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12 watching TV

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Watching TV
1. an episode of a TV show
2. talk shows
3. talent shows
4. reality shows
5. game shows
6. makeover shows
7. cookery shows
8. news
1. What types of TV programs do you like to watch?
❖ Ideas
➔ My all-time favourite type of TV shows is:
➢ talk shows (for example, the Ellen DeGeneres show)
➢ reality shows
➢ talent shows (for example, the X factor)
➢ news
➢ game shows
➢ makeover shows
➢ TV programs for children
➢ cookery shows (for example, Masterchef)
➢ DIY programmes (TV programmes showing people how to create or repair
something in their houses themselves)
➢ programs about animals and wildlife
➢ programs about fashion, health, exercise and diet
➢ programs about hobbies such as gardening, fishing or dancing
➢ programs that feature holiday destinations and travel reviews
❖ Answers
What types of TV programs do you like to watch?
➢ My all-time favourite type of TV programs is talent shows like the X factor or

So you think you can dance. I like to see people who were just ordinary
people like the rest of us achieve success and become famous. These stories
prove that it is hard work and persistence that can make your dream come
true. I consider talent shows really inspiring. I also like to watch world news as
I want to be aware of what is going on in the world. And sometimes I like
watching programs featuring sports events, but only major ones such as the
Olympic Games or the World Cup of tennis or football.

2. Why do some people watch TV shows online?
❖ Ideas
➔ Some people watch TV shows online because:
➢ TV shows are available online at any given time
➢ this avails past shows
➢ this lets viewers watch some shows over and over again
➢ this lets viewers who missed the show on TV due to other commitments

watch it online whenever they are free
➢ it's usually free unlike cable TV
❖ Answers
Why do some people watch TV shows online?
➢ Well, I guess they, first of all, do it because TV shows are available online at
any given time, which avails past shows and therefore lets viewers who
missed the show on TV due to other commitments watch it online whenever
they are free. One more benefit online services provide people with is a
chance to watch the shows they like over and over again. And, of course, it's
usually free to watch shows online unlike cable TV. These are the main
reasons, to my mind.
3. Do you think you watch TV too much?
❖ Ideas

➔ yes:
➢ way too much
➢ I’ve already turned into a couch potato
➢ although I used to deny this fact, but now it’s clear that I’ve become addicted
to watching TV
➢ the first thing I do when I come home is turn on a TV
➢ I usually spend the whole weekend watching my favourite TV programs and
➔ no:
➢ I wouldn’t say so
➢ I consider watching TV a complete waste of time
❖ Answers
Do you think you watch TV too much?
➢ I should say way too much. I used to deny this fact, but now it’s clear that I’ve
become addicted to watching TV as the first thing that I do when I come home
is turn on a TV. I already do it out of habit. To top it all off, I usually spend the
whole weekend watching my favourite TV programs and series.
4. Why do people dislike watching TV?
❖ Ideas
➔ People dislike watching TV because:
➢ it’s not very meaningful
➢ it’s isolating
➢ it won’t bring them any of the change they want in their life or in the world
➢ it promotes lazy thought
➢ it slows down their brain activity
➢ it rarely challenges them to think
➢ it promotes a sedentary lifestyle
➢ it causes unrealistic expectations in most aspects of life
➢ it promotes stereotypes and discrimination
➢ it leaves them with less time for life

➢ it wastes their time
➢ there is lack of quality shows
➢ they hate watching pointless advertisements

❖ Answers
Why do people dislike watching TV?
➢ Well, I guess, first of all, it’s because watching TV wastes people’s time
leaving them with less time for life. What is more, watching TV rarely
challenges people to think, which slows down their brain activity. It also
causes unrealistic expectations in most aspects of life and promotes a
sedentary lifestyle, which won’t bring people any of the change they want in
their life or in the world. I think these are the main reasons to dislike

5. What benefits can people get from watching foreign TV programs?
❖ Ideas
➔ Watching foreign TV programs in their language lets people:
➢ learn more about the way people live in other areas of the world
➢ open up the world, learning about different people and places
➢ understand what worries people in other countries
➢ stay informed and up-to-date with what is going on in the world
➢ increase their knowledge and become more aware of the world around them
➢ expand their mind learning about different cultures, ideas and places they
might never encounter in real life
➢ get a broader understanding of the world they live in
➢ expose themselves to things they might otherwise never come across in their
own lives
➢ learn another view of the world
❖ Answers

What benefits can people get from watching foreign TV programs?
➢ Oh, plenty of them, actually. For example, watching foreign TV programs lets
people open up the world exposing them to things they might otherwise never
come across in their own lives. What is more, it expands people’s mind letting
them learn about different cultures, ideas and places. One more benefit it
brings is the fact that it keeps people informed and up-to-date with what is
going on in other countries.

6. In your country is it possible for you to watch any TV programs in English?
❖ Ideas
➔ yes:
➢ cable and satellite TV is widely available
➢ I can watch episodes of any foreign TV programs online whenever I want to
❖ Answers
In your country is it possible for you to watch any TV programs in English?
➢ Oh yeah. First of all, I can do it with the help of cable or satellite TV, which is
widely available all around my country. And, secondly, I can watch episodes
of any foreign TV programs online whenever I want to. So, there is no trouble
with it.

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