IZA DP No. 806
Multiple Equilibria and Minimum Wages in Labor
Markets with Informational Frictions and
Heterogeneous Production Technologies
Gerard J. van den Berg
zur Zukunft der Arbeit
Institute for the Study
of Labor
June 2003
Multiple Equilibria and Minimum Wages
in Labor Markets with Informational
Frictions and Heterogeneous
Production Technologies
Gerard J. van den Berg
Free University of Amsterdam, Tinbergen Institute, IFAU-Uppsala,
Discussion Paper No. 806
June 2003
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IZA Discussion Paper No. 806
June 2003
Multiple Equilibria and Minimum Wages in Labor Markets
with Informational Frictions and Heterogeneous Production
It is often argued that a mandatory minimum wage is binding only if the wage density displays
a spike at it. In this paper we analyze a model with search frictions and heterogeneous
production technologies, in which imposition of a minimum wage affects wages even though,
after imposition, the lowest wage in the market exceeds the minimum wage. The model has
multiple equilibria as a result of the fact that the reservation wage of the unemployed and the
lowest production technology in use affect each other. Imposition of a minimum wage may
improve social welfare.
JEL Classification: J3, D83, J42, J6, C72
Keywords: wages, productivity, job search, unemployment, imperfect information,
equilibrium, labor market policy, matching, congestion
Gerard J. van den Berg
Department of Economics
Free University of Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Many thanks to Randall Wright for comments that substantially improved the paper. Also thanks to
two anonymous Referees, Katarina Richardson, Audra Bowlus, Jim Albrecht, Arie Kapteyn, and
participants at the SED 1999 meeting and at seminars and workshops at Chicago, Bonn, Aarhus,
Maastricht, and Amsterdam, for very useful comments.