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16 art

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1) Vocabulary
➢ art
➢ a canvas
➢ a pencil
➢ a brush
➢ sketches
➢ portraits
➢ self-portraits
➢ still-life paintings
➢ landscape paintings
➢ watercolour paintings
➢ to paint
➢ to draw
2) Question
1. Is it easy to learn how to draw?
a. Ideas


I like painting as it:

helps me express what I can't express in

helps me forget my worries

helps me gather my thoughts

helps me get away from reality

calms my mind

always gives me insights

makes me happy and satisfied

is a way to communicate my thoughts

is relaxing

is a great way to fight boredom

is a way of connecting with my inner self a

is real fun

is enjoyable

I don't like painting as:

I just can't do it

I'm not good at it

I am not a creative person

it's a real challenge for me to do it

it makes me feel nervous

it's boring for me
b. Answers
❖ Do you like painting or drawing?


Oh, I really enjoy it. It is so relaxing. It always calms my
mind and helps me forget my worries. Plus, it's a great way
to fight boredom. I often draw while waiting for someone
or queuing.
❖ Do you like painting or drawing?
Oh, yeah, I do like it. Painting is a way of connecting with
my inner self, something that always gives me insights.
Also, it's a way to communicate my thoughts, I mean
express what I can't express in words. And, of course, it's
real fun which makes me happy and satisfied.

2. What

❖ Do you like painting or drawing?

I don't. I just can't do it, which makes me feel nervous and
doesn't give a chance to enjoy the process
do you know about paintings?
➔ yes:
➢ museums make people smarter
➢ museum exhibits inspire interest in an area of study
or time period
➢ museums provide an effective way of learning and
acquiring attitudes, values, skills and knowledge
➢ museums are community centres that allow us to
meet with other people, discuss thoughts and
➢ museums provide inspiration
➢ museums are a great way to spend time with friends
and family
➢ visiting museums and art galleries appeals to my
➢ museums and art galleries teach people to see the
beauty in little things
➢ museums and art galleries make people think
➢ visiting art galleries clears my mind
➢ visiting art galleries boosts my creativity
➢ the artefacts are boring
➢ the atmosphere is funeral
➢ usually have no idea what I am looking at
➢ there is nothing fun there
➢ most of the objects are kept out of sight
➢ it's all on the Internet anyway

➢ sometimes the works are fake


➢ Definitely, I do. I enjoy visiting museums and art
galleries cause they are a great way to spend time
with friends and family learning something new
about different time periods and discussing thoughts
and opinions with each other. What's more,
museums make me think, which I really like and art
galleries clear my mind and boost my own creativity.
➢ No, I don't. They are not my thing. There is nothing
fun there and I can even say that in some museums
the atmosphere is funeral. Moreover, most of the
objects are kept out of sight and the artefacts on
display are really boring.

3. Have you learned drawing or painting?
❖ Ideas
➔ yes:
➢ I have learnt painting as:
➢ I practised a lot when I was a kid
➢ I enjoy expressing myself through visual art
➢ I've never received discouragement either from my
parents or my Art teachers
➢ I’ve always worked hard and dedicated a lot of time to it
➢ I took time to do it every single day in my childhood
➢ I've made art part of my everyday routine

I've never been creative
I’ve never had the urge to do it
I haven't had enough perseverance for that
I've tried painting several times but failed to create
something worthy
➢ I have no artistic talent
❖ Answers
➢ Have you learned drawing or painting?
Oh yes, I can say that I have as I took time to do it every
single day in my childhood practising hard and never
getting discouragement either from my parents or my Art
➢ Have you learned drawing or painting?
Unfortunately, 'no', as I've never been creative or had
enough perseverance for that. I've tried painting several
times but failed to create something worthy. So, I can't say


I've learned it.

4. Do you like visiting museums and art galleries?

Do you often visit museums?
When was the last time you visited a museum?
❖ Ideas
➔ yes:
➢ museums make people smarter
➢ museum exhibits inspire interest in an area of study or
time period
➢ museums provide an effective way of learning and
acquiring attitudes, values, skills and knowledge
➢ museums are community centres that allow us to meet
with other people, discuss thoughts and opinions
➢ museums provide inspiration
➢ museums are a great way to spend time with friends and
➢ visiting museums and art galleries appeals to my curiosity
➢ museums and art galleries teach people to see the beauty
in little things
➢ museums and art galleries make people think
➢ visiting art galleries clears my mind
➢ visiting art galleries boosts my creativity
➔ no:
➢ the artefacts are boring
➢ the atmosphere is funeral
➢ usually have no idea what I am looking at
➢ there is nothing fun there
➢ most of the objects are kept out of sight
➢ it's all on the Internet anyway
➢ sometimes the works are fake
❖ Answers
➢ Definitely, I do. I enjoy visiting museums and art galleries

cause they are a great way to spend time with friends and
family learning something new about different time periods
and discussing thoughts and opinions with each other.
What's more, museums make me think, which I really like
and art galleries clear my mind and boost my own
➢ No, I don't. They are not my thing. There is nothing fun
there and I can even say that in some museums the
atmosphere is funeral. Moreover, most of the objects are
kept out of sight and the artefacts on display are really


5. What did you learn from visiting museums and art galleries?
❖ Ideas:
➔ Art museums and galleries:
➢ introduce people to drawings, paintings, prints and
sculptures as well as collections of jewellery, furniture and
folk art
➢ teach people to use imagination to try to understand what
each work of art is saying
➔ History museums:
➢ introduce people to major and minor events of the world
and everyday life showing how people lived in other
civilizations throughout history
➔ Natural History museums:
➢ introduce people to specimens of animals, fish, birds,
plants, reptiles and other natural forms such as rocks and

➢ help people understand how the Earth has changed over
time and how it has stayed the same
➔ Science and Technology museums:
➢ explain how things work
➢ display working models of inventions showing where the
latest technology comes from and where it is going
➢ give people a chance to test scientific laws pushing
buttons and pulling levers
➢ children's and youth museums:
➢ encourage kids and teenagers to learn by doing
➢ give youngsters a chance to touch, feel and handle
➢ encourage children to conduct scientific experiments, build
a miniature model city, play musical instruments, try to
measure their shadow or slide down a firefighter's pole in a
real firefighter's suit
➔ Special Interest museums:
➢ introduce people to a single topic such as stamps, coins,
toys, antique cars or rock and roll
➢ Cultural Heritage museums:
➢ house collections from specific culture groups such as
American Indians, Asians, African-Americans and others

❖ Answers:
I believe a lot. For instance, I learnt how to conduct scientific


experiments or how people lived in other civilizations throughout
history. I also found out how things work and where the latest
technology comes from.

I guess the main thing I learnt from my gallery and museum visits is
how the Earth has changed over time and how it has stayed the same.
I mean major and minor events of the world and everyday life,
inventions and discoveries, lifestyle features of specific culture groups
and many other things.

6. Which do you prefer to visit, museums or art galleries?
❖ Idea:
➔ museums:
➢ like to learn how things work
➢ enjoy handling, manipulating and examining artefacts and
➢ enjoy looking through documents such as peace treaties
and land grants that shaped life in my and other countries
➢ like to see firsthand how some animals change their colour
and texture and learn something like how to tell a turtle's
➢ enjoy seeing how gravity or engine work
➢ like history and science more than art
➔ art galleries:
➢ enjoy looking at paintings and sculptures
➢ enjoy looking at the play of colour and light in works of
different artists
➢ admire the beauty of statues carved in stone

➢ enjoy looking at the world through the eyes of different
❖ Answers
➢ Art galleries, I guess. I enjoy looking at paintings focusing
on the play of colour and light in works of different artists. I
also admire the beauty of statues carved in stone. One
more point for art galleries is that looking at the world
through the eyes of different artists always clears my mind
and lets me have a good rest.
➢ I think I enjoy visiting museums more than visiting art
galleries 'cause I like history and science more than art. I
really enjoy handling, manipulating and examining
artefacts and exhibits as well as looking through
documents such as peace treaties and land grants that
shaped life in my and other countries. So, yeah, I definitely
prefer museums.


7. What kinds of things do you like to draw?
❖ Ideas
➢ self-portraits
➢ people
➢ animals
➢ flowers
➢ nature
➢ faces
➢ everything I see
➢ eyes

➢ objects
➢ cars
➢ ships
➢ cartoon characters
➢ foods
➢ fruits
➢ vegetables
➢ children's toys
➢ furniture
➢ sea or ocean waves

➢ What kinds of things do you like to draw?
Well, I can't say I enjoy drawing something
particular. I like to draw everything I see. These can be
people animals flowers or food. I just see someone or
something that catches my attention. I start drawing and
do it as long as it brings me joy.
8. Do you like painting or drawing?
❖ Idea
➔ yes:
I like painting as it:
➢ helps me express what I can't express in words
➢ helps me forget my worries
➢ helps me gather my thoughts
➢ helps me get away from reality
➢ calms my mind
➢ always gives me insights
➢ is a way to communicate my thoughts

➢ makes me happy and satisfied
➢ is relaxing
➢ is a great way to fight boredom


➢ is a way of connecting with my inner self
➢ is real fun
➢ is enjoyable
➔ no:
I don't like painting as:
➢ I just can't do it
➢ I'm not good at it
➢ I am not a creative person
➢ it's a real challenge for me to do it
➢ it makes me feel nervous
➢ it's boring for me
❖ Answers
➢ Do you like painting or drawing?
Oh, I really enjoy it. It is so relaxing. It always calms my
mind and helps me forget my worries. Plus, it's a great way
to fight boredom. I often draw while waiting for someone
or queuing.
➢ Do you like painting or drawing?
Oh, yeah, I do like it. Painting is a way of connecting with
my inner self, something that always gives me insights.
Also, it's a way to communicate my thoughts, I mean
express what I can't express in words. And, of course, it's
real fun which makes me happy and satisfied.

➢ Do you like painting or drawing?
I don't. I just can't do it, which makes me feel nervous and
doesn't give a chance to enjoy the process.

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