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35 bài tập giới từ tiếng Anh: Phần 1

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Tron Bo SGK:

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Các bạn thân mến,
Giới từ đóng một vai trị vơ cùng quan trọng trong
cảu tiêng Anh. Nếu bạn quên hay dùng sai giới từ của
một cấu trúc câu, câu đó sẽ bị hiểu sai nghĩa.
Đê giúp bạn gỡ rối vấn đề trên, chúng tôi tổ chức
biên soạn cuốn sách “B à i tậ p g iớ i từ tiến g Anh".
Những bài tập về giới từ tiếng Anh trong sách này
là rất cần thiết cho những ai muốn nâng cấp vốn Anh
ngữ của mình. Cuốn sách gồm 35 bài tập cơ đọng, xúc
tích, phần lời giải ở phần cuối sách sẽ giúp bạn tra cứu
đáp án khi khơng tìm ra hướng giải quyết.
Sách trình bày ngắn gọn, rõ ràng, dễ hiêu đê bạn
có th ể tiếp thu kiến thức một cách hiệu quả nhất.
Hi vọng qua cuốn sách nàyy các bạn sẽ cải thiện
đáng kể trình độ Anh ngữ của mình. Chúc các bạn
thành cơngĩ


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Tron Bo SGK:

Download Ebook Tai:

Tron Bo SGK:

I. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.








1. She showed great appreciation......... good music.
2. There was a picturesque approach..^.... the house.
3. Ted has an aptitude...... ...arithmetic.
4. She shewed great a r d o u r ...m u s ic .
5. An intelligent clerk is a great a s s e t . . a firm.
6. An attack was launched.
7. He made an attempt........ past the exam.
8. The attendance..........the meeting was large.
9. He showed his great attention...........his work.
10. What is your attitu d e^ ;.p olitics?
11. We have no authority......... increasing.........increase your

12. Nielson is authority...... ...that subject.
13. The soldier received an award~..w.^gallantry.
14. You have no bnsi£......... such a belief.
15. We Jiad many battle......... the US troop.
16. The others put..the blame........¿..Dick.
17. Nobody believed him due to his breach............. promise.
18. He gave her a bunch.........flowers.
19. John does business......... a firm.
20. I am a candidate..........that post of teaching.


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Tron Bo SGK:

II. Choose the best answer.

1. Don’t be familiar......... him; he’s a dishonest man.
a into
b. to
c. with
2. These facts may be familiar......... you.
a with
b. about
. c to

d into

3. She is famous.............. her intelligence.
a for
b. in
c. with


4. She is fond....................................music.
a to
b. with
c about


' d of

5. I’m always forgetful.........students’ names.
a to
b. of
a in
tL about
6. These goods are free........ duty.,
a from
b. with
c. in


7. He is good......... all sports.
a at
b. in

c. into

d with

8. She is greedy..........fame.
a with
b. into

c. for

d in


9. He was i l l ........ fever.
a to
b. in

c. with

d for

10. If you earn a good salary, you can be independent ...
your parents.
a for

b. to
-c of
d bv
11. Is he guilty or innocent......... the cnme?
a of
b. to
c with

d for

12. He is iealous...........his rival’s success.
a bv
b. of
c with

d for

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Tron Bo SGK:

V . . .’O '

13. He is mad........................... music.
b. after
c. for
14. This table is made......... wood.
a from

c. into

d all are correct.
d to

15. Gas is made........................... coal.
>a of
b. from
c. with

d to

16. He is negligent.............. his duties.
a with
b. to
c for

( d. of

17. This work is new........ me.
a with
b. to

c. about

d for

18. I am very much opposed......... your going abroad.
a to

b. with
a by
d for
19. She was offended........her husband.
a with
b. by
c to
d a and b are correct
20. He was offended......... my remarks.
a at
c. a and bare correct
21. He made himself pleasant......... visitors.
a to
b. for
c. by
22. He is qualified......... teaching English.
a to
23. Are you ready...........the journey?
a for
b. to
c. with

d with

d by


24. Can we be sure...........his honesty?
a of
d. with
c. to

d for


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Tron Bo SGK:

25. I’m tired..........boiled eggs.
a to
- b. of

c. with

d. by

A t a cost of - They were bulding a bridge at a cost of
10 , 000,000
A t a disadvantage (under difficult conditions) - The opposing

team were at a disadvantage.
A t a discount (at less than nomal cost) - Things are sold here
at a discount.
A t your discretion (as you with) - You can deal with this at
your discretion.
A t ease (comfortably) - He was sitting at ease in the best
A t fau lt (in the wrong) - You were at fault in not keeping to
the right.
A t first (at the beginning) - 1 didn’t like him at first, but now
I do.
A t a glance (quickly) - The policeman saw at a glance what
was wrong.
(close) a t hand (close, near)-Is there a chemist’s close at
A t heart (deep inside) - at heart he is romantic.
Com plete sentence with one of the above expressions.

1. He was.......... in not asking for permission.
2. Supermakets often sell things..........
3. The road was bad.........., but it soon improved.
4. He took in the situation..........
5. The champion was..........because of his age.
6. The cattle was rebuilt.......... 20,000.

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Tron Bo SGK:

7. I never feel......... in his company.
8. The church isn’t far; it’s quite.........
9. He pretends not to like his job, but......... he does.
10. Don’t hurry; come.........


appreciation for
approach to
aptitude for
ardour for
asset to
attack against
attempt to
attendance at
attention to
attitude to/towards
authority for doing Sth/
to do Sth
authority on
award for
basic for

battle against/with
blame on
breach of
bunch of
business with
candidate for

siXddnh gid coo
dittingden, siXtiep can
kha nangue
siXsay me ve
tai sdn dot vdi
sti tan cong chohg lai
six cogang
ô ã
siXchuy den
thai do dot vdi
quyen lam gi
co thdm quyen ve
phan thiXctng cho
trdn ddnh vdi
siXdo I6i cho ai
siXvi pham
sit lam an vdi
ting cii vlen cho


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Tron Bo SGK:



to be familiar with S.O
to be familiar to
to be famous for
to be fond of
to be forgetful of S.T
free of duty
to be good at
to be greedy for S.T
to be ill with fever
to be independent of
to be guilty of
to be jealous of
to be mad about
to be made of


to be made from


to be negligent of
to be new to S.O
to be opposed to
to be offended with (by)
to be offended at(by)
to make oneself
pleasant to S.O
to be qualified fordoing
to be readv for
to be sure of


thdn mat, Id tinh nhdn cua ai
ranh re, quen thuoc
not tieng ve
hay quen ve

gioi ve (nrubngi)
ham muon dieu gi
bi sot
doc lap vdi, khong le thuoc
c6 toi: to be innocent of vo toi
garth U ve
say me, ham me
lam bang (vat ditcfc lam ra con
giti chat lieu ban dau)
: lam tit (vat dM c lam ra khong
con giU chat lieu ban dau)
: xaolang
: rrudi la doi vdi a i
: phan doiy phdn khang
: bi xuc pham bdi ai, gian ai

M *




: gian diC, bi/c rninh vi viec gi
: via ve chieu chuong, lam hdi
long ol
: du tieu chuan, du trinh do lam
viec gL
: san sang
: choc chan


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Tron Bo SGK:

- to be tired of

: chan


at a cost of
at a disadvantage
at a discount
at your discretion
at ease
at fault
at first
at a glance
at hand
at heart


ixtigia, trigia
dang bi bat kfi

de chiu
chi thoang nhin
tan day Long


Download Ebook Tai:

Tron Bo SGK:

I. Complete the sentences using the w ords in the box.









1. Take no n otice.......................him.
2. He is an object.....'.....scorn.
3. He has no objection...;..... his son’s visit.
4. This is an occasion.........celebration.
5. It was an offence........... the state.
6. We had a low opinion........... Sanders.
7. Wrong is the opposite............... Right.
8. He gave a big order........... plastic flowers.
9. We received an order.................... his firm.
10. Death is the penalty............ murder.
11. He had a keen perception............human nature.
12. He had no permit.........the gun.
13. It is a pity.........John’s failure.
14. He felt a lot of pity..........the beggar.
15. Have pity..........me


16. The lawyer made a plea..........mercy.
17. The dictator has great power..........the people.
18. The judge said there was no precedent..........this case.
19. I wrote a preface..........his book
20. He made no pretension......................... authority.


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Tron Bo SGK:

II. Choose the best answer.

1. What is the advantage......... doing this?
a of
b. about
c with

d by

2. What did Mr. Brown die......... ?
a with
b. by
a in

d of

3. In spite..........his ill health, Johnson did very well.
a to
b. with
d for
4. He is a friend......... mine.
a with
b. in

; a of

d to

5. It was story.........adventure and romance.
a in
b. with
c. of

d to

6. You are never......... want of money.
a on
b. in
c for

d out of

7............time of war we have to agree to things we should
refuse............time of peace.
a. in -in
b. on - in
c.on - on
d. in - on

8. Vegetarians live......... vegetables, fruit and nuts.
a. for

b. with
c. in
d. on
9. Did you come here................ foot?
a. in
b. on
c. by

d. for

10. She is..........drugs.
a. of
b. in

c. for

d. off

11. I’m......... my food.
a. at
b. in

c. for

d. off

12. She came here...........horseback.
a. on
b. by
c. in

d. with


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Tron Bo SGK:

13. Turn the main road here and you will come to the
a . right
b. left
c. off
d away fom
14. He is............ smoking.
a in
b. off

c. to

d. into

15. We are really looking forward..........our ship ...........
Hawaii and Japan.

a on - to
b. at - to
c. to - to
d in * to
16............mistake, I took the wrong book from my desk this
a Through
b. by
c. with
d in
17. Professor Morre called my attention..........that particular
a about
b. with
c. by
d to
18............the most part, his explanations are quite easy to
a for
b. through
c. with
d toward
19 general, that is true. However, there are many
a on
b. in
c. by
d through
20. The teacher said we had to learn all these expressions

a with
b. By
c. through
d in
21. That is last year’s telephone directory. It’s.... ..... date
a into
b. out of
c. besides
d out
22. What’s the matter..........Howard? He seems to be very
a to
b. With
c. from
d of

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Tron Bo SGK:

23. Can you recommend me a good book......... life in the
sixteenth century?
a of
b. About
c in

24. He put his hand......... his back so that I couldn’t see what
was in it.
a behind
b. in back of
a in
25. The temperature today is..........freezing point.
a down |
b. behind
a below
d before

A t liberty (free to) - You are at liberty to say what you like.
A t a loss (unable, confused) - We were at a loss to understand
his attitude.
A t (the) most (as maximum) - He earns at most 10 a week.
A t once (immeadiately) - Come here at once.
A t peace (in a state of peace) - 1 feel at peace with the world.
A t play (playing)-There was a noise of children at play.
A t a profit (profiably)-He sold his house at a profit.
A t random (without system, plan) - 1 chose a book at random.
A t a rate (at a speed) - he works at a great rate.
A t a risk (on one’s own responsibility) - If you take these
pills, it is at your own risk.
Complete sentence with one of the above expressions.

1. Children......... often make a lot of noise.
2. Persons crossing the railway line do so......... own..........
3. Stop that......... !

4. After years of war, the country is now.


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5. There isn’t a very big audience; there are.......... 50 people
in the hall.
6. I picked up a record..........
7. He is very sure of himself and never.......... for an answer.
8. Nobody can force you to accept; you ar.......... to refuse.
9. We quickly sold the house we had bought..........
10. These stockings are selling.......... great...........

notice of

sit chu y den

object for

doi tMngcho

objection to

si/phdn doi vdi

occasion for

ccthoi cho

offence against

sitvi pham chong leu

opinion of

y kien dank gia

opposite of

titphdn nghla cua

order for
order from

• • ua
defn dot hang

penalty for

funk phot cho

perception of

sit nhan thtic ve

permit for

phep sit dung

pity about

si/ thitdng hqi ve

pity for

sit thitOng hoi doi vdi

pity on

sit thitctng xot doi vdi

plea for

sit nai xin


power over

quyen liic tren


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Tron Bo SGK:

- precedent for
- preface to
- pretension to

tiền lệđôĩ vớt
lời mở đầu cho
sự khoe khoang


- advantage doing S.T

to die of
in spite of
a friend of mine
a story of adventure
to be in want of money
in time of war


to live on
on foot
off drugs
off (one’s) food
on horseback

- to turn off a road
- off smoking
• to look forward to
by mistake
to call S.O’s attention to

ưu điểm, của việc làm cơng
chết vì
mặc dừ
một người bạn của tôi
một câu chuyện phiêu lưu
thiếu tiền
vào lúc chiến tranh; In
time of peace.- vào lúc hồ
sống nhờ vào
(đi) bộ, (đi) bằng chân
bỏ thức ăn
trên lưng ngựa, cưỡi ngựa
lái xe ra khỏi một con

nhịn thuốc láy bỏ thuốc lá
mong, mong mòi, to a
place: tới một nơi
do nhầm lẫn
lưu ỷ ai về điều gi


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Tron Bo SGK:

- for the most part

phần lớỉĩy đại bộ phận

- In general
- to learn S/T by heart

nói chung
học thuộc ỉịng điều gi

• out of date

lỗi th ờ i, k h Ơ T ìg cb n h Ợ p

- What’s the matter with
- A book about S.T

sao thế?

- Behind

đằng sau, ở đằng 9CLU

- Below freezing point

dưới điểm đông đạc

th ờ i

quyển sách bàn về đ iầ ig í


- At liberty
- At most

tự do
fÃ* ^
lô von
tối đa

- At once

ngay lập tức

- At peace


• At play

đang chơi

- At a profit

00 lãi

- At random
• At a rate

khơng nằm trong kế hoạch
tốc độ

- At a risk

rủi ro, nguy hiểm

- At a loss


Download Ebook Tai:

Tron Bo SGK:

I. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.







1. There were millions of stars..........the sky.
2. Richard made a mistake........ his calculations.
3. My firm has a monopoly.........cement.
4. There is a good deal of mystery...............his disappearance.
5. This book is about the mystery..........the missing diamond.
6. This company has a name......... reliability.
7. She writes under the name......... Aunt May.
8. He was a native......... China.
9. There is no necessity......... rudeness: you can rebuke him
10. There is no need......... concern.
11. There has been no news......... the mountaineers.
12. He has a lust......... glory.
13. The rocket is a marvel......... modern science.
14. Every man is master......... his own destiny.

15. This little boy was no match..........the bully.
16. This is a matter......... complaint.
17. It is a matter..........life and death.
18. What is the matter......... you?
19. Jackson is a member......... our club.
20. He begged the judge to have mercy..........him.

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Tron Bo SGK:

II. C h o o se the best answer.

1. This car belongs...... my brother.
a by
b. with
c. to

d all are incorrect
2. I shall wait..........you.
a about
b. by

c. to

3. He succeeded...........opening the door.
a in
b. by

c. with
4. Listen..........our teacher!
a with
c. for

d. for
d at

b. to
d all are correct

5. An accident has happened..........that family.
a to
b. with
c against
d for
6. He aimed..........the tiger.
a for
b. at

c. with

d to

7. The government must care........ the families of invalid
a about
b. for
c to
d at

8. She complained............ the heat.
a to
b. on
c. by

d with

9. She complained............ the heat.
3- to
b. of
c. with

d against

10. My wife looks............my daughter.
a after
b. into
c. at

d for

11. He is looking............... his glasses.
a after
b. for
c. into

d by


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Tron Bo SGK:

12. The child is looking..........the pictures on the walls.
a at
b. for
c. after
d. with
13. Tell me......... your work.
a at
b. into

c about

d. after

14. Put yourself..............................my place.
a in
b. on
c. near

d against

15. May I trouble you......... a match?
a with
b. about
c. for

d into

16. He provides his son............................money.
a for
b. of
c. with
d in
17. I really respect that man......... his honesty.
a by
b. about
c. with
d for
18. Sometimes I wonder........... that very much.
a of
b. about
c. with
d by
19. Keep away........... those electrical wires.
a to
b. of
c off

d from

20. She treated me......... cake, ice-cream and tea.
a with
b. for
c. into
d to
21. She sacrifices her life.................. her family.

a with
b. for
c. into
d to /
22. It isn’t an answer................ my question.
a for
b. of
c. to
23. He was accused...........stealing a Honda.
a of
b. in
c to

d with

24. She spent a lot of money..........cosmetics.
a in
b. on
c. into

d for

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d with

Tron Bo SGK:

25. He wasted little time..........social formalities.

a for
b. on
c. to
d. in

For life (good) (until death) - He was crippled for life and
never walked again.
For a living (to earn a living) - She sells antiques for a living.
For long (for aperiod) - It was for long believed the earth was
For lunch (tea, etc.) - We always have eggs for breakfast.
For the m ost p a rt (in the majority)- They are for the most
part French, but some are Italian.
For once (on one occasion) - He doesn’t usually agree, but for
once he did.
For the sake of (thinking of) - Parents usually make sacrifices
for the sake of their children.
For sake (hire, rent) (to be sold) - The firm has a number of
house for sale.
For short (in short form) - His name is Nicholas, Nick for
For show (to produce an effect) - The room is furnished for
show, not for comfort.
Complete sentence with one of the above expressions.



He’s not often punctual, but..........he was.
I’m sorry, I can’t sell you that one, it’s not..........
We call him ‘Imp’..........; his real name is Impington.
Even if he recovers, he’ll be blind..........
He repairs radios..........
My relatives are.........farmers, but one or two are not.


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Tron Bo SGK:

7. It was......... thought that the earth was the centre of the
8. I don’t like the idea, but I’ll do it......... peace and quiet.
9. He always has coffee.........
10. They have a Rolls-Royce purely.........
- millions of

hàng triệu

- mistake in

sư lẵ lầm về

- monopoly in

độc quyền về

- mystery about

sưbím âtvề

- mystery of


- name for

sư nổi danh

- name of

tên của

- native of

dân bản xứ của

- necessity for

sư cần thiết cho

- need for

sư cần thiắ cho

- news of

tin tức vè

- lust for

sự thèm muồhy khát khao

- marvel of

điều ỉạ lùng của

- master of

người chủ của

- match for

sự cân xứng đoi vă

- matter for

vấn đề cho

- matter of
- matter with


vấn đề về
vấn đề về


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