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Luận văn: Phân tích các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến hành vi mua sắm trực tuyến của khách hàng Việt Nam trong thời gian qua Analyzing of factors affecting online shopping behavior of Vietnamese customers in recent years

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Analyzing of factors affecting online shopping behavior of
Vietnamese customers in recent years

ID: 001131753
Class: Intake 26


Table of Contents
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...................................................................................................................................6
LIST OF CHARTS................................................................................................................................................6
LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 1 :INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................8
1.1 Background..............................................................................................................................................8
1.2. Problem Statement / or Rationale of the project......................................................................................9
1.3 Research Objective & Research Question..................................................................................................9
1.3.1 Research Objective....................................................................................................................................9
1.3.2 Research Question..................................................................................................................................10
1.4 Research Method Overview....................................................................................................................10
1.5 Research scope......................................................................................................................................10
1.6 Limitation...............................................................................................................................................10
1.7 Research Ethics......................................................................................................................................11
1.8 Outline...................................................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................................12
2.1.1 How shopping online engage its customers? Advantage and Disadvantage of online shopping............12
2.1.2 Related theoretical models......................................................................................................................15
2.1.3 Overview of researches on online shopping behavior.............................................................................17
2.1.4 Online shopping intentions......................................................................................................................22
2.1.5 The factors effect on the online shopping behavior of Vietnamese customers......................................23

2.2 Previous studies:....................................................................................................................................25
2.3 Conceptual Framework and Hypothesis:.................................................................................................28
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................................................29
3.1 Research design (or Research process)....................................................................................................29
3.2 The final version of Questionnaires.........................................................................................................30

3.3 Research method...................................................................................................................................32
3.3.1. The quantitative research.......................................................................................................................32
3.3.2. The qualitative research..........................................................................................................................32
3.3.3. The mixed method..................................................................................................................................33
3.4 Data Collection Method..........................................................................................................................33
3.5. Statistical tool.......................................................................................................................................33
3.5.1. Reliability (Cronbach's alpha)..................................................................................................................33
3.5.2. Empathy..................................................................................................................................................34
3.5.3. Assurance................................................................................................................................................34
3.6. Data Analysis Process............................................................................................................................34
3.7 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)............................................................................................................34
3.8 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................35
CHAPTER 4 : ANALYSIS AND FINDING & DISCUSSION.......................................................................................36
4.1. Data Description Analysis......................................................................................................................36
4.2. Reliability Test.......................................................................................................................................40
4.3. Exploratory Factor Analysis- EFA............................................................................................................42
4.4. Multi – Regression.................................................................................................................................46
4.5 Test the hypothesis of the research model..............................................................................................48
4.6 ANOVA...................................................................................................................................................49
CHAPTER 5 : CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION.................................................................................................50
5.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................50
5.2 Implication.............................................................................................................................................51

5.3 Limitation...............................................................................................................................................53


This study aims to analyze factors that influence customers 'online shopping behavior and consider how those
factors have changed customers' online shopping behavior in recent years. This goal was achieved by using a
model of perceived risk, price, trust, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use impact of customers on
their online shopping behavior to make the research hypothesis.

To investigate these hypotheses, 280

questionnaires were scattered across online websites. Finally, regression analysis is used on data to test
research hypotheses. This dissertation focuses on the key objective that is to research and analyze online
shopping behaviors as well as factors that change customers' online shopping behavior in the context of
Vietnam. Based on the research results, the author will propose a number of suggestions and ways to help
online retailers and e-commerce sites take methods to heighten customers' online shopping intentions, in that
way promoting customers to buy more online.


To complete this dissertation, the author would like to thank lecturer Nguyen Ngoc Danh for helping in the
research. With the enthusiastic support of the instructor, the author was finally able to overcome some
difficulties and complete the thesis. Besides, the author would like to thank all survey participants for their
comments during the survey to make this dissertation. Besides, I hereby undertake, the dissertation "Analyzing

of factors affecting online shopping behavior of Vietnamese customers in recent years" is an independent
research work of mine. In addition to the secondary information related to the research that has been cited as
prescribed, all results presented in the thesis are analyzed from the investigation data source directly conducted
by me. All data are truthful and the dissertation content has never been published in any other research.



: Business to Business


: Business to Customer


: Business to Business


: Customer to Consumer


: Cash on Delivery


: E-Commerce Adoption Model


: Exploratory Factor Analysis


: Perceived ease of use


: Perceived Risk


: Perceived usefulness


: Technology Acceptance Model


: Theory Perceived Risk


: Theory of Reasoned Action


: Vietnam E-Commerce Association

Chart 1: B2C e-commerce in Vietnam
Chart 2: Gender
Chart 3: Age
Chart 4: Occupation
Chart 5: Rate of getting to know the websites online


Table 1: Rate of getting to know the online shopping websites
Table 2: The mean of each factor
Table 3: Analysis results in Cronbach's Alpha
Table 4: KMO and Bartlett's Test
Table 5: Communalities
Table 6: Rotated Component Matrix
Table 7: KMO and Bartlett's Test
Table 8: Dependent Variables
Table 9: Regression
Table 10: ANOVA
Table 11: Coefficients
Table 12: Hypotheses Exploration Results
Figure 1: Theory of reasoned action-TRA

Figure 2: Theory of Perceived Risk-TPR
Figure 3: TAM model
Figure 4: Online shopping intentions
Figure 5: Online shopping intentions
Figure 6: E - Commerce Adoption Model
Figure 7: buying decision process
Figure 8: Proposed research model


1.1 Background
During the 4.0 period, in conjunction with the consequences of the Covid nineteen epidemic, e-commerce was
growing apace within the world and in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi in 2019 account for 19% of the
population but account for over 70% of e-commerce transactions nationwide. That means the remaining 61
localities account for 82% of the population but only contribute less than 30% of the e-commerce scale. It is
worth noting that this 70% proportion is stable in the whole period 2015 - 2019 and there is no sign of change in
the coming years. The inquiry by the Vietnam E-Commerce Association (VECOM) showed that the e-commerce
growth rate is over 32%. The scale of e-commerce retail of customer goods and services in 2019 will reach about
11.5 billion USD. VECOM forecasts the evolution rate to 2020 will continue to be over 35% when Vietnam's ecommerce scale will exceed 15 billion USD (VECOM, 2020) The online retail mode both develops in the thing
that retail businesses construct websites to countenance customers to shop online and in the fact that a series
of domestic and foreign e-commerce sites are entering the commercial market trade in our country. The
websites that are doing quite well in Vietnam can be mentioned as Tiki, Shopee, Lazada, etc. These websites
consistently have impressive "offers", regular discounts, product variety, etc. Not only that, the number of
customers using smartphones to buy online tends to grow. Therefore, e-commerce websites have launched
mobile applications so that customers can shop directly on that application at attractive discounts. Besides the
above shopping apps, customers also have many choices through online shopping channels on social medias like
Instagram, Facebook, Zalo, etc.
Indonesia and Vietnam are 2 markets that breakthrough through the trend of digital economic development

compared to the remainder of the area, with growth rates appreciable 40% / year, whereas the rest of the
countries have growth of 20-30% / year. Three hours twelve minutes is that the average time that Vietnamese
individuals pay mistreatment the net on mobile devices, focusing on social networking and media applications
(52%), video observance applications (20%), and games (11%) (VECOM, 2020).
The operation or action of buying a product or service over the Internet is called Online shopping. Mean going
to the supplier's website, choosing something, and make plans for deliveries. Customers pay for goods or
services online with a debit card, credit card, or cash on delivery. Online shopping or e-commerce is the search
and purchase of goods and services over the Internet using a web browser. The main attraction of online
shopping is that customers can find and buy the items they need (which are then shipped to their homes)
without leaving home. Today, almost anything can be purchased through online shopping, up to billions of

dollars per year. Today, most retail stores have a website or app where customers can shop online and ship them
to their homes or pick them up at a nearby store. Online shopping has been a success as more and more
customers purchase an increasingly diverse product on the Internet.
Along with the recovery of the economy, Vietnam's e-commerce has seen faster growth. As of January 2017,
there were 50.05 million Internet users in Vietnam, to occupy 54% of the population, a rise of 7% against 2016.
The number of Internet users is appreciated at a high level in the world. However, the proportion of people
using it is still at a middling level. Vietnam has 47 million social media users, to occupy 49% of the population.
(Tran Thi, 2018). E-commerce is growing rapidly, but the growth factors are uneven: connectivity, access to data,
and handsets play a key role in changing customer behavior. To a broader extent, smartphones are an early sign
of the potential for e-commerce growth. However, the connectivity of smartphones alone will not be enough to
drive the growth of e-commerce. Cultural factors and other factors from the market can also influence
customers' online and in-store shopping behavior.
1.2. Problem Statement / or Rationale of the project
According to (Ramachandran et al., 2011), in recent years, together with the power increase of the Internet,
online shopping has become a preferred and progressively popular searching technique within the world. The
customer's percentage of the shop online keeps increasing over time. The way of shopping changes, from direct
shopping at the store to online shopping, comparing and evaluating the value of products and services is done

with many sources of information quickly, diversified, and available objectivity. Thus, buying online is a natural
and inevitable tendency thanks to the increase of the Internet. To uphold and expand their e-commerce
business, retailers face the challenge of not only attracting new customers but also retaining existing customers
and finding solutions for them to find websites.
So, with the want to make inquiries about the behavior and factors that affect the online shopping behavior of
Vietnamese customers, the author has chosen a research perspective through understanding shopping behavior
and factors to cause changes in current customers' online shopping behavior through the topic: " Analyzing of
factors affecting online shopping behavior of Vietnamese customers in recent years." to determine and depict
the Vietnamese customers' characteristics in the online shopping process, as well as understand and analyze the
significant element influencing customers' online shopping behavior.
1.3 Research Objective & Research Question
1.3.1 Research Objective
Stemming from the overhead reasons, the dissertation focuses on the key objective that is to research and
analyze online shopping behaviors as well as factors that change customers' online shopping behavior in the

context of Vietnam. Based on the research results, the author will propose a number of suggestions and ways to
help online retailers and e-commerce sites take methods to heighten customers' online shopping intentions, in
that way promoting customers to buy more online.
1.3.2 Research Question
To get answers to the research objectives, the author used the following three research questions:

To explore the current development of Vietnamese online shopping.
How shopping online engage its customers?
To evaluate the influence of factors on online shopping behavior.
1.4 Research Method Overview

In this study, the author will use both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Both of these methods
have their own advantages and disadvantages, combining these two methods can support each other and help
the author answer well the three research questions above.
For quantitative research, the author will post online questionnaires and distribute them online such as sharing
on Facebook, zalo, websites, etc. The purpose of using this method is to examine the factors affecting the
shopping behavior of Vietnamese customers. Moreover, the study added to the system-specific criteria on ease
of use, the behavior of searching information online, risk perception in the online shopping process.
For qualitative research, the author will collect data from various articles, books, and websites on issues related
to customer shopping behavior. The purpose of using this method is to know about the famous experts/writers
who have evaluated the shopping behavior of customers as well as the elements that change the online
shopping behavior of customers.
1.5 Research scope
The purpose of dissertation is to study the online shopping behavior of customers and how online shopping
changes customers' shopping decisions. Since this is an online survey, it is not limited to regions, cities, or
districts. The scheduled time for the survey will be conducted in January 2021.
1.6 Limitation
The survey activities place in Vietnam with about 280 questionnaires, the sample size is not wide enough to act
as deputy for the whole population in Vietnam. However, the survey results will help the author grasp some
basic knowledge about the shopping behavior of customers in Vietnam as well as how online shopping changes
their shopping decisions.


1.7 Research Ethics
In order not to violate any ethical terms of research and respect survey participants, the author will not inquire
any sensitive questions regarding skin color, ethnicity, religion, etc. In addition, the author will not reveal any
information of survey participants including phone number, address, real name, etc.
1.8 Outline

This dissertation would have five Chapter:
1. Introduction: This section will introduce an overview of e-commerce, reasons for choosing topics, and
research methods.
2. Literature review: Present the theoretical basis of e-commerce and the online shopping behavior of
customers. In addition, this chapter will also outline studies that have been done previously in foreign
countries and Vietnam. From there, the factors influencing the online shopping behavior of Vietnamese
customers and changes in online shopping behavior of Vietnamese customers in recent years.
3. Methodology: This chapter will go into depth about analyzing and evaluating the methods and
approaches used by the author to collect data and information to answer research questions. Author will
also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method used in this study.
4. Analysis and finding & discussion: This chapter will include all the analysis and in-depth discussion on
the results of the questionnaire collected by the author.
5. Conclusion and Implication: This chapter will synthesize all the research findings from the research
process and will provide the answers to the research questions. Some recommendations/solutions to
help businesses improve efficiency in the process of selling online products will also be mentioned in this


2.1 Theoretical framework
2.1.1 How shopping online engage its customers? Advantage and Disadvantage of online shopping.
E-commerce (also known as online shopping) is the buy and sale of goods or services on electronic systems such
as the internet, split up into four groups based on the features of purchaser and sellers: Business to Customer
(B2C), Business to Business (B2B), Customer to Consumer (C2C), Business to Business (C2B) (Kotler Armstrong,
2012). In this study, the author focus on the second group of business to customer transactions (B2C). When
choosing to buy a product or service, customers often rely on their reason to maximize the value to use based
on the cost spent, considering the type of product or service to buy, why, when to buy, and buy at the beginning.
Customer behavior is the consequence of environmental factors affecting the purchaser's awareness,

characteristics, and decision-making processes of purchaser that lead to certain purchasing decisions.
Customer buying choice process is comparatively analogous between online and traditional, but there are also
some differences because of influence of the shopping and marketing communications environment (Kotler and
Armstrong, 2012). The fast increase of technology, exceptional is information technology and the internet has
profoundly affected and tranformationed the recent laws of the business world in common and the shopping
behavior of customers in particular. According to Pavlou and Fygenson, 2006 there was a close relationship
between online commerce and online shopping behavior, based on e-commerce, customers could find for
information and buy goods by internet technology. Online commerce affects buying behavior and decisions of
customers in two respect: Influences that encourage customers to buy online and elements that inhibit
customers from shopping online.
The factors that motivate customers to take part in shopping come from favourable, choice of goods and
services, abundant information, easy approach, and easy to buy. On the positive respect of e-commerce shows
that shopping behavior is affected by 3 factors: Perception of the benefits of e-commerce, Web design shows
information content, aesthetic, easy to access, excitement to explore is also known as the stimulus. Iversely, the
factors that dissuade customers from shopping online are perception risk and safety psychology.
Web design (aesthetics and content): The factors of the website are motivating, attracting customers and
increasing buying intent. The factors required to create a professional and user-friendly web interface must
exhibit ease of use, security, convenience, an attractive image, the quality and professionalism of the site are
positively correlated important pole with buy intent. Online businesses need to invest professionally in websites
to attract and retain online buyers.


According to VECOM's report the scale of Vietnam's e-commerce market in 2018 is 9 billion USD. The report also
predicts that the average annual growth rate of the period 2015 - 2018 will be 25% and the market will reach 33
billion USD by 2025 and the size of Vietnam's e-commerce market predicts that in 2025 will rank third in
Southeast Asia, after Indonesia (100 billion USD) and Thailand (43 billion USD). 2020 is a significant year for
Vietnam’s e-commerce development. To customers, 2020 is the final year of the decade that online purchase
has become favored and a large number of enticing online sales have been hunted excitedly by the shoppers

whenever the year-end comes. Moreover, to businesses, this year marks a milestone of transformation from
cognition to actions. In other words, this is no more time for concerns about profits e-commerce brings but
about how to implement it effectively. Contemporaneously, to organizations, 2020 is in the middle of the 10-year
stage which is predicted as ―the golden stage of Vietnam’s e-commerce. In this context, the Vietnam E-Business
Index (EBI) 2020 Report not only aims to introduce the result of the enterprises survey in 2019 but also to mirror
the development of e-commerce from the past to the present as well as to anticipate its status in upcoming
trends from now on up to 2025.
Chart 1: B2C e-commerce in Vietnam (VECOM, 2020)

The number of internet usage is statistics to be 5 hours 10 minutes per day. This is not a small number, but no
one can imagine, most of the Vietnamese people using the internet are young people, including some people
working on computers, with internet connection exceeding 10 hours per day. According to statistics, Vietnam
has 39.8 million internet users, to occupy 44% of the country's population. Currently, there are also about 28
million active social media accounts in Vietnam. The number of 39.8 million represents a 10% increase in the
number of Internet users in Vietnam over the same period last year(FPT.com, 2020)
Customers' demographics are among the most frequently studied factors in online shopping research. The
effects of gender, age, income, education, and culture of customers on online shopping behavior. (Bellman et al,

1999). The impact of age on online shopping intentions and behaviors is also a matter of concern. Online
shopping for example is not suitable for the elderly, only suitable for young and mid-sized people middle age,
because these people understand a lot about technology and they can shop online easily.

Compare online shopping and traditional shopping.

According to Darley et al. (2010), online and traditional shopping also have similarities when going through the
same five-step procurement process including identifying needs, finding information on real estate assessment.
product replacement, purchase decision and review after the purchase. However, these two types of shopping

methods have some differences.
Firstly, there are differences in "terms of specification when purchasing". In traditional shopping, customers just
need to move to a place of sale such as a store, market, or supermarket to buy goods. In online shopping,
customers do not need to move to sales locations but can still make transactions. However, customers need a
computer or mobile device with an Internet connection.
Secondly, Some online retailers don't accept "Cash on Delivery (COD)". To perform a transaction, customers are
required to have an account of bank or make payments through third parties.
Finally, element of direct contact with the product is the biggest difference between online shopping and
traditional shopping. Online shoppers can only see a picture of the product on the internet, but cannot be sure
that the actual product is the same, and when the product is shipped is intact. Since then, risks arise in the
online transaction process, especially when in reality there are not a few cases of fraud. At the same time, direct
payment and receipt will be safer than online payment.

Advantages of online shopping

In the online shopping process, every transaction is done through the website, the buyer and the seller do not
come into contact with each other. Customers only have to pick out the product customer want to buy and the
product be going to be delivered to the customer's address. With the variety and abundance of product
information or prices on websites, customers can select and compare prices between different products through
the information provided. In addition, customers might also consult comments, product feedback, or review
from previous online shopping customers to make choices. This information is helpful for customers to give a
multi-dimensional view of the product customers want to buy, and they could refer to these comments before
making a shopping decision. Therefore, customers who shop online have an advantage over traditional forms of
shopping when customers can find the product that suits their demands easily with the cheapest price from the

Just a computer or smartphone with a network connection, customers may access goods information, compare

prices, order from anywhere without having to wait in line for payment like when buying at traditional
boutiques. Online shopping is suitable for customers who have little time, through online shopping to help
customers save time on shopping. For customers who are not interested in shopping at traditional stores,
choose to shop online to stay away from noisy places, not waiting in line. Besides, customers have many choices
for goods when shopping online. Before making a decision, customers can easily consult others through product
comments and reviews.

Disdvantages of online shopping

First, customers cannot touch or see items. On shopping portals, for example, no matter how attractive a
product looks, customers can never be sure which they will buy the right product they want to buy. In addition,
colours, sizes and textures are subject to change and the dress chosen might not be suitable for the customer.
This is the biggest downside of online shopping. Customers cannot feel or actually see the items you buy. As a
result, custmers are more likely to receive a imperfect product. Second is the problem of waiting for delivery.
When customers place orders online takes at least 3-5 days or even weeks for customers to receive the products
they purchased. This thing tendency to "kill the emotion" of a customer when shopping for something. Next,
products cannot be exchanged: Many online retailers do not offer return products after delivery. Therefore,
customers who buy poor quality goods must also accept. Finally, bad customer service: this is very common
when customers have questions about product quality. Most of the disadvantages when buying online above
that customers encounter are usually when customers choose a small, reputable online shopping address, with
product images copied online. The benefits when buying online are undeniable, but in order not to have to
spend money on poor quality items, customers should only choose to buy at reputable selling addresses, brands.
If the website sells small and new, please see the feedback of customers who bought the product before and
only buy if the online store allows to exchange products when the product is poor quality.
2.1.2 Related theoretical models
Theory of Reasoned Action - TRA
Fishbein and several other social psychologists began studying human behavior and the factors that motivate
their actions in the 1950s. One of the theories was developed and widely applied to the social psychology was
Theory of Reasoned Action - TRA (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975). And this theory was put forward to explain human

behavior in general .


Figure 1: Theory of reasoned action-TRA (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975)
Behavior intention was impacted by two factors: Subjective Norm and Attitude. In which, attitude was an
expression of an individual's element, expressing a customer's positive or negative beliefs in the product. The
Subjective Norm shows the influence of social relationships (family, friends, etc.) on the individual customers.
Theory of Perceived Risk-TPR
(Bauer, 1960) states that customer behavior of information technology products had risk awareness, including
two factors: Perceived Risk of Online Transaction and Perceived Risk with Product / service in TPR model

Figure 2: Theory of Perceived Risk-TPR (Bauer, 1960)
PRP: risk perceptions like loss of , financial loss, time-consuming, loss of opportunity, and total product / service
risk perception (sum of uncertainty or anxiety of consumers used when buying products).
PRR: Risks could happen when customers perform e-commerce transactions on electronic devices related to
privacy, security-authentication, non-denial, and overall risk awareness of the Delivery Online Translation.
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM model)
The Technology Acceptance Model was attentive in elucidating and forecasting the acceptance and utilization of
technology. Base on TRA theory, the TAM model considers the connection and effect of related influence:

Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, behavior intention, actual system use. The Perceived usefulness
factor has implied the whole point of view factor in this. Meaning, a person can use technology even they didn’t
have an active opinion toward it, provided that the technology was actually helpful or that the technology really

ameliorates productivity.
Figure 3: TAM model (Davis, 1986)

Perceived usefulness-PU

Perceived usefulness is "the level to that a person has faith in using individual application systems would
increase their productivity/productivity for a precise task"(Davis, 1986). Factors that constitute the variable
perceived usefulness: The first is communication: The significant of communication in operating an information
system has been acknowledged by previous researchers. Without information, it was impossible to link the
active entities together. The second was System quality: Continuously improving the system's quality will help
the exploitation of the information system be more efficient. The third is information quality: It is the output
quality of the information system: reliable, complete, and timely. Next is service quality: insurance, reliability,
feedback. Finally, the task - technology fit: In order to bring users the most convenience in using the system

Perceived ease of use-PEU

Perceived ease of use is "The level to which one has faith in use a particular system without effort" (Davis, 1986).
The computer user trusts in the ability to perform work on the computer easily depends a lot on the ability to
use the computer, worries about using the computer, factors of external control, the seriousness of using the
computer, how it is felt, and the ability to use it.
2.1.3 Overview of researches on online shopping behavior.

Researches in the world.

Online shopping is becoming an inexorable trend globally in general and in Vietnam in particular. Researches on
online customer behavior were quite diverse and plentiful not only in Vietnam but also in the world. China is a
powerhouse with a thriving economy and the largest population in the world. With its inherent advantages, this

country has, will create many good opportunities for business activities of domestic and foreign enterprises, and
in which, online shopping is to be mentioned. Thanks to the speedy increase of IT and the Internet, online
shopping activities in China have been very exciting and growing at an extraordinary rate. Top sites like
Paipai.com, Alibaba.com, Taobao.com, Ebay.com.cn, Dangdang.com, and Joyo.com are no strangers to online
customers in China. However, in order to achieve high results in the online marketplace, it was significant to
comprehend what influences Chinese online customers' decisions. Rong Li et al, 2007 analyze the factors which
impact online shopping intentions. In particular, the factor of trust is proven to be an important factor affecting
buying intentions and leading to online shopping actions of Chinese customers.

Figure 4: Online shopping intentions (Rong Li et al, 2007)
The relationships' theoretical of all the variables had been incorporated in the Internet shopping background in
this model. A customer's intention to purchase goods from Internet shopping was contingent on a customer's
trust. And Chinese online businesses that wanted to compete with other businesses should see trust as the first
important factor to be built. Factors like e-commerce perceived risk, knowledge, and perceived ease all affected
trust. Particularly perceived reputation had no effect on trust. Rong Li et al, 2007 also explained this because in
China there were a number of large websites in the shopping field and they occupied most of the market share.
When Chinese shoppers shop online, they mostly went to these sites, so research on perceived reputation didn’t
have much effect on trust.
Thailand is considered one of the earliest national Internet applications in the active fields of social
business in Asia. Over the years, with the remarkable growth of Internet usage in Thailand, e-commerce plays an
important role in society and business life. E-commerce has become popular after activities such as using e-mail,
texting, or surfing the web. Therefore, businesses doing business in the e-commerce sector need to find out the

factor influences the purchase orientation of customers and then have suitable business plans for their
businesses. An empirical study on the factor effect on user direct-purchase regimes and intentions in Bangkok,
Thailand by Ma Mengli (2011) was a significant contribution to direct business enterprises route in this country.

Figure 5: Online shopping intentions (Ma Mengli, 2011)
Research had shown that only three out of five factors that influence online shopping attitudes were: perceived
ease of use, perceived usefulness and trust. Those exclusion factors were individuality and safety and perceived
risk. Besides, research also showed that demographic factors (gender, age, education) did not affect buying
attitudes much. The reason for this was because the majority of women in Bangkok were working and had the
same education level as men and also had a lot of Internet access.
(Joongho Ahn et al., 2001) had made an E-Cam (E-Commerce Adoption Model) in the Korean and
American markets

acceptance model by integrating the TAM model ( Technology Acceptance Model)

with the Theory Perceived Risk (TPR) (Bauer, 1986). The E-CAM model had been studied

experimentally in the American and Korean markets, explaining the acceptance of e-commerce. This study
provided knowledge of the factors that influence the conversion of Internet users into leads. Perceived ease of
use and perceived usefulness must be heightened, while Perceived risk with product/service and Perceived risk
in the context of Transaction must be reduced. This model showed that the factors affecting the conversion from
Internet users to potential customers of different cultural regions are different.

Figure 6: E - Commerce Adoption Model (Joongho Ahn et al., 2001)

Perceived risk in the context of the transaction: customers might encounter risks in online transactions such as
risks of safety and confidentiality.
The perceived risk with Product/service: was the perception of customers concerned about the potential for
unsatisfactory product damage, financial loss, or a waste of time when a damaged product is received.
Perceived ease of use: was the customer's perception of the ease of manipulation, information retrieval, and

easy access to customer services, during the online shopping process.
Perceived usefulness: customers felt the benefits they received when shopping online, such as saving time,
saving costs, easy transaction anywhere, anytime when buying online shopping.

Researches in Vietnam

Research by Lee and Ngoc, 2010 examined an integrated model that expands the theory of planning behavior
with an element of trust by inquiring the online shopping behavior intentions of Vietnamese university students.
Through research results, as trust increases, the more intentions lead to online shopping behavior. With the
three variables of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceptions that control individual behavior of the Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPB) model, trust was an important factor in the relationship between attitudes and
behavioral intent Online Shopping.

When researching the role of trust in Vietnamese customers' online shopping intentions, Ho Thi Phuong
Lan (2014) based on the TAM theoretical model (Davis, 1986) studied the factors of trust. Trust in technology,
trust, and trust in society, were the factors that influence online shopping intentions. Accordingly, the online
supplier of goods/services with high reliability, the proportion of customers making buying decisions was higher.
Confidence was measured by beliefs about competence, belief in transparency. To develop a model of customer
confidence when shopping online, the author has conducted 3 studies. The first study explored and incorporates
the factors of customer confidence when shopping online. The quantitative research results show that there are
3 factors: trust in technology, trust, and social trust is the basis to predict and interpret online shopping
intentions of Vietnamese customers. Male. The second study using Amos 20.0 software analyzed data collected
from 597 Vietnamese customers. The results showed that 69.6% of customers intend to shop online when they
have confidence in technology and trust. The third study examined the relationship between the website form
and shopping experience, the results showed that these two factors create a trust for online shoppers when it
influences buying intent.

Conclusions drawn from the above studies

On the basis of research in Vietnam and abroad, it can be seen that online shopping behavior has been
interested and implemented for a long time due to the perception of the important role and position of the ecommercial market. Besides, the relationship between the intention to the customer behavior in the purchase
decision and the factors affecting the intention - buying behavior is also focused on exploiting by many
researchers. From the results of the studies, some similarities can be generalized: The research studies have
spent many different factors affecting the intentions-buying behavior of customers. These factors are divided
into many different groups and have different levels of influence on the intentions - online buying behavior of
customers. In general, the studies of buying intent and buying behavior of customers with different approaches
have formed a huge system of reasoning that underpins a lot of research. This is a very valuable reference to the
author. However, the rules outlined in the studies are quite general, when applied in practice, they cannot fully
explain the problems around the impact on customer behavior. Therefore, it is still necessary to have more
specific theoretical frameworks about customers' online buying behavior.
The overview is the recapitulate, analysis, and evaluation of studies such as scientific journals, dissertations,
books, scientific research topics concerned to online shopping behaviors that have been studied and published
abroad as well as domestically shows that the author's research direction is to study the online shopping
behavior of Vietnamese customers, analyze the factors that influence people's online shopping decisions.
Vietnamese customers have since introduced changes in online shopping behavior of Vietnamese customers in
recent years. Therefore, this study was necessary to evaluate the impact of internal factors belonging to

customer psychology and individual on online shopping choice of Vietnamese customers, and the interaction
between individuals. factors during online shopping. The continute part would presents theoretical basis and
research model related to online shopping behavior of customers.
2.1.4 Online shopping intentions
In a market economy, most of the products customers used to please demands must be past the shopping.
Procurement was a process, in that customers have to make many deciding, perform many different roles, and

were influenced by a lot of factors. The procurement process consists of 5 steps: identification of demand,
retrieval of product information, evaluation of alternatives, purchasing decision, and post-purchase evaluation
(Blackwell et al., 2001).

Needs awareness was the beginning of the buying process. Needs awareness occurs when a person senses the
difference between their present state and their desired state. Once a need has been identified, customers begin
to look for information concern to products that can satisfy their demands. The retrieval of information can be
within the customer and from outside the environment
After a period of time when the customer is looking for information about a product that can meet a demand,
the customer will process the information and evaluate interchangeable options to find the one that best suits
their needs. At the end of the assessment phase, the customer has a list of options in order of purchase intent.
Products that were ranked first in a customer's buying intent have the highest occasion of being selected to buy.
Because people in common and customers in specific often do what is in intentions. Sometimes customers pick
out to buy products not according to their intentions because of a number of external factors. Customers
proceed to use the product after purchasing. The pleased or displeased after buying and using the product will
affect the following buying customers' behavior.


2.1.5 The factors effect on the online shopping behavior of Vietnamese customers

Customer behavior in online shopping

Customer behavior in traditional shopping and issue that influences behavior had been studied from a variety of
perspectives and fields such as marketing, psychology, and economic opinion. So, research on customers
behavior was quite multiform and rich. But, the growth of the Internet and e-commerce had impacted the way
of transactions as well as the decision-making process of customers. More and more customers are shopping
online instead of traditional stores (Wen et al., 2011). In the online environment, customers use computers or

handheld devices with an Internet connection to receive information from the Internet, so information
technology had a great influence on the motivation and behavior of shopping consumption in the online
background. ( Pavlou , 2003)

Perceived Usefulness – PU

Perceived Usefulness was “The degree to which a person believes that using application-specific systems will
increase their efficiency/productivity for a particular job” (Davis, 1986). According to Hasslinger et al. (2007), the
realization of customers buying online saves them time, effort, and can shop at any time had created a
competitive advantage over traditional shopping because searching for product information, ordering online and
home delivery service saves customers time. Shopping online would be perceived to be useful and productive on
the job if the characteristics of the online shopping system match the requirements and provide a significant
value to the customers. Perceived Usefulness had a positive effect on customer online shopping intentions and

Perceived Ease of Use – PEU

Perceived ease of use is "The level to which one has faith in use a particular system without effort" (Davis, 1986).
Previous studies have shown that ease of use increases the perception of the usefulness and influence of
customers' shopping intentions. Perceived ease of use had a positive effect on trust as it motivates the customer
to use an online shopping service for the first time and makes the customer more willing to maintain a
relationship between buyer and seller.


Price is what customers had to pay to get the desired product or service. Price expectations were customer's

assessments of what they will be paying for the costs of goods. Customers would perceive prices in two ways:
monetary cost to spend and opportunity cost due to giving up using that money to buy other products and
services. Customers often rely on price to determine product quality because they cannot see the real product

when buying online. In the model "Factors affecting online consumers", (Hasslinger et al.,2007) mentioned that
customers believed that buying online will save money and are comparable on price. And when the price of the
product increases, the customer's intention to buy the product decreases.


There were many definitions of trustworthiness. Generally, trust is a collection of beliefs about the truthfulness
and competence of a party. In online shopping, the customer does not have much information about the seller.
Therefore, trust is one of the main factors affecting online shopping intentions. Trust is important because it
helps customers overcome thoughts of uncertainty and the associated risks when they share personal
information or when making a genuine online purchase. The intent to buy online depends on perceived risk, the
level of customer satisfaction, and the perceived risk can be reduced if confidence increases.

Perceived Risks – PR

In the TPR model and E-CAM model, Perceived Risks include risk perception related to products or services and
taking risks related to problems of online transactions. The risks customers may encounter when shopping
online include: losing accounts, revealing personal information, goods that are not similar to images on the
website. Product-related risk is the most significant factor in online shopping and it is also the main reason for
customers to abandon the intention of buying online (Forsythe and Shi, 2003). All of the above problems have
reduced customer confidence in online shopping.


2.2 Previous studies:
AUTHOR: Javadi, Dolatabadi, Nourbakhsh, M., Poursaeedi, Asadollahi
THE METHODOLOGY METHODS: 200 online questionnaires were randomly sent among consumers of 5 major
online boutiques via email and 107 samples were obtained
RESULT OF THE STUDY: The results show that domain-specific innovation and subjective metrics positively
impact online shopping behavior. Moreover, online shopping attitude emphatically affects online shopping
behavior of consumers

Method 1: Conduct 10 in-depth interviews with customers with experience in online shopping. An
interview through 2 forms is face-to-face and video.
Interview results show that consumers 'online shopping intentions are also greatly influenced by consumers'
trust and risk perception towards an online retail website.
Method 2: questionnaires, the number of 137 samples
RESULT OF THE STUDY: Research results show that consumers' online shopping intentions are affected by
consumer confidence, risk recornition, attitudes and perceptions that drive consumer behavior. Meanwhile, the
intention to buy online is not directly affected by the thinking of the reference group, it is influenced by the
attitudes of consumers.

