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Thursday, April 09, 2020

Lesson 3: A closer look 2

Although, despite/ and in spite of: Mặc dù
Eg1: He performs excellently although he is so young
Although + Clause 1, Clause 2
= Clause 2 + although + clause 1
Eg 2: Despite / In spite of being so young, he performs excellently.
Despite / In spite of + V-ing, Clause 2
Eg 3: Despite / In spite of his young age, he performs excellently.
Despite / In spite of + N, Clause 2
Chúng ta dùng “Although, despite/ and in spite of” để
diễn tả sự nhượng bộ giữa 2 câu.
Although sau đó là mệnh đề
Despite / In spite of sau đó là V-ing hoặc cụm danh từ/ đại
Ngồi “Although”, chúng ta có thể dùng “though/ even
EX 1:
1. We enjoyed the film at the Ngoc Khanh Cinema although few
people came to see it
2. Although they spent a lot of money on the film, it wasn’t a big

3. Although the acting is excellent, I don’t enjoy the film.
4. I didn’t find it funny at all although it was a comedy
5. The film is based on a book that was written
twenty years ago although it is set in modern times.
Ex 2
Ex 3
1. I don’t think Stallone is a very good actor, although he was very
good in the Rocky films.
2. Although many European film directors have gone to
Hollywood to make films, few have had as much success as Milos
3. They watched films on DVD all night, despite having to work
the next day.

4. Although he has performed excellently in many films, he has
never won an Oscar for Best Actor.
5. In spite of beginning with a terrible disaster, the film has a
happy ending.
1. However and nevertheless: Tuy ….. nhưng ….
He is so young. However, he performs excellently.
He is so young. Nevertheless, he performs excellently.
However/ Nevertheless, + Clause 1, Clause 2
= Clause 2 + , However/ Nevertheless, + clause 1
1. Chúng ta dùng “However/ Nevertheless” để diễn tả sự tương
phản giữa 2 câu.
2. Chúng ta phải dùng dấu, hoặc dấu ; trước và sau “However/

II./. Homework
1. Học thuộc cơng thức, lấy ví dụ và dịch VD
2. Làm Ex 5 (SGK)

Lesson 4: Skills 1&2
I- Reading
1. Read Nick’s review of the film Titanic on his blog. Then find and
underline the words from the box below. What do they mean?
Sinking / sɪŋkɪŋ: (sự) chìm, sự đánh chìm
must-see /'mʌst si:/(n): bộ phim hấp dẫn cần xem
special effects /`speʃl i`fekt/: kỹ xảo đặc biệt, hiệu ứng đặc biệt
visuals /`viʒuəl/: thị giác, nhìn
Directed /də`rekt/ /dɪˈrekt/: đạo diễn
Disaster /dɪˈzɑːstə/:thảm họa
Voyage /`voɪɪdʒ/ : hạ thủy
social classes /`səʊʃl klɑːs/: tầng lớp xã hội
engage /ɪn`geɪdʒ/: đính hơn
2. Read Nick’s blog again and answer the questions.
1. It is a romantic film.
2. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.
3. It is about the sinking of the ship Titanic on its first voyage.

4. The main characters are Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt Buckater.
Jack saves Rose from killing herself by jumping from the ship.
Although they are from different social class and Rose is already
engaged, the two fall in love.
5. The ending of Titanic is very sad.
6. They say it is a must-see in the 20th century.

II- Speaking
3- Look at the film posters below. Work in pairs. Talk about the
films you would/ wouldn’t like to see.
III- Listening
1. Nick and his father are talking about Tom Hanks, a Hollywood
film star. Listen to their conversation and correct the following
1. Tom Hanks is Nick’s father’s favourite film star.
2. Tom Hanks isn’t a handsome actor.
3. Tom Hanks has won two Oscars.
2. Listen again. Answer the questions below.
1. He has won the Oscar for Best Actor twice.
2. They say he is one of the best actors in Hollywood.
3. He plays the role of a soldier in Saving Private Ryan.
4. Because it is one of the best comedies in the 1990s.
IV- Writing
3, Make notes about one of your favourite films.
- Name of the film, type of film, and actors or director.
- The plot: What happens in the film? How is the film? ( gripping/
moving/ hilarious) What about the ending?
- Other aspects of the film, the acting, the music, the special effects,
the visuals, etc…
- Critics’ reviews, your onerall opinion.
4, Write a review of your favourite film…
V- Homework
1. Học thuộc từ mới
2. Viết 1 đoạn văn từ 8-10 câu về bộ phim mà em yêu thích
3. Làm phần LOOKING BACK

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