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: English for Finance and Accounting

Student Code

: 17522202010101


: Dr. Tran Thu Hoai

HA NOI – 2021


I hereby declare that this dissertation is a presentation of my original research

work and has not been submitted before to any institution for assessment purposes.
Furthermore, I have acknowledged all sources used and have cited these in the
reference section.

In any field of business activities, taking care of customers during the sales
process and taking care of customers after the sale is indispensable, greatly
contributing to the success of the business. Customer care and satisfying their needs
is an issue that currently attracts a lot of attention from managers. Customer needs
are always changing, what is considered good today may not be considered good by
tomorrow's standards, the role of the customer to the company is extremely
important. Customers can bring prosperity to the company and can also bring the
company down. Companies need to view their customers as a financial asset that
needs to be managed and maximized just like any other asset. Customers are one of
the company's most important assets and moreover their value is not even found in
the company's book records. That is the reason why I made the topic: “Current
situation and solutions to further improve customer service at La Batisse Hanoi
Hotel” as my graduation thesis. Hopefully, through this topic, I myself have the
opportunity to expand my knowledge and learn valuable experiences in business
activities at the hotel and contribute solutions to improve and promote the hotel
customer care.



TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................III
1.1.1. Customer concepts.........................................................................3
1.1.2. Classification of customers............................................................4 Based on the relationship with the business................................4 Based on business loyalty...........................................................4
1.1.3. Customer role.................................................................................5
1.2. THEORY OF CUSTOMER CARE................................................................6
1.2.1. The concept of customer care........................................................6
1.2.2. Functions of the customer care department...................................7
1.2.3. Some principles of customer care..................................................7 Sell what customers need............................................................7 Care according to customer groups.............................................9 Care according to the purchasing process...................................9
1.2.4. Customer care methods................................................................10
1.2.5. Benefits of customer care activities..............................................11
1.2.6. Factors affecting the quality of customer care services in hotel
1.2.7. Customer care culture..................................................................13
1.3. CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 1...............................................................14
BATISSE KIM MA HOTEL...........................................................................15

2.1.1. Location and map........................................................................15
2.1.2. Brief history of establishment and development of the hotel.......15

2.1.3. General functions and duties of the hotel....................................16
2.1.4. Services........................................................................................16
2.1.5. Labor organization in the hotel...................................................17
2.1.6. The main resources of the hotel...................................................18 Technical facilities.....................................................................18 Technical facilities for accommodation....................................18 Technical facilities for catering.................................................19 Technical facilities for additional services................................20 Human Resources......................................................................21 Capital.......................................................................................22
2.1.7. Business results of La Batisse Hanoi Hotel over the years..........22 The situation of guests coming to the hotel over the past.........22 La Batisse Hotel's business results for 3 years (2019-2021).....23



THROUGH CUSTOMER OPINIONS....................................................................24

2.2.1. Overview of the survey sample....................................................24 Information about the survey form - Survey form: Interview
through a questionnaire..........................................................................24 Information about the subjects of the survey............................25
2.3. SURVEY RESULT ANALYSIS..................................................................28
2.3.1. Channels that customers find out La Batisse Hotel.....................28
2.3.2. Times for customers' accommodation..........................................29
2.3.3. Factors affecting to customer decision in choosing hotel...........30
2.3.4. The reason why customer choose La Batisse Hotel.....................31

2.3.5. The ability to return the hotel.......................................................32
2.3.6. Customer reviews about product elements...................................32

SERVICES IN LA BATISSE HANOI HOTEL..............................................38
3.1.1. Market research...........................................................................38
3.1.2. Improving capital efficiency.........................................................38
3.1.3. Cost savings.................................................................................38
3.2. THE HOTEL'S TASKS IN THE COMING TIME..........................................39
3.3. SOME


LA BATISSE HANOI HOTEL IN THE NEW PERIOD...........................................40
3.3.1. General solutions.........................................................................40 Limitations................................................................................40 Solutions....................................................................................41
3.3.2. Specific solutions.........................................................................42 Improve the system of technical facilities.................................43 Improving the quality of the workforce....................................43 Orientations on customer care work for the hotel in the coming

...................................................................................................46 Strengthen advertising activities and regularly receive customer

3.3.3. Other solutions.............................................................................47

First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Faculty of
Foreign Languages, Academy of Finance, where I have studied and trained not only
in specialized knowledge but also in life skills and experiences. Valuable
experience, imparted by teachers as well as previous generations, gave me a solid
foundation to help me complete this graduation thesis well.
In particular, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my teacher,
Master Tran Thu Hoai, who wholeheartedly guided me throughout the process of
completing my graduation thesis.
Next, I would like to thank the Human Resources Department, Sales
Department, Restaurant at La Batisse Hanoi Hotel, where I was accepted for
internship. Thank you to the hotel staffs for always taking care of me and creating
conditions for me to have the best practical experience, successfully completing the
work of collecting secondary and primary data, my thesis also improved.
Finally, I am grateful to my family, classmates and those who have
encouraged and supported me during the 4 years I have been sitting in the lecture
hall of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Academy of Finance.
Hanoi, 19 th May 2021

Nguyễn Thị Chi

1. Rationale of the study
There are now more and more hotels being built and developed in the world
and Viet Nam in particular. It has been and is one of the most competitive majors in
centuries of 21. For this reason, upgrading the client's loyalty is one of the important
aspects of upping the ability to compete in the hotel industry as well as making sure
the continuity of business. So the question is: How to help the hotel succeed and
become top? One of the most important factors is customer service that directly
communicates with customers.
Customer service plays a very important role in improving the competitive
advantage of hotel businesses, helping businesses to distinguish their image in the
minds of customers, maintain existing customers, increase loyal customers and
attract potential customers. Customer service is a key activity in marketing activities
of the business to direct the management activities of the business to customers to
bring outstanding satisfaction to customers when using the service with good
quality customer care.
In case the customers are satisfied with the services, they can be loyal clients
and continue spreading good words to the hotel, in the event of failure, they may
stop using services and not recommend, even review low ratings with different
clients about hotels. Therefore, with the desire to learn and improve customer care
at the hotel, I chose to do in-depth research on the topic "Current situation and
solutions to improve customer care at La Batisse Hotel" to do my graduation thesis.
2. Aim of the study
 To systematize theoretical bases, practical problems, and knowledge related
to research.
 To investigate how La Batisse Hotel could keep retaining their current
customer satisfaction and loyalty, and simultaneously gain new customers to further
improve their profit margins.

 To determine the level of customer satisfaction and challenges faced by their
customers to establish strategies to enhance customer satisfaction.
 To gain a deeper understanding of the management approach in the
hospitality industry and come up with solutions on how to help improve this
important practice to maintain current customer loyalty and acquire clients new. In
this way, the profitability of the organization will be significantly improved.
3. . Scope of the study
The area of the study is customer service quality in a five-star hotel. It’s
focused on the dimensions of customer service quality from customer perspectives,
particularly in La Batisse Hotel. This study cannot be conducted on other hotels that
require broader evaluations as well as some limitations such as time and funds. The
sample used for this study was 200 customers who interacted with the hotel.
4. Methodology
In the study, the researcher will use both secondary and primary data.
Secondary data is data collected by others, used for other purposes or the same
purpose of the study. Primary data is data collected by the researcher by survey
methods. The author conducts questionnaires - based survey to collect primary data
which provides customers' perceptions about customer care at La Batisse Hotel. The
data were collected at three different times during the day (morning, afternoon, and
evening) to see the variation in response.
5. . Organization
Finally, all data is readily available in a format for statistical analysis. The first
part provides the introduction of the research. The second part is the Development
part including three chapters. Chapter one discusses the relevant customer care
literature. Chapter two gives background and information about the case La Batisse
Hotel, elaborates the methodology used in the study. The third chapter presents the
results and key findings of the research. And finally, the last part is drawn
conclusions and some suggestions to improve the current problems in the hotel.

1. Some customer concepts and customer classification

Customer concepts

To survive, stand firm and maintain a position in the market, businesses first
need to produce, provide products and services that meet the needs of the market,
meet the requirements of customers, thereby profiting. Customers are the goal that
every business wants to aim for and also one of the factors that determine the
survival of the business. Therefore, all businesses seek to keep and attract more
customers for themselves in many forms, through many tools including customer
care activities. Especially in the current risky and competitive business
environment, satisfying the needs of customers through customer care activities is
extremely important. This activity will provide businesses with valuable and timely
information, helping businesses quickly overcome competitors to meet the tastes
and needs of customers. So who are the customers?
L.L.Bean(1912), a postal delivery company, is dedicated to customer-oriented:
" customers are the most important to our facility. They don't depend on us, we
depend on them. They're not outsiders, they're part of our business. When we serve
our customers, it's not that we're helping them, but they're helping us by allowing us
to serve."
In the most general understanding of economists, customers are all people
(individuals, collective, or organizations) who need and directly or indirectly carry
out transactions of goods or services with production facilities, businesses, shops...
The transaction method of customers can be buying directly, signing sales contracts,
giving orders, recommending new items to buy and sell ... However, according to
this definition, the concept of customers is incomplete because it does not take into
account employees who work in such production facilities, businesses or stores.
Therefore, the concept of customers can be more generalized than: "customers are

all the people we serve whether they pay for our services or not."

3. Classification of customers
Every employee working in an enterprise has their own "customer", regardless
of whether she/he is a consumer of the product and makes a profit for the business,
or just a single customer. is simply a colleague of the employee at work. Therefore,
we have two ways of classifying customers as follows: Based on the relationship with the business
+ External customers:
These are people who make transactions with businesses, in many forms such
as face-to-face meetings, telephone transactions, or online transactions... This is the
traditional way of understanding customers, without customers like this, businesses
can not exist. Satisfied customers are those who buy and receive our products and
services. Customers have the right to choose, if our products and services do not
satisfy customers then they will choose another supplier. Then the business will
suffer. Satisfied customers are the source of business profits and they are the one
who creates success for the business. Customers are the boss of the business, they
are the one who pays us by spending their money when using products and services
of the business.
+ Internal customers
Employees are the "customers" of the business, and the employees are also
each other's customers. On the business side, they must meet the needs of
employees, have policies to promote employee loyalty. Besides, among employees,
there is also a need for attention and help for each other at work. With the concept
of customers understood in a broad sense, businesses will be able to create a more
perfect service because only if the business has an interest in employees, builds the
loyalty of employees, and at the same time, the employees in the business can work
together, caring to meet the needs and satisfy colleagues, they will have a good
working spirit, to be able to serve external customers of the business effectively and

uniformly. Based on business loyalty
+ Leads

Potential customers are customers who are likely to make purchases in the
future. These customers are researched by the business in the process of making
products of the business. These are several customers that businesses want to aim
for in the future, but only a part of this number of customers will be the official
customers of the business in the future.
+ Customers - One-time buyers
Customers who come to trade with the business once and then do not continue
to trade with the business anymore. This is a large number of customers, every day
they bring businesses a small revenue. Businesses must pay attention to this number
of customers daily, care, and find ways for these customers to become the second
type of customers - repeat buyers.
+ Customers - repeat buyers.
As customers who deal with businesses many times, this is the number of
customers that bring revenue mainly to the business. The more this number of
customers, the more revenue of the business will be stable. Therefore, businesses
need to have reasonable preferential policies for this number of customers.
+ Customer - supporters
This is the custom component that accounts for the least number but most
importantly for the business. These customers will bring businesses many new
customers and will also be the most effective advertisers and media for businesses.
Potential customers will believe what their loved ones say rather than what the
business advertises. Therefore, we need to have special attention and care for this
number of customers, making it increasingly crowded. However, this is also a
challenge for businesses because when these people are not satisfied with certain
policies of the business or other conflicts, the reputation of the business is easily

4. Customer role
In the current fierce competition, when the exclusive form of business has
been gradually removed, most items on the market have many different suppliers,
which has brought many choices to customers. The purchasing power of customers

causes fierce competition between suppliers of products and services. In the market
mechanism, it is entirely up to the customer to decide which supplier's products and
services to choose. There is no longer a scene where a seller is sold to a multitude of
buyers, or the status of the supplier has the right to impose on the customer, if the
customer is not satisfied with the product and service, they have the right to choose
another provider. The loss of a customer is not merely the loss of a purchase, but it
also means that the business will lose an even line of shopping that that customer
will carry out throughout their life, if they have been really satisfied with the use of
the business's products and services. On the other hand, it also creates development
opportunities for competitors when businesses provide competitors with a number
of customers who are angry and ready to receive the same quality products and
5. Theory of customer care
6. The concept of customer care
According to Bernard H. Booms and Mary Jo Bitner (2008 , p.23) , customer
care is an important part of marketing activities , plays an important role in ensuring
the success of any enterprise. The customer must be implemented comprehensively
in all aspects of the product and the service provided to customers. If you only focus
on the product , the customer care will not be effective.
In the most general sense, Customer Care (or customer service) is all that is
necessary that a business must do to satisfy its customers. Satisfying the needs and
expectations of customers, ie serving customers the way they want to be served and
doing what is necessary to keep the customers they have.

Thus, customer service is an important part of Marketing theory. First of all,
customer service is an integral part of the product provided to the customer. Of the
three product levels, this third level is the company's competitive weapon. The
customer care services of this level will be increasingly plentiful with the level of
competition in the market. Competition today is not only about the products that the

company makes in its factories, but also about the services that contribute to the
finished product. One of those services is doing good customer service.
Customer care does not mean that with a bad product or service, good
customer service can still keep customers. Three key factors determine customer
- Product factors.
- Convenience factors.
- Human factors.
7. Functions of the customer care department
Customer service plays a very important role in showing the service quality of
the business. Customer care is showing concern and responsibility for the products
and services provided by the enterprise so that customers can feel more secure when
using them. The practical benefits from customer service are maintaining customer
relationships, turning "customers" into "friends", breaking down the distance
between customers and businesses, creating closer, more friendly and surely at that
time, customers will be more loyal to the Company.
8. Some principles of customer care
To achieve the set business goals, in customer service activities, businesses
need to adhere to the following principles:
+ Sell what customers need.
+ Care according to customer groups
+ Care according to the purchasing process. Sell what customers need

Each product or service has different characteristics and features to meet the
needs and purposes of different customers. Therefore, the life cycle of products and
services only really begins when it meets the wishes and requirements of customers.
Selling what customers need is the main idea of modern marketing. Understanding
the psychology and desires of customers is the most important factor in any
Customer Care strategy. Only when you know what your customers want will you
take care of them most effectively and thoughtfully. Although Customer Care

activities are only intended to add value to the core product, it only really makes
customers happy when it is necessary for customers. Businesses cannot set up
customer care content by themselves based on their subjective thoughts, but need to
rely on customers' wishes: what and how do they want to be served?
Regarding this principle, businesses need to determine two issues: that is the
content and the level of Customer Care.
The content of Customer Care reflects the specific activities that businesses
will conduct to serve customers. For example, building-specific plans for Customer
Care, starting from building a complete customer database, to classifying customer
groups, or building a separate Web site for Customer Care, helping customers to
order, change orders, make payments online. Or organize exchange programs, meet
with customers or a large group of customers to create an environment for
customers and businesses to be closer to each other, through which there are
opportunities for customers to express their difficulties, their questions, or
unsatisfactory points. From there, businesses can accurately grasp the feedback
from customers, on that basis, make appropriate adjustments…
The level of customer care represents indicators of quality, volume, scale,
frequency, etc. to carry out the above activities. A customer conference can include
several dozen or a few hundred customers, can be held semi-annually or once a
year. A gift for a customer on the occasion of the new year can be just a postcard, a
calendar, but can also be a more expensive gift.

Of course, the more diverse and larger the content of customer care, the more
satisfied customers will be. However, the implementation of a customer care
program depends on the capabilities of the enterprise (financial resources, human
resources, etc.), which means that the customer care plan must be feasible.
Normally, businesses will decide on the content and level of customer care based on
the following factors:
- Customer needs
- Customer care activities of competitors
- The responsiveness of the business. Care according to customer groups
The needs of customers about the way of service as well as the demand for
products and services are very rich and diverse. If all those needs are met,
businesses will have to spend a lot of money and waste it unnecessarily. Each
customer group has certain needs. By grouping customers, understanding exactly
the needs of each group, businesses can both satisfy customer groups and limit
costs. In customer service activities, businesses often give special care to large
groups of customers. According to Pareto's 80:20 law, common law in economic
activities, 20% of customers bring 80% of revenue (profit). This 20% has an
important role for businesses. Every decision to continue or withdraw from their
business dealings with the business has a big impact on the business results. Keep
this 20%, the business will maintain a relatively stable amount of revenue (profit).
Therefore, based on the report on revenue (profit) at the end of each period,
businesses must accurately determine the number of 20% of large customers to
prioritize care. In addition, businesses can drill down to identify the top 10% or 5%
of, particularly interested customers. Care according to the purchasing process.
The purchase process is usually divided into 3 stages: the pre-purchase stage,
the purchase decision stage, and the post-purchase stage.

Customer care needs to be carried out in all three stages, but the content and
method of implementation vary from stage to stage.
 Pre-purchase period
At this stage, the demand does not necessarily arise from customers but the
enterprise can actively stimulate the desire to get products and services. Businesses
can through direct marketing, through leaflets, via direct mail ... to provide
information to customers. The content of customer care in this period is an
introduction to the characteristics, rates, quality of products, utilities, instructions
for use ...
 Purchase decision stage

After evaluating the choice, the customer decides to buy. However, from
purchasing decisions to purchases, there are also obstacles such as purchase
conditions, location of purchase, payment methods, after-sales services ... To
promote the purchase process, businesses need to remove obstacles from the
business itself by arranging convenient sales points, diverse payment methods,
attractive after-sales service content ... Another impedance to the purchase decision
comes from the customer himself, from their "difficulty". To create sympathy in the
hearts of customers, businesses must create a spacious and clean sales space,
adequate facilities, facilities, sales staffs are warm, enthusiastic, knowledgeable
about products, masterful manipulation skills, agility ... Customer care during this
period must focus on creating maximum comfort and convenience for customers
when buying products.
 Post-purchase stage
It is not after the purchase, the relationship between the business and the
customer also terminates or the customer care has been completed. Any customer
when making a purchase takes after-sales care of the Business seriously and takes it
as a criterion to choose from. Customer care activities at this stage focus on
consulting, helping customers while using products and services, and building

relationships between customers and businesses, improving the likelihood that
customers will return to the business the next time.
9. Customer care methods
Customer care methods are now very richly implemented by enterprises, each
with a certain advantage or disadvantage. To choose the most suitable method,
businesses must base it on their requirements as well as their resources.
Customer care methods can be divided into the following 4 types:
 Direct, focused care
 Direct, distributed care at sales locations
 Direct, distributed care at the customer's address
 Indirect care

10. Benefits of customer care activities
 For businesses
 Customer care helps create customer loyalty.
 Customer care is the most effective sales promotion tool.
 Good customer care helps businesses improve their image and enhance
their competitiveness with competitors. At the same time increase productivity and
revenue, market share and profit in business activities.
 Customer care helps businesses increase the benefits from their employees.
 For customers
 Activities that bring convenience: such as choosing a sales location,
arranging an appropriate sales place, opening hours that match the time of
customers, home delivery for patrons, exchange conditions simple customers,
accept many forms of payment,, build a Web site to help customers learn about
products, place orders, pay, ... All these activities facilitate customers to easily come
to them. products, with suppliers, convenient in purchasing and consuming

 Thorough understanding of the product's uses, functions, characteristics,
usage... feel better about the quality of products and services and feel valued. That
will make them happy.
 Customer care also includes many activities such as giving gifts, asking on
special occasions, holding periodic customer conferences, sending samples of new
products for customers to try, etc. These activities aim to strengthen close
relationship with customers, so that customers know that they are cared for by the
business anywhere, anytime.
11. Factors affecting the quality of customer care services in hotel
The quality of customer care services in hotel service providers is affected by
3 basic factors, which are:

- The material environment of the service includes facilities, equipment to
provide the service, conditions of the premises, buildings, facilities to support the
- The quality of the organization providing customer care includes the
following: factors: organizational methods, management and administration,
regimes and policies of enterprises for customer care activities.
- The quality of service delivery is a factor that directly affects the quality
of customer care services, determining the level of customer satisfaction. It is
expressed through two factors: service knowledge and transaction skills. Product
knowledge is the understanding and fluency of services to be able to serve
customers better. And transactional skills are external communication expressions
such as words, behaviors, eyes, negotiation ability, negotiation... in order to make
the most of every opportunity that can bring the transaction to success.
A study by the Technical Research Program - TARP Asistans (2008) about the
reason of customers' discarding services was conducted and the results were as

Why do customers leave?

Move out ; 3.00% Die ; 1.00%
Have other interests ; 5.00%
Be atracted by competitors; 9.00%
Unhappy with products ; 14.00%
Poor service quality; 68.00%

Image 1.1. Why do customers leave?

Of all the customers who leave the business, 4% leave with complaints and
grievances, 96% are quietly discarded and 91% of the 96% that will not ever come
back to the business.
The reasons customers give us as follows:
- 3% due to social reasons such as change of residence...
- 5% due to new relationships or friends in another business
- 9% due to competition such as price, value of goods and services is better
- 14% do not satisfy with the product and they believe that the products of
another business better.
- 68% of customers leave the business because they are not respected.
Thus, most customers leave because of a lack of care from the business, not
being properly cared for, lack of actions to show recognition and gratitude for the
value they bring to the business.
12. Customer care culture
Acording to Rebecca Riserbato (Effective Ways to Build a Strong Customer
Service Culture): A customer service culture is about what's happening inside your
company. The culture is how your company's visions, values, and mission are

upheld with your employees and customers. With a positive customer service
culture, your employees will feel empowered to put the customer first.
Here's a dive into actionable steps you can take to create a strong customer
service culture that puts the customer first:
- The friendliness and warmth in communicating with customers: when
customers communicate with you, they want to receive warm replies and responses.
This is very practical. You, as well as your employees, need to look and sound
friendly and act friendly.
- Customers want to feel really important: They know that the business has
many different customers, but they only really love the product and the business if
you make them feel really important.
- Customers want you to hear what they have to say: Customers often have a
bad impression of people who only deal with complaints without really listening to

what they have to say. You must stay strong and constantly hone your listening
skills. Stay focused on what they are saying. Keep an open mind and restrain the
urge to interrupt your client.
- Sometimes, knowing the customer's name also gives you an advantage:
Personal names are one of the sweetest sounds a customer wants to hear from you.
Addressing by your first name in conversations with customers will show that you
see them as an individual and not as a general customer, thereby showing your
respect to the customer. However, do not use the customer's first name too often
because it can upset the customer, use it at the beginning and at the end of the
- Dynamic, flexible: Customers hate to hear the word "no" or the sentence
"This can't be done". You won't always be able to say "yes" to your client or do
exactly what he or she wants, but it's important to be as active and flexible as
possible. Tell your customers what you can do - not what you can't.
- After-sales: When problems or failures arise, customers want your help

quickly to solve their problems. Customers don't want to hear apologies, inquiries
about who is responsible, why the problem happened, they just want it fixed
quickly. Customers often judge the quality of your products and services based on
how you do your after-sales service. They will even ignore your mistakes and
shortcomings if you have good after-sales service.
13. Conclusion of chapter 1
In the condition that the country's economy is in the process of integrating
with the international economy, the competition has become harsher and more
intense, so the success or failure of economic strategies has become increasingly
difficult. The business of the Enterprise depends heavily on the construction and
implementation of customer care. In order to do that, it is required that each
enterprise really cares and has the right investment in this work. Understanding and
mastering the basic principles in the process of building and implementing customer
care will help businesses establish sustainable relationships with customers, thereby
improving competitiveness, each approach and dominate the market.

14.1. Introduction of La Batisse Hotel
15. Location and map
 Address :5/143 Kim Ma, Ba
Dinh, Ha Noi
 Hotline: 0918 151 956
 Email:

 Website:

 Xếp hạng:

In a prime location in the Ba Dinh district of Hanoi, La Batisse Kim Ma
Hotel is located in, a 6-minute walk from Trang Tien Plaza , 1.3 km from One
Pillar Pagoda and 1.5 km from Hanoi Temple of Literature. The hotel has
accommodations with a restaurant, private parking, a bar and a shared lounge.
Featuring family rooms, this property also provides guests with a terrace. The
property provides a 24-hour front desk, room service and currency exchange for
Blending Vietnamese décor with warm Vietnamese hospitality in center of old
quarter, one of the finest in Hanoi, La batisse Hanoi Hotel is the first choice to stay,
to celebrate, to meet, dine, inviting enjoy, relax and do business.
Popular points of interest near La Batisse Hotel include Hoan Kiem Lake, St.
Joseph Cathedral and Hanoi Opera House. The nearest airport is Noi Bai
International Airport, 27.4 km from the accommodation.
16. Brief history of establishment and development of the hotel
The hotel was established in early 2019, has only been in operation for 2
years, is one of the new hotels in Hanoi. Due to the advantage of location and

appropriate business strategy, the hotel has a stable annual number of guests. With a
small scale, only at the family hotel level, but give guests a comfortable, friendly
and cozy space like at home.
Located in the heart of the Capital, the hotel is an ideal place to stay after a
long day around the streets of Hanoi.
17. General functions and duties of the hotel
La Batisse Hanoi Hotel is a state-owned enterprise with legal status,
independent economic accounting, its own seal and account. The hotel is
autonomous in business, self-exploiting the market and choosing the source of
- Main functions:
Providing accommodation, catering and other additional services for

international and domestic guests in need.
- General tasks:
 Improve efficiency and quality of customer service.
 Organize the service business apparatus to fully meet the needs of
customers, on the basis of perfecting the set policies.
 Use and manage well the material and technical facilities, resources such as
labor and capital, ensuring the well-being of hotel staff.
 Good implementation of the targets and plans set by the company and the
tourism department.
 Comply with the provisions of the law on hotel business.
 Ensure the completion of payments to the State budget.
18. Services
La Batisse Hotel is a 3-star hotel of international standards, in addition to the
two main business areas of accommodation and food services, the hotel also
provides additional services with many types such as:

 Laundry service

 Sauna, massage service

 Medical service

 Services for children

 Sightseeing tour desk

 Car rental

 Air ticketing service

 Airport shuttle service

 Internet service

 Currency exchange counter

 Parking
19. Labor organization in the hotel
Building a scientific, flexible, optimal and suitable organizational structure
model suitable to the actual situation of the business plays a very important role. It
helps businesses make good use of human resources, promote the creativity of each
individual, thereby increasing the ability to fulfill the set goals and tasks. The
organizational apparatus of La Batisse Hotel is organized in a mixed online functional model.




Front Office
& Security

Restaurant Kitchen Housekeeping
Sales &

Marketing Information & Bar Department Department

Image 2.1: Organization chart of La Batisse Hotel
