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Learning a foreign language

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Writing 1: All children should learn at least on foreign language at
In our modern age, with the fast pace of life, global integration has
opened myriad opportunities for young people in their journeys of success
in which mastering at least a foreign language is a huge advantage.
Therefore, a vast number of people claim that it is essential for all
youngsters to learn a second language at school. This essay will delve into
the benefits of children studying a foreign language.
One of the biggest benefits of acquiring a new language is the
improvements in one’s neurological system. Scientists have revealed
evidences that bilingual, trilingual or multilingual individuals have better
memories than monolinguals. Hence, having children learn a foreign tounge
at an early age can positively reduce the rates of suffering from Alzheimer's
disease or dementia as they grow older. In addition, people who speak more
than one language appear to excel in solving problems, easily acquire
critical-thinking skills, concentration and the ability to multi-tasks.
The second major positive side of mastering more than one language
is the worldwide connection. The more language we learn, the more
connected we are with other peple from different parts of the globe as
language barriers are no longer an obstacle to cultural and traditional
understandings. Being able to communicate in another language, people can
simultaneously learn, sympathize and appreciate the uniqueness and the
profound values of one another’s cultures, which can form a stronger bond
among people from different nations.
Last but not least, children learning a foreign language are offered a
good foundation for their future careers. Living and working in a globalized
world where multinational companies are being established with a relatively
rapid pace and competitive intensity is a splendid chance for those who are
fluent in more than one language in gaining success and promotion in their
occupation. Indeed, a multilingual ability is definitely a competitive edge in
today’s world.

In conclusion, I strongly believe with the view that students should
learn at least one foreign language at school at an early age. By doing this,
children can gain a majority of merits in terms of their cognitive functions,
social intergration and future success.
Writing 2 : In the circumstances of the present-day world, children
should be given every encouragement to regard the learning of several
langages as normal, to suggest the contrary seems both prejudiced and
harmful. Discuss this statement and give your opinion.

In our modern age, global integration has opened myriad
opportunities for young people in their journeys of success in which
mastering multiple languages at an early age is highly recommended by a
vast number of people. On the contrary, some individuals regard the idea as
disadvantageous. This essay will analyze both viewpoints and come up with
the ultimate outlook.
On the one hand, the first and foremost benefit of acquiring a new
language is the improvements in one’s neurological system. Scientists have
revealed evidences that bilingual, trilingual or multilingual individuals have
better memories than monolinguals. Hence, having children learn a foreign
tounge at an early age can positively reduce the rates of suffering from
Alzheimer's disease or dementia as they grow older. The second major
positive side is the worldwide connection. The more languages we learn, the
more connected we are with people from different parts of the globe by
simultaneously broadening knowledge, sympathizing and appreciating the
uniqueness and the profound values of one another’s cultures. Finally,
people who speak more than one language appear to excel in solving
problems, easily acquire critical-thinking skills, concentration and the
ability to multi-tasks.
On the other hand, learning several languages from childhood may

cause some difficulties. One of the most common drawbacks of children
learning different foreign languages is the delayed development of their
mother tongue as their brains are forced to acquire many languages at the
very same time rather than solely concentrating on their first language.
Another demerit is the increasing pressure deriving from the combination of
the confusion and discomfort in children first approaches to a new language
and the stress from studying at school.
In conclusion, youngsters studying several languages are likely to gain
both benefits and downsides. Despite the fact that its advantages outweigh
the disadvatages, parents should let their children study when they are
willing to as well as when they are old enough to comprehend and deal with
the difficulties in leaning languages.
Writing 3: At present time, the population of some countries include a
relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of
older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the
In many parts around the Earth today, there is a proliferation in the
proportion of youngsters, in comparison with a noticeable decline in the
number of elderly people. Despite the drawbacks that the current situation

triggers, the major benefits should not be denied. Personally, the advantages
surpass the disadvantages.
One of the potential repercussions of this situation is the young’s
indifferent attitudes towards protecting and preserving their traditional and
cultural values. Due to the fast-paced lifestyles, individuals are caught up in
hectic schedules, work, studies as well as the addictiveness of high
technology, which leads to the forgotten core values of life and ultimately
its extinction. In addition, the lack of experience is a common issue that the
adolescents are confronting with. In spite of a wide range of knowledge that

the young are apprehending, practical experiences and essential skills that
they are lacking are prerequisite for an employment, which can be a tough
challenge for the individuals to combat.
However, everything has two sides and this situation is not an
exception. One major merit is the flexibility and adaptability of young
adults in various environments. The willingness to learn, venture and try
new things facilitates them in acquiring knowledge and having a better
understanding of the world. Furthermore, young individuals are able to
bring about numerous changes to the society due to their creativity and
open-mindedness. Being born in the age of modernization and civilization,
people’s mindset are not constrained by social prejudices but instead flown
with the freedom of speech as well as creativity and innovations. Therefore,
people have higher opportunities to make a difference in their own
community in particular and the society as a whole. Last but not least, the
surging number of young adults can be a huge contribution to the labor
workforce in one’s nation in terms of health and activeness. Individuals in
early adulthood have the activeness, strength and speed, which has a
positive influence on the national economy due to higher productivity in
working and manufacturing.
In conclusion, the rising population of young adults in many
countries around the world offers both positive and negative sides.
However, there is no doubt that the disadvantages are overwhelmed by the
potential advantages that the status quo brings about.

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