Book of Abstracts of the 60th
Annual Meeting of the European
Association for Animal Production
Book of abstracts No. 15 (2009)
Barcelona, Spain
24-27 August 2009
ningen Academic
b l i s h e r s
Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the
European Association for Animal Production
EAAP - European Federation of Animal Science
The European Association for Animal Production wishes to express its appreciation to the
Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali (Italy) and the
Associazione Italiana Allevatori (Italy)
for their valuable support of its activities.
Book of Abstracts of the
60th Annual Meeting of the
European Association for
Animal Production
Barcelona, Spain, August 24th - 27th, 2009
ISBN 978-90-8686-121-7
ISSN 1382-6077
First published, 2009
© Wageningen Academic Publishers
The Netherlands, 2009
This work is subject to copyright. All rights
are reserved, whether the whole or part of
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publication may be translated, reproduced,
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The individual contributions in this
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The designations employed and the
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Association for Animal Production concerning
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The publisher is not responsible for possible
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VI EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009
Below the dierent types of Sponsorships
1. Meeting sponsor – From 3000 euro up
• Acknowledgements in the book of abstracts with contact address and logo.
• One page allowance in the nal programme booklet of Barcelona.
• Advertising/information material inserted in the bags of delegates.
• Advertising/information material on a stand display.
• Acknowledgement in the EAAP Newsletter with possibility of a one page of publicity.
• Possibility to add session and speaker support ( at additional cost to be negotiated).
2. Session sponsor – from 2000 euro up
• Acknowledgements in the book of abstracts with contact address and logo.
• One page allowance in the nal programme booklet of Barcelona.
• Advertising/ information material in the delegate bag.
• ppt at beginning of session to acknowledge support and recognition by session chair.
• Acknowledgement in the EAAP Newsletter.
3. Speaker sponsor from 1000 euro up
• Half page allowance in the nal programme booklet of Barcelona.
• Advertising / information material in the delegate bag.
• Recognition by speaker of the support at session.
• Acknowledgement in the EAAP Newsletter.
4. Registration Sponsor (equivalent to a full registration fee of the Annual Meeting)
• Acknowledgements in the book of abstracts with contact address and logo.
• Advertising/information material in the delegate bag.
Board of Trustees
Chair Treasurer/Secretary
Dr. Sandra Edwards Prof. Andrea Rosati
University of Newcastle EAAP Secretary General
United Kingdom Italy
Contact and further information
If you are interested to become a sponsor of the “EAAP Program Foundation” or want to have further
information, please contact the Treasurer/Secretary Andrea Rosati:
Fax: +39 06 86329263
Phone +39 06 44202639
EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009 VII
CRV Holding BV
P.O.Box 454
The Netherlands
IMV Technologies
10, rue Georges Clemenceau
61302 L’Aigle Cedex
EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009 IX
European Association for Animal Production (EAAP)
President: Kris Sejrsen
Secretary General: Andrea Rosati
Address: Via G.Tomassetti 3, A/I
I-00161 Rome, Italy
Phone: +39 06 4420 2639
Fax: +39 06 8632 9263
Organising Secretariat
Carlos Escribano Director General de Recursos Agrícolas y Ganaderos, Ministerio de
Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino; Madrid
Vice President
Isabel García Sanz Subdirectora General de Medios de Producción Ganaderos, Ministerio
de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino; Madrid
Executive Secretary
Gerardo Caja Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments, Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Barcelona
Daniel Babot Departament de Producció Animal, Universitat de Lleida, Lleida
Antoni Cambredó Expoaviga, Fira de Barcelona, Barcelona
Montserrat Castellanos Subdirección General de Medios de Producción Ganaderos, Ministerio
de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Madrid
Jose Antonio Fernández Federación Española de Asociaciones de Ganado Selecto, Madrid
Carmen Garrido Subdirección General de Medios de Producción Ganaderos, Ministerio
de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Madrid
Jose María Gómez-Nieves Subdirección General de Ordenación y Buenas Prácticas Ganaderas,
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Madrid
Eduardo González Subdirección General de Comercio Exterior y otras Producciones,
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, Madrid
Joan Guim Col·legi Ocial d’Enginyers Agrònoms de Catalunya, Barcelona
Francesc Monné Col·legi Ocial de Veterinaris de Barcelona, Barcelona
Jesús Piedrata Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments, Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona, Bellaterra
Josena Plaixats Institució Catalana d’Estudis Agraris, Barcelona; Departament de Ciència
Animal i dels Aliments, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra
Joaquim Porcar Subdirecció de Ramaderia, Departament d’Agricultura, Alimentració i
Acció Rural, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona
Francesc Puchal Academia de Ciències Veterinàries de Catalunya, Barcelona
Joan Tibau Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentària, Monells, Girona
Eduardo Torres Departament d’Agricultura, Alimentació i Acció Rural, Generalitat de
Catalunya, Barcelona
Andrea Urdampilleta Expoaviga, Fira de Barcelona, Barcelona
Isabel Vázquez Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria,
Representante of ESAB Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de
Catalunya, Barcelona
X EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009
61st EAAP Annual Meeting of the
European Association for Animal
Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece 23-27 August, 2010.
Organizing Committee of the 61st EAAP Meeting 2010
Prof. Geor
ge Zervas Rector of the Agricultural University of Athens and
President of the Hellenic Society of Animal Production
Mr. George Zacharopoulos General Director of Animal Production, Dept Ministry of Rural
Development and Food
Executive Secretary
Prof. Kostas Fegeros Dept of Animal Sciences and Aquaculture of the Agricultural
University of Athens
Prof. Stelios Deligeorgis Dept of Animal Sciences and Aquaculture, Agricultural
University of Athens
Prof. Andreas Georgoudis Dept of Animal Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Assoc. Prof. Eleftheria Panopoulou Dept of Animal Sciences and Aquaculture, Agricultural
University of Athens
Assist. Prof. John Hadjigeorgiou Dept of Animal Sciences and Aquaculture, Agricultural
University of Athens
Dr. George Papadomichelakis Dept of Animal Sciences and Aquaculture, Agricultural
University of Athens
Dr. Christina Ligda Nacional Agricultural Research Institution, Thessaloniki
Dr. Eleni Tsiplakou Dept of Animal Sciences and Aquaculture, Agricultural
University of Athens
Dr. Katerina Tsolakidi Dept of Animal Production, Ministry of Rural Development and
Ocial Congress Organizing Bureau
Erasmus Conferences Tours & Travel Sa
1, Kolofontos & Evridikis str. - 161 21 Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210.7257693 - Fax: +30 210 7257532
E-mail: - Web-site:
ICAR Session
Riga, Latvia, 1-4 June, 2010
Contact: ICAR Secretariat, Rome, Italy
EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009 XI
SABRE Conference @ EAAP
SABRE Conference integrated with 60
EAAP Annual Meeting
SABRE previously organised 3 conferences to disseminate the plans and results of the project:
“Sustainable Animal Breeding” (September 2006), “Genomics for Animal Health” (June 2007 in
collaboration with EADGENE - European Animal Disease Genomics Network of Excellence) and
“Welfare and Quality Genomics” (September, 2008).
We would like to thank the organising committees of EAAP for the opportunity to integrate the
SABRE Conference into the 60
EAAP Annual Meeting. We are very pleased that over 30 papers
which stated “These results are obtained through the EC-funded FP6 project SABRE.” have been
accepted by the EAAP committees to be presented in the poster halls and lecture theatres. These
papers will be presented throughout various sessions, in an eort to reach the audiences who are
interested in the subjects dealt within the SABRE project.
The following pages will provide you with a rst insight into the project. For further details we
invite you to attend the SABRE presentations or to visit
Chris Warkup, SABRE Coordinator
Toine Roozen, SABRE Operations Manager
Cutting Edge Genomics for Sustainable Animal Breeding
Animal breeders have made considerable progress in recent decades in improving the economic
eciency of food production (this is one of the reasons the real price of food has fallen), but in
recent years animal breeding has become more complex with breeders needing to broaden their
breeding objectives. Nowadays breeders want to improve a wide range of traits, such as product
quality, welfare related tness traits and disease resistance. Many of these traits are dicult or
expensive to measure and this is where the science of genomics is valuable. Through research such
as the SABRE project, scientists are beginning to unravel which genes and which variants of these
genes are important to explaining the genetic component of these new selection traits. ‘Sustainable
Animal BREeding’ is the main focus of the SABRE Integrated Research Project.
The European Integrated Research Project “SABRE” (Cutting Edge Genomics for Sustainable Animal
BREeding) is an innovative four-year, €23 million pan-European project which utilises the latest
techniques in genetic science to develop more economically and environmentally sustainable
production systems for cattle, pigs and chickens. The ‘headline’ objectives of the project are:
To provide fundamental knowledge on the genomics and epigenetics relating to livestock
• To provide understanding of biological systems central to sustainability
• To identify genes and markers allowing focused breeding for sustainability goals
• To demonstrate the eectiveness of genomics for sustainable breeding
• To disseminate existing knowledge and new results to the user community
• To develop skills and training to best capitalise on new genomics knowledge.
Thirty three leading animal breeding research groups and businesses have joined forces in
the project which commenced in April 2006 and has been made possible by a €13.9 million grant
under Thematic Priority 5, “Food Quality and Safety”, of the 6
Research Framework Programme
of the European Union (FP6). The SABRE work programme, involving almost 200 scientists in 14
countries, is divided into 13 Work Packages. These harness key areas of emerging genomic and
Food Quality and Safety
XII EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009
epigenetic science to generate new knowledge and apply it in practical breeding improvement
strategies throughout Europe.
SABRE will provide the fundamental knowledge of the genomics and epigenetics of animal health,
food safety and food quality traits of livestock species, together with the strategies to deliver
such technologies for use in selection. This will enable producers to move animal breeding and
production towards more sustainable, environmentally and welfare friendly, low-input systems,
that deliver safe and high quality foods in line with consumer expectations and European Policy.
Our overall strategy is to combine the power of gene mapping technologies, gene expression
studies in target tissues and modern bioinformatics tools with available and expanded genome
sequences, to determine the origin of genetic variation in key traits in important livestock species.
These new breeding strategies will help industry improve animal health and welfare, adopt lower
chemical and energy inputs, reduce livestock waste and pollution, produce safer and better quality
foods whilst maintaining biodiversity and economic sustainability. The project will undoubtedly
have a lasting positive impact on the EU animal breeding industry, scientic community, farmers
and consumers long after its completion in 2010.
SABRE is designed to provide a range of new breeding strategies to improve animal health and
welfare; reduce chemical and energy inputs; minimise livestock waste and pollution; and, maximise
food safety and quality. The mammary gland, the digestive system and fertility are the focus
of separate basic research packages, with more applied research aimed at enhancing eggshell
quality for food safety; improving animal behaviour linked to welfare; and eliminating boar taint
in pig meat. Three Work Packages address underpinning science, these are; numerical genomics,
epigenetics and genomics with bioinformatics.
EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009 XIII
Finally, we have activity on demonstration of genome-wide selection in dairy cattle, and coordinated
activity on training/mobility and dissemination of project outcomes.
SABRE Co-ordinator: Chris Warkup
SABRE Operations Manager: Toine Roozen
Genesis Faraday Partnership
Roslin BioCentre, Roslin, EH25 9PS, UK
t: +44 (0)131 527 4358
f: +44 (0)131 527 4335
SABRE Participants
No. Participant Country
1 Genesis Faraday Partnership UK
2 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique F
3 ASG Lelystad NL
4 The Roslin Institute and R(D)SVS, University of Edinburgh UK
5 University of Aarhus DK
6 Wageningen University NL
7 Argentix Ltd UK
8 Cordoba University E
9 Parco Tecnologico Padano I
10 Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center IL
11 MTT Agrifood Research Finland FIN
12 Genus International plc UK
13 Institute of Animal Genetics, Nutrition and Housing, University of Berne CH
15 Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals, FBN-Dummerstorf D
16 Norwegian University of Agricultural Sciences N
17 University of Bonn D
18 Institut De Recerca I Tecnologia Agroalimentaries E
19 Lohmann Tierzucht D
20 University of Copenhagen DK
21 University of Glasgow UK
22 University of Munich D
23 Cogent Breeding Ltd UK
24 Genome Research Limited UK
25 Institute for Pig Genetics NL
26 BioBest Ltd UK
27 Scottish Agricultural College UK
28 Institute for Animal Health UK
29 University of Medical Sciences Poznan PL
30 JiangXi Agricultural University CN
31 Zhejiang University CN
32 China Agricultural University CN
33 Universidade Federal De Viscosa BR
Enter the
You can’t be more prepared
Anuncio Zulvac Ingles.indd 1 8/7/09 14:02:48
EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009 XVII
XVIII EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009
EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009 XIX
I. G. P. Cordero de Extremadura – Corderex (
Xata Roxa – Ternera Roxa (
I. G. P. Ternera Asturiana (
I. G. P. Carne de Ávila (
I. G. P. Ternera de Navarra (
Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Vacuno de Raza Retinta (
D. O. Jamón de Teruel (
Fundación Jamón Serrano (
D. O. Dehesa de Extremadura (
D. O. Jamón Los Pedroches (
D. O. Queso de Mahón (
D. O. Queixo Tetilla (
D. O. Queso Cabrales (
D. O. Queso de Murcia y Queso de Murcia al vino (
D. O. Queso Nata de Cantabria, Quesucos de Liébana y Picón Bejes-Tresvino
D. O. Jerez-Xérèz-Sherry (
D. O. Valdepeñas (
Grupo Damm (
Novartis (
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (
Fundació Sagrada Familia (
Institució Catalana d’Estudis Agraris (
XX EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009
Scientic Programme EAAP 2009
Monday 24 August
8.30 – 12.30
Monday 24 August
14.00 – 18.00
Tuesday 25 August
8.30 – 12.30
Tuesday 25 August
14.00 – 18.00
Wednesday 26 August
8.30 – 12.30
Wednesday 26 August
13.30 – 18.00
Thursday 27 August
8.30 – 12.30
Thursday 27 August
14.00 – 18.00
Session 1
Local breeds: what future?
1. Selection
Chair: H. Simianer (DE)
Session 2
Symposium on protein
metabolism and N
excretion in dairy cattle
Chair: A. van Vuuren (NL)
and C. Thomas (UK)
Session 3
The impact of competition
between food, feed and
fuel on livestock industry
Chair: A. Van der Zijpp (NL)
Session 4
Impact of global market on
cattle breeding programs
and practices
Chair: J. Juga (FIN) and G.
Thaller (DE)
Session 7
Dog breeding and
Chair: E. Strandberg (SE)
Session 8
Sustainability in livestock
production gains from
improved coordination of
livestock research
Session 9
Local breeds: what future? 2.
Farming systems and products
Chair: I. Casasús (ES)
Session 10
Development Symposium:
Methods and animal models
used to study physiological
aspects of postnatal growth
and development in farm
Chair: M. Vestergaard (DK)
Session 5
Nutrition and product quality
Chair: J. Aguilera (ES)
Session 11
Future of non-production
traits for breeding and
management of beef and
dairy husbandry
Chair: M. Coey (UK)
Session 12
Indicators and analysis of risk
factors in livestock welfare
Chair: N. Bareille (FR)
Session 13
Practical strategies and tools
for the genetic management
of farm animal populations
Chair: M.A. Toro (ES)
Session 14
Genetics of meat animals free
Chair: J.S. Szyda (PL)
Session 15
Dairy genetics free
Chair: G. Schopen (NL)
Session 16
FABRE-TP Technology platform
in animal breeding: updating
of the EC strategic research
Chair: A.M. Neeteson (NL)
Plenary session
Leroy Fellowship Award
W. Martin-Rosset (FR)
EU Policy on supporting
animal research
J. M. Silva (EU – DG
Impact of Darwin’s
theories on livestock
Session 18
Practical implementation of
marker-assisted selection in
pig and poultry breeding
Chair: P. Knap (DE)
Session 19
Horse genetics with special
emphasis on defects and
Chair: S. Janssens (BE)
Session 20
Are organic farming
systems sustainable?
Chair. J. Hermansen (DK)
Session 21
What contributes to low
still birth and succesfull
herd replacement in cattle?
Chair: F. Hocquette (FR)
Session 22
Promising applications of
Nutrigenomics in animal
Chair: A.J. Connolly (IE)
Session 23
Animal transportation
(welfare, handling, risk
assessment, economics)
Chair: G. Giovagnoli (IT)
Session 24
Selection in harsh
environments: methods
and results
Sheep and goat genetics
free communications
Chair: L. Dempe (DE)
Session 25
Sheep and goat
Chair: L. Bodin (FR)
Session 26
Physiology and genetics of
stress and behaviour
Chair: X. Manteca (ES)
Session 27
Methods to assess
livestock farming
systems dynamics:
adaptive strategies to
changing socio-economic
Chair: S. Ingrand (FR)
Session 28
Genomic selection
Chair: E. Strandberg (SE)
Session 29
technologies in horses
Chair: E. Palmer (FR)
Session 30
Management and
processing for high quality
Chair: L. Bailoni (IT)
Session 31
Ways of valorization of
local animal products
(10:30 – 12:30)
Session 32
Animal bre science
Chair: C. Renieri (IT)
Commission future
programme and elections
meetings (14.00 – 15.00)
Followed by Free
communications on (15.00
– 18.00)
Session 33
Animal Genetics
Chair: V. Ducrocq (FR)
Session 34
Livestock Farming Systems
Chair. V. Matlova (CZ)
Session 35
Animal Management and
Chair: C. Fourichon (FR)
Session 36
Animal Nutrition
Chair: J.E. Lindberg (SE)
Session 37
Animal Physiology
Chair: J. Rátky (HU)
Session 38
Cattle Production
Chair: G. Keane (IE)
Session 39
Horse Production
(management and
Chair: M.J. Fradinho (PT)
Session 40
Pig Production
Chair: P. Knap (DE)
Session 41
Sheep and Goat Production
Chair: M. Schneeberger
Session 42
Health issues and
immunocompetence in pig
Chair: S. Chadd (UK)
Session 44
The role of livestock farming
in rural development
Chair: K. Eilers (NL)
Session 45
Molecular tools for disease
Chair: A. Sánchez (ES)
Session 47
Feed additives to improve
diet utilisation
Chair: G. van Duinkerken (NL)
Session 48
Cattle Network: Sustainable
production in Mediterranean
Chair: K. Osoro (ES)
Session 49a
Sheep and goat organic
farming and product
marketing (8.30 – 10.15)
Chair: M. Gauly (DE)
Session 49b
Free communications on
sheep and goat feeding and
breeding (10.45 – 12.30)
Chair: M. Gauly (DE)
Session 50a
Biosecurity and free range
Chair: S. Bastian (FR)
Session 50b
Emerging zoonotic
Chair: C. Fourichon (FR)
Session 51
Management of
pig feeding: health,
environment and social
Chair: D. Torrallardona (ES)
Session 52
Animal Nutrition Free
Chair: J.E. Lindberg (SE)
Session 53
Genetics Free
Chair: V. Ducroq (FR)
Session 54
Cattle Production Free
Chair: M. Klopcic (SLO)
Session 55
Incorporation of ethical
considerations in
professions in livestock
Chair: M. Marie (FR)
Session 43
Symposium on “Advances and use of electronic
Chair: J. Robles (ES), O.K. Hansen (DK), B. Besbes (FAO)
and J.W. Oltjen (USA)
Session 46
Horse Network: Performance Horses. Open questions
and challenges for future research and practice
Chair: N. Miraglia (IT) and W. Martin-Rosset (FR)
Session 17
Writing and Presenting Scientic Papers
Chair: B. Malmfors (SE)
Tuesday 25 August
18.00 – 19.30
Poster session
Poster viewing and discussion with authors
EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009 XXI
Scientic Programme EAAP 2009
Monday 24 August
8.30 – 12.30
Monday 24 August
14.00 – 18.00
Tuesday 25 August
8.30 – 12.30
Tuesday 25 August
14.00 – 18.00
Wednesday 26 August
8.30 – 12.30
Wednesday 26 August
13.30 – 18.00
Thursday 27 August
8.30 – 12.30
Thursday 27 August
14.00 – 18.00
Session 1
Local breeds: what future?
1. Selection
Chair: H. Simianer (DE)
Session 2
Symposium on protein
metabolism and N
excretion in dairy cattle
Chair: A. van Vuuren (NL)
and C. Thomas (UK)
Session 3
The impact of competition
between food, feed and
fuel on livestock industry
Chair: A. Van der Zijpp (NL)
Session 4
Impact of global market on
cattle breeding programs
and practices
Chair: J. Juga (FIN) and G.
Thaller (DE)
Session 7
Dog breeding and
Chair: E. Strandberg (SE)
Session 8
Sustainability in livestock
production gains from
improved coordination of
livestock research
Session 9
Local breeds: what future? 2.
Farming systems and products
Chair: I. Casasús (ES)
Session 10
Development Symposium:
Methods and animal models
used to study physiological
aspects of postnatal growth
and development in farm
Chair: M. Vestergaard (DK)
Session 5
Nutrition and product quality
Chair: J. Aguilera (ES)
Session 11
Future of non-production
traits for breeding and
management of beef and
dairy husbandry
Chair: M. Coey (UK)
Session 12
Indicators and analysis of risk
factors in livestock welfare
Chair: N. Bareille (FR)
Session 13
Practical strategies and tools
for the genetic management
of farm animal populations
Chair: M.A. Toro (ES)
Session 14
Genetics of meat animals free
Chair: J.S. Szyda (PL)
Session 15
Dairy genetics free
Chair: G. Schopen (NL)
Session 16
FABRE-TP Technology platform
in animal breeding: updating
of the EC strategic research
Chair: A.M. Neeteson (NL)
Plenary session
Leroy Fellowship Award
W. Martin-Rosset (FR)
EU Policy on supporting
animal research
J. M. Silva (EU – DG
Impact of Darwin’s
theories on livestock
Session 18
Practical implementation of
marker-assisted selection in
pig and poultry breeding
Chair: P. Knap (DE)
Session 19
Horse genetics with special
emphasis on defects and
Chair: S. Janssens (BE)
Session 20
Are organic farming
systems sustainable?
Chair. J. Hermansen (DK)
Session 21
What contributes to low
still birth and succesfull
herd replacement in cattle?
Chair: F. Hocquette (FR)
Session 22
Promising applications of
Nutrigenomics in animal
Chair: A.J. Connolly (IE)
Session 23
Animal transportation
(welfare, handling, risk
assessment, economics)
Chair: G. Giovagnoli (IT)
Session 24
Selection in harsh
environments: methods
and results
Sheep and goat genetics
free communications
Chair: L. Dempe (DE)
Session 25
Sheep and goat
Chair: L. Bodin (FR)
Session 26
Physiology and genetics of
stress and behaviour
Chair: X. Manteca (ES)
Session 27
Methods to assess
livestock farming
systems dynamics:
adaptive strategies to
changing socio-economic
Chair: S. Ingrand (FR)
Session 28
Genomic selection
Chair: E. Strandberg (SE)
Session 29
technologies in horses
Chair: E. Palmer (FR)
Session 30
Management and
processing for high quality
Chair: L. Bailoni (IT)
Session 31
Ways of valorization of
local animal products
(10:30 – 12:30)
Session 32
Animal bre science
Chair: C. Renieri (IT)
Commission future
programme and elections
meetings (14.00 – 15.00)
Followed by Free
communications on (15.00
– 18.00)
Session 33
Animal Genetics
Chair: V. Ducrocq (FR)
Session 34
Livestock Farming Systems
Chair. V. Matlova (CZ)
Session 35
Animal Management and
Chair: C. Fourichon (FR)
Session 36
Animal Nutrition
Chair: J.E. Lindberg (SE)
Session 37
Animal Physiology
Chair: J. Rátky (HU)
Session 38
Cattle Production
Chair: G. Keane (IE)
Session 39
Horse Production
(management and
Chair: M.J. Fradinho (PT)
Session 40
Pig Production
Chair: P. Knap (DE)
Session 41
Sheep and Goat Production
Chair: M. Schneeberger
Session 42
Health issues and
immunocompetence in pig
Chair: S. Chadd (UK)
Session 44
The role of livestock farming
in rural development
Chair: K. Eilers (NL)
Session 45
Molecular tools for disease
Chair: A. Sánchez (ES)
Session 47
Feed additives to improve
diet utilisation
Chair: G. van Duinkerken (NL)
Session 48
Cattle Network: Sustainable
production in Mediterranean
Chair: K. Osoro (ES)
Session 49a
Sheep and goat organic
farming and product
marketing (8.30 – 10.15)
Chair: M. Gauly (DE)
Session 49b
Free communications on
sheep and goat feeding and
breeding (10.45 – 12.30)
Chair: M. Gauly (DE)
Session 50a
Biosecurity and free range
Chair: S. Bastian (FR)
Session 50b
Emerging zoonotic
Chair: C. Fourichon (FR)
Session 51
Management of
pig feeding: health,
environment and social
Chair: D. Torrallardona (ES)
Session 52
Animal Nutrition Free
Chair: J.E. Lindberg (SE)
Session 53
Genetics Free
Chair: V. Ducroq (FR)
Session 54
Cattle Production Free
Chair: M. Klopcic (SLO)
Session 55
Incorporation of ethical
considerations in
professions in livestock
Chair: M. Marie (FR)
Session 43
Symposium on “Advances and use of electronic
Chair: J. Robles (ES), O.K. Hansen (DK), B. Besbes (FAO)
and J.W. Oltjen (USA)
Session 46
Horse Network: Performance Horses. Open questions
and challenges for future research and practice
Chair: N. Miraglia (IT) and W. Martin-Rosset (FR)
Session 17
Writing and Presenting Scientic Papers
Chair: B. Malmfors (SE)
Tuesday 25 August
18.00 – 19.30
Poster session
Poster viewing and discussion with authors
XXII EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009
Commission on Animal Genetics
Dr Ducrocq President INRA
Prof. Dr Simianer Vice-President University of Goettingen
Dr Gandini Vice-President University of Milan
Dr Strandberg Secretary SLU
Dr Szyda Secretary Agricultural University of Wroclaw
Alfred de Vries Industry rep. CRV
Commission on Animal Nutrition
Dr Lindberg President Swedish University of Agriculture
Dr Bailoni Vice-President University of Padova
Dr Connolly Vice-President/
Industry rep. Alltech
Dr Moreira Secretary University of the Azores
Dr Cenkvàri Secretary Szent Istvan University
Commission on Animal Management & Health
Dr Fourichon President Veterinary School – INRA
Dr Spoolder Vice-President ASG-WUR
Dr Geers Vice-President Zootechnical Centre - K.U.Leuven
Dr Edwards Secretary University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
United Kingdom
EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009 XXIII
Commission on Animal Physiology
Dr Vestergaard President Aarhus University
Dr M. Kuran Vice-President Gaziosmanpasa University
Dr Royal Vice-President University Liverpool
Dr Bruckmaier Vice-President University of Bern
Dr Quesnel Secretary INRA Saint Gilles
Dr Scollan Secretary Institute of Biological, Environmental
and rural sciences
Commission on Livestock Farming Systems
Dr Bernués Jal President CITA
Dr Hermansen Vice-President DIAS
Dr Leroyer Vice president/
industry rep. ITAB
Dr Matlova Vice-President Res. Institute for Animal Production
Czech Republic
Dr Peters Vice-President Humboldt-University Berlin
Dr Eiler Secretary Wageningen University
Dr Ingrand Secretary INRA/SAD
Commission on Cattle Production
Dr Kuipers President Wageningen UR
Dr Thaller Vice-President Animal Breeding and Husbandry
Dr Keane Vice-President TEAGASC
Dr Coey Vice president/
Industry rep. SAC, Scotland
Dr Hocquette Secretary INRA
Dr Klopcic Secretary University of Ljublijana
XXIV EAAP – 60th Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2009
Commission on Sheep and Goat Production
Dr Schneeberger President ETH Zentrum
Dr Ringdorfer Vice-President LFZ Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Dr Bodin Vice President INRA-SAGA
Dr Papachristoforou Vice President Agricultural Research Institute
Prof. Gauly Secretary University Göttingen
Dr Milerski Secretary/
Industry rep. Research Institute of Animal Science
Czech Republic
Dr Sagastizabal Secretary/
Industry rep. NEIKER-Tecnalia
Commission on Pig Production
Dr Knap President PIC International Group
Dr Chadd Vice-President Royal Agric. College
Dr Torrallardona Vice-President IRTA
Dr Pescovicova Secretary Research Institute of Animal Production
Slovak Republic
Dr Manteca Secretary Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Commission on Horse Production
Dr Miraglia President Molise University
Dr Burger Vice president Clinic Swiss National Stud
Dr Janssen Vice president BIOSYST
Dr Lewczuk Vice president IGABPAS
Dr Coenen Vice president University of Leipzig
Dr Palmer Vice president/
Industry rep. CRYOZOOTECH
Dr Holgersson Secretary Swedish University of Agriculture
Dr Hausberger Secretary CNRS University