BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number and title
Unit 09: Software Development Life Cycle
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I. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 1
II. Software development life cycle (SDLC) model ..........................................................................................
1. Some popular SDLC models .....................................................................................................................
1.1. Waterfall model ..................................................................................................................................
1.2. Agile model ........................................................................................................................................
1.3. V-model ..............................................................................................................................................
1.4. Prototyping model ..............................................................................................................................
1.5. Spiral model ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2. SDLC model suitable for Tune Source ...................................................................................................... 7
III. Identify some risks and discuss an approach to manage them ....................................................................
IV – Feasibility study ...................................................................................................................................... 10
1. Discuss the purpose of conducting a feasibility study for the project ..................................................... 10
2. Discuss how the three feasibility criteria (technical, economic, organizational) are applied to the project.
Discuss whether the project is feasible. ....................................................................................................... 11
a) Technical feasibility ............................................................................................................................ 11
b) Economic Feasibility ........................................................................................................................... 12
c) Organizational feasibility .................................................................................................................... 13
3. Discuss alternative technical solutions using the alternative matrix ....................................................... 14
V. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Reference ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Table of figures
Figure 1: Waterfall model.....................................................................................................................................1
Figure 2: Agile model............................................................................................................................................2
Figure 3: V-model..................................................................................................................................................3
Figure 4: Spiral model...........................................................................................................................................6
Table of tables
Table 1: Risk management....................................................................................................................................9
Table 2: Technical feasibility................................................................................................................................ 11
Table 3: Investment cost..................................................................................................................................... 12
Table 4: Benefit cost............................................................................................................................................ 13
Table 5: Alternative matrix.................................................................................................................................. 14
I. Introduction
For firms and businesses, product quality and customer happiness with the system are always top
priorities. To be able to create a system that fits all of the criteria for entering the market, it must go
through a series of specified and rigorous stages. The software development life cycle is a notion
that encompasses all of these stages. Models reflecting stages in the software development life
cycle will be explored in this paper, and the one that best suits the Tune Source company's
perspective will be chosen. Furthermore, the paper will examine hazards and how to approach and
manage them. The relevance of a feasibility study in any system and its function in the Tune Source
project will be discussed in the last section.
II. Software development life cycle (SDLC) model
The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a process that follows a software project, in a
software organization. It includes a blueprint that describes how to develop, maintain, change, or
upgrade specific software (Balaji and Murugaiyan, 2012).
The process is one of the most important factors that bring success to software manufacturers, it
makes it possible for every project member from the old to the new, inside or outside the company
to handle the work synchronously corresponding to their position through the general way of the
company or at least at the project level.
1. Some popular SDLC models
1.1. Waterfall model
The waterfall model was the first process model to be used, it as a linear sequential life cycle model.
It usually has 5 phases namely requirements analysis, system design, implementation, testing
(verification), and maintenance. It's pretty simple, easy to understand.
The characteristic of the waterfall is that it must be completed before each stage, not to overlap or
repeat the stages. To put it simply, the software developer has to complete each stage one by one,
it's like a package.
Figure 1: Waterfall model
User requirements analysis phase is a market research phase in which user requirements will be
recorded along with functional and non-functional. The system design phase will be based on the
requirements analyzed from phase 1 to give a detailed plan of the structure for the system. After
that, the program will be programmed by programmers in the implementation phase according to
the structure and function of the design. In the testing phase, a process of finding and fixing errors
will be performed to ensure the system is working properly. After testing, deployment and
maintenance are the final steps to concluding an SDLC.
Some of the advantages of the waterfall model are that a clear, detailed structure of the system will
be built to ensure the system meets all user requirements. Easy to manage by newbies because the
plan is very clear, detailed, simple. Helping developers set goals from the beginning, the system will
be stable, product packaging in a certain time, certainty (Balaji and Murugaiyan, 2012).
However, it has several drawbacks, such as the fact that problems with one phase are never entirely
resolved within that phase, and that many problems with a specific phase surface after the phase is
signed off, resulting in a poorly organized system. If the customer requests a change to the requirement,
it will not be implemented during the current development phase (Balaji and Murugaiyan, 2012).
1.2. Agile model
Agile model is the synthesis of many loops, increasing the size of the system over time. The
purpose of Agile is to flexibly respond to customer requirements after each iteration. Agile divides
system building into smaller builds (Balaji and Murugaiyan, 2012). Each build usually lasts 2-4
weeks, in each of these iterations there will be enough phases that are planning, requirements
analysis, design, implementation, testing. Basically, they are not too different from the waterfall
model, but after each iteration, they are tested by users and evaluated for changes, adding features at
the next iteration to ensure requirements. of the user. After repeating about 3 to 4 times, the system
will be perfected, the system will be suitable for users, with few errors.
Figure 2: Agile model
Agile is a model that has many advantages such as a pragmatic approach to software development,
it always meets all user requirements in the most perfect way because it can get their feedback.
Promoting teamwork and training many areas for a developer, the deadline is very short, so the
work will be faster. In addition, Agile can demonstrate the effectiveness of the software because it
will quickly be used by users from the demo. The resource is not so great because it develops in
stages. There is suitability for changing environments along with user customization requirements.
Agile is easy to manage and has developer flexibility.
However, it also has some disadvantages such as high pressure because the software and system
will have to be quickly brought to market, must ensure the complete development of the planned
components (Balaji and Murugaiyan, 2012). It is useless without user interaction, a system with too
few users can cause the model to fail or go in the wrong direction.
1.3. V-model
A modified version of the Waterfall approach is the V-model (Validation & Verification model).
Unlike the Waterfall approach, this one does not follow a linear axis; instead, when the coding
phase is completed, the phases reverse direction. This developmental process is well-balanced,
relying on previous phases' verification before moving on. Before moving further, each phase's
product must be reviewed and authorized (Balaji and Murugaiyan, 2012).
In the V-model, the developer and tester work in tandem. System test cases are created based on the
requirements, Integration Test cases are created based on the HLD (High level document), and
Integration Test cases are created based on the LLD (Low-level document). The code is then
completed. After the code is finished, unit, integration, and system testing are performed in order.
The V-model establishes a link between each development step and the testing stage.
Figure 3: V-model
In addition to the advantages of waterfall model, Tester in V-model will participate in the requirements
phase itself and requirements can change in any phase, this is a big difference from Waterfall model.
The most significant drawback of the V-model is that it is extremely stiff and inflexible. If there are
any modifications in the middle of the project, not only the requirements but also the test
documentation must be updated. It is not recommended for short-term projects since it necessitates
stage-by-stage evaluations (Balaji and Murugaiyan, 2012).
If the customer needs to amend any need in our case study, it is possible to do so, but documents
created during the requirement phase, such as functional specifications, high level design, low level
design, unit testing, system testing, and integration testing, must be changed. The V-Model is
commonly utilized in larger organizations since it necessitates a greater amount of resources.
1.4. Prototyping model
Prototyping is a working model with limited functionality. The prototype may or may not contain
the precise logic used in the final software program, and therefore is an additional work that should
be factored into the effort calculation.
Users may review developer suggestions and try them out before they are implemented through
prototyping. It also aids in comprehending user-specific requirements that may not have been
considered by the developer during product development.
Process of this model:
Identification of Basic Requirements
This process entails comprehending the most fundamental product needs, particularly in
terms of user interface. At this point, the more technical features of the interior design, as
well as exterior factors like as performance and security, can be overlooked.
Developing the initial Prototype
This is where the first Prototype is created, where the most basic needs are displayed and
user interfaces are supplied. Internally, these functionalities may not work in the same way
as the actual software built. Workarounds are utilized to provide the consumer the same
appearance and feel as the prototype generated.
Review of the Prototype
The client and other project stakeholders are then shown the prototype that has been created.
The input is gathered in a systematic manner and utilized to improve the product currently
in development.
Revise and Enhance the Prototype
During this stage, the client's feedback and review comments are considered, and some
discussions take place with the customer depending on criteria such as time and financial
limits, as well as the technical feasibility of the actual implementation. The agreed
improvements are then included into the newly created Prototype, and the cycle continues
until the customer's expectations are realized.
The following are some of the advantages of the prototyping model:
Even before the product was implemented, there was a higher level of user interaction.
Users have a better grasp of the system being created since a functioning model of the
system is shown.
Defects may be spotted considerably sooner, which saves time and money.
User feedback is provided more quickly, resulting in better solutions.
It's simple to see missing functionality.
Functions that are perplexing or difficult to understand can be identified.
The following are the disadvantages of the prototyping model:
Due to too much reliance on the prototype, there is a risk of insufficient requirement analysis.
Users may be perplexed by prototypes and real-world systems.
In practice, because the scope of the system may go beyond the original intentions, this
process may enhance the system's complexity.
Even if it is not technically viable, developers may attempt to design the actual system using
existing prototypes.
If prototype development is not carefully managed, the effort used may be excessive.
1.5. Spiral model
The spiral model is a risk management strategy that combines incremental modeling with waterfall
design models in the system development life cycle (SDLC). Spiral models are only used by
software developers and are favored for large, expensive, and sophisticated projects. When shown
as a chart, the spiral model seems to be a cylinder with cycles within. It's a risk-driven paradigm,
which means that the final performance of a project is highly dependent on the risk assessment
process. Each cycle of risk analysis necessitates in-depth knowledge. As a result, specialist skills
are necessary to review and appraise the project on a regular basis. At first glance, a model appears
to be tough and cumbersome, and there's no time to defend this solution as one of your options.
This SDLC design, like every other SDLC pattern, has both positive and negative aspects.
Figure 4: Spiral model
Spiral model has four phases which are below.
Planning Stage: Requirements are created during the planning stage. The baseline spiral is used to
collect attribute requirements in this phase. During this phase in the continuous spirals as the item
grows, system requirements, element details, and unit-level inputs are created. This phase also
includes attempting to learn the project's components through ongoing client and consultant
communication. The code is then deployed in the unique market at the end of the process.
Risk Analysis: During the risk identification process, a procedure is carried out to analyze hazards
and various causes. A prototype is created at the end of the risk analysis step.
Engineering Phase: After the risk analysis, the real software development occurs, which is always
characterized by the relative residual risks.
Before moving on to the following spiral, the system has to evaluate the project output signal in
relation to the deadline. The customer reviews the output and provides feedback to the team at the
end of each step.
Advantages: Spiral Model SDLC is a good choice for extended projects where all potential risks must
be considered, and when there is early awareness between the team and the client that not every step
must be finished by a certain date. Corporate governance is also aided by the iterative design process.
Apart from thoroughly controlling risk, Spiral also helps to tackle another key issue for big, controlled
atmosphere initiatives: it promotes modest characteristics to be incorporated early in the process.
Disadvantages: Because the spiral model is expensive, it is not appropriate for large organizations.
Dependence on risk analysis-Because the project's success is contingent on good risk management,
employees with risk management skills are required. The project's phase is frequently unpredictable,
making time management nearly difficult. As a result, there will always be a risk of loss due to
schedule or expense overruns.
2. SDLC model suitable for Tune Source
Tune Source is a California-based music company founded by John Margolis, Megan Taylor, and
Phil Cooper. They wanted to build a website for customers to search, listen to samples, register and
buy CDs for a certain price. To complete this website, Tune Source's development team needs to
build SDLC models: Waterfall, Agile, V-model, ... In SDLC models, Agile model is preferred for
the following reasons.
Their need is to build functions such as listening, storing, registering an account, searching for
music. A major limitation is the supply of rare, hard-to-find music. The recommended model for
this company is Agile because this music site is unique. The system needs to develop quickly and
reach the market because it has to compete with other companies, the Agile model can bring the
product to market after about 1 month is the right time. Unlike Agile, 3 to 4 months for a Waterfall
system is a long time for the company, it makes it impossible for the company to compete with the
current company; With Waterfall about a website project with many user requests like Tune Source,
completing user requests within 1 to 2 months is not possible because the number of Tune Source
users is very large and not fixed. In addition, if after 3 to 4 months the new website is published,
maybe another music site has appeared and occupies an important position in the market, so 2 to 4
weeks is necessary. With growth of 3-5% a year, the website must be put into use as quickly as
possible to demonstrate the effectiveness of the project. With the experience of ISP and IT
department, Agile is not a difficult model to implement.
Investors like Carly Edwards, Assistant Vice President want to quickly see the effect of the model to
continue investing, Agile will help do that quickly.
Agile takes user feedback to improve system functionality, this is necessary because Tune Source
has a large customer base with many different requirements, the company needs to meet those
requirements to attract customers. If the number of elderly people accessing the website is high and
the website is suitable for young people, feedback is necessary for the company to understand and
change the interface and interaction with users.
For users who regularly visit the site, they will have detailed feedback, yes, so the company needs
to rely on their feedback to develop the website as well as the product, only Agile can do this. .
With revenue from sources like downloads, buying CDs, subscribers don't need to use a risk
management model like the Spiral model because it's expensive, complicated, and doesn't bring
much benefit to the project. low-risk projects like Tune Source.
Rare, hard-to-find music archives also need to be developed according to customer requirements and are
subject to change. Up to $950k in revenue came from customer signups, so the product had to launch
quickly, responding to new member requests to attract users as quickly as possible. In addition, it also
needs to increase the user experience to attract new customers and sell more products, so the website
must be improved more and more to match the user's requirements, easy to use. It will need a lot of
testing and user reviews as the music website is unique and must rely on users to grow.
Waterfall not doing that will cause the website to fail, so the Agile model is necessary to develop
the system for the company Tune Source.
III. Identify some risks and discuss an approach to manage them
Risk management is identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks (defined as the impact of
uncertainty on objectives) before deploying resources in a coordinated and cost-effective manner
to mitigate risk. to reduce the likelihood or effect of unfavorable occurrences, or to optimize the
realization of possibilities by minimizing, monitoring, and controlling their occurrence.
Risks can emerge from a variety of places, including worldwide market instability and the danger of
project failure (at any stage in design, development, production or maintenance). liabilities, credit
risk, accidents, natural causes and disasters, planned enemy assault, or occurrences having an
unclear or implausible underlying cause predictability.
Risk management structures are intended to do more than merely detect present issues. In addition
to calculating and estimating the impact of uncertainty on the company, a sound risk management
framework must also compute and estimate the impact of uncertainty on the business. As a result,
you must decide whether to take chances or not. Risk acceptance or rejection is decided by the
company's own set of acceptance levels. If additional risk reduction methods are built as a
disciplined and continuing process for recognizing and addressing problems, the risk management
framework can be utilized to assist them. Among them include planning, organization, cost control,
and budgeting. The corporation is unlikely to encounter many shocks in this environment due to its
focus on proactive risk management.
Risk management process:
Step 1: Identify the Risk
Identifying the hazards that the business is exposed to in its operational environment is the first
stage in the risk management process.
There are several sorts of risk: Legal dangers, hazards to the environment, market dangers,
regulatory hazards.
It's critical to recognize as many of these risk factors as possible. These hazards are manually
recorded in a manual environment. If the company uses a risk management solution, all of this data
is entered immediately into the system.
Step 2: Analyze the risk
It is necessary to examine a risk after it has been recognized. The risk's scope must be identified. It's
also crucial to comprehend the relationship between risk and other internal components. It is crucial
to establish the degree and importance of the risk by looking at how many business operations it
affects. There are dangers that, if realized, might bring the entire firm to a halt, while others will
merely cause small hassles in the analysis.
Step 3: Assess the Risk or Evaluate the Risk Assessment
Risks must be prioritized and rated. Depending on the degree of the risk, most risk management
solutions include several risk categories. Risks that might result in catastrophic loss are ranked the
highest, while risks that may cause minor annoyance are rated the lowest. Ranking risks is
significant because it helps the business to have a comprehensive perspective of the risk exposure
across the board.
Step 4: Treat the Risk
Every risk must be minimized or eliminated to the greatest extent practicable. This is accomplished
by contacting specialists in the subject to which the risk pertains. In a manual situation, this means
calling each and every stakeholder and then scheduling up meetings for everyone to talk about and
debate the concerns. Within the system, there might be a conversation about the danger and
potential solutions.
Step 5: Monitor and Review the Risk
Not all dangers can be completely removed; certain risks will always exist. Market and
environmental hazards are two examples of risks that must be constantly managed. Manual systems
rely on dedicated personnel to keep track of things. These specialists must ensure that all risk
variables are closely monitored. The risk management system in a digital environment monitors the
organization's whole risk framework. Any change in a factor or risk is immediately obvious to
everyone. Computers are also far superior than humans at continually monitoring dangers. Your
company's continuation can also be ensured by monitoring hazards.
Table 1: Risk management
Number Rick Description
Probability Impact
Risk mitigation
Fire, storm (California) Environment Medium
damage to facilities such as
Build a safe
place servers
documents there.
Website publishes slowly, Time
a similar site has been
published before,
Source can't compete.
Make a clear plan
and follow it
More than 1 person from
resigned for any reason.
Medium Build a reserve to
recruit members.
During the construction of Technology
the website, a vulnerability
related to the request of the
appeared, causing Tune
Source to be attacked by
DDOS, the
server was
down, and all data related
to the music was lost.
Create and
backup files
safe location.
in a
Tune Source's server was
built larger than expected
due to the large amount of
data, the cost increased by
Build a reserve of
about $100,000.
Tune Source
website is Quality
difficult to
use for
system), not
suitable for customer age >
40 years old.
Medium Regularly
web development
IV – Feasibility study
1. Discuss the purpose of conducting a feasibility study for the project
A feasibility study examines all of a project's major features, including economic, technical, legal,
and scheduling difficulties, to estimate the project's prospects of success.
Feasibility studies have the following objectives:
To be well-versed in all facets of a project, concept, or strategy. To be aware of any potential issues
that may develop throughout the project's implementation. To decide if the idea is viable—that is,
worth pursuing—after considering all relevant aspects.
Before investing a lot of time and money into a project, project managers conduct feasibility studies
to determine the benefits and drawbacks of doing so.
During feasibility studies, the following factors are taken into account:
Technical feasibility: This analyzes if the company has the technical expertise and resources to
complete the project. It also comprises an evaluation of the project's hardware, software, and other
technological requirements.
Economic feasibility: This examines the project's viability, cost, and benefits before financial
resources are committed. It helps the business owner determine the project's return on investment.
Organizational feasibility: The investor, the stakeholders, and the user, whether or not they are
interested in the system.
The feasibility report's goal is to describe the project's specifications and propose viable solutions to
the problem, need, or opportunity. The project team builds on each of these prospective solutions,
giving enough detail, including extremely high-level costing information, to allow the project leader
to suggest to the authorizing authority all of the plausible potential solutions that should be further
studied in the following phase (Business Case). The feasibility of a project will be determined by a
variety of criteria, including project restrictions and budget limits.
2. Discuss how the three feasibility criteria (technical, economic, organizational) are applied to
the project. Discuss whether the project is feasible.
a) Technical feasibility
The technical feasibility of the project is considered in the technical feasibility. It is often related to
the technical fit of the project with other technologies, the size of the project, etc.
Table 2: Technical feasibility
Low (Tune Source
The company Tune Source has a website where users
a website that
can search, listen to samples and buy CDs containing rare has
has been working
and hard-to-find music.
The IT department of Tune Source has experienced Low (They have a
working with new and modern technologies in the process lot of experience)
of managing websites when a period of time is working
with the Internet consulting firm (ISP).
The project
The plan is to upgrade and expand their website with a
series of new technologies and techniques such as
providing online music, membership registration and soft
downloads. The main goal is to expand the influence of
the website to users, not just buying CDs.
It lasted around three months. It necessitates the use of
some committed human resources: Tune Source has an
IT department, as well as a marketing and sales
with other
Low (They have a
Website developers and ISP consulting firms have
extensive experience with different projects and systems. lot of experience)
The ability to link and integrate with other systems is quite
b) Economic Feasibility
Economic feasibility is necessary to clearly plan the benefits, investments over several years time to
clearly identify the benefits when investing in the Tune Source project, mainly for the company and
Table 3: Investment cost
- Website programming
- Rent domain name
- Build Server
- Rent domain name
- Maintain function, server
Table 4: Benefit cost
from individual music $757,500
$1,357,000 $925,000
customer $950,000
$2,000,000 $1,780,000 $1,880,000 $1,400,000
CD sales
Sales from music download gift $153,000
$2,065,500 $3,857,000 $3,135,000 $3,266,000 $3,284,000
This is a super profitable project for 3 years with a total investment of more than 1 million 3 dollars but
earning 15 million dollars from sources such as music downloads, subscriptions, etc. Tune Source
investors and CEO need to invest quickly to grab the opportunity to become a million dollar company.
c) Organizational feasibility
In order to bring a product or concept to market, organizational feasibility examines management
skills and resource availability. The company should assess its management team's competency in
areas of interest and implementation. Common managerial prowess criteria include the founders'
passion for the business concept, as well as their industry expertise, educational background, and
professional experience. Founders should be open and honest about their views on these issues.
Based on last year's revenue of $40 million and a growth rate of 3% to 5%, it will be a good
premise to say about Tune Source's organizational ability, not only factors such as employees
having experience and the company working with a reputable organization ISP will be a
springboard for Tune Source to grow stronger. The company's managerial capacity and acceptable
level of resources, ready to bring items to market, have been demonstrated by the aforementioned
elements. As a result, the completed project exceeded Tune Source's expectations, and investors and
participants are pleased with the company's new online system.
3. Discuss alternative technical solutions using the alternative matrix
Table 5: Alternative matrix
Alternative 1:
Alternative 2:
Alternative 3: Customer
application using Java
application using application using
Evaluation Criteria Importance Score Weighted Score Weighted Score Weighted score
Technical Issue
Supported to
multiple platforms
Clear and friendly
Integrated with
other system
Economic Issue
Cost for
Profit gained
Organizational issue
User satisfaction
The three programming languages Ruby, PHP, Java have different strengths and weaknesses. PHP and
Java have very good adaptability to the operating system, and the processing speed is not too slow. PHP
is an old language used mainly for web programming, so its compatibility with website functions as
well as performance is very good. Java cannot run and adapt to many systems. Regarding security, each
system will have its own way to protect the system, usually each company will have some other
application or technology to protect their system, so the score of the evaluation criteria security is the
same but I still appreciate the security capabilities of PHP and Java. The interface is not too dependent
on back-end programming languages because there are already supporting font-end frameworks. All
these programming languages have the ability to reuse (functional) code. In
terms of development costs and profits, PHP is a low-cost language, Ruby is a good language but
quite expensive because it is not really popular, Java does not cost too much. In terms of user
satisfaction and interface customization, all languages can do this well.
V. Conclusion
The assignment included the concept of the system development life cycle, as well as several
popular models that are frequently used in projects and which model is ideal for Tune Source
Company. Furthermore, the notion of risk management has been highlighted, as well as the risks
that have been identified and how to limit harm to Tune Source's operational model. The feasibility
study section of the report explained the underlying philosophy and aim of the feasibility research,
as well as the engineering, economics, and organizational feasibility. Finally, the Alternative Matrix
gives the parameters for evaluating the possible alternatives and determining which one is the best
through comparison and explanation.
Balaji, S. and Murugaiyean M.S., 2012. Waterfall vs. V-model vs. Agile: A comparative study on
SDLC. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 2(1), pp.2630.