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How to build soft skills?
In the modern era, we can not deny the fact that soft skills have become more significant
since the technology was modernized .To be specific, communication, problem-solving, selfmotivation, decision-making, and time management skills are examples of soft skills. According
to Shen (2012) stated that employees should accomplish the adequate levels of soft skills that are
considered desirable for moving forward in their career due to the impossibility of hard skills
alone. It is connected with the growing amount of education in the field of soft skills
development. Being aware of the importance of improving soft skills is essential for every
individual in the 21st century .Therefore, there are numerous ways that student and employees
can improve their levels in two different environments.
First and foremost, soft skills are vitally important in all subjects and professions in
education. And the student years are the most crucial for developing the most appropriate soft
skills. As a result, there are several strategies to enhance soft skills in schooling. Many qualities,
such as time management, communication, and more, are learned through cooperation.
According to Tang (2015), the qualities required of leaders include a wide range of personal and
interpersonal abilities. As a result, taking on the position of the team leader is one of the most
effective methods for students to quickly learn and improve their soft skills. Fortunately, when
asked which talents they desired to develop, Shaheen (2012) discovered that team leadership
skills were the most popular. Furthermore, extracurricular activities are one of the best ways for
students to improve their soft skills. Students are encouraged to participate in a variety of
activities both during and outside of school hours in order to better prepare them for the world
they will encounter after graduation (Yoder, 2019). These activities are intended to teach a
variety of intangibles such as work ethic, character development, devotion, loyalty, and other
abilities that are important for personal and societal progress. For example,having a good content
does not guarantee a good presentation, but the most important factor is how you deliver it . As a
reported by Ates (2020) from a university in Turkey, a project of working with the professionals
through several discussion named Module which was identified as the most effective method
based on its practicality. Your ability to resolve conflicts, solve problems, and listen will aid you
in developing excellent connections with coworkers, customers, suppliers, and other partners.
Many students, however, believed that their real soft skills were below the necessary levels.
Communication skills were also judged to be the least important by the students, which is likely
why they did not make an effort to enhance them. It was a cause for worry because

communication skills were among the most wanted soft skills in many earlier research looking
into competencies sought after by potential employers. As a result, students must be made aware
of the importance of communication skills for job growth, as well as how to develop and practice
Secondly, employees must have both soft and hard skills to thrive in today's competitive
and changing corporate sector. Technical skills are necessary for individuals to execute their jobs
, but soft skills are what help them succeed and stay employed in the long run. Meanwhile, many
executives and managers in a variety of businesses are still unaware of the impact of soft skills
training on employee performance. Some managers, in fact, have misunderstandings regarding
soft skills. Many people bemoan the large sums of money spent on such training; they cannot
truly account for the return because the trainees cannot apply what they've learned in the

classroom to their work. However, the majority of employers still understand exactly the
significant of possessing soft skills in workplace and organize various programs to better their
employees’ skills in workplace. In another study by Ali (2017) , there is a fact that training is one
of the best methods to achieve a high work performance culture. Company is the complicated
environment with many troubles besides working problems so personal qualities, habits, attitudes
and social graces are the keys to being a good employee and a compatible co-worker. On the one
hand, hard skills are typically easier to see, quantify, training and vice versa for soft skills . For
instance, communication, dealing with people, managing people and so on are difficult to get a
common result through training because of differences in personality of each person. However,
the training program of soft skills improvement for their employees are still needed to hold .
Employees who are simply taught hard skills comply with duties and procedures but are less
engaged and proactive, thereby creating a strict and unpleasant environment that causes work
delays. Therefore, employees need to improve themselves through training events from their
company , build positive relationships, communicate often and especially step out the comfort
zone means broading their horizons and skills. A soft skills training program for employees
should be established that includes a combination of both group and individual training ,
particularly part of the course should be focused on communication ( Susan, 2017) . In another

study by Jody (2018) claimed that training should be reflect exactly to the real-work cases or
become meaningless because employees will not know how to apply it in a real workplace.
Always boosting the soft skills is the only key for employees to survive and be long-lasting in
their careers .
In conclusion, developing soft skills is critical. The more mastering of extra soft skills , the
more new opportunities in the professional sphere ( Neli ,2021 ). As a student, they should be
aware of the importance of establishing their own values, particularly soft skills, because this is
the best time to be prepared for the workplace. Still, becoming an employee implies that is not
too late to develop the needed skill set once you have worked in a corporate atmosphere. As a
result of the preceding data, instead of losing focus and blaming the surroundings, take proactive
steps out of your comfort zone to learn and develop yourself. Moreover, soft skills are just as any
car engines that can boost maximum the working speed ,and will fade away over time if it does
not get the specific attention.



Susan Dean, A. (2017). Soft Skills Needed for the 21st Century Workforce. Proquest



Ates, S., (2020). How to improve soft skills of accounting students. Press Academia
Procedia (PAP), V.11, p.98-100 />

Maria , K., Oksana , M. , Lyubov ,P. , Svetlana, S. , Nelli , C. , (2021) . Soft skills
development in personnel training . E3S Web of Conferences . 273, 12017
- Ibrahim, R., Ali, B. ,Bakare, K.K. (2017), The effect of soft skills and training
methodology on employee performance, European Journal of Training and Development,
41( 4), 388-406. />

- Nida’a K. AbuJbara , Jody A. Worley ( 2018) . Leading toward new horizons with soft









Shaheen Majid, Zhang Liming, Shen Tong, Siti Raihana (2012). Importance of Soft Skills
for Education and Career Success . International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects






- Yoder, Bradley (2019) . Instructor Perceptions of Extracurricular and Co-curricular
Activities on Developing 21st Century Soft Skills in Students . Proquest .

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