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My grandfather hasn't spoken to me since Saturday
—> I last spoke to my grandfather on Saturday.
You mustn't take photographs in the museum.
—> Photographs in the museum mustn't be taken.
I was late because the flight was delayed for two hours.
—> If the flight hadn't been delayed for two hours, I wouldn't have been late.
Do you remember what you have to do? The teacher asked her students.
—> The teacher asked her students if they remembered what they had to do.
I can't get my feet into these shoes.
—> These shoes are too small for me to get my feet.
She last wrote to me 6 months ago
—> She hasn't written to me for 6 months.
You must wear trainers in the sports centre at all times
—>Trainers must be worn in the sports centre at all times.
I didn't pay attention in class. I didn't understand the lesson
—> If I had paid attention in class, I would have understood the lesson
"Do you know how old the earth is?" My brother asked me
—> My brother asked me if I knew how old the earth was
I can't wait to go sightseeing in Rome
—> I'm looking forward to going sightseeing in Rome
"I'm meeting a friend at the station later today," Matthew said.
—> Matthew said that he was meeting a friend at the station later that day
You spend all your money on clothes, so you don't have any for books
—> If you didn't spend all your money on clothes, you would have for books
It costs nothing to attend a state school
—> It doesn't anything to attend a state school.
City schools are usually larger than schools in the country
—> Schools in the country are not as large as city schools.
All our guests will enjoy this lunch
—> This lunch will be enjoyed by all our guests.
Hans Christian Andersen wrote many well-known children's stories

—> Many well-known children's stories were written by Hans Christian Andersen
We found out that travelling by train is more expensive than travelling by bus
—> We found out that travelling by bus is not as expensive as travelling by train

The trip was good that will never forget it
—> It was a good trip that will never forget
He can't sleep because it's so noisy
—> If it weren't so noisy, he could sleep
"I'm talking my driving test tomorrow," said Rachel
—> Rachel said that she was talking his driving test the following day
Daniel started Italian classes six months ago
—> Daniel's had Italian class for six months
After seeing an advertisement for Italian lessons, Daniel decided to go
—> Daniel saw an advertisement for Italian lesson and then decided to go
There are fifteen other students in his Italian class
—> His Italian class has fifteen others in it.
Daniel thinks that speaking Italian is easier than writing it.
—> Daniel doesn't think that speaking is as difficult as writing Italian.
Daniel's teacher is Italian and her name's Chiara Paolozzi
—>Daniel's teacher is Italian, and she's called Chiara Paolozzi
The students are given two hours of homework each week
—> Each week Chiara gives the students two hours of homework
There is a new swimming pool in our town
—> Our town has got a new swimming pool
It's six months since I last went swimming
—> I have not been swimming for six months
The new pool is near to my home
—> It's not far from the new pool to my home
If you can't swim, you're not allowed in the deep end

—> You're not allowed in the deep end unless you can swim
My friend Sam wanted me to go swimming with him
—> "Why don't you come swimming with me"? suggested Sam
I didn't go swimming with Sam because I was very busy
—> I was too busy to go swimming with Sam.
Probably, no other painting is as famous as La Gioconda.
—> La Gioconda is probably the most famous painting in the world.
Nobody is sure of the identity of the woman in the painting
—> Nobody is sure who the woman in the painting is.

People find the smile of the woman in the painting interesting.
—> People are interested in the smile of the woman in the painting.
It took Leonardo a long time to paint this picture
—> Leonardo spent a long time painting this picture.
Does anyone know what this picture is worth today
—> Does anyone know how much money this picture is worth today?
They are going to invite over a hundred people to the wedding reception
—> Over hundred people are going to be invited to wedding reception by them
A neighbour fed our dog while we were away
—> Our dog was fed while we were away by a neighbour
He refused to give up work, even though he had won a million pounds
—> In inspite of having won a million pounds, he refused to give up work
They don't meet their friends very often because they work in night-shifts
—> If they didn’t work in nightshifts, they would meet their friends very often
We saw the new X-men film on Saturday and again on Thursday
—> We’ve already seen the new X-men twice
I have never visited a place as hot as this
—> This is the hottest place I have ever visited
He lost his money simply because he wasn't careful

—> If he had been careful, he wouldn’t have lost his money
"Are you busy tonight, Paola?" Said, Peter
—> Peter asked Paola if she was busy that night
It took us two months to do an intensive course
—> We spent two months doing an intensive course
He has a good relationship with the colleagues in his department
—> He gets on well with the colleagues in his department
The meal was more expensive than I thought
—>The meal wasn’t so cheap, so I thought
You mustn't eat those leaves. They are poisonous!
—>Those leaves are poisonous for you to eat
Somebody wrote a poem about this waterfall
—>A poem about this waterfall was written by somebody
He lives alone. He isn't happy
—>If he didn’t live alone, he would happy

He started investigating the case a week ago
—>He has been investigated the case for a week
I didn't pay attention in class. I didn't understand the lesson
—>If I had paid attention in class, I would have understood the lesson
Travelling by plane is expensive
—>It isn’t cheap to travel by plane
The hospital was so big that I couldn't find my cousin's bed
—>It was such a big hospital that I couldn’t find my cousin’s bed
I find studying all night rather difficult
—>I’m not used to studying all night
"Don't watch that film because it's so violent", She said
—>She told her children not to watch that film because it was so violent
You shouldn't give a child everything he or she wants

—>A child shouldn’t be given everything he or she wants
They are offering a reward for any information useful to police
—>A reward is being offered for any information useful to police
Swimmers from visiting team do not need to pay to use lockers
—>It is unnecessary for swimmers from visiting team pay to use lockers
The sky was so clear that I could see millions of stars
—>It was such a clear sky that I could see millions of stars
You must not play games on your computer while at work
—>You are not allowed to play games on your computer while at work
I can't watch the football match live because I don't have a satellite TV
—>If I had a satellite TV, I would watch the football match live
Valerie found it hard to concentrate on her book because of the noise
—>Valerie had difficulty in concentrating on her book because of the noise
"Can I continue what I am doing, Mum", the little boy asked his mother
—>The little boy asked his mother he could continue what he was doing
This exercise is very easy compared to the one I did last week
—>The exercise I did last week was more difficult than this one
I last saw her at the end of May
—>I haven’t seen her since the end of May
Could you lend me some money until the weekend?
—>Could I borrow you some money until the weekend

The film was so good that they couldn't stop talking about it
—>It was such a good film that they couldn’t stop talking about it
I walk to school in 20 minutes
—>It takes me 20 minutes to walk to school
"Bring your swimming things in case it's sunny"
—>He told me to bring my swimming things in case it was sunny
She prefers action films to dramas

—>She likes action films more than dramas
They should teach their staff useful work skills
—>The staff should be taught useful work skills
I think I've gained a few kilos over the last few months
—>I think I have put on a few kilos over the last few months
We arrived in London 2 days ago
—>We have been in London for two days
She got in a lot of trouble because she didn't pay her bills
—>If she had paid her bills, she wouldn’t have gotten in much trouble
We give opportunities to people with initiative
—>People with initiative are given opportunities
They have to change the plan to Florida because of the rough water
—>The plan to Florida has to be changed because of the rough water
It didn't rain yesterday so I had to water the plants
—>If it had rained, I wouldn’t have had to water the plants
I find studying at night rather difficult
—>I’m not used to studying at night
My family moved to this house 60 years ago
—>My family have lived in this house for 60 years
Ken is standing on his balcony despite the rain
—>Although it is raining, Ken is standing on his balcony
"Don't take the radio into the bathroom because it's dangerous", said Mum
—>Mum told not to take the radio into the bathroom because it was dangerous
Richard is overweight because he doesn't take any exercise
—>If Richard took exercise, he would be overweight
Tennis is more enjoyable to watch than other sports
—>Tennis is the most enjoyable sports to watch

You must keep the meat in a refrigerator, or it will spoil

—>Meat must be kept in refrigerator, or it will spoil
The manager always welcomes new employees
—>New employees always are welcomed by the manager
I can't come because I have to help my dad to fix the computer
—>If I didn’t have to help dad to fix the computer, I would come
The last time I had a dental appointment was six months ago
—>I haven’t had a dental appointment for six months
The sky was so clear that I could see millions of stars
—>It was such a clear sky that I could see millions of stars
I can't possibly get to work if the buses are on strike
—>It is impossible for me to work if the buses are on strike
Most people hope they will have enough money to buy a house or a flat
—>Most people hope they will afford money to buy a house or a flat
Please extinguish that cigarette right now
—>Please put that cigarette out right now
The teacher is giving a test in the next room right now
—>A test is being given in the next room right now by the teacher
David has so many accidents because he's so clumsy
—>If he weren’t so clumsy, he wouldn’t have a lot of accidents
I started studying law in 2003 and I'm still studying law
—>I have been studying law since 2003
I disagree with his point of view, but I understand why he thinks that way
—>Although disagreeing with his point of view, but I understand why he thinks that way
The shop is not very busy today compared to yesterday
—>The shop was busier yesterday than it is today
"Do you know that the shoes you are wearing aren't a pair"? I asked him
—>I asked him if he knew that the shoes, he was wearing weren’t a pair
Tom and Ken like many of the same things
—>Tom and Ken like many things in common
His daughter owns this flat

—>This flat belongs to his daughter
I walk to school in 20 minutes
—>It takes me 20 minutes to walk to school

The local authority must warn the tourists that there are crocodiles in the area
—>The tourists must be worn that there are crocodiles in the area by the local authority
The police are looking for a missing girl
—>A missing girl is being looked by the police
My brother didn't leave the car keys, so I couldn't pick him up at the station
—>If my brother had left the car keys, I would have picked him up at the station
Those people weren't prepared to face the floods; therefore, the consequence was
—>If those people had prepared to face the floods, the consequence wouldn’t have been
Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded
—>In spite of the fact that…
She knows more about it than I do
—>I don’t know as much as she does (I know lesser about it than she does)
Mobile phones used to be much more expensive
—>Mobile phones aren’t as expensive as they were
"Don't bite your nails because they are dirty", said Mrs Roger to her nephew
—>Mrs Roger told her nephew not to bite his nails because they were dirty
My father finds it difficult to get up early on cold winter days.
—>My father has difficulty in getting up early on cold winter days
People should send their complaints to the main office
—>People’s complaints should be sent to the main office
They don't allow workers to use the office telephone for personal calls
—>Workers mustn’t use the office telephone for personal calls
I didn't know you were coming, so I didn't wait for you

—>If I had known you were coming, I would have waited for you
He can't improve his English because he doesn't practice every day
—>If he practiced every day, he would improve his English
The last time they spoke to each other was nine months ago
—>They haven’t spoken to each other for nine months
The earthquake was so powerful that the town was completely destroyed
—>It was such a powerful earthquake that the town was completely destroyed.
Women can handle stress better than men

—>Men handling stress isn’t as good as women. Men can’t handle stress as well as women
The match was postponed due to the bad weather
—>The match was put off due to the bad weather
The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly
—>If the driver in front hadn’t stopped so suddenly, the accident would haven’t happened.
She came to Italy two days ago
—>She has been in Italy for two days
The river water was so cold that we couldn't swim for the whole day
—>It was such a cold river water that we couldn’t swim for the whole day
This is my first visit to Japan
—> This is the first I have come to Japan
How long have Helen and Robert been married?
—> When did Helen and Robert get married?
Jack bought those trousers last month and has been wearing them ever since
—> Jack hasn't bought those trousers a month ago and wasn't wearing them
The last time Nancy came here was in 1986
—> Nancy hasn't been here since 1986
I haven't been to the cinema for two months
—> I last came to the cinema two months ago.
Tommy didn't break the chair

—> The chair wasn’t broken by Tommy
People should send their complaints to the main office
—> Complaints should be sent to the main office
He has a good relationship with all his students
—>He gets on well with all his students
We have given winter equipment to all the soldiers
—>Winter equipment has been given to all the soldiers
They are demolishing the old building this Friday
—>The old building is being demolished this Friday
The midfielders didn't pass the ball exactly, so our team didn't have more chances to
—>Our team would have had more chances to attach, if the midfielders had passed the ball
I don't have enough money to go on holiday this year

—>I can’t afford to go on holiday this year
He never has enough money
—>He’s always short of money
You became ill because the fish wasn't cooked properly
—>If the fish had been cooked properly, you wouldn’t have become ill
You didn't get better because you didn't take your pills
—>If you had taken your bills, you would have felt better
It's illegal to take a gun onto a plane in most countries
—>It’s against the law to take a gun onto a plane in most countries
It will be difficult to reach the others as they're a long way ahead
—>It’ll will be difficult to catch up with the other’s as they’re as a long way ahead
Our teacher thought that Trudy was responsible for the damage, but she wasn't
—>Our teacher blamed the damage on Trudy, but she wasn’t
Prince Charles is heir to the throne of England, His wife was Princess Diana

—>Prince Charles whose wife was Princess Diana is heir to the throne of England
Some thieves managed to enter the bank illegally
—>The bank was broken into by some thieves
I've never done a job more difficult than this
—>This is the most difficult job I’ve done
Adrian fell asleep during the film because he was very tired
—>Adrian was so tired that she fell asleep during the film
I'm much better at this job than Gordon
—>Gordon isn’t as good at this job as me (is worse than me at this job)
Few languages are as difficult as Chinese and Japanese
—>Chinese and Japanese are the most difficult languages
Although Sue looked for the book for a long time, she couldn't find it
—>Although sue spent a long time looking for the book, she couldn’t find it
I don't really like her although I admire her achievements
—>Despite admiring her achievements, I don’t really like her
Because I was unprepared for the test, I didn't do well
—>Because of being unprepared for the test, I didn’t do well
You can always trust Souli
—> You can always rely on Souli
Jean succeeded in finishing her work on time

—>Jeans managed to finish her work on time
"When did your brother join the army"? Mary asked me
—>Mary asked me when my brother had joined the army?
"Do you want to go to the cinema with us"? they asked him
—>They asked him if he wanted to go to the cinema with them?
"Why don't we go to the cinema this evening?" Peter suggested
—>Peter suggested going to the cinema that evening
"I felt my umbrella here two days ago," Susan told them

—>Susan told them that she had felt her umbrella there two days before
They are building a new bridge over that river
—> A new bridge is being built over that river
It started raining two hours ago. It hasn’t stopped yet
—>It has been raining for two hours.
They are installing security cameras here
—> Security cameras are being installed here
The saw the new X-men film on Saturday and again on Thursday
We’ve already seen the new X-men film twice
It took us two months to do an intensive course
We spent two months doing an intensive course
He has a good relationship with his colleagues in his department
He gets on well with his colleagues in his department
You mustn’t eat those leaves. They are poisonous!
Those leaves are too poisonous for you to eat.
I find studying all night rather difficult
I’m not used to studying all night
Swimmers from visiting team do not need to pay to use lockers
It is not necessary for swimmers from visiting team to pay to use lockers
You must not play games on your computer while at work
You not allowed to play games on your computer while at work

Valerie found it hard to concentrate on her book because of the noise.
Valerie had difficulty in concentrating on her books because of the noise.
This exercise is very easy compared to the one I did last week
The exercise I did last week was more difficult than this one.
She prefers action films to dramas

She likes action films more than dramas.

I think I’ve gained a few kilos over the last few months
I think I’ve put on a few kilos over the last few months
We arrived in London 2 days ago
We have been in London for 2 days.
My family moved to this house 60 years ago
My family have been living in this house for 60 years.
I can’t possibly get to work if the buses are on trike
It is impossible for me to get to work if the buses are on trike
Most people hope they will have enough money to buy a house or a flat
Most people hope they will be able to afford to buy a house or a flat.
The shop is not very busy today compared to yesterday
The shop was busier yesterday than it is today.
Mobile phones used to be much more expensive
Mobile phones aren’t as expensive as they used to be.
My father finds it difficult to get up early on cold winter days
My father has difficulty in getting up early on cold winter days.
Jane is really excited about meeting her ex-boyfriend again
Jane is looking forward to meeting her ex-boyfriend again.
The doctor thought he couldn’t recover from lung cancer
The doctor thought he couldn’t get over lung cancer.
I’d like you to help me put the chairs away
Do you mind helping me put the chairs away?
The water was so cold that the children couldn’t swim in
The water was not warm enough for the children couldn’t swim in
The are more letters to learn in my language than in English
There aren’t as many letters to learn in English as in my language
“We moved into the area two years ago” Bella said
Bella said that they had moved into the area two years before
She started studying the piano when she was 7 years old
She has studied the piano since she was 7 years old.

Mary has studied French for 5 years
Mary began studying French 5 years ago
My brother last got access to online learning three weeks ago

The last time my brother got access to online learning was three weeks ago.
It is ages since Michael last went to his school
Michael hasn’t been to his school for ages.
We talked to our teacher John on Monday and again on Friday
We’ve already talked to our teacher John twice.
The last time she went back to school was 10 years ago
She hasn’t been back to school for 10 years.
My grandfather hasn’t spoken to me since Saturday
I last spoke to my grandfather on Saturday
She gets on well with her parents
She has a good relationship with her parents
Your essay did not get higher scores because you forgot to check the spelling
If you hadn’t forgotten to check the spelling, your essay would have gotten higher scores.
The last time they caught the sight of a UFO was 10 years ago.
They haven’t caught the sight of a UFO for 10 years.
Oil is slowly covering the sand of the beach
The sand of the beach is being slowly covered by oil.
It takes her three hours a day to report her work
She spends three hours a day reporting her work
“Can I continue what I am doing, Dad?” Mike asked his father
Mike asked his dad if he could continue what he was doing.
