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Câu Tường Thuật Với Các Động Từ Đặc Biệt
(Reported Speech With Special Verbs)
A. Câu tường thuật với các động từ "to-infinitive"
1. Tường thuật một mệnh lệnh: "told s.b (not) to do sth"
Direct: "Put your books away" said the teacher.
->The teacher told us to put our books away.
2. Tường thuật một yêu cầu: "asked sb (not) to do sth"
Direct: "Please, don't smoke in this room" said the clerk.
->The clerk asked me not to smoke in that room.
3. Tường thuật một lời khuyên: "advised sb (not) to do sth"
Direct: "If I were you, I wouldn't drink so much wine" he said.
Reported: He advised me not to drink so much wine.
4. Tường thuật lời hứa : "promise to do sth"
Direct: "I'll give you a hand, if you like" said Adam.
Reported: Adam promised to give me a hand, if I liked.
5. Tường thuật một đe dọa: "threatened to do sth"
Direct: " Get out or I'll call the police" said the woman.
Reported: The woman threatened to call the police if he didn't get out.
6. Tường thuật một lời cảnh cáo: " warned sb (not) to do sth"
Direct: "Don't touch that wire" he said.
Reported: He warned me not to touch that wire.
7. Tường thuật một lời mời: " invited sb to do sth"
Direct: " Come for dinner with us to night, will you?" Bill said.
Reported: Bill invited me to come for dinner with them that night.
8. Tường thuật một lời nhắc nhở: "reminded sb to do sth"
Direct: "Remember to post my letter on your way" Wendy said.
Reported: Wendy reminded me to post her letter on my way.
9. Tường thuật một lời khuyến khích: "encouraged sb to do sth"
Direct: " Go ahead, you must enter for the contest, Jill!" said Pam.
Reported: Pam encouraged Jill to enter for the contest.
10. Tường thuật một lời nài nỉ: "begged/implored sb to do sth"

Direct: "Please, do me a favor" said the beggar to Carol.
Reported: The beggar begged/ implored Carol to do him a favor.

11. Tường thuật một lời chào mời: "offered to do sth"
Direct: "Shall I help you with the housework?" said Tim to his wife.
Reported: Tim offered to help his wife with the housework.
12. Tường thuật một lời chấp thuận: "agreed to do sth"
Direct: "Ok, I'll take you to work in my carin, Sue" said Carl.
Reported: Carl agreed to take Sue to work in his car.
B. Câu tường thuật với các danh động từ
1. Tường thuật một lời buộc tội: “accused sb of doing sth”
Direct: “You damaged my new laptop, Dan”, said Susan.
Reported: Susan accused Dan of damaging her new laptop.
2. Tường thuật lời chấp nhận: “admitted doing/ having done sth”
Direct: “I didn’t tell you the truth, Ron.”, said Kim.Reported : Kim admitted not telling/ not
having told Ron the truth.
3. Tường thuật lời phủ nhận: “denied doing/having done sth”
Direct: “I didn’t break that vase,” said Tom.
Reported: Tom denied breaking/ having broken that vase.
4. Tường thuật một lời xin lỗi: “apologized (to sb) for doing sth”
Direct: “I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting” said Amanda.
Reported: Amanda apologized for having kept me waiting.
5. Tường thuật một lời chúc mừng: “ congratulated sb on doing sth”
Direct: “Congratulations! You won the game!” said the principal.
Reported: The principal congratulated the students on winning the game.
6. Tường thuật một lời khẳng định: “insisted in doing sth”
Direct: “I must pay for this damage,” the man said.
Reported: The man insisted of paying for that damage.
7. Tường thuật một đề xuất: “suggested doing sth”
Direct: “Let’s have a picnic this weekend,” Muad suggested.

Reported: Muad suggested having a picnic that weekend.
8. Tường thuật một lời cảm ơn: “thanked sb for (doing) sth”
Direct: “Thank you very much for your advice,” he said.
Reported: He thanked me for my advice.
9. Tường thuật một lời cảnh cáo: “warned sb against (doing) sth”
Direct: “Don’t invest in that business,” said my lawyer.
Reported: My lawyer warned me against investing in that business.

10. Tường thuật một lời chỉ trích: “blamed sb for (doing) sth”
Direct: “You are responsible for this failure,” said the director.
Reported: The director blamed his deputy for that failure.
11. Tường thuật một lời thừa nhận: “confessed to (doing) sth”
Direct: “It was me who stole the money,” said Jack.
Reported: Jack confessed to stealing the money.
Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng cách nói gián tiếp.
1. “Open the door,” he said to them.
-He told them...................................................................
2. “Where are you going?” he asked her.
-He asked her where.........................................................
3. “Which way did they go?” he asked.
-He asked... ......................................................................
4. “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit”, I said to her.
-I told... ............................................................................
5. “Don’t try to open it now,” she said to us.
-She told... ........................................................................
6. “Is it going to be a fine day today?” I asked her.
-I asked her... ....................................................................
7. “He’s not at home”, she said.

-She said that... .................................................................
8. “Is the bus station far away?” the girl asked.
-The girl wanted to know... ..............................................
9. “Don’t stay out late, Ann” Tom said.
-Tom told Ann... ...............................................................
10. “Please let me borrow your car,” he said to her.
-He asked... ........................................................................
11. “Jean, have you seen my gloves?” Thomas asked.
-Thomas asked Jean.....
12. Don’t leave the window open, Mary”, I said.
-I told Mary.... ...................................................................
13. “I’ll have a cup of tea with you,” she said.
She said that...
14. “I’ll pay him if I can” she said.
-She said that... ...................................................................
15. “What are you going to do next summer?” she asked.
- She asked us.... ...................................................................
16. “I’ll phone you tomorrow,” he told Jack.
-He told Jack that.... .............................................................
17. “Can I sit beside you, Jean?” Tom asked.
-Tom asked Jean.... ..............................................................
18. “I want a camera for my birthday,” he said.

-He said that.... ...................................................................
19. “Don’t keep the door locked,” he said to us.
-He told us.... ...................................................................
20. “How long are you going to stay?” I asked him.
-I asked him how long....
21. “Are you going by train?” she asked me.
-She wanted to know.... ..................................................

22. “Don’t use too much hot water,” she said to us.
-She asked us.... ..............................................................
23. “Will you come to my party?” she said to me.
-She invited me.... ............................................................
24. “Don’t do it again,” she said to them.
She told them..................................................................
25. “ Did Mr Brown send the potatoes to you?” she asked.
-She asked.......................................................................
26. “Don’t get your shoes dirty, boys,” she said.
-She told..........................................................................
27. “What do you want for lunch today, Peter?” Mary asked.
-Mary asked.......................................................................
28. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter.
- Peter asked if .......................................................................
29. “Why didn’t I get a computer before?” thought the office manager.
-The office manager wondered............................................................
30. “You had better not lend him any more money, Elizabeth,’’ said John.
-John advised Elizabeth........................................................................
31. “You stole my best cassette, Amanda!” said John.
-John accused.......................................................................................
32. “ You damaged my bicycle, John!” said Mary.
-Mary accused......................................................................................
33. “When was your little boy born?” said the nurse to Mrs. Bingley.
-The nurse asked Mrs. Bingley...............................................................
34. “You should take more exercise, Mr. Robert,” the doctor said.
-The doctor advised................................................................................
35. “Will I find a job?”, Tim said to himself.
-Tim wondered.......................................................................................
36. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number,” said Paul to Susan.
-Paul apologized.....................................................................................

37. “When is the first day of your holiday, Peter?” Martha asked.
- Martha asked Peter when.....................................................................
38. “Can I have a new bicycle?” said Anna to her mother.
-Anna asked............................................................................................
39.. “Don’t leave the house until I get back, William”, his mother said.
- William’s mother told..........................................................................
40. “Don’t bite your nails,” said Mrs. Rogers to her son.
-Mrs. Rogers told....... .............................................................................

41. “I’ve seen the film three times, Mary” said George.
-George said............................................................................................
42. “I’m sorry, Angela,” said Martin, “I’m afraid I’ve damaged your car.
-Martin apologized..................................................................................
43. “Have you had enough for lunch?” the landlady asked us.
-The landlady asked................................................................................
44. “ John, please don’t tell anyone my new address,” said Mary.
-Mary asked............................................................................................
45. “Breakfast will not be served after 9. 30” said the notice.
-The notice said that..............................................................................
46. “Where is the best place to buy souvenirs?”
-I asked..................................................................................................
47. “Don’t forget to bring your passport with you tomorrow”
- She reminded me ................................................................................
48. “Do not write on the wall,” said the teacher to the boys.
-The teacher told the boys………………………………………..........
49. “How many jobs have you had since 2000?” the interviewer asked Mr. Simpson.
- The interviewer asked ...........................................................................
50.“Why didn’t you report the incident to the police?”the officer asked the frightened

- The officer wanted to know...................................................................
II/ Change direct speech into reported speech. Begin each of the sentences in the way
1) He said to me,”You took the money.”
He accused ________________________________________________
2) The teacher said to Jim, “Would you give your book to Mary please?”
The teacher asked ____________________________________________
3) The student said,”I’m sorry I’m late.”
The student apologized ________________________________________
4) Boddy’s father said to him, “Don’t forget to brush your teeth.”
Boddy’s father reminded _______________________________________
5) “I’ve always wanted to become a doctor,” Helen said
Helen has always dreamed ______________________________________
6) The nurse said to me, “You should consult a dermatologist.”
The nurse advised ________________________________________
7) “Don’t touch the hot plate,” I said to Ann
I warned _______________________________________________
8) The fire chief said, “Everyone must leave the building immediate ly.”
The fire chief ordered _________________________________________
9) The man said to the hunters, “Everyone stopped hunting and killing animals.”
The man prevented _______________________________________
10.The instructor said to the students,“You’ll have exactly one hour to complete the exam.”
The instructor warned ________________________________________
11) The boy said to the woman, “I’ve broken the window of your house.”
The boy amitted___________________________________________ ___

12) My parents often said to me, “Good for you! It’s good to be independent.”
My parents encouraged _____________________________________
13) Mrs Smith said, “I would like to meet the president.”
Mrs Smith looked forward to _______________________________

14) He said to the children, “Don’t swim in the lake without an adult present.”
He allowed __________________________________________
15) “That’s great! I’m going to France in August,” thought Henry.
Henry was thinking of ______________________________________
16) Laura said to her roommate, “Remember to set your alarm clock for 6:00 am.”
Laura reminded ____________________________________________
17) “Why don’t we go to Dalat this weekend?,” said Peter.
Peter suggested ___________________________________________
18) Tom said to you, “It was lind of you to help me. Thank you very much.”
Tom thanked ___________________________________________
19) “Let me pay for the meal. I insist,” Linda said
Linda insisted__________________________________________ __
20) “I hear you won the lottery. Congratulations!,” John said to us
John congratulated ________________________________________
21)Rose said to Gerald,“I’d like you to come to my house Sunday night to meet my
Rose invited _____________________________________________
22) I said, “I didn’t steal the money.”
I denied _____________________________________________
REVIEW UNIT 4 , 5, 6
Exercise 1: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1. A. activity
B. annual
C. annoucement D. anniversary
2. A. spirit
B. stimulate
C. maximum
D. childish
3. A. society

B. remote
C. hostess
D. cosy
4. A. representative
B. general
C. refreshment D. celebrate
5. A. marathon
B. enthusiastic
C. ethnic
D. smoothly
6. A. effective
B. eradicate
C. enthusiatic
D. effort
7. A. campaign
B. clap
C. craft
D. gratitude
8. A. mutual
B. universal
C. usual
D. survey
9. A. strategy
B. gerneral
C. geography
D. great
10.A. minority
B. martyr
C. cosy
D. loyalty

11.A. charity
B. gratitude
C. craft
D. attitude
12.A. donation
B. remote
C. cosy
D. minority
13.A. residential
B. refreshment
C. remote
D. remember
14.A. issue
B. minority
C. childish
D. brighten
15.A. clear
B. near
C. bear
D. hear
Exercise 2: Choose one word whose stress pattern is different.
1 . A. marathon
B. maximum
C. formally
D. effective
2 . A. patter
B. spirit
C. announce
D. survey
3 . A. disappoited

B. activity
C. eradicate
D. unselfishness

4 . A. windowpane
B. stimulate
C. society
D. confidence
5 . A. representative
B. disavantaged
C. anniversary D. enthusiastic
6. A. campaign
B. performance
C. brighten
D . donation
7. A. illiteracy
B. disadvantage
C. anniversary D. residential
8. A. acquaintance
B. embarrassing
C. co-operate
D. helicopter
9. A. expand
B. hostess
C. outlook
D. sneaky
10. A. universal
B. activity
C. minority

D. enthusiam
11. A. remote
B. hostess
C. sneaky
D. floppy
12 . A. issue
B. martyr
C. cosy
D. affect
13 . A. minority
B. refreshment C. constancy
D. enthusiasm
14 . A. brighten
B. loyalty
C. donation
D. wounded
15 . A. gratitude
B. acquaintance C. apartment
D. appreciate
1. Last month, I took part in the Math competition-----------------------by The Ha Noi
Survey of Education and Training. ( ORGANIZE )
2. If more and more people take part in the fight against illiteracy, illiteracy will
soon----------- ( ERADICATE )
3. Much work was done to eradicate ________ in my country in 2000. ( ILLITERATE )
4. This is informal school. It--------------------classes to disadvantaged children in my town.
5. Do you think that if you bring-----------to others, you are also a happy person? (HAPPY)
6. In my country, young university and college volunteers often------------------in helping
the people who have special circumstances. ( PARTICIPATING )

7. Do many people in your country--------------------take care of others? (VOLUNTARILY)
8. What do you think of the Math -------------------------? – Oh, it’s great. It’s an
opportunite to test my knowledge of Math. ( COMPETITION )
9. They had a really good chance of winning the national ...................... ( COMPETE )
10. There is a ......................... to raise money for the needy.
A. campaign
B. mobilization
C. movement
D. A & B
11. A group of people from a particular or of a particular race living in a country where the
main group is of different culture or race is called..............................
A. mountaineers
B. ethnic minority
C. nations D. undeveloped people
12. The new tax policy comes into effect next month.
A. comes into use
B. begins to apply
C. starts
D. A & B
13. A situation in which something is happening or a lot of things are being done is a(n) .....
A. work
B. action
C. activity
D. happening
14. You’re ......... your time trying to persuade him; he’ll never help you.
A. wasting
B. spending
C. losing
D. missing

15. The most important thing we should do now is to tackle the problem of widespread .....
A. illiterate
B. illiteracy
C. literate
D. literacy
16. A situation in which people or organizations compete with each other to find out who is
the best at something.
A. participation
B. competition
C. activity
D. performance
17. A person who decides who has won a competition is called a(n).......................

A. referee
B. judge
C. investigator
D. witness
18. To make something develop or become more active.
A. to encourage B. to enhance
C. to stimulate D. to strike
19.To agree to give someone money for a charity if that person competes a specialactivity.
A. organize
B. support
C. sponsor
D. Encourage
20 . A person who has been chosen to speak or vote for someone else on behalf of a group.
A. contestant
B. competitor
C. examinee
D. representative

21 The greatest ............................ of all is the World peace.
A. present
B. gift
C. prize
D. award
22. A sports competition involving a number of teams or players who take part in different
A. match
B. tournament
C. game
D. play
23. Do you like---------------------in competitions?
A. take part
B. to take part
C. being taken part
D. taking part
24. Where is the Boston Marathon----------------------every year?
A. hold
B. holding
C. held D. to hold
25. The loving-peace people have been working for the ......................... of World Peace.
A. access
B. glory
C. success
D. Promotion
25. Do volunteers often spend time--------------------other people in hospitals, orphanages or
homes for the aged? ( help )
26. What kind of volunteer work------------------you participating in?
A. do

B. are C. have D. can
27. How do volunteers help disadvantaged and handicapped childre-------their difficulties?
A. to get
B. to overcome C. to know
D. to pass
28. Do you------------------volunteer work? ( enjoy )
29. Have you ever------------------part in volunteer work?
A. take
B. took C. taken
D. to ta
30. How--------------------times have you taken part in volunteer work?
A. much
B. many C. long D. often
31. Children in these classes often take part-----------------fundraising performances.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. of
32. They raise money-------------------their study and expand their school activities.
A. to continue B. continue
C. continuing
D. continued
33 . What’s the best way of--------------------money to support charities? ( raise )
34 . She is looking forward to-------------------you again. ( meet )
35 .--------------------the museum, we decided to have lunch in the park. ( visit )
36 .--------------------the story before, she didn’t want to hear the story again. ( hear )
37 . You cant prevent him from---------------------alcohol. ( drink )
A. drink
B. to drink
C. drinking

D. drank
38 . In spite of-----------------------extremely tired, I went to school.
A. to be
B. be C. being D. am
39 . He got good marks at his exams because he spent almost his time---------------------his
lessons. ( revise )
40 . I saw her-------------------the staff room. ( enter )

41 . Would you mind---------------------the window? ( Open )
42 . Its no good----------------------to him, he never answers letters. ( write )
43 . Ask him to come in. Don’t keep him--------------------at the door. ( stand )
44 . The rate of literacy in Vietnam in 2000---------------------94%.
A. Is
B. are
C. was
D. were
45 . Many students spent their summer vacations teaching illiterate people---------in 2001.
A. to read and write
B. reading and writing
C. read and write
D. to be read and written
46 . The Government should------------more boarding schools for the children who live far
from school in the remote and mountainous areas.
A. build
B. built
C. building
D. be built
47 . Linda----------------------me to wait for her at the school gate.
A. said B. told C. says D. tell

48 . The librarian asked us-----------------------noise in the library.
A. not make
B. not to make
C. not making
D. not to be made
49. John asked me not------------------------anyone the news. ( tell )
50. My mother told me------------------------to write her a letter every week.
A. not to forget
B. to forget
C. not forget D. not to be forgotten
51 . He promised-------------------------too late again.
A. go out
B. not to go out
C. not go out
D. not to be going
52 . She-----------------------to tell us her experience how to learn English well.
A. was asked
B. asks
C. asked
D. is asking
53 . Many students expected their teachers----------and interested in what they were doing.
A. to be motivated
B. be motivated C. to motivate
D. motivated
54 . Almost students believed that learning should-------------------on important life skils.
A. centered
B. be centered C. be centering D. center
55. My mother advised me not------------------------to bed late. ( go )
56. She invited me-----------------------to her birthday party. ( come )
57. The librarian reminded me------------------------the book back to the library. ( give )

58. She agreed------------------------me with my English. ( help)
60. The volunteers helped the children in that village------------------------their difficulties.
A. overcame
B. to overcame C. to be overcame
D. overcoming
61 . He gave her an opportunity-------------------------in his office.
A. to work
B. work
C. working
D. worked
62 . He-----------------------to join the football team of his school.
A. was encouraged
B. encouraged C. was encouraging
D. encourages
63. My close friend congratulated me on----------the prize in the Math competition. ( win )
64 . Tom apologized his teacher for----------------------his Math exercises
A. not do
B. not doing
C. not to do
D. not done
65 . My brother has always dreamed---------------------a job in that company.
A. of getting
B. on getting
C. at getting
D. in getting
66. Linda insisted-----------------------me a lift of her motorbike.
A. in giving
B. on giving
C. of giving
D. at giving

67 . She prevented her daughter-----------------------to the seaside with her friends.
A. from going B. on going
C. of going
D. in going

68. The old woman accused the boy-----------------------her window.
A. on breaking B. at breaking
C. in breaking
D. of breaking
69 . Mary thanked me------------------------her to my birthday’s party.
A. for inviting B. of inviting
C. in inviting
D. on inviting
70 . she was looking forward to-----------to Nha Trang with her parents that summer. ( go )
71 . Anna suggested-----------------------to the beach on the weekend.
A. in going
B. going
C. on going
D. of going
72 . His father was----------------------buying a new computer for him.
A. thinking of B. thinking on C. thinking in
D. thinking at
73 . They warned us against----------------------that car.
A. buying
B. buy C. to buy
D. bought
74 . The police stopped everyone-----------------------the building.
A. in leaving
B. on leaving
C. at leaving

D. from leaving
75 . They-------------------------telling lies.
A. accused him of
B. accused him at C. accused him on
D. accused him in
76 . The man who had been arrested was suspected----------a false passport.
A. in having
B. of having
C. on having
D. at having
77. They wouldn’t dream of------------------------a house in Hanoi. ( buy )
78. She succeeded------------------------a good job in a big city.
A. in finding
B. on finding
C. of finding
D. at finding
79. She insisted-----------------------for the cinema tickets.
A. in paying
B. of paying
C. on paying
D. at paying
80 . Some parents didn’t approve------------------------a lot of television.
A. in their children watching
B. on their children watching
C. of their children wayching
D. at their children watching
81 . I wanted to go out alone but he------------------------going with me.
A. insisted on B. insisted in
C. insisted of
D. insisted at

82 . She---------------------staying at the hotel near the airport.
A. warned Jim against B. warned Jim of C. warned Jim on D. warned Jim at
83 . Linda-------------------------not phoning earlier.
A. apologised to me in
B. apollogised to me of
C. apologised to me on
D. apologised to me for
84 . Mary--------------------------showing her around the city.
A. thanked me for
B. thanked me in C. thanked me on D. thanked me of
85. The bad weather-------------------------going for a picnic last weekend.
A. prevented us in
B. prevented us on
C. prevented us of
D. prevented us from
86 . He-------------------------passing the driving test.
A. congratulated me on B. congratulated me in
C. congratulated me at D. congratulated me of
I. Correct forms of verbs :
1. He spends most of his time ............................ computer games. ( play )
2. The man wanted to avoid ...................... on security cameras. ( see )
3. He was accused of ............................ his ship two months ago. ( desert )

4. . ............................ the drawer, she took out a book. ( open )
5. Clinton congratulated me on ………...............................…getting married.( get)
6………………all their money on gambling,he decided to go back home. ( spend )
7. She warned the little boy…………….with matches ( not play )
8. The police accused him of................... fire to the building but he denied ................. in the

area on the night of the fire. ( set / be )
II. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct form: (Bare inf, to Inf, Gerund or
Present Participle.
1. It is easy (see) ......................... animals on the road in daylight.
2. I asked him (explain) ..................... but he refused (say) ..................... any thing.
3. It is pleasant (sit) ........................... by the fire at night.
4.There was no way of (get)...........out of the building except by (climb)......... down a rope.
4. It’s no good (write) .......................... to him; he never answers letters.
5. Ask him (come) ....................... in. Don’t keep him (stand) .................... at the door.
6. We watched the children (jump) ............................. from a window and
(fall) ............................ into a blanket held by people below.
8.It is very pleasant (wake)..........up and (hear)...........the rain (beat)........... on the windows.
I. Write the following sentences in Reported Speech.
“You had better go to the doctor”.
 He urged me................................................................................................
“You’ve got to lend me some money!”
 He begged me.............................................................................................
“Give me your homework.”
 The teacher told us......................................................................................
“Please, don’t smoke in my car.”
 He asked us..................................................................................................
“I’ll buy you an ice-cream.”
 My Dad promised........................................................................................
“Would you like to have a drink with me?”
 He invited me..............................................................................................
“You should give up smoking.”
 The doctor advised me...............................................................................
“Don’t shoot.”
 The General ordered us.............................................................................

I. Write the following sentences in Reported Speech.
“It was really kind of you to help me.” Mary said to you.
 Mary thanked me........................................................................................
“I’ll drive you to the airport.” John said to Linda..
 John insisted................................................................................................
“You have passed the final exams. Congratulations!” Jim said to you
 Jim congratulated me..................................................................................
“It was nice of you to invite me to the dinner. Thank you”, Miss White said to Peter.
 Miss White thanked.....................................................................................

“Don’t play with the matches!” I said to Jack.
 I warned.......................................................................................................
“I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier”, Margaret said to you.
 Margaret apologized...................................................................................
“I have always wanted to be a pilot”, Paul said to you.
 Paul has always dreamed of.......................................................................
“You didn’t do what I said”, the mother said to her son.
 The mother accused.....................................................................................
I.PHONETICS (1.25 point) Choose the words which have underlined part pronounced
differently from others by circling the letter A, B, C or D.
1. A. how
B. follow
C. grow
D. know
2. A. swim
B. answer
C. sweater
D. switch
3. A. support

B. floor
C. resource
D. world
4. A. wet
B. wheel
C. answer
D. away
5. A. competition
B. completion
C. information
D. question
II. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR: (2.5 points)
Choose the best answer to fill in the gaps. Circle either A, B, C or D.
1. I warned Jack -------- playing with the match.
A. against
B. for
C. from
D. on
3. He spends most of his time --------------- computer games.
A. playing
B. play
C. to playing
D. played
4. We are very happy to have received a(n) ------------ of $500 from a foreign company.
A. charity
B. donation
C. hospital
D. organisation
5: Lan took part in the annual final English contest organised by our English teachers last

A. competition
B. wedding
C. party
D. club
6. The Students’ Parents Society ------------ the Singing Contest which was held in 20th
November by our English
teachers. They helped buy presents for the winners.
A. sang
B. organized
C. sponsored
D. acted
7. The children admitted ------------ the money.
A. having taken
B. take
C. taken
D. to take
8. At the end of the competition, the ---------- will announce the total score of each group.
A. participants
B. judges
C. contestants
D. viewer
9. How many -------------- are there in the competition.?
A participants
B participations
C participative
D. participates
10. The old man thanked me ------------ carrying his suitcase.
A. for
B. on
C. from

D. of
III. READING (2.5 points)
Read the following passage and choose the best answer to complete the given
sentence by circling the letter A, B, C or D.
The Asian Games, also called the ASIAD, is a multi-sport event held every four
years among athletes from all over Asia. The games are regulated by the Olympic Council
of Asia (OCA) under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
Medals are awarded in each event, with gold for the first place, silver for second and

bronze for third. This tradition started in 1951. The Asian Games are dominated by the
People’s Republic of China. Competitors are entered by a National Olympic Committed
(NOC) to represent their country of citizenship. National anthems and flags accompany the
medal ceremonies, and tables showing the number of medals won by each country are
widely used. In general, only recognized nations are represented, but a few non-sovereign
countries are allowed to take part. The special case of Taiwan was handled by having it
compete as Chinese Taipei due to the political status of Taiwan.
The 15th Asian Games were held in Doha, Qatar from December 1st to December 16,
2005. The next ASIAD will be held in Guangzhou, China from November 2 nd to November
18th, 2010.
1. The Asian Games are _____
A. dominated by the People’s Republic of China
B. supervised by the Olympic Council of Asia
C. rewarded with only gold medals
D. regulated by International Olympic Committee
2. The Asian Games are _____
A. held every for years
B. also called ASIAD
C. a multi-sport event
D. All are correct.

3. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. In general only recognized nations are represented.
B. Gold medals are awarded for the first place.
C. Taiwan was not represented because of its political status.
D. There are many sports events played in the Asian Games.
4. Where will the 16th Asian Games be held?
A. In Japan
B. In China C. In Doha
D. In Taiwan
5. The best title for the passage is _____.
A. The Asian Games (The ASIAD) B. The Olympic Council of Asia
C. The International Olympic Committee
D. The National Olympic Committee
A. Circle one underlined word or phrase marked A, B, C or D that must be chnged in
order for the sentence to be correct. (1.25 point).
1. My brother has always dreamed to be a famous film star .
2. The rain prevented us for climbing to the top of the mountain
3. Mary told to Jim not to tell anyone else about that story again.
4. Mr and Mrs Smith looked forward to meet their children soon.
5. He said that he was accused of have stolen her money two months before.
III. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given: (2.5 points)
1. The teacher allowed me to stay at home to finish the assignment.
-> The teacher let……………………………………..………………
2. “I want to study over seas.”Jimmy said to me.
->Jimmy has dreamed of………………...…………….………………
3. “Sorry, I broke your vase last night.” James said to Jack.
->James applogised for…………………….…………………………..
4. “Shall we go to the cinema tonight?” he told me.
->He suggested….………...…..………………………………………...

5. He had spent all his money . he decided to go home and ask his father for a job
->Having …………………………………………………………………
A. easy
B. idea
C. reason
D. speak
A. Entrusted B. liked C. distributed
D. Included
A. successful B. beautiful
C. humorous
D. difficult
A. couple B. wedding C. quiet
D. receive
Multiple Choice
A …………..………… is a competition in which people try to win something.
A. test B. examination C. contest
D. survey
“Thank you very much for a lovely party.” - “…………..………….”
A. You are welcome B. Thanks C. Cheers D. Have a good day
The teacher advised him …………..………… harder so that he can …………..

………… the coming exam easily.
A. to study/ to pass B. study/ pass
C. to study/ pass D. study/ to pass
All the teachers at our school …………..…… Tuan to take part in the marathon.
A. urged
B. encouraged C. warned
D. agreed
A person who has been chosen to speak or vote for someone else on behalf of a
group is called …………..………… .
A. contestant
B. competitor
C. examinee
D. representative
Jack admitted …………..………… the money from the bank the week before.
A. steal
B. to steal
C. stealing
D. stolen
Her mother prevented her …………..………… going out tonight.
A. against
B. from
C. about
D. at
Someone told us …………..………… sit on the stairs.
A. don’t

B. not
C. not to
D. to not
Error Recognition
If you were here yesterday, you would have seen Jean.
Mr. John never voluntary to help his neighbors.
I feel my heart to beat quickly whenever I meet her.
I had an amusing experience last year. After I had (1) …………..………… a small
village in the south of France, I drove to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to
me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good
morning to him (2) …………..………… French and he replied in the same (3) ………….
… . Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during
the journey. I had nearly reached the (4) …..………., when the young man said very
slowly, “Do you speak English?” As I soon learnt, he was (5) ……… himself!
A. Arrived B. Left C. gone
D. Come
A. Of B. At C. for
D. in
A. English B. Experience C. language
A. Town B. Village C. house D. city
A. French B. English C. village D. young

Word form

I didn’t have to ask them to leave: they went …………..………… (volunteer)
He has been an …………..………… since he was five. (orphanage)
The government should provide ………….… services for local people. (medicine)
They volunteer to work in …… areas to provide education for children (mountain)
I will call you by the time I (arrive) …………..………… at the airport tomorrow.
She (learn) …………..………… English in that language center at eight o’clock in
the morning last Saturday.
They (not come) …………..………… to school by bus every day. They go by car.
John and I (be) …………..………… pen pals for nearly three years.
I (get) …………..………… a letter from her before I left for Paris two days ago.
The children ( play) …………..………… football in the school yard right now.
Sentence Transformation
John spent his own money. I can’t prevent him from that.
I can’t prevent ………………………………………………………………………

“I didn’t reveal the company’s confidential information”.
Mary denied ………………………………………………………………………
’’Congratulations! You’ve succeeded in the interview, Kate,’’
Jane congratulated ……………………………………………………………………
“Would you like to have a drink with me, Daisy?”
He invited …………………………………………………………………………
“Give me your homework.”
The teacher told the students …………………………………………………………
“Please, don’t smoke in my car.”
The man told me ……………………………………………………………………
“You should give up smoking”
The doctor advised …………………………………………………………………
“You told a lie, Tom”, she said.
She accused …………………………………………………………………………
“I can’t go to your birthday party next Saturday evening, Jack”, said Mary.
Mary apologized to Jack
40. ‘’'ll finish the work by the end of this week.' (promise)
I. Pick out the word having the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:
1. A. lovely
B. novel

C. cover
D. money
2. A. favourite
B. amazing
C. late
D. happy
3. A. humour
B. honesty
C. vehicle
D. honour
* Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words:
4. A. disappointed
B. activity
C. eradicate
D. unselfishness
5. A. minority
B. refreshment C. constancy
D. enthusiasm
II. Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences:
6. Sara is going to spend next year ___________ at a university in Japan.
A. to study
B. study
C. studying
D. studied

7. Jack admitted ___________ the money.
A. steal
B. to steal
C. having stealing
D. having stolen

8. “I’m sorry I didn’t finish the report on time.” David ___ not finishing the report on time.
A. suggested
B. apologized for
C. advised
D. insisted on
9. I have heard my little girl____________ the piano.
A. played
B. plays
C. to play
D. playing
10. “It was nice of you to invite me to the dinner. Thank you,” Miss White __________me
for inviting her to the dinner
A. apologized
B. suggested
C. thanked
D. congratulated
11. Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of others.
A. look at
B. get on with
C. keep up with
D. look after
12. The mother told her son ______ so impolitely.
A. not behaving
B. not to behave
C. did not behave
D. not behave
13. I warned An __________ staying at the hotel near the airport.
A. for
B. from
C. against

D. away
14. Jennifer asked me where _______________ the week before.
A. had I gone
B. did I go
C. I had gone
D. was I going
15. A bank has promised a donation of $24 million toward the disaster fund.
A. connection
B. addition
C. contribution
D. provision
16. People are now raising money for flood victims.
A. sending
B. collecting
C. paying
D. making
17. You can congratulate yourself ___________ having done an excellent job.
A. on
B. about
C. against
D. with
18. They had a really good chance of winning the national___________
A. compete
B. competition
C. competitor
D. competitive
Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
19. I saw a man jumped through the window 5 minutes ago, but I couldn’t remember his
20. Louis got his sister read his assignment, and then asked her to write the report for him

because he did not have enough time.
I. Give the correct form of the verbs in bracket.
1. I hear someone (knock) ___________ at the front door.
2. Ms. Lan enjoys (teach) ____________ because she loves working with children.
3. By the time you came back we (clean) _________ your room.
4. When he (drive) __________ to work he had an accident.
5. When I (go) _________ home, my parents (watch) _________ T.V in the sitting room.
6. John had her car (repair) __________ yesterday.
II. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. The industrial __________ will lead to the country’s prosperity. (develop)
2. Some large cities have had measures to minimize air __________. (pollute)
3. I will come to the party because I accept the ___________. (invite)
4. Many students in my country___ go to remote areas to help the people there.(voluntary)
5. Many people have objected to the use of animals in _________ experiments. (science)
6. I am really __________ in the way he talks, but the way he behaves. (interest)

III. Rewrite the sentences without changing meaning from the roots:
1. “Remember to lock the door before going to school,” my sister said.
=> My sister reminded me___________________________________________________
2. " I'm happy you have passed the final exams. Congratulations!" Tim said to his friend
=> Tim congratulated her____________________________________________________
3. After she had done all home works, she went out for a party.
=> Having________________________________________________________________
4. 'If I were you, I'd read the exam questions very carefully.
=> He advised us __________________________________________________________.
5. Jack was late for the meeting because his watch was slow.
=> If Jack’s watch_________________________________________________________
6. People believe that he drove through the town at 90 km an hour.

=> He is _________________________________________________________________
7. My sister told me that she had seen that film the night before.
Þ She said: “I ____________________________________________________________”
IV. Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question.
In many countries in the world, the second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day. Mother’s
Day was the idea of an American woman, Anna Jarvis. Anna’s mother wasn’t alive any
more, and Anna wanted a special day to remember her mother. Her friends agreed. However,
many people in The U.S weren’t happy about Anna’s idea. Some thought a national day of
celebration is unnecessary. Anna and her friends wrote letters to important people. These
people liked the idea. Finally, on 8th May, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made the second
Sunday in May Mother’s Day, a day of celebration in The United States.
1. Who had the idea of Mother’s day?
=> _____________________________________________________________
2. Why did she come with the idea?
=> ___________________________________________________________________
3. Why were many people in The U.S unhappy about the idea?
=> ___________________________________________________________________
4. What did Anna and her friends do then?
=> ______________________________________________________________________
5. Who made the second Sunday in May Mother’s Day?
=> ______________________________________________________________________
I/ Phonetics: 0.5 point
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
1. A. mow
B. Remote
C. donor
D. Olympic
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others:
2. A. observe
B. maximum

C. stimulate
D. gratitude
II/ Vocabulary and grammar: 6.5 points
Choose the best answer: 4.5 points
1. When she retired, she did a lot of ____services for the Red Cross
A. volunteer
B. volunteers
C. voluntary
D. voluntarily
2. The contestants will have to answer the questions on the______.
A. matyrs
B. invalids
C. worksheets
D. intersections
3. The ...... will observe and score your performance in the contest.

A. judges
B. contestants
C. sponsors
D. winners
4. Her mother prevented her ____ going out tonight.
A. against
B. from C. about
D. at
5. Andrew _____the test before he_____ it very easy.
A. did/ had found
B. had done/ found C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding
6. Peter _____ to go in for the exam.
A. avoided
B. let C. advised

D. decided
7. Jack admitted ....................... the money.
A. steal
B. to steal
C. stealing
D. stolen
8. I expect _______ good marks in the coming exams.
A. having B. having had
C. have
D. to have
9. She encouraged me _______ for a job in this company.
A. to apply
B. apply C. applied
D. applying
10. The school boy hoped
the first prize.
A. given
B. to be given
C. giving
D. gave
11. I've heard a lot about Dr. James, and I'm looking forward ______ his talk tomorrow.
A. hear
B. hearing
C. to hear
D. to hearing
12. He congratulated the team ...... all their games.
A. to win
B. winning
C. for their winning
D. on having won

13. I notice the lorry ........................ down the hill.
A. to come B. came C. coming
D. having come
14. The police accused him of..................... fire to the building but he denied .............. in
the area on the night of the fire.
A. setting/ being B. setting/ having been
C. set/ be
D. having set/ having been
15.“Thanks a lot for coming to the party”, the host said to the guests.
A. The host said thanks a lot for coming to the party.
B. The host requested coming to the party.
C. The host proposed coming to the party.
D. The host thanked the guests for coming to the party.
16. “ How about spending the day at the beach?” said Tom.
A. Tom said he wanted to spend the day at the beach.
B. Tom suggested spending the day at the beach.
C. Tom insisted on spending the day at the beach.
D. Tom advised us to spend the day at the beach.
17. The Students’ Parents Society ------------ the Singing Contest which was held in 20th
November by our English teachers. They helped buy presents for the winners.
A. sang
B. organized
C. sponsored
D. acted
18. I can make myself _________pretty well in English.
A. understand
B. to understand C. understanding
D. understood
Circle one underlined word or phrase marked A, B, C or D that must be chnged in
order for the sentence to be correct and correct it: 1.5 point

1. My brother has always dreamed to be a famous film star ………………………………
2. The rain prevented us from climb to the top of the mountain……………………………
3. Mary told to Jim not to tell anyone else about that story again.…………………………

Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question: 2 points
Each summer, the Winant and Clayton Volunteer program sends a group of Americans to
volunteer in London for seven weeks and provides housing and a small stipend to help
defray the high cost of living. After seven weeks of volunteering, participants have two
weeks to travel independently before returning to London to evaluate the program and get
their flight back to the United States.
The application includes a few short essays, a series of questions about the type of
placement one would prefer, and an informal interview with former volunteers that gives
applicants a chance to find out more about the program.
Deciding to participate takes a small leap of faith. The roster of volunteer
placements and housing options can change from year to year and volunteers can’t choose
their placement in advance. But once you’re accepted you instantly feel that you’ve joined
a close-knit group. The volunteer coordinator is in frequent contact through mailings and emails to help you prepare for the trip, and there is a daylong orientation in New York that
bring all the volunteers together before departure for London.
1)How long do a group of Americans volunteer in London?
2) What does the Winant and Clayton Volunteer program provide volunteers with?
3) What can the volunteers do after seven weeks of volunteering ?
4) How does the volunteer coordinator keep in contact with you??
Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given: 1.5 point

1. “I want to study over seas.”Jimmy said to me.
->Jimmy has dreamed of………………...…………….………………
2. “Sorry, I broke your vase last night.” James said to Jack.
->James applogised for…………………….…………………………..
3. He had spent all his money . he decided to go home and ask his father for a job
->Having …………………………………………………………………
I/ Phonetics: 0.5 point
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
1. A. behave
B. donate
C. martyr
D. race
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others:
2. A. sculpture B. announce
C. contest
D. venue
II/ Vocabulary and grammar: 6.5 points
Choose the best answer: 4.5 points
1. Last month the company ____ to donate fifty trucks to help the flooded areas.
A. volunteered
B. volunteers
C. voluntary
D. voluntarily
2. I am very happy to receive a/an____ of 1 million dong from your organization
A. orphanages
B. donation
C. movement
D. competition
3. I am pleased to _______ the winner of the final competition. It's Group B.
A. recite

B. announce
C. explain
D. appoint
4. Thank you very much ........................ lending me your bike.

A. about
B. in
C. for D. of
5. When he ....................... at the station, his train already.....................
A. arrived/ left B. arrived/ had left
C. had arrived/ left
D. had arrived/ left
6. The manager ....................... the men to turn to work immediately.
A. insisted B. suggested
C. admitted
D. ordered
7. John suggested ______ to the new brach in Vietnam.
A. being appointed
B. to be appointed
C. to appoint
D. to appointing
8. I am very happy ________ good marks.
A. have
B. to have
C. having
D. had
9. They asked him _______ carefully.
A. to drive B. drive C. driving
D. drives
10. He demanded the letter

at once.
A. to be sent
B. send
C. to sending
D. sending
11. I heard the tyre ...... and then the lorry skidded across the road.
A. to burst B. bursting
C. be burst
D. has burst
12.He spends most of his time --------------- computer games.
A. playing
B. play
C. to playing
D. played
13. ....................... it several times, he didn’t want to read it once again.
A. Reading B. To read
C. To have read
D. Having read
14. The police accused him of...... fire to the building but he denied ...... in the area on the
night of the fire.
A. setting/ being B. setting/ having been
C. set/ be D. having set/ having been
15. “ Let’s eat out tonight” said my father .
A. My father suggested eating out that night. B. My father invited us to at out that night.
C. My father ordered to eat out to night. D. My father told to eating out to night.
16. Don’t come near the barrier” the police said.
A. The police warned me against coming near the barrier
B. The police thanked me for coming near the barrier
C.The police dreamed of coming near the barrier
D. The police congratulated me on coming near the barrier

17. How many -------------- are there in the competition.?
A participants
B participations
C participative
D. participates
18. I would rather _________ to Elvis than the Beatles.
A. listen
B. to listen
C. listening
D. listened
Circle one underlined word or phrase marked A, B, C or D that must be
chnged in order for the sentence to be correct and correct it: 1.5 point
1. Mr and Mrs Smith looked forward to meet their children soon.………………………
2. He said that he was accused of have stolen her money two months before.
3. Mary told to Jim not to tell anyone else about that story again. ……..……………….
Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question: 2 points
The Women's World Cup was originally the brainchild of the FIFA president joão
Havelange. The first tournament was hosted in China in 1991, with twelve teams sent to

represent their countries. The 1995 FIFA Women's World Cup was held in Sweden with
twelve teams. Over 650,000 spectators attended the 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup in the
United States and nearly one billion viewers from seventy countries tuned in to watch
sixteen countries vie for the title.
In the 1999 edition, one of the most famous moments of the tournament was
American defender Brandi Chatain's victory celebration after scoring the Cup-winning
penalty shot against Cina. She took off her T-shirt and waved it over her head as men
frequently do, showing her muscular torso. The 1999 final in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena,

California had an attendance of 90,185, a world record for a women's sporting event.
The 1999 and 2003 Women's World Cup were both held in the United States; in
2003 China was supposed to host it but the tournament was moved because of SARS. As
compensation, China retained its automatic qualification to the 2003 tournament as host
nation and was automatically chosen to host the 2007 Women's World Cup. The host
country for the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup will be delided by vote.
1. How many teams were there in the first tournament in 1991?
2. Where was the 1995 FIFA Women's World Cup held ?
3.What did Brandi Chatain do to celebrate the victory in the 999 edition?
4. Which country hosted the 2007 Women's World Cup?
Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words given: 1.5 point
1.“Shall we go to the cinema tonight?” he told me.
->He suggested….………...…..………………………………………...
2. He had spent all his money . he decided to go home and ask his father for a job
->Having …………………………………………………………………
3. “I am sorry. I can’t go to your birthday party next Saturday evening”,Mary said to Jack.
->Mary apologized to Jack for……………………………………………………………

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