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Tài liệu UNIT 2: MAKING SENSE docx

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Prepared by Anh Tram
1. hectic /’hektik/ (adj) full of busy activity: bề bộn, sôi nổi
This week has been really hectic.
hectically (adv)
2. imagination /I,mxxxXAdZI’neISn/ (n) (C & UnC) the ability to think of clever and original ideas,
possibilities, or solutions: sức tưởng tượng, trí tưởng tượng
have the imagination to do something
imaginative /I’mAdZInCtIv/ (adj) involving new, different, or exciting ideas: CREATIVE: giàu tưởng tượng,
sáng tạo
problems that may require more imaginative solutions
imaginatively (adv)
imagine /I’mAdZIn/ (v) to form a picture of something or someone in your mind: tưởng tượng
She tried to imagine the scene.
imagine (someone) doing something: Imagine yourself sitting behind your big new desk.
imagine someone/something as something: I imagine him as a distinguished old gentleman.
imagine someone/something to be something: I think they imagine the company to be bigger than
it is.
imagine (that): Imagine that you are lying on a beach.
3. vowel /’vaUCl/ (n) a sound that you make when you speak without closing your mouth or throat: nguyên âm
4. consonant /’kOnsCnCnt/ (n) a speech sound made by stopping all or some of the air going out of your
mouth: phụ âm
5. pronounce /’prOU,naUn/ (v) to say the sounds of letters or words: phát âm
I find some Japanese words very difficult to pronounce.
pronunciation /prC,nVnsI’eISn / (n)
6. flabbergasted /’AbCr,gAstCd/ (adj) FORMAL very surprised or shocked: sửng sốt, lặng người
7. fabulous /’fAbjUlCs/ (adj) extremely good: WONDERFUL: tuyệt vời, phi thường
a fabulous opportunity
fabulously (adv)

8. come easy (to someone) to be easy for someone to do, without them needing to try hard: dễ dàng thực hiện
9. curiosity /,kjUrI’OsCtI/ (n) (sing/Unc) a strong feeling of wanting to find out about something: tính tò mò
curiosity about: All children have a certain curiosity about sexual matters.
out of curiosity (=because of curiosity): Just out of curiosity, where were you last night?
“Curiosity killed a cat.” [proverb] con mèo chết vì tính tò mò (thành ngữ)
curious /’kjUrICs/ (adj) someone who is curious wants to find out about something: tò mò
I didn’t mean to pry. I’m just curious. That’s all.
curious about: Children are curious about animals and how they live.
curious to see/hear/know something: People were curious to know why the accident happened.
curiously (adv)
10. expression /ik’preSn/ (n) [count] a word or phrase: thành ngữ, từ ngữ
Avoid colloquial expressions that are out of place in an academic essay.
Prepared by Anh Tram
11. explore /ik’splc:/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to travel around an area in order to learn about it or to
search for something valuable such as oil: thăm dò, thám hiểm
The town is a good base from which to explore this charming corner of New England.
explore for: companies exploring for oil
exploration /,eksplC’reISn/ (n) (C or UnC) a trip around an area to learn about it or to search for
something valuable such as oil: sự thăm dò, sự thám hiểm
the future of space exploration
12. celebrate /’selCbreIt/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to do something enjoyable in order to show that an
occasion or event is special: làm lễ kỷ niệm
Let’s have a party to celebrate your birthday.
celebration /selC’breISn/ (n) [uncount] the activity of celebrating something: hoạt động nhân dịp lễ
kỷ niệm
It was a night of dancing and celebration.
in celebration of something: He’s having a party in celebration of his 84th birthday.
13. achieve /C’tSIv/ verb [transitive] to succeed in doing or having what you planned or intended, usually after a

lot of effort: đạt được, giành được
The Republic of Tunisia achieved independence from France in 1957.
achievement [count] a particular thing that you have achieved: thành tựu
his many achievements
14. govern /’gVvn/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to control and manage an area, city, or country and its
people: RULE: cai trị, cầm quyền
The region is now governed by Morocco.
government (n) (C or UnC) the people who control a country, region, or city and make decisions about its
laws and taxes: chính phủ
The Mexican government has announced its plans to raise the minimum wage next year.
15. synesthesia /,sInIs’TIZC/ (n) cảm giác kèm , kết hợp
16. experience /Iks’piCrICns/ (n)
a. [uncount] the knowledge you get from life and from being in a lot of different situations: kinh nghiệm
in someone’s experience: In my experience, very intelligent people can still make terrible mistakes.
b. [count] something that happens to you, or a situation that you are involved in: việc đã trải qua
our childhood experiences
have an experience: A lot of the people we talked to had had the same experience.
experience of/with: It was her first experience of dealing with people from another culture.
experience (v) [transitive] if you experience a problem or a situation, you have that problem or are in that
situation: trải qua, kinh qua
the discrimination experienced by older people
experience difficulty/problems: Book industries are experiencing the same problems at the moment.

experienced (adj) someone who is experienced has skill at something because they have done it a lot:
kinh nghiệm
I’m a lot more experienced than him.
experienced at/in: She’s experienced in dealing with difficult customers.
17. sense /sens/ (n) [count] one of the natural abilities that most people have to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel

things, known as the five senses: giác quan
sense of smell/taste/touch etc.: Our sense of smell improves as fading light reduces vision.
Prepared by Anh Tram
18. mix /mIks/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to combine things such as activities, ideas, or styles: hoà lẫn
In this room antique and modern furniture have been successfully mixed.
mix something with something: I don’t normally like to mix business with pleasure.
mix (n) [singular] a particular combination of objects, qualities or substances: sự hòa hợp, hỗn hợp
Alcohol and drugs is a deadly mix.
mix of: He has just the right mix of youth and experience.
mixed herbs/vegetables/nuts
19. phenomenon /fC’nOmCnCn/ (plural phenomena) (n) [count] an event or situation that can be seen to
happen or exist: hiện tượng
phenomenon of: a study of the phenomenon of physical attraction
20. taste /teIst/ verb
1 [linking verb] to have a particular flavor: có vị
taste of: These cookies don’t taste of ginger.
2 [transitive] to eat or drink something and experience its flavor: nếm
I’ve never tasted figs, but I’ve heard they’re very good.
taste (n) (C or UnC) the flavor that something creates in your mouth when you eat or drink it: vị
taste of: I love the taste of chocolate.
21. pickle /’pikl/ (n) [count] a CUCUMBER or other vegetable preserved in VINEGAR or salt water: dưa chua, đồ
22. aspect /’Aspekt/ (n) [count] a particular part, feature, or quality of something: khía cạnh, mặt
aspect of: a system of rules that covers almost every aspect of their lives
23. pale /peIl/ (adj) light and not bright in color: lợt (màu)
pale blue eyes
24. describe /dI’skraIb/ verb [transitive] to give details about what someone or something is like: miêu tả
I don’t think that’s quite the word to describe my feelings.
description /dI’skrpSn/ (n) [count] a statement about what someone or something is like: sự miêu tả

descriptive (adj) describing something: miêu tả
descriptive language
25. symptom /’sImtCm/ (n) [count] a sign that someone has an illness: triệu chứng
The symptoms include fever and vomiting.
symptom of: The symptoms of flu may last several days.
26. at times = sometimes
27. view /vjU/ verb [transitive] to think about or consider a subject or issue in a particular way: REGARD: xem
xét, suy nghĩ
Chris and I view the role of education somewhat differently.
view someone/something as: The Internet is viewed by many as a revolutionary educational tool.
view (n) [count] a personal opinion, belief, or attitude about a particular situation or subject: POINT OF
VIEW: quan điểm
view on: Jill and I have somewhat different views on the election.
view about: asking him his views about global warming
in someone’s view: How important was it, in your view, that the two leaders had a good personal
28. artistic /ar’tIstIk/ (adj) relating to any form of art, including painting, music, literature, acting, and dancing:
thuộc nghệ thuật
Prepared by Anh Tram
cultural and artistic activities
artistically (adv)
29. gifted /’giftId/ (adj) with an impressive natural ability: có năng khiếu
a gifted child
gifted in: She’s exceptionally gifted in music.
30. identify /ar’dentIfI/ verb [transitive] to recognize someone and be able to say who they are or what it is:
nhận dạng
Several key problems have already been identified.
identification (n) [uncount] the action of recognizing someone or something that you have seen before:
sự nhận dạng

the identification and arrest of two suspects
31. record /rr’kc:d/ verb [transitive] to make a record of something that has happened, usually by writing it
down: ghi lại, chép lại
They were asked to record the time at which the attack happened.
record /re’kc:d/ (n) [count] information kept about something that has happened: hồ sơ, sổ sách ghi chép
medical / archaeological / historical records
record of: a weekly record of world events
32. variety /vC’raICtI/ (n) [singular] a collection or number of people, things, ideas, etc. that are all different
from one another: sự đa dạng
variety of: People study yoga for a variety of reasons.
We want to hear the opinions of a variety of people.
33. sensation /sen’seISn/ (n) [count] a physical feeling: cảm giác
a tingling sensation
sensation of: a sensation of nausea
34. neuroscientist /,njUCrC’saICntIst/ (n) [count] nhà khoa học nghiên cứu chứng loạn thần kinh
35. yet [conjunction] despite something used for introducing a word or idea that is surprising after what has just
been mentioned: vậy mà, tuy nhiên
The novel is 800 pages long, yet it reads more quickly than many shorter books.
36. come to pass LITERARY to happen

37. syllable /’sIlCbl/ (n) [count] a word or part of a word that has only one vowel sound. For example “son” has
one syllable and “father” has two syllables: âm tiết
38. concentrate /’kOnsCntreIt/ verb [intransitive] to give all your attention to the thing you are doing: tập
I was sleeping badly and finding it hard to concentrate.
concentrate on: Stop talking and concentrate on your work.
concentration: (n) [uncount] the process of giving all your attention to something: sự tập trung
It took all his concentration to stay awake.
39. relate /rI’leIt/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to show or make a connection between two different things:

liên hệ, liên kết
I can’t really see how the two issues relate.
relate something to something: We offer courses that relate English literature to other subjects.
related (adj) if two or more things are related, there is a connection between them: CONNECTED: có liên
We think the two crimes are related in some way.
Prepared by Anh Tram
environmentally related diseases
relation (C or UnC) a connection between two or more things or people: mối liên quan
relation between: The study found a direct relation between smoking and lung cancer.
40. specific /spC’sIfIk/ (adj) involving or relating to only one particular thing or type of thing: rõ ràng, cụ thể
Spectators are only allowed into specific areas of the stadium.
41. lilac /’laIlCk/ (n) [uncount] a pale purple color: màu tím hoa cà
(adj) pale purple in color: có màu tím hoa cà
42. shade /SeId/ (n) [count] a particular form of a color. For example sky blue and navy blue are shades of blue:
sắc thái
The painter used different textures and shades to represent the seasons.
a brilliant shade of red
43. image /’ImIdZ/ (n) [count] the picture that you see on a computer or television screen, or in a movie
theater: hình ảnh
the flickering black-and-white images on the first movie screens
44. gloomy /’glU:mI/ (adj) dark in a way that makes you feel sad or a little afraid: tối tăm, u ám, ảm đạm
gloomy weather / a gloomy old library
gloomily (adv)
45. velvet /’velvIt/ (n) [uncount] cloth that is very soft on one side and smooth on the other: nhung (vải)
She was dressed in black velvet.
46. association /C,sCUSI’eISn/ (n) [count] a connection between two things: mối liên quan, sự liên kết
association between: Some studies show a strong association between pesticide use and certain

association with: Smoking has a close association with lung cancer.
associate /C’sCUSIeIt/ verb [transitive] to form a connection in your mind between different people
or things: gắn, kết hợp (người hoặc vật) với nhau
How do humans associate these seemingly opposed ideas?
associate something with someone/something: The study found that many people associate science
with masculinity.
47. rectangle /rek’tANgl/ (n) [count] a shape with four straight sides and four angles of 90º: hình chữ nhật
48. remind /rI’maInd/ verb [transitive] to tell someone again about an event from the past or about a fact that
they used to know: nhắc nhở, gợi nhớ
I can’t think of his name – can you remind me?
remind someone of/about something: Can you remind us about your plans for the building?
remind someone that: She reminded me that we had in fact met before, at a conference in Washington.
