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A. LISTENING (20 points)
I. You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. Listen and choose
the best answer (A, B or C) for each question. (5 pts)
1. When is the party?
A. on Tuesday
B. on Wednesday
C. on Thursday
2. Where are the glasses?
A. on the floor
B. on the table
C. on the chair
3. How much are these shoes?
A. £ 15.16
B. £ 10
C. £ 15.60
4. What will the weather be like in the afternoon?
A. rainy
B. sunny
C. cloudy
5. What time will she take the train?
A. 3.45
B. 5.10
C. 5.00
II. Listen to a girl asking for information about going to Kendal by bus. Listen twice and fill in
each gap with ONE WORD OR NUMBER. (5 pts)
Bus to Kendal
First bus leaves at:

(1) ________________________

Cost of single ticket:

(2) £ _______________________

Address of bus station: (3) _____________________ Street.
Next to the:

(4) ______________________

At bus station, you can buy: (5) _________________ and newspapers.
III. You will hear some information about a zoo. Listen and complete questions from 6 to 10. You
will hear the information twice. (5pts)
Park Zoo

Monday – Saturday, open from:

9 a.m

To: (1) ___________________
Name of the nearest station:

(2) ___________________ Station

Elephant house closed on:

(3) ___________________ May

Shop sells books, postcards and: (4) ___________________
Cost of family ticket:

(5) £________________

IV. Listen to Sue talking to her friend, Jim, about a new sports center. Listen and choose A, B or
C. You will hear the information twice. (5 pts)
Example: The new sports center is _____________
A. small
B. cheap
1. Which bus goes to the sports center?

©. big

D. dark

A. 15
B. 18
C. 25
D. 30
2. From Monday to Saturday, the sports center is open from ____________
A. 6 a.m
B. 7 a.m
C. 8 a.m
3. If Sue goes swimming, she must take ___________

D. 9 a.m

A. soap
B. sun glasses
4. What do they sell there?

D. towel

C. a swimming hat

A. drinks
B. fruit
C. sandwiches
5. Jim and Sue are going to go to the sports center next ____________

D. hamburger

A. Wednesday
B. Thursday
C. Friday
D. Saturday
I. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences:
1. We often organise concerts to……………..funds for poor children.
A. donate
B. raise
C. volunteer
D. grow
2. I and my brother usually spend two hour …………every evening.
A. do our homework

B. to do our homework

C. doing our homework

D. to doing our homework

3. When I was a little girl, I ………… lemon juice to soda.
A. preferred
B. prefer
C. prefered
4. On the table there were vegetables, bread

D. preferring

and two large……………….

A. bowl of soup
B. bowl of soups
C. bowls of soup
D. bowls of soups
5. A: “Was the competition a success?”
B: “Yes, …… people took part in it than usual”.
A. fewer
B. many
C. more
D. less
6. “What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!” - “…………”
A. Thank you very much. I am afraid
B. You are telling a lie
C. Thank you for your compliment
D. I don't like your sayings
7. - "Would you like to play soccer?" - "………………..."
A. No, thanks.

B. Ok. I don't like soccer

C. Yes, I’d love to

D. Yes, I would

8. Mary: “Can I borrow your pen, please?” - Peter: “ …………………….”

A. What kind is it? B. It doesn’t matter C. Remember to give it back D. I hope not
9. Linda : “ Excuse me ! Where's the post office ?”
Maria: “…………………..”
A. It’s over there
B. I’m afraid not
C. Don’t worry
D. Yes, I think so
10. A: “What would you like to drink now?”
- B: “ ……………………...”
A. No, thanks
B. Yes, please
C. Orange juice, please
D. Sorry
11. Not once _________ his promises.
A. has he kept
B. he keeps
C. did he keep
D. he is keeping
12. Computer technology will bring_______ a revolution in business administration.
A. over
B. across

C. up
D. about
13. Mary: In my opinion, computer is one of the most wonderful inventions.
Mark: _______.
A. There is no doubt about it.
B. Yes. Congratulations!
C. You shouldn’t have said that.
D. Pardon?
14. Your parents must be proud of your result at school". - "_______"
A. Sorry to hear that. B. I am glad you like it. C. Thanks. It's certainly encouraging. D. Of course
15. John: Would you mind if I closed the door? It’s too cold outside.
Peter: _______.
A. I’d rather you didn’t. It’s stuffy.
B. No, I don’t like.
C. No, never mind.
D. Why not do it?
16. Would you like tea or coffee? – I _________________drink tea than coffee.
A. would like B. would prefer
C. would rather
D. would wish
17. My teacher arrived after I ______ for her ten minutes.
A. waiting
B. was waiting
C. had waited
D. have waited
18." Why don't we have a look round the campus?" - " ________________"
A. Yes, thanks.
B. Yes, why not?
C. It's my pleasure.
D. Do we?

19. He is thought ________ in a foreign country when he was 20.
A. to work
B. to have worked
C. working
D. has worked
20. _______ at his lessons, he couldn’t catch up with his classmates.
A. Hardly as he worked

B. Hard as he worked

C. Hard as he does

D. Hard as he was

II. Each sentence below has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, D. Circle one underlined
word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Identify your answer by
writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (5 pts)
1. People think computers never do any mistakes, but in fact, they do.
2. Going to the cinema is an enjoyable way relaxing at weekend.
3. Since Mai looks a bit pale these days, I think she should have taken up some exercises.

4. He appears being a perfect man but in fact, he is very rude to his wife.
5. The youth nowadays prefer pop music than traditional music.





III. Give the correct form of the words in capital (5 pts)
1. Lack of education has caused many teenagers to become…………………………. CRIME
2. English is an ...................................and important subject.
3. My friend and I write to each other…………………..…………………..
4. You shouldn’t eat ……………………..food.
5. I have …………………..time to play than my friends do.
C. READING (30 points)
I. Which notice (A-G) says this (1-5). Write the correct letter A-G for each sentence. (5 pts)

II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks. (10 pts)
My teacher, Miss Lan, is a young lady of thirty. She is (1) ________ nice woman. She loves her
students (2) ________ She never (3) ________ angry with them. Miss Lan (4) ________ teaching her
students. Sometimes she tells (5) ________ many interesting stories. I like to listen to her stories (6)
________ they all help us to learn some (7) ________ lessons. Sometimes she takes us out (8)
________ a picnic. Whenever she takes us out, she tries to teach us something (9) ________ It is my
dream that (10) ________ I grow up, I can become a good teacher like her.

A. the

B. some

C. a

D. an


A. very much

B. very many

C. so

D. too


A. comes

B. makes

C. gets

D. is


A. enjoys

B. to enjoy

C. enjoy

D. enjoying


A. us

B. we

C. they

D. I


A. why

B. when

C. because

D. where


A. useful

B. use

C. to use

D. using


A. from

B. for

C. of

D. by


A. well

B. new

C. old

D. bad


A. what

B. why

C. when

D. where

III. Read the text below and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). (10 pts)
Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the
dominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350,
after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman
invasion of 1066.
Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not extended
even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two centuries,
English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade),
colonization, and missionary work. Thus small enclaves of English speakers became establish work
and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became

the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.
Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in
English. Two thirds of the world’s science writing is in English, and English is the main language of
technology, advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more
than 700 million English users in the world.
1. What’s the main topic of this passage?
A. The number of nonnative users of English.
B. The French influence on the English language.
C. The expansion of English as an international language.
D. The use of English for science and technology.
2. At first, how many people spoke English?
A. 600 people

B. A lot of people

C. A few people

D. No one

3. Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?

A. in 1066

B. around 1350

C. before 1600

D. after 1600

4. When did English begin to spread around the globe?
A. In the 1800s

B. In the 1600s

C. in 1620

D. In 1400s

5. The word “emerged” in line 3 could best replaced by which of the following?
A. appeared

B. hailed

C. frequented

D. engaged

6. According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world
A. the slave trade

B. the Norman invasion

C. missionaries

D. colonization

7. The word “extended” as used in line 6 is most similar to which of the following?
A. experienced

B. conferred

C. spread

D. stretched

8. Which of these following statements is NOT true?
A. English is an international language.
B. English is a language of international business, banking, but diplomacy.
C. About 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide
is in English
D. Today there are more than 700 million people using English in the world.
9. How much information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English?
A. All information

B. Almost information

C. Some information

D. No information

10. How much science writing in the world is in English?
A. 2/3

B. 2.3

C. 1/2

D. 1/3

IV. Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then choose true (T) or false (F).(5
Madagascar – When to go
Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season
between May and October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.
The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there
are strong winds, and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between
January and March because the weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler
and more pleasant.
The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy
season, with some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold,
especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400m,
and even stay there for several days.
The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain,
cooler temperatures and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest.
This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets around 300mm of rain per year.
1. Madagascar has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
2. The wet season is colder than the dry season.
3. The wettest part of the island is the east.
4. The centre of Madagascar is the coldest part.
5. The north-east is hotter than the south-east.
D. WRITING (30 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before. (5pts)
1. Both of the chairs are uncomfortable.
 Neither of______________________________________________________________
2. Peter spent three hours on repairing his computer.
 It_____________________________________________________________________

3. He doesn’t let anyone smoke in his house.
 He hardly allows__________________________________________________________
4. He made his children study hard late at night.
 His children______________________________________________________________
5. I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn’t get the money
 No matter ___________________________________________________________
II. Write an email to a friend ( 10 pts)
You have just taken part in Y &Y Green Group. Write an email to your English friend,

Say : - What you are going to do
- When you do that task.
- What you hope.
Hi Kate,
Your friend,
III. Write a passage of 100 -120 words about: There are many leisure activities every day.
Nowadays both children and adults enjoy playing computer games. What do you think about
playing video games? Good or not good? Why? ( 15 pts)

----- The end ----
