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Anh 8 (unit 9 10)(at home) year 2022

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Anh 8 (at home)
Unit 9. Natural disasters
Ex1. Read the conversation and do the following tasks.

Shocking news
Duong: Did you watch the news last night?
Nick: No, I didn’t. What’s happened?
Duong: There was a typhoon in Nam Dinh Province.
Nick: What exactly is a typhoon? We don’t get them in England.
Duong: It’s a severe tropical storm.
Nick: Oh no! That’s terrible! What time did it hit the area?
Duong: They said at about 10 a.m.
Nick: Was anyone injured?
Duong: Only a few minor injuries were reported. Most people had moved to safe areas
when the storm broke.
Nick: That’s a relief. Did it cause any damage to property?
Duong: It seems many houses and public buildings were destroyed or flooded, and
thousands of people were left homeless.
Nick: That’s awful! Despite all the modern technology available to us, we’re still helpless
against natural disasters. How is the government helping the people there?
Duong: They’ve sent rescue workers to free people who were trapped in flooded homes.
Once the heavy rain stops, they’ll start clearing up the debris. Medical supplies, food and
rescue equipment have also been sent.
Nick: That’s great! How about the people left without homes?
Duong: They’ve been taken to a safe place where temporary accommodation will be
provided for them.
** Fill the blank with no more than three words.
1. Nam Dinh Province was hit by a severe .............................
2. Only a few people were ................................
3. The storm caused extensive ....................... to property.
4. Rescue workers have freed those who were .........................in flooded homes.

5. The government has sent rescue equipment, food, and ................................
6. People without homes will be provided with .......................................
Ex2. Match the sentences to the responses.
1. Mary and Tom are getting married in July.
a. Oh no!
2. I managed to pass the test!
b. How wonderful!
3. Many people died in the accident.
c. Wow!
4.They have invented a flying car.
d. That’s a relief!
5. Our house was destroyed by the storm.
e. That’s shocking!
6. Hospitals have refused to take in any more injured
f. That’s awful!
1...............; 2. ..............; 3................; 4................; 5................; .6...............;
Ex3. Match

Anh 8 (at home)
A. volcanic eruption
E. earthquake

B. tornado
F. tsunami

C. flood
G. mudslide

D. forest fire
H. drought

Ex4.Fill each blank with a suitable verb in the correct form the box below.
erupt - rage - collapse - strike - bury - shake
1.Yesterday, a terrible storm ............the rural area of Ha Giang Province.
2.Villagers rushed into public shelters as soon as the volcano.................. .
3.Hundreds of buildings were completely destroyed when the earthquake ................. the
4.The mudslide ................. the whole village while people were still sleeping in their
5.The forest fire .....................for eight hours and some animals were badly injured or
6.We managed to run out of the house into the street before the walls..................... .
Ex5. Match.
A. the village
B. debris
C. the forest fire
D. shelter

5.put out
E. aid
* Now use the phrases in 5 in the correct form to complete the sentences.
1. The rescue workers set up a camp to...................... for the flood victims.
2. On the second day, there was a rainstorm which helped to ..............................
3. When the storm started, they ...................... in a cave.
4. As the tornado moved through the town, high winds.............. across the streets.

Anh 8 (at home)
5. The police had to ........................ to public shelters before the volcano started to erupt.
Ex6. Complete the sentences using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Debris (scatter) ........................ across the countryside by the strong winds last night.
2. Ten new houses (build) ........................ in the town every year.
3. Residents of flooded villages (take)........................ to a safe place last night.
4. In the future, natural disasters (predict) accurately with the help of technology.
5. Food and medical supplies (deliver) .................... later this afternoon.
Ex7. Rewrite the following sentences using the correct passive form.
1. They can’t make tea with cold water.
2. The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plan.
3. Somebody has taken some of my books away.

4. They will hold the meeting before May Day.
5. They have to repair the engine of the car.
6. The boys broke the window and took away some pictures.
7. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday.
8. They may use this room for the classroom.
9. The teacher is going to tell a story.
10. Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knife
11.Volunteers have given out food and blankets to homeless people.
12. So far, rescue workers have freed ten people trapped in collapsed buildings.

Anh 8 (at home)
13. Did the storm destroy the whole village?

14. If the storm hits the area, it will cause a lot of damage.
15. They are going to organise a garden party to raise money for the victims of the flood.
Ex8. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form. ( past simple or past perfect)
1. Most people (leave) ................ before the volcano (erupt)....................... .
2. By the time we (arrive) .................... at the canyon, it (stop) ................... snowing.
3. They (spend) ..................... the night in the flooded area before help
4. Simon (get) .................. lost because he (not take) ..................a map with him.
5. I (find)....................... my pen after I (buy) ....................... a new one.
1. They (come)....................back home after they (finish)....................thier work.
2. She said that she (meet)....................Mr.Bean before.
3. Before he (go)....................to bed, he (read)....................a novel.
4. He told me he (not/wear)....................such knid of clothes before.
5. When I came to the stadium, the match (start)....................
Ex9. Read the article and answer the questions.
Natural disasters can be destructive; they can wreak havoc across large areas and cause loss
of life or damage to property. We cannot prevent natural disasters, but we can prepare for
them. The first step is to learn about the risks in your area and read the information about
natural disasters on local government sites. Next, find out what the rescue and emergency
workers advise. These people have been trained to deal with disasters, have been through
lots of them and know how to help. Make sure you have all the emergency contact numbers
entered in your mobile phone. It is also important that you put together an emergency
supply kit. Your emergency supply kit should include food, water, medications, personal
hygiene items, copies of personal documents and some money. You may also need some
extra clothing if you live in a cold climate. Natural disasters can force people to leave their
homes so you should also become familiar with the guidelines for evacuation. Plan safe
places to meet your family and get to know the evacuation routes and shelters.

1. Why are natural disasters destructive?
2. What is the first thing to do to prepare for natural disasters?
3. What should you enter in your mobile phone? Why?
4. What items should an emergency supply kit include?
5. What do you need to know in case of evacuation?

Anh 8 (at home)
Ex10. Match
1. drought
A. a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle
2. mudslide
B. a huge wave that can destroy towns near the sea
3. flood
C. a long period when there is no rain and not enough water for
4. tsunami
people, animals and plants
5. tornado
D. a large amount of mud sliding down a mountain, often destroying
6. earthquake
buildings and injuring or killing people below
E. a sudden, violent shaking of the Earth’s surface

F. a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry
Extra - exercises
Ex1. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
A. natural
B. disaster
C. damage
D. grandma
A. weather
B. reach
C. leak
D. between
A. thunder
B. result
C. erupt
D. volume
A. watched
B. collapsed
C. caused
D. laughed

A. typhoon
B. cyclone
C. sky
D. sunny
A. twice
B. flight
C. piece
D. mind
A. about
B. around
C. sound
D. young
A. cover
B. oven
C. coffee
D. company
A. plates
B. cakes
C. mates
D. places
10. A. laughed
B. learned
C. changed
D. arrived
Ex2. Choose the words that have the different stress from the others.

B. disaster
C. volcano
D. typhoon
B. thunderstorm C. temperature
D. experience
B. collaspe
C. gather
D. occur
B. tornado
C. hurricane
D. tropical
A. extensive
B. dangerous
C. furniture
D. carriage
A. ecology
B. environment C. autography
D. residential
A. physiography B. alternatively
C. criminology

D. unsuccessfully
A. temporary
B. geology
C. emergency
D. logoraphy
A. astrology
B. unnatural
C. medication
D. demography
10. A. voluntary
B. apology
C. television
D. nationalize
Ex3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb form.
1. All people (go)..............down into the cellar for protection by the time the tornado
(sweep)..............through the town yesterday.
2. Hundreds of trees on street in Ha Noi (fall)..............in a sudden storm last night.
3. I (not see)..............a more horrible flood than this since I (live)..............in this area.

Anh 8 (at home)
4. The tourists (camp)..............near a peaceful river, when all of a sudden, the river
(flood)..............its banks and almost (destroy).......................their campsite.
5. When the volcano (erupt).............., people living nearby already (move)..............to safe
6. Mai (live)....................in Hai Phong for five years before she (move)....................to Ha
Noi three years ago.

7. Phong (tell)....................me yeasterday that he (learn)....................French for a year.
8. Ms.Hong (work)....................at our school for twenty years before she
(retire) ...................last June.
9. By the time I (get)....................to Nich’s house, his party (already/start)....................
10. When we (come)....................back to our home village last month, it
(change) ....................so much.
11. I couldn’t recognize my cousin because he (grow)....................a lot.
Ex4. Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice.
1. The mudslide buried five houses in a village in the eastern region.
2. The volunteers have rescued three cats.
3. They are cutting dead trees on some streets to prepare for the forthcoming storm.
4. We should move the furniture to higher places because of the flood.
5. They had repaired their house before the typhoon came.
6. What kind of injuries do earthquakes cause?
7. The government didn’t warn the people about the possibility of a tsunami.
8. Have the workers restored the damaged bridge yet?
9. I hadn’t put the car into the garage before the hail occurred.
10. We will send rescue workers to the flooded villages.
Ex5. Turn these sentences into passive.
1. My father waters this flower every morning.

2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.
3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.

Anh 8 (at home)
4. We should clean our teeth twice a day.
5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar.
6. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city.
7. Tom will visit his parents next month.
8. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.
9. Did Mary buy this beautiful dress?
Ex6. Choose the correct answers.
1. An example of a natural disaster is a...............
A. snowfall
B. tornado
C. thunder
D. rainbow
2. A severe topical...............is a called a typhoon.
A. drought
B. rain

C. flood
D. storm
3. Dozens of buildings...............when an earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale hit
the city.
A. destroyed
B. collapsed
C. buried
D. damaged
4. Hundreds of people were made...............after the flood.
A. homeless
B. helpless
C. careless
D. endless
5. We cannot present natural disasters, but we can...............for them.
A. defeat
B. invent
C. struggle
D. prepare
6.-“ No one was killed in the forest fire two days ago”.
A. Oh dear
B. That’s shocking C. That’s a relief D. How terrible
7. Thousands of people...............by natural disasters every year.
A. are affected
B. are affecting
C. have affected D. were affected
8. The roof of the building...............in a storm a few days ago.
A. damaged
B. was damaged C. had damaged D. has been damaged
9. All the villages...............to safe areas before midnight last night.

A. evacuated
B. were evacuated C. had evacuated D. had been evacuated
10.As soon as the floodwaters...............down, people...............their houses.
A. went-cleaned
B. had gone - cleaned
C. went-had cleaned
D. had gone-had cleaned
11.This beautiful picture....................by Mary.
A. is drawn
B. is drew
C. is draw
D. is drawing
12. A forest fire....................valuable wood, wildlife and good soil.
A. is destroyed
B. being destroyed C. destroying
D. destroys
13.Because of the drought, many people starved to....................

Anh 8 (at home)
A. death
B. dead
C. deadly
D. die
14.The hurriance was...................., it knocked down all the houses on its way.
A. destructive
B. destroy
C. destruction
D. destroying

15. During a long drought, farmers had to find ways to....................their crops.
A. save
B. cook
C. raise
D. set
16.We have to suffer....................a lot of floods due to our serious destruction of forests.
A. on
B. with
C. from
D. to
17.A heavy storm swept through the village and many people....................
A. kill
B. are killed
C. were killed
D. killed
18. There was....................rain yesterday that several roads were flooded.
A. too much
B. so much
C. too many
D. so many
19.The heavy rain....................floods in the houses by the river.
A. caused
B. made
C. did
D. resulted
20.Areas of Africa were....................by drought.
A. done
B. affected
C. suffered
D. caused

Ex7.Write the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
1. Our....................turns out to be correct.
2. Volcanic eruptions are one of the most..................natural disasters. (destroy)
3. The two teachers have different....................of these students.
4.The most....................earthquake in Japanese history damaged Tokyo and Yokohama.
5....................., the typhoon didn’t cause any damage on the village. (luck)
6. A tidal wave brings death and....................in its wake.
7. Their stated aim was to free women from domestic....................
8. It was the biggest....................of Vesuvius for some years.
9.The building was....................damaged by the fire.
10.Tsunamis can be generated when the sea floor...................deforms. (abrupt)
Ex9. Read the following passage and choose the best answers each of the questions.
Nylon was invented in the early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill. Other
scientists worked with his invention and finally on 27 October 1938, Nylon was introduced
to the world. It was cheap and strong and immediately became successful, especially in
the making of ladies‟ stocking.
Today, nylon is found in many things: carpets, ropes, seat belts, furniture, computers, and
even spare parts of the human body. It has played an important part : in our lives for over 50
1. Julian Hill was a/ an...................................
A. chemist
B. American
C. inventor

D. all are correct
2. Nylon can be found in....................................
A. many things
B. spare parts of the human body
C. furniture
D. all are correct
3. What does the word “introduce” in line 3 mean?

Anh 8 (at home)
A. tell somebody your name
B. tell somebody the name of a person
C. bring something new into use for the 1st time
D. bring something somewhere
4. Nylon........................................
A. was invented by Julian Hill
B. was strong but expensive
C. was not very popular
D. all are correct
5. Which of the following is not true?
A. Nylon was used to make ladies‟ stocking.
B. At first, people didn‟t want to use Nylon.
C. Today, Nylon still plays an important part in our lives.
D. We can found Nylon in computers.
Ex10. Recorder the words to make sentences.
1. large/disasters/across/can/havoc/areas/Natural/wreak.
2. the/will/heavily/falling/be/if/snow/snowstorm/There/continues/a.

3. it/would/stop/mudslide/,/we/If/didn’t/anticipate/raining/a.
4. powerful/property/,/a/lots/caused/of/Yesterday/damage/earthquake/to.
5. volcano/evacuated/erupted/,/people/the/time/By/had/the.
Ex11. Use the words given and others, complete the second sentence so that it has
similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. Powerful tsunami waves carried ships many kilometres inland.
2. Many natural disasters have been caused by global warming.
Global warming............................................................................................................
3. They provided food then cleared up the debris.
After they......................................................................................................................
4. Tornadoes can move objects as big as a car.
5. The northern part of the city wasn’t struck by the typhoon.
The typhoon..................................................................................................................
Ex12. Use the words given and others, complete the second sentence so that it has
similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. David had gone home before we arrived.
2. We had lunch then we took a look around the shops.

Anh 8 (at home)
3. The light had gone out before we got out of the office.

4. After she had explained everything clearly, we started out work.
By the time.............................................................................................................................
5. My father had watered all the plants in the garden by the time my mother came home.
Ex13. Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in the blanket.
1. She has plenty of money, but she is very mean. ( although)
2. They have a car, but they rarely use it ( though)
3. He was innocent, but he was sent to prison. ( although)
4. He has a number of relatives living nearby, but he never visits them. ( even though)
5. She never takes any kind of exercise, but she is quite fit and healthy. (even though)
6. Nick used to smoke, but he seems to be in good health. (although)
7. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired . ( though)
8. Lan didn’t notice the sign. It was right in front of her. ( even though)
9. Matthew doesn’t know any French. It was one of his school subjects. (although)
10. Henny’s friend is a millionaire. He hates spending money . (although)
11. He is so young. His acting is excellent. (Although)

Ex14. Rewrite the following sentences.
1.Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well.
=> In spite of …….....................................................................................................................
2. Mary could not go to school because she was sick.
=> Because of ….......................................................................................................................
3. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time.
=> Despite …............................................................................................................................
4. My mother told me to go to school although I was sick.
=> In spite of …........................................................................................................................

Anh 8 (at home)
5. Because there was a big storm, I stayed at home.
=> Because of ….......................................................................................................................
6. Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad.
=> Despite ….............................................................................................................................
7) Although she has a physical handicap, she has become a successful woman.
=> Despite …............................................................................................................................
8. In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job.
=> Although…...........................................................................................................................
9. Though he had not finished the paper, he went to sleep.
=> In spite of ….....................................................................................................................…
10. In spite of the high prices, my daughter insists on going to the movies.
=> Even though …….................................................................................................................
Ex1. Complete each sentence with the suitable form of the word provided.
1. Technology will probably help to............................. natural disasters.
2. ...............monuments are always great attractions for visitors and tourists. (icon)

3. Floods, tsunamis, droughts are examples of ...........................disasters.
4. Scotland is an interesting place to visit with its rich..................... .
5. The victims of the ............. village were provided with food and medicine. (flood)
6. This river will soon become ....................if the people here keep dumping waste into it.
Ex2. Match the definitions with their words.
1. a very serious accident which causes a lot of death and a. a native
b. collapse
2. a person, plant, or animal which comes from a
c. a disaster
particular land
d. an attraction
3. a substance which makes air, water, soil, etc. dirty
e. contaminated
4. what can happen to buildings in an earthquake
f. pollutant
5. a place of natural or cultural interest
6. made dirty by adding poison or chemicals
1............. 2............... 3.............. 4.................
Ex3. Choose the correct answer A,B,C or D to complete the sentences.
1. Our city ........................... from different kinds of pollution: water, air and noise.
A.is suffering
B.are suffering

D.had suffered
2. Several tropical storms ..........................our country recently.
B.have struck
C.are striking
3.The victims on the roofs of the houses................ with food and water by the rescue team.
B.will be provide
C.were provided D.had provided
4.If we ...................... soon, the pollution will get much worse.
A.don’t act
B.didn’t act
C.will not act
D.hadn’t acted

Anh 8 (at home)
5.I learnt from the news on TV that the earthquake ..................... hundreds of houses.
B.were destroyed
C.had destroyed D.are destroying
6.Look at your weekly schedule. Your presentation on visual pollution .............. at 9.45.
Don’t be late please.
A.is starting
C.had started
D.has started

Ex4. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form to complete the conditional
1. If trees .................... enough water and sunlight, they ...................... well. (get/ grow)
2. If today ........................ Sunday, we ...................... like this. (be/ not have to work)
3. If I .................... a city to visit, I............... to San Francisco. It’s my dream. (can choose/
4. If we ........................... soon, we ...................... that forest in five years. (not act/ lose)
5. If there .......................... no water and air, there .................... no life on earth. (be/ be)
6. If everybody........................ solar energy, there .................. much less pollution. (use/ be)
Ex5. Choose the correct voice to complete the sentences.
1. Food and medical supplies have sent/have been sent to the victims of the hurricane.
2. Last week, the community organised/was organised several activities to raise money for
the wounded in the earthquake.
3. Great Britain makes up/is made up of England, Scotland and Wales.
4. Water pollution causes/is caused mainly by industrial waste and sewage from
5. Canberra chose/was chosen as the capital of Australia in 1908.
6. Urbanisation is happening so fast. Tall buildings have replaced/have been
replaced paddy fields and pastures.
Ex6. Match the sentences in Awith replies in B.
1. How’s your visit to the Grand Canyon?
a. Awesome. You are helping
2. Last Sunday our group spent nearly a whole
to reduce pollution.
day cleaning the beach.

b. Why so?
3.Have you heard about the fire in the ABC
c. No. I had no idea about that. 4......
shopping centre?
d. Oh yeah! I can’t believe it. 5......
4.Alaska and Hawaii share no borders with the
e. Thrilling. I’ve never seen
other states in the USA.
such an amazing place.
5.Look, Phong. There are two rainbows in the
f. Good idea. How should we
6.How about organising a Clean Day for our
g. No! Was anybody hurt?
I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
A. wanted
B. washed
C. worked
D. stopped
A. goes
B. watches
C. misses
D. brushes


Anh 8 (at home)
A. young
B. drought
C. discount
D. sound
A. christmas
B. character
C. chemistry
D. brochure
A. pollution
B. earplug
C. dump
D. dust
A. physical
B. visual
C. music
D. because
A. come
B. mother
C. open
D. some

A. mention
B. question
C. action
D. education
A. thunder
B. result
C. erupt
D. volume
10. A. watched
B. collapsed
C. caused
D. laughed
II. Choose the best answer. (A,B, C or D )
1. I like ....................... back my home village on holiday.
A. comes
B. come
C. came
D. coming
2. If the factory .................... dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic
animals will die.
A. continues
B. to continue
C. continued
D. will continue
3.Water ....................... in the lake has made the fish die.
A. pollution
B. pollute
C. polluted
D. polluting

4. Last year, there was a big typhoon in my area. It caused extensive damage to
A. savings
B. furniture
C. property
D. wealth
5. The victims of the flooded areas ……………...with food and water by the rescue team.
A. provided
B. will be provide
C. were provided D. had provided
6. By the time we got to the cinema, the film …………………...
A. started
B. starting
C. starts
D. had started
7. The…………..buried the whole village while people were sleeping in their houses.
B. drought
C. mudslide
D. thunderstorm
8. ...................workers were sent to the area immediately, but no villager was survived when
the landslide happened
A. help
B. rescue
C. volunteer
D. assistance
9. What can be done to protect people from ............... disasters?
C.environmentally D.environmentalist

10. He said he worked very hard and that was the key....................his success.
A. to
B. for
C. of
D. on
11. If the teacher were now here, we ......him the difference .......“science” and “technology”.
A. would ask/ between
B. would asked/ between
C. would ask/ among
D. would asked/ among
12. New Zealand rescue services carried out several searches for ..........................
A. movers
B. helpers
C. rescuers
D. survivors
14.The government has declared a state of .............. following the earthquake.
A. accident
B. situation
C. extension
D. emergency
15. Sciences and technology have enormous .................... on economic development.
A. affects
B. effects
C. affect
D. effect

Anh 8 (at home)
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. By the time we came to the cinema, the film (start)...............................
2. San Francisco (often call)................................. “The windy city”.
3.The Statue of Liberty in New York is a monument which (symbolize) ...............freedom.
4.There are about 750 million English speakers in the world, and this number ( increase)
5. Factories (not dump).................waste into rivers if the government fines them heavily.
6. The kangaroo (become) .................... a symbol of Australia since 1973.
7. If we (recycle) ........................ more, we will help the Earth.
8. Would you go to his party if he (invite)............................ you?
9. I (can/ help) ......................... you translate this text into French if we had a dictionary.
10. Thousands of homes were flooded after Cyclone Kormen (hit).............. Bangladesh.
11. By the time the storm hit the fishing village, all of the boats (return) .............. to the port.
12. If people travel to work by bus, there (be)..........................fewer car fumes.
13. We (save) ...............................thousands of trees if we don’t waste paper.
14. If we use water carefully, more people (have) ............................fresh water.
15. We (email)................................. her if we had her address.
16. Last week the landslide (occur)....................... after it (rain) ............... heavily for three
days in several villages in the mountainous district of Xin Man, Ha Giang Province.
17. If I (know) ...................the answer, I wouldn’t need to ask.
18. Mai (live).................... in Hai Phong for five years before she (move).............. to Ha Noi
three years ago.
19. Phong (tell)......................... me yesterday that he (learn)...................... French for a year.
IV. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.
1.The ................ of lakes, rivers, oceans or underwater is water pollution. CONTAMINATE
2. The street doesn’t look....................... because it has a lot of rubbish. ATTRACT
3. The music club made so much noise that the.......................... complained to its owner.
4. Are all types of pollution................. to the health of humans and animals? HARM
5. The................................... are concerned about the oil spills in East Sea.

6. Dumping ..........................waste into the lakes and rivers has caused serious water
7. Many people in this area have cholera because they drink ..............water. TREAT
8. Examples of primary................................are exhaust fumes from cars,
soot from smoke and ash from volcanic eruption.
9. If we use water........................ , more people will have fresh water.
10. The polluted water results in the .................of many aquatic animals and plants.DIE
11. The lake will be gradually ..................with waste from households. CONTAMINATION
12. Trees can’t grow here because of the soil.......................

Anh 8 (at home)
13. Tsunami is a Japanese term for an unusually large ocean wave caused by undersea
earthquake, landslide, or volcanic ...............................
14. During a volcano, you should follow the .......... orders issued by authorities.
V. Combine the sentences in each pair into a new sentence that shows a cause/effect
relationship. Use the words in brackets.
1.Many rivers and lakes are poisoned. Factories produce waste and pour it into rivers and
lakes. (because)
2. The environment is polluted. Birds leave their habitats and plants die. (make)

3. Plastic bags are a major source of waste. We should not throw plastic bags everywhere.
4. The food is contaminated. People’s health is poor. (results in)
5. Factories release fumes. The air breathe gets polluted. (due to)
VI. Read the passage and answer the questions.
Visual pollution has a greater effect on people than you may think. I remember when I
went to a big city, I was really scared because so much graffiti on the buildings' wall. Then I
looked up, and I saw a lot of power lines over my head. Although they were not dangerous,
I still felt unsafe since I thought they might fall down. These things prevented me from
enjoying the beautiful sights of the city.
I also remember the time when I was a student at a university. Once I was so busy with my
assignments that I did not tidy my room for two weeks. Looking at the messy room caused
me so much stress that I did not want to study. Then I decided to clean the room and put my
thing in their proper places. I also bought a small plants and placed it in a corner of the
room. These simple actions increased my motivation and helped me to focus on my
1.How did the author feel when she saw the power lines?
2.Why did she have that feeling?
3. What was she busy with?
4. What happened when she looked the messy room?
VII. Read the paragraph and then complete it. Using the words in the box.

Anh 8 (at home)
with negative
for In
I disagree (1)______________ the idea that robots will only bring benefits to people in the
future. Robots will also have some (2)______________ influences. Firstly, they will be very
expensive and we will spend too much money buying and fixing them. Secondly, robots in
factories will be able to do everything the workers do, so robots will make them jobless.
Thirdly, robots in our homes will do all the housework (3)______________ us, so we will
become lazy and inactive. (4)______________ short, robots will do many things for us, but
they may not improve the quality of our lives.
VIII. Read the following passage then answer the questions: (1.0point)
Alaska is perhaps the most amazing state in the USA. It has coaslines facing both the
Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This state has an incredible three million lakes. That’s
four lakes per person living there.
Many cities in Alaska cannot be reached by road, sea, or river. The only way to get it
and out is by air, on foot, or by dogsled. That’s why Alaska has the busiest sea airport in the
world, Lake Hood Seaplane Base. Nearly two hundred float planes take off and land on the
water of this airport every day. It’s really a fun scene to watch.
Alaska is called the Land of Midnight Sun because in summer, the sun does not set
for nearly three months. But in winter the sun stays almost unseen.
All Alaskans take place special pride in their beautiful and unique state.
Answer the questions:
1. Where is Alaska ?-->.............................................................................................................
2. Does it has three thousand lakes ?->.....................................................................................
3. How do we get there?
4. Why is Alaska called the Land of Midnight Sun ?

IX. Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions below.
Super Typhoon Haiyan
Super Typhoon Haiyan is one of the strongest tropical cyclones ever observed. It ripped
through the Philippines, and the destruction across the islands was disastrous and
widespread. Houses and buildings were leveled by the storm's powerful winds. Trees fell
down and neighborhoods were under flood water. One CNN reporter, upon seeing the hardhit city of Tacloban, said: “It is like a tsunami has hit here.” About 9.5 million people have
been affected by the typhoon. Typhoon Haiyan weakened to a tropical storm, but at least
five people died in Vietnam when Haiyan hit the country. Recovery from the monster
typhoon, locally known as Yolanda, would be long and difficult.
1. What is Super Typhoon Haiyan considered?
2. What is another name for Typhoon Haiyan?

Anh 8 (at home)
3. How was the destruction in the Philippines caused by Typhoon Haiyan?
4. How many people have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan?
5. How many people in Viet Nam died when the typhoon hit the country?
6. How was the recovery from the typhoon?
X. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the story.
I often hear or read about ‘natural disasters’ – the eruption of Mount St. Helen, a
volcano in the state of Washington. Hurricane Andrew in Florida, the floods in the America
Midwest, terrible earthquakes all over the world, huge fires, and so on. But I’ll never forget

my first personal experience with the strangeness of nature – ‘the London Killer Fog’ of
1952. It began on Thursday, December 4, when a high-pressure system of warm air covered
southern England. With the freezing-cold air below, heavy fog formed. Pollution from
factories, cars and coal stoves mixed with the fog. The humidity was terribly high, there was
no breeze at all. Traffic such as cars, trains, boats stopped. People couldn’t see, and some
walked onto the railroad tracks or into the river. It was hard to breathe, and many people got
sick. Finally, on Tuesday, December 9, the wind came and the fog went away. But after that,
even more people got sick. Many of them died.
1. Which ‘natural disaster’ isn’t mentioned in the passage?
A. a volcano
B. a tornado
C. a flood
D. a hurricane
2. What is the writer’s unforgettable personal experience?
A. the London killer
B. the heavy fog in London in 1952
C. a high-pressure system
D. the strangeness of nature
3. How long did the “London Killer Fog” last?
A. For four days B. For five days C. For six days
D. For a week
4. What didn’t happen during the time of the ‘London Killer Fog’?
A. Pollution
B. Heavy rain
C. Humidity
D. Heavy fog
5. Why did the traffic stop?
A. Because of the rain
B. Because of the windy weather
C. Because of the humid weather

D. Because of the heavy fog
XI. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence means the same as the
first one.
1.The light had gone out before we got out of the office.
- When……………………………………...……………………………………………….
2. After she had explained everything clearly, we started our work.
- By the time ……………………………….....…………………………………………….
3. My father had watered all the plants in the garden by the time my mother came home.
- Before …………………………………….............………………………………………
4. Scientists have invented new devices to help people live a longer life.

Anh 8 (at home)
- New devices ........................................................................................................................
5. I don’t have enough time , so I can’t go on holiday this summer.
- If ........................................................................................................................................................
6.Students are more aware of protecting the environment. Teachers teach environmental
issues at school.
- If ...........................................................................................................................................
7.People speak English all over the world.
- English………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Many rivers and lakes are poisoned.Factories produce waste and pour it into rivers and
- Because…………………………………………………………………………………….
9.They provided food then cleared up the debris.
- After they……………… ………………….……………………………………………..
My battery was flat.
Ex1. Read the conversation and do the following tasks.

Phuc: Hi Nick. What happened today? We were waiting for ages and you never showed
Nick: Hi Phuc. Well I wanted to ask you the same question.
Phuc: Why? We planned to meet outside the cinema, didn’t we? We waited and then Mai
decided to go in without you. She didn’t want to miss the start of Frozen you know. Did you
oversleep or something?
Nick: No, I was there on time, and it was me who waited for you two.
Phuc: Are you kidding? We didn’t see you there. We tried to call you but couldn’t get
Nick: I couldn’t call you either. My battery was flat.
Phuc: Never mind. We can try again. How about this Sunday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.?
There’s Superman 3.
Nick: Great..., but I’ll be having my Vietnamese class then. Let’s go for the 4.15 p.m. show.
I’ll need to take the bus to Nguyen Du Street and it’s quite far.
Phuc: But it’s not Galaxy Nguyen Du! We’ll be seeing it at Galaxy Nguyen Trai... Wait...
Which cinema did you go to today?
Nick: Oh no, I went to Galaxy Nguyen Du. I wish my mobile phone had a better battery!
a. Find words or phrases in the conversation that mean:
1. to wait for a very long time
2. to arrive
3. to succeed in talking to someone on the phone ->...............................
4. “My battery had no electrical power left.”
5. “Are you making a joke?”
6. “Let’s do that again.”

Anh 8 (at home)
b. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1.Phuc, Mai and Nick wanted to see a film today at Galaxy cinema.
2.Only Mai and Phuc watched the film.
3.Nick was asleep at home at that time.
4.Mai and Phuc could not reach Nick on the phone.
5.Nick went to the wrong Galaxy cinema.
6.Nick will not be able to go to the cinema at 2.30 p.m. this Sunday because he will be
having a class
Ex2. Match the words/ phrases with the photos about ways of communication.
using social media , emailing , meeting face-to-face(F2F) ,having a video conference,
sending letters(snail mail), video chatting, using telepathy

1............................................. 2........................................... 3............................................

4.............................................. 5.......................................... 6.............................................


* Fill the gaps with the correct form of the words /phrases from the above box.
1. .......................including Facebook, YouTube, etc. as a means of communication has
become very popular among young people.
2. Our group has worked online the whole time! Now let’s .....................................!
3. If you want to write to a friend in another country, ..........................is a faster and cheaper
way than ..............................
4. .......................is a way to communicate instantly by thought.

Anh 8 (at home)
5. In the future, maybe voice calls will disappear. We will use ......................... to talk to and
see a friend at the same time.
6.We should ..................................this week. Kate will be able to join us from Hong Kong,
and perhaps Tim from England too.
Ex3. Match the words with the definition
1. chat room
A.An online discussion group in which you can leave messages 1.....
2. multimedia
or post questions.
3. landline
B.A phone that uses a telephone line for transmission.
C.A device with a touchscreen with functions similar to a
4. smart phone
computer, a digital camera, and a GPS device, in addition to a
5. message
D.People join this Internet area to communicate online. The
conversations are sent immediately and are visible to everyone

E.Multiple forms of communication on a computer including
sounds, videos, video-conferencing, graphics
Ex4. Complete the sentences with the future continuous.
1. He still (sleep) ....................this time tomorrow? - No, he ................(study) in the library.
2. She’s now in Ho Chi Minh City but she (have) ........................ a holiday in Da Nang at
the end of this month.
3. They (eat) ........................ dinner at 8 p.m.
4. she (stay) ...................... in her classroom during the break today? - Yes, she
(write) ............................. an email to her friend.
5. Mona says the children (play) ................................. in the garden when you arrive.
6. This time next year Phuc (learn) ...................................a new language.
Ex5. Choose the best answer.
1.We’ve decided ......................... in Ho Chi Minh City for three more days.
A. stay
B. staying
C. to stay
2.Do you want ..................... a mobile phone battery that uses solar energy?
A. having
B. to have
C. has
3.They chose ....................... the bus there.
A. to take
B. will take
C. taking
4.I tried .................... you lots of times but couldn’t get through.
A. called
B. call
C. to call
5.I think in the future many people will prefer .............. by using social media.

A. to communicate
B. will communicate
C. ommunicate
Ex6. Read and do the following tasks.
About fifty students in two schools in Ha Noi, Viet Nam and Umea, Sweden have been
exchanging letters in a penfriend project since 2013. ‘I love to write. You can even stick

Anh 8 (at home)
something on the letter, like this tiny sweet!’ said Linh, from Ha Noi about the project. From
the Sweden end, Anders said, ‘It’s so nice to open and read real letters!’ But will this be our
future communication? It’s said that in a couple of decades we’ll be using telepathy and
Telepathy uses a tiny device placed into our head. Information will be sent and received
directly to and from our brains. We’ll be communicating just by thought over the network!
Holography, a video-conference technology with three-dimensional images, will help
us interact in real time in completely different places.
Impressed? Maybe, but not everyone thinks the cyberworld will replace the real world.
Like the children in the penfriend project, I prefer to chat with my friends over a cup of tea
and enjoy their company - life is more meaningful that way!
a. Match the highlighted words with their meaning.
1. immediately, without delay
2. to communicate with or react to
3. the opposite of a flat image
4. the digital world

5. a system of connected parts to share information .->......................................................
b. Answer the questions
1.What do the students like about the penfriend project?
2.What are the two ways of future communication mentioned in the text? Explain how they
3. Do you think the writer is happy with this future of communication? How do you know?
Ex7. Complete the sentences using the cues provided.

1.Using b..................... l................ is an effective way for communication as long as you
understand it!


Anh 8 (at home)

2. M ...................technology makes today’s communication so exciting with not only text
but also sound, video, and graphics.

3.A lot of people prefer working f ....................................than online.

4.Communication breakdown may happen due to c..................... d...................

5.In the future we won’t need to learn different languages to communicate if we
use t.........................................


Anh 8 (at home)

6. Everyone needs to learn n..................... when we communicate online.
Ex8. Underline the correct answer.
1. She will not be sleeping/was not sleeping if you call at 9 p.m.
2. They play/will be playing football at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning.
3. What will he be doing/will he do this time next Monday?
4. I am waiting/will be waiting at the bus stop when you arrive.
5. In 200 years we will not be using/do not use mobile phones any more. We will be
using/will use telepathy.
6. Take the umbrella with you. It rains/will be raining later today.
Ex9. Gerund or to- infinitive?
1. I don’t mind (talk)....................... to her about this.
2. We plan (use) ..................... video chatting to keep in touch with our family.
3. He’s tried very hard (show)................. his love to her by sending lots of flowers and
4. She dislikes (communicate) ......................... through message boards or online meetings.
5. Lena enjoyed (chat) ............................... on the phone with her friends.
6. They’ve decided (have) ..................... a video conference with their colleagues right
7. You shouldn’t let your children....................(play) with matches. It’s very
easy ....................(catch) fire.
8. I enjoy....................(be) busy. I don’t like it when there is nothing....................(do)
9. Let’s hurry! We must finish....................(paint) the office before 3:00 today.
10. As we don’t agree....................(carry out) a proposal we generally avoid....................
(discuss ) the subject.

11. I don't mind....................(remind) you....................(lock) the door, but you’d
better ....................(try) ....................(remember) on your own.
12. Please stop....................(interrupt) when I’m explainning something to you. You
can ....................(ask) questions at the end.
13. He admitted....................(enter) the house but refused....................(steal) the money.
Extra -exercises
Ex1. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined.
A. metal
B. scatter
C. package
D. math
A. smell
B. press
C. melt
D. refill

Anh 8 (at home)
A. those
B. clothes
C. shopping
D. envelope
A. down
B. throw
C. nowadays

D. how
A. plants
B. fields
C. trees
D. newspapers
Ex2. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each
A. reduce
B. additive
C. decisive
D. battery
A. repetitive
B. electrical
C. priority
D. energetic
A. transitive
B. impressive
C. exciting
D. connection
A. appliance
B. activity
C. adventure
D. average
A. favorite

B. goverment
C. influence
D. identify
A. economic
B. volcanic
C. disappointed D. scientific
A. reputation
B. description
C. suggestion
D. pollution
A. magazine
B. picture
C. documentary D. entertain
Ex3. Complete the sentences with the future continuous tense.
1. Mai....................(phone) her grandparents at seven o’clock tomorrow.
2.T his time next week, I (sit)....................on the beach in Nha Trang.
3. At 3 o’clock tomorrow, I (work)....................in my office.
4. At 7 o’clock tonight, I (watch) the news.
5. What (you/do)....................this time tomorrow?
6. At 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, he (wait)....................for his train.
7. (Tom/meet)....................me when I arrive at the airport?
8. This time tomorrow, we (get)....................ready to go out.
9. At 9 o’clock tomorrow morning, she (study)....................in the library.
10. We....................a universal translator to deal with any foreign language. (use)
Ex4. Put the verbs in brackets in past continuous, Present continuous or future
continuous to complete the sentences.
1. This time tomorrow I (chat)....................with my cousin in Sydney on Skype.

2. When I (call)....................you this morning, my mobile phone was dead.
3. We (have)....................a video conference at the moment.
4. People (not send)....................snail mail any more in 2040.
5. They (use)....................signs to communicate with each other at this time yesterday.
6. My brother (not work)....................in the field of communication now.
7. I (not text)....................you at 11 p. m last Sunday, said Peter.
8. Mr. Nam (deliver)....................a speech at the National University at 10.30 a.m. next
9. I (get)....................a lot of emails from customers these days.
10. We (communicate....................by using social media in five days’ time.
Ex5. Use the verbs from the box into V- infinitive or V-ing to complete sentences.
call – chat – create – keep – make – meet – post – send – use – work
1. I’ve decided....................a new Skype account.
2. Would you mind....................me your home address, Mrs. Taylor?

Anh 8 (at home)
3. Mr. Lam would prefer....................landline phones for personal calls.
4. I’ve tried....................her many times, but there have been no answers.
5. Avoid....................personal information on Facebook.
6. I’d like....................a call from my Gmail account.
7. My brother dislikes....................about politics and religions.
8. They planned....................in touch with each other by using emails.
9.We don’t like video chatting. We enjoy F2F.
10.Tom agreed in....................us at Galaxy Nguyen Du.
Ex6. Choose the correct answers.
1. Many young people are fond of....................football and other kinds of sports.
A. play
B. to play

C. playing
D. played
2. They couldn’t help....................when they heard the little boy singing a love song.
A. laughing
B. to laugh
C. laugh
D. laughed
3.Your houses needs....................
A. redecorated
B. recodate
C. being recodated
D. to recodate
4. I remember....................them to play in my garden.
A. to allow
B. allow
C. allowing
D. allowed
5. It was a nasty memory. Do you remember both of us wearing sunglasses to
avoid ....................by the supervisors?
A. to recognize
B. to be recognized
C. recognizing
B. being recognized
6. I can’t bear thinking back of that time. I’d rather....................equally.
B.be treated
C.have treated
7. Did you accuse Nam of....................a plate? Well, I saw him....................it off the table
with his elbow.

A. break/knock
B. breaking/knocking
C. to break/to knock
D. breaking/knock
8. We found it very difficult....................with Gamma.
A. to work
B. work
C. working
D. worked
9. I can’t read when I am traveling. It makes me....................sick.
A. feel
B. to feel
C. felt
D. feeling
10. I need....................what’s in the letter. Why don’t you let me....................it?
A. to know/to read
B. know/read
C. to know/read
D. knowing/read
11. In a message board you can....................messages or post questions.
A. raise
B. arrive
C. text
D. leave
12. You shrug your shoulders means “...................”
A. I’m happy
B. I don’t know C. I’m angry D. Sorry. I need to go now.
13. Using music, codes or signs to communicate is called....................communicate.
A. verbal
B. non-verbal

C. public
D. non-public
