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Major: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


Tran Ba Tien, Ph.D.

Nghe An, 2017

I hereby certify that this thesis entitled “An exploratory study on the use
of information technology in teaching English listening skills at Huong Son high
school” is the result of my own research for the Degree of Master of Arts at
Vinh University. No material in this thesis has been accepted for the award of
any other degree or diploma in any university and neither does this thesis use
and contain previously published material or written by another person.
Nguyen Tien Dung

First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr Tran Ba Tien,
my supervisor, for his invaluable guidance, comments, correction, and most of
all his kind encouragement throughout the work.
I also would like to express my sincere thanks to teachers of Foreign
Language Department for their kind encouragement and suggestions.
I am appreciative of all my teachers and my students at Huong Son High
School where I have gathered information for my study. Without their help, this
study could not have been successful.
I am indebted to my family members whose support and encouragements
greatly contributed to the completion of my study.
Vinh, July 2017
Nguyen Tien Dung

Information Technology (IT) is an important element in the education
scenario in order to prepare the citizens for the future. The quality of teaching is
often related to the use of IT in teaching and learning. Hence, the Ministry of
Education and Training (MOET) has implemented various programs to promote
the use of IT pin teaching and learning. The purpose of this thesis is to
investigate the use of IT in teaching English listening skills at Huong Son high
school. To achieve the aims, in this study the researcher used qualitative and
quantitative research method, including the use of survey questionnaires and
interview. The study was conducted with ten teachers and two hundred students
at Huong Son high school, Huong Son district, Ha Tinh province, Vietnam. The

data from survey questionnaires, information collected from interviews was
discussed and interpreted statistically. The findings reveal that although teachers
were quite positive attitudes about IT integration, there were several challenges
that were still holding them back from fully utilizing the ITs. Issues such as
inadequate infrastructure, lack of knowledge and skills on how to integrate IT
tools, their own attitudes and beliefs, were challenges that the teachers seemed
to point out as major impediments to the smooth integration of IT. Considering
the data gathered, it is hoped that this thesis will be useful for teachers in using
IT in teaching English listening skills at Huong Son high school in particular and
at other high schools in general.

Appendix A:

Teacher questionnaire

Appendix B:

Student questionnaire

Appendix C:

Teacher interview

Appendix D:

Student interview


: Information Technology


: Computer Assisted Language Learning


: English as Foreign Language


: Communicative Language Teaching


: Audio Lingual Method


: Total Physical Response


STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP........................................................i
Vinh, July 2017............................................................................ii
Nguyen Tien Dung...................................................................ii

Table 1: Distribution of respondents by genderError: Reference
source not found
Table 2: Distribution of respondents by age....Error: Reference
source not found
Table 3: Distribution of respondents by teaching experiences
..............................................Error: Reference source not found
Table 4: The degree held by the participants. .Error: Reference
source not found
Table 5: IT Ownership...........Error: Reference source not found
Table 6: Teachers and students' attitude towards using IT in
listening lessons...................Error: Reference source not found
Table 9: Administrators’ frequency in encouraging teachers to
use IT.................................... Error: Reference source not found
Table 10: Colleagues’ frequency in appreciating the value of
using IT................................. Error: Reference source not found
Table 11: Teachers’ frequency in using computers to design
English listening lessons.......Error: Reference source not found
Table 12: The most preferable type of IT tools technologies in
teaching................................Error: Reference source not found
Table 13: Teachers’ and students’ assessment on the
effectiveness of your English listening lessons with the help of
IT...........................................Error: Reference source not found
Table 15: Teachers’ and students’ perceptions toward the

benefits of using IT in teaching English listening skill......Error:
Reference source not found

Table 16: Difficulties confronted by the teachers in using IT in
their teaching.......................Error: Reference source not found
Table 17: Difficulties confronted by the students in learning
listening skill with technology.......Error: Reference source not
Table 18: Teachers' suggestions to enhance the effectiveness
of using computers in teaching English listening skills ....Error:
Reference source not found

1.1. Rationale
English has been considered as one of the compulsory subjects in
secondary and high school in Vietnam. New English textbooks from grade six to
twelve, which are born with the aims to require students standard level of
English as well as to meet, demand of social development focuses on the four
skills: reading, speaking, listening, and writing. Listening is considered very
difficult but important one, the basic for others. However, teaching and learning
English listening skill at schools in general and high schools in particular still
exist some limitations. The reasons are the learners lack of motivation to listen,
limited level of English, noise and lack of instrument for listening. And an
important reason is from the teachers’ methodology. They may still be familiar
to the old method of teaching, or they get difficult to find a suitable method, so
they cannot motivate their students to learn English listening skill better. In

many recent years, the idea of applying IT in teaching in general and English
especially listening skill is being carried out in schools in Vietnam to help the
English lessons effectively.
Nowadays, IT is a concept that is not too strange with many people. With
a computer and Internet technologies, people can now have access to more
information more quickly and easier. IT definitely plays an important role in
educational success. The impact of the use of IT on education has been
investigated by many researchers in different settings in Vietnam and in the
world. These studies shared a very common finding that is related the
effectiveness of the use of IT in teaching in general and in teaching English in
particular. Lam & Lawrence (2002) also stated that technology not only gives
learners the opportunity to control their own learning process, but also provide
them with ready access to a vast amount of information over which teachers

have no power to control. The effective IT tools which can help teachers to
expand the difficult walls of the traditional classroom and rebuild their class
without the walls are increasing in both quantity and quality.
However, there still exist many difficulties in the use of IT in teaching
English in general and in teaching English listening skills in particular. Although
IT has been in existence for many years, it has just begun to spread to schools
and ESL classrooms. The reason is that IT tools require hard ware, which is
relatively expensive. Furthermore, using them well or professionally requires the
teachers have to have good skills or knowledge of using them. Young (2004)
indicated that teachers’ lack of knowledge and skills have become primary
factors in failure of computers or technology integration program in the
institution. The lack of time is also often considered as a difficulty by teachers in
their English teaching. The teachers only use IT in making lesson plans or let
students use Internet in the library. Because of the reasons above that cause low

quality of period of teaching English. As a result, teachers’ lessons can be not
very successful as expected.
With the requirement of ministry of education and training and the actual
demand for teaching programs, the implementation of IT in teaching and
learning activity has attracted great interest from the teachers at high schools in
Vietnam. Teachers have started to adopt and implement IT for teaching and
learning process either in the classroom or outside the classroom. The use of IT
in teaching English in general and especially listening skill is being carried out
in schools in Vietnam. It is very necessary to investigate the reality, the
difficulties, the teachers’ and students’ attitude in teaching and learning listening
skill at high schools.
These above-mentioned concerns urged the author to carry out the
research, called: “An exploratory study on the use of information technology in

teaching English listening skills at Huong Son high school”. Hopefully, this
study would help teachers of English at Huong Son high school carry out the
English listening skill periods with the help of IT as effectively as expected. The
students will also find more interested and motivated in learning English
listening skill lessons.
1.2. Aims of the study
This study aims at studying the use of IT in teaching English listening
skills at Huong Son high school. Hence, it is expected to achieve the following
- First, to investigate the status quo of the use of IT in teaching English

listening skills at Huong Son high school
- Second, to investigate the teachers’ and students’ perception towards the

use of IT in teaching and learning English listening skills
- Third, to give some effective strategies in using IT to help students

improve their listening skills
1.3. Research questions
In order to achieve the aims of the study, the following research questions
were raised:
- What is the status quo of the use of IT in teaching English listening

skills at Huong Son high school?
- What are the teachers’ and students’ perception towards the use of IT in

teaching and learning English listening skills?
- What are the effective strategies in using IT to help students improve

their English listening skills?
1.4. Method of the study
In order to realize the aims of the study, a combination of quantitative and
qualitative method was used. Data were collected through the analysis of the

survey questionnaire for students and teachers, teachers’ interview. Survey
questionnaires are used as the main instrument to collect information and
evidence for the study. They were then compared, contrasted, analyzed and
synthesized both qualitatively and quantitatively. The data collected for the
study will mainly from two sources: 200 students from grade 10, 11 and 12 and
10 teachers of English at Huong Son high school.
All comments, remarks, recommendations, and conclusions provided in
the study were based on the data analysis.

1.5. Scope of the study
- The study limits itself to investigating the use of information

technology in teaching English listening skills at a high school in Ha Tinh. It
deals with the issue of using IT to teach English listening skills to high school
- Because of the limitation of the time, making a research with a large

number of the participants was out of the author’s reach, therefore, the
participants for the study was 10 teachers of English and 200 students grade 10,
11 and 12 at Huong Son high school.

Significance of the study

This study, if successful, will be of theoretical as well as practical
benefits. First, it will provide more information to help people have a deep
insight about the reality of using IT in teaching English listening skills at a high
school. From then people who are responsible for this field will have some
suitable solutions to deal with this problem for their school so that the use of IT
in teaching will be more effective. The teachers can give more suggestions to
help the teaching effectively.
In addition, the significance of the study is for English teachers at Huong
Son high school. The results of the study are expected to English language

teachers who have interest in using IT in teaching English listening skill. With
this study, the writer hopes to make a small contribution to teachers at Huong
Son high school that they may use the materials, computer programs, the

Internet... for their teaching with their own teaching purposes more effectively.
Last but not least, this study itself wishes to raise teachers’ and
administrators’ awareness of utilizing the existing modern technologies to meet
students’ needs and implementing the instruction 29/2001/CT - BGD&ĐT about
applying IT in education and training into specific perspectives. Its implemented
recommendations will make the use of IT in teaching English listening skill at
Huong Son high school more successful and effective.

This chapter introduces a brief review of the literature relevant to the
study and is divided into four sections. The first section is overview of foreign
language teaching. The second section is to discuss some key terms related to IT,
the third section briefs the history of CALL, the fourth section is overview of
listening skill.
2.1. Foreign language teaching
In the long history of educational development, people witnessed many
teaching methodologies have come and gone. In the past, there were some old
methodologies of foreign language teaching such as Grammar-Translation
Method, Direct method, Audio-lingual Method, Total Physical Response and so
on are considered ineffective now because of their shortcomings.
In the 19th century, the Classical Method came to be known as the
Grammar Translation Method. It is one of the most conventional methods which
have a long history. The Grammar-Translation method represents the tradition of
language teaching adopted in western society and developed in many centuries
of teaching not only the classical languages such as Latin and Greek, but also
foreign languages. It focuses much on grammar, reading and writing pays little
or no attention to listening and speaking, and learners’ aim is to master the
language not to use the language. Therefore, students cannot be able to

communicate. It remained popular in modern language pedagogy, even after the
introduction of newer methods.
The Audio-lingual Method is derived from “The Army Method”, so called
because it was developed through a U.S. Army programme devised after World
War II to produce speakers proficient in the languages of friend and foes. James
Lee and Bill VanPatten defined Audio-lingual method as: “The Audio Lingual
Method was predicted on the marriage of behaviorist psychology and the

current structural linguistics. According to behaviorist psychology, all learning
verbal and nonverbal takes place through the process of habit formation. Habits
areformed through repetition, imitation, and reinforcement. In ALM, language
habits were formed by memorizing dialogues and practicing sentence patterns,
usually through drills that required learners to imitate and repeat what their
instructor said.” Like any other method, it has made some good contributions to
the educational field. In ALM, no translation is permitted to teach vocabulary. It
means that teachers must not use translation as an activity to teach vocabulary;
they should create and apply new ways to explain a new word. They can use
realia, flashcards, gestures, mimicry, synonyms, and antonyms to explain a word
definition or meaning. Students learn pronunciation, intonation and stress
through teacher’s modeling. They are encouraged to use the foreign language
and to speak in ALM lessons. They must use the foreign language to express any
idea they have. ALM is based on operant behaviorism where reinforcement
plays a very important part in the teaching and learning process. Despite of the
fact that the ALM created a revolution in the area of teaching foreign languages
during 1960s, it has some characteristics which are difficult for learners to
follow such as: translation is forbidden at early levels, the use of the student’s
native language is also forbidden. This method does not let students create a
meaningful environment to learn the topic or structures that are going to be

presented to them.
Total Physical Response (TPR) which was developed by James Asher, an
American professor of psychology is based on the theory that the memory is
enhanced through association with physical movement. TPR is an approach to
teaching a second language, based on listening connected to physical activities
which are designed to reinforce comprehension. TPR as an approach to teaching
a second language is based, first and foremost, on listening and this is linked to

physical actions which are designed to reinforce comprehension of particular
basic items. TPR relies on the assumption that when learning a second language,
which is internalized through a process of code-breaking similar to first
language development. It brings many advantages for teachers and learners in
their teaching and learning process. In the TPR lessons, students enjoy activity
and these simple TPR activities do not require a great deal of preparation on the
part of the teachers. It is inclusive and works well a class with mixed ability
levels. It also helps students achieve fluency faster by immersing learners in
activities that involve them in situational language use. This method has its own
limitations such as: it is most useful for beginners, preparation becomes an issue
for teachers at higher levels or students are not generally given the opportunity
to express their own thought in as creative manner.
After few decades, in 1960s and 1970s foreign language learning was
extended with the establishment of comprehensive schools. It led to the teaching
of a foreign language to virtually all learners. It was the main pressure for a
change in teaching methods and curricula to suit the needs of non-traditional
learners. As a result, there has been a movement in foreign language education,
which is studying about language toward a focus on using a language as a useful
tool to communicate in real life. And communicative approach or
Communicative language teaching (CLT) is becoming a dominant approach

used to teach foreign languages. CLT is best considered as an approach rather
than a method (Richards & Rogers, 1986). It focused around communicative
competence rather than on linguistic or grammatical competence. It used to
motivate learners to want to learn or use the foreign language for real
communication by extending their knowledge and experiences. Different from
the Audio-lingual method, the Communicative Approach gives priority to the
semantic content of language learning because learners learn the grammatical

points through meaning not the other way around. CLT is based on a theory of
language as a

system of expression of meaning, the primary function of

language being interaction and communication (Nunan, 1995).
The study by Mhundwa (1998) investigating the characteristic of CLT is
that classroom communication is planned and presented in ways that stimulate
real life situations. According to Richards and Rodgers (1995) illustrated some
examples of functional communicative activities such as: giving and following
directions, solving problems, using clues, conversations, dialogues and role
plays, all of which should not be memorized. Students should interact more with
each other than with the teacher because CLT is both learner-centered and
experience-based. The next characteristic of CLT is that it discourages overcorrection of language errors by the teacher as it distracts from the message
(Brumfit, 1984). To the teachers, errors determine how far the learner has
progressed towards the language learning. To the learner, errors are evidence of
The teachers play the role of facilitator, guide, participant, resource
organizer, resource himself, learner, needs analyst and counselor in CLT. During
the presentation of an activity, students should not normally be aware of

intervention by the teacher as teacher but as a communicator (Brumfit, 1984).
Classroom activities in CLT are aimed at the situational and
contextualized use of particular language. The teaching materials in CLT by
Nunan (1995) refers to these as task-based materials that play the primary role
of promoting communicative language use.
With the application of the active and new teaching approach to CLT, the
use of IT in teaching English in general and teaching English listening skill in
particular will help English teachers offer their students with the best lessons,

since then help them develop their communicative competence and increase
their interest in self-studying English as an important foreign language.
With the rapid development of IT, the emerging and developing of
multimedia technology and its application to teaching English, sets a solid
foundation for reform and exploration on English teaching method. It’s proved
that IT plays a positive role in promoting activities and initiatives of student and
teaching effect in English class. Technological innovations have gone with the
growth of English teaching method and are changing the way in which people
2.2. Information technology (IT)
2.2.1. Definition
The term “Information Technology” which appeared in the 1970s has a
long history. IT stands for “Information Technology”, and it is used to refer to
anything related to computing technology, such as hardware, software,
networking, the Internet... Technology can be defined as the process of using
scientific, material and human resources in order to meet human need or
purpose. Then there is a simple definition of Information as “that which can be
communicated and understood”, then together a basic definition of IT could be:
Information Technology is the use of information in order to meet human need

or purpose.
IT as defined by the Information Technology Association of America
(ITAA): is study, design, development, implementation, support or management
of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and
computer hardware. In short, IT deals with the use of electronic computers and
computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve
information, securely.

IT consists of computers, networks, satellite communications, robotics,
videotext, cable television, electronic mail (e-mail), electronic games, and
automated office equipment.
2.2.2. Kinds of technology available to language learning and teaching
Teaching and learning is changing from a classic classroom environment
to an increasingly technology one, where students are active learners. However,
students should engage themselves with technology familiar to them. IT has
changed a lot with the development of new tools and the arrival of the era of the
Internet, use of multimedia, and mobile devices which have been changing the
way people interact and collaborate with each other. Gill (2011) pointed out that
IT has increased its role in second language learning with the use of new tools to
deliver language teaching, which provide more interaction, such as live chat or
discussion boards. Because of the growing of available technology, teachers
have to choose hardware and software that meet teachers’ and students’ needs.
Their selection depends on several reasons, such as their personal preferences familiarity with the technology and their ability to implement the technology
tool to use it to teach. The element should be cared by teachers when they select
software or hardware is pedagogical purposes, which are based on learning goals
to reach those goals.
2.2.3. Technology in language teaching and learning
In teaching and learning English, teachers have a lot to choose from the

world of technology: Audio Cassettes, Radio, TV, Computers, CALL, the
Internet, Electronic Dictionary, Email, Power Point, Videos, CD, DVD or VCD,
etc. This rapid development of IT has offered a better pattern to explore the new
teaching model. As a result technology plays a very important role in English
teaching at schools. Using IT to create a context to teach English has its unique

Technology and foreign language education is no stranger to one another.
IT deals with the application of electronic computers and computer software to
convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information. IT has been
used differently in education and contributed greatly to the pedagogical
methodology renovation in many recent years.
IT is used in classrooms at many schools in Vietnam. The use of
technology helps teachers to diversify their lessons, display more information,
and enhance student learning. Thank to different technologies in the classroom,
this can help teachers save time and energy and allow for more attention to be
paid to the course content. There are many different learning materials available
to teachers in order to help them with their teaching.
In many recent years, to improve the importance of technology in
teaching many studies have been conducted to find out the influences or benefits
of the use of IT in teaching foreign language. Many studies have been conducted
to investigate how the integration of technology into the curriculum may
enhance language teaching and learning (Wong 2004; Miner, 2004; Eugene,
2006; Hixon, 2008).
Many studies were conducted on using IT in teaching English. To the
researchers’ best knowledge a few studies were conducted on using CALL in
teaching English grammar in Jordan. Douglas Hogg (2000) conducted a study to
examine teachers’ perceptions of the effect of using computer technology on

their role in the classroom and on their personal teaching style. The result
showed that teachers are interested in using computer technology and
technology also influences on their teaching style. Hoopingarner (2009)
indicated that the use of IT in teaching language can be effective as long as
teachers use it efficiently; an effective use of IT takes into consideration
language pedagogy practices to use any sort of technology to support and

increase language teaching and learning. Al-Qumoul conducted a study to
investigate the effect of an instructional software program of English language
functions on tenth graders’ achievement. The results revealed that the students
who studied the English language functions through CAI lessons performed
better than those who learnt by the traditional method. Mike (1996) described
the use of the Internet has also been shown to promote higher order thinking
skills. The fact is that using IT brings many benefits to teachers’ teaching.
According to Díaz, Jansson & Martínez (2011), the use IT in teaching and
learning foreign language has the power of improving students’ learning and
students’ motivation while offering students the opportunity for individuality of
technology access and interaction in order to be able to communicate ideas using
the new second language vocabulary and grammar learned.
When dealing with the importance of IT in education, we can not ignore
the role of multimedia, which has been considered to have enormous potential in
education in general and in foreign language teaching and learning in particular.
On many campuses, new multimedia learning centers and electronic laboratories
have already become the focus of the changing paradigms of foreign language
instruction. To the teachers, the increased use of IT resources in foreign
language programs prompted a revision of teaching styles and techniques. When
IT is used properly it could be a powerful tool that would have positive effects
on the process of learning language skills (Gill, 2011).

2.2.4. The role of using IT in teaching and learning English listening
The use of information technology actually promote high school English
listening Teaching recently. With the traditional English teaching, listening is
carried out mainly through tape recorders and the teachers themselves
accomplished. Although this traditional method plays an important role, but

there are still some disadvantages such as a single method to control the
inconvenience. Understanding the importance of English listening skill in
language learning and teaching is necessary for English teachers to help their
students become effective listeners. In the communicative approach to language
teaching, it means modeling listening strategies and providing listening practice
in authentic situations: those that students are likely to encounter when they use
the language outside the classroom. One of the best ways teachers should
introduce students to listening strategies is to integrate listening activities into
language lessons using IT. This becomes more accessible to teachers and
learners of other languages, its potential as a tool to enhance listening skills
becomes a practical option.
Modern technology advance listening skills by providing a multitude of
opportunities for listening to spoken language. An English teacher should be
aware of these new technologies to immerse their students in the spoken
language experience. Thank to the development of IT teaching English listening
skill nowadays are convenience, teachers can use many different tools to assist
their teaching and make their lessons better. Technology provides teachers
multisensory elements, text, sound, pictures, video, and animation, which bring
meaningful contexts to facilitate comprehension. IT emphasizes the individual
needs of learners and allows students to hear the available input as many times
as needed until they feel they understand it. Besides, it also encourages greater

interaction between teachers and students and students, and allows them to build
their self-instruction strategies and self-confidence. All these things lead to
promotes second language learners’ learning motivation.
2.3. CALL
The rapid advances of technologies of the 1990s have raised both the
expectations and the demands placed on the computer as a potential learning

tool. With recent advances in multimedia technology, computer-assisted
language learning (CALL) has emerged as an alternative to earlier modes of
supplementing or replacing direct student-teacher interaction, such as the
language laboratory or audio-tape-based self-study.
CALL stands for Computer Assisted Language Learning. It is a new trend
in the development of foreign language teaching. In the foreign language
teaching, IT in the development process, CALL, definitely make a significant
change in high school English teaching. This change in English teaching in
various aspects such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, are tremendous.
It is defined as “the search for and study of applications of the computer
in language teaching and learning” (Levy, 1997, p.1). It is often known as an
approach to language teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an
aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned,
usually including a substantial interactive element. It is used to be considered as
an essential component in language teaching by many language educators.
From the 1960s, computers have been used for language teaching.
Through more 30-year history, CALL can be divided into three main stages:
“This development can be categorized in terms of three somewhat distinct
phases which I will refer to as behavioristic CALL, communicative CALL, and
integrative CALL”. A certain level of technology and a certain pedagogical
approach are presented in each stage.

2.3.1. Behavioristic CALL
The first stage, behavioristic CALL, conceived in the 1950s and
implemented in the 1960s and 1970s, was based on the then-dominant
behaviorist theories of learning. It could be considered a sub-component of the
broader field of computer-assisted instruction. The mode of CALL described
repetitive language drills, referred to as drill-and-practice (or, pejoratively, as

“drill-and-kill”). “Drill and practice” course-ware is based on the model of
computer as tutor (Taylor, 1980). For example, in this period, in the United
States, the computer was considered as a mechanical tutor who never grew tired
or judgmental and allowed students to work at an individual pace. PLATO, the
best known tutorial system, ran on its own special hardware consisting of a
central computer and terminals and featured extensive drills, grammatical
explanations, and translation tests at various intervals (Ahmad, Corbett, Rogers,
& Sussex, 1985). In other words, the computer serves as a vehicle for delivering
instructional materials to the student. According to Taylor (1980), behavioristic
CALL has several following features:
- Repeated exposure to the same material is beneficial or even essential

to learning.
- A computer is ideal for carrying out repeated drills, since the machine

does not get bored with presenting the same material and since it can provide
immediate non-judgmental feedback.
- A computer can present such material on an individualized basis,

allowing students to proceed at their own pace and freeing up class time for
other activities.

Behavioristic CALL mentioned two important factors in the late 1970s
and early 1980s. Firstly, behavioristic approaches to language learning had been
rejected at both the theoretical and the pedagogical level. Secondly, the
introduction of the microcomputer allowed a whole new range of possibilities.
2.3.2. Communicative CALL









communicative approach to teaching, emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s,
at the same time that behavioristic approaches to language teaching were being
