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English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8







≠ disagree

park / parking







amused/ amusing
polluted ≠






exciting/ excited

A. Tenses
1. Simple present tense ( Thì Hiện tại đơn)
+ Forms :
(+) : S + am/ is / are + ....
(-) : S + am/ is / are + not + ...
(?) : (Wh...) + am/ is/ are + S + ... ?

(+) : S + V/ Vs/es + ....
(-) : S + don’t/ doesn’t + V1 + ...
(?) : (Wh...) + do/does + S + v1 ?

+ Usage :


Diễn tả hành động, sự việc đã xảy ra thường xuyên, mang tính lặp đi lặp lại, thường đi kèm
với các trạng từ : every ( year, month, day...), once / twice (a year/ month/week..), always,
usually, often, sometimes...
Diễn tả sự việc, hiện tượng luôn đúng.
School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

Eg : The Earth goes around the sun.
The Sun rises in the East.
2. Simple past tense ( Thì quá khứ đơn )
+ Forms :
(+) : S + was / were + ....
(-) : S + was / were + not + ...
(?) : (Wh...) + was/ were + S + ... ?

(+) : S + Ved/ V2 + ....
(-) : S + didn’t + V1 + ...
(?) : (Wh...) + did + S + v1 ?

+ Usage : Diễn tả hành động, sự việc đã xảy ra và kết thúc hoàn toàn trong quá khứ.
+ Adverbs : yesterday, before yesterday, last ( year/ month/ week/ night / Sunday...), ago...

3. Present perfect tense ( Thì hiện tại hồn thành )
+ Forms :
(+) : S + have / has + Ved/ V3 + ....
(-) : S + have / has +not + Ved/ V3 + ...
(?) : (Wh...) + have/ has + S + Ved/ V3 + ... ?
+ Usage : Diễn tả hành động, sự việc xảy ra từ quá khứ còn kéo dài đến hiện tại hoặc tương lai, hoặc
vừa kết thúc trước thời điểm nói khơng lâu.
+ Adverbs : since , for, already, just, yet, recently, lately, so far....
+ Notes :
- “ since” + mốc thời gian/ mệnh đề quá khứ đơn .
Eg : since 1990, since last week, since I was young.....
- “ for” + khoảng thời gian
Eg : for 10 years, for some days, for a long time ...
4. Past perfect tense ( Thì Q khứ hồn thành)
+ Forms :
(+) : S + had + Ved/ V3 + ....
(-) : S + had +not + Ved/ V3 + ...
(?) : (Wh...) + had + S + Ved/ V3 + ... ?
+ Usage : Diễn tả một hành động, sự việc xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác , sự việc khác trong quá khứ
hay xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm xác định nào đó trong quá khứ. ( hành động xẩy ra trước chia ở QUÁ
KHỨ HOÀN THÀNH , hành động xảy ra sau chia ở QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN)
+ Adverbs : before , after
+ Notes : sự xen thì trong mệnh đề có “ before” và “ after”
School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

5. Near future ( Tương lai gần)
Forms : (+) S + am/ is/ are + going to + V1
Usage : dùng để nói về một dự định hay 1 kế hoạch mà người nói sẽ sớm thực hiện.
Adverbs : tonight, tomorrow...
B. Verb forms

enjoy / like
hate / dislike
giới từ ( on, in, at, about...)

10. decide

11. hope
12. intend
13. promise
14. prefer
15. pretend
16. seem
17. try
18. ask + O
19. advise + O
20. told + O

26. can/ could
27. will/ would
28 .may/ might
29. ought to
30. have to
31. must
32. should
33. let + O
34. help + O
35. make + O

+ V-ing

+ V1

+ to V1

III. Prepositions :
IN :

in the 19th century
in the summer
in October
in 1998
in June
in the morning, in the afternoon

AT :

at 5 o’clock
at 7.20 p.m
at night
at Christmas
at noon / night
at midnight



on Monday
on Christmas Day
on my birthday
on May 24th
on the weekend
on Monday morning
on wedding day

IV. Phrasal Verbs


come across : tình cờ thấy
change into : biến đổi thành
fill in/ out : điền vào
go straight : đi thẳng

9. come over : ghé qua
10. die of : chết vì
11. keep out of : để xa
12. go through : đi xuyên qua

School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

5. go around : đi vòng quanh
13. go over : đi qua, kiểm tra
6. turn off / on : tắt/ mở
14. come up with : nghĩ ra
7. pick up : đón, rước
8. look after = take care of : trơng nom, chăm sóc

V. Word patterns
Adjectives :

Verbs :

cruel to : độc ác với
proud of : tự hào về
different from : khác với
excited about : háo hức về
popular with : phổ biến
famous for : nổi tiếng về

1. learn by heart : học thuộc lòng
2. fall in love with : phải lòng ai
3. take part in : tham gia vào
4. dream of : ước mơ về
5. complain to sb : phàn nàn với
6. complain about sth : phàn nàn về
7. argue about sth : tranh luận về
8. argue with sb : tranh luận với ai
9. receive sth from : nhận cái gì từ...
10. speak to sb : nói với


1. S + used to + V1 ( đã từng làm gì ở QK, giờ không làm nữa)
2. S + be + (not) + adjective + enough + ( for O) + to V : đủ/ ko đủ...để làm gì
3. want to V = would like to + V : muốn làm gì
4.Simple past  Present perfect : ( QK đơn chuyển sang HTHT )

a/ S +

began + V-ing + time + ago

S + have/has + V3/ed + for + time

Eg : I started learning English 10 years ago
 I have learned English for 10 years.

b / It is + time + since + S + (last) + V2/ed
 S + haven’t / hasn’t + V3/ed + for + time
Eg : It’s 2 weeks since I last met him.
 I haven’t met him for 2 weeks.

c/ S + last + V2/ed + time + ago
 S + haven’t /hasn’t + V3/ed + for + time
Eg : I last saw him 2 hours ago.
 I haven’t seen him for 2 hours.

d/ The laѕt time + S + Ved /V2 +...+ ᴡaѕ + time ( ago)
 S + haven’t /hasn’t + Ved/ V3 + since / for + time.
School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

Eg : The last time I visited my grandparents was last week.

 I haven’t visited my grandparents since last week.
5. Superlatives of Adjectives ( so sánh nhất của tính từ )
a/ Short adjectives :
S + be + the + adj + est + ( N) +...
Eg : No one in the group is younger than Jane.

 Jane is the youngest in the group.
b/ Long adjectives :
S + be + the most + adj + ( N ) +...
Eg : Jim is the most intelligent student in our class.
6. Conditional sentence :
- Type 1 : If + S + V1,s,es …, S + will + V1
I. Pronunciation and Stress:
A.Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others:
1. A. landfill
B. Nature
C. damage
D. plastic
2. A. tunnel
B. custom

C. luggage
D. suitcase
3. A. wool
B. school
C. book
D. wood
4. A. hill
B. bill
C. brick
D. hike
5. A. pleased
B. raised
C. practised
D. closed
6. A. carousel
B. yoga
C. moat
D. superhero
7. A. violin
B. until
C. victim
D. interview
8. A. drum
B. unhappy
C. husband
D. Flute
9. A. price
B. tired
C. nice
D. humid

10. A. soccer
B. notice
C. photo
D. grocery
11. A. wedding
B. drawings
C. bride
D. garlic
12. A. Damage
B. change
C. climate
D. Disease
B.Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others:
1. A. pretend
B. argue
C. castle
D. dungeon
2. A. climate
B. disease
C. wildlife
D. increase
3. A. travel
B. visit
C. depart
D. listen
4. A. primary
B. convenient
C. Important
D. Computer
5. A. enroll

B. summer
C. hobby
D. favor
6. A. village
B. relative
C. facility
D. countryside
7. A. habitat
B. pollution
C. holiday
D. pottery
8. A. damages
B. graffiti
C. diseases
D. reduces
9. A. crochet
B. cooking
C. jogging
D. swimming
10. A. luggage
B. suitcase
C. carousel
D. passport
11. A. stadium
B. amusement
C. sightseeing D. climate
12. A. instrument
B. traditional
C. complain
D. Pretend

II/ Choose the word / phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence:
1. “Hello. Can I speak to Eric, please? This is Adam.” – “ ___________________”
School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

A. Hello, Adam. How are you?
B. Great. Me too
C. How can I help you?
D. Bye
2. There’s a gas station _________the street from our school.
A. across
B. in
C. at
D. between
3. I _______ in Ho Chi Minh City since last week.
A. was
B. has been
C. had been
D. have been
4. A __________ is something that you say or do to make people laugh.
A. joke
B. novel
C. folktale
D. fairy tale

5. When I was younger, I’d often ________to be a princess.
A. pretend
B. argue
C. practice
D. dance
6. The tourist asked me _____show him the way to the nearest market.
A. show
B. to show
C. showing
D. showed
7. What’s this castle made from? It’s made from__________
A. cotton
B. stone
C. cloth
D. B&C are correct
8. Disneyland is a big ___________which thousands of families visit every year.
A. temple
B. amusement park
C. castle
D. restaurant.
9. The art exhibition opens ________the weekend.
B. on
C. of
D. for
10. “What does she look like?” - “________________________”
A. I’d love to
C. Do you know her?
B. I’m sorry. I’m really busy.
D. Oh. She’s beautiful.

11. Let's meet..................................... the school.
A. on
B. in front of
C. between
D. for
12. My dog eats so much food. I.............................. him three times a day.
A. collect
B. put
C. feed
D. go
13. I clean my bedroom, and ..........................the trash.
A. fill in
B. take out
C. put on
D. come up with
14. What......................................... do you do ?
A. movies
B. restaurant
C. bookstore
D. housework
15. The boys know .......................... the stadium is.
A. who
B. whose
C. where
D. when
16. Could you tell me how to get to the shopping mall?
Sure, go.......................... on Water street.
A. straight.
B. between
C. left

D. right
17. I am so .............................. about keeping the new art exhibition.
A. keen
B. excited
C. interested
D. different
18. My father would always practice........................... guitar on weekend.
A. play
B. to play
C. playing
D. to playing
19. Hue Citadel was the home of many ......................... and their families.
A. kings
B. stadium
C. hospital
D. park
20. Eating fruit anh vegetables is good for your..............................
A. school
B. bag
C. book
D. health
21. This castle is made ____________ stone and wood.
A. by
B. with
C. from
D. in
22. What time ___________ the quiz shows start?
A. do
B. does
C. doing

D. to do
23. We had ____________ fun when we played together.
A. lot of
B. a lot
C. lots
D. a lot of
24. This large castle gets up to 15, 000 ____________ a day and is known all around Japan.
A. visitors
B. watchers
C. readers
D. speakers
School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

25. She _____ arrangements with her doctors to have a check yesterday.
A. made
B. making
C. has made
D. is making
26. 14. ____________ are pictures that are made by artists.
A. Painters
B. Drawings
C. Paintings
D. Films

27. “May I help you?” – “____________________”
A. How can I help?
B. What can I do for you?
C. Yes. That’s very kind of you.
D. I’m afraid I’m busy now.
28. “Could you do me a favor?” – “______________”
A. No, thank you
B. What can I do for you?
C. How can help
D. Both B and C
29. ____________ is a machine that carries your luggage or suitcases at the airport.
A. car
B. backpack
C. carousel
D. routine
30. Could you tell me the ____________ to the nearest hotel?
A. way

B. bridge

C. hill

D. castle

31. “Would you like to play chess tonight?” – “ _________”
A. You’re welcome
C. I’m sorry. I can’t
B. Yes, that’s very kind of you.
D. No.
32. - Lan: “I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party tomorrow, Mai.”

- Mai: ___________________________________
A. Nice to meet you, Lan.
C. Thank you so much. I’ll come.
B. It’s time for me to go.
D. Happy birthday to you.
33. Wedding rings are usually made ___________ gold.
A. by
B. in
C. of
D. from
34. In the past, women had to stay ___________ home and had to do all the housework.
A. in
B. at
C. by
D. from
35. I ________________________ gardening, but I don’t have time for it now.
A. use to enjoy
B. use to enjoying
C. used to enjoy
D. used to enjoying
36. We ____________ in Ho Chi Minh City for 10 years.
A. have visited
B. have spoken
C. have lived
D. have participated
37. ____________ are pictures that are made by artists.
A. Painters
B. Castles
C. Paintings
D. Films

38. ____________ is a machine that carries your luggage or suitcases at the airport.
A. car
B. backpack
C. carousel
D. routine
39. ____________ is an event where people show paintings, drawings, or sculptures to the public.
A. Quiz show
B. Art exhibition
C. Sports center
D. stadium
40. Dan nguyet and sao truc are ____________ ____________ instruments from Vietnam.
A. musical traditional
B. traditional music
C. traditional musical
D. tradition musical
41. According to the flight plan, our plane ................... in London at 7 o’clock tonight.
A. arrive
B. arrives
C. has arrived
D. arrived
42. .................... pollution is the responsibility of both ordinary people and the authorities.
A. Preventing
B. Covering
C. Providing
D. Minimizing
43. They were amazed .................... your excellent performance, and then excited .................... it.
A. in / at
B. at / by
C. at / on
D. at/ about

44. Do you think I should practice ................... English every day?
A. speak
B. to speak
C. speaking
D. spoke
45. Mr. Nuts, is great at finding ................... at the crime scenes.
A. cling
B. clues
C. clause
D. cloud
School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

46. Which luggage do you have? - I have a new blue ...................
A. carousel
B. passport
C. hat
D. backpack
47. I ................... mountain biking with my friend last week.
A. go
B. went
C. played
D. did
48. What’s this castle made ...................?

A. of
B. into
C. in
D. from
49. Mrs. Hoa: “Could you do me a favor, please?” - Nhi: “...................”
A. No. Thanks.
B. Yes. That’s very kind of you.
C. Sure. What can I do for you?
D. Thank you. I’m fine.
50. “What chores do you have to do?” – “ ...................”.
A. I have to wake up at 5 a.m.
B. I have to wash the dishes after dinner.
C. I have to go to school by bus.
D. I have to do my homework.
III. Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each sign:
1. What does the sign say?
A. Dead end ahead
B. Restricted roadway ahead, traffic prohibited
C. Pedestrians only, motor vehicles prohibited
D. Construction ahead, motor vehicles prohibited

2. A. Van prohibited
C. No turn for van

B. Length limit
D. A, B, C are correct

3. A. Wind movement
C. Roundabout
4. What does this sign mean?

A. Parking lot
B. Slippery road
C. Falling rocks
D. Waiting here
5. What does this sign mean?
A. No pedestrian traffic
B. No playing in the street
C. No passing allowed
D. No parking allowed

B. Traffic congestion
D. No turn

6. A. Turning area
C. Priority road

B. Overpass route
D. Dangerous cliff

7. A. Weak road
C. Loose chippings

B. Overhead electrical cables
D. U-turn permitted

8. What does this sign mean?
A. cycle crossing
B. no turn right

C. crossroads ahead

D. no cycling

9. What does this sign mean?
A. A. parking lot
B. can park here

C. musn’t park here
D. A and B
School Year: 2021-2022


English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

12.What does this sign mean?
A. Pedestrian crossing ahead
C. No entry

B. No walking
D. Two downward diagonal arrows

13.What does this sign mean?
A. Minimum distance
C. Maximum axle weight limit

B. End of all restrictions
D Maximum width limit

14.What does this sign mean?


15.What does
sign mean?

English 8

B. You must turn left.
C. Intersection ahead.
D. You must not go straight
D. You must not make a left turn.

Be alert for animals.
Deer are welcome.
No honking at animals.
Zoo ahead.

16.What does this sign mean?

A. Emergency exit
B. No exit here
C. First- aid

D. Parking lot

17. What does this sign mean?
A. You must stop here.
B. You can go into this street.
C. No entry. One way street.
D. This road is only for walking.

IV. Supply the correct word form.
1. I sometimes _______________ with my brother.
2. Bitexco is one of the tallest _____________ in Vietnam.
3. The students are going on a ________trip in the forest on Saturday. (camp)
4. A _______________ is a person, company, or country that causes pollution. (pollute)
5. I usually go ___________after school.
6. He wants to go to the extreme sports ___________ in Greenwood.
7. I think the quiz show will be ___________ .
8. She has to ___________ her dog every day.
9. He ran ................................. down the hall to greet her cousins.
10. Gina’s .................................routine begins at 6 a.m.
11. Over 200 .................................... entered the race.
12. If we keep .................................... the air, the effects of climate change will be worse. (pollute)

13. . ……Construction………...sites are causing land pollution.
14. My friends and I would often……pretend……...to be super heroes at break time.
School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

15. The students are going to the …………amusement …………. park.
16. In the USA, people usually got ………married……….. on Wednesdays.
17. The book is full of ……amusing……..….. stories about his childhood.
18. Don’t drink that ………polluted…..… water. It’s not good for your health.
19. I had a _____wonderful_______ time when I was a small child in the kindergarten.
20. When he came home, his dad would always ______complain______ about his bad marks.
21. What should people do to reduce air______pollution______?
22. Alnwick Castle is one of the _____largest_______ castles in England.
23. Everyone was very_______excited______ after hearing that news.

24. She had a big_______argument______ with her parents.
25. It was a small house, ______directly______ behind the church.
26. The air is heavily _____polluted________with traffic fumes (pollute)
27. He wants to go to the extreme sports _____competition______ in Greenwood. (compete)
28. The wedding ring _____symbolizes________ the love between the bride and the groom.
29. I had a _____wonderful_______ time when I was a small child in the kindergarten.
30. The river flows _________directly______ into the sea. (direct)
V. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the space in the following passage:




Now I’ll tell you a Vietnamese traditional story: Tam Cam
Once a poor farmer had a daughter named Tam. After his wife died, the farmer
(1)______married_______again. His new wife had a daughter, Cam. Unfortunately, the new wife
was very (2) ____cruel___ to Tam. Tam had to do (3) _____chores_____ all day. This made Tam’s

father very __upset__ (4) . He soon died of a broken heart. Summer came and went. In the fall, the
village held its __harvest__ (5) festival. That year, everyone was excited as the prince wanted to
___choose__ (6) his wife from the village. Cam’s mother made new clothes for her, but poor Tam
had none. However, before the festival started, a __fairy___ (7) appeared and magically changed
Tam’s rags __into__ (8) beautiful clothes.






Hue Citadel is one of the most famous (1)___buildings___ in Vietnam. A citadel is similar
(2)____to_____ a castle. Hue Citadel was the home of many (3)___kings___ and their families. It
School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

was built in the 19th (4) ___century__ and was mainly made from(5)___wood__ and bricks. The
walls were made from strong bricks to (6)____keep_____the kings and their families safe. It doesn’t
have any dungeon, but it does have a (7)__moat___ around it. Every year, thousands of people (8)
___visit__ the Citadel and explores the beautiful rooms and gardens.




The Rio de Janeiro Carnival is Brazil’s most famous festival. It is a great time (1)
______for_____ local people and visitors to watch parades and have lots of fun on every corner
of Rio de Janeiro. Some people wear (2) _____ bright-colored _____clothes and others wear
costumes. Everyone loves to sing and dance on the streets during the Rio Carnival.
The White Nights Festival is an annual (3) _____ festival _______in St. Petersburg, Russia. It
starts in May and finishes in July. Visitors can see beautiful red sails and (4) __ watch __
fireworks. There are also (5) _____ excellent ____
concerts and an amazing water show for
people (6) ___ to ____ enjoy.
In many countries, Christmas is a public holiday when most of the stores, factories, and schools
are (7) _______ closed
______. Traditionally, people decorate houses with lights and give

(8) ______ gifts _____to their friends and family to celebrate Christmas.







Climate change will(1) __AFFECT_____ polar bears living near the North Pole. It will cause the world to
(2)____GET_____ hotter. In fact, more and more sea ice will (3) __MELT___because of the changes in the
Earth’s climate. That means the polar bear’s (4) __HABITAT_____ will get smaller and smaller. They will
not have enough (5) ___FOOD___to eat in the summer, too, because fish will move to colder sea. According
(6) ___TO_____the U.S Geological Survey, two thirds (7) ___OF____ polar bear will disappear in the next
30 years.
If we cannot (8) __SOLVE______this problem, there might not be any more polar bears in the future.






First Class or Business Class passengers will be allowed up to fifty kilograms of baggage. All other
(1) _ passengers _ will be allowed up to twenty-five kilograms.
In addition, each passenger will be allowed to carry one piece of hand baggage which is not more (2)
____than_____ 115 centimeters in total dimension. Other articles will be carried free of charge are: lady’s
handbag, a blanket, books for (3) __reading____ during the flight, baby’s food, baby’s carrying basket, an
umbrella, and a camera. Passengers who travel First Class will also be allowed to(4) ___take___ with them
another bag for clothes.
All hand baggage must be placed in the overhead locker.
Name labels should be put (5) ___on_______ every piece of baggage and all other labels should be (6)
____removed______. Bags should be locked and all important papers, medicines, cash and jewelry should
be taken in hand baggage. Every passenger must go through a (7) __security_______ check before boarding
the plane and all knives and weapons (whether real (8) ___or______ toys) will be removed.

School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool




The First Term Test




English 8



Mr. Shaw (1) __teaches______ physics at the University of Hong Kong and lectures mostly to third-year
students. The students like him a lot (2) ____ because ____ he explains how things work in simple
(3) ____ language ______. Mr. Shaw says that he often learns a lot (4) ____from_____ his students. His wife
is an (5) __English____teacher in a secondary school. In her (6) ___lesson____, she shows her pupils (7)
____how_____ to write short stories and describes people and scenes she (8) __knows_____in her stories.

Climate change will affect animals all over the world. For examples, in Vietnam, it will cause bigger
storms and more droughts. It will also cause sea levels to rise. Sea levels could increase by 100 cm
by 2100. Many animals will be affected by climate change.
Climate change also affects the habitat of sarus cranes living in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The

cranes’ habitat is becoming smaller as land is being covered by rising water. They have less space to
live and lay eggs. In 1988, there were over 1,000 sarus cranes in Tram Chim National Park but in
2012, only 67 were left. Soon, there may not be any sarus cranes left in Vietnam because of the
effects of climate change on their habitat.
A. Decide the sentences True or False. (1.0 pt):
1. Climate change will cause more droughts in Vietnam.
2. Sea levels could increase by one meter.
3. The sarus cranes has less space to lay eggs.
4. There were only 67 sarus cranes left in Vietnam in 1988.
B. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions (0.5 pt):
5.What will be affected by Climate change in Vietnam?
A. storm and drought
B.sea level rising
C. many animals D. A,B,C are correct.
6. The word “it” in line 2 refers to
A. Sarus cranes
B. Tram Chim
C. Mekong Delta D. Climate change
Climate change will affect animals all over the world. For example, in Vietnam, it will cause bigger
storms and more droughts. It will also cause sea levels to rise. Sea levels could increase by 100cm by
2100. Many animals will be affected by climate change.
Climate change also affects the habitat of sarus cranes living in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The
cranes’ habitat is becoming smaller as land is being covered by rising water. They have less space to
live and lay eggs. In 1988, there were over 1000 sarus cranes in Tram Chim National Park but in
2012, only 67 were left. Soon, there may not be any sarus cranes left in Vietnam because of the

effects of climate change on their habitat.
A. Decide the sentences True or False. (1.0 pt):
1. Climate change will cause more droughts in Vietnam.
2. Sea levels could increase by one meter by 2100.
3. The sarus crane lives in the north of Vietnam.
School Year: 2021-2022


English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

4. The sarus crane has less space to lay eggs because their habitat is becoming smaller.
B. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions (0.5 pt):
5. How many sarus cranes are there in 2012 ?
A. 1000
B. 67
C. 100
D. 2100
6. The word “it” in line 1 refers to
A. animals
B. Vietnam
C. sarus cranes D. climate change

English 8


Sea turtles are in real danger. Climate change will affect sea turtles in many ways. Warmer
temperatures will affect sea turtle eggs. Warm seas cause more female turtles to be born than males.
In addition, the habitat of sea turtles is getting smaller. Climate change will cause ice to melt and sea
levels will rise. Therefore, it will destroy the habitats of sea turtles on the beaches. Their nests are
also being affected by humans on beaches. With the seas getting warmer, sea turtles won't have
enough food to eat because other sea life will die. There might not be any more sea turtles in the
future if people don’t find solutions to this problem.
A. Decide the sentences True or False. (1.0 pt):
1. Climate change won’t affect sea turtles.
2. The habitats of sea turtles will get smaller.
3. The nests of sea turtles will only be destroyed by climate change.
4. Although other sea life will die, sea turtles will still have enough food to eat. ...........F.........
B. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions (0.5 pt):
5.According to the passage, the cause that makes sea turtles in danger is _________________.
A. Warm seas
B. climate change
C. Warmer temperatures D.A,B and C are correct.
6. The word “it” in line 4 refers to
A. climate change B. sea level
C. ice
D. temperatures
Peter Baker, April 28

Vivid Sydney is an annual winter festival of light and music which attracts a lot of tourists
from all over the world. The festival includes an outdoor area full of light sculptures and
music shows. This winter event is held in Central Sydney for over three weeks during May
and June. People can see thousands of the lights all over the city. There are lighting shows
by local and international artists. The lights make the buildings look beautiful.
Over a million visitors go to Vivid Sydney every year to enjoy this winter festival.
A. Decide the sentences True or False. (1.0 pt):
1. Vivid Sydney is a monthly winter festival of light and music.
2. Vivid Sydney takes place in Central Sydney in June .
3. Foreigners are not allowed to participate in this winter event.
4.The festival is an occasion for people to see thousands of the lights all over the
B. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions (0.5 pt):
5.The lighting shows are performed by_________________.
A. tourists
B. local artists
C. visitors
D. local and international artists
6. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Vivid Sydney
B. music shows
C. lighting show D. dancing show

School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

The Middle Ages lasted from about 400-1500 AD. Life was not easy for people during these years.
They worked in the fields from the moment the sun came up to the moment it went down. They
were out in the cold snow of winter and the hot sun of summer. They gave half of what they grew
to the owner of the land.
Most people lived in villages and each village usually had from 10 to 60 families. Family lived in
tiny wooden houses with all their animals, which meant that floors were very dirty. A fire for
cooking was always burning in the house and there was a hole in the roof to let the smoke out.
People didn’t have a lot of furniture apart from a table and a simple bed.
The village was the center of the world in the Middle Ages. People stayed close to home and didn’t
travel far because they were afraid of strangers. Life wasn’t all bad in the Middle Ages, however.
People didn’t work on Sundays and often gathered together to eat, drink and enjoy themselves.
There were many holidays and most people actually only worked for 260 days of a year - that’s
about the same amounts as we do today!
A. Decide the sentences True or False. (1.0 pt):
1.Life was difficult for people in the Middle Ages.
2.People didn’t work when the weather was hot.
3.People liked to travel long distances.
4.On Saturdays, people often gathered together to eat, drink.
B. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions (0.5 pt):
5.In the Middle Ages, what were houses made of?

A. brick
B. stone
C. wood
D. sand
6. Which is not TRUE about life of people in the Middle Ages?
A. They worked on the fields very early.
B. They gave half of what they grew to the owner of the land.
C. There was a table and a simple bed in their house.
D. The number of their working days is much more than ours today.
Tony moved to this neighborhood last year. Tony and his family lived in a big city before coming
here. On the first days, he didn’t like the life in the country because there wasn’t anything to do.
However, after a short time he has changed his mind. He now likes his new neighborhood very
much because the air is fresh, the food is delicious and the people are friendly. There are a lot of
things he can do in his free time such as going swimming, flying the kite, and watering the
vegetables. He doesn’t want to live in a big city anymore.
A. Decide the sentences True or False. (1.0 pt):
1.Tony moved to this neighborhood three years ago.
2.Tony and his family used to live in a big city.


3. He didn’t like the life in the country on the first days.


4. He wants to live in a big city now.


B. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions (0.5 pt):
5.What can Tony do in his free time?
A. go swimming
B. flying the kite C. watering the vegetables
6. Why does he like living in the country now?
A. fresh air
B. friendly people C. the climate
food and friendly people
School Year: 2021-2022

D. A,B and C are correct
D. fresh air , delicious

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

English 8

1. tell me how / Could you / the gas station / to get to /? /
 Could you tell me how to get to the gas station ?
2. before I / done my homework / I’d / went to bed /. /
I’d done my homework before I went to bed
3. in Chemistry, Biology / doing some experiments/ Most students like/ and Physics /. /
 Most students like doing some experiments in Chemistry, Biology and Physics.
4. with soap and water / for at least 20 seconds / Wash your hands often / to protect yourself from
the virus /. /

5.  Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to protect yourself from
the virus .
6. and collects their eggs./ he feeds/ In the morning,/ the chicken and ducks
 In the morning, he feeds the chicken and ducks and collects their eggs.
7. women couldn’t wear long skirts/ and they had to/ In the past,/ wear pants.
 In the past, women couldn’t wear long skirts and they had to wear pants.
8. life like/ in the past /What was/ for women/?
……… What was life like for women in the past ?………………………………
9. all the housework / stay at home/ They had to/ and do/.
 They had to stay at home and do all the housework..................................……………………
10. keep polluting the air/ will be worse / If we/ the effects of climate change/./
...... If we keep polluting the air, the effects of climate change will be worse......................
11. my little brother after school / look after / because they’re at work / I help my parents / ./
........ I help my parents look after my little brother after school because they’re at work.......
12. before / My mother / I was born. / a teacher / had been /
…… My mother had been a teacher before I was born ……………
13. more droughts / in Vietnam. / will cause / Climate change /
…… Climate change will cause more droughts in Vietnam …………………………
A. Simple past  Present perfect:

1. My father gave up smoking 10 years ago.
 My father has......................................................................................
2. Ruby last met her close friend 5 weeks ago.
Ruby hasn’t...........................................................................................
3. We began playing the piano two years ago.
We have................................................................................................
4. The last time we saw him was two weeks ago.
We haven’t..............................................................................................
5. I began to teach these students three years ago.

 I have ....................................................................................................
B. Used to +V1
1. I often went swimming on Sundays when I was young.
I used .......................................................................................................
2. She doesn’t drink coffee in the morning any more.
She used....................................................................................................
School Year: 2021-2022

English Group of BTD A junior highschool

The First Term Test

3. Our grandma often took care of her younger sisters when she was young.
 Our grandma used ..............................................................................
4. When Barbara was in Italy, she stayed with an Italian family.
 Barbara used .......................................................................... …………………
5. I’m no longer late for school.
I used....................................................................................................................
6. They don’t live in the city any longer.
They used............................................................................................................
7. My oldest daughter no longer helps me take care of her btother and sister.
 My oldest daughter used ............................................................................
C. Superlative :
1. No one in her group is more intelligent than Bella.
Bella is ............................................................................................
2. No one else is in my class is better than Nam
Nam is .................................................................................................
3. No one in this class is taller than Nam.
Nam is..................................................................................................

4. No one in the group is younger than Tim.
Tim is..................................................................................................
5. I’ve never tasted a more delicious cake than this one.
D. ENOUGH : S + (be) not +Adj /Adv+ enough + to v1
1. He is too young to ride a motorcycle.
He isn’t ...............................................................................................
2. You are too young to watch horror films.
You are
3. He can’t lift the heavy bag because he is too weak.
 He isn’t .............................................................................................
4. These exercises are too hard for us to do.
These exercises are not .......................................................................

School Year: 2021-2022

English 8
