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Oxford preparation course for the TOEIC test tapescripts (students book + practice test)

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OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test
Student’s Book
CD1 Chapters 1–3

CD2 Chapters 4–5


Chapter 4

Chapter 1


Part 1 Task B
Part 1 Review

Part 2 Review
Part 3 Review
Part 4 Task B
Part 4 Review

Chapter 5

Chapter 2


Part 1 Review
Part 2 Review
Part 3 Review
Part 4 Task B
Part 4 Review
Chapter 3



Part 1 Review
Part 2 Review
Part 3 Task A
Part 3 Task B
Part 3 Review
Part 4 Task A
Part 4 Task B
Part 4 Review


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Part 1 Task B
Part 1 Review
Part 2 Review
Part 3 Review
Part 4 Task A
Part 4 Review
Part 1 Task B
Part 1 Review

Part 2 Review
Part 3 Task B
Part 3 Review
Part 4 Task A
Part 4 Review




OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test
Student’s Chapter 1
PART 1, Task B

PART 2, Review


The interviews were held in the small
conference room.
The training room has a capacity of 50


Do you have a cup of coffee every morning?
(A) No, thank you.
(B) It’s tomorrow, not today.
(C) Yes, sometimes I have two.

The expiration for the job notice was
The job notice was posted on the board.


What is your new secretary like?
(A) He’s very efficient.
(B) I put it on the table.
(C) They can’t keep a secret.


How’s the temperature in your office?
(A) She’s a temporary employee.
(B) It was cold this morning, but now it’s OK.
(C) The officer was temperamental.


You’ve been late every morning this week.
(A) I’ve been very weak lately.
(B) My alarm clock is broken.
(C) I’ll go next week.


What kind of applicant are you looking for?
(A) One who is creative.
(B) I applied the paper to the wall.
(C) We looked everywhere.


What made his speech so good?
(A) It’s made of wood.
(B) This peach is really good.
(C) It was interesting and it was short.











Your phone messages are at the reception
He called while you were out to lunch.
Please wear your identification badge
around your neck.
They were concentrating so hard that they
didn’t hear the phone ringing at all.
You should finish making the copies by
10:00 a.m.
Your desk is behind the water fountain,
next to the copier.

PART 1, Review






They’re shaking hands.
They’re leaving the office.
They’re holding a bucket of ice.
They’re touching the desk.



She’s bending over the box.
She’s putting away the documents.
She’s filing her nails.
She’s opening the closet.

How often do you file your paperwork?
(A) We’re out of paper.
(B) Twice a week at the end of the day.
(C) The paper is on the file cabinet.




He’s writing on the board.
He’s riding on the train.
He’s sitting at the table.
He’s pointing to the chart.

What do you think of the latest survey?
(A) We took the test later.
(B) I don’t think I’ll be late.
(C) I didn’t have time to read it.



The receptionist is at the counter.
The electrician is on a ladder.
The conductor is on the bus.
The technician is in the lab.

How often do you meet?
(A) I don’t eat meat.
(B) Once a week at least.
(C) At six o’clock.


What are the characteristics of a good
(A) Dependable and loyal
(B) Lazy and dishonest
(C) Tired and bored


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press



PART 3, Review
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following
I get too many emails. Every day it takes
me a hour to read them, and most of
them are junk. I get ten junk emails for
every good email. I get spam
advertisements for things I don’t want,
even for things I can’t use.
Don’t open your junk mail. Your email
program should sort out spam from

legitimate email. Mine puts all spam
mail in a separate folder. I look at it
once a week to make sure good emails
don’t get put in by mistake.
That’s a good idea. It’s frustrating to
sort through the mailbox and delete the
So don’t get upset. Let technology do
the work for you.
Questions 13 through 15 refer to the following
I can’t find any of the faxes that I sent
yesterday. I need to resend them.
Where do you usually put sent faxes?
I always put them in a folder marked
“Sent Faxes.”
And they aren’t there now?
No, I checked. I also checked the waste
basket and the folders near the Sent
Faxes folder. I don’t know where else to
Stay calm. Don’t panic. You can always

reprint them.
I can’t. They were handwritten.

PART 4, Task B
Questions 7 and 8 refer to the following
We have a lot of material to cover today, but before
handing you over to Mark Johnson, I want to talk
about the new sick-leave policy. If you are absent
because of illness, you must call your supervisor. Your
supervisor must be notified before the start of
business. Your supervisor will report your absence to
the human resource manager. Each employee must
also keep track of the number of days missed and
provide documentation from his or her private
physician. If you have any questions, call me or my
assistant, Giovanni.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following
Good morning. Everyone should have received an
agenda for today’s meeting. You should also have
received the revenue numbers for the quarter.
We’re going to start the meeting with reports from the

regional managers. Each manager is responsible for
reporting on the region’s performance. Please be sure
to include the following information: sales figures to
date, reasons for increases and or decreases, and
your action plans for the next two quarters.
I’ll start by turning the meeting over to Satoshi
Tanaka, who will update us on the Japanese market.
Satoshi will be followed by Natalya Kourtchev, Adriana
Parodi, and finally Mary O’Brien. Mary will be
presenting for the four regions in the United States.

PART 4, Review
Questions 11 through 13 refer to the following
In an effort to prepare for the move this Friday, we are
asking for the assistance of all employees. Starting
on Tuesday afternoon, we will be packing all nonessential materials. Boxes can be found in the
storage area on the fifth floor. Suzanne Green is in
charge of coordinating the move. You should let her
know how many boxes you have. Please make sure
that they are properly labeled. All non-essential boxes
should be left with Mark Chow on the storage dock by
Wednesday at noon.
Questions 14 through 16 refer to the following
This Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., we will be
conducting our induction training for new employees.
Diana Sanchez will be directing the program. She’s
divided the employees into teams and she will have
the team lists on Friday. Before Friday, each of you

should read through the packet of materials that were
placed in your mailboxes today. The first session will
last for three hours and will then be followed up with
two sessions on the subsequent Fridays.




OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test
Student’s Chapter 2


How did you learn to use the accounting
(A) All accounts are active.
(B) I taught myself.
(C) You can install software on any computer.

PART 1, Review


How can I make more money?

(A) Get a better-paying job.
(B) She received a check for $500.
(C) Yes, I can make it for you.


When should we meet to prepare our
(A) We’re well represented.
(B) No more than $40 on a present.
(C) What about after lunch?


Could you recommend someone for the
(A) Over to the left.
(B) I recommend you get four.
(C) No one I know could do the job.


How did you start your company?
(A) It began as a family business.
(B) We’ll start when the company arrives.
(C) I put all the art in the lobby.


I don’t think now is the best time to ask for a

(A) I’d raise it about two inches.
(B) How about 20% ?
(C) I’d wait for a month, if I were you.


How did she find these mistakes?
(A) She checks everything very carefully.
(B) He took what he found.
(C) They were waiting in her office.



The school teacher is teaching math.
The technician is wiring a circuit board.
The designer is drawing a diagram.
The accountant is explaining a chart.



The workers can talk across their cubicles.
Each office has a closed door.
The ice cubes are in the glass.
The disks are too large.



The records include the trio’s best music.
The three architects are reviewing the
The contractor is supervising his
The papers are being filed.



The meeting has been postponed.
The coffee machine is on the table.
The boards are being cut and painted.

The board members are discussing a

PART 2, Review

Who would you suggest I use as my broker?
(A) I suggest investing immediately.
(B) I haven’t broken anything in years.
(C) Here’s the phone number of my broker.


How will you choose a bank?
(A) By their services.
(B) On the left.
(C) Across from the bank.


I’m reluctant to spend more money on
(A) They spent years improving the
(B) No, the machines are on sale this week.
(C) But we’ll have to increase our spending to
be competitive.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press



PART 3, Review

PART 4, Review

Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following
Woman A
According to this memo from
management, our department is
spending too much money when we
Woman B
We take cheap flights, sleep at cheap
hotels, eat at cheap restaurants. It’s
hardly four-star travel. What does
management want us to do? Take a
bus, sleep on a park bench, and not
Woman A
We could always bring a sandwich.
Woman B
I have a better idea. Let’s just stay


Questions 11 through 13 refer to the following
I’m very pleased to be able to address the Bankers’
Association today. I want to bring to your attention a
serious threat to the economy. Reports indicate that
corporate borrowing is at an all-time high. Because of
this, you and your fellow bankers need to review your
lending policies. Our analysts believe that this high
level of borrowing is a very dangerous trend –
dangerous because we think that factory orders and
productivity will decrease. This could cause
corporations to default on their loans. I urge you to
talk with your fellow bankers and reconsider your
lending policies.

Questions 13 through 15 refer to the following
How satisfied were you with the
information you received?
You mean the financial status report?
Yes. I thought that the numbers looked
I didn’t look at it closely, but the
numbers looked OK to me.

Before the shareholders’ meeting, you
should read it carefully. They weren’t
happy with the last report, so I think we
need to spend some time on this one.

Questions 14 through 16 refer to the following
I asked the entire company to this meeting today to
talk to you about a subject that everyone enjoys:
vacation! We have noticed a trend over the last 12
months. You aren’t taking vacation! Over 70% of our
employees have taken less than 50% of their vacation
time. We suspect that even if you take time off, you
continue to work while on vacation. Our CEO, Ms.
Woo, wants me to tell you to take a break. When you
take a vacation, relax! Leave your work behind.
Relaxed workers are efficient workers. Ms. Woo wants
you to know she does as she says. She’ll be taking
three weeks’ vacation in Thailand starting tomorrow.

PART 4, Task B

Just sign here and the banker will process your
loan application.


Each of you should find in front of you a copy

of the annual budget. You can review it after
the meeting.


We will investigate these disputed charges on
your card. If you don’t receive a credit on next
month’s statement, please call again.


Go out this door. Turn left and go past the
conference room, then down the hallway to the
reception room. We’ll call you when we’ve
made a decision about your job application.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press




OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test

Student’s Chapter 3


When will the architect review the plans?
(A) You have a beautiful view.
(B) He has already approved the drawings.
(C) The plans are in the third drawer down.


What do we do to meet the safety codes?
(A) The documents are in the safe.
(B) There were two accidents last year.
(C) Just minor adjustments are necessary.

PART 1, Review





He’s painting the window.
He’s looking for his tape measure.
He’s repairing the broken glass.
He’s measuring the window.



The man is lying on top of the floor.
The rug is under the chair.
The tailor is cutting the cloth.
The man is cutting the carpet.

I’d love to rent an apartment in this building.
(A) We still have two vacant units.
(B) Yes, I rented a car.
(C) The building is full of people.



They’re building on a lot.
The sign is between the buildings.
The parking area is empty.
The garden is closed.

What is the building next to the library?
(A) It’s on Main Street.
(B) That’s the courthouse.
(C) They’ve been building for months.



They’re looking at a painting.
They’re painting a house.
They’re paying their rent.
They’re putting away the ladders.

What features are you looking for in an office?
(A) I couldn’t find your office.
(B) The first feature starts soon.
(C) Good lighting and convenient

PART 3, Task A


PART 2, Review





What’s the problem with your house?
(A) The roof leaks.
(B) I’ll walk home after work.
(C) I’ll be fine, thank you.
When do you think construction will end?
(A) The end of the road.
(B) I took a deduction.
(C) In about a month.

Woman B
Woman A

This chair isn’t very comfortable.
(A) Sit in this one then.

(B) My hair isn’t very long.
(C) This isn’t very portable.
When does the insurance policy expire?
(A) I thought it had already expired.
(B) Yes, I’m sure.
(C) The police are outside now.
Why are the tenants complaining?
(A) There are ten of us coming.
(B) Rents are too high.
(C) It’s often raining.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press


The vice president likes the new
location for the store.
I hope he knows how hard we looked.
Have you looked into renting computer
We’ve always bought computers as we
needed them.


Office prices are going down. We need
more space.

And our lease is up for renewal next fall.


Are you coming to the tenants’ meeting?
I heard about it, but I can’t stay.

Man A
Man B

We have five prospective buyers coming
by this afternoon.
I’ll show them around all together.



PART 3, Task B

PART 4, Task A


You know the union. Their demands are always
the same: more money and better health care.


All we want is to be able to post materials
outside of our offices.


They have been in the building for over five
years and now they want to extend for another
five years.


The city asked that the construction site be
cleaned up by next week.

Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following talk.
Welcome to this special meeting of commercial
realtors. We’re glad to see that so many of you have
turned out for the meeting. Let’s get right down to
business. As you know, crime is on the increase.
When crime increases, people are less interested in
renting and buying. The number of renters and buyers
in our city has decreased. The purpose of tonight’s
meeting is to get together and develop a plan – a plan
that will help us get our renters and buyers back. A
plan that will help us stop crime. Let’s take our plan
to the chief of police, the city council, and the
citizens. They’ll listen to us.

PART 3, Review
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following
Have you received the building permit
Not yet. I submitted the application on
June 5. Today is July 10 so it’s been
almost six weeks. I don’t know why it’s
taking so long. It usually only takes two
weeks. We had all the appropriate
permissions and we weren’t asking for
anything special or out of the ordinary.
You should call the mayor’s office and
see if they can help expedite the
Let me call the permit office first. I don’t
want to cause trouble. I just want our
permits so we can start construction.
Questions 13 through 15 refer to the following
You spend a lot of time commuting to
work. Couldn’t you work from home?
I could easily work from home. Most of

my work is done on the phone or on the
computer. You know, I must spend
about five hours just answering emails.
Then why don’t you ask the CEO if you
could telecommute?
I did. Last year. But my request was
denied. They want me here to
participate in meetings.
Meetings! You’d get more work done if
you were at home and didn’t have to go
to meetings.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Questions 3 and 4 refer to the following
Don’t miss out on the chance to own your very own
piece of the city’s history. Now, for a limited time,
businesses and individuals can purchase office space
in the new City Hall complex. This is a once-in-alifetime opportunity and space will sell out quickly. We
have already sold 70% of the available space. Calls
are coming in every minute. Appointments are being
made hourly. We expect to have 100% occupancy by
Friday 15. Don’t delay or you will regret not having

one of the 100 most desirable offices in our city.
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following
If you will all follow me to the third floor, we’ll begin
the tour there. We’ll be showing you the lobby area,
models of one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments,
our recreational facilities, and parking areas.
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to show you all of our
recreational facilities, as we are doing a major
renovation of the pool and sauna area. While this is a
slight inconvenience to our current tenants, February
is the month of lowest usage. We have also made
arrangements with a local club for full access to their
facilities for our tenants. Work is on schedule and our
first-rate facility will be ready well in time for the
summer heat and humidity. Watch your step here as
we go round the old pool.



PART 4, Task B

PART 4, Review

Question 7 refers to the following talk.
Welcome to this special meeting of commercial
realtors. We’re glad to see that so many of you have

turned out for the meeting. Let’s get right down to
business. As you know, crime is on the increase.
When crime increases, people are less interested in
renting and buying. The number of renters and buyers
in our city has decreased. The purpose of tonight’s
meeting is to get together and develop a plan – a plan
that will help us get our renters and buyers back. A
plan that will help us stop crime. Let’s take our plan
to the chief of police, the city council, and the
citizens. They’ll listen to us.

Questions 11 through 13 refer to the following
I’m very pleased to be speaking to the Industrial
Warehouse Owners’ Association today. My message is
very simple: save time, save money. At Executive
Property Management, we provide a service that we
think you will find invaluable. How many of you have
too many properties to manage? How many of you
need a few more hours in the day? All of you are
nodding your heads. There’s never enough time to do
everything. Listen to how we can help. We are a
nationwide property management company. We
specialize in staffing your locations with highly trained
and experienced managers. We’ll manage your
property so that you have more time to dedicate to
the growth and success of your business. We have
been helping companies like yours for over fifty years.
Ninety percent of our business comes from referrals –
that is, from satisfied customers like you.

Question 8 refers to the following advertisement.
Don’t miss out on the chance to own your very own
piece of the city’s history. Now, for a limited time,
businesses and individuals can purchase office space
in the new City Hall complex. This is a once-in-alifetime opportunity and space will sell out quickly. We
have already sold 70% of the available space. Calls
are coming in every minute. Appointments are being
made hourly. We expect to have 100% occupancy by
Friday 15. Don’t delay or you will regret not having
one of the 100 most desirable offices in our city.
Question 9 refers to the following announcement.
If you will all follow me to the third floor, we’ll begin
the tour there. We’ll be showing you the lobby area,
models of one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments,
our recreational facilities, and parking areas.
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to show you all of our
recreational facilities, as we are doing a major
renovation of the pool and sauna area. While this is a
slight inconvenience to our current tenants, February
is the month of lowest usage. We have also made
arrangements with a local club for full access to their
facilities for our tenants. Work is on schedule and our
first-rate facility will be ready well in time for the
summer heat and humidity. Watch your step here as
we go round the old pool.

Questions 14 through 16 refer to the following
This weekend over 40% of the apartments will be

vacated. We then have just ten days to do a complete
turnaround. On May 29, new renters will be arriving,
expecting to find completely clean, freshly painted
apartments ready for immediate occupancy. In order
to accomplish this work, we are asking that no one
take any time off during the next two weeks. If we
work together as a team, we will be able to
accomplish this turnaround. If successful, all of you
will receive a handsome bonus and a company day at
the Marina Harbor. Please let me know if you have
any questions or additional suggestions.

Question 10 refers to the following report.
The City Council voted last night to raise property tax
by 3%. The council instituted this increase reluctantly
and after much consideration. A committee has
researched ways to add more money to the city
budget for needed repairs to roads, schools, and
public services. The council believes that the tax
increase is the most efficient way to add revenue to
the depleted city treasury.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press




OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test
Student’s Chapter 4
PART 1, Task B

PART 2, Review


The purser is assisting the cruise passengers.
The purse is for sale in the gift shop.



The musicians play for the guests after dinner.
The magicians entertain the passengers in the

Would you like a queen-size bed or a twin room?
(A) My daughter has twin boys.
(B) We’d prefer one large bed, thank you.
(C) This size dress doesn’t come in red.


I think I’ll check all of my bags.
(A) The check cleared the bank.
(B) I’m only going to check two.
(C) There are some rags in the closet.


Does the express train leave from this platform?
(A) No, this is for the local train.
(B) Yes, I had your pants pressed.
(C) The speaker’s platform is raised.


How often do you come to Tokyo?
(A) We came later.
(B) I’ll be seeing you more often.
(C) Only once or twice a year.



The family are getting ready to board the
The family are packing their bags.

The family are getting off the plane.
The family are picking up the grate.

Do any of your rooms have a park view?
(A) Yes, you can park in the new garage.
(B) This room is too dark.
(C) No, they all face the city.



The freight is being sent.
The car is getting gas.
The container ship is at sea.
The ship is taking on fuel.

Are you carrying these bags for someone else?
(A) No, everything is mine.
(B) Yes, I gave them something to wear.
(C) Thanks, nothing for me.




The customers are choosing a table.
The waitress is wearing an apron.
The diners are looking at their menus.
The waiter is writing a check.

What time does your flight leave?
(A) The fight started at 5 p.m.
(B) The bag of leaves is very light.
(C) It’s scheduled to take off at two.



He’s looking out the bus window.
He’s buying a book to read.
He’s traveling with a cook.
He’s watching the time.

Is this your first time at sea?
(A) I can’t see without my glasses.
(B) We had tea last time.
(C) No, I’ve been on several cruises.


I can’t decide whether to take a bus or a taxi.
(A) Because I never pay my taxes.
(B) It’s less expensive by bus.
(C) He didn’t take it.


When did you buy your ticket?
(A) Any day now.
(B) Sometime tomorrow.
(C) Almost a month ago.


The baggage handlers are loading the luggage
onto the carts.
The cars are parked by the terminal.


The tanker is sailing into the harbor.
I thanked her for her sailing lesson.


They let her board the plane without a boarding
Their letter about the service on the plane was

PART 1, Review






OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE â Oxford University Press



PART 3, Review
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following
Look how many people there are in this
The airline needs more ticket agents

helping out.
I’m going to miss my plane. There are
50 people ahead of me.
If I didn’t have two heavy bags, I’d carry
them on the plane with me. You only
have a small carry-on bag. Why don’t
you just go straight to the gate?
I haven’t bought my ticket yet.
Questions 13 through 15 refer to the following
Yes, we have your reservation, but
unfortunately your room isn’t ready yet.
Not ready? Isn’t check-in at noon? It’s
three o’clock now.
I’m really sorry, but there were a lot of
late check-outs today. If you’d like, I can
give you a room until your room is ready.
It won’t be the suite you reserved, but
it’s a comfortable room.
Thanks, anyway. I’m supposed to meet
some friends here soon. I’ll just wait in
the lobby.

PART 4, Task A
Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following
Good morning. We are ready to board flight 1532,
non-stop to Bangkok. As soon as the captain tells us
he is ready, we will start our boarding procedure.
Please have your boarding pass and identification
ready to show the flight attendant. Our first class
passengers and frequent flyer club passengers may
board at their leisure. In the main cabin, we will board
by rows. Please remain in the waiting area until you
hear your row called. On behalf of your gate agents
here, we hope you have a pleasant flight.
Questions 3 and 4 refer to the following
Hi. This is Mollie, your travel agent, with my travel tip
for the day. How about a cruise on a freighter? That’s
right. A freighter, one of those slow-going cargo ships
that take forever to go nowhere. And let me tell you,
that as a travel agent, I know that freighter travel is
one of the best bargains around. On a freighter, you
don’t have a purser, musicians, or a social director to
keep you amused. You don’t have a complete hotel
staff offering 24-hour service. What you do have is


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

hard-working sailors – men and women who will make
your experience one you’ll never forget.

Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following
Ladies and gentlemen, ahead on your left is the world
famous Fifth Avenue. Driver, could we stop the bus for
a second? Thank you. Look down that street, you’ll
find luxury shop after luxury shop. In each shop, there
are plenty of shopkeepers who will be happy to make
your purse lighter. OK. Driver, let’s move on. And now
we are coming to the theater district where actors
and actresses entertain visitors, tourists just like you,
and of course, the citizens of New York and New
Jersey. This is the end of the tour and if you liked
what you heard, remember you may tip the tour

PART 4, Review
Questions 11 through 13 refer to the following
Good morning from the cockpit, ladies and
gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. We’re about
one hour and ten minutes from our destination. Air
traffic control warns us about some turbulence
ahead. We don’t expect the air to be bumpy for
another thirty minutes, but just in case, we would like
you to stay in your seats with your seat belts
fastened. This is for your safety as well as the safety
of those around you. I’m also going to ask our cabin

crew to prepare the cabin and take their seats in
twenty minutes.
Questions 14 through 16 refer to the following
welcoming speech.
The Hotel Managers’ Association welcomes you to our
annual awards banquet. This is the one occasion in
the year where we can honor all of you who have
helped our industry grow. You will be pleased to know
that hotel occupancy rates shot up to almost 80% this
year. And that’s the average, so some lucky hotel
managers had 100% of their rooms fully booked all
year. Of course, that means a few of us didn’t quite
reach 60%. Never mind. What’s important is the
future. So please, raise your glasses and join me in
a toast to another high occupancy year!




OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test
Student’s Chapter 5


Why did they cancel the experiment?
(A) They ran out of money.
(B) She has a lot of experience.
(C) They can call an expert.


These cables may not be long enough.
(A) She came along with them.
(B) No, they’re too short.
(C) The table is long enough.


Would you consider the results a success?
(A) She rarely passes an exam.
(B) Only twenty miles were completed.
(C) Very positive results without a doubt.


Why did you turn off the computer?
(A) I’m not using it.
(B) At 10:00 in the morning.
(C) Make the first turn on the right.


Why aren’t these tools put away?
(A) We put them in a drawer.

(B) Put this stool there.
(C) We’re not finished with them.


Should we fix it now or later?
(A) It’s about eight or nine.
(B) I sent the letter already.
(C) Let’s repair it tomorrow.

PART 1, Task B


She belted out the music.
The belt on the machine is loose.



The man can’t see the screen.
She screened the candidates.




The cells are dividing.
He sells food products.



She painted her nails.
The nails were scattered.



The cables were tangled.
Cable has been replaced by email.

PART 1, Review





They’re digging in the mine.
They’re starting a new line.
They’re putting up lines.
They’re pulling up mine.



The man is timing an event.
He is fixing a clock.
The man is watching the time.
The watchmaker is at his bench.

The machine is making a lot of noise.
(A) She’s having a good time.
(B) My nose is running.
(C) It needs to be oiled.




The monitor is on the desk.
The circuits are in the box.
The wires run along the wall.
The diagram is in the folder.

Could you give me a hand, please?
(A) He’s very handy.
(B) No, I need it myself.
(C) I’d be glad to help.



The technicians are renting equipment.
The cameraman is putting his camera
The students are working in the studio.
The photographer is printing a picture.

Why did you wait until the last minute?
(A) It lasted for two hours.
(B) I didn’t have time earlier.
(C) We waited for ten minutes.


PART 3, Task B
PART 2, Review

Has this battery been charged?
(A) Not yet. I’ll charge it now.
(B) Our charge card is missing.
(C) I don’t like butter beans.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press


My engine won’t start.
It’s lucky I have my tools with me.
It’s lucky you repair cars for a living.



Woman A
Woman B
Woman A
Woman A
Woman B
Woman A

I just admitted two construction workers
to the emergency room.
Did you page the doctors on call?
Yes, and we’re preparing the patients for
I can’t fix this bug. My computer keeps
We need to release the software this
I can’t design and debug a program that
Are you from the phone company?
Yes, I’m here to install your new
telecommunications system.
I’ll show you where the old phone

system is.

PART 3, Review
Questions 10 through 12 refer to the following
I appreciate your getting my computer
working. It’s really been a headache. Now,
if I have any more problems with it …
Just call our Technical Support number.
They can answer most of your
questions. They’re open from 8:00 a.m.
to 8:00 p.m. But if you go to our
website, you can probably find the
answers to your questions in the
Frequently Asked Questions section. You
can check that twenty-four hours a day,
seven days a week. There’s also a live
chat session with a technician between
6:00 p.m. and midnight.
That’s assuming my computer is working,
and I can get on the Internet, of course!
Questions 13 through 15 refer to the following
We can’t wait any longer for that
shipment of cellular phones. We’re losing
sales. The competition is taking away our

business. What’s the problem with the
suppliers? We sent the purchase order
last week, and they confirmed that it
would arrive in three days.
They’ve had some union problems at
the factory. I called them and they said
they would try to get the order out
tomorrow for delivery on Friday.


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PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

It’s important we get these phones by
May 1. If not, we’ll have to find another
supplier. We can’t sell phones if we
don’t have any.

PART 4, Task A
Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following talk.
I know you’re all eager to start your job, but we have
one more training session. We will be putting you into
groups of three. Each group will work with an
experienced technician. Your group and the
technician will make a few field visits. This will show
you what the job is actually like. You’ve all worked
very hard throughout the training and we feel this is
the best training group we have had at Acme. We are

very pleased with your progress.
Questions 3 and 4 refer to the following
We will go through this process just one time, so
please listen carefully and be prepared. Before turning
on the computer, make sure that you have all the
necessary materials. A list of what you need is on page
2 of the manual. We won’t be able to answer questions
this afternoon. Please do not ask questions – I’m sorry,
but we don’t have time today. There is a list of
Frequently Asked Questions on page 75 of the manual.
If you haven’t read the manual yet, read it before we
begin the process, at one o’clock this afternoon.
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the following
Have you recently considered your current energy
source and usage? Do you know how much energy
your business consumes on a monthly basis? Are you
wasting a lot of energy? We have a solution for
concerned executives like yourselves. Come to a
seminar on alternative energy sources – sources that
could save you hundreds of dollars a month. Not only
can you save money, but you can also be involved in
saving the environment and helping your community.
Wait no longer. Call today to sign up for the free seminar.



PART 4, Review
Questions 11 through 13 refer to the following
May I have your attention, please? This
announcement is for all assembly line workers on the
late shift today. In the past week, we have
experienced a number of problems – we have had a
very high number of defects in the products and an
unacceptable number of missing materials. Before
you start your shift, please check your inventory to
make sure all your materials are in order. Make sure
everything is in order before you begin. Then, every
two hours, check again. If there are problems, tell
your supervisor immediately. We are convinced that
with your assistance, we can solve this problem.
Thank you for your attention.
Questions 14 through 16 refer to the following
We have been spending too much on supplies. We
must reduce our costs. Therefore, we are going to use
a lighter weight paper. I hope our clients don’t notice
any difference, but if you hear any dissatisfaction, let
me know. We want to reduce costs, but we don’t want
to lose or anger customers in the process. Our
customers are very important to us, more important
than saving money by cutting costs. So far our
customers have been very happy with the service we
provide, and I want to keep it that way. If you hear any
comments from them, or if you have comments or

suggestions yourselves, please direct them to Monica


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press




OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test
Practice Test 1
CD Track listings

Listening directions & Part 1 (Questions 1-10)
Part 2 (Questions 11-40)
Part 3 (Questions 41-70)
Part 4 (Questions 71-100)


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

CD TRACK LISTINGS Practice test 1



OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test
Practice Test 1



One man is hanging up his jacket.
Both men are getting ready to leave.
One man is putting on his jacket.
Both men are sitting at the desk.




The woman’s standing in front of the man.
The man’s holding a loan form in his hand.
The woman’s waiting in the taxi for him.
The man’s talking on his mobile phone.



The carts are lined up outside the station.
The park is covered with leaves.
The buses are parked outside the building.
The terminal is under construction.


They’re leaving the room.
They’re turning on the machine.
They’re standing near the table.
They’re reading the newspaper.



They’re looking at the monitor on the desk.
They’re moving the computer next to them.
They’re turning on the light over the table.
They’re cleaning their glasses with a cloth.



The dentist is examining the patient.
The technician is repairing the equipment.
The electrician is changing the light bulb.
The service attendant is pumping gas.


He’s late paying his taxes.
He’s signaling for a cab.
He’s getting out of the taxi.
He’s waving from a window.


The journalist is sharpening his pencil.
The man is running in circles.
The papers are stacked under the table.
The reader is circling items in the


The employees are working on their
The trade show is showing new
The stockbrokers are taking off their coats.
The software packages are on top of the






Where is the meeting room?
(A) To meet the new director.
(B) It’s the first room on the right.
(C) Yes, at two o’clock.

When will the session begin?
(A) The mayor will arrive tomorrow.
(B) In the convention center.
(C) After the president’s speech.


Who can take this package to the shipping

(A) We packed it ourselves.
(B) The ship leaves next Friday.
(C) George can do it after lunch.


Let’s close that window.
(A) Why? Are you cold?
(B) We gave the widow clothes.
(C) She’s close to us.


Did you watch the news last evening?
(A) No, the paper didn’t arrive.
(B) I just saw the last five minutes.
(C) Yes, she surprised us at the door.


They’re shaking hands outside a building.
They’re greeting their colleagues by the
reception area.
They’re opening their briefcases.
They’re taking a walk.



The performer is taking a bow.
The presenter is holding her notes.
The woman is drawing on the wall.
The trainer is handing out materials.

The mail is late today.
(A) The male ate yesterday.
(B) With him, we are eight.
(C) Let me know when it comes.


What type of vacation are you planning?
(A) I have over fifty varieties of plants.
(B) I’d like to go on a cruise.
(C) I’ll be gone from August 12 to August 21.



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PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

TAPESCRIPTS Practice Test 1





Do you think someone could take me to the
(A) I will. My car is right outside.
(B) You should check in an hour before your
(C) His plane already took off.
How long will it take for us to receive the new
(A) I don’t like modern art.
(B) Around four weeks.
(C) We arrive by ship.
Which company car did she choose?
(A) She traded in her car last year.
(B) The company pays for insurance, gas and
(C) I don’t think she has decided yet.


When is the last day of the sale?
(A) The store wants to empty the shelves.
(B) It was sold yesterday.
(C) The sale is already over.


Are you going to the marketing seminar?
(A) The lectures are very helpful.
(B) My boss is speaking, so I have to go.
(C) It will only take half a day.


All this work makes me hungry.
(A) I ate too much at work, too.
(B) The workers come from Hungary.
(C) Let’s go get something to eat.


What is the final destination of this train?
(A) The last stop is Tokyo Station.
(B) It is scheduled to arrive at 6:45.
(C) It will land at Frankfurt International


Why hasn’t she made that phone call?

(A) The number is 5680-879.
(B) She hasn’t had time to call.
(C) They sell phone cards next door.


When will they show the president’s interview?
(A) Mary O’Donnell asked some very good
(B) It is scheduled for 5 p.m.
(C) It was taped yesterday.


How would you like to pay for your tickets?
(A) I’ll pick them up this afternoon.
(B) The price is lower than the last time.
(C) I’ll put them on my credit card.


Why don’t you go to the doctor?
(A) It’s only a headache.
(B) The boat’s at the dock.
(C) I want to be an actor.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press


Where are we going to meet them for dinner?
(A) Let’s have an early meal.
(B) At the new restaurant in the mall.
(C) I’m so full, I can’t eat another bite.


How far is the hotel from the office?
(A) At the most, it’s five minutes by car.
(B) They offer a shuttle service.
(C) It is one of the top hotels in the area.


Don’t answer the phone if it rings.
(A) I won’t answer the letter.
(B) It may be an important call.
(C) She took out a loan to buy a ring.


Wasn’t the performance last night spectacular?
(A) It was the best I’ve ever seen.
(B) No, they won’t meet their objectives.
(C) It should be very good.


Did they know about the reorganization?
(A) Yes, it will be very useful.
(B) Yes, everyone received the email about it.
(C) No, she isn’t very organized.


Are the insurance agents coming this afternoon
or tomorrow?
(A) The gate agents are boarding the flight.
(B) They promised to be here no later than
2 o’clock today.
(C) Our policy expires at the end of the


Who should I talk to about my expenses?
(A) I walked to work.
(B) This is one of the most expensive cities in
the country.
(C) Richard can help you.


Can you explain to the customer why the order is
(A) I arrived at ten minutes past eight.
(B) I’ll go and talk to her now.

(C) She’s never late.


When can you come in for an interview?
(A) The view is beautiful at sunset.
(B) I would like to meet in your office.
(C) I’m available all week.


I can never remember which office is hers.
(A) I think it’s the one at the end of the hall.
(B) She can never find her office.
(C) The other members are never here.


Why was the budget rejected?
(A) It didn’t show enough profit.
(B) They turned down the offer.
(C) The pilot ejected from the plane.

TAPESCRIPTS Practice Test 1



Where should we store this equipment?
(A) The store is closed today.
(B) There is space in the back office.
(C) We’ll equip the team with new rackets.


Can you recommend a dentist in the area?
(A) Let me give you the number of mine.
(B) Sure, I’ll be glad to go with you.
(C) Our insurance doesn’t cover dental work.

Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following
Jack, Mr. Gomez wants to see you in his
Do you know why? I hope I haven’t done
anything wrong.
Relax. He just wants to go over some
OK, just let me finish writing this email.
It’ll only take me about fifteen minutes.
I’ll tell him you’ll be with him soon.
Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following

Are you taking any vacation time in the
next few months?
I’m not sure. Why do you ask?
I’m trying to create a schedule of
vacations so we can plan better.
Well, I was thinking of going away in
October, but I don’t have any plans yet.
It’s only January now, so I guess we
don’t have to worry about that yet.
I can’t go before then. I have to wait
until after the September marketing
And I have to go in July or August when
my kids are out of school.
Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following
I just saw Yuko in the hall. Did you talk
to her about the conference?
No, she just got back to the office

Well, talk to her soon. These things have
to be planned well in advance.
I’ll talk to her about it before the end of
the week.
Let me know her answer as soon as you


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PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following
You should come during the fall months
for your next visit.
I will. It hasn’t stopped raining since I
got off the plane last week.
At least it’s been mild. Usually in April
it’s cool as well as wet.
Other than the weather, it’s been a very
pleasant vacation away from the office.

I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it. I hope you’ll
bring your family with you next time.
Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following
Jerry, if you have some time, could you
help me copy this report?
I’ll see what I can do. Carl and I will be
busy meeting with some clients this
Well, let me know. Remember, we have
to send it to Roger’s finance group first
thing in the morning.
That doesn’t give us much time. Look,
give it to me now, and I’ll copy it during
my lunch hour.
Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following
The Council votes tonight on the
expansion of the port.
It will mean a lot of work for us in the
months ahead, if it’s approved.
I know, but it’s not a sure bet. A lot of
environmental groups are opposed to

the plan.
Well, I hope it’s approved. Local
business will really benefit from it.
Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following
Where are you taking your wife for her
I thought I’d take her to that little French
place downtown. We haven’t been there
Be sure to make reservations. They’ve
been fully booked since they opened.
I called today. I got reservations for next
You’ll enjoy it. My co-workers took me
there to celebrate my promotion, and we
all loved it.

TAPESCRIPTS Practice Test 1


Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following

I’m dropping off two rolls of film. Will
they be ready for my assistant to pick up
If she arrives after four, the pictures will
be ready.
That’ll be fine. I really appreciate it.
What’s the charge?
For two rolls, it comes to twenty-six fifty.
Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following
How long is your flight to Ankara?
Well, I fly from Chicago to New York to
Paris, and then to Turkey. It’s around
sixteen hours.
Better you than me. I don’t enjoy those
long trips anymore.
Oh, I don’t mind them. I just take a long
I hope you’re planning to take your own
food. There’s nothing worse than eating

those airplane meals.
Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following
Here’s a request form for those supplies
you wanted me to get.
I was just leaving for a meeting tonight.
Can I complete it first thing in the
Sure, but I’ll need it on my desk by ten
o’clock if you want those things before
the end of the week.

The new office is on 9th and Ball, right across from
Dextech. Since Dextech is one of our largest
accounts, the location couldn’t be more convenient.
We’ll be moving the first week of October, which is
just one month away. We have lots to do and will be
asking for all of your help.

Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following
short talk.
My name is Bob. First, I’ll give you a tour of the facility
and then we can talk about prices. I see that you’re
interested in tennis and swimming, so let’s go out to
the courts first. We have ten outdoor and five indoor
courts and during peak times, reservations are
recommended. Our club professional gives private

lessons and offers an open clinic on Saturday
mornings. The club team starts competition in early
April. Next to the front desk, we have a pro shop
where you can purchase equipment and clothes. We’ll
go down the stairs now to the swimming pool.
Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following
Thank you for inviting me to speak tonight. I represent
one of the fastest-growing organizations in the world.
Instant Marketing has offices in fifty countries and more
than 12,000 representatives. We began operations
fifteen years ago. Since then, we have demonstrated
how any organization can increase profits by identifying
customers and their needs. Our business model can be
used for any size business; from a multinational giant to
a local entrepreneur. My goal tonight is to give you an
idea of what Instant Marketing does and talk
specifically about the role of an Instant Marketing
I’ll answer questions at the end and for those of you
who are interested in becoming a representative, I have
application forms.

Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following
Good afternoon and welcome to the grand opening of
the Metro Department Store. Here is a coupon for a
free drink at our café. We are open until 9:00 this
evening and there will be music and entertainment

from 7:00 to 9:00. Today only, everything in the store
is 15% off the listed price. In addition, if you apply for
a Metro account, you will receive an additional 10%
discount. Enjoy your shopping!
Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following
We’ll begin our weekly meeting with an
announcement. After months of searching, we’re
pleased to have finally found new office space. It took
us longer than expected, but it was worth the wait.


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PHOTOCOPIABLE â Oxford University Press

Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following
short talk.
Please, ladies and gentlemen, may I have your
attention! It is my great privilege to introduce to you
the man who revolutionized our industry. In 2004,
consumption of red meat had hit an all-time low in
this country. The man who is with us here tonight was
able to turn that around with the introduction of his
brilliant advertising campaign. As a result, not only
were ad campaigns changed forever, but meat
consumption reached an all-time high. Join me in
welcoming our hero, Mr. George Neal.
Questions 86 through 88 refer to the following

Attention all passengers. In approximately 30 minutes
we will be crossing the border. A customs official will
pass by each compartment to check all passengers’

TAPESCRIPTS Practice Test 1


documents. You will not be allowed to leave the train,
so please do not get off. It is necessary to present
documents for all passengers, so for those traveling
with small children, please have all your papers
together. As a reminder, no locally grown fruits or
vegetables can be transported across the border. The
officials will have containers for any items that need
to be discarded. If you have any items to declare,
please complete one of the appropriate forms. Thank
you for your attention.

Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following
Today we will conclude this year’s series of talks on
design in the workplace. Many of us began to work
when a symbol of success was the corner office. Then
the workplace environment changed with the concept
of open space and cubicles. Our host tonight will lead
a discussion with five workplace designers about the
effectiveness and limitations of open space. They will
discuss the latest trends and show us examples of

their innovative designs. Afterwards, three members
of the audience have brought videos of their current
offices which we’ll look at and the experts will
comment on.

treatments and designer clothes. Some people even
suffer from eating disorders. The committee has
announced that next week is “International Body
Image Week,” and they hope that people worldwide
will learn how to stay healthy and happy. Our
convention center will offer fun activities about
nutrition and exercise throughout the entire week.
Everyone is welcome to attend this free special event.

Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following
Over one million subscribers read Financial Center
every week. Our readers rely on Financial Center for all
of the latest financial news. Your company should
advertise in our publication. Our subscribers are 60%
male and 40% female. Almost 100% work full-time
and about 75% of them have a large income. They
are active and interested in trying new things. Most
readers exercise several times a week. They travel
internationally two times a year and they travel in
their home countries twice as much. Our readers are
intelligent and prosperous – the perfect group to read
your company’s advertisements and buy your

Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following
The Commission on Excellence in Innovation has
received over 500 entries in this year’s contest. A
panel of 25 judges has reviewed each of the entries
in depth. This process, as you can imagine, has been
time-consuming. However, the Commission is pleased
to announce the winners of the contest. The top five
entries will receive a one-year scholarship at the
Commission’s headquarters in Bern, Switzerland.
There, the winners will be able to continue their
research and experimentation with all costs covered.
The grand winner, in addition to the year in Bern, will
receive a cash award of $100,000. Before
announcing the winners, we would like to
congratulate all contestants for the fine work that was
Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following
news report.
People’s dissatisfaction with their appearance
continues to increase. Five years ago the
International Committee on Personal Image was
formed to address this problem. The committee is
concerned with improving people’s attitudes towards
their bodies. Committee members, who represent
twenty-four countries around the world, all agree that
people in their countries are not satisfied with how
they look. This is a serious issue that can lead to a
range of problems. Unhappy people react by
spending a lot of money on surgery, expensive beauty


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

TAPESCRIPTS Practice Test 1



OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test
Practice Test 2
CD Track listings

Listening directions & Part 1 (Questions 1-10)
Part 2 (Questions 11-40)
Part 3 (Questions 41-70)
Part 4 (Questions 71-100)


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

CD TRACK LISTINGS Practice test 2



OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test

Practice Test 2







They’re leaving the room.
They’re turning on the machine.
They’re standing near the table.
They’re reading the newspaper.



The fly is flying over our heads.
The flight number has been changed.
The plane is passing over the buildings.
The plane has just landed.



They’re pointing out the window.
They’re examining some work on the
They’re sharpening their drafting pencils.

They’re turning on the overhead light.


He’s writing an article for publication.
He’s reading a newspaper on the train.
He’s combing his hair without a mirror.
He’s delivering a newspaper.










The gardener is clearing the branches
away from the building.
The performer is balancing on one foot on
a ladder.
The construction worker is climbing the
The electrician is raising the light pole in
the field.
Passengers are boarding the bus.
Motorcycles are racing down the street.
All of the cars are in one lane.
Signs are above the street.

Where is the meeting room?
(A) To meet the new director.
(B) It’s the first room on the right.
(C) Yes, at two o’clock.

The fireman is putting out the flames.
The customers are reading the menus.
The waiter is serving the soup.

The chefs are preparing the meals.

What time does the next bus arrive?
(A) The driver is over there.
(B) It stops at the corner.
(C) It runs every fifteen minutes.



The buildings are surrounded by water.
The bridges cross the river.
Both ridges are steep and long.
The boats are lost at sea.

Why did he cancel his trip?
(A) Early this morning.
(B) He always gives good advice.
(C) He didn’t think it was safe.



The doctor is examining the patient.
The medicines are being put on the table.
The tailor is holding her arm.
The surgeon is listening to music.

Have you received information about the refund?
(A) It came yesterday in the mail.
(B) The receipt shows the amount.
(C) I’m going to invest the money.



He’s wiring his office.
He’s using the keyboard.
He’s repairing the computer.
He’s making some notes.

What is the latest news on the acquisition?
(A) I bought that a long time ago.
(B) Management will make an announcement
(C) I’m ten minutes late.



Only the woman is carrying a briefcase.
The man in the middle is in shirt sleeves.
The man on the right is the tallest.
The woman is walking between the men.

Did you see the new computer model at the
(A) My daughter wants to be a model.
(B) Yes, I liked it so much that I bought one.
(C) The show will close in thirty minutes.


Where does she live now?
(A) She needs less time to get to work.
(B) She leaves in forty-five minutes.
(C) She moved to the suburbs.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

TAPESCRIPTS Practice Test 2



I didn’t hear your question.
(A) I don’t know the answer.
(B) I asked when the report would be
(C) I’ll eat over here.


Have you been to our new technology center?
(A) We need high-speed computer chips.
(B) I was there last week.
(C) Put the new chair in the center of the


When will the telephone bill be mailed?
(A) You should receive it next week.
(B) The account representative will send it.
(C) It must include a stamp.


Why was the interest rate changed?

(A) We found it very boring.
(B) The economy was growing too fast.
(C) I ate something interesting.


Who donated money for the library?
(A) An anonymous group raised the funds.
(B) The librarians work until 8:00 p.m.
(C) There is a 50 cent fee for late books.


Who do you think will win the award?
(A) Both Ben and Jerry deserve it.
(B) She won the award last year.
(C) They’ll pay a full year’s salary.


What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
(A) It was sunny, but windy.
(B) The forecaster is coming too.
(C) They’re predicting a warm day.


Where will they finish their trip?
(A) Their last stop is Tokyo.
(B) On July 30, she leaves for Cairo.

(C) He’s in Geneva for a week.


How many signatures do we need for the
(A) Just one, the Chairman’s.
(B) Each sign costs more than $100.
(C) The contact number is on my desk.


How do they transport the diamonds?
(A) The port was closed for safety reasons.
(B) A box was stolen last year.
(C) They are sent by courier.



Didn’t you work with Charles before?
(A) No, I don’t think we should hire him.
(B) No, she’s not at work today.
(C) No, I worked with his brother.

The parts shipment was expected today.
(A) Apparently it has been delayed for several
(B) You can unload it in the back.

(C) They leave from the regional port.


I’d be happy to take you to the airport.
(A) That will be half price.
(B) Thanks, but I already called a taxi.
(C) I just missed my plane.


What time is the staff meeting?
(A) After lunch, when everyone has returned.
(B) I expect everyone to attend.
(C) It should take fifteen minutes.


Will the members approve the budget?
(A) It won’t be easy, but I think they will.
(B) The improvements were already made.
(C) They have very high salaries.



How can I exchange this product?
(A) This size is too large.
(B) They can help you on the second floor.

(C) We don’t accept foreign currency.

What is the status of the project?
(A) The manager has a very important
(B) We’re right on schedule.
(C) The team likes the assignments.


How can they concentrate with all this noise?
(A) My nose is very sensitive.
(B) The accident didn’t affect his hearing.
(C) They’re used to it.


Has she heard about the job?
(A) The herd of cows is in the field.
(B) Yes, but she doesn’t want it.
(C) No, I’m not interested in it.


Are you going to the seminar?
(A) It was very well organized.
(B) No, he forgot to register.
(C) I should, but I have other plans.


He finished writing the report yesterday.
(A) The tape was recorded yesterday.
(B) No, she doesn’t read it.
(C) Actually, it was done a week ago.




Have you selected a doctor from the health
(A) Fortunately, I can use the same physician.
(B) I had the flu and missed the meeting.
(C) He won over 50% of the vote.
Could you tell me how to get to the bus station?
(A) It’s two blocks from here, just turn right at
(B) Bus number 42 goes directly to the airport.
(C) I think I can find the way to the station.
My assistant told me Joan was fired.
(A) She gave her assistant a raise.
(B) Over 500 trees were destroyed by fire.
(C) That’s what everyone says.

OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

TAPESCRIPTS Practice Test 2


Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following
You can have my seat. I’m getting off at
the next stop.
That’s nice of you. There are never
enough seats on this bus.
Well, it’s more convenient than looking
for a parking space.
I suppose. I usually drive, but I had car
trouble today.
Really? What kind of trouble?
When I went to start the car, I saw it had
a flat tire. There was no one to give me
a ride, so here I am.
Questions 44 through 46 refer to the following

Look at the present my sister sent
What was the occasion? Your birthday
was in February.
It was a thank-you for taking care of her
house and pets.
Oh, that’s right. She took a trip to the
Yes, she takes the same trip each
Questions 47 through 49 refer to the following
This restaurant looks very nice, but I
can’t believe how expensive it is.
You’re right, but you have to admit the
food is excellent.
Yes, but it’s costing me a week’s salary!
Well, let’s hurry and order dessert. We
have to be at the theater by seven-thirty.
Relax. Look at your watch. It’s only sixfifteen.
Yes, but I really don’t want to get there

Questions 50 through 52 refer to the following
A group of us are going to buy season
tickets to the theater. Are you
What a shame. I bought some last
We could try to get seats near yours.
Sure, that would be great. By the way,
when’s the first performance?
Some time next month. December 15, I
I’ll call the theater tomorrow morning to
find out.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Questions 53 through 55 refer to the following

We’re having a lunch on Monday for
Jack and Rachel in the company
What’s the occasion? Were they
On the contrary. They’re both leaving the
company at the end of the month.
They’ve accepted new jobs.
Wow, I can’t believe it. They’ve both
worked here over fifteen years.
I know. We’re giving them a huge lunch
catered by a local restaurant, and
everyone in the office is invited.
Questions 56 through 58 refer to the following
Did the telephone repair person come yet?
Not yet. He said he’d come after lunch.
Didn’t you call him last night?
Yes, but they always take their time.
Oh, well. Let’s get back to work.

Questions 59 through 61 refer to the following
We’ve been waiting here fifteen
minutes. How often do the buses come?
One stops here every twenty minutes.
Good. We only have five minutes more
to wait, then.
It’s not fun standing here in the cold.
I know, but at least it’s not a rainy day.
Questions 62 through 64 refer to the following
I don’t know what to order. I could eat
everything on the menu.
Why don’t you try the tuna and rice?
That sounds good. I love fish.
And I think I’ll have a thick steak. I’m
Me, too. It’s already 9:30. How did we
get here so late?
Questions 65 through 67 refer to the following

Does your agency have any package
tours to Hawaii?
Yes, we have a wonderful seven-day trip
for only $945.
Does that price include airfare?
No, it doesn’t. But if you travel before
September, I can get you a discount on
the plane ticket.

TAPESCRIPTS Practice Test 2


Questions 68 through 70 refer to the following
Are we leaving home at five or six
We’re leaving at six. The movie starts at
Good. I hate to be late for a movie. Are
we walking?

No, it might rain. We’ll take the car.
OK, as long as you can find a place to

Questions 71 through 73 refer to the following
Good afternoon and welcome to our offices. Before
we start our meeting, I thought it would be nice to
show you around and introduce you to some of our
employees. If you follow me this way, you’ll see our
Research and Development Department. We just
hired twenty new engineers, bringing our total staff to
one hundred. This is where your ideas come to life.
Our team designs to your specifications and needs.
Questions 74 through 76 refer to the following
Attention passengers, we have several
announcements. The City Transit Authority asks you to
help us keep our transportation system clean. Eating
and drinking are prohibited on trains and in the
stations. Newspaper recycling containers are located
at all exits for your convenience. Thank you for your
attention and assistance. Please make sure you have
all your personal belongings with you before exiting
the train. If you should lose or forget any items, you
can contact our Lost and Found Department at
extension 142.

Questions 77 through 79 refer to the following
short talk.
Welcome to the Park Hotel. It will take just a moment
to get your room key. For your security, the key does
not have a number on it, so please remember your
room number. While you’re waiting, let me tell you
about what we offer at the hotel. We serve a
complimentary, buffet-style breakfast in the lobby
from 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. Make sure to visit our fourstar restaurant, Jane’s, which is open until 11:00 p.m.
The concierge can give you recommendations for
local restaurants and historical landmarks. The front
desk is open 24 hours if you have any questions.


OXFORD preparation course for the TOEIC test NEW EDITION
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Questions 80 through 82 refer to the following
Listen carefully for your opportunity to earn extra
income. As a new Visionex cable subscriber, we’re
sure that you’ll be delighted with our service. Why not
spread the good word and earn money? For every
person that you refer and who then signs up, we’ll pay
you $50. It’s that simple. Have your friends and
colleagues mention your name when they order their
Visionex connection and you will receive a check.
There are no tricks to the offer. There are no limits. By
referring three friends, you could get your entire

annual cable bill paid for by us! Imagine, cable, with
your favorite programs and movies, for free! This offer
runs through the end of the year. Call us for more
Questions 83 through 85 refer to the following
Another hot day is expected for the metropolitan area.
The entire state is experiencing warmer than usual
temperatures. Yesterday, records were broken
downtown and along the coast. The good news is that
we should be getting some relief by the end of the
week. It will become cloudy and windy. There is a 60%
chance of rain on Friday, which will increase to 80%
on Saturday. Temperatures should return to their
normal level by the weekend. Stay tuned for an
update tonight on FirstFlash news.
Questions 86 throught 88 refer to the following
It fits in the palm of your hand. It weighs less than
200 grams. It provides continuous service for more
than fifteen hours. What is it? Thomasson is pleased
to present our New Max line of cellular phones. We’ve
listened to your suggestions and built a new phone
just for you. For a limited time, you can receive the
phone for free. Everyone who registers for Thomasson
Cellular Service in the next sixty days will receive a
phone at no charge. You can even select the color!
And remember, Thomasson is the only company that
offers a personal service representative for each of its
New Max customers.

Questions 89 through 91 refer to the following talk.
The time is 6:30. You’re on 92.7. Thanks for tuning in
to It’s Your Business. Today we are talking with Diego
Barral. Mr. Barral is the new director of Mexico’s
Office of Business Development. As you know, Mexico
is fast becoming a center of the telecommunications
industry, and Mr. Barral’s job is to try to attract more
high tech business to Mexico. At the end of our
discussion, we will be taking phone calls from
Mr. Barral has had a successful career in the oil
industry and in the past has worked for multinational

TAPESCRIPTS Practice Test 2


companies in Venezuela and in the United States.
He’s been at the Office of Business Development for
two months now and already three companies have
signed leases in Mexico’s new technology district.
We’re very pleased to have you here with us today,
Mr. Barral, and now, let’s start with questions from
our guest panelists.

Chicago and then they plan to head for the west coast.
They have been traveling in this country since May and
plan to return to their countries at the end of August.

Questions 92 through 94 refer to the following
Can I have your attention, please! We have a very
special announcement for all of you. As you know, Tara
Perkins, our founder and current president, will be
leaving at the end of the year. She plans to spend
more time with her family, but she will continue to
advise and guide us as a board member. While we are
very sad to see her go, she is leaving the company in
excellent condition. We have exceeded all of our goals
for the last five quarters. She’s also leaving the
company in very good hands. Christian Somers, who
has twenty years of experience in the transportation
industry, will be stepping in as president on January 1.
Until then, he will be working closely with Tara to make
sure that we have a smooth transition.
Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following talk.
Welcome to Sunshine Tours Hawaiian Wonderland
Vacation. We hope you had a pleasant flight. In a
minute we’ll get on the bus and go to our hotel, where
you’ll have a chance to rest before lunch. This
afternoon we’ll head out on our first Hawaiian
adventure with a walking tour of the city of Honolulu,
and you’ll also have a chance to do some shopping.
We know you’re eager to get to the beach. Don’t worry,
tomorrow we plan to take you to a spectacular beach,
which is just one of many you’ll be spending time at
during your Hawaiian experience. This evening after
dinner we have a fascinating lecture planned for you.
Dr Seymour, a renowned biologist, will speak to you

about native Hawaiian wildlife. All right, the buses are
waiting for us outside, so let’s go.
Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following
news report.
Last Saturday Cranston city Mayor Wilson hosted a
group of young people visiting from abroad. The
visitors were international students on a study tour of
this country. They are mostly political science and
economics students and are looking at local political
systems in this country. The Mayor and his wife
entertained them at the Mayoral Mansion with a
luncheon and a concert performed by local musicians.
The state governor and head of the Chamber of
Commerce were also present to help the mayor
entertain his guests. The young visitors will stay in
Cranston until next week. Their next stop will be


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PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

TAPESCRIPTS Practice Test 2

