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Major: Industrial Management Course: 2019 School year 2021 – 2022
Group: 5
Class: 19124CLA






0 - 0,4

0,5 - 1,0

1,1 - 1,6

1,7 - 2,0

Very little


0 – 0,2

Form of

Part preamble

Occasional group collaboration

Regular group coordination


Teacher's Score



0,3 -0,5

0,6 – 0,8

0,9 – 1,0

Not following the
instructions of the
subject (structure of
chapters, numbering
of headings, font,

According to the instructions of the
subject, but there are errors in the
presentation of the text, the tables
and graphs have not been numbered

According to the course guide,
there are some spelling and
style errors.

According to the course's

instructions (no spelling errors
in the text, clear pictures and
tables, clear style, no obscure

0 – 0,2

0,3 -0,5

0,6 – 0,8

0,9 – 1,0

Not related to the
content of the report.

The reason for choosing the topic is
stated, but some contents such as:
research objectives, scope and

State all the required content
but not really convincing.

State all the required content,
persuasive analysis


methods have not been presented.

Main content

0 – 1,5

1,6 -3,0

3,1 – 4,5

4,6 – 5,5

Only introduce basic
information about the
development process)

Introduction to the project but not
enough content as required.

The description is honest and
complete, but there are some
details that are not detailed.

Describe the current state of the
research problem honestly,
completely, logically, and in
detail. State the strengths and
weaknesses of the research
problem, good demo.

The current state of
the research problem

The description of the situation is
incomplete, but the information is
not updated.

Demo less than 2 techniques

Demo more than 2 techniques or
demo 1 complex technique.

There is no link
between chapters.


Conclusion is not
related to the content
of the report.

Logical analysis and arguments,
consistent with the current

0,1 – 0,2
Conclusions do not generalize
the research problem.

0,3 - 0,4


The conclusion outlines the
highlights of the report but is
not detailed.

Summarize the salient points of
the report, state what you have
learned and learned during the
project, and indicate the
direction of future research.

Date … month...year ......




Major: Industrial Management Course: 2019 School year 2021 – 2022
Group: 5
Class: 19124CLA









Part 2





Part 3





Part 2





Part 1





Part 1



TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................5
PREAMBLE..................................................................................................................... 7
PART 1:............................................................................................................................. 8
PART 2:........................................................................................................................... 15
PART 3:........................................................................................................................... 36
REFERENCE................................................................................................................. 45


Figure 1 Collect data from Kaggle...................................................................................12
Figure 2 Initial analysis results from VOS viewer............................................................13
Figure 3 Yellow keywords................................................................................................15
Figure 4 The link of education with other keywords........................................................16
Figure 5 Red keywords....................................................................................................18
Figure 6 Keyword Report is combined with other keywords...........................................19

Figure 7 Keyword issue associated with another color area.............................................20
Figure 8 Planning keyword associated with other keywords............................................22
Figure 9 Green keywords.................................................................................................23
Figure 10 Employee keyword associated with other color areas......................................24
Figure 11 Data keyword associated with other keywords................................................26
Figure 12 Blue keywords.................................................................................................28
Figure 13 Disability keyword associated with other keywords........................................29
Figure 14 Applicant keywords associated with other keywords.......................................30
Figure 15 Keyword results...............................................................................................32


In recent years, the development of management information systems in
enterprises is growing stronger. Management information system from an office IT
system to support businesses, now it has transformed and plays an important role in
business strategies. Currently, the development of digital technology is gradually
becoming a trend not only limited to national enterprises but also spreading to all
businesses including small and medium enterprises in developing countries.
Grasping that importance, the group of authors decided to research, state the facts
honestly, evaluate and analyze the topic of software in enterprises. In the first part, the
group analyzes the factors affecting the digital transformation of businesses and makes
the most optimal recommendations for businesses. In the second part, the group collects
data and the topic chosen is business analysis and uses VOSviewer software to analyze
the text and produce a report on the results. The final part of the group study showed the
software currently being used in enterprises and made a demo video for the software.
Then the team gives the most detailed and clear software analysis report.


Investigate some factors influencing digital transformation in the companies.
Propose some solutions ( at least 5 pages)
In recent years, society has made more and more progress with the era of
industrialization and modernization, the development of the field of Information
Technology has contributed significantly to the way of management and transformation
of operations. business of many businesses around the world. Especially during the
complicated development of the Covid 19 epidemic, which has greatly affected the
process of bringing profits to companies around the globe. Faced with that situation, in
order to minimize risks, prevent a crisis that could lead to bankruptcy, and to adapt and
overcome the difficulties of the Covid 19 pandemic, all businesses from large enterprises
to small enterprises, from state enterprises to private enterprises, all consider digital
transformation a top priority and the most optimal solution of the economy in the context
of the pandemic's heavy impact - The time when rival businesses in many countries stood
up, the competition was extremely fierce and fierce. In this digital transformation
competition, to be able to win and defeat competitors, almost all the leaders of companies
have their own strategies to face a multitude of challenges, difficulties in this new form of
transformation. So what is digital transformation and what are the key factors that affect
and hinder companies in the fierce battle of digital transformation?
The external factors:
1. Conformity with the national environment
Currently, companies in the world have very effective internal information security and
it is difficult for any rival companies to approach and learn about those important issues.
Therefore, in order to be able to confidently and strongly compete with competitors,
businesses must grasp the situation and how the partner company operates.


Solution: It is necessary to understand the environmental factors both at home and
abroad in a proficient and thorough manner, this helps businesses to apply all that
necessary information to research the market.
2. User Experience
Users are the center of digital transformation, if a business cannot bring and satisfy the
user experience, then all digital transformation plans and strategies that businesses have
outlined before are considered meaningless. According to Career Foundry (the company
that runs a Web UX design school), the price to pay for a bad user experience is really
high. Their research estimates bad user experience costs e-commerce companies $1.4
trillion in revenue. So, user experience will be the top priority when it comes to
connecting people during digital transformation. Thereby showing that businesses need to
focus more on user experience to be successful in this digital transformation battle.
Solution: Businesses need to make the most of big data and customer feedback to decide
what they want, how to present it, and how to make a profit. In addition, businesses
should put themselves in the position of users to think, what they need, what they are
worried about, solutions to solve their worries, if so, how will it be solved. By starting
with the user experience, business projects in the digital transformation will bring a closer
and more familiar feeling to customers. They will feel they are communicating with a
human rather than a rigid digital program.
Inside elements:
1. Perception of the leader
Leaders play a vital role in setting an organization's digital transformation strategy.
This means that the leader must have the right perception, clarity, consistency, and
flexibility in all situations. Many leaders with the mindset of fear of failure even punish
mistakes. In addition, the blame culture of many leaders makes employees afraid to step
out of their comfort zones, making the implementation of a digital transformation
strategy more uncertain and difficult. Therefore, they must be the pioneers to lead people

on a new journey, a new path with many challenges and risks and require businesses to
create a unified ecosystem. There must be a close combination of people, software,
systems, and technology. Therefore, the digital transformation also needs to be
accompanied by the capacity development of business leaders. If business leaders do not
understand digital transformation, it will be quite difficult to achieve this goal. Most
business leaders today hear a lot, talk a lot about digital transformation, but take very
little action. Participating in conferences and seminars in this field is too much, but
business leaders have little change. They often delay digital transformation for several
reasons: it's fine now; still confused, do not know how; unwillingness to change (or fear
of change).
Solution: Business leaders need to learn more, have the right awareness, and have the
will to act. In addition, leaders need to determine how digital transformation is right for
the company, build a clear roadmap to disseminate to employees as well as need to invest
in the company a solid foundation to step into. digital transformation war.
2. Technology capacity
In production and business activities, businesses always need technology solutions to
increase productivity and operate effectively at all stages. New technology is an
important and secret weapon for transformation, especially in today's competitive and
globalized environment, businesses that do not promptly grasp technology to innovate
and still choose to use new technology. Traditional business practices are at risk of
leaving the market. Moreover, in the face of rapid changes from the Industrial Revolution
4.0, if enterprises do not adapt quickly and take advantage of the advantages from the
modern technology platform to innovate, optimized production will have to face
challenges. face the risk of being left behind and hardly able to survive. Therefore,
technology barriers are the next challenge that makes it difficult for Vietnamese
businesses to successfully digitally transform. According to a small statistic, up to 80% of
machinery and equipment in enterprises are manufactured from old technology from the


1990s. And it will be very difficult to apply new technology when using only the old
technologies. the tool is so old like this.
Solution: Enterprises need to invest in new and advanced tools and equipment,
apply scientific and technological advances or innovate technology, and at the same time
need to train a team of highly qualified staff. In addition, they need to constantly update
their knowledge, understand and fully understand technology applications in
transforming business models as well as governance models, especially those in the
leadership team. Must have basic knowledge of technology. When applying scientific and
technological advances, technological innovation will help enterprises improve product
quality, create many new products, diversify products, increase output, increase labor
productivity, use rationally saving raw materials… As a result, it will increase
competitiveness, expand markets, promote rapid growth and improve the efficiency of
digital transformation.
3. Shortage of highly qualified human resources:
In the digital era, Vietnam's labor market and jobs are forecasted to be the most
affected when experts say that Vietnam will lack high-quality human resources while the
labor market is not in the right place. unemployment rate will increase. The workforce
lacks many necessary skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, computer skills, foreign
languages, and low professional ethics; lack of sense of responsibility and slow to adapt
to the new working environment; The ability to innovate science and technology of
highly qualified workers is still weak... This is an alarming problem about the quality of
human resources that cannot meet the requirements of industrialization and
modernization of the land. country and international integration. It can be seen that digital
transformation is often referred to as the transformation of technology and operations of
enterprises, but the most core factor is the mindset and qualifications of human resources
that create success for this digital transformation battle. Businesses will not be able to
carry out digital transformation or their digital transformation will face many difficulties
if the entire business team operates in a traditional way, without much update and


understanding of technology. In addition, many executives will not be able to assess and
handle unexpected situations without knowledge of technology. Therefore, if there is a
shortage of highly qualified employees, it will be difficult for businesses to apply
technology in their operations, hindering the digital transformation.
Solution: Businesses need to pay attention to recruiting more human resources with
good digital skills, quick to change to supplement their existing resources. In addition,
businesses need to invest in capacity development, organize training sessions to improve
the qualifications and professional skills of the current staff instead of hiring new
employees with the necessary skills. The focus should be on loyal employees who fit the
culture and believe in the company's vision.
4. Corporate culture
One of the biggest obstacles for companies in the digital transformation process is
changing corporate culture. Corporate culture reflects the spirit, way of thinking, and
acting, the development goals of the company. Therefore, to succeed in digital
transformation, businesses need the participation and contribution of everyone, creating a
positive environment towards innovation to capture and develop. Most of the current
Vietnamese companies have a fairly traditional cultural form - passive. Digital
transformation requires the participation of everyone in the business from leaders to
employees. Therefore, each member needs to connect with the change, feel he has a
contribution to the change of the company and this change will not affect his current job.
Besides, to achieve connectivity, businesses need to give choices to everyone, not just a
few. When corporate culture is formed, digital transformation will be faster and more
effective. This will help coordinate the transfer of knowledge and experience of digital
transformation between the front and back employees to become a continuous flow,
saving time and increasing labor productivity and efficiency. manufacturing business.
Solution: An open culture is seen as a useful solution in digital transformation. In an
open culture, leaders build organizations within their businesses as a community, where


everyone has the right and freedom to contribute their ideas to all related activities. to the
business. Anyone can participate in leading, proposing changes or improvements, through
which the business will receive a lot of good ideas from any employee in the company. In
addition, employees feel valued, capable and will try to contribute more to the business as
well as to the digital transformation.
5. Connecting teams and inter-organizational processes
The digital transformation process needs a seamless and unified connection in all
business processes, including data, information, and applications. Therefore, all
stakeholders need to work closely with each other. Without a culture of openness, unity of
common goals, and the contributions of all employees throughout the organization, it will
be difficult for businesses to successfully digitally transform. As adoption of the DevOps
process is a great way to connect between Dev (all software developers) and Ops
(including system engineers, system administrators, network engineers, security experts).
secret, ...). As a result, they can work together to effectively solve problems that arise,
and reduce the risks associated with the build, deploying, test, and improving processes.
Solution: all departments in the company need to have a connection, build a complete
reporting system, link data from sales, inventory, to accounting and human resources.
Business and management systems are integrated synchronously with each other,
information is shared across departments and in real-time. More investment is needed in
innovation initiatives to create new value for the business.
6. Financial resources
First, digital transformation needs to be done through digital technology. And when
compared with other forms of investment, this form is quite expensive with a large initial
investment cost. When operating with a new form, businesses should start from the
smallest things such as investing in an electronic office management technology
platform, electronic invoices... In addition, there are many digital transformations. hidden

costs, in addition to an obvious cost of the software. Because when putting into use

existing software, businesses must change the company's operating processes to match
the software's features. The costs of time, training, operation… all these costs are a very
significant amount. If the company does not have the financial resources, it will be quite
difficult to make this transformation. Therefore, businesses need to prepare themselves
with a solid financial source to join this revolution.
Solution: Enterprises need to ensure the accuracy of financial accounts and need to be
able to identify timely warnings about the financial situation so that businesses can
immediately resolve with appropriate solutions.


Collect a dataset of at least 30 news articles on the web focusing on a particular topic
focusing on business, hi-tech, green technologies....
Use VOS Viewer and Voyant tools (or another text mining tool) to analyze the dataset and
figure out the trends and patterns. Discuss the reasons.
Write a short report to discuss the results at least 10 pages.
The authors choose the topic of Business Analyst. A business Analyst is a person
who works with the customer to get the requirements, then relays the information and
discusses this requirement with the internal team (Developer, QC) and document
management. Business Analysts will have a lot of solutions for customer requirements,
not always problems are solved by software solutions. Business Analyst routines may
include reviewing data to inform daily work habits, interviewing users to identify
technical challenges, preparing documentation that outlines functional requirements
detailed capabilities to solve technology challenges, creating diagrams for programmers

to follow, execute or design test commands, design test scenarios, change-related
management requirements to the project.
-The author group collects data from the Kaggle site related to Business Analyst.
Figure 1 Collect data from Kaggle


Author's source
After collecting the information related to the business Analyst and putting it into the
notepad file, then analyze the data from the VOS viewer application and get the results:
Figure 2 Initial analysis results from VOS viewer
Author's source


Author's source
The results obtained when analyzing the text mining tool are four colors: green,
yellow, red, and blue. Specifically, the colors include the following data:
+ Yellow:


Figure 3 Yellow keywords

Author's source
The data collected in yellow are said to be learning issues with Keywords like
degree, education, research, professional experience, support, technology, regulation,

accounting, policy, etc.
It can be seen that business analysis is not too strange when it can appear in every
part of life from education to policy including the field, requiring analysis and discussion.
In education, there are courses in business analysis and therefore the minimum
required course for business analytics education is to obtain a degree in subjects such as
business studies, business administration, Management, or Information Technology. Like
many other jobs, complex degrees can mean better job opportunities and better salaries.
Education keyword can be a high rate keyword and contains links with other keywords of
the same color like degree, study, assessment, week, ....


In addition, education also links with other keywords. keywords of different colors
like data, applicant's employee in green, employment in blue, report, problem, document,
the procedure in red. The links of education with keywords of other colors speak to the
work of business analysts and courses related to business analysis.
Figure 4 The link of education with other keywords

Author's source
Next, the keyword that occupies the most in the yellow part is degree and has a lot of
association with things such as data, an employee of green or report, issue,
documentation of red.
The associations indicate the relevance of the keywords to the Business Analyst topic.
Also shown are the keywords to refer to the yellow section related to previous academic


issues as the keyword education and the word that appears most in the yellow section is

A qualification in the business analyst subject is linked to both research education,
helping to support when we conduct business analysis. There are many recent research
papers on this topic that also cover education and degree programs in business analytics.
According to Sun, Y., & Day, S. Synthesising supply chain analyst types from job
advertisements are well-known business analysis research articles by collecting and
analyzing supply chain analyst job advertisements from a major UK job portal, this
article found that there is a wide range of expected job competencies and planned job
duties. Thereby, the authors can see the link of the keyword qualification to the topic of
business analysis.
Or the study of Miah, S. J., & Solomonides, I. (2021). The design requirements of the
Master of Modern Business course: perspectives of industry practitioners. Education and
Information Technologies, 26(1), 763-781. has it been stated that current research is
limited to systematic


for accumulating

contemporary practice

requirements and using that data to inform the design of educational programs, although
different local approaches to doing so often exist within higher education institutions?
This article introduces industry practitioners' perspectives on modern practical needs for
conceptualizing and designing new master' s of business degree programs. Outlines
industry needs as an incentive to stimulate a new business data analytics program at a
mid-sized Australian university, research using open interviews with five Analysts highlevel data to find a new matrix of industry expectations. This study also contributes to
further explaining the association of the keyword qualification with education or other
color factors related to Analyst.
Besides the keywords that appear in many words, there are also keywords that appear

less and smaller than the rest of the words such as Study, week, policy, computer science,
or specialized experience, but the words are also highly associated with other words.
keywords in the remaining colors.

Figure 5 Red keywords

Author's source
It can be seen that the red color appears quite a lot of keywords that are denser than
the keywords of other colors. The keywords in the red talk about the activities required in
the topic of business analysis such as planning, review, documentation, business analyst,
stakeholder, business requirement, issue, report, quality, constant, ...
In business analysis, skills such as writing analytical reports or solving problems need
to be analyzed and planned once the data is analyzed. Provide examples and customer
data about the problems. issues are reported, work cross-functionally with support teams
to establish alternatives to issues that require funding for permanent resolution, and
conduct testing for development fixes to ensure make sure the changes are working as
expected. Report metrics on customer feedback, customer service call logs, and customer
order history, and use data to understand customer experience; Retrieve customer data for
campaigns to reach new users. Develop new features focused on improving customer
experience, detecting technical issues, and identifying users affected by those issues.

Figure 6 Keyword Report is combined with other keywords

Author's source
Looking at the picture, we can see that the size of the word report is the most

dominant in the keywords of the red area. The report links to other red keywords such as
issue, business analyst, stakeholder,... and is linked to keywords of other color areas such
as data, an employee of green or employment, race, status, disability... of the red area and
also the keywords of academic factors of the yellow area such as education, degree,
The keyword report in the business analysis topic talks about making data analysis
reports that show the analyst's qualifications and deal with the analyzable data. There
have also been many researchers conducting analysis of the factors related to the report
such as the latest analysis with a study about the report presenting the change
requirements management approach of an application based on the report. the web
represents the online marketplace for local manufacturers. By Sas, D., Silaghi, H.,
Mesaros, A., Neagu, M., Spoialǎ, D., & Silaghi, A. M. (2021). Marketing Online Using
Change Request Management. The Scientific Bulletin of Electrical Engineering Faculty,

21(1), 1-5. Or the paper says that This study investigates the relationships between
information uncertainty, investor sentiment, analyst reporting, and stock returns in a
unified framework. The effect of analyst reporting on stock returns depends on the degree
of information uncertainty, suggesting that a recommendation upgrade (downgrade)
conveys positive (negative) information. more valuable under conditions of higher
information uncertainty. Such reactions of the stock market are significantly explained by
investor sentiment when the uncertainty of information is high. Our empirical findings
are strong for changes in measures of abnormal return and proxy uncertainty about
information by Kim, K., Ryu, D., & Yang, H. (2021 ). Information uncertainty, investor
sentiment, and analyst reports. International Review of Financial Analysis, 77, 101835.
Figure 7 Keyword issue associated with another color area

Author's source
Besides the report keyword, the issue keyword also occupies a high percentage in the

red area. The issue associated with words of the same color area are keywords such as
report planning, implementation, ... Along with that is the association of keywords of
other color areas such as linking with the words degree, education, policy, study,

regulation, ... it could be argued that the linked keywords are problem-solving from a
policy education level or regulations to be discussed by business analysts. In the green
area are still two key words data and employee-related to solving data and discussing
employees' problems. In the blue area, there is a link with keywords such as employment,
disability, individually associated with the area with keywords related to the state of the
There are also some studies on problem-solving in business analysis such as Khlif,
W., Aloui, N., & Ayed, N. E. B. (2021). Methodology for creating a BPEL model from a
documented business process description. Print ENASE (pp. 323-330). This paper
proposes a new methodology to assist business analysts in generating BPEL models,
which fit their respective text descriptions. It uses a business concept template enhanced
by a set of transformation rules. Compared to existing methods, our method provides a
complete alignment, including all BPEL elements. It was evaluated experimentally using
the recovery rate and accuracy.
In addition to the large words in the red area, there are also some medium-sized words
such as the keyword planning:


Figure 8 Planning keyword associated with other keywords

Author's source
Planning occupies a small and medium-size compared to keywords such as report or

issue, but it is also a keyword that speaks of activities related to the Business Analyst
topic. Planning has relatively little association with the color areas and has no association
with any keywords in the blue area. In the yellow area only associated with the keyword
is degree and in the green area with the keywords data and employee.
Planning in business analysis is a necessary activity and is always performed by
analysts, it is also quite important and necessary when analyzing but the coverage of its
topic is still not great compared to report or problems.
In addition to the medium-sized planning in the red area, we also have topic-related
keywords that appear in the red area but occupy an insignificantly small size such as enduser, story, develop, preparation, ....
