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(SKKN mới NHẤT) enhance the effectiveness of teaching english 8 with mind mapping

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the answer keys.
- Ss: copy down.
(1) Objective: Sts are help to improve their speaking skill.
(2) Method: Communicative approach.
(3) Kind of activity: Individual ,pairs work.
(4) Materials: Extra board
Teacher & Ss activities
Step 1. Prepare for Ss to answerv the
questions about Mr Alex
1. Answer the questions
T asks Ss to go back the passage and answer
a.Alexander Graham bell was
the questions.
born in Endiburgh.He was on
a. Where and when was Alexander Graham
March 3,1847.


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Bell born?
b. When was the first telephone in commercial
Ss – answer the questions
V. Consolidation and homework (5’)

b. the first telephone in
commercial use on 1877

- Learn vocabulary by heart.
- Write the answer in exercise 2 into your notebook.
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 2 – Write.
2.4. Results achieved
Using of teaching techniques by Mind Mapping is an effective teaching
method to arouse the enthusiasm of students, encourage students to study with
The students also respond to complex and "real" plans that will be
encountered in later life. Detail.
Build self-study habits, self-planning in life, forging learning methods
The results and academic achievement are higher. The knowledge becomes
profoundly sustainable. easy to remember and remember faster, notes
effectively. Thanks to the open learning environment, students are confident,
comfortable to express themselves through Mind Mapping and listen to
comments of other members.
The following is the result, that I have gained when I used to teach

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techniques with mindmap and the class do not using Mind Map.
The survey interest of results.
Experimental class
Counterpart class

Content exploring the
interest in English
interest in learning English
The first semester of school year 2017-2018
Classes numbers

40% 19 54%
Based on the above results, I have noticed the effect of using mindmap.
The counterpart class.
The students can not remember all the concepts,they didn't remember the
contents of knowledge.They can know a little about the actual contact, so they
will be able to use skill to become life skills will be less.The students do not
understand concepts, they do not know how to handle real situations.They can
not contact and apply the knowledge into practice.After the results survey, the
number of students scored averages is very large, very few students scored good
and none of the students scored good, students still have weaknesses.
The experimental class.
+The students can understand the basic knowledge,
+ Knowing contact the actual
+ Positioning how to re Positioning how to resolve problem in request to check
out of the post.solve problem in request to check out of the post
The students have shown the slightest knowledge,the students are interest in

learning, lively classroom.The results were shown by the point test ,many
students scored good points
Thus,apply teaching techniques using Mind Maps can be used in lessons
Most of the students are eagerly listening to the teachers to teaching
the students study textbooks and reference books.Applying on the actual
observation. It used to layout of colors, lines, branches ,arranging suitable
ideas , easy understand and easy receptive.
Teaching with Mind Map brings excitement of learning to the students,
the enthusiasm of teachers
A mind map is an active teaching techniques.
Using the Mind Mapping technique creates a lively classroom
atmosphere,students love to study, learn lessons actively.


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3.1. Conclusion
By applying the teaching methodology of the mind map, I found that my
lessons have become more attractive to the students, creating a competitive
atmosphere and learning between the students.
The use of mind mapping in the unit aims to inspire students to learn and
improve the teaching effectiveness of the teacher. But the use of mindmap does
not overload the lesson content.Teachers should select the content and images
used to match the content and duration of each item, each part and the content of
each lesson.
Teaching is always a creative process, the quality of teaching in schools is
not based on the teaching methods of teachers but also depends on the method

learning of the students.The teachers, in addition to improve teaching methods,
the teachers have to do the task of guiding for students to learn, so that they
understand the contents of the lesson.
Using mindmap in teaching will bring good and encouraging results in the
way students learn.Students will learn how to learn, create and develop thinking.
Teachers will save time.
Using the thinking diagram in English teaching initially created a exciting
of teachers and students in the teaching activities of the school, is one of
the important content of the emulation movement.“Building friendly
school,active students ” the Ministry of Education and Training is deployment.
Mind map is a really effective thinking tool because it maximizing the resources
of individual and collective.
3.2. Recommendations
The most decision of teaching quality is the team of teachers. Therefore,
the teacher must have a solid expertise, appropriate methods, always cultivate, to
learn,update information and devoted with the students.
The using of mind mapping in teaching has many advantages, but this is
not the only teaching tool.We need to coordinate with the traditional teaching
aids to overcome the disadvantages and promote the advantages of each means,
meet the requirements of innovation content.To improve the quality of teaching
English.I have made some suggestions to the school, the education department,
the educational management agencies as follows:
Regularly encourage teachers to apply, using teaching methods
according to lesson research, new teaching methods to teach in general and
teaching English in particular. Strengthen open the training courses on
innovating teaching methods for teachers to teach english subject.To find
about the methods and teaching techniques in a positive way.
The above are some thoughts and my work in the process of
implementing this topic,certainly many shortcomings,in the implementation
process.I will continue to supplement, complete and find new measures to the

issue is getting more and more practical. It is hoped that the comments of the

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leaders, exchange of experience and help from colleagues to have more
valuable experience in their teaching, bring good results in teaching and learning
Finally, I swear this is my experience event, I do not copy other people's
I sincerely thank!

Tho Xuan, May 20th , 2018


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