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Unit 6 Lesson 2 Skills

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The Princess and the Dragon

Look at these pictures:
What is the name of the story?

1/65. Listen to the fairy tale The Princess and the
Dragon and correct the following statements.
1. Once upon a time, there was a king, a queen and a prince.
 Once upon a time, there was a king, a queen and a princess.
2. One night, a giant captured the princess and put her in his tower.
 One night an ugly ogre captured the princess and put her in his tower.

3. One day, a dragon heard the princess sing for help.
 One day a dragon heard the princess cry for help.
4. At the end of the story, the dragon made friends with the princess.
 At the end of the story, the dragon married the princess.

The Princess and the Dragon

2/65. Listen again. Fill the missing words.
Once upon a time, there was a king and a queen who lived in a
their beautiful daughter. One night an ugly ogre
captured the princess and put her in his tall, dark tower. The king
give gold
and the queen were very sad. They promised to (2)__________

to the knight that rescued the princess. Many knights wanted to
rescue her. But they all ran away when they reached the tower and
with anger . One day a dragon was
saw the ogre roaring (3)__________
flying over the tower when he heard the princess cry for help. The
dragon flew down to the tower, took a big
fiery (4)_______
breath and blew the ogre far away. The dragon rescued
the princess from the tower and gently put her on his
strong back They flew back to the castle. The king and the
queen were so happy. The dragon turned into a handsome prince
and married the princess. They all lived happily ever after.

3/65. Make notes about one of your favourite fairy tales. You can
invent your own story.
Plot: middle
Plot: end

3/65. Make notes about one of your favourite fairy tales. You can
invent your own story.


Mouse and cat


Mouse and cat


Mouse lived in heaven. The Ruler of Heaven gave him a
key to take care of the rice warehouse.

Plot: middle

Mouse ate the rice so much and the ruler put him in the
land. The mouse still continued tc eat rice in the land.

Plot: end

The ruler put his cat in the land to kill mouse.

4/65. Use your notes in 3 to write the fairy tale. Use The Princess
and the Dragon as a model.

Once upon a time…………………………………………………..

…………………………………… lived happily ever after.

Mouse and cat
Mouse and cat
Mouse lived in heaven. The Ruler of Heaven gave him a
beginning key to take care of the rice warehouse.

Mouse ate the rice so much and the ruler put him in the
land. The mouse still continued to eat rice in the land.

Plot: end

The ruler put his cat in the land to kill mouse.

Once upon a time, the ruler of Heaven had a mouse in heaven. The
Ruler decided to give him the key to take care of the rice
warehouse. The mouse ate so much rice. The ruler was very angry
and put the mouse in the land. When the mouse got to the land, he
continues to eat the rice in the land so much. Therefore, the Ruler
put his cat in the land to kill the mouse.

- Learn by heart the new words.
- Write the full story at home.
- Prepare the new lesson Unit 6: Looking back.


Tich Chu
A little boy and her grandmother


Tich Chu was a naughty boy, He didn't take care of
his grandmother. His grandmother was too thirsty and
she became a bird

Plot: middle Tich Chu was very regretful for this. He wanted his
grandmother to come back with him at any cost. And
the accepted to do every difficult things to save his
Plot: end

After overcoming all the difficult things, Tich Chu
brought magie water for the bird to drink. The bird
became his grandmother again.

Once upon a time, in a small village, ther was a little boy living with his granny.
The little boy was called Tich Chu. He was a naughty boy. He was only interested
in playing with friends. He didn't care so much about his granny.
Once day, her granny was very thirsty, she called Tich Chu but he wasn't at home.
He was playing with friends. His granny was so thirsty that she became a bird. She
flew to find water. After coming back home. Tichs Chu couldn't find his granny.
He realized that his granny had become a bird. And he needed to find magic water
for her. He accepted to do everything so that the bird could become his granny
again. After overcoming all the diddicult and dangerous things on the way of
searching for magic water, Tich Chu was able to bring magic water to the bird. The
bird drank water and became his granny again. Tich Chu promised to his granny
that a better grandchild to make granny happy. They lived happily since then.
Ngày xưa, trong một ngơi làng nhỏ có một cậu bé sống cùng với bà. Cậu bé tên là Tích Chu. Tích Chu là một cậu bé
nghịch ngợm. Cậu ta chỉ mải mê chơi đùa với bạn của mình, cậu ta khơng quan tâm nhiều đến bà mình.
Một hơm, bà Tích Chu khát nước q. Bà gọi Tích Chu nhưng Tích Chu khơng có ở nhà. Cậu ta đang vui chơi với
bạn bè của mình. Bà Tích Chu khát nước q nên biến thành một chú chim và bay đi tìm nước. Khi Tích Chu trở về
nhà, cậu ta khơng thấy bà mình đâu cả. Cậu biết rằng bà mình đã hóa thành chim, và cậu cần phải mang nước thần về
cho bà. Cậu bé chấp nhận làm mọi điều để chim có thể biến trở lại thành bà nội của cậu. Sau khi vượt qua hết các trở
ngại khó khăn và nguy hiểm trên đường đi tìm nước thần, cậu bé đã mang được nước thần về cho chim uống. Chim
uống xong liền hóa lại thành bà. Tích Chu hứa với bà rằng cậu sẽ ngoan ngoãn hơn để bà vui long. Kể từ đó, họ sống
hạnh phúc với nhau.

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