Pace Center for Business
and Technology
Center for Business and Technology
Pace University’s Center for Business and Tech-
nology (formerly the Pace Computer Learn-
ing Center) was created in 1984 to respond
to public and corporate need for extensive
training in computer technology. Today, the
Center has expanded, and oers a wide choice
of non-credit, career-oriented courses in the
following areas:
Why Pace?
• Flexibleprogramdesignedfortheworkingprofessional– Take courses part-
time, and in any order you prefer, to t your busy schedule.
• Startimmediately,withfewprerequisites– Unlike other institutions with
yearly modules, at Pace you can start any time.
• Convenientlylocated–
lic transportation.
• Developedandtaughtbyleadersintheeld–
professionals, bringing their years of experience and connections to the class-
• Acenturyofexperienceandexcellence– Pace University was founded more
than 100 years ago with the working professional in mind, providing evening
courses to aspiring students. Today, many years later, Pace still provides students
with a broad and established network of resources that lead to success.
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
Pace University Center for Business and Technology
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Financial Planning Certicate
you are interested in beginning a new
career or giving your current career a
will help. Pace University’s Center for
Business and Technology oers the
The program prepares students for the
The program consists of seven courses.
– unless otherwise noted. The seven
courses are:
recommended to students as the rst
prehensive overview of critical topics in
the eld of nancial planning, such as
ing information, making recommenda-
tions, and writing, implementing, and
ning, including life, health, disability,
homeowners, auto and other property
ety of investment vehicles that may be
included in a client’s portfolio, as well as
client assessment, tax considerations,
economic factors, valuation methods,
asset allocation techniques, portfolio
performance evaluation, and more.
Because taxes aect virtually all nan-
cial (as well as personal) decisions,
having timely knowledge of tax laws
and issues greatly enhances your ef-
fectiveness as a planner and broadens
your ability to assist clients. This course
vidual income taxation and also encom-
passes the tax implications of decisions
on business entities and investments.
This course reviews the estate, gift and
generation skipping transfer tax system
and the techniques available to the
nancial planner for sitting down and
discussing opportunities for a client’s
the probate process, and how the titling
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
Financial Planning Certicate
of assets aects the transfer of assets in
ing the nancial planning student to
demonstrate the ability to integrate
and apply knowledge of a variety of
nancial planning topics covered in the
previous six courses. The class meets
This intensive, ve-day program pro-
vides an overview of concepts and
tested on the exam, focusing on the
six distinct areas of nancial planning.
study time and streamline test taking.
have found it to be a valuable use of
their time.
Become procient in this vital tool of
overview of formulas and functional-
Certied Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certication marks
CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, and federally registered CFP (with
ame design) in the United States, which awards these credentials to individu-
als who successfully complete the CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certication
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
Project Management and
Business Analysis
by businesses large and small.
ment) are powerful additions to any
assess the value of its current processes,
provides solutions for business prob-
lems, and helps dene requirements
for those solutions. Companies today
sis, and are adding new analysts to their
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
and together create the same delivera-
tion in the skills, tools and techniques
build a foundation of knowledge, con-
cepts and hands-on experience.
rials and a certicate from Pace Univer-
rigorous test preparation for the chal-
ough review of the process groups and
exposed to the types of questions to
expect, how best to answer them, and
to strategies that lead to exam success.
terials, certicate from Pace University,
and the right to repeat the class for any
This course should be attended by
business analysts, executives, functional
mers, and other individuals involved in
course builds both concepts and skills,
as students practice what they learn in
classroom exercises.
rials, certicate from Pace University.
Project Management and
Business Analysis
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
Web Development
Pace has a number of courses that
prepare students for careers in the ex-
you are interested in the structure and
functionality of a web site, the graphic
elements that give it beauty and attract
users, the use of databases to power
commercial websites, or the techniques
of web sites, Pace has a comprehensive
course for you.
Training Center.
will learn how to plan – design – build
and maintain a fully functional web-
site. The course is available to students
for anyone with a print background,
graphic designers, marketing and com-
munications professionals, and other
candidates wanting a strong foundation
of skills and knowledge in web design.
certicate from Pace University.
This 85-hour course is taught by an
teaches students the end-to-end pro-
The core of the program includes
cesses and best design practices as they
design, build and export content for
print and digital outputs for the iPad,
who enroll include graphic design-
ers, publishers, artists, entrepreneurs,
photographers, illustrators and other
candidates with basic or intermediate
knowledge of Photoshop, graphics
software or other similar tools.
certicate from Pace University.
tors, students with basic knowledge
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
will build applications both in and
outside class, and will be required to
build a web application as part of a
consumed by smartphones and other
digital devices.
certicate from Pace University.
marketing expert, will teach you to
to attract and engage customers, raise
your ranking within popular search
engines, and use other means like social
media to spread the word and help
certicate from Pace University
dents will learn how to include tables,
Web Development
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
Mobile Application Development
devices have been sold. Thousands of
new apps for these devices appear con-
for users. Pace oers courses in creating
apps for the iPhone and also for phones
exciting eld but do not have a founda-
tion in basic programming, Pace oers a
course to ll that gap.
Certicate in iPhone
develop iPhone technology skills so
that they can plan and build iPhone
and iPad apps, and upload those apps
course teaches students universal appli-
ming experience.
als, and certicate from Pace University.
applications, and also gain a thorough
knowledge and understanding of the
form. The class is open to anyone inter-
ested in learning how to build mobile
platform, or how to better understand
mobile application development pro-
cesses. Prerequisite: some background
phone is recommended but not re-
als, and a certicate from Pace Univer-
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
of classroom instruction supplemented
with outside class assignments. The
program teaches students with limited
programming backgrounds the skills
and knowledge needed to advance to
ment. The class is open to anyone inter-
ested in learning the basics of computer
experience is required.
als, and certicate from Pace University.
Mobile Application Development
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
Green Technologies
the sun and converts it into electricity
Power is clean, and kind to the environ-
convert sunlight directly into electricity.
have gone on to successful careers in
the eld.
This 40-hour course is designed for
electricians, homeowners, contractors
and others who have an interest in
designing and installing a PV system.
Participants must have a basic knowl-
edge of electricity and must possess the
will learn to work safely with PV sys-
tems, adapt the design to a specic site,
install sub-systems and components
onsite, review, inspect and commission
the system, maintain and troubleshoot
participate in two hands-on installa-
tions, one on-grid and one o-grid.
pare students for the material covered
cal theory and characteristics, electrical
cal and photovoltaic circuits. They will
Code, the proper use of hand tools,
schematic drawings and more.
Pace is an approved testing site for the
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
Microsoft Oce
the world. The Pace Center for Business and Technology oers beginner to ad-
als and review sheets at no additional cost, and every student receives a certicate
Current classes:
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
Technical Classes:
Red Hat Linux and A+
used Linux operating system. Pace
oers courses leading to two certica-
This 40-hour course is designed for
those with little or no knowledge of
tive users of Linux systems, and will
acquire an understanding of command
line functions, le systems, users and
groups, bash shell, process manage-
ment, text editors, network applica-
and graphical applications.
This course is open to anyone with ex-
administration to the level where they
can attach and congure a workstation
on an existing network. They will mas-
ter tasks such as hardware and device
conguration, le system management,
user administration, network congu-
rations, kernel services, attaching new
Linux systems to a corporate network,
conguring the new systems for end-
users, and troubleshooting. The class
to become full-time enterprise Linux
system administrators.
44-hour program teaches students to
deploy and administer the core net-
dents learn to implement and admin-
ister basic security policies relating to
user authentication, and to secure net-
ly learn skills in system monitoring and
implementing common encryption pro-
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
test review and preparation.
tionally, demonstrates that the holder
pass two competitive exams. The ex-
ams focus on vendor-neutral hardware
and security, as well as the communi-
cation skills and professionalism now
tify and install hardware, connectors,
cables, peripherals, networking and
security components, motherboards,
hard drives, memory CPUs and more.
exams, practice exam software, and a
certicate from Pace University.
Technical Classes:
Red Hat Linux and A+
Call for details 914-422-4054 or 212-346-1222
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Pace University
Center for Business and Technology
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