
no invoices; there are missing goods promotions; there are damaged but non-refundable
products; there is incorrect pricing information; there are delayed deliveries; there are
unjustifiable order cancellations; and so on. When we buy online products ,we can be
tricked, scammed by some of the bad salespeople, and that can affect our experience on


Online Shopping and that can lead to the cause of lost your belief. We can also meet the
fake shop online that can take our money.

Convenience risk

The perceived convenience risk is consumer dissatisfaction when shopping over
the Internet. This risk reflects the disadvantage of time, contact method, delivery, product
assembly or product return. In some studies the disadvantage of websites in navigating
users between websites and the absence of a clear sitemap in web design (Lee, 2004). The
risk of non-delivery occurs when there is a transaction error in order processing or sellers
send to wrong addresses. Getting products into the hands of customers is a complicated
process and many problems will arise when shipping goods from lost to damaged goods...
Even before you ship your goods, you have to go through the process of preparing
documents, learning about the shipping process, taxes, ... and when the goods arrive,
suddenly there are cost problems that you do not know.
More and more people choose to shop online instead of going to traditional stores
because of its convenience. However, the online shopping experience is not always
perfect, most often problems related to product quality, delivery errors. The contents of

the return policy include risks in transportation, processing time, product shipping cost
returned to sellers. Usually, stores only allow returns at the end of the day, some items are
not even returnable, so buyers also have many problems. To exchange goods, buyers are
required to keep labels and invoices. When buying online, the quality of products is
always a big concern of consumers, so Vietnamese people often choose the method of
receiving goods and then delivering them (Cash on Delivery - COD) as a form of
guarantee for themselves. But even with this method, users still have to encounter
unpleasant situations.

Online Shop’s Attitude

It is worth mentioning here that the service attitude of the online shop, also known
as service quality. It directly determines the online shopping attitude of customers.
Attitude towards online shopping of customers refers to the psychological state of
customers about buying goods over the internet (Michael, 1998). Attitude towards online

shopping Lines is affected by positive factors positive and negative, in which the image
factors negative effects on attitudes are main risk factors when buying online and photo
elements positive effects related to policies for the site's customer e-commerce web. If an
online shop has a professional service attitude, it will be successful in competing for
potential customers. In an era where online business is easy, the competition is fiercer
than ever. Therefore, online shops often improve customer care skills and add incentives
besides the quality of the product.

Online Shop’s Experience

The attitude and intentions to repurchase products of customers when shopping
online relate to the experiences and satisfaction they perceive while shopping. Students
purchase something in the online shop because they want to seek benefits such as costsaving, convenience, cheaper price, a way to easily search for information, and 24-hours
services. Therefore, online business stores must have experience in capturing and
understanding customer psychology about the wants and requirements for the item they
want to buy. From that, they will upsell the products they have according to customer's
requests. The customer understanding and enthusiastic advice of the online store will
make the buyer feel satisfied with that store.




1. Research Framework
The flow chart model below will identify all of the factors that will be studied in this
research study.


Primary Data




Data Analysis




Data Collection

Figure 3: Research Framework

The primary goal of this study, as shown in the graph above, is to learn more about


INTENTIONS”. Because we are focusing on students, we may place university/college
2. Research Objective
The target of this thesis is to determine the factors and attributes which influence the
online buying of the consumers. To achieve this aim, the study focuses on many users,
especially college and university students on many different online shopping apps.
Following the identification of the research aim, these objectives of this study have
been formulated:

To find out the most popular online shopping sites among the buyers.

To identify the factors influencing online shoppers and consumers.

To determine the frequency of purchase over the internet by a consumer,
especially the students.

To know how the advertisement can influence consumer’s intention
towards their buying decision.

3. Research Question
Assessing the factors affecting students' buying attitude and intention through short
questions, from which, e-retailers and e-marketers must fully understand the attitude and
this particular student's intention towards online shopping.
Research questions are posed to obtain the relevant information required to fulfill the
objectives. The proposed questions to be answered in this research are as follow:

What websites are commonly used for online shopping in Vietnam?

How often do students shopping online?
What factors affect the students’ online shopping attitude and intention?
Does online product advertising affect students' online shopping attitudes and


With the above 4 questions, we can make a preliminary assessment of the factors
affecting students' attitudes and intentions when shopping online. The first 2 questions
tell us which online shopping applications are trending in Vietnam, the habits of students
using it as well as the factors affecting their decision when buying. The remaining 2
questions show us the factors affecting students' attitudes and intentions when buying
4. Hypothesis

Shopee, Instagram and Lazada are the most favorite shopping platforms in Viet

Students often buy online

There are five main factors affecting the students the students’ online shopping
attitude and intention:


Financial and Security Risk
Convenience Risk
Product Risk
Online Shop’s Attitude
Online Shop’s Experience

Online advertisements do not affect the students’ online shopping attitude and
intention much.

5. Data Collection
Our study of students' attitudes toward online buying is both descriptive and surveybased because we simply want to figure out what elements drive students to shop online.
In general, there are two sorts of research methods used: quantitative and qualitative
research. We will favor the quantitative technique because our study is for academic
objectives and is time-limited. Quantitative research can be faster than qualitative
research because the timetable can be predicted, whereas qualitative research can take a
long period. Moreover, the Quantitative research approach is logical and systematic. It
collects data using statistical, mathematical, and computational tools and then presents
the data in visual formats such as a table, chart, or graph.

During the covid-19 pandemic, we are all in quarantine, separate from each other so
we suggest using the method of the online survey instead of the face-to-face interview or
any other methods. We make use of online survey as they are convenient, economical and

easy for everyone to use. No matter where the students are, they can easily fill in the form
which we have created by Google forms. All they have to do is access the internet and do
the questionnaire. Besides, we find more information about our topic by doing research
on the internet, websites which are reliable. Articles, research papers, or fieldworks that
were published in academic journals are also our references.

Step 1: Determine the target population

There is the main target group of university/college students. They are people who
have had experience in online shopping on platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, Tiki..

Step 2: Identify the sampling frames needed

It is less expensive for us to access free web resources and databases. Because of the
widespread use of the Internet and social media sites such as Facebook, Zalo, and
Instagram, we can utilize them to contact respondents and request that they complete the
survey for us. They can also be used as a means of communication with our target

Step 3: Sampling method

We picked probability sampling since we know who our target population is and can
thus compile a comprehensive list of them. Furthermore, by obtaining data and using
computing techniques such as confidence intervals, the accuracy, reliability, and
representativeness of the data may be ensured. We strongly advise using stratified
sampling in probability sampling, which involves
splitting the target group into two or more exclusive and exhaustive subgroups to ensure

data accuracy.

Step 4: Sample Size

For the research to be appropriate and reliable, we expect to collect 90 responses
from the survey of students at universities and colleges in Viet Nam.
% of respondents we are likely to reach: 93%
% of the respondents willing to help: 80%
% of the respondents likely to fill out the survey correctly: 80%

 Only 59.52% (0.93 * 0.8 * 0.8) of identifiable respondents with usable responses.
 Thus, if we wish to obtain a net sample size of 90, we need to send out:
 90 / 59.52% = 150 surveys
6. Scope and limitation


When we started working on the research paper, we were faced with a serious
situation of the Covid-19 epidemic and now there is no sign of abating. So we are forced
to research online tools and it leads to a lot of misinformation. Besides, when the online
survey was sent, many people could not fully understand the questions or did not want to
answer, it was difficult for us to process the data and information received.


How many people did the

A total of 150 responses were received.

Who are the respondents?

The responders are mostly university/college students from
various Vietnamese schools and universities/colleges.

How long does it take to

It should only take a few minutes for each respondent to

complete the questionnaire?


Who are the main targets of

Students between the ages of 18 and 30 who are interested in

the survey?

online shopping

How long did it take for our

The survey took us 6 days to finish. From 19/7/2021 to

research team to create the





Empirical Results

Figure 4: Academic level

We have sent out our survey to 150 students in many different universities and
colleges . As we can see that the first-year student involving in our study accounts for
60,6%, which is more than half of the chart. 26,7% of the second year students take part
our survey. Finally, the percentage of the participation of the final year students become
the lowest one, which is 12%. So we can say that the percentage of first-year students is
the highest of all.


Figure 5: Gender of students

We have females in the first place with 53% so we can say that the female who
did the survey is more than male and other gender. And the second place is male with

42% and the last place with 5% is the other gender.

