desert /ˈdez.ət/ n. an area, often covered with sand or rocks, where there is
very little rain and not many plants
waterfall /ˈwɔː.tə.fɔːl/ n. water, especially from a river or stream, dropping
from a higher to a lower point, sometimes from a great height
rainforest /ˈreɪn.fɒr.ɪst/ n. a forest in a tropical area that receives a lot of rain
mountain range /ˈmaʊn.tɪn ˌreɪndʒ/ n. a group or line of mountains with a
particular name
glacier /ˈɡlæs.i.ər/ n. a large mass of ice that moves slowly
coastline /ˈkəʊst.laɪn/ n. the particular shape of the coast, especially as seen
from above, from the sea, or on a map
project /ˈprɒdʒ.ekt/ n. a piece of planned work or an activity that is finished
over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular purpose
organic /ɔːˈɡæn.ɪk/ adj. not using artificial chemicals in the growing of plants
and animals for food and other products
inorganic /ˌɪn.ɔːˈɡæn.ɪk/ adj. not being or consisting of living material, or (of
chemical substances) containing no carbon or only small amounts of carbon
community /kəˈmjuː.nə.ti/ n. the people living in one particular area or people
who are considered as a unit because of their common interests, social group,
or nationality
wrapper /ˈræp.ər/ n. a piece of paper, plastic, or other material that covers and
protects something
brick /brɪk/ n. a rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and
eco-friendly /ˈiː.kəʊˌfrend.li/ adj. eco-friendly products have been designed to
do the least possible damage to the environment
generate /ˈdʒen.ə.reɪt/ v. to produce energy in a particular form
entry /ˈen.tri/ n. the act of entering a place
chaos /ˈkeɪ.ɒs/ n. a state of total confusion with no order:
disaster /dɪˈzɑː.stər/ n. an event causing great harm, damage, or suffering
resident /ˈrez.ɪ.dənt/ n. a person who lives or has their home in a place
educate /ˈedʒ.u.keɪt/ v. to teach someone, esp. in the formal system of schools
recycle /ˌriːˈsaɪ.kəl/ v. to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and
produce useful materials that can be used again
rural /ˈrʊə.rəl/ adj. in, of, or like the country:
sa mạc
thác nước
rừng mưa, rừng nhiệt
dãy núi
sơng băng
đường bờ biển
dự án
hữu cơ
vơ cơ
cộng đồng
giấy gói, bọc
thân thiện với môi
trường, không gây tác
hại đến môi trường
phát ra, sản sinh
(năng lượng)
(sự) đi vào
(sự) hỗn độn, hỗn
loạn, lộn xộn
thảm họa
cư dân
giáo dục
tái chế
(thuộc) nông thôn,
scenery /ˈsiː.nər.i/ n. the general appearance of natural surroundings, esp.
when these are beautiful
peaceful /ˈpiːs.fəl/ adj. quiet and calm
wildlife /ˈwaɪld.laɪf/ n. animals and plants that grow independently of people,
usually in natural conditions
tropical /ˈtrɒp.ɪ.kəl/ adj. from or relating to the area between the two tropics:
geographical /ˌdʒi.əˈɡræf.ɪ.kəl/ adj. relating to geography, or to the
geography of a particular area or place
feature /ˈfiː.tʃər/ n. a typical quality or an important part of something
tribe /traɪb/ n. a group of people, often of related families, who live together,
sharing the same language, culture, and history, especially those who do not
live in towns or cities
jungle /ˈdʒʌŋ.ɡəl/ n. a tropical forest in which trees and plants grow very
closely together
howl /haʊl/ v. If a dog or wolf howls, it makes a long, sad sound
humid /ˈhjuː.mɪd/ adj. (of air or weather conditions) containing extremely
small drops of water in the air
mosquito /məˈskiː.təʊ/ n. a small flying insect that bites people and animals
and sucks their blood
clearing /ˈklɪə.rɪŋ/ n. an area in a wood or forest from which trees and bushes
have been removed
whisper /ˈwɪs.pər/ v. to speak very quietly, using the breath but not the voice,
so that only the person close to you can hear you
stare /steər/ v. to look for a long time with the eyes wide open, especially
when surprised, frightened, or thinking
freeze /friːz/ v. If a person or animal that is moving freezes, it stops suddenly
and become completely still, especially because of fear
insect /ˈɪn.sekt/ n. a type of very small animal with six legs, a body divided
into three parts and usually two pairs of wings, or more generally, any similar
very small animal
domestic animal / dəˌmes.tɪk ˈæn.ɪ.məl / n. an animal that is not wild and is
kept as a pet or to produce food
reptile /ˈrep.taɪl/ n. an aminal that produces eggs and uses the heat of the sun
to keep its blood warm
creature /ˈkriː.tʃər/ n. any large or small living thing that can move
mammal /ˈmæm.əl/ n. any animal of which the female feeds her young on
milk from her own body
thơn dã
phong cảnh, cảnh vật
thanh bình, yên tĩnh
động thực vật hoang
nhiệt đới
(thuộc hoặc liên quan
đến) địa lý
nét đặc biệt, điểm đặc
bộ tộc, bộ lạc
rừng nhiệt đới
tru lên, hú lên
ẩm, ẩm ướt
khoảng rừng trống
nói, thì thầm
nhìn chằm chằm
thấy ớn lạnh, tê liệt (vì
cơn trùng
động vật ni ở trang
trại hoặc làm cảnh,
động vật thuần dưỡng
lồi bị sát
sinh vật, lồi vật
động vật có vú
primate /ˈpraɪ.meɪt/ n. a member of the most developed and intelligent group
of mammals, including humans, monkeys and apes
butterfly /ˈbʌt.ə.flaɪ/ n. a type of insect with large, often brightly coloured
camel /ˈkæm.əl/ n. a large animal with a long neck, that lives in the desert and
has one or two humps (= large raised areas of flesh) on its back
chimpanzee /ˌtʃɪm.pænˈziː/ n. a small, very intelligent African ape with black
or brown fur
crocodile /ˈkrɒk.ə.daɪl/ n. a large reptile with a hard skin that lives in and near
rivers and lakes in hot, wet parts of the world
eagle /ˈiː.ɡəl/ n. a large, strong bird with a curved beak that eats meat and can
see very well
fly /flaɪ/ n. a small insect with two wings
gerbil /ˈdʒɜː.bəl/ n. a small animal, similar to a mouse with long back legs,
that is often kept as a pet
gorilla /ɡəˈrɪl.ə/ n. a large ape that comes from western Africa
leopard /ˈlep.əd/ n. a large wild cat that has yellow fur with black spots on it
and lives in Africa and southern Asia
ostrich /ˈɒs.trɪtʃ/ n. a very large bird from Africa that cannot fly
penguin /ˈpeŋ.ɡwɪn/ n. a black and white bird that cannot fly but uses its small
wings to help it swim
pigeon /ˈpɪdʒ.ən/ n. a large, usually grey bird that is often seen in towns sitting
on buildings in large groups, and is sometimes eaten as food
sloth /sləʊθ/ n. a mammal that moves slowly and lives in trees
tortoise /ˈtɔː.təs/ n. an animal with a thick, hard shell that it can move its head
and legs into for protection. It eats plants, moves very slowly, and sleeps
during the winter.
abondon /əˈbæn.dən/ v. to leave a place, thing, or person, usually for ever
uncertain /ʌnˈsɜː.tən/ adj. not knowing what to do or believe, or not able to
do decide about something
elusive /iˈluː.sɪv/ adj. difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember
astonishing /əˈstɒn.ɪ.ʃɪŋ/ adj. very surprising
essential /ɪˈsen.ʃəl/ adj. necessary or needed
silence /ˈsaɪ.ləns/ n. a period without any sound; completely quiet
trekking /ˈtrek.ɪŋ/ n. the activity of walking long distances on foot for
spectacular /spekˈtæk.jə.lər/ adj. very exciting to look at
incredibly /ɪnˈkred.ə.bli/ adv. used for saying that something is very difficult
to believe
động vật linh trưởng
con bướm
lạc đà
tinh tinh
cá sấu (châu Phi)
chim đại bang
con ruồi
chuột nhảy
khỉ đột
con báo
đà điểu châu Phi
chim cánh cụt
chim bồ câu
con lười
từ bỏ, bỏ rơi
không chắc chắn,
khơng biết rõ rang
khó hiểu, khó tìm
thấy, khó nhớ
đáng kinh ngạc
thiết yếu
(sự) yên lặng, yên tĩnh
đi bộ đường dài
đẹp mắt, hùng vĩ
khó tin nổi, đáng kinh
1. Tính từ so sánh hơn và tính từ so sánh nhất:
Loại tính từ
ví dụ
tính từ so sánh hơn
tính từ so sánh nhất
tính từ có một âm tiết
+ -er
the + -est
the cheapest
một số tính từ có hai
+ -er
the + -est
the quietest
- kết thúc bằng -e
+ -r
the + -st
the safest
- kết thúc bằng -y
-y + -ier
the + -y + -
the friendliest
- kết thúc bằng phụ
nhân đơi
the biggest
âm tiết
tính từ:
âm + nguyên âm +
phụ âm
the + nhân
phụ âm
cuối + -
đội phụ âm
cuối + -est
nhiều tính từ có hai
interesting more/less more/less
hoặc nhiều hơn hai
+ tinh từ
âm tiết
tính từ bất quy tắc
most/least +
tính từ
the best
the worst
the furthest
2. Những cách khác nhau để so sánh một hay nhiều hơn các thứ:
- So sánh hơn nhiều: much/a lot + tính từ so sánh hơn + than
- A is a lot more expensive than B.
- So sánh bằng: the same as, as + adjective + as
- A is the same as B.
- So sánh không bằng: not as/so + adjective + as
- A is not as big as B.
3. Có thể sử dụng so sánh hơn với danh từ: more/les + noun
- He has more money than we thought.
4. Tính từ so sánh nhất thường hay được sử dụng với hiện tại hoàn thành:
- It’s the best restaurant I’ve ever been to!
Mạo từ không xác định: a/an
lần đầu cái gì đó được nhắc đến
I saw a lion yesterday.
trước danh từ số ít
There’s a library in the town.
trước danh từ chỉ nghề (nói chung)
I’m an actor.
Khơng có mạo từ
để nói về những việc hoặc người nói
Dogs are friendly animals.
trước danh từ số nhiều
I’m taking four classes this term.
trước hầu hết các thành phố, đất nước và
I live in Germany.
châu lục
trong một số cụm từ có giới từ
on Tuesday, at sea, in hospital, at work
Mạo từ xác định: the
để nói về một cái gì đó đã được nhắc đến
I saw a lion. The lion was sleeping.
hoặc một thông tin mà người nói và người
nghe đều biết là gì
để nói về những thứ chỉ có một duy nhất
I looked at the Moon.
trước một số tên địa danh số nhiều
the United States
trước biển/đại dương/song
the Atlantic
trước tên của một số khu vực
the north west of England
trong một số cụm từ có giới từ
in the evening, at the beginning
với tính từ so sánh nhất
She is the tallest.
1. The Andes, running along South America’s western side through many countries, is among the
world’s longest ____________.
A. mountain ranges
B. waterfalls
C. lakes
D. mountains
2. Have you ever walked in a/an ____________?
A. ocean
B. lake
C. desert
D. mountain
3. Rivers, lakes, mountains, deserts and rainforests are ____________ features.
A. coastal
B. cultural
C. natural
D. tropical
4. The Amazon Jungle, also known in English as Amazonia, is the world’s largest ____________,
famed for its biodiversity.
A. tropical desert
B. tropical rainforest
C. rural area
D. mountain range
5. With a ____________ of 3,260 kilometres (2,030 miles), Vietnam has plenty of beautiful
A. mountain range
B. coastline
C. river
D. glacier
6. A/An ____________ is a huge mass of ice that moves slowly over land. It is often called “a river
of ice”.
A. glacier
B. ocean
C. waterfall
D. stream
7. This is the first time we’ve ever swum in a/an ____________.
A. desert
B. glacier
C. rainforest
D. ocean
8. Dr Kee Hwang’s idea was to take down the city’s main highway, uncover the river that flowed
below to ____________ a green park called the Seoul River Park.
A. create
B. do
C. remove
D. use
9. In today’s Great Ideas, we are looking at ideas for ____________ the environment that are a bit
different, including building schools out of old plastic bottles and developing eco-friendly
A. saving
B. recycling
C. polluting
D. generating
10. Angle Falls in Venezuela is the world’s tallest ____________ at 979 metres (3,212 feet).
A. lake
B. river
C. stream
D. waterfall
11. I always want to buy a house and live in a ____________ where I can be engaged in farming.
A. national park
B. rural area
C. wildlife centre
D. urban area
12. The region has interesting natural geographical features, like ____________ and forests.
A. volcanoes
B. huts
C. wildlife
D. scenery
13. Tokyo is ____________ in midsummer. Everybody feels uncomfortable because the air is very
wet and hot.
A. dry
B. fresh
C. humid
D. tropical
14. When I saw a huge anaconda snake, I froze with ____________. I was so afraid that I couldn’t
A. excitement
B. fear
C. happiness
D. anger
15. ____________ a deep breath and try to relax.
A. Make
B. Have
C. Get
D. Take
16. It is rude to ____________ at people like that. As a shop assistant, you mustn’t do that.
A. see
B. stare
C. glimpse
D. watch
17. The little boy fell over and started to ____________ loudly with pain.
A. breathe
B. scream
C. stare
D. whisper
18. Phong Nha-Ke Bang ____________, a UNESCO-recognised preserved area, is home to some of
the world’s largest caves.
A. National Park
B. Wildlife Centre
C. Amusement Park D. Rural Area
19. We visited a ____________ last weekend. We saw and learnt about different species of animals.
A. wildlife centre
B. beautiful scenery C. natural world
D. wild tribe
20. I often go cycling or walking in the countryside. I love the feeling of the ____________ on my
face and the wind blowing through my hair.
A. wildlife
B. beautiful scenery C. fresh air
D. natural beauty
21. When he was a child, he was interested in ____________ including butterflies and spiders.
A. reptiles
B. insects
C. birds
D. primates
22. Elephants are the largest land ____________ on the earth and have distinctly massive bodies,
large ears, and long trunks.
A. reptiles
B. insects
C. mammals
D. primates
23. Crocodiles are large semiaquatic ____________ that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia,
the Americas and Australia.
A. primates
B. mammals
C. reptiles
D. water creatures
24. Several species of ____________ including chimpanzees, monkeys and gorillas have been found
on the island.
A. primates
B. birds
C. insects
D. reptiles
25. Sharks are among the most dangerous water ____________.
A. creatures
B. primates
D. insects
D. fish
26. A/An ____________ is the world’s fastest land animal. It can run at 100 kilometres per hour.
A. ostrich
B. cheetah
C. dolphin
D. tortoise
27. Cows are ____________ animals. Farmers raise cows for milk and meat.
A. wild
B. domestic
C. forest
D. desert
28. Dogs have an amazing ____________ of smell. Many dogs can recognise the smell of the old
owners many years after they last saw them.
A. sense
B. ability
C. skill
D. feeling
29. ____________ can survive in the hot desert without food and water for up to two weeks thanks
to their humps, which are made of fat.
A. Elephants
B. Sloths
C. Camels
D. Bears
30. I find gardening very relaxing. I have a plot of land where I ____________ several kinds of
A. rise
B. grow
C. make
D. produce
1. At over 1,700 metres deep, Baikal, which is located in the mountainous Russian region of
Siberia, is ____________ lake in the world.
A. deepest
B. deeper
C. the deepest
D. the deeper
2. Scientists attach research equipment ____________ the seals’ bodies.
A. with
B. to
C. by
D. in
3. The equipment doesn’t stop the seals ____________ diving and swimming.
A. to
B. from
C. with
D. in
4. In Washington, ‘community plots’ where people can grow their own food are getting
A. most popular
B. the more popular C. many popular
D. more popular
5. In my opinion, vegetables always taste much ____________ when you grow them yourself.
A. better
B. good
C. best
D. the best
6. You mustn’t take your visitor to that area. It’s ____________.
A. too dangerous
C. much dangerous
B. too much dangerous
D. dangerous enough
7. The farthest place ____________ is Bali in Indonesia. I went there with my family two years
A. I’ve ever been to
C. I ever go to
B. I’ve ever gone to
D. I ever went to
8. He broke his leg and had to be ____________ for a week.
A. in the hospital
B. in hospital
C. at the hospital
D. at hospital
9. ____________ Mediterranean Sea has an area of two and a half million square kilometres. It is
much smaller than Pacific Ocean with an area of 166 million square kilometres.
A. x
B. The
C. A
D. An
10. The electricity for many of the traffic lights in Cape Town now comes from ____________ sun –
using large solar panels.
A. a
B. the
C. an
D. x
11. York is a beautiful, historic city so they made nearly ____________ city centre into a pedestrian
A. of
B. all of the
C. all
D. all of a
12. He plants some fruit trees ____________ the land his father gave him.
A. in
B. on
C. over
D. by
13. They were ____________ until 7.00 p.m. yesterday.
A. in work
B. in the work
C. at work
D. at the work
14. What an ugly photo! - Yes, it’s one of ____________ photos I’ve ever seen of myself.
A. the best
B. the worst
C. the better
D. the worse
15. I think the life in the countryside is more peaceful than the life in the city. - Definitely. The life in
the city is ____________ the life in the countryside.
A. as peaceful than
C. not as peaceful as
B. as peaceful as
D. more peaceful as
16. He has just bought an expensive car. He has ____________ we thought.
A. more money than
C. much money as
B. much money than
D. more money as
17. I like your bag. It’s ____________ my sister’s.
A. same as
B. the same as
C. the same
D. the same like
18. I don’t like this book. It is much ____________ the one I read before.
A. more interesting than
B. less interesting than
C. as interesting as
D. so interesting as
19. Tourism is the world’s ____________ industry with 240 million jobs.
A. bigger
B. the bigger
C. biggest
D. the biggest
20. Wellington is ____________ from Sydney than Auckland.
A. farther
B. the farther
C. farthest
D. the farthest
21. Masdar City, a city in the north of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, plans to be
____________ first carbon-neutral city in the world.
A. the
B. a
C. an
D. x
22. The town is ____________, so it’s very popular with tourists.
A. on coast
B. on the coast
C. at coast
D. at the coast
23. While we were on holiday in Egypt, we decided to go on a cruise ____________.
A. in River Nile
C. along River Nile
B. in the River Nile
D. along the River Nile
24. ____________ Rocky Mountains are a major mountain range in western North America with
dramatic wilderness, diverse widlife and alpine lakes.
A. x
B. The
C. A
D. One
25. I travelled with a guide ____________ for hours to get there.
A. on a boat
B. on boat
C. in a boat
D. in boat
26. I ____________ it all done by Thursday - it is just impossible.
A. can get
B. can’t get
C. can to get
D. can’t to get
27. My father took me camping in Michigan because he wanted to teach me ____________ wild
animals, insects and trees.
A. with
B. about
C. of
D. by
28. When they saw a bird, they jumped up and fired their arrows at it, but ____________ missed.
A. all of they
B. all of them
C. all they
D. all them
29. He always dreams ____________ on a tropical island.
A. of living
B. to live
C. of live
D. to living
30. ____________ the Great Wall of China is an amazing experience I will never forget.
A. Trekking along
B. Trekking in
C. Trek along
D. Trek in
1. What’s the world’s fastest bird? - ____________
A. It could be a penguin. Penguins can’t fly.
B. It might be a penguin. Penguins can’t fly.
C. Maybe it’s a penguin. Penguins can’t fly.
D. It is not definitely a penguin. Penguins can’t fly.
2. Which animal lives the longest? - ____________
A. It can’t be a tortoise because tortoises can live to 150 years old.
B. Maybe it’s a tortoise because tortoises can live to 150 years old.
C. It’s definitely not a tortoise because tortoises can live to 150 years old.
D. It couldn’t be a tortoise because tortoises can live to 150 years old.
3. What’s the world’s biggest fish? - ____________
A. It can’t be a whale because whales aren’t fish.
B. It might be a whale because whales aren’t fish.
C. Maybe it’s a whale because whales aren’t fish.
D. Perhaps it’s a whale because whales aren’t fish.
4. A letter arrives. It’s possible that it’s from your cousin, Janice. - ____________
A. Yes, it could be from Janice.
B. No, it might be from Janice.
C. Yes, it can’t be from Janice.
D. No, it’s definitely from Janice.
5. There is a knock at the door. It could be Colin. - ____________
A. No, it can’t be Colin because he is on holiday.
B. No, it could be Colin because he is on holiday.
C. Yes, it must be Colin because he is on holiday.
D. Yes, it could be Colin because he is on holiday.
crime rate /ˈkraɪm ˌreɪt/ np. the number of crimes that are committed
during a period of time in a particular place
carefree /ˈkeə.friː/adj. having no problems or not being worried about
explore /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ v. to search and discover about something
atmosphere /ˈæt.mə.sfɪər/ n. the mixture of gases around
lifestyle /ˈlaɪf.staɪl/ n. someone’s way of living; the things that a person or
particular group of people usually do
nightlife /ˈnaɪt.laɪf/ n. entertainment and social activities that happen in the
evening in bars and clubs
discount /ˈdɪs.kaʊnt/ n. a reduction in the usual price
tỉ lệ tội phạm
không lo lắng, vô tư lự,
nhởn nhơ
thăm dị, thám hiểm
khơng khí, khí khuyển
lối sống, nếp sống
thú vui về đêm
chiết khấu,
hạ giá,
giảm giá
graffiti /ɡrəˈfiː.ti/ n. words or drawings, especially humorous, rude, or hình vẽ, chữ viết trên
political, on walls, doors, etc. in public places
murder /ˈmɜː.dər/ n (c-u). the crime of intentionally killing a person
tội giết người, tội ám sát
accommodation /əˌkɒm.əˈdeɪ.ʃən/ n. a place to live, work, stay in
chỗ trọ, chỗ ăn ở
advantage /ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/ n. a condition giving a greater chance of success
sự thuận lợi
disadvantage /ˌdɪs.ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/ n. a condition or situation that causes sự bất lợi, sự thiệt hại
problems, especially one that causes something or someone to be less
successful than other things or people
alternative /ɒlˈtɜː.nə.tɪv/ adj. an alternative plan or method is one that you thay đổi, lựa chọn
can use if you do not want to use another one
punishment /ˈpʌn.ɪʃ.mənt/ n. the act of punishing someone
sự trừng phạt, sự trừng
sentence /ˈsen.təns/ n. a punishment given by a judge in court to a person sự tuyên án, án
or organization after they have been found guilty of doing something
community service /kəˌmjuː.nə.ti ˈsɜː.vɪs/ np. work done without payment dịch vụ cộng đồng/lao
to help other people. Criminals whose crime was not serious enough for động cơng ích
them to be put in prison are sometimes ordered to do community service:
shoplifting /ˈʃɒp.lɪf.tɪŋ/ n. the illegal act of taking goods from a shop sự ăn cắp đồ ở các cửa
without paying for them
shoplifter /ˈʃɒp.lɪf.tər/ n.a person who takes illegally from a shop without người ăn cắp đồ trong
paying for them
cửa hàng/siêu thị
technique /tekˈniːk/ n. a way of doing an activity that needs skill
kỹ xảo, kỹ thuật
disappear /ˌdɪs.əˈpɪər/ v. if people or things disappear, they go somewhere biến mất
they cannot be seen or found
credit card /ˈkred.ɪt ˌkɑːd/ n. a small plastic card that can be used as a thẻ tín dụng
method of payment, the money being taken from you at a later time
fraud /frɔːd/ n. the crime of getting money by deceiving people
criminal /ˈkrɪm.ɪ.nəl/ n. someone who commits a crime
illegally /ɪˈliː.ɡəl.i/ adv. in a way that is illegal
sự lừa lọc, sự lừa gạt
kẻ phạm tội, tội phạm
bất hợp pháp, trái pháp
arrest /əˈrest/ v. if the police arrest someone, they take them away to ask bắt giữ
them about a crime that they might have committed
ignore /ɪɡˈnɔːr/ v. to intentionally not listen or give attention to
lờ đi, phớt đi
delay /dɪˈleɪ/ v. to make something happen at a later time than originally làm chậm chễ, hoãn lại
planned or expected
n. the situation in which you have to wait longer than expected for sự chậm trễ, sự trì hỗn
something to happen, or the time that you have to wait
litter /ˈlɪt.ər/ n. small pieces of rubbish that have been left lying on the rác rưởi bừa bãi
ground in public places
faulty /ˈfɒl.ti/ adj. a faulty machine or device is not perfectly made or does có thiếu sót, mắc khuyết
not work correctly
equipment /ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ n. the set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for thiết bị, dụng cụ
particular purpose
crashing /ˈkræʃ.ɪŋ/ n. loud noises made when things break or fall
tiếng đổ vỡ loảng xoảng
spam /spæm/ n. unwanted email, usually advertisements
thư rác
sensation /senˈseɪ.ʃən/ n. the ability to feel something physically, especially cảm giác
by touching, or a physical feeling that results from this ability`
score /skɔːr/ v. to win or get a point, goal, etc. in a completion, sport, game, ghi điểm thắng, đạt
or test
council /ˈkaʊn.səl/ n. a group of people elected or chosen to make hội đồng
decisions or give advice on a particular subject, to represent a particular
group of people, or to run a particular organization
ban /bæn/ v. to forbid (= refuse to allow) something, especially officially
cấm, cấm chỉ
charity /ˈtʃær.ə.ti/ n. an organization whose purpose is to give money, việc thiện
food, or help to those who need it, or to carry out activities such as medical
research that will help people in need, and not to make a profit
achievement /əˈtʃiːv.mənt/ n. something very good and difficult that you thành tích, thành tựu
have succeeded in doing
drug /drʌɡ/ n. any natural or artificially made chemical that is taken for ma túy
pleasure, to improve someone’s performance of an activity, or because a
person cannot stop using it
alcohol /ˈæl.kə.hɒl/ n. a clear liquid that can make you drunk, also used as rượu cồn
a solvent (= a substance that dissolves another) and in fuel and medicines
annoy /əˈnɔɪ/ v. to make someone angry
làm khó chịu, làm bực
comment /ˈkɒm.ent/ n. something that you say or write that expresses your lời bình luận, lời chú
rubbish /ˈrʌb.ɪʃ/ n. waste material or things that are no longer wanted or rác nói chung
constitution /ˌkɒn.stɪˈtʃuː.ʃən/ n. the set of political principles by which a
state or organization is governed, especially in relation to the rights of the
people it governs
discover /dɪˈskʌv.ər/ v. to find information, a place, or an object, especially
for the first time`
invent /ɪnˈvent/ v. to design and / or create something that has never been
made before`
frightened /ˈfraɪ.tənd/ adj. feeling fear or worry
hiến pháp
phát hiện ra, tìm ra
phát minh, sáng chế
hoảng sợ, khiếp đảm
10.1: Các cách sử dụng từ ‘’like”
1. Like - động từ - thích
to like (v) - động từ
living in the city.
Where do
doesn’t like
going out in the evening?
sử dụng động từ ‘like’ để nói về những thứ bạn thích:
A: What do you like doing in the evening? Bạn thích làm gì vào buổi tối?
B: I like going out at night. Mình thích đi ra ngoài chơi vào buổi tối.
2. Like - giới từ - như thế nào
to be like (pre) - giới từ
? What
he/she/it/Antigua/your new house
sử dụng giới từ ‘like’ để hỏi về ai đó, cái gì, ... như thế nào:
A: What’s it (the city) like? Thành phố đó như thế nào?
B: It’s a big city, with lots of traffic. Đó là thành phố lớn với nhiều xe cộ.
Chú ý: Không nên nhầm lẫn hai cách sử dụng của động từ like (thích) và giới từ like (như thế
- What’s it like? Nơi đó (thành phố) như thế nào?
- It’s a lovely city. Đó là một thành phố đáng yêu (trả lời câu hỏi như thế nào).
Không trả lời: I like it very much. Tơi rất thích nó (trả lời câu hỏi có thích khơng?)
10.2: Câu bị động hiện ở tại thường và quá khứ
- Câu bị động:
Dạng thức:
S + be + PII
Câu bị động ở hiện tại – Present passive
Chủ ngữ - Subject
Phân từ II –
past participle
that he is the best
with potatoes?
this disk
Câu bị động ở quá khứ – Past passive
Chủ ngữ - Subject
The photo
Was the dog
Phân từ II –
by a policeman.
Sử dụng câu chủ động để nhấn mạnh chủ thể - tác nhân gây ra hành động:
John stole the camera.
Liz ate the bread.
Sử dụng câu bị động
§ để nói việc gì xảy ra với cái/vật gì hoặc người (nhấn mạnh vào hành động hoặc đối
tượng chịu sự tác động của hành động):
The camera was stolen by John. Máy ảnh bị đánh cắp bởi John.
The bread was eaten by Lize. Bánh mì bị ăn bởi Liz.
§ khi khơng biết tác nhân gây ra hành động
Thousands of people are killed on the roads every year. ( We don’t know who kills them).
§ Khi tác nhân gây ra hành động không quan trọng:
The cake are made in France. (it is not important who makes them).
Trong trường hợp muốn đề cập ai gây ra hành động, thì để sau giới từ “by”
The criminal was caught by the police.
Penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming.
1. Two boys were caught writing large ____________ on the wall of a private house.
A. graffiti
B. paintings
C. decorations
D. posters
2. ____________ equipment is responsible for several types of on-the-job injuries each year.
A. Faulty
B. State- of- the- art
C. Portable
D. Standard
3. The judge asks why the ____________ stole books from a bookshop?
A. murderer
B. thief
C. robber
D. burglar
4. A thief stole seventeen cans of paint. What is his/her ____________? A prison sentence? Or a
big fine?
A. aim
B. plan
C. intention
D. punishment
5. Martha decided to use her blog to ____________ money for hungry schoolchildren in Malawi
through the project called Mary’s meals.
A. raise
B. rise
C. give
D. take
6. The judge ordered him to pay a fine and perform 100 hours of ____________ as a punishment.
A. welfare
B. community service C. customer service D. voluntary
7. ____________ is the crime of cheating somebody in order to get money or goods illegally.
A. Fraud
B. Shoplifting
C. Stealing
D. Lying
8. The national government wants all buses in ____________ transport to be clean and economical
by 2030.
A. private
B. air
C. railway
D. public
9. The police sometimes put themselves in danger when arresting violent ____________.
A. guards
B. criminals
C. victims
D. judges
10. I want to know if it is possible to have a ____________ on the price if I buy 5,000,000 items.
A. discount
B. decline
C. drop
D. decrease
11. My computer has ____________ again. I don’t know why it stops working suddenly.
A. knocked
D. collapsed
C. crashed
D. broken
12. We are of course ____________ how an error like this could have occurred.
A. looking
B. checking in
C. investing
D. investigating
13. A long ____________ is predicted on the motorway because of the accident.
A. break
B. interval
C. interruption
D. delay
14. The police often concentrate partrolling in poor neighbourhoods with high ____________
A. crime rates
B. birth rates
C. inflation rates
D. interest rates
15. Anna has a ____________ summer ahead of her. She doesn’t have to worry about anything.
A. carefree
B. home free
C. barrier free
D. hands-free
16. My doctor says I should start playing sports because my ____________ is too sedentary.
A. lifework
B. lifeboat
C. lifetime
D. lifestyle
17. Nowadays, instead of ____________ punishments such as prison sentence, criminals might get
the punishments that fit their crimes.
A. original
B. corporal
C. traditional
D. physical
18. The movie is about a girl who mysteriously ____________ while on a picnic at Hanging Rock.
A. stayed
B. disappeared
C. arrested
D. caught
19. She's a wonderfully creative dancer but she doesn't have the ____________ of a truly great
A. habit
B. enrollment
C. technique
D. involvement
20. A(n) __________venue for the concert is being sought in case we don’t want to use original one.
A. compulsory
B. obligatory
C. imperative
D. alternative
21. In the film, he broke ____________ a bank and shot a guard.
A. at
B. out
C. into
D. up
22. Is it possible for the criminals to change their ____________?
A. way of life
B. way of living
B. C. lifestyle
D. all answers are possible
23. She got ____________ on the way to the airport due to the accident on the highway.
A. engaged
B. delighted
C. stuck in a traffic jam D. promoted
24. I signed up to a mailing list and then I received ____________ – unwanted emails, for months.
A. litter
B. spam
C. notice
D. letter
25. The park and river are full of ____________. People throw their plastic bags, tins, cigaretteends, etc. everywhere!
A. wood
B. equipment
C. furniture
D. litter
26. She spoke very loudly on the phone. It was so ____________!
A. noisy
B. quiet
C. gentle
D. peaceful
27. Dubai is a great city for shopping and going out. It has a really good ____________ with a lot of
bars and clubs.
A. nightlife
B. environment
C. climate
D. weather
28. In Melbourne, public transport is really good, actually it is quite cheap and ____________. You
can go everywhere by tram.
A. uncomfortable
B. inconvenient
C. efficient
D. unreliable
29. What do you like best about living in Melbourne? – I think it’s probably a great ____________.
It’s really close to some fantastic beaches. It’s got everything here with just a 5-minute drive.
A. location
B. trip
C. atmosphere
D. climate
30. Everyone drives a car here in Dubai so the traffic is ____________.
A. efficient
B. fast
C. terrible
D. expensive
1. - I’ve never been to Madrid. What ____________?
- It’s a lovely city. There’s a great atmosphere and the people are really friendly.
A. does it like
B. is it like
C. does it look like
D. it liked
2. I ____________ to ask for some more information about your Bed and Breakfast.
A. write
B. would like writing
C. am writing
D. wrote
3. Is it possible to travel easily into the centre of town ____________ public transport?
A. in
B. on
C. with
D. by
4. A shoplifter was caught _________ three times in one year in a small town in the United States.
A. to shoplift
B. shoplift
C. shoplifting
D. shoplifted
5. The local council banned Martha _______ taking photographs and posting them on the website.
A. for
B. from
C. by
D. in
6. How did he manage ____________ everything in such good condition?
A. to keep
B. keep
C. keeping
D. kept
7. One thing that makes me really angry __________ when people throw rubbish on the streets and
on the beaches.
A. are
B. be
C. is
D. x
8. When we were young, all the children in my family ____________ to become doctors.
A. expect
B. were expected
C. are expected
D. have been expected
9. A couple went ___________ illegally in dangerous waters. A search team had to spend hours
___________ for them.
A. sail/look
B. to sail/to look
C. sailed/looked
D. sailing/looking
10. Lucas Stepanovich drove __________town playing loud music__________ his windows down.
A. into/on
B. to/by
C. through/with
D. from/at
11. I think that there are not enough things for teenagers to do and this causes problems. I would
like to see more ____________ centers and ____________ clubs
A. sport/young
B. sport/youthful
C. sports/youth
D. sporting/youthfully
12. ____________, I would like to know the price.
A. In addition to this B. Addition
C. Addition to this
D. In addition to
13. More evidence ____________ which allows the CSI officers to find the killers.
A. has discovered
B. discovers
C. is discovered
D. discovered
14. The thieves ____________ five paintings from the National Art Gallery.
A. has stolen
B. stealing
C. stole
D. were stolen
15. ____________ is your new flat like? It’s very small, but it’s near the city centre.
A. How
B. Where
C. Which
D. What
16. I almost missed my flight ____________ there was a long queue in the duty-free shop.
A. due to
B. because of
C. but
D. because
17. The punishment for the shoplifter is that he/she was sent to speak to the shop owners and gave
them advice ____________ stop shoplifters.
A. on how to
B. how to
C. on how
D. how
18. Excuse me. I ordered room service over an hour ago. Can you look ____________ it, please?
A. at
B. for
C. into
D. up
19. This is one possible solution to the problem. ____________, there are others.
A. Because
B. So
C. In addition to
D. However
20. I've got ____________ to do at the moment, without being given any more.
A. work enough
B. enough working
C. enough work
D. works enough
21. I ____________ the fact that there’s nothing for teenagers to do in this town.
A. fed up
B. get fed with
C. fed up with
D. get fed up with
22. The police have found no ____________ of a terrorist link with the murder.
A. evident
B. evidence
C. evidential
D. evidencing
23. The Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower were built by French ____________.
A. architecture
B. architectural
C. architects
D. architectonic
24. The first aeroplanes ____________ by the Wright brothers and Alberto Santos Dumont.
A. built
B. were building
C. are built
D. were built
25. What do you like about ___________?
A. where do you live B. where you live
C. where live you
D. you live where
26. What ____________ the food in your country like?
A. is about
B. does
C. is
D. about
27. I would like ____________ what courses you have in August.
A. knowing
B. know
C. being known
D. to know
28. A thief stole seventeen cans of paint. ____________ going to prison, he was told to spend
several weeks painting local schools, a library and other public buildings.
A. Instead of
B. When
C. In addition to
D. If
29. He was given a fine for ____________ graffiti on a wall.
A. write
B. writing
C. wrote
D. written
30. During the trial, Helen was told to go home and get her favourite ____________.
A. possess
B. possessively
C. possession
D. possessive
1. What does a shop assistant respond to the question from the customer: “Excuse me, could I
speak to the manager, please?”
A. Yes, one moment, please.
B. I am afraid, you aren’t allowed to do that.
C. No, of course.
D. You shouldn’t do that.
2. Which statement is NOT a complaint from the customer?
A. There’s a problem with the air conditioning.
B. I’ve been here for over an hour.
C. Excuse me, there is no towel in my room.
D. I’m really sorry about that.
3. What does a shop assistant respond to this complaint in the shop: “I bought this mobile phone
here last week, but there’s a problem with it.”?
A. I regret to inform you that the product you want is out of stock at the moment.
B. Ok, can you leave it here? I’ll look into it right away.
C. I’m afraid that it’s in wrong colour.
D. I’m sorry, I’ll send a technician to your room right way.
4. What phrase is NOT used to express the issue that concerns people?
A. One thing that really annoys me is that …
B. Prague is the city of dream with beautiful buildings and squares.
C. The thing really makes me angry …
D. I get really fed up with the fact that…
5. Which of the following responses is the most suitable to deal with the customer’s problem:
“Excuse me. I’m afraid I have a complaint.”?
A. Oh really. What’s the matter?
B. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.
C. I’m sorry. He is away on business trip.
D. Well, we are running out of budget.
mobile (phone) /ˌməʊbaɪl ˈfəʊn/ (n) a telephone that you can carry with you điện thoại di động
and use anywhere
blog /blɒɡ/ (n) a webpage in which someone writes about their opinions, nhật ký điện tử
activities etc, which has the newest information first
site /saɪt/ (n) a place on the internet where you can find out information website
about something
text (message) /ˈtekst ˌmesɪdʒ/ (n) a written message that is sent or received tin nhắn
on a mobile phone also known as sms
webpage /ˈwebpeɪdʒ/ (n) all the information that you can see in one part of a trang web
update /ʌpˈdeɪt/ (v) to add the most recent information to something
cập nhật
email /ˈiːmeɪl/ (n) electronic mail; a system for sending messages by thư điện tử
computer, or one of these messages
follow /ˈfɒləʊ/ (v) to look at the messages sent by a particular person using theo dõi
the social networking service, Twitter or Facebook
link /lɪŋk/ (n) a connection between one file and another
đường link/liên kết
post /pəʊst/ (v) to put a message or computer document on the Internet so đăng tải
that other people can see it
Skype™ /skaɪp/ (v) using software to make telephone calls over the Internet
sử dụng ứng dụng
Skype để liên lạc
social networking site /səʊʃəl ˈnetwɜːkɪŋ ˌsaɪt/ (n) a website where people trang mạng xã hội
put information about themselves and can send messages to other people
share /ʃeə/ (v) to post something online so that others know about it
chia sẻ
SMS /ˌes em ˈes/ (n) a feature on a mobile phone that allows a user to send tin nhắn
and receive written messages
amazed /əˈmeɪzd/ (adj) very surprised
ngạc nhiên
excited /ɪkˈsaɪtəd/ (adj) very happy or interested because something good is khấn khởi, vui vẻ
happening or is going to happen
confused /kənˈfjuːzd/ (adj) if you are confused, you do not understand rối trí khơng hiểu gì
something clearly
uncomfortable /ʌnˈkʌmftəbəl/ (adj) if you are uncomfortable, you do not không thoải mái
feel physically relaxed
lonely /ˈləʊnli/ (adj) unhappy because you are alone
cô đơn
nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/ (adj) worried and frightened, and you cannot relax
hồi hộp
search engine /ˈsɜːtʃ ˌendʒən/ (n) a computer program that helps people to công cụ tìm kiếm
find information on the Internet
message board /ˈmesɪdʒ bɔːd/ (n) a place on a website where you can read bảng tin trực tuyến
or leave messages
download /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd/ (v) to move information, programs etc to your tải về máy tính
computer from the Internet or from a computer system.
photo sharing website /ˈfəʊtəʊ ˌʃeərɪŋ ˌwebsaɪt/ (n) a website where you trang web chia sẻ
can upload photos for other people to look at and comment on
S + have/has + past participle
* Past participle: - Động từ qui tắc:
- Động tõ bÊt qui t¾c:
Past participle = Past simple = V-ed
Past participle = Cột 3 bảng động từ bất qui tắc
1. Hành động vùa mới xảy ra trong quá khứ, không có thời điểm xác định. Tính tức thời của hành
động được diễn tả bằng trạng từ just. Một số trạng từ khác dùng với ý nghĩa này là: recently,
lately, yet, already, so far, up to now, up to the present.
- I've just seen a ghost.
- Jim has had three car accidents so far. (up to the present)
2. Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, không có thời điểm xác định nhưng có kết quả ở hiện t¹i.
- I've cut myself badly. My finger's bleeding.
- Can you lend me $10? I've left my wallet at home.
* Khi hỏi đáp về các thông tin chi tiết của hành động (với ai, khi nào, ở đâu?), phải dùng thì QK§.
- Have you had breakfast? ~ - Yes, I have.
- What did you have?
- I had some bread.
3. Tình trạng, hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ và tiếp diễn cho tới hiện tại. Khoảng thời gian mà
hành động diễn ra được diễn đạt bằng các (cụm) trạng từ thời gian sau: for, since, (ever)
* for + period of time (20 minutes, 3 days, 4 months…)
* since + a point of time in the past (yesterday, last weekend, I came here)
* (ever) Since/Since then :Từ đó đến nay (được dùng khi thời điểm xảy ra hành động đà được nhắc
tới tõ tríc)
- He left home three days ago. I haven’t seen him (ever) since/since then.
* for/ during/ in/ over + the last/ past + few/ several + days/ months/ years…
- We've been in this room for an hour.
- How long has he lived here? ~ He has lived here since he was born.
4. Những việc mà ai đó đà từng trải qua, thực hiện tính đến thời điểm hiện tại.
- I've never eaten snake.
- He's never had an accident.
So sánh vi thi quỏ kh n gin
- dùng với cụm trạng từ thời gian nói tới
- miêu tả hd xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng
thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ.
kO xác định thời điểm xảy ra hành động.
- miêu tả hành động xảy ra và kết thúc
- miêu tả hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ
trong quá khứ.
và còn tiếp diễn đến hiện tại.
I bought a new car last week. (Xác định
rõ mua xe tuần trước)
I've bought a new car. (Không rõ mua xe
khi nào)
Câu điều kiện loại 1
Câu điều kiện loại 1 dùng để diễn tả những sự việc có khả năng xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai
và kết quả của nó.
Mệnh đề phụ (đk)
Mệnh đề chính
If + S + V…
S + will + V…
(Hiện tại đơn)
(Tương lai đơn)
If you don’t hurry, you will miss the bus.
(Nếu bạn không nhanh lên, bạn sẽ lỡ chuyến xe buýt.)
If I have time, I’ll finish that letter.
(Nếu có thời gian, tơi sẽ hồn thành lá thư đó.)
What will you do if you miss the plane?
(Nếu bạn lỡ chuyến bay bạn sẽ làm gì?)
Trong câu điều kiện loại 1, thay vì sử dụng thì tương lai chúng ta cũng có thể sử dụng các động
từ khuyết thiếu để thể hiện mức độ chắc chắn hoặc đề nghị một kết quả nào đó:
If you drop that glass, it might break.
(Nếu bạn làm rơi chiếc cốc, nó sẽ vỡ.)
I may finish that letter if I have time.
(Tơi sẽ hồn thành lá thư đó nếu tơi có thời gian.)
If he calls you, you should go.
(Nếu anh ấy gọi bạn, bạn nên đi.)
1. Social media makes me feel ____________. I’m ____________ sharing information with
people I don’t know.
A. nervous/uncomfortable
B. confused/convenient
C. excited/inconvenient
D. lonely/believable
2. I am quite ____________ when I don’t understand how something works.
A. excited
B. confused
C. amazed
D. entertained
3. Blogs, podcasts and other forms of social ____________ are creating new opportunities for
entrepreneurs to reach the public.
A. change
B. media
C. community
D. computing
4. I’m going to show my parents how to____________ our sister. She’s currently studying in Italy.
A. post
B. check
C. chat
D. skype
5. I’ve just started writing a new ____________ where I write about politics, and lots of people
are reading it.
A. blog
B. internet
C. network
D. youtube
6. I am so ____________ when keeping thinking about a problem or something bad that might
happen. I might lose my job.
A. safe
B. relaxed
C. worried
D. angry
7. Scientists are conducting a/an ____________ to test the effectiveness of the new drug.
A. experience
B. course
C. experiment
D. cinema
8. Have you seen this handy little ____________?- Yes, it's for separating egg yolks from whites.
A. gadget
B. device
C. tool
D. all answers are possible
9. We were ____________ to see smoke pouring out of the roof.
A. interested
B. relaxed
C. shocked
D. excited
10. ____________ the internet is ____________ because some people can’t stop using it.
A. Operating/useful
B. Surfing/addictive
C. Finding/distracted
D. Setting/wasteful
11. Talking, dancing, playing a game – all of these activities allow you to __________ with people.
A. call
B. ring
C. interact
D. phone
12. You’ve decided to spend a year in another country, but you haven’t met any friends yet. You
will feel ____________.
A. amazed
B. confused
C. lonely
D. nervous
13. I don’t used any of the ____________ sites because I just don’t have time. I prefer to talk to
friends on the phone or send them an email.
A. message board
B. social networking
C. music download
D. photo sharing
14. Have you updated the ____________ with our new photos?
A. webpage
B. web browser
C. web address
D. web server
15. I look at travel ____________ when I’m planning a holiday. It’s useful to get ideas of where
you could go.
A. webchats
B. websites
C. web explores
D. webcams
16. I’m always ____________ by how much useful information you can find on social media. For
me, it’s like a learning tool.
A. nervous
B. exciting
C. amazed
D. embarrassed
17. There were at least three ____________ –grandparents, parents, and children - at the wedding.
A. families
B. generations
C. classes
D. genders
18. He's really ____________ and never buys anyone a drink when we go out.
A. charitable
B. stingy
C. generous
D. hospitable
19. I’m really ___________ about social media because I think it can help people to change their
A. tired
B. worried
C. excited
D. stressful
20. Lopez’s grandson, Daniel who she lived with, ________ up a blog for her as a birthday present.
A. opened
B. run
C. get
D. set
21. ____________ is a problem in many schools with adolescents and pre-adolescents.
A. Bullying
B. Playing
C. Planning
D. Managing
22. For Lopez, using the internet was one of the best ____________ of her life.
A. experiences
B. experiments
C. observations
D. participations
23. He didn't express a/an ____________ on these matters.
A. message
B. comment
C. opinion
D. solution
24. I think video sharing sites can be ____________ . – Yes, I agree. Anyone can upload videos of
____________ things.
A. dangerous/illegal B. risky/legal
C. unsafe/accurate D. harmful/good
25. I tend to use social media sites when I’m ____________ and there’s nothing better to do.
A. busy
B. hurry
C. late
D. bored
26. I signed a ____________ against the proposed closure of the local hospital today.
A. signature
B. petition
C. survey
D. report
27. The file will only take a few seconds to ____________ from the website.
A. upload
B. post
C. download
D. skype
28. The protests were part of their ________ against the proposed building development in the area.
A. survey
B. report
D. foundation
29. We use search ____________ to find data online. This tool is really useful.
A. engines
B. teams
C. operations
D. groups
30. ____________ your problem is, if you use social media, you’ll find people who will help you
deal with it.
A. Whenever
B. Wherever
C. Whatever
D. However