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Part 1(10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. What city are you from?
2. Where is it located exactly?
3. Do you like living there?
4. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?
5. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

1. 2. I was born and raised in a family on a small town in Thanh Hoa. The town where I lived
has a bustling and busy. The place where many people come to live and work there is Ben Sung
3. Yes, of couse. I really like the hospitality of the people in my town where we are living close
together and willing to give others a hand when needed. It’s what I can hardly find in my
current residential area where neighbours see each other as strangers.
4. I live in a house that has a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a small
garden. It's not a very big house, but it's just right for me.
5. The answer would be yes if the respondent is my parents since moving in and out is too timeconsuming and exhausting. Cleaning and arranging everything all over again would be like
torture to them. For me, on the other hand, as I’m thinking of moving out to start my adult life,
hopefully soon I’ll be able to afford to live in a flat or an apartment.
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Imagine that you are planning a week-long touring holiday with your partner around the country that you're
studying in. You want to see as much as possible but don't want to spend too much money on transport. Which
means of transport is the best choice: by car, by motorbike or by train?

If we choose to go by car and motobike, we can flexible in moving from place to place and we
can go at any time we want. However, car and motobike are the slowest way and often has
problems with traffic jams.And taking train is reasonable and convenient, we can enjoy a lot of
fantastic views a long the road. On the other harid, travelling by train mean that our trip
depends on when and where the train go. In conclusion, I think travelling by train would be the
best option, it is not as expensive as travelling by car and sometime could be as convenient as

when we travel by plane.

Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. What are the benefits of owning a pet?
2. How important it is to protect the endangered species?
3. Mistreating an animal is a criminal offence. What punishment would you serve to someone who’s
abandoned kittens in the forest?
4. Should dogs be allowed to enter restaurants and pubs? Why? Why not?

1. The first is confidence. The confidence we gain from being able to nurture and provide care
for an animal as we watch it grow and return its gratification to us lovingly, encourages us and
shows us the wonderful results and the positive impact it has on our life. The second is motional
balance. As we give our pet love and attention, it makes us feel important, useful and
encourages positive emotions in us. The third is social interaction. People who own a dog
usually find it easier to interact with strangers when out and about, especially when they take
their dog for a walk.
2. As you know, animals play an important part in our environment. They help maintain the
biodiversity in nature. Today many animal species are in danger of extinction.


endangered species play an essential role in the ecosystems they live in, so if they go extinct,
there will be some disastrous consequences that we can’t predict. Also, these animals are so
strange and varied that they can remind us of the wonder of life and our own delicate place on
this planet.”
3. Animal abuse is not acceptable. For neglect of cats in the forest, imprisonment will be
imposed. Because there is a heavy punishment for everyone to obey, and no more animal abuse.
For example, owners who have abandoned dogs and cats in Peru could even be jailed for 1 to 2

years. Meanwhile, the act of beating and killing pets has the highest penalty of up to 5 years in
4. Yes, I think so. Dogs are human friends because of its intelligence, alertness, loyalty and
many benefits. The dog is always by our side in abundance as well as in times of poverty, in
health and in sickness. It slept quietly on the cold ground, whether it was cut in winter or buried
by a blizzard, as long as it was close to its owner. And there are so many dog lovers, we should
have such bars and restaurants just for them. and let the dog feel his master's affection for it.

Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.

Do you work or study?


What subject are you majoring in?


Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?


What part of your house do you like the most?


Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

1. Now, I am a third year student at Hong Duc University. There, teachers and friends are very
friendly and sociable.
2. My major is an English teacher in the Facuty of Foreign Languages at Hong Duc University.
After 3 years of studying here, I feel more confident in my right career choice, and feel more in
love with this job.
3. I will go for a flat. It is true that living in a house has more freedom but I think that the flat
often has modern facilities and many of them are fully furnished. So I believe it is an ideal
accommodation for me.
4. It’s definitely my own bedroom. It's where I can do whatever I want without getting disturbed
and irritated by others. I call it my comfort zone or hideaway. After a long and stressful
studying day, I just want to be alone in my bedroom, chilling out with a movie or something.
5. Probably the kitchen where we eat together. Unlike other families in town, we don’t watch TV
very often, at least I don’t watch TV so we never sit together in the living room. Dinner is the
only time of day that we all sit together and enjoy our meals.
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
You are the mayor of a town which wants to develop by tourism. The committee of the town is holding a
meeting to find ways to attract more tourists to come to your town? What can you do?

If I am a mayor of a town, I will have 3 ways to attract more tourists to come to my town. The
first is to connect with agents. Developing partnerships with the right agents can have a
significant impact on the travelers who discover your destination. Tour and activity operators
who branch out and connect with agents who work with specific outbound markets will help
attract more travelers to their destination as well as to their own business. The second is to

optimize your website for mobile use. Mobile technology is no longer a luxury, but rather a
necessity. Travelers from all places and across all age groups are becoming increasingly reliant
on their smart phones and tablets. Mobile bookings continue to rise year after year, and the

most motivated market segments around the globe will be discovering new destinations through
social networking and mobile searches. The third is to invest in video marketing. Video
marketing provides tour and activity operators with a chance to engage their prospective guests
and offer them an immersive glimpse into their destination. While you will likely create videos
that focus on your own tour and activity products, you also should expand your video marketing
campaigns to include regional insight. When you promote the attractiveness of your region as a
whole, you will be more likely to increase the number of travelers who visit throughout the year
and ultimately boost the bookings for your tour and activity products.
Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. What do people usually shop for?
2. Some people say there will be no need for shops in the future because we'll buy everything online. What
do you think?
3. Is it better to go shopping with friends or alone?
4. Do you think that advertising encourages people to spend too much money?

1. Nowadays, with the modernity and development of society, people shop nagfy as much as
clothes, electronics, cosmetics, home appliances and especially clothing and cosmetics. Women
seem to be more obsessed with fashion and shopping than the rest of the population, but there
are exceptions. Those who love spending time and money on beautiful pieces of clothing pay
great attention to their appearance and take pleasure in the act of shopping, while others
consider it a waste of resources. However, people have different reasons to buy clothes which
are not necessarily related to whether they enjoy it or not. For example, most men avoid
shopping on clothes unless they need a new suit for some formal event or only when there are
holes in their clothes!
2. Online shopping is getting more popular but there's a limit to what people will buy online.
Books, DVDs, electronics - those are things you can read about online and buy. But clothes and

things you have to touch and feel - people will always want to see them in a shop first, maybe

try them on.
3. For me, alone, because shopping is stressful and I just want to get in and out of the shop.
But going with friends is good when you buy clothes because you need an honest opinion.
4. Yes of course! They really know how to get into people's heads and they are experts in
making us spend more money. But I think we have to take responsibility, too. Just because we
see something shiny doesn't mean we should buy it!
Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. Where do you live?
2. Is it an apartment or a house?

What is your favorite room in the house? [Why?]


How do you keep your photos?


In what situations do you take photos?

1. I was born and raised in a family on a small town in Thanh Hoa. The town where I lived has
a bustling and busy. The place where many people come to live and work there is Ben Sung
2. I live in a house that has a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a small
garden. It's not a very big house, but it's just right for me.
3. It’s definitely my own bedroom. It's where I can do whatever I want without getting disturbed
and irritated by others. I call it my comfort zone or hideaway. After a long and stressful

studying day, I just want to be alone in my bedroom, chilling out with a movie or something.
4. Printing the photos out, making an album or sticking them on the wall for decoration is
common and also interesting. But I don’t think photos are worth that much time and the effort
unless what I captured is apparently important to me, otherwise, I only keep them in my iPhone.
5. I snap a photo of anything that catches my eyes and if I’m in a good mood. So I take photos
when my friends and I hang out or when I participate in the social activities of the university
and meet amazing people. However, when it comes to practising for professional photography, I
prefer taking photos of scenery and foods.

Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Your friend has just moved to a new neighborhood. He wants to get to know people in this new area. What can
he do to make friends with new people?

To make new friends in a new place is not difficult and there are many ways to do it. Here I will
say 3 most common ways. The first is to find classes. Attending classes is a good way to interact
with people on a regular basis. Find a class that sparks your interest such as gym classes,
tennis lessons, cooking classes, computer classes – and try to go consistently. The second is to
get involved in the community. Enjoy volunteering or socializing. Attend local events,
fundraisers and gatherings in your community. The third is to Join a club or a social group.
Depending on where he moves, he may also want to take advantage of what his new town has to
offer. If he can’t find a club that suits your interests, form one himself! It may take several
different tries until he find the right fit, but he’ll find him people eventually.
Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. Is watching TV the best way for people to spend their free time?
2. Some people have more than one television in their home. Do you think this is a good idea?
3. Do you think children watch too much television in your country?
4. Is television the best way of following the news in the world?

1. People know what they want and if they want to watch TV that's okay with me. I think there
are better things to do, but sometimes you need some easy, relaxing time and that's where TV is
2. I don't like telling people what to do. Maybe they have one television in the living room and
one in the bedroom. If they like falling asleep with the TV on, what's the problem? Maybe it's a
problem to have two TVs if it stops people from hanging out in the same room. Maybe in that
situation you talk with your family less.
3. It's hard to say how much is good and how much is bad. If the parents are happy with how
much TV the children watch then it's okay. The problem is when parents are too tired or busy to
talk to their children and they turn the TV on. Television is not a parent!
4. Definitely not! TV stations are owned by rich men who want you to think a certain way. They
choose the news we see. The internet is better, but you have to look at a few different sites to get
a balanced view of events.

Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. Where are you from?
2. Are you working or studying at the moment?
3. Are you fond of receiving gifts?
4. What kinds of gifts do you like to receive most?
5. What was the last gift you received?

1. I was born and raised in a family on a small town in Thanh Hoa. The town where I lived has
a bustling and busy. The place where many people come to live and work there is Ben Sung
2. Currently, I am a third year student at Hong Duc University. There, teachers and friends are
very friendly and sociable.
3. Well not sure I don't like it. But I prefer to give rather than receive. I love the look on

someone's face when they open a present. I also like to make things for people. I think it's more
meaningful than just buying something in a store.
4. I like to get things that I can use - I mean things that are practical. It might be kind of boring,
but I like to get things like socks and books because I always need those and I realy like
shopping for those things!

Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Your best friend wants to shop for a birthday present for her mother. Tell her some ideas that can help.
What is the present?
Why should he buy that present for his mother?
Where can he buy it? Is is expensive?

Choosing gifts of beauty care will make mom feel cared for, his mentality, feel like he is still
young and beautiful, make her happier and more confident. If you are still financially tight, a
box of chalk or a lipstick is also a very interesting gift, but if you are more financially gifted
mother a bottle of perfume. Perfume is the indomitable cosmetic of modern women. Perfume
will make them more confident and attractive. He can go to genuine distribution stores to buy,
or buy on genuine websites of brands, or stores on e-commerce sites.

Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. What do people usually shop for?
2. Some people say there will be no need for shops in the future because we'll buy everything online. What
do you think?
3. Is it better to go shopping with friends or alone?
4. Do you think that advertising encourages people to spend too much money?

1. Nowadays, with the modernity and development of society, people shop nagfy as much as
clothes, electronics, cosmetics, home appliances and especially clothing and cosmetics. Women

seem to be more obsessed with fashion and shopping than the rest of the population, but there
are exceptions. Those who love spending time and money on beautiful pieces of clothing pay
great attention to their appearance and take pleasure in the act of shopping, while others
consider it a waste of resources. However, people have different reasons to buy clothes which
are not necessarily related to whether they enjoy it or not. For example, most men avoid
shopping on clothes unless they need a new suit for some formal event or only when there are
holes in their clothes!
2. Online shopping is getting more popular but there's a limit to what people will buy online.
Books, DVDs, electronics - those are things you can read about online and buy. But clothes and
things you have to touch and feel - people will always want to see them in a shop first, maybe
try them on.
3. For me, alone, because shopping is stressful and I just want to get in and out of the shop.
But going with friends is good when you buy clothes because you need an honest opinion.
4. Yes of course! They really know how to get into people's heads and they are experts in
making us spend more money. But I think we have to take responsibility, too. Just because we
see something shiny doesn't mean we should buy it!

Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. Are you a student or are you working?
2. Do you have any hobbies?

3. Do you like dancing? Is dancing a good hobby? [Why? / Why not?]
4. Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema? [Why?]
5. Do you like watching movies alone or do you prefer to watch them with someone else?
1. Currently, I am a third year student at Hong Duc University. There, teachers and friends are

very friendly and sociable.

2. Definitely yes, everyone has at least one leisure pursuit and I am no exception. My perennial
hobby is watching youtube. Currently, I am watching a few programs there such as Vietnam
Super Intelligence, Sao enlisted, broadcast every Saturday and Sunday.
3. Yes, I do! Although I don’t know how to formally dance very well, I enjoy letting loose
(relaxing; not caring what others thing) and dancing with my friends. There is something about
dancing that makes me feel incredibly carefree (fully relaxed). Furthermore, it’s a good way to
4. I prefer watching film at cinema. It can provide me more exciting atmosphere. Besides, the
surround sound system at the cinema brings the characters to life and enhances the special
effects. Even I can enjoy a night out with my friends.
5. I prefer to watch movies alone. I am a huge fan of movies and watching movies is one of the
things that helps me relax and unwind. When I watch movies I want peace of mind, quiet
surrounding and just to enjoy it. I can’t enjoy movies fully if someone else is sitting next to me.
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Your friend wants to improve his English. He has asked for an amount of money from his father but he isn’t
sure what he should do with this money to improve his English. What should he do?

English is a global language, so learning English is a necessity. however, how to learn is
important. he can self-study with English teaching websites or videos for free and use that
money to buy English reference books. however, that will not be highly effective. In my opinion,
he should take an English course. In fact, the better it gets trained. Moreover, he is also able to
interact with foreign teachers, because most centers now have foreign teachers.
Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. Is it better to study English with a local teacher or with a native teacher?
2. What are the main advantages of going to an English-speaking country to study English?
3. What are the main disadvantages of going to an English-speaking country to study English?
4. How can technology help the learning process? Is it always an advantage? Why/Why not?

1. In my opinion, it is better to study English with a native teacher. Native teacher will be a

model of the language: their English will be more idiomatic, the teacher will have a richer

vocabulary, and they will use a standard model of pronunciation. Students aiming to study or
work in the country their teacher is from may see a native speaker as a role model and mentor.
2. Firstly, you can learn with native teachers, so you can receive more pratical skills and
deeper knowledge. Listening to your teachers in your classes, talking with your friends before
and after school, reading books and do your homeworks, from that you can have more times to
perfect your skills. Secondly, you can learn English in real life contexts. Living in a country
where people living there use English in their daily communication encourages you to use
English everyday. In order to communicate with them that forcing you use English very actively.
You spend more time for communication and talking, your English will be better. Thirdly, you
can have a native-like accent. Finally, you can have native speakers as future friends.
Therefore, contacting with them can maintain your English in future. In conclusion, learning
English in an English speaking country can perfect your English skills.
3. Learning English in an English-speaking country generally requires higher expenditure than
studying locally and more time because of taking time off from their studies or work. moreover,
they must change their living environment, place to live, and adapt to new cultures. This, I
think, is quite difficult for some people. because they are familiar with the culture and customs
of their home country.
4. Instead of the teacher being the only source of help in a classroom, students can access web
sites, online tutorials, and more to assist them. Education doesn’t stop at the end of the school
day because students have access to teachers, resources, and assignments via the web and
access these resources at any time. Students can also get help and tutoring at any time, whether
from the teacher via email or online collaboration, or from a help web site. Technology can
help us in the learning process and I think it is always an advantage.
Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. Where are you from?

2. What is your hometown famous for?
3. Do you still live in your hometown?
4. Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines?

5. How often do you drink water?
1. I was born and raised in a family on a small town in Thanh Hoa. The town where I lived has

a bustling and busy. The place where many people come to live and work there is Ben Sung
2. My town is famous for Ben En National Park. This place is one of the famous landmarks with
many beautiful natural landscapes and rich and diverse fauna and flora ecosystem. In terms of
food, they have a Thai-style Pickled Mango that I tried to find elsewhere but nowhere. They
soak the mango with good wine, and make a few more recipes, but I don't know. But I'm sure
you'll be addicted to it the first time you eat.
3. For the past 20 years, I've still lived and studied in my own country. and in the future I still
want to be there, work and get married. I love my hometown so much.
4. I like to drink water from machines like water purifier because I believe water in machines is
more pure and safe as compared to water that is packed in plastic bottles
5. Well, everyday of course! Staying hydrated (provide water for someone to keep them healthy)
is a priority for me since I easily get a headache if I don’t, not to mention my weight loss goals.
Drinking enough water is of paramount importance for health.
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Your best friend wants to buy a birthday present for her mother. Tell her some ideas that can help.
What is the present?
Why should she buy that present for her mother?
Where can she buy it? Is is expensive?

Choosing gifts of beauty care will make mom feel cared for, his mentality, feel like he is still
young and beautiful, make her happier and more confident. If you are still financially tight, a

box of chalk or a lipstick is also a very interesting gift, but if you are more financially gifted
mother a bottle of perfume. Perfume is the indomitable cosmetic of modern women. Perfume
will make them more confident and attractive. He can go to genuine distribution stores to buy,
or buy on genuine websites of brands, or stores on e-commerce sites.
Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. What do people usually give as presents in your country?
2. On what occasions do people in your country give presents?

3. Is present giving today different from it was in the past?
4. How is present giving in your country different from other countries?

1. The kinds of gifts, that are popular in my country, largely depend on the occasions on which
gifts are offered. Of course, people give gifts in my country even when there are no occasions
for it. But, normally, things like nice dresses, watches, books, pieces of jewellery, perfumes,
cosmetics, aeroplane tickets to go for a holiday, mobile & smartphones, computers & laptops,
television and electronic appliances like coffee makers & micro oven are popular gift items in
my country. Sometimes, people also like to offer handcraft products, cash, flowers, greeting
cards or things that are made with their own hands, as gifts in my country. Finally, different
types of toys and dolls are popular gift items in my county when we intend to give gifts to a
2. People in our country love to give gifts to others as a gesture of their good wishes and to
show that they care. If someone invites a person to a birthday party, a wedding ceremony or to
a baby shower, the invited guest always brings gifts. We often buy gifts whenever someone
invites us to their house even if this is just a social visit. Thus gift giving is a part of our
3. Oh, I think the gift was simple before. For example, I often received a notebook as a gift. But
now, there are various gifts to choose from such as flowers, wine, food, clothes, etc.

Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. Can you cook? If yes, who taught you how to cook?
2. Do you like cooking?
3. Is it difficult to cook?
4. Do you prefer to use public transport or a car?
5. In your country, do people use public transport a lot?

1. Of course I can cook. My mother was my cooking teacher, as I spent most of my childhood in
her kitchen. She was skilled at making the dishes not only taste good but also look good. For

example, she taught me the art of vegetable carving and table setting, which I still remember
2. I am not interested in cooking, but my cooking skill is quite good. However, I do enjoy
watching cooking shows on TV, Master Chef for example, since I love seeing footage of food
being prepared.
3. I think it is not difficult with simple dishes every day, just need to do a few times to be able to
master. As for complex dishes, I think it takes a bit of talent.
4. Well, Without any doubt I would say public transport. Using public transport not only helps
to reduce air pollution, but also reduces traffic congestion. Which is a serious problem in a
number of countries, including Vietnam, a country with many private means of transport.
5. In my country, people ride the bus pretty much. But, most people use private transportation.
In the case of people going long distances, or the car breaks down or for some other reason,
they take public transport.
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Your friend finds an abandoned dog on her way home. She really wants to keep it and take care of it but her
mother doesn’t agree having a pet at home. What should she say to her mother to persuade her?

She should show the benefits of raising a dog, that will become more convincing. First, dogs
become more active. Any dog needs regular exercise. With the advent of pets, you will have to
sacrifice a portion of your personal time to walk the dog. If you tell your parents that you will
take a daily walk ( for example, a morning jog) before the dog shows up, this can convince your
parents of the seriousness of your intentions. Second, helping her to live responsibly: Thanks to
the pets she will learn how to take care of herself better. Pets teach her empathy and
compassion. When raising an animal, a baby will learn to be responsible for another creature.
Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. What are the benefits of owning a pet?
2. How important it is to protect the endangered species?
3. Mistreating an animal is a criminal offence. What punishment would you serve to someone who’s
abandoned kittens in the forest?

4. Should dogs be allowed to enter restaurants and pubs? Why? Why not?

1. The first is confidence. The confidence we gain from being able to nurture and provide care
for an animal as we watch it grow and return its gratification to us lovingly, encourages us and
shows us the wonderful results and the positive impact it has on our life. The second is motional
balance. As we give our pet love and attention, it makes us feel important, useful and
encourages positive emotions in us. The third is social interaction. People who own a dog
usually find it easier to interact with strangers when out and about, especially when they take
their dog for a walk.
2. As you know, animals play an important part in our environment. They help maintain the
biodiversity in nature. Today many animal species are in danger of extinction.


endangered species play an essential role in the ecosystems they live in, so if they go extinct,

there will be some disastrous consequences that we can’t predict. Also, these animals are so
strange and varied that they can remind us of the wonder of life and our own delicate place on
this planet.”
3. Animal abuse is not acceptable. For neglect of cats in the forest, imprisonment will be
imposed. Because there is a heavy punishment for everyone to obey, and no more animal abuse.
For example, owners who have abandoned dogs and cats in Peru could even be jailed for 1 to 2
years. Meanwhile, the act of beating and killing pets has the highest penalty of up to 5 years in
4. Yes, I think so. Dogs are human friends because of its intelligence, alertness, loyalty and
many benefits. The dog is always by our side in abundance as well as in times of poverty, in
health and in sickness. It slept quietly on the cold ground, whether it was cut in winter or buried
by a blizzard, as long as it was close to its owner. And there are so many dog lovers, we should
have such bars and restaurants just for them. and let the dog feel his master's affection for it.
Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. Do you like shopping?
2. How often do you go shopping?
3. What kind of cities do you like?

4. Do you like the city you are living in now?
5. Which city have you been to recently?

1. Yes, I do. Though I’m not a shopaholic, I still enjoy the activity itself so much. I have a taste
for wandering around shopping malls and doing some window shopping. Whenever I walk into
a grocery store, it’s the instant feeling of freshness that always excites me.
2. I suppose on a monthly basis. But usually, I don’t plan ahead. Sometimes, I’m an impulse
shopper, and it’s quite compulsive. I don’t usually try to keep abreast of the latest fashion, but
whenever I have my eye on an item, I buy it without a second thought.

3. Well, I admire cities that still have trees like the one that I'm currently living now. Most cities
nowadays, are crowded with skyscrapers that seeing greeneries is impossible. I don't mind
living in metropolitan areas as long as I can still enjoy the beauty of nature in those places.
4. Without a doubt, I can say that I do love living in my city because of its nature. Our city is
not a typical metropolis in which all you can see is a concretejungle. Ours is semi-urban, we
can still enjoy breathing fresh air and at the same time living close to nature.
5. Most recently, I visited my cousin's family 1 year ago. There are many famous and beautiful
places there such as Ha Long Bay, Sun World Ha Long Park. I really like it and look forward to
working there.
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Your grandfather wants to buy a new TV but he doesn’t know what brand is the best. Suggest him the brand that
you think is the most suitable for him.
What is the brand?
Why should he buy that brand?
Where can he buy it? Is is expensive?

Today there are many famous brands of television such as: LG, toshiba, panasonic ,. . . and
many diverse designs for customers to choose from. Depending on the object of use and the
purpose of use to choose the right style and design. My grandfather's television has just
broken, and he is in need of buying a new one. So he is wondering among many brands.
Through research, I like most panasonic televisions. With beautiful design, smart and special
features assembled in Vietnam but according to Japanese standards. Therefore, customers can

be assured of quality and can buy at low prices. Most of these televisions are available in
electronics supermarkets. Especially "Green electronics"
Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. Do you think you have to spend a lot of money to have a good holiday?
2. Some people say we travel too much these days and shouldn’t go on so many holidays. What do you

3. Why do you think people like to go away on holiday?
4. What do you think is the biggest advantage of living in a place where there are a lot of tourists?

1. No I don't think you have to spend a lot of money, but it helps. Money makes things easier:
like you can stay in the city centre instead of the outskirts. But many fun things are free, like
walking beside a river, and there are always cheap restaurants if you have time to look.
2. I think it's true we take too many flights - that's a big problem because of the pollution. But I
don't have a problem with people traveling by train - we all work very hard and need a break.
Travel broadens the mind and maybe if we meet more foreign people improve your language.
3. I heard there is a new word called a staycation recently - it's a vacation you have in your
home. Maybe that's good because it's cheap, but probably you end up doing your taxes or
something. So people need to go away on holiday to make sure all they can do is relax and
enjoy their time.
4. Oh, what a question! I never thought about it until now because I mostly think it's a bad thing
to have so many tourists in your town... but I suppose it's good for the shops and hotels, and
maybe some of the tourists are single and you can find true love.

Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. Where is your home town?
2. What do you like about your hometown?
3. Would you like to live there in the future?
4. Do you like to take photographs?
5. What is the latest photograph you have taken?

1. I was born and raised in a family on a small town in Thanh Hoa. The town where I lived has
a bustling and busy. The place where many people come to live and work there is Ben Sung

2. I really like the hospitality of the people in my town where we are living close together and
willing to give others a hand when needed. It’s what I can hardly find in my current residential
area where neighbours see each other as strangers.
3. Yes, of couse. My plan is to go back to my hometown to work after graduation. and will try to
get married near my parents so that I can take care of them, because I am an only child.
4. Yes, I love taking photographs. I think it is a great way to capture my most amazing
experiences, so I can look back in the future.
5. These are the pictures I attended my cousin's wedding a week ago. The photos are very
beautiful and I feel very satisfied. I think those are precious photos that keep memories.
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Imagine that you are planning a week-long touring holiday with your partner around the country that you're
studying in. You want to see as much as possible but don't want to spend too much money on transport. Which
means of sport is the best choice: by car, by motorbike or by train?

If we choose to go by car and motobike, we can flexible in moving from place to place and we
can go at any time we want. However, car and motobike are the slowest way and often has
problems with traffic jams.And taking train is reasonable and convenient, we can enjoy a lot of
fantastic views a long the road. On the other harid, travelling by train mean that our trip
depends on when and where the train go. In conclusion, I think travelling by train would be the
best option, it is not as expensive as travelling by car and sometime could be as convenient as
when we travel by plane.
Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. How safe do you think it is to talk to people on-line and later meet them in real life?
2. Why do you think people feel lonely in big cities?
3. Do you have any friends you’ve known for a really long time? Have they changed in any way?
4. Do you think your spouse or life partner can be your best friend?

1. I think everything will have two sides. On the plus side, online friendships help make friends

everywhere. Since then, we can learn different cultures and understand many more things.

Besides, on the negative side, it is also quite dangerous. it sometimes makes us disillusioned.
that is, online and in real life it's completely different both in appearance and everything. Or
maybe more dangerous, bad people who take advantage of online friends to steal personal
information, or meet in real life will be kidnapped, raped, or something else worse.
2. In my opinion, most people living in big cities are often obsessed with work, do not have time
for themselves. During the day, they have to work 8 hours, at night they are struggling with
deadlines or children, they do not have time to make friends, make acquaintances or go out. or
if they have close friends, they don't have much time to talk or gossip. Or for another reason,
they are afraid to make friends, they are afraid to communicate that lead to them having no
friends, and being lonely.
3. I have a friend who has known for 6 years and we are still close. About the close relationship
is still the same. She still loves me, treasures me, and always takes care of me whenever I need
it. In terms of appearance, she has completely changed, becoming more beautiful and stylish. In
terms of personality, she changes in a positive, gentler, and more mature way.
4. As for my opinion, I think my spouse will be my best friend. I am a person who likes to be
shared and cared about. Therefore, my companion will be someone I share every day, as well as
care for each other in all aspects of life. I do not have much experience, but I know, when I get
married, many problems happen, and many couples get divorced because they cannot stand
each other. So I think we should share everything and act together.
Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. Where are you from?
2. Can you tell me something about your family?
3. What did you enjoy most when you were at primary school?
4. Do you have any plans for a holiday this year?
5. Do you play any musical instruments?

1. I was born and raised in a family on a small town in Thanh Hoa. The town where I lived has
a bustling and busy. The place where many people come to live and work there is Ben Sung

2. My family has only dad and me. my mother passed away 2 years ago. My father work as a
carpenter and this year he is 45 years old. However my dad looked very young because of his
small stature, but he looked very thin. He's a quiet man, and we rarely talk to each other. But he
always gives me the best. As for me, this year I am 20 years old, and I am a third year student
at Hong Duc University.
3. Well, if you’re talking about my primary school – the number one thing I liked were my
teachers. I don’t know if it was just because I was a kid at the time but they were really warm
and friendly – and it was some of my teachers back then – that inspired me to have a life-long
passion for reading. I remember in particular one teacher – I really remember her name – it
was Ms. Chung – and she would always encourage me to read books, loan me books, talk
about books with me. And that really got me into books at a time when I was really
4. Yes, when it comes to a holiday that I would like to have in this year, a journey with my
family to Da Lat city is my first choice. This city is a tourist attraction located in the south of
Vietnam. As I have read on many articles about this city, it has a really peaceful atmosphere,
the pace of life is quite slow and local people are so friendly and cosmopolitan. Therefore, I
really want to have a chance paying a visit to this place with my family.
5. No, I didn’t. The village where I was born was extremely poor, and people back then were too
busy trying to just get by. They, including me, literally worked all day long, leaving no time for
entertainment or self-improvement activities. That’s why as a kid, I was not given the chance to
even touch an instrument, much less learning to play it.
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Your cousin is writing an article about free time activities among young people in your countries. He doesn’t
know so he asks for your advice. How youngsters spend their free time in your country?

Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. In your country, is travelling a typical activity people do in their free time?
2. What do children do in their free time in your country?
3. Do you think children should be doing these kinds of things in their free time? [why?/Why not?]
4. Should there be the same amount of free time for women and men? [Why?/Why not?]

Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. What city are you from?
2. Where is it located exactly?
3. Do you like living there?
4. Tell me some interesting facts about it.
5. Are there many large cities in your country?

1. 2. I was born and raised in a family on a small town in Thanh Hoa. The town where I lived
has a bustling and busy. The place where many people come to live and work there is Ben Sung
3. Yes, of couse. I really like the hospitality of the people in my town where we are living close
together and willing to give others a hand when needed. It’s what I can hardly find in my
current residential area where neighbours see each other as strangers.
4. My town has a quarter that has long been inhabited by Thai people. They are very sociable
and friendly, especially with their very strange voices, which can be recognized anywhere. In
terms of food, they have a Thai-style Pickled Mango that I tried to find elsewhere but nowhere.
they soak the mango with good wine, and make a few more recipes, but I don't know. But I'm
sure you'll be addicted to it the first time you eat.
5. Yes. I will talk about 3 typical big cities of my country. I will talk about two typical big cities

of my country. the first is the city of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. Hanoi has the oldest and
oldest forming process in Vietnam. There are Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Sword Lake, Quoc Tu
Giam Temple, Long Bien Bridge, and especially 36 streets. The second is Ho Chi Minh City.
With traditional culture mixed with modern urban area, the characteristic of this city is Ben
Thanh market - a symbol of the ancient trade exchange of the city, now still plays an important
role, home Worshiping Duc Ba, or downtown Post Office, ...
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Your friend has just moved to a new neighborhood. He wants to get to know people in this new area. What can
he do to make friends with new people?

To make new friends in a new place is not difficult and there are many ways to do it. Here I will
say 3 most common ways. The first is to find classes. Attending classes is a good way to interact
with people on a regular basis. Find a class that sparks your interest such as gym classes,
tennis lessons, cooking classes, computer classes – and try to go consistently. The second is to
get involved in the community. Enjoy volunteering or socializing. Attend local events,

fundraisers and gatherings in your community. The third is to Join a club or a social group.
Depending on where he moves, he may also want to take advantage of what his new town has to
offer. If he can’t find a club that suits your interests, form one himself! It may take several
different tries until he find the right fit, but he’ll find him people eventually.
Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. Do you think you have to spend a lot of money to have a good holiday?
2. Some people say we travel too much these days and shouldn't go on so many holidays. What do you
3. Why do you think people like to go away on holiday?
4. What do you think is the biggest advantage of living in a place where there are a lot of tourists?

1. No I don't think you have to spend a lot of money, but it helps. Money makes things easier:

like you can stay in the city centre instead of the outskirts. But many fun things are free, like
walking beside a river, and there are always cheap restaurants if you have time to look.
2. I think it's true we take too many flights - that's a big problem because of the pollution. But I
don't have a problem with people traveling by train - we all work very hard and need a break.
Travel broadens the mind and maybe if we meet more foreign people improve your language.
3. I heard there is a new word called a staycation recently - it's a vacation you have in your
home. Maybe that's good because it's cheap, but probably you end up doing your taxes or
something. So people need to go away on holiday to make sure all they can do is relax and
enjoy their time.
4. Oh, what a question! I never thought about it until now because I mostly think it's a bad thing
to have so many tourists in your town... but I suppose it's good for the shops and hotels, and
maybe some of the tourists are single and you can find true love.
Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. Do you like shopping?
2. How often do you go shopping?
3. What kinds of places do you like to go to on holiday?
4. Who would you like to go on a holiday with?
5. Where you plan to go for holidays in the future?

1. Yes, I do. Though I’m not a shopaholic, I still enjoy the activity itself so much. I have a taste
for wandering around shopping malls and doing some window shopping. Whenever I walk into
a grocery store, it’s the instant feeling of freshness that always excites me.
2. I suppose on a monthly basis. But usually, I don’t plan ahead. Sometimes, I’m an impulse
shopper, and it’s quite compulsive. I don’t usually try to keep abreast of the latest fashion, but
whenever I have my eye on an item, I buy it without a second thought.
3. Well, as I'm a nature lover person, I enjoy visiting mountains and do hiking with my friends.
Also, I often go to hot springs to detoxify myself every now and then except summertime, since I

do love spending my summer at the beach.
4. It depends on what kind of holiday it is. If it’s Christmas vacation, I prefer to hang out with
my friends here and there and have a chit-chat. If it’s New Year holiday, I just want to celebrate
the holiday with my family and relatives in a cozy ambience.
5. I have a best friend. We both have a hobby of riding by motorbike. So we promised each
other that we would try to go everywhere in Vietnam. I'm not sure we can get it done, but I'll try
to go as much as we can
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
You are the mayor of a town which wants to develop by tourism. The committee of the town is holding a
meeting to find ways to attract more tourists to come to your town? What can you do?

If I am a mayor of a town, I will have 3 ways to attract more tourists to come to my town. The
first is to connect with agents. Developing partnerships with the right agents can have a
significant impact on the travelers who discover your destination. Tour and activity operators
who branch out and connect with agents who work with specific outbound markets will help
attract more travelers to their destination as well as to their own business. The second is to
optimize your website for mobile use. Mobile technology is no longer a luxury, but rather a
necessity. Travelers from all places and across all age groups are becoming increasingly reliant
on their smart phones and tablets. Mobile bookings continue to rise year after year, and the
most motivated market segments around the globe will be discovering new destinations through
social networking and mobile searches. The third is to invest in video marketing. Video
marketing provides tour and activity operators with a chance to engage their prospective guests
and offer them an immersive glimpse into their destination. While you will likely create videos

that focus on your own tour and activity products, you also should expand your video marketing
campaigns to include regional insight. When you promote the attractiveness of your region as a
whole, you will be more likely to increase the number of travelers who visit throughout the year
and ultimately boost the bookings for your tour and activity products.
Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic

1. What can people do if they are going on a holiday in your country?
2. What can a town do to develop economically?
3. Are there advantages to living in a small town rather than in a big city?
4. Do you think it is better for children to grow up in the city or in the countryside?

1. Oh, they should definitely go to Da Nang. It is one of the most attractive cities and dubbed
the most livable city in Vietnam where is just gorgeous. And the people there are much more
friendly than in other cities. So you're very likely to have a nice time there.
2. My town has Ben En National Park. That is a strong point for economic development like
tourism. It will be a destination that attracts not only domestic tourists but also foreign tourists.
3. In a small town you have more contact with people - if you like that then that's an advantage.
Furthermore, exposure to the natural environment is also a boon to experience and gain
4. Probably I'd say it's better to grow up in the countryside and then live in the city, because
when you're near a farm or a forest or something you learn about nature - the names of
animals, trees, things like that. If you just live in the city you don't really learn where food
comes from and so on.
Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
1. Do you work or study?
2. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
3. Do you like living in a big house? [Why?/Why not?]
4. Do you prefer to use public transport or a car?
5. In your country, do people use public transport a lot?

1. Now, I am a third year student at Hong Duc University. There, teachers and friends are very
friendly and sociable.

2. Currently, I live with my family in a small house in a small town. The house is small, but full
of laughter and love from family members.
3. I've always had a hobby of a small, fully furnished house. It looks lovely, beautiful and cozy.
Personally, in a big house, actually, not using it all, I think it's too wasteful, and tired of
cleaning the house.
4. Well, Without any doubt I would say public transport. Using public transport not only helps
to reduce air pollution, but also reduces traffic congestion. which is a serious problem in a
number of countries, including Vietnam, a country with many private means of transport.
5. In my country, people ride the bus pretty much. But, most people use private transportation.
In the case of people going long distances, or the car breaks down or for some other reason,
they take public transport.
Part 2 (20 points): A problem-solving task
Imagine that you are planning a week-long touring holiday with your partner around the country that you're
studying in. You want to see as much as possible but don't want to spend too much money on transport. Which
means of transport is the best choice: by car, by motorbike or by train?

If we choose to go by car and motobike, we can flexible in moving from place to place and we
can go at any time we want. However, car and motobike are the slowest way and often has
problems with traffic jams.And taking train is reasonable and convenient, we can enjoy a lot of
fantastic views a long the road. On the other harid, travelling by train mean that our trip
depends on when and where the train go. In conclusion, I think travelling by train would be the
best option, it is not as expensive as travelling by car and sometime could be as convenient as
when we travel by plane.
Part 3 (20 points): Developing a topic
1. How safe do you think it is to talk to people on-line and later meet them in real life?
2. Why do you think people feel lonely in big cities?
3. Do you have any friends you’ve known for a really long time? Have they changed in any way?
4. Do you think your spouse or life partner can be your best friend?

1. I think everything will have two sides. On the plus side, online friendships help make friends
everywhere. Since then, we can learn different cultures and understand many more things.
Besides, on the negative side, it is also quite dangerous. it sometimes makes us disillusioned.

that is, online and in real life it's completely different both in appearance and everything. Or
maybe more dangerous, bad people who take advantage of online friends to steal personal
information, or meet in real life will be kidnapped, raped, or something else worse.
2. In my opinion, most people living in big cities are often obsessed with work, do not have time
for themselves. During the day, they have to work 8 hours, at night they are struggling with
deadlines or children, they do not have time to make friends, make acquaintances or go out. or
if they have close friends, they don't have much time to talk or gossip. Or for another reason,
they are afraid to make friends, they are afraid to communicate that lead to them having no
friends, and being lonely.
3. I have a friend who has known for 6 years and we are still close. About the close relationship
is still the same. She still loves me, treasures me, and always takes care of me whenever I need
it. In terms of appearance, she has completely changed, becoming more beautiful and stylish. In
terms of personality, she changes in a positive, gentler, and more mature way.
4. As for my opinion, I think my spouse will be my best friend. I am a person who likes to be
shared and cared about. Therefore, my companion will be someone I share every day, as well as
care for each other in all aspects of life. I do not have much experience, but I know, when I get
married, many problems happen, and many couples get divorced because they cannot stand
each other. So I think we should share everything and act together.
Part 1 (10 points): Social interaction
The examiner asks the candidate some questions related to his/her life.
6. Where is your home town?
7. What do you like about your hometown?
8. Would you like to live there in the future?

9. Are your friends the same age as you?
10. What do you generally do when you meet your friends?

1. I was born and raised in a family on a small town in Thanh Hoa. The town where I lived has
a bustling and busy. The place where many people come to live and work there is Ben Sung

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