1. picture /’/ noun [count] a drawing, painting, or photograph: bức tranh
I noticed a picture on the dining room wall.
picture of: She showed me a picture of the house where she was born.
draw/paint a picture: She asked children to draw pictures of their family.
picture (verb) [transitive] to imagine something: tưởng tượng
Try to picture what life was like back in those days.
picture someone/yourself doing something: I pictured myself lying in the sun, a cool drink in my hand.
picture someone/something as something: It was hard to picture him as a responsible husband and father.
2. memory /‘/ noun
1 [count] something that you remember: ký ức
The memory of that night is still clear in his mind.
memory of: I don’t have many good memories of my school days.
2 [singular] the ability to remember things: trí nhớ
a memory test
He searched his memory but couldn’t recall where he’d seen her before.
memorize /’/ verb [transitive] to learn something so that you remember it perfectly: ghi nhớ, học
In school we had to memorize Rudyard Kipling’s poem If.
memorise /’/ a British spelling of memorize
memorial /’/ adjective [only before noun] a memorial object, event, or prize is created to honor
someone who has died: tưởng niệm, kỷ niệm
a memorial garden for those who died in the war
3. ruin /’/ verb [transitive] to destroy or severely damage something: làm hỏng, làm tan nát
You’ll completely ruin the flowers if you touch them.
Any kind of dishonest dealing will ruin his career.
ruin noun [count or uncount] the state of something that has been destroyed or severely damaged: sự đổ nát
in ruins: Last month saw his dreams shattered and his business in ruins.
4. gone // adjective [never before noun] someone who is gone is no longer present in a place: đi khỏi
I’ll be gone for about half an hour.
Bob and his family have been gone about six months now.
5. decoration /,’/ noun [count] something nice that you put on or in something else to make it look more
attractive: vật dung để trang trí
Dad was putting up the Christmas decorations.
decorate /’ / verb [transitive] to make something look more attractive by putting nice things on it or in
it: trang hòang, trang trí
Have you decorated your Christmas tree yet?
decorate something with something: The room had been decorated with balloons.
decorator noun [count] người trang trí nội thất
decorative /’/ [adjective] intended to look attractive rather than be useful: dùng để trang trí, làm cái
gì trông đẹp (hơn lên)
a decorative border/motif
The lighting in the room is functional as well as decorative.
6. realize /’/ verb [transitive] to gradually begin to understand something that you did not know or notice before:
nhận thức được, hiểu ra
I soon realized my mistake.
realize (that): It was some time before he realized he’d offended them.
realization /,’ / noun [singular or uncount] the process of understanding something, or the moment
when this happens.
Then came the sudden realization that he was in love with her.
7. come over phrasal verb [intransitive] to visit someone in the place where they are, especially their house: đến thăm
Why don’t you come over for dinner?
come over to: Come over to my place and we’ll discuss it.
8. recognize /’ / verb [transitive not usually progressive] to know who the person is, or what the thing is that
you are seeing, hearing, etc. because you have seen, heard, etc. them before: nhận ra
I hardly recognized you with a beard!
I recognized the house from your description.
recognition /,’ / noun [uncount] the ability to recognize a person or thing.
She looked at me without a flicker of recognition in her eyes.
9. go on phrasal verb
1 [intransitive] to continue happening or doing something as before: tiếp tục
The meeting went on a lot longer than I expected.
We can’t go on like this any more. Things have got to change.
go on with: Burton smiled and went on with his work.
go on doing something: She can’t go on pretending that everything is okay when it clearly isn’t.
2 [intransitive] to happen: xảy ra
I wonder what’s going on next door – they’re making a lot of noise.
10. take (verb) [transitive no passive] to need or require a particular amount of time: cần phải
The journey from London to Oxford takes about an hour and a half.
11. fall // verb [intransitive] (past tense fell; past participle fallen) to move quickly downward from a higher position,
usually by accident: rơi, rớt, té
fall off/through/out of etc.: Ann’s just fallen downstairs and hurt her back.
I keep falling off my bike.
12. hurt / / verb (past tense and past participle hurt)
1 [intransitive or transitive] to cause physical pain or injury: làm bị thương, làm đau
You’re hurting my arm!
These new boots hurt.
hurt yourself doing something: Don’t hurt yourself exercising.
2 to cause someone emotional pain: xúc phạm
I never meant to hurt your feelings.
His cold behavior hurt her deeply.
hurt noun [count or uncount] a feeling of emotional pain caused by someone’s behavior: nỗi đau đớn về tinh thần
A mother tries to protect her child from hurt.
hurt adjective
1 injured or feeling physical pain:
Several people were hurt by flying glass.
2 feeling emotional pain, usually because of someone’s behavior:
She left feeling angry and deeply hurt.
hurt by: Andy was terribly hurt by his first marriage.
13. ankle /’/ noun [count] the part at the bottom of your leg where your foot joins your leg: mắt cá chân
I fell and twisted my ankle.
14. rest // noun [singular] the people or things that remain: phần còn lại
Jim had become separated from the rest and gotten completely lost.
rest of: The rest of the gang’s leaders were either dead or in jail.
15. lodge // noun [count] a small simple house in the countryside that people stay in, for example when they go
hunting or fishing: nhà nghỉ mùa
16. run into phrasal verb [transitive]
run into someone to meet someone when you did not expect to: tình cờ gặp ai
Guess who I ran into this morning?
run into someone/something to hit someone or something by accident while you are driving: đụng ai / cái gì
A truck ran into me (=hit my car) at the stop light this morning.
17. I’ll say OLD-FASHIONED used for expressing agreement or saying yes in a very definite way:
“She’s very pretty.” “I’ll say!”
18. childhood /’ / noun [count or uncount] the time of your life when you are a child: thời thơ ấu
We spent our childhood in a small town in the mountains.
happy childhood memories
19. accurate /’/ [adjective] correct or true in every detail: chính xác
We need to get some more accurate information.
accurately adverb
accuracy // noun [uncount] the quality of being accurate: sự chính xác
The accuracy of the reports cannot be verified (=checked).
20. self-taught / / [adjective] people who are self-taught have learned particular skills by themselves, instead of
being taught by someone: tự học
21. native /’/ [adjective] [only before noun]
1 living in a particular country, area, or city since birth: bản xứ, quê hương
My wife’s a native New Yorker, but I’m from Atlanta.
Monique returns to her native France every summer.
native land (=the country you were born in): After a long stay in England he’s back in his native land.
your native language or TONGUE: tiếng mẹ đẻ
2 native abilities or qualities are those you have had since birth: bẩm sinh
Pupils are encouraged to develop their native skills.
native (noun) [count] someone who was born in a particular place: người quê quán ở, dân bản xứ
native of: He’s a native of New Orleans but now lives in Miami.
22. draw // (past tense drew; past participle drawn) verb [intransitive or transitive] to create a picture by making lines
with a pen or pencil: PAINT: vẽ
Someone had drawn a map of the island.
draw with: The kids had drawn on the sidewalk with some chalk.
drawing /’ / noun
1 [count] a picture that someone has drawn: bức tranh
drawing of: The children did drawings of themselves.
2 [uncount] the activity or skill of making pictures with a pen or pencil: việc vẽ tranh
I’m not very good at drawing.
23. particular /’/ [adjective]
1 [only before noun] used for emphasizing that you are talking about one specific person or thing and not anyone or
anything else: SPECIFIC: cụ thể
Are there any particular topics that you would like me to explain further?
2 [only before noun] especially great: SPECIAL: đặc biệt
Two matters need to be given particular attention.
particularly [adverb] in a clear and specific way: một cách cụ thể, rõ ràng
He particularly asked for you to be at the meeting.
24. pleasant /’/ [adjective] enjoyable or attractive in a way that makes you feel pleased and satisfied: thích thú,
thú vị, dễ chịu
Seattle is a very pleasant place to work.
They spent a pleasant evening together.
Well, this is a pleasant surprise!
pleasantness /’ / noun [uncount]
pleasantly /’/ adverb
The hotel is pleasantly decorated throughout.
— opposite UNPLEASANT
25. joy // noun
1 [uncount] a feeling of great happiness: niềm hân hoan
There were tears of joy in her eyes.
do something with/for joy: Penny could have shouted with joy.
joy at (doing) something: He could hardly contain his joy at seeing her again.
to someone’s joy: To my joy, the meeting was canceled.
2 [count] something that makes you feel very happy or pleased: người hoặc cái làm ta thấy sung sứơng
the joy of (doing) something: Discover the joys of skiing.
be a joy to do something: It was a real joy to see the children playing happily together at last.
joyful /’!/ [adjective] very happy
joyfully adverb
joyfulness noun [uncount]
26. flash /!/ noun [count] a sudden understanding or idea: sự lóe lên
a flash of inspiration/insight/brilliance etc.: It’s a dull book, but there are occasional flashes of insight.
flash verb [intransitive] if a thought flashes across your mind, it comes and goes very quickly: lóe lên
flash across/through/into: The thought that I might die flashed through my mind.
flash [adjective] involving a very quick process.
flash freezing
27. urgency /’ / noun [uncount] the need to deal with something quickly: sự khẩn cấp
Everyone agrees on the urgency of the situation.
urgent /’/ [adjective] urgent things are things that you need to deal with immediately: gấp, khẩn cấp
He had some urgent business to attend to.
urgently adverb:
A man was waving to them urgently.
28. static /’/ [adjective] if something is static, it does not move or change: trạng thái đứng yên, tĩnh
Figures for housebreaking had dropped or remained static.
statically /’ / adverb
29. direction /’/ noun [count] the path that someone or something moves along when going toward a place:
Are you sure we’re going in the right direction?
in a southerly/easterly etc. direction (=toward the south, east etc.): The Mississippi River flows in a southerly
30. inviting /’ / [adjective] something that is inviting is attractive and makes you want to experience it: quyến rũ,
hấp dẫn
an inviting outdoor pool
invitingly adverb
invite /’ / verb [transitive] to ask someone to come to see you or to spend time with you socially: mời
How many people did you invite?
invite someone to/for something: We’ve invited all the neighbors to a barbecue.
invite someone to do something: They’ve invited me to eat at their house tonight.
invitation /,’/ noun [count] a written or spoken request asking someone to spend time with you socially
or to come to a social event: thiệp mời, lời mời
The wedding invitations went out yesterday.
invitation to: Nobody in the office had received an invitation to the party.
31. create /’/ verb [transitive] to make something new or original that did not exist before: tạo thành
How do I create a new file?
creation /’ / noun [uncount] the act of creating something.
The government is to provide more money for job creation.
creation of: the creation of Israel in 1948
creative /’ / [adjective] involving a lot of imagination and new ideas: sáng tạo
the creative use of tax and incentives to achieve economic goals
Painting is a creative process.
creatively adverb
32. dreamy /’/ [adjective]
1 extremely pleasant or attractive: êm dịu
the dreamy delights of a Mediterranean beach
2 a dreamy look, expression, etc. shows that you are thinking about something pleasant rather than paying
attention:mơ màng
a dreamy smile
dream // noun [count] something that you experience in your mind while you are sleeping: giấc mơ
have a dream: I had some very strange dreams last night.
in a dream: The idea came to him in a dream.
dream (past tense and past participle dreamed or dreamt) verb [intransitive or transitive] to experience things in
your mind while you are sleeping: mơ
dream about: I was dreaming about a black cat.
dream (that): He dreamed that he saw Rosa.
33. mystery /’/ noun [count] something that you are not able to understand, explain, or get information about: sự
huyền bí, điều bí ẩn
I just can’t think who she could have been – it’s a mystery.
be a mystery to someone: Why she left is still a mystery to him.
mystery adjective [only before noun] a mystery person or thing is someone or something that you do not know the
name of or do not know anything about: huyền bí
a mystery caller
mysterious /’/[adjective] not explained or understood: huyền bí, bí ẩn
They are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a young man.
He was being very mysterious, and wouldn’t tell me what he was going to do.
mysteriously adverb
34. incredible /’"/ [adjective] surprising or difficult to believe: khó tin
They all have incredible stories to tell.
incredibly /’"/ [adverb] used for saying that something is difficult to believe: một cách khó tin được
Incredibly, his wife did not know the truth.
35. absent-minded /"’/ [adjective] likely to forget things or to think about something different from
what you should be thinking about: FORGETFUL: đãng trí
I’m getting more absent-minded as I get older.
absent-mindedly adverb
absent-mindedness noun [uncount]
36. defeat /’#/ verb [transitive] to win against someone in a game, fight, or election: BEAT: đánh thắng ai, vượt qua
The Yankees defeated the Red Sox 2–1.
defeat noun [count or uncount] failure to win a competition or succeed in doing something: sự thất bại
Wisconsin suffered a 23–7 defeat by Illinois.
opposite VICTORY
37. challenge /’/ verb [transitive] to invite someone to compete or fight: thách thức
challenge someone to something: The girls challenged the boys to a game of basketball.
challenge noun [count] an invitation to someone to compete or fight, especially in a sport: sự thách thức
challenge for: Agassi returned to make a major challenge for the Wimbledon title.
challenging /’/ [adjective] difficult to deal with or achieve, but interesting and enjoyable: đề ra
những vấn đề thử thách năng lực của ai, kích thích
a challenging and rewarding job
challenger /’/ noun [count] người thách thức
38. title /’/ noun
1 [count] the name of a book, poem, movie, play, or other work of art: t ựa
What’s the title of her new book?
2 [count] the position of a winner in a sports competition: danh hiệu vô địch
She’s won several important singles titles this year.
39. basis /’"/ (plural bases /"/) noun [count] a particular method or system used for doing or organizing
something: nền tảng, cơ sở
on a basis: Rates of work are calculated on a weekly basis: Cơ sơ lao động được tính trên cơ sở hàng tuần.
40. insist /’/ verb [intransitive or transitive] to say very firmly that something must happen or be done: khẳng định,
nhấn mạnh
You must see a doctor immediately; I insist.
insist (that): She insisted that we stay at her house instead of a hotel.
insist on: Some companies insist on staff undergoing regular medical checks.
insistence /’ / noun [uncount] a very firm statement that something must happen or that something is
insistence on: We applaud the president’s insistence on tougher environmental laws.
insistence that: Despite his insistence that he wasn’t involved, most people think he’s dishonest.
insistent /’/ [adjective] saying very firmly that something must happen or that something is true: khăng
khăng, nhất định
insistent on: She was absolutely insistent on getting her money by tomorrow.
insistent that: John was insistent that we shouldn’t tell anyone else about our plans.
insistently adverb
41. visualize /’/ verb [transitive] to form a picture of someone or something in your mind: hình dung, mường
visualise a British spelling of visualize
visualization /,’ / noun [uncount]: sự hình dung, mường tượng
visual /’/ [adjective]: relating to sight:(thuộc) thị giác
Make a careful visual examination of your skin for any cuts or bites.
a visual handicap/impairment/acuity
42. photograph /’/ verb [transitive] to take a photograph of someone or something: chụp ảnh
They were photographed shaking hands.
photograph :noun [count] a picture of something that you make with a camera. In spoken language people usually
say photo: bức ảnh
take a photograph: We took lots of photographs on vacation.
photograph of: Do you have a photograph of your children?
photographer /’ / noun [count] someone who takes photographs, especially as their job: nhà nhiếp
43. mental /’/ adjective [only before noun] existing in the mind, relating to the mind: thuộc về, trong hoặc cho trí
an enormous mental effort: một cố gắng về tinh thần rất lớn
make a mental note of something: ghi nhớ cái gì trong đầu
mentally adverb:
He was in good health both physically and mentally.
mentally ill
44. make up phrasal verb [transitive] to invent a story, poem, etc.: sáng tác
The children made up a little poem and wrote it in the card.
45. random /’/ [adjective] chosen or happening without any particular method, pattern, or purpose: ngẫu nhiên,
tùy tiện
a random selection: sự tuyển lựa ngẫu nhiên
randomly adverb
randomness noun [uncount]
46. credit /’ / noun [uncount] praise for something you have done or achieved: sự khen ngợI, sự tán thành
credit for: You deserve credit for making him change his mind.
She was given the credit for what I had done: Chị ấy được khen ngợi về công việc tôi đã làm.
47. sponge /$ / noun [count]
1 a piece of a soft artificial or natural substance that is used for sucking up liquid, for cleaning things, or for washing
a bath sponge: miếng bọt xốp to để cọ người khi tắm
sponge rubber: cao su xốp, mút
2 a sea animal whose light soft body is used for washing or cleaning things: bọt biển
48. folk // noun or folks [plural] people in general: người
A lot of folks are upset at the changes.
folks [plural] SPOKEN used for talking to a group of people.
Well, folks, what are we going to do today? Nào các cậu, chúng ta sẽ làm gì hôm nay đây?
49. reassure /,’ / verb [transitive] to make someone feel less worried about something: làm yên tâm
I’m afraid there’s not much I can say to reassure you.
reassure someone about something: new efforts to reassure the public about the safety of air travel
reassure someone (that): She checked the bolts to reassure herself that the door was locked.
reassurance /,’ / noun [uncount] the act of making someone feel less worried about something.
The child looked at her mother for reassurance.
reassuring / ,’/ [adjective] making you feel less worried: làm yên tâm
a reassuring smile
reassuringly adverb
50. brand-new /"%/ [adjective] extremely new: rất mới
a brand-new car
51. well-dressed /&%/ [adjective] a well-dressed person is wearing good and fashionable clothes: ăn mặc hợp
thời trang
Her children are always very well dressed.
52. left-handed /’ / [adjective] someone who is left-handed is born with a natural tendency to use their left
hand to do things, especially things such as writing: thuận tay trái
My mom’s left-handed.
a left-handed pitcher
— opposite RIGHT-HANDED
left-handed adverb
He writes left-handed.
left-handedness noun [uncount]
53. tip // noun [count] a narrow or pointed end, especially of something long or thin: đầu đỉnh
tip of: the tip of your nose/finger
the southern tip of the island
on the tip of one’s tongue if a word, name, etc. is on the tip of one’s tongue, he or she knows it but cannot
remember it at the time of speaking: sắp nhớ ra
His name is on the tip of my tongue, but I just can’t think of it: Tôi sắp nhớ ra tên anh ta nhưng vẫn chưa nghĩ ra là
54. work for someone SPOKEN used for saying that you agree with a plan or like a particular idea.
“If you don’t mind driving, I can read the map.” “That works for me.”
55. (just) in case (…) in order to be prepared for something that may happen: ngộ nhỡ
It may rain - you’d better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does): Trời có thể mưa - anh nên mang theo dù thì hơn
(ngộ) nhỡ ra (trời mưa).
56. cover /’$/ verb [transitive] or cover up to put one thing over another, in order to protect or hide it: phủ lên, che,
bao bọc
Cover the food until you are ready to eat it.
cover someone/something with something: They covered her with a blanket.
57. salad dressing /’/ noun [count or uncount] a sauce that adds flavor to salads, usually made by mixing
oil, VINEGAR, and HERBS or SPICES: dầu giấm
58. landmark /’ /or landmass /’ / noun [count] a famous building or object that you can see and
recognize easily: mốc
The Statue of Liberty is a very famous landmark.
59. item /’/ noun [count] an individual thing, usually one of several things in a group or on a list: khỏan, món
customers who pay high prices for luxury items
item of: Repairs were carried out on several items of equipment.