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BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title

Unit 2: Networking Infrastructure

Submission date


Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date

Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name

Student ID


Assessor name

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature

Grading grid










 Summative Feedback:

 Resubmission Feedback:


Lecturer Signature:

Assessor Signature:


Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................... 6
P5 Provide a logical/physical design of the networked system with clear explanation and addressing table 7

1. The difference between logical and physical design........................................................................................... 7
2. The user requirements for general network design............................................................................................. 8
3. Logical design.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
4. Physical design.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
5. The IP address table.................................................................................................................................................. 13
P6 - Evaluate the design to meet the requirements.................................................................................................... 14
1. Test plan...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
2. Evaluate....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
P7 - Implement a networked system based on a prepared design.......................................................................... 15
1. Design routers, switches, devices for network................................................................................................... 15
2. Show overall network realization.......................................................................................................................... 33
P8 - Document and analyse test results against expected results........................................................................... 33
1. Implementation process........................................................................................................................................... 33
2. Test and show result................................................................................................................................................. 34
Conclusion........................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Reference list...................................................................................................................................................................... 42


List of Figure

Figure 1: Physical Topology.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 2: Logical Topology............................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Logical design..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: Floor 1................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 5: Floor 2................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 6: Floor 3................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 7: RST and SLab1, SLab2.................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 8: RS and RST....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9: A simple physical diagram for a network system..................................................................................... 12
Figure 10: VLAN 20 for SA_M (Manager, Admin room)....................................................................................... 15
Figure 11: VLAN 10 for ST_M (Marketing, Teacher room)................................................................................... 16
Figure 12: VLAN 30 for SLab1 (Lab 1 room)............................................................................................................ 16
Figure 13: VLAN 40 for SLab2 (Lab 2 room)............................................................................................................ 17
Figure 14: IP address and OSPF of router RS............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 15: IP address, IP helper and OSPF of router RST....................................................................................... 18
Figure 16: ip dhcp pool at router RS............................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 17: Basic settings of router................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 18: Turn on mode DHCP.................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 19: VLAN 10......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 20: VLAN 20......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 21: VLAN 30......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 22: VLAN 40......................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 23: Show running-config of router RS............................................................................................................ 25
Figure 24: Show running-config of router RST......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 25: router RS.......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 26: router RST....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 27: switch SA_M.................................................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 28: switch ST_M................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 29: switch SLab1.................................................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 30: switch SLab2.................................................................................................................................................. 29

Figure 31: IP address of a PC-Admin........................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 32: IP address of a PC-Manager........................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 33: IP address of a PC-Marketing..................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 34: IP address of a Printer................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 35: IP address of a PC-Lab1............................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 36: IP address of a PC-lab 2............................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 37: Ping from PC-admin to PC of manager, marketing, teacher, lab1 room.......................................... 34

Figure 38: Ping from PC-admin to PC of Lab2 room............................................................................................... 35
Figure 39: Ping from PC-Manager to PC of Admin, Marketing, Teacher, Lab1 room..................................... 35
Figure 40: Ping from PC-Manager to PC of Lab2 room.......................................................................................... 36
Figure 41: Ping from PC-Marketing to PC of Admin, manager, teacher, Lab 1 room...................................... 36
Figure 42: Ping from PC-Marketing to PC of Lab2 room....................................................................................... 37
Figure 43: Ping from PC-Teacher to PC of Admin, manager, marketing, Lab 1 room..................................... 37
Figure 44: Ping from PC-Teacher to PC of Lab2 room............................................................................................ 38
Figure 45: Ping from PC-Marketing to PC of Admin, Manager, Teacher, Marketing room............................ 38
Figure 46: Ping from PC-Lab1 room to PC of Lab2 room...................................................................................... 39
Figure 47: Ping from PC-Marketing to PC of Admin (Server), Manager, Teacher, Marketing room...........39
Figure 48: Ping from PC-Lab2 to PC-Lab1 room...................................................................................................... 40


List of Table

Table 1: The IP address......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 2: Test plan.................................................................................................................................................................. 14


In this assignment, logical and physical design will be introduced and compared with each
other. The main issue discussed and explained is the customer's requirements for the network to
be designed. It's a system for a local educational institution with 50 lab computers, 35 staff
computers, and 3 printers, all with dynamic IP addresses. Based on that request, a logical
design will be provided along with a physical design and an IP address table. Next, a test plan
will be created along with the evaluation of this network system, the solution will also be given
to overcome the shortcomings. The network design process will be displayed along with the
overall results table of the devices. Finally, show the results of the testing process and compare
it with the customer's original request.


P5 Provide a logical/physical design of the networked system with clear explanation and
addressing table
1. The difference between logical and physical design
Logical network design: Connections and interactions between network devices are described
in logic diagrams. Relationships describe how devices connect to each other, how they
collaborate to provide network services and support, and respond to user requests. (McCabe,

Figure 1: Physical Topology
A physical design showing how devices are connected to each other in a network along with
wires and cables. It reveals the network topology with everything physical: cables, servers,
PCs, etc. It clearly describes the location of devices in a work environment such as a school or

Figure 2: Logical Topology


Difference between physical and logical design: In comparison to physical design, logical
design is more intellectual and abstract. The logical links between the items are examined in
logical design. Physical design considers the most efficient method of storing and retrieving
things (Davis, 2021). The demands of the end users should be the focus of your design. Logical
design underpins the development of the physical design because it will provide the devices,
their topology. From there, new physical designs can develop. Logical network diagrams are
used to show how traffic flows throughout a network, as well as IP addresses, admin domains,
domain routing, and control points. A physical network diagram should, in theory, depict the
network architecture in its current state, including all devices and their connections (Davis,
About advantages of logical design, If Service is shared across two IP addresses, a logical
network diagram can be used to rapidly rule out a firewall issue. Using logical network
diagrams, you may double-check that your firewall rules are still correct. Using logical network
diagrams, you can easily see what isn't redundant and what is. About disadvantages, the
specific location of the devices and their storage space is unknown.
About advantages of physical design, specify the location and space of the equipment. Observe
the connection of devices together with cables. Based on that structure to find out where the
error occurs or is not optimal for the transmission line to change. About disadvantages, failed to
test how devices are connected to each other and other logic related things. If there is a
software error, this design cannot be relied on to find the problem to fix.
2. The user requirements for general network design.
A network system for the local educational institution, it must meet the customer's goals in
several ways. In terms of volume requirements, this network must accommodate 50 student lab
computers, 35 staff computers, and 3 printers. In addition, a File Server will also be added to

the system to serve the needs of the machines.
Regarding connectivity, the machines in this system must be able to connect to anywhere in the
network to easily exchange data and manage the system. About the design, build 35 staff
computers on the 1st floor, on the 2nd and 3rd floors are two labs for students, the design must
have a clear location, the design is optimal and simple because of the purpose of use. For
educational purposes only, the clearer the physical design, the easier it is to install. A
reasonable proposal for equipment for this network is 4 switches and 2 routers, these 2 routers
connect directly to each other. 1 router acts as a dhcp server to give dynamic ip addresses to all
4 switches and connect directly to 2 switches, one router configures ip helper and connects
directly to the other 2 switches. Each lab connects to a switch, the admin and manager rooms
connect to a switch, and the teacher and marketing rooms connect to a switch.
In terms of latency, low latency is the desire of every network system, the transmission speed must
be as fast as possible for employees to work most effectively. In terms of cost, this is a simple
network system, so the cost should not be too great, the equipment should be considered for
optimal price but must not affect the long-term performance of the network. In addition, in the
future, new machines may be added to the network, so the number of ports must be left over.
Therefore, the 2 switches used in the staff room are 24 ports (their prices are cheap), the 2 lab


switches are 48 ports (due to future development). Using multiple switches is due to the
convenience of installation and the floors do not depend on each other. Finally, security is
necessary to protect the information of employees, students and data in the network.
3. Logical design
Requirements are 50 PC-student, 25 PC-Staff, 3 Printers, 1 File server. Due to the large number
of devices, the number on the logical design is representative only. The design has 3 floors and
6 rooms, including 2 routers and 4 switches.

Figure 3: Logical design

a) Floor 1
Includes 2 switches for 4 rooms. Switch SA_M is connected to the Admin room and the
Manager room along with 4 PCs of the Marketing department. The IP address of this switch is with VLAN 20 for connections. Switch ST_M is connected to
Marketing department and Teacher room. The IP address of this switch is with VLAN 10 for connections. These 2 switches are connected to
the RS router.


Figure 4: Floor 1
b) Floor 2 and 3

Figure 5: Floor 2
At floor 2, 25 lab computers are connected to the SLab1 switch with VLAN 30. The IP address
of SLab1 is


Figure 6: Floor 3
At floor 3, 25 lab computers are connected to the SLab2 switch with VLAN 40. The IP address
of SLab2 is

Figure 7: RST and SLab1, SLab2
These 2 switches are directly connected to the RST router.
c) Router

Figure 8: RS and RST


The RS router acts as a dhcp server to provide dynamic IP addresses to the PCs, the RST router
is configured with an IP helper so that the 1st and 2nd floor switches are assigned dynamic IP
addresses by RS. The IP address of RS is, of RST is
4. Physical design

Figure 9: A simple physical diagram for a network system


5. The IP address table
This is the actual IP address table, so it will provide the IP address for all devices.
Table 1: The IP address


IP Address

Subnet Mark


























PC Admin (3), PC Manager

PC Marketing (4),
Printer (1), FileServer


PC Marketing (8), Printer
(2), PC Teacher (15)


PC lab1 (25)





PC lab2 (25)



P6 - Evaluate the design to meet the requirements

1. Test plan

Table 2: Test plan
Test plan


Ping from Admin to all rooms

Use PC-Admin ping to each device (PC or Printer)
at manager, marketing, teacher, lab 1, lab 2 room.

Ping from PC at Manager room to all rooms

Use PC-Manager ping to each device (PC or
Printer) at admin, marketing, teacher, lab 1, lab 2

Ping from PC at Marketing room to all rooms

Use PC-Marketing ping to each device (PC or
Printer) at admin, manager, teacher, lab 1, lab 2

Ping from PC at Teacher room to all rooms

Use PC-Teacher ping to each device (PC or Printer)
at admin, manager, marketing, lab 1, lab 2 room.

Ping from PC at Lab 1 room to all rooms

Use PC-Lab 1 ping to each device (PC or Printer)
at admin, manager, teacher, teacher, lab 2 room.

Ping from PC at Lab 2 room to all rooms

Use PC-Lab 2 ping to each device (PC or Printer)
at admin, manager, teacher, lab 1, Lab 2 room.

This is a test plan to check if the devices in the network are working as expected.
2. Evaluate
Pros: This is a kind of star model, it is very simple and has few problems, if one device has a
problem, it will not affect the whole network, the network speed is fast because all devices can
connect to each other in the fastest way, ensuring that no connection is isolated, in the future
can add or remove terminals easily. Security is also very high. Using a dynamic IP allocation
system, there is no time to manually enter IP, convenient for the connection of computers and
devices in the network.


Cons: No DNS, HTTP, Email service and internet connection yet. There is no firewall system,
many servers are missing. The wireless network has not been integrated, making devices such
as laptops and phones unable to connect. Equipment costs are not optimized.
Solution: Set permissions to restrict access in rooms, for example, only Admin computers can
ping all rooms in the network, computers in labs 1 and 2 cannot ping staff machines at floor 1.
Increase the range of use of the network by adding wireless devices to the network. Add
Internet service and HTTP, DNS, Email servers to the network.
P7 - Implement a networked system based on a prepared design
1. Design routers, switches, devices for network.
Because the logical design has only a few representative PCs, the number of ports connected
will also differ from reality.
Step 1: Create VLAN for switch to use for devices.

Figure 10: VLAN 20 for SA_M (Manager, Admin room)
Create VLAN 20 on Switch SA_M for ports Fa0/1 to Fa0/9.


Figure 11: VLAN 10 for ST_M (Marketing, Teacher room)

Create VLAN 10 on Switch ST_M for ports Fa0/1 to Fa0/9.

Figure 12: VLAN 30 for SLab1 (Lab 1 room)
Create VLAN 30 on Switch SLab1 for ports Fa0/1 to Fa0/4.


Figure 13: VLAN 40 for SLab2 (Lab 2 room)
Create VLAN 40 on Switch SLab2 for ports Fa0/1 to Fa0/4.
Step 2: Design IP address, IP helper and OSPF for routers.

Figure 14: IP address and OSPF of router RS


Figure 15: IP address, IP helper and OSPF of router RST

Set IP addresses for ports Giga0/0, Ser0/1/0, Ser0/1/1 and no shutdown them and ospf 1 of the
2 routers. Also, set up the IP helper at the RST router so that the switches of this router are
dynamically assigned IP addresses by RS.


Step 3: Design ip dhcp pool at router RS.

Figure 16: ip dhcp pool at router RS
Design dhcp for R1Ga0, R1Ga1, R2Ga0, R2Ga1. They have “network” and “default-router”.
Step 4: Design basic settings for the router such as password, name, exec-timeout, banner.
Because the settings of these two routers differ only in the name, only a screenshot is displayed.

Figure 17: Basic settings of router


Step 5: Turn on mode DHCP for devices (PC, Printer, FileServer).

Figure 18: Turn on mode DHCP
Turn on this mode to PC to get IP address from router RS.


Show VLAN brief at switches:
Switch ST_M: VLAN 10 (Marketing, Teacher room)

Figure 19: VLAN 10
Ports: Fa0/1 -> Fa0/9.

Switch SA_M: VLAN 20 (Manager, Admin room)


Figure 20: VLAN 20
Ports: Fa0/1 -> Fa0/9.


Switch SLab1: VLAN 30 (Lab 1 room)

Figure 21: VLAN 30
Ports: Fa0/1 -> Fa0/4.

Switch SLab2: VLAN 40 (Lab 2 room)


Figure 22: VLAN 40
Ports: Fa0/1 -> Fa0/4.


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