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Mệnh đề danh từ nounnoun clauses

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1. Definition
 A noun is a part of the speech which includes

words refering to the name of

person: Tom, Amy, John.ect
 A place: NewYork, London, Japan.ect
 A occupation or job title: student, teacher,
 A quality: anger, discourage, kindness.ect
 An action: reading, talking, writting.ect

Noun can function in a sentences as
Subject: The childrent phay the piano


Object: He gave Mary a book


Complement: She is a teacher
Attribute: The student’s pen is in the table

Part of adverbial modifier: He is running in the yard


In apposition. Eg: Mr Tom, the doctor, a brother



When we speak directly to sb. Eg: Tom, open the
window, will you?
The articles or determiners. Eg: a pen, the book,
the desk
The prepositions: Eg: In the table, for a long time

2. Classification
1. The concrete nouns

Eg: Apple, cat, flower, famer

2. The abstract nouns

Eg: Belief, love, pride, book, pen

3. The proper nouns

Eg: London, New Yorker, The French,

4. The common nouns

Eg: car, dog, book, pen, desk

5. The collective nouns

Eg: audience, flock, group, family

6. The material nouns

Eg: Silk, wood, sand, rock

7. The countable nouns

Eg: Pencial/ pencials, apple/ apples,
desk, clock

8. The uncountable nouns

Eg: Milk, water, music, snow

9. The one word

Eg: cat, dog, mokey, ship

10. The compound nouns

Eg: Cupbroad, textbook, snowball,

 Made by 4 majors

1. The conversion: is a change in the function of the
word without any reduction
Eg: - accecess, bottle, can, closet, email, fool,
- large, empty,... (adj & n)
- butter, nail, attack alert...(n&v)

2.The derived nouns: are formed by adding
1. Adj + ness

Eg: kindness, sadness, laziness, fondness

2. Adj + dom

Eg: kingdom, wisdom, dukedom...

3. Adj + th

Eg: Length, warmth, strength

4. Adj + ty

Eg: Safety, cruelty, honesty

5. Adj + ism

Eg: socialism, heroism, alcoholism

6. Adj + ist

Eg: socialist, rightist, nationalist

7. Noun + hood

Eg: childhood, boyhood, motherhood

8. Noun + ship

Eg: friendship, memebership

9. Verb + tion

Eg: production, protection, quotation

10. Verb + ment

Eg: development, argument, investment

10. Verb+ ing

Eg: walking, reading, talking, writting

11. Verb+ er

Eg: laughter, player, visitor

12. Noun +er

Eg: New Yorker, footballer

3. Compound nouns: are made by two or
more free morphemes together
1. N+ N

Eg: board game, action movie, beauty shop

2. Adj + N

Eg: weak point, tight schedule, steady job

3. V + N

Eg: washing machine, swimming pool

4. Gerund + N

Eg: drawing-room, looking-glass, writingdesk

5: N+ gerund

Eg: sight-seeing, horse-riding

6. Adv + V

Eg: Income, output, outcome

7. V + Adv

Eg: drawback, Lock-up, send-off

8. Preposition/ adv+ N

Eg: overcoat, downfall, afterthought

9. Present participale+

Eg: runnig water, crying child

4. The shortened nouns: are made by
cutting short the original nouns
Eg: flu, smog, brunch....

4. Gender
• In english, noun are categorized as masculine,

feminine or neuter
• The gender of a noun affects the pronouns we use
with it ( eg: he, she, it) and the possessve
determiners ( eg: his, her, its)
• The difference between male and female can be
made by 2 ways:
 By 2 different words:
Eg: boy-girl, man-woman, husband-wife
 By morphemes combination:
Eg: actor-actress, host- hostess, water –
wateress, lion- lioness
boyfriend – girlfriend, manservant –
maidservant, bull calf – cow calf

• Gender- neutral nouns for people
Eg: parent, teacher, doctor, worker, farmer
• In literature, the nouns denoting strength or
terrible concept are considered as male:
Eg; day, war, death, the sun
• The nouns showing beautiful, acttractive concept
are considered as female
Eg: night , the moon, freedom, peace, spring

5. Number
 There are 2 numbers in noun- number: singular

and plural
1. Singular form

 Indicates one thing
 Both the countable nouns and the uncountable
nouns have the singular form
Eg: a pen, a book, a dog, money, water, oil

2. The plural form
 Indicates more than one person and one thing
 It is expressed by a countable nouns added with a
bound morpheme expressing plural
Eg: books, pens, movies..

 Ways to form plural from singular
1. By suffixing “s” to the singular-noun
Eg: joy- joys, run- runs, chair- chairs, radio- radios
2. By suffixing “es” to the singular form ending (ch, sh, s,
ss, x,z)
Eg: glass-glasses, bench-benches, bush-bushes, churchchurches
3. By changing the last letter –f, - fe into –ves
Eg: shelf- shelves, knife- knives
 The ending sound nouns –ief, -oof, -ff, -rf that only
adding –s
Eg: roof- roofs, cliff- cliffs, serf- serfs
 Some of them have 2 plural forms
Eg: staff – staffs or staves, dwarf- dwarfs or dwarves

4. By changing the last letter –u into –ies
Eg: baby- babies, lady- ladies, story- stories, citycities

5. By changing the letter –o into –es
Eg: tomato- tomatoes, hero- heroes
Exception: radio- radios, piano- pianos
6. By changing the inside vowel of the singular
Eg: man- men, woman- women, foot- feet, tooth,
7. By suffixing –s to the main word in a compound
Eg: son-in- law – sons-in-law, step-son – step-

8. Special cases
 Few nouns which end in –s are used in singular
Eg: News, physics, politics, mathematics…
 Few collective noun, though they are in singular

forms, are used in plural forms
Eg: Poultry, cattle, people, gentry, etc..

 Few nouns have same forms both in sigular and

plural forms
Eg: sheep, deer, swine, cod, ect…

 Few nouns are used only in the plural forms

Eg: Trousers, scissors, spectacles, thanks, draughts,

 Few nouns have 2 different forms in plural. But the

2 forms have different meanings
Eg: brother- brothers (son of same parents) and
brethren (members of a society)
 Few nouns have different meanings in the singular

and in the plural
Eg: advice (counsel) – advices (information), air
(atmosphere) – airs (artifical manners)
 Few nouns have one meaning in singular but two

or more meanings in plural
Eg: custom (habit) – customs (habits & taxes)
effect (result) – effects (results & property)

 3 ways of pronouncing plural form:
 Pronounce /s/ after voiceless consonant

Eg: books, maps, fruits
 Pronounce /z/ after voiced consonant and

Eg: tables, doors, pens
 Pronounce /iz/ after sibilants:

Eg: hourses, churches, pieces

6. Case
 Indicates the function of a noun phrase or the

relationship of a noun phrase to a verb or to other
noun phrases in the sentences
 There are 4 case:
1. Nominative case: are nouns as the subject of a
Eg: The painter paints the portraits
2. The objective case: are nouns or pronouns as the
direct objects of verbs or the objects of preposition
Eg: - I met your sister
- The book is on the table

3. The common case
 Is characterized by the zero-inflexion
 Are defined by means of word order or
Subject: I come home
Part of complement: It is a easy question
Direct and indirect object: He gives me a book
Prepositional object: He look in the sky
Part of adverbial modifier: She went to the park
4. The possessive case: are nouns that denotes
possession or ownership and governed by the noun
that follows it
Eg: This is your pencil
It is our idea

7. Noun functions
1. Subject
2. Complemet
3. Object
4. Attribute
5. Part of

She come to the party
It is a compicated question
He gives me a book
This is an old brick house
She waks in the park

8. Nouns clause
 Is a subordine clause that has a subject and verd,

used like a noun
 Fuction:
1. As subject
Eg: Whoever thought of the idea is a genius
2. As object
Eg: She talks whatever she wants
 The noun clause are introduced by: Wh- questions:

when, what , why, who, ect…


Beginning with the question word
Eg: What did he invent? –-> I don’t know what he
When did he invent? –> I’m not sure when he
invented it

2. Beginning with whether or if
Eg: Will it work? --> He wonders whether/ if it will
Did they believe him? --> I don’t know if they
believed him
3. Beginning with that
