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Lesson plan
Nextmove 2, Unit 4: Turkey
Lesson 1: Vocabulary

Lesson plan
A. Front page
I.Class profile
1. Student’s level: Elementary
2. Total students: 30
3. Timetable fit : Students have already worked on Unit 4: Turkey – Lesson 1:
Vocabulary on page 36
4. Previous knowledge : Students have known:
* Some vocabularies related to the names of fruits and vegetables
* Number 1 to 13 : review
*The structure “There is/ There are…”, “How many…?” : Review
II. Objectives
*Communicate objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will able to:
- Asking and answering about quantity
* Linguistic objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will able to:
- Use lexical items related to the names of fruit and vegetables
-Apply the structure of asking and answering about quantity
*Skill objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will able to:
- Writing sentences using structure “There are…”
-Asking about quantity

* Interpersonal: The lesson will help to build a good classroom dynamic
III. Anticipated problems and solutions
*Student may forget some numbers 1 o 13
=> Teacher can review the numbers 1 to 13 before asking them practice
* Student may have difficult with remembering the names of fruit and vegetables

=>Teacher gives them more exercise to practice to help them remember
IV. Teaching aids: textbook, projector, pictures

Stage/ Time

Stage aims

(5 minutes)

-To motivate
students before the
-To activate student’s
knowledge that they
have known about
names of fruit and

Teacher’s activities

-T shows the video
about fruit and
vegetables on the
-Let Ss watch the
video and try to
remember all the fruit

that appeared on the
-T shows pictures on
the screen then call Ss
choose the picture that
appeared on the video
-Check their answers
-To guide Ss to guess -Teacher shows some
the meanings of the
pictures on the slide
vocabularies new words related to -T elicits the new
the names of fruit
words from those
and vegetables
-To help them
-Teacher lets Ss listen
memorize and recall the new words and
the new words before asks the whole class to
doing task below
repeat together
-Teacher call some Ss
to check their

Student’s activities
-Students pay attention

to the video
-Watch the video and
try to remember all the
food that appeared on
that video
-Students choose the
pictures that include the
food appeared on the

-Ss answer the
questions of the teacher

-Listen the new words
and repeat

-Some Ss stand up and

T- Ss, T-S

T-Ss, individual,
S-Ss, T-S

Cross words
(8 minutes)

-To check student’s
understanding of
meaning of the new
-To help Ss practice
to remember the new

Exercise 2 :

-To motivate student
on the lesson
-To review the
numbers 1 to 13

Activity :
(5 minutes)

-To help Ss improve
their listening skill
-To help recall
vocabularies and
structure that they

have learnt

Exercise 3:
(4 minutes)

-To help Ss practice
with the knowledge
that they have learnt
in the lesson

-T tell Ss the rules of
the activities
-T show the pictures
and call Ss to guess the
names of fruit or
vegetables on these
-T lets Ss pronounce
them again
-Teacher divides the
class into 2 teams:
Green team and Red
-Teacher tells the rule
of the game
-Teacher lets students
play the game:
+Each team will chose

a person to “Rock
paper scissors” to find
the team starts first
+Behind an apple has a
question. Each team
have to answer this
+If the answer is right,
this team has 1 point
+If the answer is
wrong , the other team
will have chance to
-Teacher plays an
audio talking about
quantity of food and
-Teacher gives Ss a
worksheet and ask
them do the exercise in
pairs after listening
the audio twice
-Ask Ss draw 3
pictures, each picture
is about fruits or
vegetables that they

-Ss listen the rule from

the teacher

T-Ss, T-S,

-Ss raise their hand to
guess the words
-Pronounce the new
words again
-Students listen the rule
of the game
-Each team chooses an
apple and answers the
question behind it turn
by turn

T-Ss, S-Ss

-Listen the audio twice
-Discuss with their
partner to do the

T-Ss, S-S

-Draw 3 pictures

T- Ss,
Individual, S-S

-Stand up, go around

Wrap- up
(2 minutes)

-To help recall the
knowledge of the

- Ask Ss stand up and
go around the class
and ask their friend
about quantity of the
fruits on their pictures
-Ask Ss
+What they have
learnt through the
+What’s structure we
use to ask about
-Ask them do home
work on notebook

and ask friend using
structure “How
-Review and answer
the question


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