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Individual essay chuthianhlinh AEn T321WSU 07 21000828

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Student name:

Chu Thi Anh Linh

Student ID number: 21000828

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Academic English

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Lecturer or Tutor name:

Gabriel C.Ryan


Individual Essay


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Chu Thị Ánh Linh



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Nowadays, online learning is one of the most popular educational trends across the world. Online
classes have various advantages, but they also have certain drawbacks. The epidemic has also
boosted the popularity of online classes. Many students see it as a helpful tool and financial aid
in learning procedures, while others believe it is less successful than classroom learning. An
essay about the benefits and drawbacks of online classes is a common topic for essay writing.
During Covid 19, this essay compares and contrasts the benefits and drawbacks of learning
online and offline. This article will go through the advantages and disadvantages of online
classes versus regular classrooms, as well as which method of learning is best for students
affected by the epidemic. It demonstrates that, despite its numerous benefits, online learning
cannot completely replace traditional learning, but it is the most appropriate method in the
current pandemic situation.

In this technological age, online classes are becoming increasingly prevalent worldwide. Many
conventional institutions and universities have begun to offer their courses online. They started
offering lessons online, and students can now take classes from the comfort of their own homes.

Online courses, often known as e-learning, provide a convenient and straightforward way to gain


knowledge. Online courses, on the other hand, place a greater focus on the theoretical aspects of
learning and have less teacher-student interaction. It is devoid of practical learning elements and
fosters passive learning. As a result, students perceive it as a less effective learning approach
than in-classroom instruction. According to a recent survey, most students judged classroom
instruction to be considerably more beneficial than distance instruction.

To summarize, the ever-increasing availability of online learning has gained appeal among
young adults for many years, with many individuals seeing it as applicable while others were
seeing it as ineffective. Its efficacy as a more cost-effective learning approach than classroom
education might be emphasized. Online classes have evolved into a viable alternative to
traditional classroom instruction. Online programs have various benefits, but they also have
some drawbacks. The following are some of the most notable advantages and disadvantages of
online education.

(Online studying)
Although many people still believe that traditional classrooms are the best way to study, online
classes are a terrific alternative to traditional classes in this technology age. Students may learn
from the comfort of their own homes with an online class system. Because most classes are
videotaped, students may attend them whenever they choose. Participants in online classrooms
and learning systems may learn whenever they choose, allowing them to study whenever they
want. Students can have a more flexible schedule and spend less money by taking an online
course. This provides learners with a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills and expand their
knowledge while remaining in school. This provides learners with a tremendous opportunity to


learn new skills and grow their knowledge while remaining in their own homes. For example, a
Nepali student seeking an Australian business management degree does not need to travel to
Australia because he can study online and complete the course while remaining at home.
Damons believes that you will not be missing out on anything. It is cheaper because there are
fewer accommodation costs and travel costs. It is kinder to the environment because of less
petrol consumed. In addition, more time-effective - less time spent traveling or looking for places
like shops and student hangouts, etc. As a result, distance learning is both cost-effective and
time-saving. Many schools, institutes, and colleges now offer free online classes. As a result,
online lessons are beneficial to students who previously could not pay tuition. They are now able
to take these online programs for free. The increased accountability and self-discipline of
students in an online class system are among the benefits of this learning method.

Classes Students learn how to make friends, how to interact with instructors and friends, how to
deal with disappointment, and other skills at school or in the conventional class system.
Traditional lessons can be used to help pupils develop their personalities. These are all missing in
online classes. Face-to-face human connection, critical for personality development, is not
possible with online learning. For some people who aren't familiar with using technology tools,
online class systems might be challenging. Sure, you don't have any classmates around, but there
are many other distractions, such as social media, television, and phone games. Even the family
may be a source of distraction at times (Brendan. N 2020). "Despite the benefits of mobility for
students, learning becomes difficult without Internet connectivity points in the areas where they
are," explains Asustek Computer's Asia-Pacific channel manager Jacky Lim Jiann Yee. Online
programs for young children demand a tremendous amount of discipline and practice. Students


in online classrooms utilize electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs.
Students' health will be harmed if they use these gadgets for an extended period.

period of time.

(Offline learning)
Offline extracurricular activities contribute to pupils' overall development. In the present
epidemic, there are several grounds to believe that offline lessons are less successful than online
programs. We'll start with the advantages of offline learning. This learning model allows
professors and students to connect directly. Because mobile phones and internet access are not
required in offline sessions, teachers can provide more personalized and efficient attention to
their students. The students all firmly understand these points (John, S. 2009). For students,
offline studies create a healthy, competitive environment. The physical classroom is considered
the ultimate “high fidelity” learning environment (Broadbent, 2017; Van Doorn and Van Doorn,
In the offline form of learning, doubts and questions may be readily sorted out. We are aided in
this study technique by manual books and written notes.
Learning offline, on the other hand, has several drawbacks. Every day, students will devote a
significant amount of time and money to attending school. Because of the fixed and inflexible
offline schedule, pupils are limited in their day-to-day activities. In conventional classrooms,
kids spend around 1-2 hours each day traveling to and from school. This time in an online class
can be used for any construction task, such as studying or creative work. For students who
missed class or subsequent references, no recording or other data is always accessible. Classes



with longer timetables might be tedious to attend. Given the criteria mentioned above, the
advantages of offline learning are marginal, especially in light of the present pandemic scenario.
As a result, we no longer need to study face-to-face as we once did. With online learning, we can
still reach high levels of learning efficiency.

(Compare and Contrast)
Both online and traditional classes have advantages and disadvantages. The government supplies
students with midday food, books, and school uniforms, and all are provided free of charge under
the conventional education system. To encourage the online education system, the government
may give free educational electronic devices, the internet, and other resources to students.
Students prefer face-to-face meetings with teachers over online ones because of higher levels of
interactivity and relatedness. Students, on the other hand, value the ability to work in small
groups outside of class in an online setting. The findings support the use of blended learning
(Anderson, 2003). The next generation, too, wants to learn through modern technologies. It
motivates young people to learn and create a new world.

Furthermore, when given the option, students reported preferring online education for courses
they considered easier but desiring classroom education for those they believed to be more
difficult or significant. (Jaggars, 2014). Traditional classes require students to attend school, but
online courses allow students and professors to engage with one another through a virtual digital
method from wherever they are. Outdoor activities and physical exercise are a frequent part of
conventional classrooms, which is beneficial to physical fitness, but there is no such option in
online classes. By picking up and dropping off students at school, online courses can help to


minimize the traffic created by school taxis. Finally, we must acknowledge that we are living in a
technological era. As a result, while online classes are beneficial for various reasons, traditional
classrooms provide some advantages that should not be overlooked entirely. Now is the time to
use both online and offline courses.


Despite its drawbacks, online learning is effective in some circumstances. When it is not
advisable or convenient to leave your house, online education becomes a blessing in disguise.
Nothing is perfect, even online learning. It certainly has its drawbacks, but in certain crucial
instances, it may be pretty beneficial. For many schools and children, the lockdown in the
aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak, for example, was a gift in disguise. A hybrid of technology
and education, online learning is a hybrid of the two. It shows how successfully a school system
can adapt to new technologies while striving for development and progress. This kind of
education might be the first step toward a radical transformation of the educational system.
Finally, students all across the globe should have access to online learning. The COVID
epidemic will become a new turning point for the education industry.



Reference lists
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/>The Star; Johannesburg. (2012, July 26). Tertiary near home keeps cost down 7 advantages of
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/>John, S. (2009). Examining the Use of Competition in the Classroom. From Transformative
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/>Dr. Hameen, M, W. (2021, August 18). Covid-19 impact: Online vs offline education.
Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir.
/>Marine, C. (2020, August 26). The Battle of This Generation // Online vs Offline Education.


