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Chọn 01 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với những lựa chọn còn lại.

Câu 1: *


Câu 2: *


Câu 3: *


Câu 4: *


Chọn 01 lựa chọn có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với những lựa chọn còn lại.

Câu 5: *
A. endemic
B. ancestor
C. privacy
D. chemical

Câu 6: *
A. discipline
B. cruelty

C. detective
D. masculine

Câu 7: *
A. significance
B. diversity
C. correspondent
D. hypothesis

Câu 8: *
A. indecipherable
B. humanitarian
C. encyclopedia
D. monomaniacal


Chọn 01 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần nhất với từ/cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu hỏi.

Câu 9: *

A. in trouble
B. without money
C. without family
D. in danger

Câu 10: *

A. break in
B. run out
C. take off
D. get along

Câu 11: *

A. in the face of
B. at the mercy of
C. on the strength of
D. as a means of

Chọn 01 lựa chọn có nghĩa ngược với từ/cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu hỏi.

Câu 12: *

A. working properly

B. on duty
C. loading completely
D. in stock

Câu 13: *

A. pause
B. defer
C. persist
D. secure

Câu 14: *

A. endurance
B. retreat
C. submission
D. surrender

Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu hỏi.

Câu 15: The National Assembly delegates will cast their vote tomorrow to ________ the president.  *
A. specify
B. elect
C. appoint
D. opt

Câu 16: ________ the machine not operating correctly, a message informing you of the error will appear. *
A. On the event of
B. On event that

C. In the event of
D. In event that

Câu 17: ___________ to call the center administrator to proceed with the test date change process.  *
A. Why don’t you try
B. You would rather
C. Your best bet is
D. Let’s give it a shot

Câu 18: The scientist will be rewarded with a posthumous honor in ________ for the persecution he 
suffered while alive. *
A. counterattack
B. penance
C. amendment
D. recompense

Câu 19: Some low­wage manufacturing opponents are pirating the corporation’s technology, but the 
director is not ________ disconcerted. *
A. out and away
B. in the slightest
C. out and about
D. at the latest

Khơng có tiêu đề
Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn.

Câu 20: *

A. spanned
B. spanning
C. to span
D. being spanned

Câu 21: *
A. abundantly
B. abominably
C. stately
D. slightly

Câu 22: *

A. Leftovers
B. Rubble
C. Remnants
D. Dregs

Câu 23: *
A. deeply-rooted
B. highly-respected
C. well-advised
D. much-visited

Câu 24: *
A. While
B. When
C. Before
D. For

Câu 25: *
A. ramble
B. stroll
C. promenade
D. trudge

Câu 26: *
A. Nearly 100km southward lies the former capital Hoa Lư
B. Nearly 100km southward the former capital Hoa Lư lies
C. The former capital Hoa Lư lies nearly 100km southward
D. Does the former capital Hoa Lư lie nearly 100km southward

Câu 27: *
A. demoralized
B. petrified
C. swept
D. awed

Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời 8 câu hỏi kèm theo.

Câu 28: What is the purpose of paragraph 1? *
A. To advance a topic
B. To present a concern
C. To initiate a project

D. To declare a finding

Câu 29: Which of the following is the word “definitive” in paragraph 2 closest in meaning to? *
A. accessible
B. blunt
C. rational
D. decisive

Câu 30: Why does the writer mention “ejective consonants” in paragraph 2? *
A. To demonstrate a phonological contrast
B. To depict Native American language
C. To show phonetic components of a sound
D. To analyze a word in American languages

Câu 31: Why does the author quote Edward Sapir’s saying “The worlds in which different societies live are 
distinct worlds, not merely the same worlds with different labels attached”? *
A. To emphasize the diversity of linguistic systems
B. To postulate social attributes for different thinking
C. To propose a central principle of human societies
D. To portray the effect of linguistic systems on the mind

Câu 32: Which of the following is the organization of paragraph 3? *
A. It starts with a review of the relationship between languages and the mind, then a current research report, and comes
to a conclusion.
B. It starts with a debate on the influence of languages on human thoughts, then a brief research report, and comes to a
C. It starts with different views on languages, then a test on color perception, and concludes with the influence of this
D. It starts with the importance of languages, then examples of certain languages, and concludes with their relationship.

Câu 33: According to paragraph 3, what is true about color perception? *

A. It is subject to the wavelength of the light.
B. It is in accordance with numbers of categories.
C. It is diverse among different societies.
D. It is independent of color-labelling terms.

Câu 34: Which of the following is the phrase “despite labelling them identically” in paragraph 3 closest in 
meaning to? *
A. though their names bear a resemblance
B. though they carry synonymous labels
C. despite sorting them into the same cluster
D. despite calling them interchangeably

Câu 35: Which of the following statements does the author most agree with? *
A. Language is expected to affect perception by means of framing concepts.
B. Human perception exerts an unexpected impact on framing concepts.

C. The way of grouping concepts in a language frames human perception.
D. The relationship between language and perception is not reciprocal.

Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất ở mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống.

Câu 36: *

A. He’s a walking dictionary.
B. I taught him all he knows.
C. He’s a man of his word.
D. I’ve heard him mouth off.

Câu 37: *

A. Let me get this.
B. You paid last time.
C. It’s my treat.
D. Please, don’t stay.

Câu 38: *

A. I won’t take any chances of us getting hurt.
B. I won’t let the ship go down without the captain.
C. I couldn’t deal with it if you failed.
D. I think this is something we need to accomplish.

Câu 39 *

A. called it off
B. saw through it
C. got it across
D. cleared it up

Câu 40: *

A. You could have cut the tension with a knife.
B. I think I got off on the wrong foot with my boss.
C. My colleagues could barely stand to look at me.
D. There are rumors someone is going to be fired.


Chọn 01 lựa chọn là trật tự đúng nhất của các lượt lời trong hội thoại đã cho.

Câu 41: *

A. b-d-a-c
B. b-a-c-d
C. b-c-a-d
D. b-a-d-c

Câu 42: *

A. d-b-a-c
B. b-d-a-c
C. b-a-c-d
D. d-a-c-b

Câu 43: *

A. a-e-b-f-c-d
B. b-d-a-e-f-c
C. a-d-b-c-f-e
D. b-f-e-d-a-c

Câu 44: *

A. e-a-d-b-f-c
B. e-b-c-a-d-f
C. c-f-d-a-e-b
D. c-a-d-f-e-b

Câu 45: *

A. b-d-c-f-a-e
B. b-f-c-d-e-a
C. d-c-a-b-e-f

D. d-b-f-c-a-e

Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.

Câu 46: I think you should walk with a friend, otherwise it could be boring. *
A. I think you should not walk alone as walking is such a boring activity.
B. I suggest that we should walk together to make the walk less boring.
C. If I were you, I would never take a boring walk without a friend.
D. I think a partner is necessary as walking alone may cause boredom.

Câu 47: We were told that the show was not very entertaining, but it was. *
A. The show was not as interesting as it had been described to us.
B. What we expected about the show was better than the actual reality.
C. The show was funnier and more enjoyable than we had been informed.
D. That the show was said to be exciting made us decide to watch it.

Câu 48: The virus has long­term effects on not only the lungs but also many other organs. *
A. It is the lungs and other organs that suffer a lasting influence from the virus.
B. The lungs and many other organs are seen to probably be affected by the virus.
C. The virus appears to make initial impact on the lungs and various other organs.
D. What should be noticed is the result of the virus on the lungs and other organs.

Câu 49: It made no sense to me that the government was reluctant to give financial assistance to 
sustainable agriculture. *
A. I was unaware of the reason why the government hesitated to fund sustainable agriculture projects.
B. I was shocked when the government reluctantly acknowledged financing sustainable agriculture.
C. I was baffled by the government’s reluctance to support sustainable agriculture financially.
D. I was in complete disbelief when the government turned down sustainable agriculture projects.

Câu 50: The company was forced into bankruptcy, which led to thousands of job cuts. *
A. Had the company not gone out of business, thousands of its employees would not have been dismissed.
B. Were the company to be on the brink of collapse, there would be thousands of unemployed workers.
C. The company was forced to close down given that thousands of its employers resigned from their jobs.
D. So harsh was the market to the company that there was a tendency for job dismissals happening there.

Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với cặp câu đã cho trong câu hỏi.

Câu 51: He hated being in the army. He had to obey commands. *
A. Although he must follow commands, he did not like being in the army.
B. After having to obey commands, he was strongly opposed to the army.
C. Since he must carry out commands, he disliked serving in the army.
D. As he showed his dislike towards the army, he was forced to obey commands.

Câu 52: Thomas felt so fatigued after his five­hour brain surgery. That feeling was something he hadn’t 
expected. *

A. Thomas hadn’t expected his brain surgery would last so long that it would make him feel exhausted.
B. The brain surgery which lasted for five hours made Thomas feel more worn out than he had expected.
C. Thomas had brain surgery, which unexpectedly gave him an uncomfortable feeling for five hours.

D. That the brain surgery was five hours longer than Thomas had expected made him feel so tired.

Câu 53: There have been hundreds of reported sightings of Bigfoot. Most experts have not yet seen 
enough evidence to be convinced of its existence. *
A. Regardless of a huge number of reports about Bigfoot, most experts still do not believe it has survived to the present.
B. Although many witnesses agreed to give reports of Bigfoot, most experts require more evidence before confirming its
C. Most experts have reached the consensus of Bigfoot’s nonexistence despite the fact that a great number of people
have seen it.
D. Hundreds of witnesses have spotted Bigfoot, but their claims are still insufficient for most experts to believe in its

Câu 54: The peasants hoped for the best but prepared for the worst concerning the natural disaster. They 
walked on air when finding themselves bypassed by the hurricane. *
A. Tremendous relief flooded through the peasants the moment the hurricane swept through without inflicting extensive
irreparable damage.
B. Optimistic and well-prepared for the potential hurricane though the peasants were, they rode on a wave after suffering
little damage from it.
C. While the peasants kept an optimistic outlook, they were ready for adversity and were elated once the forecasted
hurricane did not strike them.
D. Given that prudent preparations for the upcoming hurricane were made, the peasants were blissed out to triumph over
the adversity it brought.

Câu 55: The coronavirus pandemic has caused people to change their behaviors for the better. People are 
now more conscious of making sustainable choices in their daily lives. *
A. It is the coronavirus pandemic that has pushed social development because people had to cross the bridge when they
came to it and selected feasible solutions in life.
B. Even the coronavirus pandemic has its bright side since individuals are more enlightened about making responsible
and lasting changes in how they live.
C. Drastic times call for drastic measures, which forced people to opt for renewable substances in their daily lives during

the coronavirus pandemic.
D. Humans could kill two birds with one stone when people’s consciousness was raised towards sustainable living style
because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống tương ứng trong bài luận đã cho.

Câu 56: *
A. Most local attractions target international visitors rather than focus on the domestic market.
B. Local citizens tend to turn their attention to famous sights overseas instead of regional attractions.
C. Many famous tourist attractions seem to appeal mainly to foreigners rather than to locals.
D. Provincial sights are losing their attractiveness to visitors due to the lack of appropriate

Câu 57: *
A. Presently
B. Naturally
C. Likewise
D. Hence

Câu 58: *
A. To make the matter worse
B. To make a long story short
C. To clarify this
D. To address this

Câu 59: *
A. most people do not have much time to prepare for their vacation, so they tend to opt for a well-organized package
holiday in a foreign country.

B. locals are demotivated by the gap between regional and international vacations, and thus they are normally in no
mood for travelling.
C. many people have limited vacation time and will often choose to travel internationally rather than stay locally when
they have a few days off.
D. domestic tourism is trying to appeal to local consumers, especially those who lack both time and motivation to explore
the local region.

Câu 60: *
A. Only if this issue is tackled speedily, can tourist attractions attract more international and local visitors.
B. Unless the best solution is discovered, places of interest will decline in popularity among locals and visitors.
C. As long as local tourism develops equivalent to foreign tourism, local visitors will surely visit local attractions.
D. If this is done properly, then local venues can enhance their attractiveness to both locals and visitors.

Viết một văn bản khoảng 250 từ về một chủ đề cho trước.

Câu 61: Many young people nowadays participate in community activities such as voluntary work or local 
campaigns for different purposes. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of young 
people joining such activities? Use relevant examples and explanations to support your answers.
