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ENGLISH 9 W 27 P49 UNIT 8 LANGUAGE FOCUS P50 UNIT 9 NATURAL DISASTERS Getting started listen and read.

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Date of preparing: 30/4/2020
Period 49
LESSON 6 : Language Focus
1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use
relative clauses, Adverb clauses of concession.
2. Practice skill:
- Practice reading, writing skill.
3. The knowledge needs to get:
+ Standard knowledge: To use relative clauses, Adverb clauses
of concession to join the sentences, describe, and complete the
+ Advanced knowledge: To use relative clauses, Adverb clauses
of concession to give some sentences well.
4. Basic language:
- Vocabulary: - compose ( v )culture ( n )occur, satisfy ( v ), violet,
jumper, lap ( n ).
5. Attitude:
- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to use relative
clauses, Adverb clauses of concession.
B. Teaching- aids: Textbook, pictures, posters, computer.
C. Methods:
- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work
- Some techniques can be used: Jumbled words Slap the board
D. Procedure :
I.Organization: ( 1 minute)
- Greeting: Good morning!
- Who’s absent today?
Date of teaching

Steps/ Activities
II. WARM UP (5 minutes)
Jumbled words:
- Write the words whose letters
are in a random order on the
board ( or on the poster ).
- Divide the class into two teams.
Students from 2 teams go to the

Absent students

Key :


board and write the correct words.
- The team which writes more
correct words first will win the

III. NEW LESSON (35minutes)
Step 1 . Presentation :
1. Vocabulary :
1.( translation )
2.( translation )
3.( synonym: happen )
4.( synonym: please )
5.( realia )
6.( realia/ picture )
7.( realia )
Sts : - listen.
- listen and repeat (chorally
then individually).
- copy.
* Checking vocabulary: Slap the
2. Grammar
- Show a picture of 2 girls - Lan,
Mai. They are sitting in a room
with some books on the table.
- Have students look at the
picture and complete the
* Answer keys:
( 1 ) who
( 2 ) blue
( 3 ) which


Step 2 : Practice :
- Have students work in pairs to
do Language Forcus 1 exercise.
They have to join the sentences,
using relative clauses.



1. Vocabulary :
- compose ( v ):
sáng tác, soạn
- culture ( n ) :
nền văn
- occur ( v ):
- satisfy ( v ):
làm thoả

- violet ( n ):
- jumper:
áo trịng qua
- lap ( n ): đùi ( từ hông đến gối

1. Grammar :
 Relative clauses
A: Who is Lan?
B: She is the girl
(1) .....is
wearing a
A: What book are
B: They’re novels
(4)...by a famous
* Note: MĐQH xác định là mệnh
đề cần thiết dùng để bổ nghĩa

* Answer keys:
a. Auld Lang Syne is a song which
is sung on New Year’s Eve.

b. This watch is a gift which was
given to me by my aunt on my
14th birthday.
c. My friend Tom, who sings
Wetern folk songs very well, can
compose songs.
d. We often go to the town
cultural house which always
opens on public holidays.
e. I like reading books which tell
about different peoples and
their culture.
f. On my Mum’s birthday my Dad
gave her roses which were very
sweet and beautiful.
g. Judy liked the full - moon
festival which happened in mid fall.
h. Tomorrow I will go to the
airport to meet my friends who
come to stay with us during
- Have students look at 2 pictures
on page 71 to describle each of
the people in the pictures, using
Relative Clauses.
- Have students work in pairs and
then read aloud each sentence
before class.

cho danh từ đứng trước nó. nếu

bỏ đi ý nghĩa của câu sẽ khơng
rõ ràng, vì tiền ngữ chưa xác
định, có thể dùng That để thay
thế cho Who và Which.
* Form: N + who/ which/ that +
be/ verb + ...
* Form and use:
Relative Pronouns who, which:
- who-which: replace the
- who is used for people, which
is ued for things.
3. Language Forcus 1

4. Language Forcus 2
* Answer keys:
a. Mom is the woman who is
sitting in an armchair/
receiving a gift from the little
b. Dad is the man who is
standing behind my sister.
c. Linda is the little girl who is
wearing a pink dress/ giving a
gift to Mom.
d. Grandmother is the woman
who is wearing a violet
blouse/ giving a gift to the

Step 1 . Presentation
-Give ex

e. Uncle John is the man who is
wearing a pink jumper. f. Jack
is the little boy who is sitting
on his mother’s lap.

-Give structure, meaning
*Adverb clauses of concession
Step 2. Practice:

Ex 1: She is ill but she goes to
Although she is ill, she goes to
Ex 2: It is raining but we go on
a picnic.
 Though it is raining, we go on
a picnic.
EX 3: Nam studies hard but he
gets bad marks.
 Even though Nam studies
hard, he gets bad marks.
Although/ Though/ Even though
introduces adverb clauses of
Although/ Though/Even though
S +V, S + V

Adverb clauses of concession
Main clause
Adverb clauses of concession
Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề có
nghĩa trái ngược
Although / though/ even though
mặc dù
* Language Focus 3,4
3. Join the sentences. Use the
words in brackets. The first one
is done for you.
a. Thu Ha is not satisfied with
her preparations for Tet. Thu Ha
has decorated her house and
made plenty of cakes. (even
though )
Thu Ha is not satisfied with her

preparations for Tet even
though she has decorated her
house and made plenty of
b. We don’t have a Mother’s
Day in Viet Nam. Dad and I
have special gifts and parties
for my mom every year on the

8th of March. (although)
 Although we don’t have a
Mother’s Day in Viet Nam, Dad
and I have special gifts and
parties for my mom every year
on the 8th of March.
c. We went to Ha Noi to watch
the parade on the National Day
last year. We live in Nam Dinh.
(even though)
 We went to Ha Noi to watch
the parade on the National Day
last year even though we live in
Nam Dinh.
d. Many tourists enjoy festivals
in Viet Nam. Tourists do not
understand Vietnamese culture
very much. (though)
Many tourists enjoy festivals in
Viet Nam though they do not
understand Vietnamese culture
very much.
Homework: e,f

IV. SUMMARY (2 minutes)
- Practice in Relative clauses,

4. Look at the pictures.
Complete the sentences. Use
the correct tense of the verbs

and the information.
a. Help / Tuan / homework
b. Watch / TV
c. Weather bureau / predict /
fine weather
d. Eat / lot / food
e. Finish /letter
a. Although Mrs. Thoa was
tired, / help / Tuan / homework
Although Mrs. Thoa was tired,
she helped Tuan with his

Adverb clauses of concession
V. HOMEWORK (2 minutes)
- Have students write sentences
to descible the people in the two
pictures on page 71 in their
- Prepare Unit 9: Listen and read

Even though Liz has an exam
tomorrow, tonight she is
watching TV.
b. Even though Liz has an exam
tomorrow, /watch / TV
c. It rained yesterday although /
weather bureau / predict / fine

It rained yesterday although
the weather bureau predicted
the weather would be fine.
d. Ba / eat / lot / food though he
wasn’t hungry.
Ba ate a lot of food though he
wasn’t very hungry.
e. Even though the keyboard
wasn’t working well, / finish
Even though the keyboard
wasn’t working well, she tried
to finish her letter.
5. Homework :

*. Evaluation :

Date of preparing: 30/4/2020

Period 50


LESSON 1 : Getting started, Listen and read
1. Aims:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the natural diasters
and get the information about weather from the weather forecast.
B. Teaching aids : Text book, pictures , poster.

2. Practice skill:
- Practice the comprehension reading skill, writing and speaking skill.
3. The knowledge needs to get:
+ Standard knowledge: to get the information about weather from the weather
+ Advanced knowledge: Fill in the blank well and talk about the weather.
4. Basic language:
- Vocabulary:
5. Attitude:
- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice reading for details, to
get the information about weather from the weather forecast.
B. Teaching- aids: Textbook, pictures, posters, computer.
C. Methods:
- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work
- Some techniques can be used Chatting, Pre - questions, Gap filling,
Comprehension questions.
D. Procedure :
I.Organization: ( 1 minute)
- Greeting: Good morning!
- Who’s absent today?
Date of teaching
Absent students

Steps/ Activities
II. WARM UP (5 minutes)
Getting started: Match the pictures to the correct
words. then compare with Ss’ parners.
- Ask students some questions about weather :
+ What’s the weather like today?
+ Do you like hot/ cold weather?
+ Have you ever listened to the weather
forecast on
the radio or on TV?
+ Do you think weather forecast is useful for
How is it useful?
III. NEW LESSON (35minutes)
I. Pre -Reading :
1. Vocabulary :
1.( mime )
2.( translation )


1. Vocabulary :
- turn up (v): điều chỉnh to
(âm thanh TV, radio)
- expect (v): mong đợi, chờ

- thunderstorm ( n ):
bão có sấm sét, mưa

3.( picture )
4.( viasual )
5.( translation )
6.( synonym: rely on )
Sts : - listen.
- listen and repeat (chorally then individually).
- copy.
* Checking vocabulary: what and where
- Have students repeat the words chorally then rub
out word by word but leave the circles. Remember to
let students repeat before and after rubbing out each
- Go on until students can remember the words.
- Get students to write the words again in the correct

- delta (n): vùng châu thổ
- just in case (n): phòng khi,
lỡ khi
- trust (v): tin tưởng, tin là

2. Pre - questions
- Set the scene: Thuy is talking to her grandmother

while they both are watching TV.
- Give students one question and ask them to guess
the answers.
- Give feed back

2. Read :
a. Guessing :
What are they watching?
Answer keys :
They are watching the
weather forecast on TV.

II. While -Reading :
1. Gap filling
- Have students read the dialogue silently and do
exercise 2b on page 75.
- Get them to share their answers with their partners.
- Give feedback.

b. Gap filling :
Answer keys:
1. turn up ; weather
2. raining.
3. central highlands
4. have temperature
5. weather forecast ;

2. Comprehension questions:
- Show the questions on the poster. Ask students to
answer the questions in pairs.
- Get students call out their answers, teacher corrects
if necessary.
* Answer keys:
1. Because she wants to listen to the weather
2. Ho Chi Minh City is the hottest.
3. She going on to a park on the other side of
Long Bridge with her old friends (she’s going on
4. She wants her to bring along a raincoat.
- Have students practice asking and answering in


just in case



c. Questions:

1. Why does Thuy’s
ask her to turn up the
2. Which City is the hottest
3. Where is Thuy going?
4. What’s does Thuy’s
grandmother want her to

3. Practice the dialogue
- Let students listen to the dialogue and focus on the
- Call on some students to play the roles of Thuy,
grandmother and weatherman to practice the
- Ask students to practice the dialogue in group of
III. Post Reading :
- Ask students to read again the weather forecast on
TV and notice some phrases.
- Ask students to look at the map and play the role of
the weatherman to present the weather forecast,
based on the information given.
- Call on some students to present before the class.
- Have students work in pairs - one student speaks,
the other listens.

IV. SUMMARY (2 minutes)
- Reading about the weather forecast.
V. HOMEWORK (2 minutes)
- Ask students to write a weather forecast. The
dialogue will help them. Students can change the
information, the places..

* will have temperature
..... and.....
* will experience
* HCM’s temperature will
between .......and.........
* can expect clouds/
3. Homework :

*. Evaluation :
