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CD a study on the translation of english psychological terminologies into vietnamese in psychological column articles on zeally online magazine

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Business English 59A


Hanoi, March 2021

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Pham Thi Huong Giang, Ph.D

Hanoi, March, 2021

Đặng Văn Mạnh - 11173030 – Business English 59A


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First and foremost, I would like to express my great gratitude to my cherished
teacher, Mrs Pham Thi Huong Giang, who enthusiastically supported me along
the way of accomplishing this research. It would be a really hard mission without
her advice, suggestion and many valuable materials related to the research.
I also thank National Economics University for helping me out with a good
place to study many interesting things. Especially, it gives me a chance to access
a huge number of precious resources in its library, which not only help me do this
research but also broaden my understanding in many other fields.
I thank many of my friends with huge gratitude, because they faithfully helped
me answer questions, provided me with useful information to complete this
I have also had the fortune to interact with spectacular psychological articles
and many fascinating scientific materials on Zeally online magazine, which is
totally free to anyone, and a number of its precious content have largely
contributed to this research.
And finally, I thank my parents, who raised me up and always help me out


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Nowadays, human civilization is modernizing at a break-neck speed thanks to
the integration of almost all nations in the world. It is thought that the discovery
of ignorance is the most important discovery in human history, and the
aforementioned modern civilization cannot be completed without the great
contribution of Psychology, which gradually eradicates the ignorance of the
mystery in the human mind. It is the truth that translation can definitely spread
every exquisitely valuable psychological understanding around the world.
However, psychological translation may challenge translators in many aspects,
especially psychological terminologies in original texts. A good terminological
translation requires suitable translation approaches and an essential
understanding of psychological themes. This research is carried out to find out
the nature of psychological terminology and its translation in Vietnamese articles,
which leads to some suggestions and advice for translators and readers to
improve the ways of translating and understanding psychological terms.
Psychological terminologies from 30 translated Vietnamese articles and 30
respective original articles in English were analyzed and categorized based on
proven methods, which are discussed in the theoretical framework (chapter 2).
Afterwards, the results were demonstrated by bar charts that revealed many
interesting discoveries about the nature of terminology in psychological articles
and translator’s suitable usage tendency when applying different translation
methods to each domain of psychological terminologies. Analysis of the data
also revealed each terminology translation method requires different
characteristics and features corresponding to each type of terminologies. Some
recommendations are given out to help readers and translators overcome
difficulties in understanding psychological content in general and its terms in

particular. Finally, further researchers can improve their studies in the future by
taking advantage of this research result, avoiding mistakes and limitations of the
research, and applying appropriate suggestions.


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1. TL: Target language
2. SL: Source language


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This chapter presents background information of the study, the reason and
motivation to carry out this research. Research questions, methodology and the
design of the research are also involved.
1.1 Rationale of the study
Learning psychology is an extremely effective way to discover what things are
actually happening behind any thoughts or activities of human beings, which
helps people understand themselves and those around them. Psychological
knowledge can even endow people an ability to rationally controlling, ignoring,
and even overriding their innate instincts, which leads to a more peaceful and
happier life.
Psychological terminologies play a crucial part in understanding any kinds of
psychological materials. They can shape imaginations about concept, nature and
behavior of mentioned objects or phenomena in readers’ reflection.
Consequently, the role of translating these terms is essential for using,
understanding, and working with psychological materials and terms themselves.
Translating psychological terminologies from source languages into target
languages is a process that eventually enables the reader to virtually understand
all the ideas of authors, or unintentionally alter the nature of mentioned concepts
of terminology. Therefore, inappropriate translating perspectives of translators
may dangerously mislead readers and cause bad consequences.

Moreover, professionally translating and using psychological terms in
translated versions is essential to prevent readers and researchers from being
confused or disoriented by new and unfamiliar terms. For that reason, this topic
is considered to be vital and necessary for students, translators, teachers, and
even researchers to understand the nature of translating English psychological
terms into Vietnamese along with unique features of each translation strategy.
The effort of this research is made to reduce challenges and obstacles when
using, studying, translating, and working with these psychological terms.
The research data is analyzed from psychological articles on Zeally online
magazine. Zeally online magazine is one of the magazines that possess


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interesting and exceptional characteristics to serve up the human thinking
process, which is specially made for Vietnamese people by providing them
translated articles from English ones. According to Zeally, after 1 year of
operation, they published 105 translation and writing articles with an average
length of 4,000 words per article, reaching 135,000 views, and more than 10,000
views per month on average. It is also appreciated by many people on social
media channels such as Spiderum and Facebook. Up to now, there are more than
17 thousand people who liked and followed the Facebook page of Zeally. Zeally
online magazine brings English users or non-English users in Vietnam new
scientifically reasoned and evidence-based knowledge via many updated,
thoughtful, meticulous, and qualified articles in English, which are collected and
then translated into Vietnamese.
To sum up, all of these above reasons lead to the choice of the research topic,
which is “A study on the translation of English psychological terminologies into

Vietnamese in psychological column articles on Zeally online magazine”.
1.2 Purposes of the research
The research is conducted to discover the ways that each type of psychological
terminology is translated. According to the research result and findings, it also
finds out the characteristics and features of each terminology translation strategy
applied to each type of psychological terminology.
According to the findings, analysis on terminology translation in psychological
articles, along with comments on the quality of translated articles from readers’
feedback, the research also suggests optimal propensities and suitable strategies
to translate different types of English psychological terminologies into
Vietnamese. Moreover, recommendations and suggestions also help students and
translators to understand the terminological translation process and improve the
quality of their works.
1.3 Scope of the research
Research subjects:

• English and Vietnamese psychological terminologies.

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• Readers’ feedback.
• 30 translated Vietnamese psychological articles and their English sources
The time of collecting and analyzing articles: 20/2/2021-5/3/2021.
Research scope: The psychological column on Zeally.net.
1.4 Research questions
The research is carried out to answer these questions:

1. What needs to be aware when applying translation strategies to translate each

type of English psychological terminology into Vietnamese?

2. How are English psychological terminologies translated into Vietnamese in the
psychological articles?
What can be done to optimize the translation of English psychological
terminologies into Vietnamese?
1.5 Methodology
1.5.1 Research procedures
Firstly, the researcher decided on a general topic with a suitable scope that has
enough samples and information. The research is suitable to the capacity and
purposes of the researcher.
Secondly, the researcher accomplished a proposal, an outline, and a theoretical
framework for the research.
Thirdly, information and data were gathered via a process of studying and
comparing a source of 30 random English articles and their 30 Vietnamese
translated versions on Zeally online magazine. The analysis plan is conducted
only after enough amount of information is attained.
Finally, analyzed data and numbers are used for designing tables and figures,
writing the thesis and recommendations.


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1.5.2 Data collection instrument
To accomplish the research purposes and answer the research questions, the
research is conducted by using qualitative and quantitative methods. A data
collection activity involves collecting psychological articles from both English

sources and Vietnamese translated articles on Zeally online magazine. Data
drawn from the articles are described and analyzed to answer the research
questions. Besides, documents in the field of translation and psychological
terminology of previous authors and researchers are used in this research in terms
of collecting data, forming a theoretical framework, assessing findings, and
writing analysis.
1.6 Design of research
The research consists of 4 chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction presents background information of the study, the
reason and motivation to carry out this research. Research questions,
methodology and the design of the research are also included.
Chapter 2: Theoretical framework shows theoretical framework with
description, summary, and evaluation of other works within the research area. It
shows fundamental knowledge, issues, and concepts to contribute to
investigation and analysis.
Chapter 3: Data analysis, findings, and discussions present an analysis of
collected data and information specifically to find answers to the research
questions and accomplish the purposes of the research.
Chapter 4: Recommendations provide some solutions to improve the process of
translating psychological terminologies. Some possible suggestions are also
recommended for further research.
The Conclusion summarizes and presents the limitations of this study and
suggestions for further studies.


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This chapter is a collection of many reliable and prestigious studies, research,
and knowledge of authors, which are related to translation and psychological
terminology. At the end of this chapter, the Zeally online magazine is introduced
as a valuable source of materials to carry out this research.
2.1 The theory of translation
2.1.1 The definition of translation
The great invention of written languages has allowed humanity to spread and
store ideas for wider places and longer time, and the power of translation has
even made that internationally. Researchers of the field of translation have
introduced various definitions of translation based on their own knowledge and
experience. The following viewpoints explicit the meaning of translation drawn
by their studies.
According to J. C. Catford (1978), translation is an operation that is performed
on languages, a substituting process from a text in one language into a text in
another language. The theory of translation is strongly related to the theory of
language, or a general linguistic theory.
Larson (1998), translation is simply a change from one state to another; for
more specific, the form of the source language is replaced by the form of the
target language by way of semantic structures. Translation also consists of
transferring the meaning of the source language into the target language, which
studies the lexicon, grammar, the communicational and cultural context of the
source language text, analyzes that text to determine the meaning, and then uses
the lexicon and grammatical structure to reconstruct the same meaning which is
suitable in the target language and its cultural situation.
According to B. Hatim and J. Munday (2004), translation is considered as a
phenomenon with huge effects on daily life that are both process and product. It
is a process because the translator turns the original or source text into another
language or the target text. The second sense focuses on the concrete translation
product formed by the translator. Furthermore, the authors mentioned machine
translation is now no longer the domain of human translators, but a process and


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product that combines the computing power and the computerized analysis of
language to investigate senses and find out suitable forms in the other languages.
Writing in 2015, S. Warwal noted that “Translation is the comprehension of the
meaning of a text and the subsequent production of an equivalent text, likewise
called a “translation” that communicates the same message in another language”.
He also explained that the text that is translated is the source text, the target text
is sometimes called as the product of the translating process, and the target
language is the language that is translated into.
These mentioned definitions of translation are not ultimate ones, but they reflect
some common aspects and characteristics of translation. To sum up, basing on
the definition of J. C. Catford, translation is a process of transforming the source
text to the target text suitably and accurately.
2.1.2 Importance of translation
Language is one of the strong kinds of power endowed to human beings, but
they have no capacity of knowing all languages on earth, and it takes time to
master a language. As a result, translation plays an indispensable role in
spreading and maintaining ideas and information which helps to integrate the
whole world become more effective and faster. The significance of translating
has been clarified by studies of many researchers.
According to G. Belmar (2017), translation has dignified languages long
subjugated throughout history, and it has played an essential role in merging
marginal communities together. With translation, a literary language is being
built, new paths are being opened to different attitudes, always with accuracy, as
plurality cannot be established on any other things.

The following points of R. Morel (2019) are used in this research to summarize
the significance of translation as demand for clear and efficient communication
among languages and cultures in the multicultural and multilingual world.
Companies and businesses can be held back when solely operating in English, so
the translation is for everyone. Moreover, people prefer their native languages,
because they respond better when using native languages, consequently,
translation allows people to communicate more efficiently and enables the global


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economy. The translation is a necessary medium by which new information and
ideas are spread, knowledge is expanded across the world.
M. Cabral (2020) asserts, the role of translation is important, clearly when it
comes to spreading ideas, building relationship; and delivering information
worldwide. Due to the fact that countries do not speak the same language, there
is a linguistic barrier, and translation would break that barrier and fuels the global
2.1.3 Terminology translation strategies
The Star, a Translation Services argued that “Terminology is the fundamental
building block for all translation. It is the word, phrases and technical terms used
to define things and create sentences. Since translation began as a profession,
technical translators have developed word lists for translation purposes.”.
Terminology plays a crucial role in the realization of contexts and specialized
texts. In the form of words, phrases, and technical terms, terminology helps
readers to comprehend the main message of the document from both the original
language and the target language. Therefore, the stronger the translation of
terminology, the more effectively it indicates the message of the text. M. Baker

(1992) introduced 7 strategies used by professional translators to translate
terminologies. They are (1) Translation by more general word, (2) Translation by
a more neutral/less expressive word, (3) Translation by cultural substitution, (4)
Translation using a loan word or loan word plus explanation, (5) Translation by
paraphrasing unrelated words, (6) Translation by omission, and (7) Translation
by illustration.
After reviewing, analyzing, and comparing theories in 2013, M.A. Owji
indicated the basic translation strategies of Chesterman: (1) Literal translation,
(2) Loan translation, (3) Transposition, (4) Unit shift, (5) Paraphrase structure
change, (6) Clause structure change, (7) Sentence structure change, (8) Cohesion
change, (9) Level shift, and (10) Scheme change.
Nguyen Thi Hong Vi (2014), terminologies have been introduced into Vietnam
through translation will appear a lot more to explain the concepts, definitions,
new tools. Based on the terminology translation strategies proposed by Nguyen


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Thi Hong Vi, this research has decided to base its analysis on five following
+ Translation using loan words strategy: Borrowing is a translation technique
that involves using the same words or phrases in the original and target text, and
those words or phrases are loan words. Although they are culture-specific items
or modern concepts, readers can understand them easily without further
clarification. In the case of filling up a semantic gap in TL (a new technique, or
an unknown concept) the translation using loan words is the simplest of all. For
example email, Alzheimer, and stress are used widely without any translation into

Besides, abbreviations are kept intact in TL as a strategy of translation by using
loan words, such as names of international organizations (WTO, UNICEF,
ASIAN), units of currency (VND, USD, EUR), clinical phrases (OCD, PANS,
+ Through translation strategy: This strategy replaces the syntactic structure
from the source text, usually a sentence or clause, with an identical or almost
similar syntax, but its separate components are translated by using the word-forword technique. The translator does not need to make any changes, except for the
changes demanded by the grammar of the translation language itself. It is a
literal translation of common collocations, name of organizations, components of
compounds. For example:
Source language
Gulf War Syndrome
Dysfunctional conflict
Histrionic personality disorder

Target language
Hội chứng Chiến tranh Vùng Vịnh
Xung đột bất thường
Rối loạn nhân cách kịch tính

+ Transposition translation strategy: Transposition in translation means the
replacing of one word-class by another but the meaning of the message does not
change. The strategy of converting word-class not only occurs between two verbs
and nouns, a noun and noun group, … but also between other kinds of words and
phrases when translating from SL into TL, such as single words into compound
words, singular to plural, single word to idiom…. This strategy is popular in the
translation of compound terminology. For instance:


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Source language
Defensive communication
Evocative therapy
Sexual orientation

Target language
Giao tiếp phòng vệ
Liệu pháp khơi gợi
Định hướng giới tính
Đội ngũ nhân sự

+ Equivalent translation strategy: This strategy converts the meaning of
terminologies from SL into TL out of the linguistic and cultural barricades. Not
all terminologies can be translated exactly or literally translated, therefore, the
translation technique that uses equivalent words or phrases is essential and
important. The equivalent method is especially useful in translating proverbs,
idioms, noun or adjective combinations.
Le Hung Tien (2010), there are 4 popular types of equivalent translation. (1)
Form-based equivalence: a word-level equivalent, sentence level and text level,
(2) Meaning-based equivalence: the equivalent of the object, expression, and use
and shape. (3) Function-based equivalence, and (4) Quantity based equivalence:
one equal to one, one with more than one, one with less than one, and nonequivalence. For example:
Source language
Bond stress
The poor
Final invoice

Implicit learning
Idle balances

Target language
Ứng suất dính bám
Người có hồn cảnh khó khăn
Hóa đơn chính thức
Sự học trong vơ thức
Tiền nhàn rỗi

+ Translation strategy by paraphrasing: In many cases, translators cannot
translate terminologies literally or find equivalent meaning in TL. Therefore,
translators have to paraphrase these words or phrases, using equivalences in
function and description to help readers imagine the meaning of those
Translation by paraphrasing related words is a strategy when the concept
shown in SL text, is lexicalized in the TL in a dissimilar form, and when the
frequency with which a certain form is used in the SL text is much higher than
would be natural in the TL text. Using strategy of paraphrasing with unrelated
words when the concept shown in the SL text is not lexicalized in the TL. Instead
of using related words, the paraphrase may be based on changing a superordinate


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or simply on taking out the meaning of words or phrases in SL text, particularly
they are semantically complex, M. Baker (1991). For example:
Source language

Action potential

Target language
Khoảng thời gian dành cho quảng cáo trên
phương tiện truyền thông.
Sự thay đổi điện thế qua màng tế bào thần
Sự đối xử không công bằng với người nào đó
do tuổi tác của họ.

Background check

Việc xác minh thơng tin về ứng viên.

2.2 Terminology and Psychological terminology
2.2.1 Definition of terminology
Each researcher studying terminology has their own definition of it, and this
section will discuss those definitions of terminology.
According to Cabré (1999), terminology is intimately related to the special
subject fields. Terminology is neither an end in itself, nor can terminological
work be involved with just providing collations of a series of concepts with their
subsequent names. Subject specialists, general and applied terminologists work
collectively to achieve the construction and standardization of concepts and
terms for each specific field.
P. Faber and C.I.L. Rodríguez (2012), terminology or specialized language
means more than a technical or a particular case of general language. Nowadays,
society emphasizes on science and technology, the way specialized knowledge
concepts are identified, designed, explained, and translated has put terminology

or the production of specialized knowledge concepts into an essential
In line with Wikipedia, terminology (known as terminology science) is a
common word for the group of specialized words or meanings concerning a
particular field, and the study of those terms and their use. Terms are words and
compound words or multi-word expressions in particular contexts show


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particular meanings. Terminology studies the development of such terms and
their interrelationships within a specialized field.
According to the Cambridge dictionary, a terminology is special words or
expressions used in relation to a particular subject or activity, and this definition
of terminology is accepted in this research.
2.2.2 Characteristics of terminology and psychological terminology
According to C. Harp (2009), terminology could be in the field of medications,
ingredients, routes of administration, lab tests, units of measure, species., which
is designed to model some aspect of a particular domain. 11 characteristics of
terminology were mentioned:
(1) Unique identifiers: A terminology certainly does not represent two different
(2) Stable identifiers: The identifier for a granted terminology is persistent. The
identifier should be related and never be re-used to stand for another terminology
regardless of its status.
(3) Dumb identifiers: An identifier has no meaning
(4) Concept orientation: A terminology represents a concept, and that concept is
represented once in the terminology as an active term.

(5) Coverage: A terminology sufficiently covers the domain belonging to the
(6) The controlled terminology should be controlled: a terminology has a
concentration, and it stays loyal to that concentration.
(7) Consistent term structure: The lexical components that construct a term
should have a consistent structure or the same arranged pattern from term to
(8) Terminology has a lifecycle: They evolve, and new terminologies are
invented, current terms are divided, replaced, or become obsolete.


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(9) Terminology is a part of a well-defined area of ontology: A terminology
explains an entirely specified concept, the term is made up of various
(10) Interoperability: A terminology is related to a standard integrable available
(11) Extensibility: Consumer can extend the terminology to facilitate the
extension of the terminology to connect a period until it is complemented by the
source or perpetually if the term is confined to the consumer, because
terminology cannot meet all the demands of the consumer.
Characteristics of psychological terminology:
Psychological terminologies have to serve general characteristics belonging to
terminology which have been aforementioned in the previous section of this
study. However, psychological terminology has its own feature that is
distinguished from other terminologies of other fields by using its specialization
and domains. According to The Free Dictionary, redirected from Psychological

terms, psychology is the science that deals with mental activity and behaviors,
studies the emotional and behavioral traits of a person, a group, or those engaged
in a provided activity.
2.2.3 Types of psychological terminology
Psychological terminology can be classified to match with its branches when
indicating knowledge of mind, activities in the brain, and its effects on behavior.
According to Y. Brazier (2018), there is no fixed way of categorizing types of
psychology, but he showed 9 common types of it: (1) Clinical psychology, (2)
Cognitive psychology, (3) Developmental psychology, (4) Evolutionary
psychology, (5) Forensic psychology, (6) Health psychology, (7)
Neuropsychology, (8) Occupational psychology, and (9) Social psychology.
However, types of psychological terminology in this study are classified by 5
domains of psychology according to Lumen Learning (accessed in 2021), known
as the 5 pillars of psychology.


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(1) The Biological terminology: (e.g., hippocampus, nervous system,
neurotransmitters, plasticity) Biological psychology is also known as
biopsychology or psychobiology, which applies the principles of biology to
understand the mental process and behavior, implores the biological effects on
behaviors. The domain of biopsychology includes the study of neuroscience,
sensation, and consciousness.
(2) The Cognitive terminology: (e.g., emotional numbness, conscience, identity
crisis, confirmation bias) Cognitive psychology focuses on studying perception,
memory, thinking, and intelligence. The cognitive revolution enables
psychologists to comprehend the mind and mental processes underlying each

(3) The Developmental terminology: (e.g., childhood abuse, adolescence,
language acquisition, emotional development, moral reasoning) The
developmental domain is interested in developmental processes across a lifespan
related to physical maturation. The physical trait changes through time leading to
changes in the cognitive process, moral, social manner, and other aspects.
Developmental psychology focuses on learning and lifespan development.
(4) The Social and Personality Psychology terminology: (e.g., just-world
phenomenon, workplace-bullying, social isolation, extroversion) This domain
discovers the way that the real, envisioned, or implied existence of other people
affect and construct thoughts, sentiments, manners, beliefs, goals, and intentions
of one person. The Social and Personality Psychology terminology focuses on
social, personality, emotion, motivation.
(5) The Mental and Physical Health terminology: (e.g., phobias,
schizophrenia, depression, reframing) This domain of psychology deals with the
study and practice of abnormal psychology (abnormal thoughts and manners),
treatment and counseling. The final result of this domain is solving psychological
problems and leading to a healthy life. The Mental and Physical Health
terminology focuses on abnormalities, therapies, stress, lifestyle, and health.
2.3 Overview information about Zeally online magazine
This study will take the reliable translated Vietnamese articles and their
English original articles from the Zeally online magazine in the category of


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psychology at zeally.net, and about 17 thousand people liked and followed the
fan page of Zeally on Facebook. The psychological category is one of about 40

other categories on Zeally.net. The psychological category is one of the
outstanding ones on Zeally.net that helps people understand more about human’s
The Zeally online magazine owns a unique feature that not all other magazines
have - most of the articles here are translated from scientific sources in English.
Other sources just provide articles in English such as The New Yorker, Nautilus,
or AEON, and just in Vietnamese such as Spiderum.com, Trangtamly.blog, or
vjst.vn. The Zeally online magazine is one of the minorities that provides a
chance for English users or non-English users in Vietnam to get access to the
most updated, thoughtful, and meticulous articles in English. The contents on
Zeally are displayed on a simple, friendly interface with their original sources at
the beginning of the articles, and most interestingly, there are no advertisements,
banners that annoy readers from enjoying quintessential knowledge of mankind.
Zeally is a non-profit magazine that evokes and spreads curiosity and interest in
learning the world to more people in the Vietnamese community. It also promotes
a more active reading environment in Vietnam by two main activities: Qualified
foreign articles are collected and then translated, and analytical articles on
different topics in life are researched and written by contributors is the second
Through translation and writing articles with an average length of 4000 words
each, Zeally magazine wishes to bring Vietnamese readers new scientific
reasoned and evidence-based knowledge and perspectives. With that strong,
reliable, and brilliant source of materials, especially the psychological ones, the
Zeally online magazine is perfectly suitable to study the issue of translating
English psychological terminologies into Vietnamese.


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This chapter will show analyzed and processed data from the survey, which is
performed in the forms of charts and tables.
3.1 The use of psychological terminology in translation on Zeally
3.1.1 The frequency of psychological terminologies used in translated articles
Figure 3.1 The frequency of psychological terminology in an article

After extracting psychological terminologies from 30 English original articles
and their Vietnamese translated articles, the statistics show that on average, there
are about 26 psychological terminologies per one article. The pie chart above
indicates the number of psychological terminologies in a standard article when it
was translated into Vietnamese. The terminology can be a single word or a
phrase, for statistical purpose, the phrases are separated into independent words.
More specifically, a standard article contains about 4075 words, and about 3.1%
of them are psychological terminologies, which comprises about 126
independent words (in that volume). The total quantity of terminologies found in
30 articles is up to 755, which are unevenly distributed to five pillar types of
psychology and translated by different terminology translation strategies.
These psychological terminologies play a key role in the understanding of the
content of the translated texts. In both original and translated articles, readers can
even understand one or more than one phenomenon in the psychological field
with the help of mentioned terminology. As a result, the proportion of
terminologies and non-terminologies in translated articles above shows the nature
of the frequency of psychological terminologies in a standard article, which is
3.1%. This finding can help translators and readers grasp the approximate
number of terminologies in psychological articles.


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3.1.2 Types of psychological terminologies in analyzed articles
Figure 3.2 Types of psychological terminologies in analyzed articles by

The bar chart indicates the proportion of terminology according to its kinds in
30 articles on the online magazine Zeally. The type of terminology that
translators encounter the most is the Social and Personality Psychology
terminology, which accounts for 28.3%. Consequently, it suggests that the
psychological column on Zeally online magazine inclines to focus on aspects of
social and personality, which are practical and interesting issues in the human
world nowadays. Furthermore, the fact that articles of psychological themes on
Zeally are translated from English sources such as the Nautilus magazine, the
New York Times magazine and the Atlantic magazine indicates the tendency
towards issuing social and personality psychology articles of those international
famous online magazines. Translators would meet up terminologies related to
social issues, personality, emotion, and motivation, for example, altruistic
instincts, self-inflicted death, external locus of control, etc… in English articles.
The percentages of the biological and the cognitive terminology are pretty
much the same, which are 25% and 25,3% respectively. The developmental
terminologies such as puberty, the reading brain, and method of loci account for
the lowest proportion (in the chart) with just 4,5%. This percentage indicates that
the developmental domain is not so prevalent among psychological communities.
The percentage of the Mental and Physical Health terminology, which are related
to Abnormal, Therapies, Stress, Lifestyle, and Health, accounts for about 16,8%
of the total quantity of terminologies in both original and in translated articles.
3.2 Translation strategies applied to translate English psychological
terminologies into Vietnamese on Zeally

Figure 3.3 Psychological terminology translation strategies applied by translators

The approximate proportion in each application of terminology translation
strategies into Vietnamese are shown in the above bar chart. In general, the

