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Cách nói thời gian trong tiếng Anh

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Lí Thuyết

Để trả lời,ta dùng các cách nói sau:
1. Giờ chẵn (Kim dài chỉ số 12):
Mẫu câu:
It’s + number (số của giờ) + o’clock
Ví dụ:
It’s 5 o’clock: 5h
Giờ lẻ (có thêm một số phút): Có 2 cách nói:
a. Nói giờ trước, phút sau:
Mẫu câu:
It’s + number (giờ) + minutes (số phút)
8:40 : It’s eight forty
b. Nói phút trước giờ sau:
Mẫu câu:
It’s + minutes (số phút) + PAST + number (số của giờ)
8:25 : It’s twenty-five minutes past eight.

Giờ kém: Nói phút trước giờ sau.
Mẫu câu:
It’s + minutes (số phút) + TO + number (số của giờ)
6:45 : It’s fifteen minutes to seven (hoặc – It’s forty-five minutes
past six)
9:55 : It’s five minutes to ten. (hoặc – It’s fifty-five minutes past
Tuy nhiên, người ta cũng có thể dùng a quarter với giờ hơn / kém 15 phút và
half với giờ hơn 30 phút cho ngắn gọn hơn như sau:

a quarter past = 15 minutes past
a quarter to = 15 minutes to
half past = 30 minutes past
5:15: It’s a quarter past five (= It’s fifteen past five)
5:45: It’s a quarter to six (= It’s fifteen to six)
5:30 : It’s half past five. (= It’s thirty past five)

4. Cách viết giờ trong tiếng anh với AM vs. PM
Trong tiếng anh, chúng ta không sử dụng khung 24 giờ như trong tiếng việt
Chúng ta thường viết phía đi a.m trong cách viết về giờ buổi sáng (từ 0 giờ
sáng đến 12 giờ trưa ) và p.m trong cách viết về giờ buổi chiều và tối
Ví dụ:
3am = Three o'clock in the morning. (3 giờ sáng)
3pm = Three o'clock in the afternoon.(3 giờ chiều)

Bài tập 1: "What time is it?" Chọn câu trả lời đúng
1. Bây giờ là 11h.
a. It's half past eleven
b. It's eleven o'clock
c. It's twelve o'clock
2. Bây giờ là 11h15'.
a. It's a quarter past eleven
b. It's half past eleven

c. It's a quarter to eleven
3. Bây giờ là 4h45'
a.It's five past three
b. It's five past four
c. It's quarter to five
4. Bây giờ là 4h30.
a. It's half past two
b. It's half past three
c. It's half past four
5. Bây giờ là 11h50'
a. It's ten past eleven
b. It's ten to twelve
c. It's ten past twelve
6. Bây giờ là 8h40'.
a. It's twenty to nine
b. It's nine to twenty
c. It's twenty past eight
7. Bây giờ là 4h10'
a. It's four past ten
b. It's ten to four
c. It's ten past four
8. Bây giờ là 4h45'
a. It's a quarter to five
b. It's a quarter past five
c. It's a quarter past four
9. Bây giờ là 2h25'.
a. It's half past two
b. It's twenty-five to two
c. It's twenty-five past two
10. Bây giờ là 3h.

a. It's sixty past two
b. It's sixty to four
c. It's three o'clock

Bài tập 2: What time is it? Choose the right answer.

a. It's half past eleven
b. It's eleven o'clock
c. It's twelve o'clock


a. It's a quarter past eleven
b. It's half past eleven
c. It's a quarter to eleven


a.It's five past three
b. It's five past four
c. It's quarter to five


a. It's half past two
b. It's half past three
c. It's half past four


a. It's ten past eleven
b. It's ten to twelve
c. It's ten past twelve


a. It's twenty to nine
b. It's nine to twenty
c. It's twenty past eight


a. It's four past ten
b. It's ten to four
c. It's ten past four



a. It's a quarter to five


b. It's a quarter past five
c. It's a quarter past four


a. It's half past two
b. It's twenty-five to two
c. It's twenty-five past two


a. It's sixty past two
b. It's sixty to four
c. It's three o'clock

Bài tập 3:
