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VSTEP Speaking Part 3
Trương Văn Ánh
Trường Đại học Sài Gòn

In part 3 there are three subparts:
1/ Introduction: Paraphrase the topic.
2/ Body:
- Develop idea 1 into sentences with more
information and examples.
- Develop idea 2 into sentences with more
information and examples.
- Develop idea 3 into sentences with more
information and examples.
3/ Conclusion: Choose your idea

The examiners will ask you some questions
relevant to the topic.
You should answer and develop the ideas.
The questions in part 3 are difficult. You should
apply both language and background knowledge
to answering the questions.

Topic: The benefits of internet help people in
different ways.
Communicate with everyone
Means of education

Internet benefits

Entertainment channel
(movie, music, game)


Your idea

Nowadays, the internet plays an important part
of modern life. It brings many benefits to people
in many ways.
First, the internet could help us to connect with
our friends, relatives through social networks.
For instance, we can communicate with
everyone all over the world by using Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, Google+ which help you to
make good relationships with other people.

Second, we can know things happening around
the world without going out. We go online to
read news, listen to music, play games, or enjoy
interesting movies, search images, clips, or
videos. It is used as a source of entertainment
for everyone.

Finally, the internet is a means of education. If
we can’t go to school, we can take part in many
online schools, online lessons or we can use the
Google search engine to look for information,
documents or books that support our schooling
as well as find scholarships from other countries.

In conclusion, the internet makes our life better,
helps people close together. We may be lacking
of necessities in our life but the life couldn’t be
lacking of the internet. I’m sure that it’ll continue
being developed widely around the world.

Topic: Reading habit should be encouraged
among teenagers.

• What is the difference between the kinds of
books read by your parents’ generation and
those read by your generation?
• Do you think that governments should support
free books for all people?
• In what way can parents help children develop
their interest in reading?

Topic 1: Important things in people’s lives.
Health and exercise

A good job
and money

Important things
in people’s lives

Close friends

Your ideas

Everyone has the important thing in different
ages. It is the same as mine. When I was a
student, I always dreamed to have a good job and
how to get a lot of money. I don’t care much
about other things. But now, it is on the contrary,
If you ask me what I need to be happy, I will
mention these things: health, job, and close

Firstly, good health makes it possible for us to
lead a normal life and work, study, play freely.
Scientists have found that healthy people
concentrate better and remember things better.
This means that we actually study and work
better if we have good health. In addition, good
health and exercise will also helps us to live
longer, feel happier about ourselves. We can
save time and money on doctors, drugs, and

hospital visits.

The next important thing in my life is having
good job with high salary. All of us need to earn
a certain amount of money in order to provide a
reasonable standard of living for ourselves and
our family.
Moreover, having good job with high income,
we can afford not just the basics, but also a few
luxuries such as
holidays, entertainment,
occasional gourmet meals and so on. These
luxuries certainly make life more enjoyable.

In addition , jobs gives us a sense of identity. It
shapes our definition of who we are as an
individual. It is not an indication of everything
about us – but it is a starting point.
The other important thing in my life is having
close friends or good friends. The benefits of
having a good friend in our life can be endless.

In some cases, a good friend can be closer than a
brother or sister. Good friends are there for us
through good and bad times, they comfort us
when we're sad, calm us down when we're angry
about something, give advice when we need it

and make us laugh when we need a good laugh.

Good friends can help us out when you're in
need, sick or just need a shoulder to cry on.
Good friends are hard to find but they're out
there. Always be thankful for the people in our
life and realize good friends are our angels. And
just like it is good to have good friends, it is also
good to be a good friend to others. Never be
selfish, always be selfless to others.

In short, there are many factors that lead to
happiness. The three things I have mentioned
above are the important things in my life.

Topic 2: Ways to attract people to your area
Scheduling events
Creating a setting
For cultural and
Community activities TO YOUR AREA
Providing adequate

Nowadays, more and more people like to travel

from place to place in vacations or special
occasions. There are many interesting places
that attract a lot of people to visit. In the talk
today, I would like to give some my own ideas on
how to attract people to my place.

First, I think the tourists’ purpose to travel is
enrich knowledge and explore new things, so we
should create a setting for cultural and
community activities which show the particular
features of the place such as Don Ca Tai tu
meetings, vong co performances, and mixed
dances of ethnic minorities in Bac Lieu. Besides,
we can perform some historical plays which tell
about real people or events in the area. I believe
that tourists will be very interesting with these

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