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Verb tense.

Simple present
S + Vs/es
1. Diễn tả hành động thường xuyên xảy ra hay thói quen ở hiện tại.
Thường đi kèm các từ chỉ tần xuất như: always, often, usually= generally, sometimes, rarely=
seldom, every+day/week/month/year/Monday…..
Ex: He usually plays soccer with his friends.
Ex: I brush my teeth everyday
2. Diễn tả chân lý, sự thật hiển nhiên
Ex: The Moon moves around the Earth. ( mặt trăng quay xung quanh trái đất)
3. Sự việc xảy ra trong tương lai áp dụng với lịch tàu xe, thời khóa biểu, kế hoạch, lịch trình….
Ex: The train leaves at 6am tomorrow.
1. I (be) ________ at school at the weekend.
2. She (not study) ________ on Friday.
3. My students (be not) ________ hard working.
4. He (have) ________ a new haircut today.
5. I usually (have) ________ breakfast at 7.00.
6. She (live) ________ in a house?
7. Where your children (be) ________?
8. My sister (work) ________ in a bank.
9. Dog (like) ________ meat.
10. She (live)________ in Florida.
11. It (rain)________ almost every day in Manchester.
12. We (fly)________ to Spain every summer.
13. My mother (fry)________ eggs for breakfast every morning.
14. The bank (close)________ at four o`clock.
15. John (try)________ hard in class, but I (not think) ________ he will pass.
16. Jo is so smart that she (pass)________ every exam without even trying.

17. My life (be) so boring. I just (watch)________ TV every night.
18. My best friend (write)________ to me every week.
19. You (speak) ________ English?
20. She (not live) ________ in HaiPhong city.


Simple continuous
S+ tobe ( am/is/are) + V_ing
1. Diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra ở ngay thời điểm nói. Thường có dấu hiện nhận biết là: Now,
right now, at the moment, look! , Harry up!....
Ex: She is sleeping now. ( cô ấy đang ngủ)
2. Diễn tả hành động đang được diễn ra nhưng không nhất thiết phải xảy ra ngay tại thời điểm nói.
Ex: I am learning English and French ( tôi đang học tiếng anh và tiếng pháp)
Ex I am finding a job now ( tơi đang tìm việc làm)

3. Diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra trong tương lai có dự tính trước. dấu hiện nhận biết thường dùng là:
tomorrow, this morning, this afternoon, next Sunday, next week…
Ex: I am going camping next Sunday. ( tôi sẽ đi cắm trại vào chủ nhật tuần tới)
Những động từ không chia ở hiện tại tiếp diễn:
1. Want : muốn
2. Like : thích
3. Love : yêu
4. Need : cần
5. Prefer : thích hơn
6. Believe : tin tưởng
7. Contain : chứa đựng
8. Taste: nếm
9. Suppose : cho rằng

10. Remember : nhớ
11. Realize : nhận ra
12. Understand: hiểu biết

13. Depend: phụ thuộc
14. Seem : dường như/ có vẻ như
15. Know : biết
16. Belong : thuộc về
17. Hope : hy vọng
18. Forget : quên
19. Hate : ghét
20. Wish : ước
22. Mean : có nghĩa là
23. Lack : thiếu
24. Appear : xuất hiện
25. Sound : nghe có vẻ như

1. Have you got an umbrella? It ........................... to rain.
a. is starting
b. are starting
c. am starting
d. start
2. You .................... a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I ............... to concentrate.
a. is makeing/am trying
b. are makeing/ am trying
c. are making/ am trying
d. is making/ am trying
3. Why are all these people here? What ......................... ?
a. am happening

b. are happening
c. is happening
d. is happening
4. Your English ................. . How do you learn?
a. is improving
b. are improving
c. improve
d. improving
5. Please don’t make so much noise. I ..................... to work.
a. is trying
b. are trying
c. trying
d. am trying
6. Let’s go out now. It ................... any more.
a. am raining
b. is raining
c. are raining
d. raining
7. You can turn off the radio. I ............. to it.
a. are not listening
b. isn’t listening
c. am not listening
d. don’t listening
8. Kate phoned me last night. She is on holiday in France. She ...... a great time and doesn’t want
to come back.

a. is haveing
b. are having
c. am having

d. is having
9. I want to lose weight, so this week I ................ lunch.
a. am not eating
b. isn’t eating
c. aren’t eating
d. amn’t eating
10. Andrew has just started evening classes. He ................. German.
a. are learning
b. is learning
c. am learning
d. learning
11. The workers ................................a new house right now.
a. are building
b. am building
c. is building
d. build
12. Tom ............................. two poems at the moment?
a. are writing b. are writeing
c.is writeing
d. is writing
13. The chief engineer .................................... all the workers of the plant now.
a. is instructing
b. are instructing
c. instructs
d. instruct
14. He .......................... his pictures at the moment.
a. isn’t paint
b. isn’t painting
c. aren’t painting
d. don’t painting

15. We ...............................the herbs in the garden at present.
a. don’t plant
b. doesn’t plant
c. isn’t planting
d. aren’t planting
16. They ........................ the artificial flowers of silk now?
a. are.......... makeing b. are......... making
c. is........... makeing
d. is ........... making
17. Your father ...............................your motorbike at the moment.
a. is repairing
b. are repairing
c. don’t repair
d. doesn’t repair
18. Look! The man ......................... the children to the cinema.
a. is takeing
b. are taking
c. is taking
d. are takeing
19. Listen! The teacher .......................a new lesson to us.
a. is explaining
b. are explaining
c. explain
d. explains
20. They ………… …….. tomorrow.
a. are coming

b. is coming

c. coming

d. comes

Exercise 1: Complete these sentences using one of these verbs








The number of people without jobs ………….. at the moment.
He is still ill but he ………. Better slowly.

These days food ……… more and more expensive.
The world ………….. things never stay the same
The cost of living ………. Every year things are dearer.
The economic situation is already very bad and it ………. Worse.
George has gone to work in Spain. When he arrived, his Spanish wasn’t very good but now
Exercise 2: Now you have to put the erb into the correct form, present continuous or present


I………………( not/belong) to a political party.
Hurry! The bus ………...( come). I ………..( not/want) to miss it.
The River Nile……….(flow) into the Mediterranean.
The river…………(flow) very fast today- much faster than usual.
………………………..(it/ever/snow) in India?
We usually…………( grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we ………….(not/grow) any.
A: Can you drive?
B: No, but I ……( learn). My father………..(teach) me.
8. You can borrow my umbrealla. I……….( not/need) it at the moment.
9. (at a party) I usually …….(enjoy) parties but I ……..( not/enjoy) this one very much.
10. She ……..(stay) with her sister at the moment until she finds somewhere to live.

III. Present perfect

S+ have/has+ P2
1. Diễn tả hành động vừa mới xảy ra. Thường đi kèm từ “just”
Ex: I have just eaten.
2. Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng còn tiếp tục ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai. Dấu hiệu
nhận biết là các từ: for, since, up to now….
Ex: She has learnt English for 10 years
3. Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không biết thời gian : before, already, for
years=for ago, for a long time, many times….
1. Charlie and Tom (decide) get married.
2. Do you have anything about Jim? He (go) to UK.
3. Oh dear, I (forget) her name.
Exercise 1: in this exercise you have to read the situation and then write a suitable sentence. Use the verb
For example: Hanh is looking for her key. He can’t find it,

She has lost her key.
Hong’s hair was dirty. Now it is clean (wash)

Vinh was 80 kilograms. Now he weighs 70. ( lose weight)



The car has just stopped because there isn’t any more petrol in the tank ( run out of petrol)
Yesterday I was playing football. Now I can’t walk and my leg is plaster. (break)

IV. Present perfect continuous
(+)S+ have/has+ p2
(-) S+ have/has not+ been+ Ving
(?)Have/ Has + S + been + V-ing ?
1. Diễn diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ và kéo dài đến hiện tại nhưng nhấn mạnh về tình
liên tục của hành động.
Ex: She has been working here since 2010.
2. Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng kết quả còn ở hiện tại
Ex: I am very tired now because I have been working hard for 12 hours

Phân biệt HTHT, HTHTTD
Hiện tại hoàn thành
1. Have chỉ cho kết quả bao nhiêu
Ex: I have taught thousand of
students in VN
2. 1 hình ảnh đã kết thúc, xảy ra trong
quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại nhưng
đã kết thúc không còn kéo dài tiếp
Ex: I have painted the house for 2


Hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
1. Have chỉ cho thời gian
Ex: I have been teaching in VN for
15 years.
2. 1 hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ
kéo dài liên tục đến hiện tại cịn có
thể tiếp diễn đến tương lai.
Ex: I have been painting the house
for 2 days.

Past simple
S+ Ved/cột 2
1. Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và hoàn thành trong quá khứ, đã xác định thời gian cụ thể. Thường
có dấu hiệu nhận biết là : yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/month/year, ago....
Ex: I visited my grandmother last week.
2. Diễn tả hành động đã hoàn thành trong q khứ biết được khoảng thời gian hồn thành nó.
1. Yesterday moring Tom………. (wake up) late
2. I…………….(not/eat) anything yesterday because I ………(be) too busy.
3. She……..(not/be) interested in this book because she………(not/understand) it.

VI. Past continuous
S+ was/were + V_ing

1. Diễn tả 1 hành động đang xảy ra ở 1 thời điểm trong quá khứ
2. Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trước và kéo sau 1 hành động khác trong quá khứ
1. At this time last year, they (build) this house.

2. I (drive) my car very fast when you called me.
3. I (chat) with my friends while my teacher (teach) the lesson yesterday.
4. My father (watch) TV when I got home.
6. What you (do) at 8 pm yesterday?
7. Where you (go) when I saw you last weekend?
8. They (not go) to school when I met them yesterday.
9. My mother (not do) the housework when my father came home.
10. My sister (read) books while my brother (play) football yesterday afternoon.

Phân biệt Quá đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn


1. Diễn đạt một hành động
xảy ra và chấm dứt hoàn
toàn trong quá khứ
2. Diễn đạt các hành động
xảy ra liên tiếp trong quá

1. Diễn đạt một hành động đang
xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong
quá khứ

3. Được sử dụng trong một
số công thức sau:

3. Được sử dụng trong một số
cấu trúc sau

- I used to ridebicycle to
school (thói quen trong quá
- I was eating dinner when
she came
-If I were you,I wouldn't get
engaged to him (Câu điều
kiện loại II)

- I saw Henrywhilehe was
walkingin the park
- I was listening to the
newswhen she phoned (một
hành động đang xảy ra thì hành
động khác chen ngang)

2. Diễn đạt hai hành động xảy ra
song song nhau trong quá khứ

4. Signal Words:
4. Signal Words:
Last night/ year/month;
yesterday, 2 years ago; in

At this time last night; at this
moment last year; at 8 p.m last


night; while...

Bài tập 1: Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau:
Hanh: Do you like (you / like) ………………………………. football, Tom?
Vinh: I love (1 / love) it. I`m a United fan. (1) ………………………… (I / go) to all their games.
Nick usually (2) ...................................... (come) with me. And
(3) ............................................... (we / travel) to away games, too. Why
(4) .................................... (you / not / come) to a match some time?
Hanh: I`m afraid football (5) ………………………………… (not / make) sense to me — men
running after a ball. Why (6) ...................................................... (you / take) it so seriously?
Vinh: It's a wonderful game. (7) ................................................ (I / love) it. United are my whole
Hanh: How much (8) ………………………………… (it / cost) to buy the tickets and pay for the
Vinh: A lot. (9) ............................. (I / not / know) exactly how much. But (10) (that / not / matter)
to me. (11) ............................ (I / not / want) to do anything else. (12) .........................(that /
annoy) you?
Hanh: No, (13) .......................... (it / not / annoy) me. I just (14) (find) it a bit sad.
1. Where's John? He (listen) to a new CD in his room.
2. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always (rain) in England.
3. Jean (work) hard all day but she (not work) at the moment.
4. Look! That boy (run) after the bus. He (want) to catch it.
5. He (speak) German so well because he (come) from Germany.
6. Shh! The boss (come). We (meet) him in an hour and nothing is ready!
7. you usually (go) away for Christmas or you (stay) at home?
8. She (hold) some roses. They (smell) lovely.
9. Oh no! Look! It (snow) again. It always (snow) in this country.

10. Mary (swim) very well, but she (not run) very fast.
11. you (enjoy) this party? Yes, I (have) a great time!
12. Sorry I can't help you. I (not know) where she keeps her files.
13. What you(do) next Saturday? Nothing special. I (stay) at home.
14. I (think) your new hat (look) nice on you.
15. I (live) with my parents but right now I (stay) with some friends for a few days.
16. I can't talk on the phone now. I (drive) home.
17. Where are the children? They (lie) on the beach over there.
18. You never (listen) to a word I say! You always (listen) to that mp3 player!
19. He (not understand) what you (talk) about. He's foreign.
20. How much your suitcase (weigh)? It (look) really heavy.
Ex3: Chọn đúng thì của các câu sau (quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn):
1. Alice saw/ was seeing the accident when she was catching the bus.

2. What were you doing/ did you do when I called?
3. I didn’t visit/ weren’t visiting my friends last summer holiday.
4. It rained/ was raining heavily last July.
5. While people were talking to each other, he read/ was reading his book.
6. My sister was eating/ ate hamburgers every weekend last month.
7. While we were running/ ran in the park, Mary fell over.
8. Did you find/ Were you finding your keys yesterday?
9. Who was she dancing/ did she dance with at the party last night?
10. They were watching/ watched football on TV at 7 p.m. yesterday.
Ex4: Sửa lỗi sai trong các câu sau (quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn):
1. I was play football when she called me.
2. Was you study Math at 5 p.m. yesterday?
3. What was she do while her mother was making lunch?
4. Where did you went last Sunday?
5. They weren’t sleep during the meeting last Monday.

6. He got up early and have breakfast with his family yesterday morning.
7. She didn’t broke the flower vase. Tom did.
8. Last week my friend and I go to the beach on the bus.
9. While I am listening to music, I heard the doorbell.
10. Peter turn on the TV, but there was nothing interesting.

VII. Past perfect
S+had+ P2
Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động hay một mốc thời gian trong quá khứ. Thường có
các liên từ chỉ thời gian : Before, After, By the time….
Ex: I had finished my homework before I went out with my friends last night.
1. They (come) …………….. back home after they (finish) ………………… their work.
2. She said that she ( meet) ……………………. Mr. Bean before.
3. Before he (go) ………………………….. to bed, he (read) ………………………… a novel.
4. He told me he (not/wear) ………………………… such kind of clothes before.
5. When I came to the stadium, the match (start) ………………………………….
6. Before she (listen) ………………….. to music, she (do)……………………. homework.
7. Last night, Peter (go) ………………….. to the supermarket before he (go) …………………

VIII. Past perfect continuous
S+ had + been+ V.ing

Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động hay 1 mốc thời gian trong quá khứ nhưng nhấn
mạnh về tính liên tục của hành động.
Ex: I had been thinking about him after he had girlfriend.
Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.
1. When I arrived, they (wait) …………………… for me. They were very angry with me.
2. We (run) ……………………………along the street for about 40 minutes when a car suddenly

stopped right in front of us.
3. Yesterday, my brother said he (stop) ……………………………smoking for 2 months.
4. Someone (paint) …………………………… the room because the smell of the paint was very
strong when I got into the room.
5. They (talk) ………………………..… on the phone when the rain poured down.
6. The man (pay) ………………………….. for his new car in cash.
7. I (have) ………………………………….lunch by the time the others came into the restaurant.
8. It (rain) ……………………….. for two days before the storm came yesterday.
IX. Simple future
S+ will+ V
Diễn tả hành động xảy ra trong tương lai; tomorrow, next Monday/week/month….in the future…
Ex: I will visit my grandmother next week.
1. They (do) it for you tomorrow.
2. My father (call) you in 5 minutes.
4. We believe that she (recover) from her illness soon.
5. I promise I (return) school on time.
6. If it rains, he (stay) at home.
7. You (take) me to the zoo this weekend?
8. I think he (not come) back his hometown.

X. Future continuous
S+ will be+ V-ing
- Diễn tả 1 hành động sẽ đang xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm trong tương lai.
- Diễn tả 1 hành động đang xảy ra thì hành động khác chen vào ở tương lai.
- Hành động sẽ xảy ra và kéo dài hơn trong tương lai

Dấu hiệu nhận biết: At this time / at this moment + thời gian tương lai, at + giờ cụ thể+ thời
gian tương lai……
1. This time next year I (live)______ in London.

2. At 8PM tonight I (eat)_________ dinner with my family.
3. They (run)________ for about four hours. Marathons are incredibly difficult!
4. Unfortunately, I (work)______ on my essay so I won’t be able to watch the match.
5. She (study)_________ at the library tonight.
6. (you/wait)______ at the station when she arrives?
7. I (drink)_________ at the pub while you are taking your exam!
8. (she/visit)________ her Grandmother again this week?
9. At 3PM I (watch)__________ that movie on channel four.
10. (they/attend)____________ your concert next Friday? It would be lovely to see them.
Một hành động thường xuyên xảy ra ở
Một hành động đang xảy ra ở hiện tại
hiện tại
Now, at the moment, at this time
Always> usually>…….>never
Một sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lí khách
Một hành động đang xảy ra ở xung quanh
hiện tại
Ex: the Sun rises in the East
Một tình huống ổn điịnh
1 tình huống tạm thời
Ex: I live in VanNoi now
Ex: I am living in VanNoi now
Ex: I usually go to school by bike but today I am walking on foot
Always: thói quen hiện tại
Always: sự phàn nàn về 1 hành động nào
đó xảy ra quá thường xuyên gây khó chịu

cho người nói.
Tương lai theo lịch trình đã sắp đặt trước.
1 kế hoạch tương lai được sản xuất cụ thể
Ex: the last train today leaves at 11:30
về tời gian và nơi chốn
Ex: I am fyling to HCM next week.
Một hành động đang xảy ra tại 1 thời
điểm xác định trong quá khứ
Ex: at 7pm yesterday Huong was having
Hai hành động song song xảy ra trong quá
Một hành động đang xảy ra, một hành
động khác xen vào

Một hành động đang xảy ra tại 1 thời
điểm xác điểm trong tương lai
Ex: At 7pm tomorrow Huong will be
having dinner
Hành động song song xảy ra trong tương
Một hành động đang xảy ra một hành
động khác chen vào


Phù hợp thời với từ nối When
1. When chỉ quá khứ
When QKĐ, QKĐ ( 2 hành động xảy ra nối tiếp)
When QKĐ, QKTD ( 2 hành động xảy ra cắt nhau)
When QKĐ, QKHT ( 2 hành động xảy ra trước, sau)
2. When chỉ tương lai
When HTĐ, TLĐ ( 2 hành động xảy ra nối tiếp)
Ex: when he comes tomorrow,I will call you
When HTĐ,TLTD ( 2 hành động xảy ra cắt nhau)
Ex: when you come here tomorrow, I will be teaching English.
When HTĐ, TLHT ( 2 hành động xảy ra trước, sau)
Ex: When you come here tomorrow, I will have taught English unit 2.
Ex: When you have finished your homework, we will go to cinema.

Conditional Sentences

If Clause
If do
If + Vhtđ
If S+Vqkđ

Main Clause
S+ Vhtđ
S+ Vqkđ

Câu điều
kiện loại
1( có thật
ở hiện tại
và tương
Lưu ý 1:

If do


Dùng should để diễn tả
sự việc ít chắc chắn hơn

Mệnh đề chính có
thể diễn tả bằng câu
mệnh lệnh

Lưu ý 2:

Happen to do: tình cơ
ngẫu nhiên thường đi với
should trong mệnh đề if
Lưu ý 3: Khi diễn tả 1 lời đề nghị
lịch sự ta dùng will,
shall, can, could trong
mệnh đề if
Lưu ý 4
Để diễn tả ý tự nguyện ta
dùng will trong mệnh đề
chứa if
Điều kiện If did
loại 2
( khơng
có thật ở
hiện tại)
Lưu ý

Nhấn mạnh:
= If+S+were+to do
=>đảo ngữ: bỏ if đảo

Uses- Examples
-If we let off an object,it falls
- If we pour oil to water, it floats
- If we heat ice, it mells
Use: diễn tả sự thật hiển nhiên, chân lí khách
quan, sự thật ln đúng
-một thói quen hiện tại

-Có thể có always ở mệnh đề chính
 Câu điều kiện loại 0 diễn tả điều kiện luôn
Be= was ( dùng cho ngôi he,she,it…)
Was John at the party?
“ I don’t know. If he was, I didn’t see him”
Diễn tả những điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện
tại hoặc tương lai.
Ex: If he is sleeping, you shouldn’t make
If you try your best, you will have already
finished all your homework by tomorrow.
If he should come, tell him to meet me.
If I should happen to hear from John,I will tell
Ex: If you will wait for a minute, I’ll call the

Dịch: “ nếu..chịu
làm gì”

If you will listen to me, I will help you

Would do

Điều kiện khơng có thật, dùng “ were” cho tất
cả các ngôi

Ex: If I were you => đảo ngữ: Were I you?
If I were to go = Were I to go?

If I went =--------------------------

Điều kiện If had done
3( khơng
có thật
Mix 3-2
If had done
Mix 2-3

I did

Would have done

Đảo ngữ: 2 cách
C1: Bỏ if đảo had+S+done
C2: đảo were+S+ to have done

Would do

Diễn tả điều kiện xảy ra trong quá khứ và để
lại kết quả ở hiện tại
Ex: If I had breakfast, I wouldn’t be hungry
Diễn tả 1 điều kiện ở hiện tại điều kiện đó giúp
chúng ta suy ra hoặc lí giải cho điều gì đó diễn
ra trong quá khứ

Ex: If I were you, I would have learned
English earlier.

Would have done

1. In this exercise you have to put the verb into the correct form.
1. If I was offered the job, I think I ………….(take) it.
2. I’m sure Hanh will lend you some money. I would be very surprised if she ………..
3. Many people would be out of work if the factor………..(close) down.
4. If she sold her car, she…………..(not/get) much money for it.
5. They’re expecting us. They would be disappointed if we …………(not/come)
6. Would George be angry if I………….(take) his bicycle without asking?
7. Ann gave me this ring. She……….(be) terribly upset if I lost it.
8. If someone ………….(walk) in here with a gun, I’d be very frightened.
9. What would happen if you …………….(not/go) to work tomorrow?
10. I’m sure she…………(understand) if you explained the situation to her.
11. If I ………(know) her number, I would telephone her.
12. I…………(not/buy) tha coat if I were you.
13. I ……..(give) you a cigarette if I had one but I’m afraid I haven’t
14. This soup would taste better if it……..(have) more salt in it,
15. If you …………..(not/go) to bed so late every night, you wouldn’t be so tired all the
16. I wouldn’t mind living in England if the weather………..( be) better.
17. I’d help you if I………..(can) but I’m afraid I can’t
18. If I were yyou, I ………..(not/marry) him.
19. We would happily buy that house if it ……….(not/be)so small.
20. If I were rich, I……..(buy) a castle.
21. Tom got to the station in time. If he……………..(miss) the train, he would have been

late for his interview.
22. It’s good that Ann reminded about Tom’s birthday. I ……..(forget) if she hadn’t
reminded me.

23. We migh not have to stayed at this hotel if Ha Anh ……………..(not/ recommend) it
to us.
24. I’d have sent you a postcard while I was on holiday if I…………………..(have) your
25. If I………….(go) to the party last night, I would be tired now.
26. If I had seen you when you passed me in the street, I …………(say) hello.
27. If we ……………(play)better, we might have won.
28. If I had gone to the party last night, I…………(see) Hong.
29. I would have gone out if I……….(not/be) so tired.
30. I he (look)…………………. Where he was going, he wouldn’t have walked into the
31. If we meet at 9:30, we………..(have) plenty of time.
32. Rose would find the milk if she (look)…………….. in the fridge.
33. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fire if she…….(feed) the animals.
34. If you spoke louder, your classmates……..(understand )you.
35. Jennie……..(arrive) safe if she drove slowly.
36. You………..(have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.
37. If you………..(swim) in this lake, you’ll shiver from cold.
38. The door wiil unlock if you……….(press) the green button.
39. If Lisa ………….(ask) her teacher, she’d have answered her questions.
40. I………(call) him if I were you.

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